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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  March 18, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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highly conscious people exercise their right to vote. look at the huge queues of people willing to cast their votes that have formed in germany, france, hungary, south korea, china and other countries. in new york, the line outside the polling station at the russian consulate general stretched all the way to central park. this is footage from the russian consulate in bonny. as you can see, hundreds, if not thousands of people lined up to cast their votes. they were accompanied by german police on motorcycles. there are a handful of evil relaxants in berlin, and maybe ukrainians staged a kind of picket at the russian embassy, ​​but the embassy employee did not pay attention to the shouts and began dancing like this, apparently to at least warm up a little, the evening turned out to be cool in berlin. in total, the ministry of russia opened 288 polling stations abroad in 1,404 countries, and as of monday morning, more than... 372 thousand
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people voted, a figure the department called unprecedented. the entire world media closely watched the counting of votes. bloomberg writes that putin is preparing for record crushing victory in the elections and warns that now russia will not stop and will go to war with one of the nato countries. independence states that with another election victory, the russian president will try to test the west’s resolve to support.
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i’ll answer, i will vote for putin, this is our president and i’m quite happy with him, i know that everyone has different tastes and opinions, everyone votes for whoever they want, let’s see who wins, but honestly, i’m quite happy with what we have yes, we know his politics, i know that he will do, i’m happy to vote for
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putin, even being in london, even being in england, i’m abroad now, but i’m happy with putin and what he’s doing, his policies, and to be honest, i support him very much. the majority of russians most likely voted for president putin. why do they think his course is correct? president putin hailed his victory in russia's presidential election, saying he would allow the country to become stronger. vladimir putin will have 6 more years in the kremlin. the russian president sounds more confident than ever. i i think that in wartime conditions many people rallied around the flag, and putin managed to evoke this patriotic spirit. such events are happening now. we know what to expect from this man, from the president. people vote not only in russia and in russian embassies, but on ukrainian
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soil, in territories occupied by russia for 2 years already. here is a polling station in mariupol. well, since we are a new region. as we are a new region that recently joined russia, it was very important to vote and choose our president our russia. ballot boxes were indeed delivered to all the most remote corners of this largest country on earth. presidential elections are taking place in territories recently occupied by russian troops. this morning, for example, i learned that people even went to vote in avdeevka in the donetsk region, where fighting is currently taking place, in the same ovdeevka that the russians took control of exactly a month ago. nbc news visited one of the polling stations in the center of moscow, ninety-year-old nina kiseleva lived during stalin, today she voted for putin. i trust him, she told us, i trust only him. we live well, says svetlana
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kulikova. that's why i voted for putin. the elections are being attended by observers from 106 countries, russia says, including china. for the first time in the history of russian presidential elections they are using. i voted for the current president and i am
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confident that our country will only move forward towards success. a reindeer buckle crosses the frozen tundra of northeastern russia. stability, i think, will only come with that the man who now rules. why do many russians vote for putin, what attracts them so much to him? to understand why russians sympathize with putin, we need to remember the nineties. at that time, the russian economy
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was dying, and crime was on the rise. trusts him and the direction in which he is leading the country. well, they also
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write about the western political reaction that the election results exceeded the most optimistic pro-kremlin forecasts. washington times says election victory gives putin grounds to claim his decision obsvo still enjoys popular support. bloomberg laments putin's victory as another reason to remember the european union's lagging behind. it's time for europe to think seriously. my position is to simultaneously go to the polls at noon, their rally was called against putin, but in the end it turned into for
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the president, a record turnout in russia, outside our country, but complete legitimacy of the elected president of russia , because everyone who wanted to voted. regarding the reaction, from the outside.
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as a result of such decisions, the presence a full-fledged western contingent will automatically be regarded as the entry of the alliance into a war with russia, criticizes the president with napoleonic habits in his homeland, figorot writes that the popularity rating of macron and the prime minister, and tal is going downhill, the reason is the too sharp belligerence of the rhetoric about the possible sending of troops to ukraine. the approval rating of macron, who played toy soldiers, is 28%, with... another percentage point compared to february, respectively, 72% of the french remain sane, and
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they don’t want to fight the russians again after 200 years. the french were perhaps so furious in 1913, when françois hollande considered the scenario of military intervention in the events in syria. well, the president of the fifth republic himself, in an interview in the sunday issue of let prisen, said that he does not exclude the possibility.
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calls me because i believe that it is my responsibility, i will listen to what he has to offer. the role of france is to be the nerve of war, what churchel called the nerve of war. on the one hand, we must transfer everything to ukraine necessary to strengthen its defense capability, on the other hand, to promote de-escalation. we need to achieve a permanent, sustainable, just peace. and if putin wants to offer something, i will listen to his
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proposal, but it must be said that the only negotiations are the negotiations that the heads of the two countries enter into. that for us ukraine is an existential question, if you lose this war, we will not be able to have any european security, so we must prepare for all possible scenarios, we need to convince all european countries should build their own defense policy. by the way, the ministry of foreign affairs of the fifth republic has already stated that it seems to them that the elections in
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russia are not democratic enough, about the same thing. they announced at this moment in london, cameron said that he did not consider the elections legitimate, berlin took a similar position, president steinmeier said that he would not send a congratulatory telegram to president putin, while in all these countries, citizens of our country were able to vote. france itself on four areas of civil position. expressed by almost 6,000 russians, more than half in paris, in the capital, it happened there at foreign polling stations, naturally, without provocations, the most egregious in chisinau, at the only polling station in the capital of moldova there was an attack using a molotov cocktail, a man threw a bottle into the building with an incendiary mixture, tried to escape the
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crime scene, was detained, the metropolis strongly condemned the attempt to set fire to the consul.
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aldin putin, on the contrary, praised any calls to go to the polls, the president said, but this fine. as far as i heard, and as they reported to me, calls were made to come vote at noon, and this should have been a manifestation of opposition. well, if there were calls to come to vote, for this, as i say in such cases, i will praise you for this, because when you... and called for people to come to vote, i was not campaigning for myself, i was saying how current head of state, it is my responsibility to ask people to come. at the polling station and vote, if the opposition believed that you need to come and vote, it doesn’t matter for whom, but come and vote, that’s already good, well done , well, well, as far as i understand
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, it didn’t really have any effect, but that doesn’t matter, what’s important is that some spoiled the ballots, that’s bad, because if you yourself don’t want to vote or or you want to trust the candidate who you think needs it, huh? or simply not vote if you don’t like anyone, that’s one thing, but if you decide to spoil those people who came and considered it necessary for themselves to vote, you fulfilled your civic duty, and you if you don’t give a damn about their position, then this is bad, this, this is at least not democratic, what kind of democracy is there, people came, expressed their will, and another person came and spoiled their ballot. is this a manifestation of democracy? these are the people we have to deal with. this is a criminal offense, in accordance with
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the law, our law enforcement agencies and courts will act. despite the provocations, the elections were held with dignity, there were practically no complaints about their organization, the head of the government commented on the vote pamfelova. she said the presidential campaign was calm and friendly and showed fortitude. of the russian people, their concentration. they tried to disrupt the expressions of the will of russians in a variety of ways, so about 280,000 attacks were carried out on online voting resources, but the criminals did not cause disruptions in the operation of the cec website. it is clear that the kiev regime, its western curators and partners are behind the cyber attacks; it was from ukraine from european countries that calls were made to people who were convinced to spoil ballots or under... messages that
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voting stations were allegedly mined, such cases were recorded in yaroslavl, vladimir, sevastopol, chelyabinsk, kazan, yalta and other cities; after checking, the ministry of internal affairs officers did not find any explosives at any polling station, but the police filed an investigation. three criminal cases for deliberately false reports about the tera, here is another fake from tsypso: provocateurs sent sms messages to residents of the kherson region with the message that on march 17 all polling stations in the region will not work. the regional election commission immediately denied the stuffing. attempt fraudulently reducing turnout in elections in a new region of russia failed. it was 83.87%, almost 10% higher. in the average country, there were staged videos from ukrainian propagandists and the special services, what
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happens after what, and so on all day long, in a fake... video, a man in a military uniform without identification marks allegedly controls who voters vote for in the russian presidential elections. the absurdity of the throw is emphasized by the absence of tables and writing instruments in the booths. by spreading this ukrainian resources are engaged in fake news, in particular the telegram channel of the ex-adviser to the head of the ministry of internal affairs of ukraine anton gerashchenko. a little later they threw it into the network. a similar problem with the props
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on the actor who plays a military man, unloading, but without pouches, there was no normal holster, so the pistol falls to the floor, the kiev regime is not limited to filming such videos, here are real footage from one of the sites in the volgograd region, telephone the scammers convinced the woman to throw a molotov cocktail there. miraculously the commission employee did not burst into flames, the bottle the incendiary mixture hit her knees, but did not break. i periodically talked with a young man who introduced himself as an investigator who is in charge of my case, a criminal one, about fraud, don’t tell anyone, he said what needs to be done, what needs to be taken - flammable liquid , i didn’t have anything gasoline, i found a rod, i did... it turns out that they said in the jar that you need a rag, set this wick on fire and just make some noise, in addition to arson.
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deceived people tried to spoil the ballots with greenery. here is footage of an unsuccessful provocation from yekaterinburg. the man was not allowed to pour the green stuff into the ballot box. this is borisoglebsk, voronezh region. here, elderly victims and scammers still managed to flood the ballots. the criminals controlled the pensioner’s every move. there was a special application on her phone that did not allow her to cancel the call from her curators. they called for themselves. what did they even say? so what? they issued a loan for me, they issued a loan for 100,000, a similar incident in the belgorod region, a girl enters the site and immediately pours brilliant green into the ballot box, members of the commission rush into it, but do not have time to stop them, they convinced the participant in the provocation that they would write off her loans if she completed the task, they offered to write off all my loans in the amount
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of about 500,000, they say that i need to pour a bottle of greenery, come to the polling station and pour it out, this is st. petersburg, in the video there is a ridiculous attempt to set fire to a polling station, the molotov cocktail does not break the first time, the result of the second throw is a fire on the porch of school 358, the performer escapes from the scene of the crime alexandra karaseva failed. by a court decision, she was taken into custody, a criminal case was opened under the article of obstruction of the exercise of electoral rights or the work of election commissions, possible punishment of up to 5 years, it is alleged that someone called them, promised money, whether they will receive this money or not, but this is that there will be an investigation in which they are very likely to get a criminal record, in moscow the investigative committee opened a criminal case against a woman who splattered a calf on a ballot at
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a polling station in the area... disappointing, here is footage of the crime being committed, the woman first puts the ballot in the ballot box, immediately after that she pours the dyeing liquid into it, then she begins to report to the curator over the phone, why the police detained you, because i was a criminal, where are you taking it, and why did you do it , what prompted you, scammers called me, all the provocations were in vain, violations that could affect the elections, their result was not recorded, said deputy head of the ministry of internal affairs gorovoy. he reported 52 cases of carrying dyes into polling stations, according to he initiated 33 criminal cases, many provocations were carried out by telephone from ukraine, the ministry of internal affairs reported, the same information was confirmed by the central election commission. these attempts by zelensky’s green thumbs are pathetic, i said so, well , pathetic, funny, disgusting, but what happened, they caused such a storm of indignation among people that, on the contrary, even we were inundated
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with calls and... takaev, the president of tajikistan, rakhmun. putin has already held telephone conversations with rakhmon. shizen pin sent a congratulatory telegram to our president, china central television reports the president of azerbaijan. liev also congratulated putin over the phone. the conversation took place late the evening before. also, of course, president of belarus lukashenko called, and also kim jong-un. he was among those congratulating, according to the dprk central telegraph agency, one of the first. scholz. silent. biden is also shy.
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by the way, putin was asked about american democracy. at a press conference following the election results , a representative of the united states of america asked, well, that is, an american journalist was allowed to putin's press conference, is it possible to imagine that a russian journalist would ask a question to biden, well, barely. according to putin , at the same time, we in russia generally don’t care who will lead the united states, but... by shouting about the undemocratic nature of the russian elections, which , by the way, were held in the presence of foreign observers, despite colossal pressure, the united states itself is conducting an illegitimate, unsafe voting through a stump block, through regular mail, and they vote in elections, we remember in the previous ones, including the dead. putin said that democracy
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in america. well, for example, in your country, can it be considered democratic to use administrative resources to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states, using, among other things, the courts? we have no preference for any of the candidates for president of the united states states of america, but this has simply become a ridiculous disgrace to the whole world for the united states and for your democracy.
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from voting, and what is it like to vote on honors in the united states of america, who stands there and controls? yes no one, they bought a vote for 10 dollars, and then bought thousands of votes, came in a bunch,
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threw it in until 12:00 at night, that’s it, here’s voting, here’s democracy, there’s less than a year left before the election itself, the us president, and biden decided to go for trump with a humorous attack. paid tribute to trump's mental state over his age, saying that one of the candidates for the presidency in 2024 is too old and mentally ill to be president, the second candidate is me, biden said. trump, of course, did not stand aside during his speech to vagai’s supporters , he said that the victory of sleeping joe would mean that the hegemony of the united states would suffer a bloodbath that could await america before january of the twenty -fifth year, that is, before ... the inauguration of the forty -seventh president of the united states, the least that could happen to hail on the hill. trump said that he used to call the '16 election the most important vote, but the '24 election surpasses
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it in importance. then donald called his main competitor stupid several times president, at one point called biden a stupid son of a bitch. in general, high relations. words. trump was caught by joe when he was at a closed dinner, where prime minister estonia kallas and ukrainian ambassador to the united states markarova were invited. biden also could not remain silent and accused trump of weak -willed admiration of putin, saying that donald will allow his friend from moscow to do whatever he wants, first of all, together with putin he will go on an attack not only on american democracy, but on freedom in everything western world. trump responds...
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where can i say, with me, the united states, if they give money to kiev, it will only be in debt, and not just like joe is doing now. if i don't get elected, it will be a bloodbath for the whole world, it will be the least of the possible consequences, it will be a bloodbath for the whole country. remember this date, november 5th, i believe that this will be the most important date in the history of our country.
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biden's campaign took advantage of trump's statement and immediately accused their rival of threatening political violence and wanting to repeat 6 january. backstage after the gala yesterday , us president joe biden called trump a toxic man with an anger cycle and a conspirator. the trump campaign tried to counter the accusations. they said the former president only talked about the economy. joe biden's crazy electric car mandate is destroying
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the american auto industry, but concerns about trump's comment did not come out of nowhere, it is worth noting the fact that he began his rally in ohio by calling on those gathered to stand and pay respect to those who attacked the capitol on january 6, it was then that his supporters tried to prevent joe biden from winning the election, many of them were convicted of serious crimes, this is a continuation of the same rhetoric, he continues to endorse... trump for many years. trump has torn apart the us mainstream media from the new york times to abc news, nbc news, cbs news. everyone attacked the former president for his comment in which he claimed that if he is not elected, there will be a bloodbath. biden they are increasingly concerned about how to spend the americans’ money by sending it to ukraine. do you know what we should do in the situation with ukraine? you need to lend them money, not just send it. so we have to lend them money, and if they suddenly manage to win
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, despite enormous difficulties, they will return it to us, lend it to them, lend them money, and let it be like a game of dice, lend it, don’t just hand it over check for 60 billion dollars, i tell you, zelensky, the greatest trader in history, every time he comes into a country, he leaves with 50 or 60 billion dollars, i've never been able to do that, he's a better trader than me. biden made... some jabs at former president donald trump. for example, he said, and i quote, there is one candidate who is unfit and old, the second candidate is me , so you know, he really took a, so to speak, legal blow to the critics who make the comment that the incumbent is too old to be head of the country, this also applies to recent discussions about his memory. it is absolutely clear that these jokes were about trump, and such rhetoric will continue, and we will see it from both sides. biden continued to joke about his age on
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st. patrick's day at the white house. valerie used to be 3 years younger than me, now she is 20 years younger. i know that in the biden family there is not a single woman older than the man. breaking news, of course, continues to come to the feeds of the news agent, the head of european diplomacy. barel, but it was not enough. we accept exclusively as chatter in
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regarding the serious state , telegrams continue to arrive, telephone calls took place and president putin had telephone conversations with the leaders of azerbaijan, belarus , kazakhstan and kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, uzbekistan and kuwait became the first among the leaders of the gulf countries to congratulate putin. with the victory in the elections, i also already said, he sent a congratulatory telegram, but kimchun’s press service claims that kim was the first to send a congratulatory telegram, according to the chinese news agency, siin sent a congratulatory telegram to the russian leader, one of the first, let’s know what we’ll do, let’s move to donbass, to donetsk, it’s real.
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important, our new regions took part in the elections for the first time, the turnout there is off the charts, although it would seem scary, truly dangerous, even if someone is not afraid, but people came, they said their word, i was probably more impressed by the voting than anything else in avdeevka, there was a car that brought the ballots ... and the people who delivered the ballots they were not just wearing bulletproof vests with weapons , they were wearing helmets, they looked like... people who are at war right now, we know that avdeevka is still under attack, a native muscovite, greshabdovin, our war correspondent, was also in avdeevka i voted, yes, grigory, it looked quite impressive too, please tell me, hello,
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sinner, what the voting looked like, what people, how it was, well, here it is necessary to say. that this, of course , was an incredibly emotionally rich story, if there are any skeptics who doubt how voluntarily or freely people voted there, then everything was generally obvious, because the way donbass has been going to these elections for all these 10 years, the way avdiivka has been going to these elections for the last 2 years, in general, with the blood and the destruction that is like... the blood that was shed here and the destruction that is basically everywhere here, until, unfortunately, this situation does not stop, this is such a high price, which people paid to be involved in the very the main constitutional event , the formation of power in general, by and large here it was more, maybe
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not so much voting in the presidential election, but rather some kind of manifesto, a kind of personal referendum. for everyone, that is, people received documentary confirmation that they had already been accepted into russia, they were in russia, they received a russian ballot using a russian passport to vote in the presidential elections in russia, for many this was a very important event, but naturally in avdeevka there were nuances, because those who left avdievka for temporary accommodation centers in yasenovataya received russian passports there, they voted there, but there are more people who remain in avdievka.
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i’ve been to donetsk several times, he knows where , where donetsk is, where avdeevka is, in fact these are merged urban agglomerations from donetsk, you can see avdeevka, you can see donetsk from avdeevka, and people were waiting for this opportunity to come to them, now it really came to them , of course, all this was accomplished with a huge number of difficulties through which the city is happening now, through which the city will have to go, a huge number of people have left the city, but the connection with them remains, including in ukraine, and people... you know, they are already starting to think what to do next, because to russia now they can only get through europe, through a third country, then through the sheremetyevo airport barriers, through checks, of course, all this is necessary, because well, everyone understands why, we have told this more than once in our stories, but people already want to come back to avdeevka, and naturally with a huge
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number of relatives, communication on the territory of what is called, well, mainland, large ukraine, which is still... under the control of the kiev regime of russian-speaking regions, odessa, nikolaev - these are our cities, and there our people and relatives who are there, they communicate with people here, and naturally, this makes a very big impression on them, this is not only a vote for the first person of our state, it is, in a certain sense , a confirmation of the course to which we are committed people, that is, people confirm that we need to move on, we need to move on to... the regions, to grow with these russian regions and there, if the situation develops, which of course we would like to hope for favorably, the situation there will be the same, there people are waiting here of this bulletin, which the residents of avdeevka have now managed to get into the hands of the residents of avdeevka, even i saw somewhere in the telegram of one ukrainian, how
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can i say, political scientist, who recently was there in the leading roles, but now yes, who... actually said that if i were in russia, i would also vote for vladimir vladimirovich putin, you can laugh at this, it may look like a joke, but these are the sentiments that are now roaming around ukraine, and this is confirmed by communication, again, as i say, and related, because that those who left avdiivka, they found themselves in a situation like this through the looking glass that is happening there now, men were mobilized, including many relatives of people who are now in donetsk, who... really understand what they should do, because what in in general, the ukrainian army, now being in its ranks is probably the most dangerous
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event on planet earth in general, i do n’t know what else can compare with this, because the intensity of the fighting that is happening now, including on the outskirts of avdiivka, it basically shows that the fate of those people who wear the ukrainian chevron on their sleeves is unenviable. you said about moving forward, how far from avdiivka the front has gone, what is on the front line now? well, here you need to understand that avdeevka, she in itself is such a very serious point that provides very serious opportunities both for observation and for making adjustments, adjusting strikes, what previously worked for ukraine is now completely working for us, and, accordingly, the entire surrounding area. in ovdeevka, they are controlled there with the help of the same corpses as sakhim, and there we have the opportunity to conduct
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combat operations much more if we can cut out a comfortable one than the enemy who is in small villages and, roughly speaking, in an open field, advancement is going on, but officially the name of the settlements that will definitely be liberated and where our troops will gain a foothold is the prerogative to name - these geographical locations belong to the ministry of defense, i will say that the movement is daily and here is the russian military machine , it is getting better day by day, the main criterion here is this is the reduction of our losses , the promotion of taking our territory from the enemy, and even more so after these elections, after this turnout and after the percentage values ​​​​that the current president of russia received here, it is clear that liberation... thank you very much, gresha, our war correspondent, grigory vdovin, on
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the direct line donbass, in fact , we are in the history textbook, by absentee ballot, grigory voted in avdeevka, god willing, we will also vote in kiev. thanks again. ask. olga, i want to expand on your topic about the history textbook. we are not only in domestic history textbooks, but also... worldwide, this history is clear to us, because the tradition of political, russian political culture has a special role national leader, this has been the case at all times, but today , of course, the whole world was looking at these elections, it would not be an exaggeration. here is one of the elements of western propaganda that was, it was a story that a special military operation is an invention of putin personally and his regime, and we are fighting with...
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regarding our so-called non-systemic opposition, these elections showed that we defeated them, and we defeated them, realistically
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speaking, not only because our cause is right, we have a strong, wise leader, well because that they are extremely stupid people, these elections demonstrated this, but look what they did, at first, i listened to them a lot, they told me that there would be no counting of votes at all, there was just a piece of paper in the central election commission, then later after that panfilova would announce results, they immediately said that we were supposedly bringing someone to the elections, forcing them to vote, photograph something , show some ballots. and the like, well, guys, well , either pennies or dances, if this doesn’t matter meaning, no one is going to calculate , why should we bother so much, from your point of view, if in fact we are doing all this, as you claim, then the calculation is of great importance, then the following result: our main task, they said, is to achieve this , so that the elections are recognized as illegitimate, this is not an election, and so on and
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so forth, and then after that their call, afternoon tea against putin. they choose the peak point, well, according to previous elections , 12 o’clock on sunday, when a lot of people should come, i declare that everyone who comes at this is the time, everyone, they are all supposedly opponents of the current president, listen, we can also carry out such an action, i propose on behalf of 60 minutes to announce a dinner action against biden today, everyone who sits down at the table from 17 to 20 in america, have dinner, are participants in our promotion, those who did not have time for dinner, but are traveling on the subway, can also join this promotion, this is just funny, send the results to us in the chat bot, absolutely, yes, we will post photos of the dinner and show what's that you are the dinner participants against biden, it just looks childishly funny, but after they all came, many of them voted in person, they run screaming, there is no
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need to accept the results. defeat on the ideological field, but i would like to urge everyone, there is no need to rest on your laurels , no need, serious painstaking work begins from today, the president announced a very serious detailed program of six-year work, this program must be implemented right now, without delay, what is called shelving, for
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we must understand this program, today the absolute majority of our citizens voted, which means it should be on the table of every deputy, official, every responsible leader, and he must understand what i did today to ensure that this message, supported by a record majority realize russian citizens, we'll be back in a minute, i'm major vasnetsova, vasnetsova is aware that we have a new case? premiere on rtr, so don’t you dare ignore me, take the box, veronica, captain liskov, submitted a report on his transfer to another department, i have a solution to our problem, okay, well then time has moved on, vasnitsova, today on rtr. i thought that here
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everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, just let’s go see, it must be edible it was, i had in mind, of course, a bear , when such a stinking little one said , a hint in general, the most passionate team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use , the strongest love for the game is the program five on one, five on one on saturdays at
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rtr. so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, dashing, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, daring, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, are you responsible for yours? words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, reppin, the whole brigade, just
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look at the platform, there was no sadness, a woman bought a piglet, once you get a pet, life will never be the same. will set everyone up. this is an incredibly charming face to which you forgive everything. they are not bored at all. well, then i clean up, i’m not bored either. after all, each of them is a real star. trink-trink. the secret of dreams. how did you agree to this? at first we shoved in a red snake, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in a circle of friends. among friends,
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a program for the whole family. on saturdays on rtr. i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child. how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never leave masha, even if it will be very, very hard for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of you like that masha, what, but... i have one condition: you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it’s not yours, well, hello, my love,
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if you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me, i promise to be silent, premiere on saturday on rtr, with victory in... beijing attaches great importance to the development of relations with russia, and putin’s re-election to the position of president fully reflects
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the support of the people of the country, while they refused to recognize the victory for now, or, in any case, refused to congratulate the russian leader, the president of france. and germany macron and steinmay, the gardener bareli, the head of the british foreign office cameron, all, as if following the same manual , declared that these were unfair, dishonest and , in their opinion, not the most democratic elections. look what they say: 6 years ago, the federal president congratulated putin in writing on his re-election. this time frank walter steinmeier decided not to do it, he will not send a letter of congratulations to russian president vladimir putin on his victory in the elections, there will be no letter to putin, he said on thursday evening steinmeier's press secretary zerstin gamel.
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polling stations in russia have closed amid illegal elections in ukraine, a lack of choice for voters and a lack of independent monitoring by the osce. this is not what free and fair looks like. right now we have a unique opportunity to talk with ela aleksandrovna pamfilova, the chairman of the central election commission of russia, a person who is keeping a close eye. preparing, organizing these elections, already for the third night, at least not sleeping, but nevertheless, as always, looks great and articulates what's going on. ella alexandrovna, you just heard our western opponents, partners, as they used to call them, say illegitimate, unconstructive, uncompetitive, unfree elections, what do you say? hello, evgeniy, olga, i can’t live without laughing, here.
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this is already an obsolete, i would say, branch of humanity, which, humanity, which they tried to drive into a dead end, and we have everything ahead, i think that most of the countries that observed this whole process, they doubted whether russia would withstand it or not, and also on...


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