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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 19, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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she stood at the origins of mansurov’s vakhtankovskaya studio, and later his student became the granddaughter of lvov and shekhmatov, anna markovna bruser, who is also with us, who today is the best teacher of stage speech in all schools, she is naturally in her school, vakhtangovskaya, and analyzes poetic texts. no one does it better than her. alexandrevich celebrated his 85th birthday with us, let’s see the ending of this, what other meaning do you see in this life, that for yourself you understood 85? well, i always remember what further, the more often my wonderful poet sasha cherny, who has two desires that are completely identical to me: the first desire:
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to live on the top naked, write simple sonnets, and take bread, wine, cutlets from people from the valley , this is absolutely my oozing, the second desire, fall asleep without dreams and curiosity for the sake of waking up in 100 years, here you go. everything is as it is, i’m not flirting, i’m sure that alexandrevich should return, at least earlier, and not in 100 years, to see the theater of satire, which i ’m sure should bear his name, maestro, thank you for the happy, moment of childhood, moment of happiness, and this applause is now for you.
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the floor is trembling, the hay is shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, from... this
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room, absolutely without a face, we are creating three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes real stone flowers will soon bloom , after dismantling much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature , well, we look at the weekend, there is a nuance. please love and favor, nothing like that
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, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you look more like a girl in love than a teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and me they released me today under an amnesty, and the first thing i did was come here, my loved ones, actually, i ’m married, get out of here, and now you ’ll leave immediately, or i... or what, i didn’t kill anyone, believe me, a teacher on saturday on rtr.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello! live your favorite program 60 minutes hot on the heels. let's start with news from the front. so, immediately 18 military men of the fifty-ninth separate motorized infantry brigade of the ukrainian armed forces surrendered to a unit of the southern group of russian troops in the area of ​​the village of georgievka near marinka, said adviser to the head of the donetsk people's republic yan gyagin. look, the unit commander tells why the militants chose to choose life. signals a critical situation for the ukrainian armed forces. and the bilt expert, julian röbki, says: the first line of defense of the ukrainian armed forces in the vicinity of ovdeevka is shifting to the west, the village of semyonovka, where the militants are retreating, will very soon be taken by the russians in a pincer movement, accordingly, the front will line up in a wide layer along the karlovo
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reservoir. right now in donetsk on the front there are fierce battles along the thin orlovka berdychi line. all three settlements are mostly under... tight fire control of the russian army, the rest is in the gray zone, while the american institute for the study of war also recognizes the retreat in the armed forces of ukraine on the basis of these frames, in which the russian armored column is advancing to the west of the thin one. also , the nuland institute stated that the russian army advanced to nevelskoye and planted our flag there. americans associate successful promotion not only with constant work of aviation and strike. cabs and fabs, but with a sharp increase in strikes, and our fighters use them not only to destroy the enemy, but also to save the lives of our fighters. look, a real air battle in the night sky over the donetsk steppes. our drone operator kamika
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managed to spot a heavy ukrainian drone of the “baba ega” type and, due to its advantage in speed and weight, rammed it at full speed. it's already covered. turn around at a key height, mastering which will allow you to take fire control village and supply routes. the difference in altitude by military standards is significant, about 60 m. no less active fighting is now in the direction of chas vaiyara. the russian army continues its offensive on the outskirts of ivanovsky and bogdanovka, the last frontiers of this section of the front. the opposition is destroyed, the guys can’t hide, how is it possible to leave them like that. this
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commander is terribly angry, his battalion has just arrived in chas yar as part of a rotation, but the infantry positions he was given are not sufficiently protected. he agreed to talk with.
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to constant artillery shelling it’s impossible to get used to it, it’s better to be afraid than to get used to it, when we return back, we hear shots from automatic weapons, it looks like a new fpv drone has been spotted, where are you all.
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vladislav has gone through absolute hell, he has already received psychological help, this week was the only pause among all the horrors of the war, he describes his routine like this: it happened that the tronks caught up with me. hundreds of wounded killed soldiers every day, it defies any comparison. the next few months will be decisive for the outcome of the war, while no one is trying to come to peace. kyiv. republican senator rutsaphobe lynsey graham has arrived. the same grem, who at first ardently supported kiev after the pink from trump
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, stated several times in a row that ukraine is simply a good american investment in the fight against russia. just a week ago , kiev offered to transfer weapons, exclusively on credit or in exchange for minerals. graham again vowed to recognize russia as a country of terrorists and promised to give zelensky long-range missiles to attack. f-16 fighters followed suit. destroy, or more precisely, demolish the crimean bridge, at the end of his passionate speech, finally told the truth. the republicans, i read trump, have other priorities, they say, the problems on the southern border are much more important than kiev, graham also voiced the most popular idea that lives in congress right now. assistance to ukraine on credit. that is, zelensky will be given money to buy american weapons, so that this same money will be returned to the next one. years, but the white house actually
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recognized the results of the russian presidential election. according to national security advisor salvan, the reality is that putin is president of russia. the us will act on this basis. but, of course, i won’t officially congratulate putin on his victory. this was announced at the same time by the deputy official. us state department representative vedeant patel. they were probably offended that 87% are not just numbers from the election commission. 87% is an indicator of the unity of society, despite all attempts to destabilize russia. if the west hoped to receive a large percentage of protests, in reality they received a protest against russophobia and injustice towards russia and its sides of the west. as correctly noted. president and maduro and ortega, putin is the leader of the revolution against western imperialism. it’s
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the westerners who are squirming like devils. cnn is indignant that russians are voting for putin, also motivated by his completing the work he started in ukraine. they are also infuriated by the fact that putin was chosen by former citizens of ukraine in the sense that in the new regions putin has 90% of support. apparently, the german foreign ministry will now be offended. to call putin not president putin, but simply putin. scholz, however, has not yet decided. vladimir putin won what russian officials say was a landslide victory. does the us have any comments on the margin of victory or the conduct of the election in general? russians, like all people, deserve access to impartial information to help them choose the leadership they want to help them shape the future of their country. and in these elections, which were neither free nor fair, this clearly was not the case. we do not intend to congratulate
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russian president vladimir putin on his election victory head of state. the federal chancellor did not congratulate vladimir putin, and you know that we do not consider these so-called elections in russia last weekend to be free or fair. the result was known in advance. in our opinion, these were not democratic elections. in addition, there was an atmosphere of intimidation. as the federal chancellor has already said, russia is now a dictatorship ruled by vladimir putin in an authoritarian manner. the german foreign ministry, following the elections in russia, intends in documentation and statements is it limited exclusively to the name of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin according to the protocol? since we did this in the past, we simply called it putin, i don’t remember that the german foreign ministry has recently done anything before the name...
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russia, russia, what do you think about him? i love putin. there was some action going on in russia over the weekend. they call it an election, but it wasn't an election. what we saw was not a democratic electoral process. this was simply the nomination of putin as the leader of russia, these were not legitimate elections.
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this is not the first time we have seen such a presidential election. no one doubted that vladimir putin would win. however, we cannot call such a process legitimate elections; we do not recognize them, including in ukrainian territories that russia illegally declared as its lands. there is no point in commenting on the past presidential elections in russia; we all know that these elections, which were not legitimate or democratic, romania condemns the russian leadership for its aggressive policy towards ukraine, moldova and transnistria.
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there is a huge risk for european and thus global security, putin himself, in my opinion, is playing an interesting game, because he again raised this prospect of a third world war, he spoke about this, however, on the condition that western troops appear in ukraine , that 's what may eventually happen, but i think it's also true to say that putin raised
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the prospect of nuclear war, he raised the prospect of a third world war, but every time he did it, he acted... presidential russia, we had to deal with this reality throughout the war in ukraine and during other aggressive actions by russia, as well as other steps contrary to the interests of the united states that have come from this president and from the russian federation under his leadership, and we will continue to deal with this reality. el pais writes that nato troops
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are already on ukrainian soil, helping kiev in almost all possible areas . citing ukrainian and european sources, elpa notes that nato troops did not take part in ground attacks operations, and in general they are quite harmless . checking weapons supplied by the west and revealing corruption, but you and i understand what nato is actually doing in ukraine, and the russian army copes with them, doing what it knows well, while nato openly resorts to threats. the head of the norwegian armed forces, erik kristofferson , said that if putin decides to challenge nato, it will be a big mistake, because
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an attack on one ally is an attack on all. this means that... all 32 countries will respond to such a challenge, and this 32 countries, he said, not only with democratic values, but also 32 countries with powerful armies, to be honest, no one has ever heard about the power of the norwegian army, so the french decided to show the very heart of their top-secret nuclear submarine base, the base itself is completely closed for access, but after emmanuel’s bellicose speeches, reporters were allowed to film there, the french fleet base on... your screens even showed nuclear missiles, which, if anything happens, will fly towards a potential enemy, who is this a probable enemy, it’s not difficult to guess, the missile is true...
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thanks to the tugboats, the submarine leaves the bay. she will go out to the open sea, where she will undergo the entire cycle of exercises along with the rest of the country's naval units, after which she will go to patrol the waters for several months. the main task of the commander of the long base is to make sure that at least one of the four submarines with nuclear weapons is at sea. at the same time, the base itself is preparing for
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the worst, for evacuation from the submarine in the event of a serious accident, serious damage explosion, fire or leak, this is their last chance for survival, when you are ready to flush the water, attention. 3 2 1. it floats to the surface thanks to the air in the overalls. this training takes place once every 2 years in this 4 m pool. i have never done this in real life.
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infection is 90%, so this is extremely important. nurses cut off the clothing layer by layer, then wrap it to later bury the radioactive elements. ready to transfer patients to the decontamination room? this radiation treatment room has never been used in the real world, but it is extremely necessary when you are in the middle of a nuclear arsenal. we are part of the military-industrial complex, where there is a lot going on. activities with nuclear energy, including nuclear weapons, and it is the largest center for the treatment of people who have been exposed to nuclear radiation.
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what are nuclear weapons? a few kilometers from long island, it is stored at this arien group plant.


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