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tv   Taini sledstviya-5  RUSSIA1  March 12, 2024 3:00am-3:51am MSK

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home, this girl converted her piano into an aquarium, it took a little effort, because the idea was unrealistic at first glance, but everything worked out, and now it is not only an aquarium, but still a musical instrument. in general, building housing for fish is an art, and there are no restrictions here. the more original the idea, the better; even a telephone booth or a billiard table can be turned into an aquarium. well, then let’s have one more game, whoever loses will be in trouble, don’t you agree? next, a dangerous lottery. how to find out history the real estate you want to buy and how to change the system of transactions to make them safe. we'll figure it out after the news.
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a new mission to the iss, the head of roscosmos told the president about how preparations are going. for the first time , a female cosmonaut from belarus is on the expedition. hard-to-reach and new regions of the country. more than a million people took part in early voting in the presidential election. rivers overflowed their banks, there was massive flooding in the south of france, and hurricane monica hit there. the news will tell you about the main thing, in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. in the avdiivka direction , attack aircraft of the ukrainian armed forces unsuccessfully tried 11 times to counterattack our positions, ultimately losing 400 militants and two dozen american abrams tanks. the enemy made four more unsuccessful forays in the kupinsky direction, losing two french caesar self-propelled guns and a czech vampire rszzo . in the kherson sector, the troops of the center group pushed back the neo-nazis and took up more advantageous positions. artillery together with the association disabled military equipment and enemy locations in... in 150 areas.
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vladimir putin discussed preparations for a new mission to the international space station with the head of roscosmos yuri borisov at a meeting in the kremlin. the flight is scheduled for next week and the first female cosmonaut from belarus, marina vasilevskaya, is part of the expedition. she has undergone an accelerated training course and spends only 12 days in orbit. vasilevskaya is a flight attendant at belave airlines, and her backup is pediatric surgeon anastasia lenkova. crew training tests, a crew of three people, an astronaut from our fraternal of the belarusian republic, marina vasilevskaya , who was selected from six applicants back in december of twenty-two, began training in august last year, which means... she passed all the exams, is ready to
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fly, the commander of the ship is oleg novitsky, he is no longer new to space flights, the third crew member is the american astronaut as part of cross-flights tressie dyson, who will replace laura uhara on the iss, who worked for six months, which means we expect that on march 21 the soyuz-25 spacecraft will deliver them to iss, and we will be waiting for them on the ground on april 2. the conspiracy turned to the situation at the vostochny cosmodrome, the launch complex for launching the angara a5m rocket, which in september vladimir putin showed to the leader of the dprk kimchen-in, is almost ready, the first launch will be made from it in april. borisov also reported to the head of state that a series of weather satellites, meteor and 18 small satellites, one of them for iran, had recently been launched into orbit. at the meeting, the head of roscosmos gave the president a portrait of yuri gagarin as a symbol of what.
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households, we will now allocate an additional 1 billion rubles for these purposes. i ask the heads of regions to keep special control over the implementation of social gasification; everything should be organized as conveniently as possible and understandable for people. now on to the election campaign news.
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more than 1,400 people voted early in the presidential election; employees of precinct election commissions come to voters themselves. early. united russia. in the zaporozhye region , soldiers of the fifth combined arms army voted at a specially organized polling station grouping of troops vostok from primorye. early voting has started in the belgorod region; it is taking place in nine border municipalities located in close proximity to the northern military district zone. report by svetlana. early voting is carried out outside polling stations, going to the homes of local residents, it is convenient and safe, says pensioner lyudmila trishchenko, so that fewer people gather in public places. in the border belgogorod region
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, residents of two urban settlements can vote at home, oktyabrsky and rozuminsky and fourteen rural ones. a missile threat has already been declared twice today, so it is naturally dangerous to go to the polling station. the mobile group of precinct election commissions work from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm, early voting will last until march 14, however, the opportunity to cast your vote in the elections without leaving your home will remain for the next 3 days. until the 17th, until 2 p.m., anyone can submit an application to the precinct election commission so that they can come to him and vote early on russian presidential elections are possible in nine border municipalities.
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record rainfall in aman, which has been flooded not for the first time since the beginning of the year; in some areas, instead of roads, there is a solid lake. in sweden, environmental activists went out to a new protest in the center of stockholm. they blocked the entrance to the parliament building. about forty people led by greta tumber, the planet's main climate activist, called for speedy reforms to prevent catastrophic changes on earth. twenty-one-year-old greta is already repeatedly fined for blocking roads and don't... don't switch, the plot of land was received by a special operation hero
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from khabarovsk, now he plans to build a house for his family, and in general such free hectares can be used for any type of activity. the governor of the region, mikhail, met with the recipient of the plot. went on the agenda without hesitation, but enthusiastically shares that in the near future it will appear here, now on his land plot, the house will be with monsarda, two-story, there will be frame construction, the house plan is already there is, he chose the site himself, within walking distance to the city, here is the city center, 10 minutes in the center, very convenient, his margarita has big plans for the territory, the girl was really looking forward to her hero from the north military district, and now they... together will implement the family dreams, a house, children, a large garden, right in front of the first recipients of free plots from the state in the khabarovsk territory, cadastral engineers are carrying out work to register the land, now the plot is officially owned by the family. the plot is attractive in all respects, it is suitable massive residential development,
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electricity, gas, roads are supplied, that is, such land is provided to the participant in the special operation free of charge with all the infrastructure. in the region, by decision of the president, a list of vacant lands in each district of the region was promptly compiled, so far there are 130 of them, but the list is constantly updated, there are no restrictions on area , if the list does not suit, it is possible to travel around the city, see if the plot is not registered in the cadastral register, also a citizen turns to us, we independently, free of charge, without any expenses of the veteran, we carry out cadastral work, register the land plot and provide, according to the law, participants in the special operation, heroes of russia, order bearers can receive free land and use the territory. for any type of activity, we acted as a pilot region, a macro-region, and family mortgages and the far east, the opportunity to extend mortgage loans to a house that has not yet been built, the decision has also been made, it works, and military veterans can count on the priority right to receive land in
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renting or purchasing a plot without bidding and immediately start building a house, farm, or simply planting flowers. anna lenova, konstantin krutikov, lead khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform. we’re looking at the form, welcome the morning on the russia channel, we’ve started. come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. good morning, hello,
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elena nikolaeva denis stoykov, with you this morning, we encourage everyone who has not yet done so to subscribe to the telegram channel of the morning of russia program, not only herself program, but our personal stories and behind the scenes of our program, everything is there. well, let's start, tuesday, march 12th. yes, well, here's to the telegram, so we want to check who has woken up enough to master this. fine motor skills with social networks, subscribe button, uh -huh, monday, starts on wednesday, experts have found out the most productive working days: this is how people working remotely start working intensively right from monday, they don’t need time to build up. well, by the end of the week, especially on friday, they better not assign serious tasks, efficiency drops four times, those who go to the office, on the contrary, spend a long time collecting their thoughts at the beginning of the week, for them the most productive day is wednesday, well , on friday their fuse is twice as high as that of those who works remotely. yes, only scammers are becoming
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more and more effective, and regardless of the day of the week, every tenth real estate transaction can be challenged in court. is it possible to check everything inside and out before the transaction or can we just rely on ovoz? dmitry zaitsev was looking into it. you bought an apartment, for example, with with this view from the window, you brought in the furniture, started living, and then suddenly it turns out that the square meters no longer belong to you. they offer to take your things to the exit. here's a typical example. the zakharov family purchased a three-room apartment in the center of the capital several years ago. before the transaction, all the nuances were handled by the real estate agency. at the time of the transaction , the seller had no debts, no problems, or any court decisions. but then the surprises began. former owner of the property on kutuzovsky prospekt declared himself bankrupt, and his creditors began to seek debt collection through the courts, including deciding to challenge the legality of the apartment transaction. now the litigation is in full swing and the apartment has already been encumbered, but anna karimova from sochi was less fortunate, the whole
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family was left on the street. at the family council , they decided that it was time to move their elderly parents closer to the sea, and began to look for a suitable house in the krasnodar territory. she met the owner of the house, introduced herself, and she showed the house, we liked everything, and we decided to make deposit, that is, the realtor insisted. they paid a deposit, sold two apartments and paid them back in full. money for the cottage, and the transaction was formalized by a notary, the transactions went through, and the previous owner began to block access to the house, during the proceedings it turned out that immediately after the transaction the former owner of this country house showed up, who did not give her consent to the sale of the property, there are questions for realtor, however, a realtor in our country does not bear any unofficial responsibility; his status is still not legalized, secondary housing can always have underwater ones. not 100%, but we can’t know this from the beginning, it is necessary
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to check the apartment and the seller, well, how an ordinary buyer can check the desired property before buying is not clear, he does not have the authority to do such checks, moreover, since last year, access to personal data of the unified state register of real estate was limited, perhaps it would be worth creating a single body at the state level that would analyze all real estate in the country and issue citizens with ready-made conclusions on this or that object, by analogy with the traffic police database, where... 17-18,000 transactions are made with real estate every month in moscow alone, which means that a huge
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number of people risk finding themselves without an apartment and without money. how to change the system of real estate transactions so that it is transparent and safe, we will find out from a member of the russian presidential council for the codification and improvement of civil legislation lidiya mikheeva, lidiya yurievna, hello, well - as we see, buying an apartment is an occupation, if not dangerous , then often unpredictable, why everything? so it’s not transparent, what’s stopping you from making it publicly available? unfortunately, our legislation, which began to develop in this regard, dates back to approximately the beginning of the nineties. we still have not decided on the system that could be the basis, well , for example, in the countries of the latin notary, in reality the notary is responsible for everything, checks the basis for the ownership of this object by the seller, warns the buyer about possible risks, and of course is responsible for the result, we have a voluntary appeal,
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there is a three-stage insurance system , you can always get... at least the amount that was indicated in the transaction as the price of the apartment, there are really a lot of problems in this area, starting from realtors, who, as we understand, we would never have they don’t answer, but they hire an intermediary, a realtor , an intermediary, he is an agent, in this coordinate system he really cannot and should not be responsible for anything, because he simply brings the seller together with buyers, maybe advises them to the best of his ability opportunities. again, in the examples from the story , it’s not always the buyer who is brought together by the seller, that is, shouldn’t he at least bring and carry out some kind of verification, is n’t it time to license a realtor as an activity? i agree with you, we have been talking about this for a long time, and we are also constantly pushing the legislator to ensure that there is certainty on this issue, a lot of
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work has been done, but it has not been successful over the years, as you know, only in the nineteenth year we managed... to make changes to the legislation regarding the protection bona fide purchasers, one of the tasty morsels for scammers in this area are apartments in which one of the owners is in prison or on long-term treatment, which makes it difficult to oblige law enforcement agencies and medical organizations to report information about such owners in the rosreestr, for example, are you right to put things in order? issue, including, first of all , to exclude the possibility of submitting documents without checking and without checking these documents without verification of proper verification of who came. this is very important, because today, when people use a simple written form to make transactions, they
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do not even contact the rosregistry directly, or the employees of the mfc. so to employees who, in principle, are not officials. by the way, here’s another point, now you can register a transaction in several departments, this is the rosreestr, this is the notary office, the mfc, they also create a certain confusion, can’t there really be one government body that consolidates everything? information that enters into it and comes out of it, without which the transaction cannot be completed in any way; in our legal system you just need to choose who it will be. either it will be a notary, or it will be an employee of the rosreestr, but in that other case we need to ensure a full, real check, we hope that special authorities will hear us, about how to make real estate transactions safe, we talked with member of the russian presidential council for codification and improvement
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civil legislation lidia mikheeva, all the best to you, have a nice day, thank you, fight for victory. it’s always a challenge , honestly it was very scary, but no one has taken such a risk before, it’s very dangerous, don’t do it ever again, amazing people, a unique seventh season, let’s see if they can make our viewers close their eyes, friday at 21:30 on the russia channel, without stopping and... without room for error , the american col brower, the first woman in the united states to circumnavigate the world in alone, left the spanish lacoruna on a yacht on october 29, circumnavigated the globe in 130 days and returned to the same port. kol started with other participants in the high-speed regatta, was the youngest athlete, although
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she did not finish first, she did not leave the route, even after she injured her ribs during a fall. yeah, but by the way, she could use monitoring systems capable of analyzing the actions of athletes to monitor their health, which are being developed by russian engineers. andrey alekseenko found out how it works. a leather bag filled with sand or sawdust. we're talking about a punching bag. mavnia has no more than a garden scarecrow. more precisely, this was the case until russian engineers decided to equip this sports equipment with electronic brains. this is essentially, well , to put it in two words, this is a pear that... shows the highest reaction in order not to expose himself to the boxer’s blows. the pear literally sees the enemy, technical vision systems help, but the internet does not allow it. guess it actions: a parallel electric drive almost instantly changes position, the entire structure dodges the blow, and we can also adjust this distance, we can make it small, medium and long, it turns out
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that this is a robot that tries to maintain a constant distance relative to the athlete. in fact, a smart bag does everything in such a way as to arouse excitement in a person and he is completely involved in the training, plus its pace can be such that a fight with a real opponent will seem like a rest, by the way, in the heat of... change, to the helmet, to equipment, impact force tracks and gives the doctor the opportunity to change the player in time so that more serious health consequences do not occur; if the blow
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exceeds the permissible norms, the information will immediately go to the coach, in the training process it will help to monitor the dynamics, the force of the blow, and for goalkeepers it will be an extra spot that present to the attackers or defenders so that they do not throw at the head, and for the defenders of the attackers this is a collision. will show, firstly, the force of the blow, how the defender or attacker hits, how much load he can accept player. for now, the system is being tested by martial arts athletes and hockey players, but in the future there is nothing stopping it from being used in other sports. in rugby and basketball, such monitoring would certainly be useful; as engineers say, work in these areas is already underway. next, how to choose an uninterruptible power supply. by the summer season, the demand for them has increased noticeably; what parameters should we pay attention to?
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conclusions, everything is accurate, the elder family found an alibi, the bed, well, look how it is located, paradoxical solutions, not you can take off your mask, why are you always nothing but problems, tadam, it all works if vosnetsova gets down to business, she’s always one step ahead, two, no, three, four, from march 18th. on rtr. we work in the interests of our
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country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, three, sign, look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie. i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes,
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yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i have no competition, here there are questions about how everything is neglected. i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously , just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one said, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 1000 is not zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the program five on one, five on... hello everyone, i’m so glad that you all came, that you’re all sad, we’re having a holiday, we’re getting a divorce!
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and the train is just bye bye, everything is leaving, the last chance to jump on the bandwagon when your friend’s advice is already they don’t help, swach, who, my ex-husband, a specialist is taking over the case, inga, your husband is also a brute, no, she is not sick, she needs to start her personal life from scratch, learn to accept love as a miracle. for pzd, sorry, for what, for those present here, hello, glasses, that is, we have nowhere to live, enter closed, on friday at rte. a flying
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car over guangzhou, china: the flight is still a test flight, at low altitude, the car stays in the air for 35 minutes and moves at a maximum speed of 130 km/h. it is equipped technologies for autonomous flight path planning, which allows you to always control the ground and return to base. well , ivan zenkevich will tell you what you can buy in our car dealerships in the coupe crossover class. coupe-shaped crossovers seem to have passed the peak of their popularity. nevertheless, such models have occupied their small but strong niche, in which even new players appear from time to time. let's compare three coupe- crossovers officially presented in russia. the first one today, one might say, is an old-timer on the market - the tula hovail f7x. the basic version is equipped with a one and a half liter turbo engine with a capacity of 150 horsepower,
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front-wheel drive with a seven-speed gearbox. robot, ground clearance 190 mm, standard equipment includes parking sensors, heating kit, keyless entry, climate control, price starts from 2,450,000 rubles. here is a newcomer who has just entered the production line of the kaliningrad automaker dfsc ax5 from the dunfen corporation. under the hood is a one and a half liter turbo engine with a capacity of 137 horsepower. gearbox, variator, drive, front, ground clearance, 200 mm. the only equipment so far includes led lights, a panoramic sunroof, all-round parking sensors plus a camera, keyless entry, climate control, and a video recorder. recommended retail price - 2.990. rub. and finally, another coupe-crossover, the jilli tugella. the base two-liter engine produces 200 horsepower, all-wheel drive, eight-speed automatic transmission, ground clearance, 204 mm. the launch version will have six
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pillows. safety electric tailgate and front seats, panoramic roof with sunroof, all-round parking sensors plus camera 360, heating kit with dual-zone climate control, price starts from rub 3,960,000. so, huaweile today offers the most competitive price, yes, the base is modest, but by paying a little extra you can already count on decent equipment, a more powerful engine and even all-wheel drive. newbie dfsc for similar money. it is offered exclusively in a front-wheel drive version with a rather weak engine, taking into account the russian assembly, the price could be more modest, but it is still far from the tugela, however, all-wheel drive is already included in the base a classic automatic, due to the non-falling roof line, crossover coupes are not very practical, but they are preferred by those who want to stand out in the crowd. this means that when choosing a model, a lot will be decided by appearance, here,
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as they say, by taste and... who killed you? where are your bodies? anna medium, premiere. today at 21:20. anyone can play a set, but not everyone will hit it. now in its seventh season, the show has amazing people. amazing people. season seven. on friday at 21:30. let's start!
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they will talk about the main things in russia abroad, in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. on in the avdiivka direction, attack aircraft of the ukrainian armed forces unsuccessfully tried 11 times to counterattack our positions, ultimately losing 400 militants and two dozen american vehicles. abrams tank, the enemy made four more unsuccessful forays in the kupinsky direction, losing two french caesar self-propelled guns and a czech vampire rszzo. in the kherson sector, the troops of the center group pushed the neo-nazis out of their position and occupied more advantageous positions. artillery , together with aviation, disabled military equipment and the enemy’s location at almost 150 areas. vladimir putin discussed preparations for a new mission to the international space station with the head of roscosmos yuri borisov at a meeting in the kremlin.
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flight for... a crew training test, a crew of three, a cosmonaut from our fraternal belarusian republic, marina vasilevskaya, who was selected from six applicants back in december of twenty-two, began training in august last year, which means she completed everything passed the exams, ready to fly, the commander of the ship is oleg novitsky, he is no longer new to space flights, the third crew member is an american astronaft. we expect that on march 21 the soyuz-25 spacecraft will deliver them to the iss, and we will be waiting for them on the ground on
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april 2. the conversation turned to the situation at the vostochny cosmodrome; the launch complex for launching the angara rocket, again the one that vladimir putin showed to the dprk leader kim chin en in september, is almost ready. the first launch will be made from it in april. borisov also reported to the head of state that a series of weather satellites had recently been launched into orbit, meteor and 18 small satellites, one of them for iran. at the meeting, the head of ruscosmos gave the president a portrait of yuri gagarin, as a symbol that everything planned would be realized. more than 1,1000 contracts have been concluded within the framework of the presidential social gasification program; over 9,000 applications have been completed. on behalf of the head of state, this support
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is received by participants in a special military operation and members of their families, veterans of the great patriotic war, parents of large families and people with low incomes. last year for over 12 thousand households were connected to the targeted payment account. now we will allocate an additional 1 billion rubles for these purposes. i ask the heads of regions to keep special control over the implementation of social gasification. everything should be organized as conveniently and understandably for people as possible. the united states on monday carried out another operation to deliver humanitarian aid to the gas sector by air. 26 thousand food packages and the same number of bottles of drinking water were dropped by parachute to the residents of the enclave. airborne assault remains the main method of delivering aid. since israel blocks land routes. the large cargo collected was delivered to the conflict area by ship, but while palestine has nowhere to receive it, the temporary berth promised by the americans until the unassembled ship is waiting off the coast of cyprus. powerful flooding in
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the south of france claimed the lives of four people, the fate of three is unknown, heavy rainfall was caused by hurricane monica. several rivers overflowed the banks, and motorists who tried to cross the flooded bridges were carried away by the current. introduced in nine departments. orange danger level, no light or water thousands of residents remained, record rainfall in aman, which has been flooded more than once since the beginning of the year, in some areas instead of roads there is a solid lake. a big festival with richly decorated elephants took place in india, the event is traditionally held in a small village in the state of kirala and is dedicated to the hindu goddess, who protects kindness , it is customary to give gifts to elephants on this day , according to belief, this guarantees prosperity and good luck, an event honoring elephants is held. in march in many countries, so in thailand will celebrate elephant day tomorrow. don't switch. novosibirsk scientists managed
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to develop high-tech equipment for monitoring gas and methane leaks in mines, as well as for medical diagnostics. physicists are ahead of the development of experimental and industrial prototypes. with details anastasia putintseva. invisible to the eyes, but very important, like the heart for a person, microscopic quantum wells, energy is formed in them, infrared laser beams, they help in searching for gas leaks in pipelines, methane in mines ( is built on special lasers. this is how diagnoses in medicine are made, the structure of this equipment looks like, a film of several dozen layers is grown onto the thinnest substrate, these are where quantum wells are located , 3 nm thick, this is tens of thousands of times thinner than a human hair. the optimal material for such structures is cadmium telorite irtuti, in a few days in an installation about m with a partial vacuum, such installations, by the way, are only available in novosibirsk, on a special substrate, as if they were grown on a tray. ultra high vacuum cake, made of microscopic films, the highlight of these
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structures are multiple identical quantum wells built in a predetermined location. not every scientific center in the world can create such films. growth occurs using especially pure substances, since we have a very pure vacuum, and accordingly , the impurities that can enter there are practically leveled, all this allows us to obtain structures. and special for the growth of laser structures. we have also developed a method for monitoring nanometer-sized structures, we we can control both the thickness and composition, we developed the technology several years ago, during the growth of each structure , defects can appear on the surfaces, their scientists also learned to control that the laser worked uninterruptedly, quantum wells in the structures must be cooled, previously a temperature of -120° was required and special expensive micro-refrigerators, the sebryas managed to make a breakthrough, raising the required temperature to -43. this will allow the use of simple and cheap
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peltier thermoelectric refrigerators, which are very small there a few millimeters a device that will emit light with a wavelength of 3-5 microns, it is invisible, it is like thermal radiation, if its wavelength is adjusted to be absorbed by gases, in the region of 3-5 microns methane absorbs very well. based on the siberian development , an experimental one has already been created at the nizhny novgorod institute of microstructure physics. laser prototype, retaining the properties of a semiconductor material with quantum wells. now scientists are miniaturizing the device ahead of the development of prototype industrial prototypes. anastasia putintseva, nikita zhernov, vesti novosibirsk. and now to the news of the election campaign. in chukotka, early voting continues for residents of remote, hard-to-reach territories; more than 3,000 people have already cast their votes there. man, this time the election commission employees came to us from the observation, reporting by
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vladimir nikitchenko. early voting continues; all residents of the country have the right to vote for their candidate, regardless of where they are. the employees of the weather station at the observation cape fulfilled their civic duty. small the weather station stands on the high bank of the anador estuary. this place is ideal not only for observing the surroundings, but the weather. five meteorologists round. here they monitor air temperature, wind, precipitation and even radiation throughout the day and transmit the readings to the main hydrometeorology department in pivek. what are the tasks of the teams? and depending on what kind of weather we have, if the weather is bad, we are always stormy, storms, storms, observations are constantly being made, we work 24 hours a day, the weather station staff is entirely female, but the work is difficult, the weather in chukotka it is rarely good, even in severe cold. and the blizzard needs to be taken care of, the weather data on which
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all life in the area depends is taken and sent. this weather station has the third category of inaccessibility; the nearest settlement is the village of coal kopje, just 10 km away, but it is not always possible to get here without special transport. the employees of the precinct election commission were lucky; the weather allowed them to come and conduct early mobile voting at the station. if there was a blizzard, we would probably come here if we didn’t hit, we had to either ride on the tricoli. or on an all-terrain vehicle. chukotka meteorologists were among the first to vote for the president of russia as part of early voting; now residents of hard-to-reach and remote territories are making their choice. i voted here for the first time, generally at the weather station and generally in chikotka. i myself am from the altai territory, we vote every time we can. i believe that every voice. until
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the days they start on march 15, the early elections of the russian president are only a few days away . voting will end the day before, at the beginning in the third week of the early deadline for chukotka , more than 300 voters have already made their choice, a total of 32,705 appear on the general lists. vladimir nikichenko, arseny gusev, vesti chukotka. all news is available on the media platform, watch, don’t switch, let’s start! come on, let's smile, morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing
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is good morning, hello, march 12 on the calendar, tuesday morning , elena nikolaeva and... it's good to turn on the tv in the morning, see moderately cheerful, awakened people, warm, alive, sincere, and not a piece of iron with microcircuits, yes, what will it teach a robot, he was hired to work in a school in the indian state of kerala, the humanoid aires knows how to answer questions, she herself gets to know the students, extending her hand to everyone. however, while aires cannot replace a person, she is more needed to attract children’s attention to the educational process. some of the students are happy to run to classes, just for the sake of...
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cnc machines, where all the rough work is done . nowadays, enterprises are increasingly equipped with essentially robots, so that modern students mastering metalworking are not terribly good at it. manicure. now in many enterprises everything is so automated that if you come into contact with a part, it’s when you insert it into the machine, or only after, when you need to measure the part. by the way, performing control measurements on finished parts is the favorite part of the work of novice turner anastasia nikitenko; for this today , machines with ruby ​​spheres are used that can detect. i don't think of turning as rough work, i rather feel like a metal jeweler because depending on the machine settings you can make anything, from small earrings to large details like this. however, not everyone is drawn to turning by vocation. unlike anastasia, stepan decided to become a turner by calculation. after studying for 2
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years as an international lawyer, the guy began to analyze the labor market; there was no shortage of lawyers. what can’t be said about the profession of a turner? i decided to do this one. retraining, looked at cnc machine operators. a cnc operator, he is in demand from the food industry to the aerospace industry. the shortage of turners is especially severe today is felt at large enterprises in the regions, for example, the lipetsk manufacturer of high-strength cast iron pipes will need dozens, if not hundreds of such specialists from day to day. based on the fact that our staff are quite old and turners, that is, we are experiencing this personnel shortage. in search of young personnel , an enterprise often has to contact suza directly; many production facilities are ready to accept even first-year students trained in the basics of turning. in this regard, there is also a stir in technical schools, if in in the nineties, there was practically no competition when entering a blue-collar specialty, but today there are about two people per place. the number of applicants wishing to enroll in this area exceeds
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the number of budget places; there are students who wish to study in this specialty on an extra-budgetary basis, and the cost of training is ours. this way, 50% more guys will be able to enroll. it is strange that this measure has so far found application only in the capital. so, the need for working professions is obvious: teach them in colleges are ready. and yet the statistics are as follows. over the past year, the personnel shortage has increased by one and a half times.
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we will discuss how to solve the problem of a shortage of qualified specialists with the chairman of the commission on education and training of the public chamber of russia natalya kravchenko. natalya, good morning. well, let's start with training, on average, a year of studying in college, well , for example, in the moscow region, is 1000 rubles, sometimes more, study for 3 years, don’t you think that the shortage is coming from here, now the regions in whose visions are , colleges and secondary vocational schools themselves, and the federal ministry of education is aware of this problem, last year the number of free places was significantly increased, the target numbers for admission and... this year, just today at the public council of the ministry of education we discussed this, and it is also planned to increase budget places, but it’s impossible to solve everything at once, free education, it is conditionally free. that is, someone still pays for this training, well , apparently the state or a future employer the state may be targeted recruitment is quite appropriate here, will the person know where
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to go? yes, elena, you are right here, absolutely , over the past 2 years the professionalism project has been developing very actively, many have heard about it, this is a program that allows you to adapt accelerated training programs in accordance with the needs of specific employers, and today this is already a very large number of secondary ... vocational school together with enterprises, well , they form such programs and actually recruit guys there, but at the same time there arises students have an obligation to work for at least 3 years at the enterprise, well, someone will definitely agree to this, because somehow they’ll invest 100,000 right away, they heard the parents and loans, mortgages and everything else, then a specialist will prepare the training, today a turner earns more than 100 thousand rubles, his salary has increased by 50% over the past year.
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vocational guidance, which is also being carried out in schools on the labor market today, for example , is developing, it will also be correlated with what specialties the most popular are, the guys in this course can visit enterprises and carry out professional tests, in general, interact. with specific employees at enterprises, but so far it seems that the demand for these personnel is growing, and the target numbers
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for admission are increasing; how quickly we will catch up or surpass it is still difficult to say, because we see that the industry is actively developing and blue-collar skills are urgently needed, there are a large federal project is a ticket to the future, where work is also being carried out with parents, but it is told and shown. what kind of enterprises are today, what working conditions are, it is clear that parents have a great, great influence on the choice of their child’s future profession, and here adults and children need to somehow be synchronized in their views. thank you for giving us the opportunity to look at the worker profession from a different angle, natalya kravchenko, chairman of the commission on education and education of the public chamber of russia, answered our questions, all the best to you, thank you, thank you, hello.
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volomka, a barney bull terrier from switzerland, wanted to take home a very long stick, but the trouble was, getting down the stairs with it turned out to be difficult, due to the obstacle in the form of a pillar and railing. the dog spun in one direction, then in the other, went down one step, but nothing helped, in despair he even dropped the valuable load from his mouth, but then the owner, who was filming this comical scene, came to the rescue. we hope that through joint efforts they coped with the task. but this is not certain, from four-legged sources of joy to uninterruptible power supplies, for the summer season...


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