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tv   Taini sledstviya-9  RUSSIA1  November 29, 2023 1:05am-1:56am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] three ukraines the west is also he, he also wants to get out of this situation while saving as much face as possible, yes - it won’t be possible to do this with zelsky, they also understand perfectly well what options what options zelsky maybe he ’s inadequate due to his strength, maybe he somehow comes in there some kind of consciousness of budanov’s wife, who poisoned her in the first place, was she poisoned, didn’t she be poisoned, you understand, a wife is not a wife, it’s different? no, this is important, because if budanov’s wife was poisoned by budanov’s lover, this is very interesting, because suddenly, i suddenly saw, that for some reason the ukrainian segment is discussing exactly this in everything, that this is a large family, she got in the way of the lovers , i can, i can say one thing with complete confidence, a russian officer does not fight with a woman, so no matter what they say, there is no one is accusing us yet, they are not accusing us there , they say she lived with him in the same office, so this is most likely a trace, that is, she
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lived with him in the same office, how are they not accusing us? you apparently didn’t have time to say so, this was the first statement she just accuses there could have become an accidental victim during our attempt to eliminate budano, you don’t know what, she eats everything for him, well, i don’t know what she eats or fail, but she’s either for him or for him, i don’t know what she’s doing, you know , but so to speak well, by the way, if i were in budanov’s place, i would actually tense up , then zaluzhny’s adjutant dies. the sbu, the sbu, is controlled by the zelsky administration, agur is controlled there, some by the british, some by the americans, so now during this, you know, there are also different everyone has curators, everyone now , it’s profitable to bang zelensky and zaluzhny and i will, they tried to present to the ukrainian society that this is a group of like-minded people, this is a group of skins, stupid cowardly skins, which today everyone will save their lives and everyone will save
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their money, everyone will run to their curator, and that curator will manipulate depending on the interests of the service or the state they represent, so i don’t, i don’t dare to make any assumptions now about exactly how tactically this will be what will happen there will be who will overload which of them first, i personally don’t care who will have less work for whom, because for us they are all enemies, but so to speak, but the fact that we are at the initial stage of their end, i have no idea , and the last is literally and the last, i think that after the revelations... we will not have any voices here and everyone here understands perfectly well that there is no one or anything to talk to in ukraine, but i would like to strengthen your position, i was surprised, when i spoke with pen azarov, i suddenly realized that there is some layer of former ukrainian political figures who think that now russia will win, and they will be returned and will bring
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them the power that they will have in kiev. this will not be for, which means that i will tell you, so that it is clear, here is general de gaulle, he himself fought for the right to lead the french republic, he was among the winners, not only because he approached comrade stalin in time, but because he did something, led red movement, and sit with your asses on the wealth stolen from ukraine and think that now having paid 20 cop, some talking heads , they will have the opportunity to return, damn it... take up arms, go to fight , fight for your homeland, lead a volunteer corps, an army, go, show how you can, then we’ll see again , what will happen to you next, they took a manner, everything is behind the russians , the objectivity of the radio, remember, a month ago i said that yanukovych, yanukovych has already gathered and is preparing, this is not azarov, this is yanukovych, this is his, so to speak,
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this i tell them all. very good, but they already realized that it won't happen, no, then they understand modern russia very poorly, they understand modern russia very poorly. explain better, let him watch our programs. first, a few remarks about what i heard, in the protests of poland, polish truckers, what i most needed was the demand of the lions to convey to the poles, yes, this is, in my opinion, the right idea, let them claim it, that is, in all seriousness. even such a topic is already being discussed, and a really well-known talking head in poland, so the topic is abandoned, yes we can discuss further about zelensky’s yachts, just before our program, zelensky signed a budget law , where the expenditure side is twice as large as the revenue side, twice that is, can you imagine, yes, well, that’s okay, there’s enough for yachts, hello, and where else can he get money for yachts, of course,
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so he has to sign. these are exactly the consumable parts, as for boris johnson and rarahamia’s revelation, you know, we focused everything on rarahamia’s statement, but somehow we missed the statement for the day: the one made by boris’s closest aide johnson, dominic kamins, well, he was just his squire, his right hand, his head, that is , he worked out the whole strategy there, led the johnson apparatus, it’s not just some guy who came from the street, he just now directly said that these are these body movements johnson regarding ukraine, the entire ukrainian strategy was developed in order to divert the attention of its public from this party gate from the party scandal, that is, during covid, that is, you think about it, yes, that is, the person needed to divert attention from
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scandals with his drinking during the epidemic, he went to ukraine and said fight, that is, it’s convenient, normal, ukrainians understand why they ultimately died and are dying, and by the way, in this regard, today’s anniversary is very noteworthy, it ’s difficult to call it an anniversary, round yes... yes, 10 years ago that same girl appeared on the maidan , that means, with a sign, i want panties and the eu, uh, yes, lace panties in the eu, not the customs union, remember, the iconic photo of the maidan, 10 years, today is the anniversary of this, i specifically climbed to see where this girl is, the dream of panties and the eu has come true, yes, they once wrote the previous one on the anniversary of the maidans, but then something was missing, right? olga znachkova, her last name, remember, she seemed to be submitting a resume somewhere in moscow, they said, then , that means, she also took part in the persecution of russian actors in kiev and so on, and then i looked at her last post in the forbidden russian
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social networks, february 23, twenty-two from the city of truskovets, that is, that’s all, after that she suddenly disappeared from social networks, yes, that is, me i guess, of course, that it’s probably. her dream of the european union and panties came true, well, since she was already on the border of europe, at the moment the war began, the borders immediately opened , they all began to be allowed in, probably she was there, with ukraine, so there was not a word about ukraine on that poster , that is, we don’t want a customs union , europe, we want cowards, that’s all, but what will happen to ukraine, how many people will die there, how much blood will be shed there, thanks to these... they didn’t really care anyway and probably already now
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life was probably a success, again i don’t dare to judge, this lady disappeared from the horizon, and when you say that where did you start about the fact that in ukraine, yes, she’s a beauty, an icon’s surname, that’s when you talk about that in russia there is immunity, in ukraine there is no, but you remember. yes, today it was no coincidence that vladimir putin said that they succeeded twice in 1917 in 1991, and we are still paying, the current generation, probably more than one generation will pay for the mistakes that committed by the then leaders, for those malicious actions against our unity that the west committed, traditionally committed and of course will commit, but at the same time you are absolutely right, because when we had... these tragedies and ukraine, well, it’s not only ukraine , of course, played a role, ukraine was part of our single state, or what was later called ukraine, it’s no coincidence, you often remembered this, i’m on the maps of various
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elections and referendums that took place in ukraine, showed a clear coincidence with the borders, historical borders, between novorossiya, between donbass and what russia and what it means became western ukraine, these borders have not been erased, have not gone anywhere, yes, this is mazeppism, which originated in malarosia, it periodically gives gatherings, and of course, this is a fertile ground that has always been and will be, for any anti-russian activity, for any kind of fuel, they can be in different ways, mazepa, petliura, bandera, who will be there next, it doesn’t matter anymore, but of course , this has historical roots, of course, this must be understood, and of course, we must understand that all this will be used against russia and us in these elections, it is not for nothing that i recently quoted the daily telegram newspaper, where these
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plans are openly presented, in the future, they will try to use, since it didn’t work out like this, yes, to weaken, destroy russia through ukraine, but let’s go from the other side, use the migration issue, which was discussed at the council today, let’s use the issue, on the contrary, use the nationalists and the race this patriotism against russia, as again there have been such attempts, so in this regard we must understand, of course, the plans for the collapse of russia in the west have not gone away. of course, they will actively use every opportunity, but this immunity must always be strengthened and nourished , i agree, advertising, you have fallen completely dependent on this low upstart of yours, but i will not allow you to make a joke out of me for fun, the main premiere of the year, here great-grandchildren, i’ll wait from you, then i’ll be completely happy... if the heir to the throne is of our zubba blood, it’s better
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i can’t find insurance, i, i’ll scream , i’m the sovereign, it’s not urgent business, report, ekaterina, favorites, tomorrow on rtr, you ’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task, open the whole scoreboard, can we handle it? if you ask, then with a hint. what character's surname from pushkin's works everyone knows, what is 7.8, 7.8, what? who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am oak trees, chopping, not, plucking, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics,
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chemistry - this is a headache kit, don't let me god now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, i am a creative person, and i need two basic things, this is silence, inspiration, on friday, i need to gain positive emotions, finally fall in love, damn it, oh, for some reason i like you, seriously, come on , character, i would even make you the hero of my novel, i’m not your prototype, i’m a living person, and if i said that i love, that means i love you, only you to me they didn’t say this, well , i’m saying it now, yaroslav boyko and his
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impossible woman, it will be a bomb, in friday on... the front, the whole twenty-second year, the beginning always sounded, all the western leaders, they said with such compassion that the russians and i would find out everything on the battlefield, and bareilles and the eu, today they talked about arakhamiu, who said that johnson stopped them, but in fact this was the general strategy, let me remind you that... they even wrote it into their national security strategy that the main enemy is china, and we must inflict a strategic defeat on the russians in ukraine, that is , they understood what you need to keep going military operations, but the forecasts did not come true, in reality they underestimated neither the potential, nor the capabilities, nor the mobilization, nor the military-industrial complex, now there is such a series of revelations, everyone started talking, i liked the way he spoke, now there was a meeting between nato and minister... of foreign affairs, and stoltenberg, he said that it would
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be very difficult to defeat the russians, but the most important thing is that further financing of ukraine is beyond nato’s strength, that is, they understand that the potential that we have now and the weapons, which is here are starting to go in the other direction, this process is very difficult to stop, today we talked about blocking everything else, because there are a lot of points on which european industry is in no hurry to transfer anything. ukraine, let me remind you, another ramshtein has passed, except for 100 million dollars in the form of real supplies at inflated prices, there is one installation, a certain number of small shells, ukraine received nothing more, an obligation to receive it next year, and maybe even in the twenty-fifth, the same germans understand that maybe ukraine won’t exist anymore, they don’t understand, they know, yes, but - the speech, maybe there won’t be germany either, the speech of the us ambassador, which means ivo dalia... on the newspaper articles politics, it went further, he generally
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says: we now have the only window of opportunity for the west to force the russians to negotiate, give them these territories and somehow promise guarantees for ukraine, it is clear that they are unilaterally fantasizing about how they can get out of this situation, because it is a stalemate, this is by the way , word the stalemate sounds from many other covers and magazines, because the situation at the front is very difficult, i will remind you that the beautifully announced... crossing of the dnieper, specially created for the nato model means a group brought together from the marines who trained the british, this is also they showed it very beautifully, the katran group should have. cutting this means our defenses and reaching crimea, these are simply suicidal attacks, when the battalions simply burn out while pointing in one direction, this is crazy for the military, of course it’s annoying, because it goes the division of the real headquarters of zelsky’s office, which does this on demand, as it was in rabotino, where we have paratroopers, which means about
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five airborne brigades, also with a beautiful name that they came up with maroon, maroon beret, they were all destroyed there. everyone wants to see the plan for the twenty-fourth military year, but how can it be done? the military probably wants to plan based on the resources that they will be given, it is physically impossible to do it, it is clear that this is a political game, but zelsky doesn’t have they don’t understand arms supplies in the near future, neither until the end of the year, nor next year, that’s what they’re arriving now, old fifty-year-old tanks, a leopard, something else, this is equipment that was contracted at the beginning of the year, and what about in the twenty-fourth , today they already said that the budget is minus... euros, this is a salary, this is money, these are the lines of defense that they talked about, as they say the line of defense of zaluzhny, which they want to set up, are now trying to put up this line of defense between nikolaev and odessa , and this is money, this is construction companies that will say, you need to buy concrete, there is something else, so there are
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huge problems, but the problem is that ukraine, as part of its mobilization, which it is currently carrying out, they have not been able to achieve any... results have really there are more than 40% less of them, let’s say, the collection, they don’t call it anything else, mobilized for the front, that is , if at the beginning of summer this fast conscription campaign, which was not carried out by force, covered the losses at the front, then now the gap has increased to 40%, that is, many more die than they manage to deliver there, this is despite the training, despite the equipment, which is also really lacking... it is clear that on the very line of combat contact from our side it is not so felt that the enemy flinched and ran, it is clear that the headquarters are maintained, it is clear that the officers , this core, which is located at a distance , is constantly present, but those units that they create to hold the position, sometimes our soldiers are brought into
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a state of shock, because groups appear on 100% of the wealthy women who were processed, who were told they couldn’t surrender, there was terrible violence from the russians, who really were there... died , more and more women are driven to the front line, not to mention the students, we understand that for future generations this of course it will be, well, a disaster, just a disaster for ukraine, moreover, the west is shocked by the story connected with our, well, probably unprecedented military budget, we have reached peak positions in, let’s say, the soviet union, practically 30% of our budget for the near future is military expenses, and the cost of our expenses cannot be compared with american ones. the cost of equipment is completely different, completely different capabilities, different numerical indicators and the military-industrial complex, which, like a new separate front , works 24/7, it updates at such a speed that the drones that are now at the front are probably ahead in technology everyone you can, because every day something new is being introduced, this is impossible,
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the main thing is not to forget to collect the vapes, this is this, that is there any because i already ran out of chips in the microwave? at 5 in the morning the kgb comes to everyone’s house, that there is no democracy of freedom, that we have just such harsh stalinism, that there is no industry, the army is stupid, it is driven by force, that is, they live in some kind of hollywood idea about the army, well
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i listened to your interview with him today, it was very informative and i remember when we asked him a question, how does this even happen, he says, why be surprised, the memory is 2 weeks, as if the population, after 2 weeks news. it’s so overwhelming that he no longer remembers what happened, like coconut fish, they have a memory of four or 2 seconds, well, here it’s a little more, it’s like there’s clip thinking, like people perceive information completely differently, but a very important point, today we had a big event held by the president , and you said the phrase that the west was planning to reformat our society, the americans were introducing this soft power, they call it soft power, as it was, then they switched to smart power, they conducted a study with this means that in the balkans, when they were pumping in a huge amount of money there, these independent organizations, reformatted to western standards, saw that russian was minimal. have a greater effect, it turned out that the memory of a generation is much more important, this is the people's memory , which comes when the perception of their war
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was joint, they beat, faith is included, these are generational things, they are key, and the only conclusion is they they called it cleo power, like a goddess, which means the stories must be cut, they must be completely cut off, here in ukraine they are conducting this experiment, completely intersecting church issues, issues of faith, general... history , they are demolishing monuments, language issues, that is , they are trying to reformat in ukraine, but as the president said today, russia is in the vanguard creating a just world, and without us it is impossible to create a multipolar one, which means a world order, i am sure that ukraine will also fall into this new multipolar world order, we will restore the historical memory of the people, you know, i am firmly convinced, that...sitting in prison, he is faithfully waiting for zelsky with victory, and it will be a shame if kolomoisky comes out of prison, but zelsky did not wait for him,
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this is me about the interview that we are discussing now, because in all difficult situations, when zelensky finds himself in a difficult situation, who always comes to the rescue? kolomoisky's devoted journalist, maychuk, she interviews zelsky, now she interviews arakhami, i will ask the question why. right now she is taking this interview, why is she raising the topic of negotiations, mistakes, failures in the negotiations, they are trying in this way, on the one hand, to update the topic of negotiations, and most importantly, zelsky has not only military, but also a political impasse, which he has driven himself into, he has said so much about russia, about putin and so on, that all geopolitical players, in principle, have a firm conviction that zelensky... is not negotiable, what does he want to say with this interview? yes, we actually wanted to sign,
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we even signed, but johnson forced us, vladimir vladimirovich, if you influence the west, we will be happy to sign, well, don’t write us off, we are ready to play some more , we, we, we are capable, we are talented, hear us, we are here, that’s the main message, i think so , you see, everything they wanted, everything they wanted to say, was taken on mine. because it’s hard for me to imagine that such a disadvantageous topic for negotiations after february 24, well, it could have raised completely different questions, if it was necessary to conduct an interview like that, besides, i just let me remind you that arahama was not in the information field for 7 months, well, he didn’t appear anywhere at all, then suddenly he pops up, but probably it’s all happening for a reason, probably not by accident, probably, or bini decided to drown him, no? no, this is exactly what i believe, i just don’t believe it, and i am firmly convinced that they still have a relationship, moreover,
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zelensky is not pursuing, zelensky is not pursuing, zelensky is not pursuing kolomoisky, zelensky is hiding kolomoisky in prison, he’s hiding from the americans in prison, you know, maybe kolomoisky will go to jail until the american elections, maybe even until the presidential inauguration, but it’s better to sit in comfortable conditions here without confiscation of property. he deserves a worthy stay in this institution, i am absolutely convinced of this, i don’t even have it, our coat of arms is already embroidered there , you know, i have no doubts about this, now about this fake negotiation with the oligarchs, this is for us and you, the people who... are loaded into this story, so to speak, well, we can look at it just like that with one glance and say it’s a fake, take it away
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because this is a fake, a layman, in fact, he has completely different evaluation criteria , in principle, this concern that is expressed during this dialogue is certainly present, and when they make this kind of fakes, they just take into account this factor that it is for it to work there there must be at least some grain of truth, but what really happens is different people. they just won’t believe it, but on the other hand, i think if the president’s office did this in order to somehow discredit zaluzhny, where can i say, the oligarchs made a bet on zaluzhny, of course, i apologize, but after the maidan, anti-oligarchic, anti-corruption , they elected poroshenko, then what kind of discredit are we talking about, well, i don’t understand how this can conditionally discredit someone there , now... regarding zaluzhny, zelsky, and so on, i have already said a thousand times,
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ukraine is a country that is completely under the americans. you understand, there, this is a stable in which there are horses that participate in races, election campaigns, yes, relatively speaking, they, as the owners of this entire stable, don’t care who comes running there first, the only thing they want to do for themselves is to have the opportunity, the widest possible corridor of opportunities for decision-making, without further ado, without unnecessary questions, without any requirements, and there are a lot of such candidates in ukraine. in this regard, zelensky is a very convenient candidate , i want to tell you, well, because he has , not only has he passed all these olympus, so to speak, yes, he imagines that he really he represents something as a politician, yes, here he is, he has this inner conviction, but besides everything else, he has interests, he has something, well, something to fight for, but this is absolutely
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not for them it is necessary, and if the question arises, of writing off zelsky, no one will leak anything to anyone, vladimirich, this does not need to be done, because the american system is designed in such a way, they work and conduct every second financial monitoring, financial monitoring of a certain circle of people who, from a political point of view vision for them are of interest, not in order to stop them before committing a crime there, just in order to control them, they do not need to leak anything, they just need to determine. the right time, the right place, in order to make the most of the information they already have. with your permission, i would like to return to the poisoning of several gur employees and budanov’s wife. remember, some time ago, budanov made a quiet trip to washington, i made
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inquiries about how it all happened, here i am i’m telling you, it means that mi6 employees, including mr. budanov’s care, were contacted by cia representatives from washington, mi-6 employees, who in kiev notified president zelsky’s office that mr. budanov was escorted to washington, well , firstly, this caused, such a negative reaction is enough, since zelensky would like his employees to have permission not to confront the fact, yes, this did not happen, then the most interesting thing is that budanov flew there, well, it is not known what they talked about there, but upon his return, budanov asked for the same quiet meeting, the head
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of the national security and defense council of ukraine, an honorary veterinarian, danilov, that means danilov, well, he directly asked the question, what was the conversation about? and budanov simply answered him in a harsh manner that it was none of your business, and said, like, if you don’t like something, he is mi-6, i resolve issues with them, i don’t want to make any parallels, but then, after a conversation between budanov and danilov, it turns out that budanov’s wife and a number of intelligence officers were poisoned, well , then again, we can speculate further, if...' everyone there will survive, that's one option, if someone is really there , well, they'll die, that's sort of another option, but the fact that budanov, he's essentially being considered for some position in a new format ukrainian authorities, this is a fact, especially in mi -6, again according to my information, they are extremely pleased with the work of the terrorist budanov,
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who carries out terrorist attacks and sabotage on the territory. colleague igor spoke about the transitions, well, in the continuation of this story with the poles, by the way, representative of the regional branch of the confederation, this russof's polish party was introduced as a peacemaker, well, in general, there is a confederation, they have their own interests there, that he is carrying out this blockade together with carriers on the orders of the kremlin, well, this is just some kind of nonsense in general, so everything in this world is on the orders of the kremlin , elections in holland, everything, everything in this world, the slovak prime minister fit contains the word, since friday, the only crossing, vishne-nemetsk, uzhgorod, which
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provides for the passage of freight trains of road transport. cargo, it will be blocked, temporarily for now, there until the end of december, that is, slovakia joins poland , here’s some more interesting information, you can look at the greek media, there were a number of statements from the greek government that there is no faith in the ukrainian authorities, and zelsky cannot be trusted. what's the point? it turns out that before the eleventh package of sanctions, it means that zelsky blacklisted greek shipping companies because they are used for transshipment purposes. transport for russian energy resources, but the greeks said, well then we we will not support one with the package of eu stations, what does zelsky do, he removes
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the greek shipping industry from sanctions, the greeks vote for the eleventh package, and as soon as the greeks voted, zelsky again introduces greek shipping companies under sanctions, now there will be a twelfth package, now the greeks are saying , and now we. we will definitely not support this package, since we already have faith in zelensky, and how can we bring it back after the vote? zelensky has already, as they say, managed to quarrel with the greeks, who sent everything, weapons and money, the greeks directly they actively worked for everything, but it turns out that zelsky seemed so ungrateful, the greeks and bulgarians will find a way to betray us, that’s for sure, it ’s just as if the gregs cannot outrun the bulgarians.
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everyone looked at the greek spiridon and nabalgarin, how hard it is for me as a jew to connect, that is, the bulgarians are not a fact, but that is, they came to us about imperialism and that very thing, you said in the very program, the most important thing that is missing, now i understand, that means , you are a rusyn, that’s right, you are a greek, igor bulgarian, i am a jew, a belarusian, yes, a russian, that is, you two russians, well, okay, i just wanted to say, okay, i won’t say anything, there is a complete internationalism, and a connecting internationality and we are all russian people, what is called historical memory, yes, that’s what was really lacking and is missing in ukraine, in ukraine, but as a state, which, for example, joseph stalin, played a decisive role in the formation of ukraine as a state, especially. in the 20th century, yes, it is precisely in ukraine that they hate him the most, because he is a cat , he is a scoundrel, he is a criminal and so on, lenin
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was loved before, at least, i apologize, at least they erected monuments to him, although lenin didn’t create them, why did you ask, our order is like this, our order is like this, teaching the communist party yes, absolutely right, yes, my friend, that’s why, so - and look, volodya, look, you we caught on that, you caught the main thing, that now, even more so, we should grab hold of that historical memory, talk, talk it out now, if the political process has begun in ukraine, and it has begun, talk it out, at least try to talk it out, listen, let’s think , and what is cementing is what we had the main thing, let's take it from history, no, on the contrary, on the contrary, the event that happened, the head of the parliament in finland , yusi hala akha, spoke in the ukrainian verkhovna rada, who spoke in ukrainian, and his speech was interrupted, well, at
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the very beginning there was thunderous applause, and then throughout the speaker, deputies stood up, applauded, applauded dozens of times, and not only because he spoke ukrainian, he spoke about the main thing, he said that we, finland, once suffered from the empire. russian, from imperial habits of the russians, yes, but we forgot our history , you ukrainians rebelled today and you aroused, awakened that memory in us, you are great, you understand, that is , he said such phrases, he said such theses that, well, i’ll say it again i say that in the ukrainian parliament, read, today’s ukrainian elite simply applauded and said, hurray, hurray, hurray, how nice it is that you are finns, and now we ukrainians are freed from this... yoke, i listened to this sabbath, volodya, i listened to this sabbath with tears in my eyes, because i understand that not a single
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there is no person who was represented in parliament or outside parliament in current ukraine, who would turn on his brains and start thinking from the point of view of the state, as you said at the very beginning, that is, building a state, our own statehood, on the basis of what, if we we deny stalin, if we deny the soviet union, if we deny everything that was... 300 years of friendship between ukraine and russia, we will say so, yes, if we now deny everything that we had even in 30 years of independence , a they put bandera on the flag, who did not... did nothing to create the ukrainian state, was not on the territory of ukraine, absolutely right, he was not a citizen, what am i talking about, this is precisely the tragedy, for now, but unfortunately , for me, i don’t see a single chance, because i don’t yet see a single person who would, well, try, at least, to speak sound ideas, this is what is happening today in today’s ukraine, in fact, yes, since everything is already a mosaic, the experts said,
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i’ll just add one last thing: yes, we understand bezugluyu, she was launched like a torpedo, she tears and rushes, because it is clear, she shields zelevsky, yes, she expresses zelevsky, he is for everything, he is right, and there are mortars everywhere, he named the generals who failed the operation in mariupol, in bakhmut and so now, well, of course, she’s just killing everyone, it’s a torpedo, they launched it, and moreover, the bbc in an interview, she says, you understand, yes, but she says, of course i coordinate my... if i, but i generate it myself, that is, i’m listening, i’m thinking where, yes, where is the person from, he’s real the torpedo just torments and torments and torments, what they say about zaluzhny, and how poroshenko came to the defense of zaluzhny, he says, if you criticize the army, then you criticize ukraine, you criticize the state, i’m listening, wait, wait , guys, it’s just that the election campaign has just started, and you’re already
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like: trumps, at this moment the deputy minister of justice of ukraine irina mudra quietly speaks, a person who is 48 years old, she became the deputy minister of justice last year , this is the first a record of her work book, she says a phrase, she says, listen, we cannot make peace with the russian federation if there is no clause on reparations from russia in favor of ukraine, bih-bih wow, i hear that sound, i think.. .wait, wait, why is she talking about peace? if zelensky signed a decree, if the verkhovna rada adopted an order that no negotiations with russia should be conducted, and here a little man acting as the minister of justice says such things about peace with russia, but on the terms of reparations. then i see that she she was never an official, she worked in banking structures, she developed mechanisms for sanctions against russia, specifically banking mechanisms, not energy, specifically banking ones, that is, she is a specialist in
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sanctions. monetary sanctions, financial sanctions against russia, she coordinates her actions with brussels, with the eu, with britain and , naturally, under the leadership of the united states of america, that is, a person who is an expert in this, it’s understandable, now why does she say this in defiance of zelensky, because she doesn't obey him, but she says volodya, not on behalf of ukraine, she speaks on behalf of the west, she was given a power of attorney, which is a little man who says: russian federation, respected, disrespected, you must pay money. because there is no one else to pay except you. volodya, this is bargaining, this is bargaining , this is a continuation of the west of the russian federation, let's bargain, yes, this is what it looks like in this mosaic, these are known stages, are you threatening us? no, after the bargaining, what happens next? yes, acceptance, why am i talking about this, because listen, with the front
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pavlovich began this note, that zelensky says, yes, we are here, here and arakhamia speaks about it, this is wise, her last name is wise, yes, well, in russian it is wise, but she is wise, she also says, we are ready, give me money, by the way , vladimirsky, rakhami, wisely, we all gathered together from the christmas tree, we don’t need you, but bear with me, the question is what, i listened to the speech of foreign minister lavrov yesterday and at primakovsky’s readings and i understand, maybe i wondered before , but i listen to lavrov, and he says, guys, what are you telling us about? talk about minsk one, you tell us about minsk two, you suggest we go along minsk 3, here i agree with you, vladimir rudolfovich, they went, but, but where did they go, they will go, they will go, they
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will go, but what will happen to ukraine? knows exactly where, that’s all, see you tomorrow, good evening, broadcast from st. petersburg, in the news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. a mighty southern cyclone, winter weather, as the northern capital resists the snowy elements. a sixteen-year-old boy urgently... needs surgery, progressing scoliosis, our viewers can help. professionals st. petersburg hosts several forums and even a championship, they talk about personnel. the pacific ocean is ahead, the
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russian navy has been replenished with a new submarine . according to meteorologists, today is the snowiest november day in the last 6 years, more than 20 cm of precipitation fell overnight alone, about the snow storm and its consequences, lyudmila burim. this morning , not only the janitors had to pick up shovels, but also the townspeople, who nevertheless decided to go to work on car. it wasn't easy. during rush hour the situation remained tense, both for private cars and for public transport. at the corner of tverskaya and tavricheskaya , a bus got stuck in the snow porridge. they will run, what should they do? complicating the situation was strong winds of up to 17 m/s. it blew away not only pedestrians and brave couriers, but also the snow itself. in pulkovo , 13 flights were delayed due to bad weather, not only
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from the airfield, but from all over the city. during these 24 hours , 13,000 cubic meters of snow were removed, the water utility reports. most samosfalov immediately snow-melting points were sent, their capacity allows them to receive about 10 times more, but just in case, four snow receivers were opened in st. petersburg. all facilities are prepared for the season in a timely manner and are open. 10,000 cubic meters were received from enterprises subordinate to the housing committee and the improvement committee, about 3,000 cubic meters were received from other enterprises, primarily western high-speed ​​diameter. all snow collection points are fully staffed and equipped with all the necessary equipment. how the city is coping with the elements, they said this morning at an emergency meeting in the government of st. petersburg, it was held by governor alexander biglov. the agenda includes reports from all services involved in eliminating the consequences of the cyclone. the road workers reported. at night , 860 snow removal vehicles set out on highways.
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3,500 street cleaners, about a thousand units of small-scale mechanization, worked on the pedestrian streets. both the road workers and the district housing agency showed coherence. there are indeed certain problems, but the most important thing is sweeping main highways , this is the sweeping of sidewalks, this is a metro station, public transport stops, also social infrastructure, schools, kindergartens, clinics, these approaches should have been provided first of all. the main difficulty during cleaning, according to members of the city improvement headquarters, is the large number of parked cars. motorists were asked to pay special attention to road signs; occupies only that side of the street that is not on the schedule communal worker. in the courtyards within the block, we kindly ask you to park cars closer to the sidewalk so that cleaning equipment can pass, because unfortunately not all residents comply with this rule and the passage of our equipment causes great difficulties; one of the most sensitive tasks in st. petersburg
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in winter is cleaning roofs , there are more than 13,000 of them in the city, today there are 550 roofers on the staff of utility companies, and if necessary, their number will increase by another 2,000 people, however... the main problem is not the cleaning the roofs, and coordinating with those who then work below. governor alexander beglov ordered that the cleaning be synchronized so that the janitors, who had already paved the way for the citizens, would not have to do the job twice. however, he noted that there were still several snowy days ahead and called on the townspeople to help as much as they could. this is our joint work and uh, we need to tackle this problem together. i think it is necessary to strongly recommend that st. petersburg residents not use personal information. transport for this period of time, do everything necessary to clearly walk around public transport schedule, that’s why, well, you just have to survive this disaster, st. petersburg residents are promised not to be left alone in the face of the elements to help city services
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, private equipment will be released in the near future, specialized committees helped with this. dump trucks and loaders are what is most necessary now, we are grateful to our construction organizations at the moment... at the moment , at least 200 units of road construction equipment have already been allocated, the work is organized, just like last year during heavy snowfalls, assistance to construction organizations will be provided. all this equipment will definitely be needed; weather forecasters do not promise any clearing in the sky in the coming days. a slight respite may occur on wednesday, november 29, but already on the 30th and the first, at least 15 cm of snow will fall again. lyudmila burim, leonit apana. petersburg. but residents of the kalininsky district in the morning were faced not only with the consequences of snowfall, but with flooding that flooded the intersection of nauki avenue and obruchev street. a powerful fountain came out of the ground in a few tens of minutes, without the busy road turned into a lake,
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and the routes of three trams had to be temporarily changed. the st. petersburg water utility reported, and two emergency crews were sent to the site. the cause of the flood was a pipeline with a diameter of half a meter; it did not withstand the load test of time. the water has been turned off and work is underway at the site. residents reacted to the situation with humor, at least there was a little less snow. warned against being reckless. fsb officers prevented a resident of st. petersburg from joining the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces. the intelligence services have become it is known that the man repeatedly contacted a certain ukrainian paramilitary organization to participate in special operations on the enemy’s side. his actions could ultimately become the basis for charges under a fairly serious criminal article, treason . during the conversation with the officers, the man realized the error of his actions. he repented, the fsb issued an official warning to him. behind in st. petersburg , a solemn ceremony was held to transfer a new submarine to the navy.
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at the top of the felling they lower the state flag, andreevsky is raised at the stern. this is a tradition. it is at this moment that the ship becomes part of a combat unit. mazhaisk, already the fifth boat of project 636, transferred to the pacific fleet. the name is in honor of the city of military glory. submarines of this series are also called warsaw submarines. they were developed in soviet times, a modern product of deep modernization. ships of the third generation, they are almost silent, for which they are called black holes, thanks to improved search equipment, today these submarines can detect the enemy at a huge distance long before they are discovered themselves, these ships are primarily carriers, carriers of high -precision long-range weapons, you correctly said, this is the caliber of the missiles, like the ship, which are reliable . the sixth boat of this series, yakutsk, is currently being built; it will also be part of
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the pacific fleet. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov. the frost is moderate, the precipitation is insignificant, the wind is not strong, weather forecasters promise all this in the st. petersburg region on wednesday. thenhydra center of st. petersburg. on november 29 in the leningrad region it will be cloudy with clearings of -4-6 the thermometers will show during the day in the rook field, it may be a degree cooler in tifina and baksitogorsk, also about 5° below zero is expected in volkhov, kirishi, gatchina in vyborg. light snow is possible at times in st. petersburg in the northern capital during the day , partly cloudy -5-7 degrees and of course difficult on... on the roads, on thursday night, the temperature will not change significantly, have a good day, in
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any weather. the joint project continues our television company, one of the largest charitable organizations in the country, rusfond. tv viewers can contribute to raising money for the treatment of seriously ill children. this time, sixteen-year-old vovya mostryakov needs help; due to scoliosis, he may be bedridden. elena vlazhanina will continue. will you show your back? here. by the age of 16, volodya mastryukov had already undergone several operations, but now even standing in a walker without assistance is extremely difficult for him, in addition to the main diagnosis of cerebral palsy, vova’s scoliosis is progressing, straighten it up, nothing, don’t worry, you’re a young man, soon you’ll be able to stand like that without any problems, despite a serious diagnosis , the boy learned to ride in a wheelchair, and a few years ago doctors even corrected the dislocations of his hip joints, vova began to confidently stand at the support, walk, but during the time without a corset, he simply could not wear it, the spine was bent so much that


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