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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 4, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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we have everything by this time, see you, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, everything, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty , you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try it, oh, your eyes wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, caster smi - this is a... profession in india, they say, right
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the bukhara knife made became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, the phone rings , you pick up the phone, you say, hello, premiere on rtr, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, guys, hi, alla, al, al, al, hi, alla, alla, alla, alla, alla, allo, alla, alla, taxi, who gave the order, i don’t recognize something, alla, from monday on rtr, in in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, the frequency is in some hertz, the silence
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doesn’t even breathe, we are leaving defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of my heart and to the depths of my soul. hello, this is our program. sons are the best continuation of their fathers, their pride and joy. among the fathers there are those who, first of a special military operation, went after their sons in order to be nearby on the front line to defend their homeland together. once the french philosopher, count de meester said: “no one knows what war is until he sends his own son there.” today, today i know what... war is the story of the mother's prayer
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oksana subbotina wrote after escorted her son dmitry to the zone of a special military operation. my husband had a commander’s watch, he gave him this watch, he said that the watch was being given to me, and you must return it to me, you must return and bring this watch. then my husband and i went to the station. we bought sweets, i baked a lot of pies, treated the children, i, i asked them to be careful, because i explained to them that your mothers are waiting for you, your parents, that we really need you, all as one... ... then they told me, don’t
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worry, everything will be fine, everything will be ok, and we'll be back, a day, a week, a month passed, there was no news from my son, the fact that the day was ending and a new one was beginning, no one understood anything at all, we talked a lot with our parents, called each other, piece by piece collected these some moments to at least find out who, where, and so on, called one day. he said that his son was in captivity, that our last name was subbotin, that he knew saturday, and so on, well, that is, he tried to convey some arguments to us that he knew him, i the husband, listening to him, he said: no, this is not true, this is not true, i feel that there are many discrepancies here, it was clearly decided that he would go, the father...
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of the soldier sergei subbotin volunteered to find his son. did sergei meet his son at the front? oksana waited for one of them, and who now has the commander’s watch. in our studio we have oksana subbotina, the wife and mother of svo participants. hello, oksana. hello. hello, oksan. tell me how it happened that both of you are men found yourself in your zone? well, i want to say that it was probably gradual, planned, measured, so to speak, the fact is that our family is such a patriotic one, all our grandfathers served during the war. and my husband’s grandfather, he even died near orzhev, my grandfathers served, returned disabled, we always participated in all military-patriotic events, in principle, our son grew up on this, he graduated from the institute of the prosecutor’s office, joined the army after
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graduation, that’s it there it was decided that he would participate in the military operation, after the emergency, even he served for 9 months and signed a contract to participate in a military operation, but how the husband perceived his son’s decision, you know, probably ambivalently, because it was grief, pain, the husband knew where his son would go, because that he once served in afghanistan, he knows what war is, of course, he understood all this, of course, for him it was such a harsh decision, but at the same time he supported him, at the same time no, he said , this is yours... you must understand, you said, your husband makes his own decision, you are an adult, you reacted, there was sadness and pride, you probably understand, yes, yes, it was pride, because he raised, he invested in
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his son that yes, yes, what he now received, he saw the result of his work, let's say, maybe this was not said blasphemously, but this is what we raised, here... such a person who could not resist, could not turn his back on it, could not stay away, and you are like a son they said, to be honest, i tried to dissuade him because i am a mother, we have one son, i understood that anything could happen because i have been communicating with soldiers, afghans, and chechen soldiers for many years, i understand how much pain this is in every family, i understood all this perfectly well, but at the same time i made this decision, my son, because he is an adult , he is a warrior, that’s when we spent it, he left, twenty-second year, it was august, i remember this terrible day very well, for me it was a terrible day, my husband and i arrived at the station, there were a lot of guys who,
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it seems to me, they, well, not they really understood where they were going, yes, these were young, beautiful, interesting boys who had gathered, made a decision, they were so excited to go, i baked a lot of things at home, tasty, sweets, to treat them, and of course, the first thing i said, i blessed my son, i gave him mm, icons, sewn-in prayers for him to wear them always, took his word that he would definitely return, that we were waiting for him, that we believed him, and i told all the guys that be careful, guys, i’m just asking you as a mother, because everyone is expected of you, everyone you are loved, you are all appreciated, no mother can live without you. and what did he tell you? even when he got into the carriage, he said: “don’t worry, mom, everything will be fine.” he didn’t
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say that he would come back, he wouldn’t come back, everything would be fine. there was a commander's watch in the plot, as i understand it, right? tell us about them? these are my husband's watches, when my son left, he gave... him this watch, he said that they don't give watches as gifts, so i 'm giving them to you, but you have to return them to me, wear them, yes, you have to come back and return the watch to me , when trouble happened to him, this clock rose, at that moment, that moment, yes, at that moment, oksana, my son left in august, how often did he get in touch while they were at the ribbon, so let’s say, the son got in touch, he said how they were traveling, where they were...
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with other parents, they talked, maybe one of the guys got out, but no one came out, that is, for 50 days it was for us, well, for me it was hell, of course. in general, i was afraid of phone calls, because before this we had cases when scammers came out and said that yes, your son is in captivity and so on, such calls came in, that ’s why, of course, there was a feeling of fear to hear some kind of terrible news, how did you understand that this is a scammer, it’s just that millions of women receive calls from such people, they call, the husband was still at home, the scammer called, he said that you know, i know your son, i know where...
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the last one again, where are you from, if he said that i serve in which brigade there, he understood that he could not answer these questions specifically, so i got the impression that it was possible to understand what was wrong with you by asking leading questions the scammer is talking, very valuable information, yes, well, that’s because he was man, i think so, maybe i would have broken down at that moment, 50 days without communication, without, i can’t even imagine what was going on in your soul. it was fear, it was pain, probably only those who experienced it will understand,
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it is impossible to convey, it is emptiness, emptiness, the day began to end, we did not understand at all what and how and where it was, at least here, at least to know that they were alive, and the husband, that how was he, and the husband had just left at that time, when the military operation began, we already had a conversation in our family that... i should be there maybe he said that this is not a war of our children, this is a war of us, it was february 22 , well, then i kind of took it, so to speak, as a conversation, not seriously, not seriously, yes, still not seriously, when the son made such a decision, he was pushed even more, as if there was no longer a question of whether he should go or not? at this time the son had not yet contacted him, he accepted, so he went for his son,
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yes, yes, yes, yes, and how you let him go, you know, yuta, calmly, everything here was so painful, that’s when he left, i felt easier, easier, i’ll explain why, it seemed to me that they would be there together, they would find each other, they would help each other, everything would be fine, i had such a feeling, of course, there was pain and... grief, well all this happened, but my heart gained peace when he left, he told me that dear, don’t worry, we will all definitely come back, which of them was the first to get in touch, what happened next, the son was the first to get in touch, exactly 50 days later, i remember this day perfectly, it was saturday, it was 3:00 in the afternoon, the phone rang, in principle i always carried the phone with me, there was an unknown number, when i picked up there was some rustling sound in the phone receiver, there was silence, and i started
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screaming, talk, talk, i’m listening to you, talk, and my son’s voice says, this i’m a prosecutor, he graduated from the institute of prosecutor’s office, yeah, so he says, mom, come on, i’ll be a prosecutor, okay, he says, if suddenly, password, password, yes, the password is so small, yes, suddenly you, if you need someone will call or something, you will doubt it. ask about this, that’s when he told me, he didn’t name me, not my mother, no way, i’m the prosecutor, i realized that this is my son, and you know, at that moment i didn’t cry, i didn’t cry, it was important for me to find out if he was really alive, healthy, so let’s say, yes, and what he is not in captivity, because this feeling still remained, a feeling of incomprehensibility, a feeling of fear, it remained, i asked if you were in captivity, he said no, but... where you are now, i cannot tell you, you're alive, you're healthy, everything's fine,
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he says: yes, i'm fine, he says the connection is bad, and i need to give me the phone the next one so that he would call, so, in general, mom, everything, everything is fine, yes, this was our first communication with my son, there was also such a moment, he called his father’s phone, he didn’t want to call my phone, he didn’t want upset me, of course, and he... well , i don’t know what his feelings were then, he called his father’s phone, and his father left the phone at home, so you told him where is dad? yes, i said, i say, dad, we are also in the same place where you are, and the reaction, why, why, mom, well, of course, so let’s say, worries again, i say: son, you took both i made such a decision, and i will wait for you both to return, i say, we are no longer discussing this, why or not, all this was decided, but the husband, he did not know about it,
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when the husband left again connection, i said that my son was alive, he came out, everything was fine, i felt he was crying, i was just getting goosebumps, he was crying into the phone, that’s what we had, let’s see the story about your husband sergei and son dmitry, yes, yes, bro, thank you, thank you. you will always support. after being seriously wounded in april 2023 dmitry subbotin spent several months in the hospital. the hardest thing for him was to believe in himself again. help is needed everywhere, including in faith. it was faith, dmitry believes, that saved him more than once. the first time he was without
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contact for more than two months. this was the svatovsky district. then a connection appeared. i called my mother, she of course, well, picked up the phone with alarm, because it was an unfamiliar number, especially a number from another state, everyone, as they say, burst into tears, and in the process of this conversation i, well, found out that my father had also gone to the front. dmitry's father sergei subotin, an afghan warrior, could not wait any longer and went in search of his son. the first question i had, of course, was why, it was a difficult situation, the environment, the fighting itself, of course, i wanted to get into a family home, that’s it, but nevertheless, unfinished business, i think, needed to be completed, but
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they would meet at the front failed, sergei found out about his son’s injury and went to the hospital. here we go in the door , just like that, as soon as he turns his head, well, that’s it, his mother rushed to him right away, and so did i, right away. attention, i see that the left left is gone, further treatment is a long rehabilitation, the time when the father’s support became life
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dmitry, what kind of trouble do you have? luntik, luntik, yes, associated with the cartoon, walked in such a shoe, similar to the uni-walkers. tell us about this fatal battle that became so bad for you. it was an ordinary combat mission, its purpose was to clear the area of ​​mines so that our troops could advance further. when clearing mines in this area in the immediate vicinity of my contact, and i came across an anti-personnel... it was night, limited visibility, and what happened, what happened, explosion and amputation of a limb, i had two fears: firstly, i understood that an artery corresponding to blood loss could rupture, and there was also the issue of carrying
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me, that is, i couldn’t have a stretcher nearby, this happened before the evacuation point. i needed to go for quite a long time, but when the two questions seemed to disappear on their own, the rapists were found, the bleeding was stopped, i calmed down. question for parents: did you have any premonitions? yes, my wife had a birthday in april after he left, well relatives gathered, it even got to the point, they decided to sing something, i just went out onto the balcony and... stood there, as they say, well, there was no singing, no singing, nothing, that’s the main premonition, it was the night when it happened , i went fishing. 150 km from home with an overnight stay, well, i think i’ll sit in a boat, well, the catch was not bad, i went to bed in the car,
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that night i had a dream, in general, our city, a familiar place, where we live, two five-story houses, not a single window the light is on, and i stand between these houses and fry meat, a barbecue in the form of a pipe cut lengthwise. i'm trying something to fix, it all falls, and the meat is mine, coal, well, i think, at least this meat needs to be pulled out, i’m approaching when i step on the coal with my left foot sneakers, and it starts to burn, and i wake up at night from a burning pain in my leg , and i can’t fall asleep until the morning, the burning continues in my leg, then goes to the heel, like... well, really , it’s as if a nail was driven into the heel, all 150 km
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i got there, drove the car, my wife came home from work, i tell her the dream, i told him a dream like a dream, well then time passes as usual in the evening before bed we're talking and we're both acting strange." they took us - that is, they didn’t watch anything, they turned off the tv and sat silently, as if we were waiting for something, somewhere at the beginning of the eleventh there was a call, in general the news was like this, it didn’t come directly, it flew, it arrived without any details, in general, well, what happened to my son, yes, i picked up the phone, and a man’s voice told me that such and such, yes, your son was wounded, well, again, you know,
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i watched the news every day, i was savvy , where we are fighting, what everything is and that i already had all the information on social networks regarding hospitals, telephones, some services, that is, i opened my notes and started searching for all this in hospitals, but it was all like we were looking for him for several days, until they didn’t help, they didn’t connect, it turns out that dad took part of your pain and the clock, at the moment of injury, it just stopped, i don’t know what this is connected with, here they are, by the way,
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that is, they were not damaged or simply not , not damaged, a simple mechanical stop occurred, it doesn’t walk now, i’m already i gave them to my parents at the hospital, saying that i have returned them to you, as i promised, as i promised. sergey, how did you decide to follow your son? this is how this decision was made, why did you go? i gathered for the first time, in july of the twenty-second, our cossack detachment was leaving, they called me there, that is, even before dmitriev left, they were gathering, yes, well, no matter how the decision had not been made then, not everything was clear with him, but here , well, this spurred me on, especially these ones. i thought it would work out faster, i started looking for it here again, until there were preparations, of course, i would try to find
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him, and then there was so much more, but in general there was no such opportunity, honestly, yes, because we had a cossack unit, he was from the ministry of defense, and how did you end up meeting your son and where we met with our son when he came on vacation. at the end of march - the twenty-third, here through your eyes, to which dima returned, the first feeling was, he did not expect this vacation, yes, this is really so, but roughly speaking, the order came, that finally - some relief came , what is that combat the situation that developed in our sector of the front, it allowed some personnel... to go on vacation, i then did not notify my parents about this until i received a vacation ticket, well, in army life, everything can change at any moment,
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it’s better not to get your hopes up , yes yes. at the headquarters of my division, i received a vacation ticket, i already went outside the fence, just to be sure, i made a call to my parents. dim, it was hard the first few days at home, the surroundings, it’s not the same, i was a little, well, confused, that’s where i am, yes, yes, ah, but then, like they say, i got used to it, i was pleased with the support from the outside, and of course , this happened to loved ones, relatives, i won’t deny that i encountered a certain misunderstanding on the part of civilians, i don’t blame anyone for this, it’s all natural, just a person in he is in a different field, he works in civilian life, i am fighting, dim, but we were eager to go back, there was such a moment, yes, many told me before the vacation that it would be difficult to return, both morally and well, maybe somewhere there physically, but i tried
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not to think about it. roughly speaking, turning off brain, i just went to my guys, because it was necessary, because they were waiting for me at the airport, i really, as they say, quickened my pace, now to return to my people, in march we had a vacation, in april we were wounded the same year, on the twenty -third, how did you accept yourself after being wounded, the first thoughts before the first operation began to change and began to be reassuring, we will insert a plate for you there, we will save your leg, that’s...
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what the soldiers from my company were lying on, there were then two soldiers, these are dinar and kolya, of course, my parents were the first to support me, and who, having learned that i was wounded, dropped everything and came in an emergency, and in the next month or month and a half, i don’t remember exactly, they looked after me, and if i needed something, they also looked after me...
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brought this hand , tried to tear it off, but it didn’t work because it was in the way. senior lieutenant of justice, investigator neupokoyeva, happy birthday, irrepressible, irrepressible, what do you have now in the investigation, all three victims were found in the face of the murderer, all strangled, everyone is missing their left shoe, between two... that same maniac or rise in price between two men, hello, so zoya, does he already live here, yeah, listen only to yourself, you must be happy, she only dreams of peace, i need a real victory, final episodes, today on rtr. food prices
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area. svetlana nimolyaeva. it was, of course, the test was very difficult. goncherov wanted to work with me, but at the same time i had the feeling that he ... saw me, he screamed, he screamed, he destroyed, he almost beat me once, the whole horror was that... that he was always right, i had a cross to bear, i told myself that i would endure everything, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. earlier in the program, a resident of the orenburg region, oksana subotina, said that... her son went to the northern military district zone and disappeared for 50 days. it was fear, it was pain, probably only those who experienced it will understand. it is impossible to convey, it is emptiness. so you named evgeny
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kiryanov, let’s call him to our studio and talk to him. evgenia, please come in. hello. we have a participant in our studio, evgeny kiryanov. hello. tell us how you ended up in the hospital, where and under what circumstances you were injured? was wounded on may 4, he was with us on a special mission, there were seven of us, one came out, i can’t tell you in full, he came out alone, you came out, yes, he was wounded by 120 mortar, i heard that it was flying, but there were fractions of a second, i didn’t have time to do anything, so it turned out like this, back one and a half kilometers, i carried this hand, tried to tear it off , but it didn’t work because it was in the way, but i bandaged it, and managed to do it. inject myself with the drug, fell to my knees, walked halfway, couldn’t get up,
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because my legs were also broken, both legs were broken, i prayed, at that moment, probably, god saved me, because there was no one else to hope for, and there there was no one, i was alone, i had to completely give up, i felt it all, naturally, by the roots that were sticking out... i stood up due to them, well, i got there, they accepted me there, provided assistance, i still waited for the car for about 40 minutes, then they just brought me to the hospital, where they already amputated my arm, dima said that you were in a difficult psychological state, then yes, then i felt bad, i was alone, there were no people nearby, there were acquaintances who could help me...
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i needed help with the overload, in general, here are the rollers for another bed, participated in this all the time, well, that is, you were there all the time, yes, the first week, 3 weeks, yes, because you lived in the hospital, in the hospital, we slept on the couches, when the bed was free, just the two of us on the bed, when in the corridor and you helped the guys, yes, well, because they are all bedridden, they are like without us, who needs to go to the toilet who needs something? the woman is shy, but they are young, because well, as
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they say, without any complex, everyone brought everything that was needed there, all the physiology, he needed to talk, exactly, yes, so he speaks as if he were talking to his father, yes, we and him, they talked to him for a long time, firstly, there was operation, i spent the whole time after the operation, they brought the guys, sat down with them, gave out my hand after the reamputation, now more than after the wound, after the wound they themselves suffer, when they are already reamputated, in general they are preparing for prosthetics and they begin to move like this, and it’s painless because different for everyone differently. a strong man, he talked a lot about how he grew up, how he served, then he
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began to have dreams after that, the same dream, so he sees these guys who died, and wakes up, then, well, there were tears in his eyes, i also talked to him about this, zhenya, you say, i’ve been through this, but this is for god... what do you need, that you remain alive, now what is your goal now to get yourself in order and get back on your feet in life and health? in general, and you’ll just go and visit these mothers and you yourself might feel better about it for them too, zhenya is generally a very strong person, it’s obvious, i’m just a very strong person, i know about him, that i read a lot about him on social networks there, novosibirsk networks, there is a lot of news. wrote about him heroism, but we knew about his heroism from his
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mother, from his stories, but i want to talk about something else, i want to say, well, as a woman about him, as a mother, because well, he was, you know, this is such he was, well, he is , remains, such a soft, kind person, if he feels bad, he will cry, just pour out his emotions, wife, and what was the most precious thing from the outside... is this the most secret thing for you? i just needed support, he gave it to me, i needed a man’s hand, someone i could talk to, half of it i couldn’t tell the female gender, naturally, because... i saw a lot of things and i don’t want people to know it, but to the one i could tell, this, naturally, i have a wife, i have a mother, i had a reason returning home, my wife and i are 12 years old, we are together at school, i have family, friends, everyone is waiting for me, we have a story about your family, let’s watch it when i saw him off, we
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weren’t scheduled at that time, and he gave me a ring from a backpack. dressed said that now, now my wife, we generally we studied at the same school, that is, we have been together for more, a little more, probably 10 years, then the army, i was waiting for him from the army, well, then after the army, when he arrived, we began to live together, they called him from the military registration and enlistment office and said that he had received a summons, he called all his friends, who also received a summons. that is, everyone was getting ready, and he said that i would also go with the guys. there were always great experiences when he went somewhere, left, he always warned, of course, that there might be no contact for some time, well of course, i was always very worried, worried, and - before the injury, probably two weeks, i wrote to him that if
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suddenly something happens to you, and you know that i need you anyone, in any condition, not i know, well, there was probably some kind of premonition, since i wrote like that, i hurt... on may 4, 23, before that he called me that he was going on an assault, and in the evening that i was very worried, i told him that everything will be fine, at the moment when i wounded him, of course, it was very difficult to realize that he left like that, came, he came without a hand, of course it was difficult, now i was probably more worried about how he would do m, well, in life there are some everyday things to do. i don’t know how he can fasten the same lock there, i don’t know, i was just thinking to myself that he couldn’t do something, in fact, he came on vacation, that is, he does such everyday things that he does everything, i i think i was worried about the car, he won’t be able to drive,
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let’s say, how difficult it is anyway with one hand, no, the car carries everything, well done, zhenya, when was the last time... i was still at home, pain goes away now, i’m working on myself, of course, i’m recovering, but it hurts, of course, everything hurts, there’s phantom pain, i feel my fingers, i feel them every day, i’m on pills now, because i can’t cope without pills, well and few people can cope with this, and of course it will hurt the most... but it’s here, here it hurts the most, so everything will be restored, everything will be fine, your wife supports you, of course, your wife is one of the most beloved my people who support me, then you are almost we haven’t seen each other for a month, yes, yes, we want to please you, and we invited your wife to our studio today, natasha, i guessed it, i
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feel it, i feel it, i feel it, natasha, please come in, how did you guess? because? hello hello. natasha kiryanova, the wife of our evgeniy. yes, i also listened to everything that was said, i would also like to thank oksana for being there at the moment when my wife moved to moscow to the hospital and transported him. well, yes, indeed, because there was some kind of male support, it was, yes, important to him, probably at that moment. that they helped, were in touch with his mother, and there are still connections. natasha, is this your first time seeing oksana and sergei live? when i came to the hospital to see zhenya, they were already there at that time, they also helped me, showed me everything, where everything was, that’s where we met. can we say that this is how we became related, but this situation is all together. we still help each
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other. yes, we keep in touch, we correspond with my mother and with them. and you remember your first... of course, in the hospital, yes, how did it happen, what did you, what did you say to each other, well, when you met right away, you didn’t say anything, you just cried, i tell her that i will understand if, well, sometimes people leave each other, but everything happens in life , i say, i’ll understand, she says, are you crazy or something, i love you anyone, then i realized that everyone still needs me, which means i didn’t finish something at home, they had a very interesting one. they met before our eyes, we were in the ward and natasha flew in, entered the ward, they hugged, natasha, i probably didn’t i remember. her knees stood up or somehow she hugged him like that, for about 10 minutes there was just silence, no talking, nothing, we even
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took out a camera, took a picture, sent them this photo, but the first time they met, well, it was touching, of course, then we went out there, they communicated, yes, but this was some kind of reunion , it was a reunion of two hearts of a family, they had something to discuss, tell, something to keep silent about, right? i have a question for you, of course, every person who has lost a limb has these very difficult thoughts, then some period of time passes, you understand that life goes on, how long did this period of acceptance of the new reality last for you, four months, probably exactly, i still didn’t realize everything, i thought, naturally, that i wouldn’t be able to do something, for me , i tried, everything works out and... i’ve come to terms with this now, i need to move on with my life, of course, dima, you’ve been there for about two months, but also taking into account the fact that i’ve already
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come on vacation and, like they say, i got used to this environment, this period of adaptation, i think, is an order of magnitude less than that of evgeniy, let's see the story, dmitry, about your current hobbies, nothing, so i... get it, okay, nothing, nothing.
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i was delighted by the subbotin family: i have seven children, but i don’t have such closeness, just like what you have, in this family i felt real patriotism and true love for my homeland, just like for my child, i wanted, well done , premiere on rtr, vasya, i left you, i took yurka, no?
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bright colors to choose from - blue and red, two sizes. 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega sale: magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9:95. take advantage of this incredible offer, call now. natalya zhitnikova, already 30 years old son. woman she assures that the maternity hospital employees pulled off a scam and sold her son to an unknown patient. natalia’s story may turn out to be even more criminal, because in the nineties the country shuddered from the crime of nadezhda fratte. which massively sold children abroad, where they disappeared without a trace. what have the hospital midwives been hiding for all these 30 years? i'm on my knees asking you, please, please help! malakhov, today on rtr. earlier in the program, the mother of svo participant dmitry subotin told why her husband went to
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the front to look for his son. my son disappeared for 50 days but... it didn’t matter to know where they were now, we needed to know one thing, whether they were alive or not, for me it was hell, of course, and i see you have this parachutist sign, this is after this jump, this is from the organization veteran paratroopers, called the union of russian paratroopers, so they decided that my jump in such a physical condition is worthy of this badge, did you jump only once or exactly, the second time? let's go jump out? when i landed, i immediately wanted it a second time. well, my son is a paratrooper, but they say the second is the most difficult, yes, because you already realize everything else. dim, sport is now compulsory, simply absolutely necessary, or is it just, well, for fun, sport always seems necessary to me, especially in our condition, when there are restrictions, well, in terms of
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movement, in life, we are simply obliged to support ourselves. everything, as they say, these are basically the events that were organized, well, this is parachute, horse riding, the same karting, this was organized by my friends, i already drove a car, this was not the first time, the first time i drove in the summer was then , the leg hasn’t really healed yet, there haven’t been any difficulties with driving, because... the whole leg worked quite well, well , i could go quite calmly, dima, and you are an optimist in general in life, i try to be one, what do you want to achieve, to completely escape, as it were, but from this situation, because of course there are pains, inconveniences, it is now being done a second prosthesis, more comfortable, more
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practical, as they say. further, that hunting is to find employment for one’s life, the goals are such that they are also connected, for example, with the protection of the state, but in a civil manner. channel, therefore i want to become, well, a prosecutor or a member of the civil service, yes, zhenya, what are your plans, it’s still the same, get ready, move on with your life, move on, get a prosthesis, function, learn how to use it, the main thing, that’s the main thing, probably, zhenya, if you you dug yourself out of that 1.5 km situation, yes, you will succeed in this life. nothing is impossible for you. sergey, i know that many people supported and support you, you have one of the people close to you, as i understand it, he is an artist, this is sergey plotnikov, yes,
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yes, please tell us about him, about yours friendship, about your relationship? i knew sergei yuryevich plotnikov from films, well, i once watched, like many films, in the hospital, i saw him... as a different person, he spoke at the hospital when he arrived, and he spoke at the hospital, and we walked around the hospital with him, in general - to gather the guys for the concert, i showed him the rooms, where everyone was lying, he came in, everyone naturally recognized him with him, wanted to take pictures, he agreed to take photographs, well, that's it, in general, the boys and i walked around, get ready, in general, in lobby, chairs were brought in, some were in wheelchairs, in general, well, everyone moved out, sergei yuryevich begins to perform, he sang a few songs, in general, he told theater stories, even then a short break, we went in, he was already on friendly terms with him, we talked to him, it turns out that he is his father, my fellow countryman, i
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say, well, as he says, you will always be welcome, from now on he signed business cards for us, he says, you will be in the theater, we will always be welcome, well, from now on, i won’t say very often... but we call back, yes some news of his own, twice, i only saw him - in hospitals with a guitar, he gave concerts, i don’t know how many such concerts there are, but it helps a lot, yes it helps to support, it helps, let’s see the story about sergei plotnikov, supports, sergei plotnikov, honored artist of russia, friend and ally of sergei subotin, he is known to russian viewers. across multiple law enforcement roles. today sergei is engaged not only in acting. since the beginning of the northern war, he has been organizing creative meetings in hospitals, during which he provides moral support to our
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wounded soldiers. well, sergey, your friend sergey plotnenkov came to our program. let's invite him to the studio. sergey, please come in. hello. hello, sergey, hello, we have the honored artist of russia in our studio, sergey plotnikov, hello, sergey, hello, hello, sergey, how did you meet sergey? and we met in the hospital, as i get to know all the military personnel who are undergoing rehabilitation there, but you know, this family, of course, struck me even more. then, when i first saw my son and father, they were not only very fond of each other very similar, but you know, i have seven children, but i don’t have such closeness, while you still have this, i’m proud that i
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know a family where father and son are spiritual, they are friends, they understand and comrades , but i hope that someday i, too, will be proud of my children, just as seryozha is proud of you, your son. you know, i’m often asked what patriotism is, kids, well, i support all sorts of children’s funds there, i say, it’s not just love for the motherland, it’s the same blind, sometimes unrequited love of your parents for children, because no matter what children there are, bad, good, there are weak strong ones, parents will always love their children, if you love your homeland like that, this is patriotism, in this family i felt ... real patriotism and true love for your homeland, like for your child. thank you guys, thank you very much, thank you for your kind words, thank you for existing, like this, yes, for meeting
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me on the path of life, i thank god all the time for sending me good people, especially this last year. this year, yes thank you, yes, sergei, you perform in hospitals, which is important for those who are there, for... the fighters, well, firstly, it is important for them to feel that they are ours, i remember stories about afghanistan, when i i met with the guys who studied with me, many of them did not join... they were somehow rejected by society, here, well, for the first time i kind of began to take part in such actions, so i felt that when i started concert, their eyes are so tense, they don’t understand what’s happening now, why suddenly the actors came, what do they need from us, half an hour passes, there are 40 minutes, an hour, they start laughing, they start smiling, their eyes become kinder, their souls feel warm, the support of those people who
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are here, civilians, whom they, in general, protect, so the most important thing is that they feel that there are friends here, it is very important that you know that we are with you, that we love you, that we support you, you just talked a lot about male support, but behind every... successful man there is a woman, therefore, oksana, i bow to you for your wisdom that you show, for your patience, natasha, for your beauty, for your huge heart, thank you very much, thank you for the program, you have on the program those people who need to be shown, how close the heroes live with us. dima, seryozha, zhenya, low bow to you, we are indebted to you. thank you for
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deciding to come, this is very important for us , thank you very much. this was our program, real stories about our people. see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel. see you, see you. please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was bold in a white tuxedo and i start walking around markolievich zakharov and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man-hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband , and how much is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i remain with joy
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let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizyakov, on sunday on rtr, could you please feed me, bon appetit, in 3 days my business trip ends, do you want to come with me, life doesn’t give you information, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topic for this hour: the country is forced to defend its interests by armed means, its people, its...


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