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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  November 13, 2023 9:30am-9:55am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] he coped with everything, but here you just don’t need to criticize him, which is normal, look, it’s good, like a hop, come on , that’s it, well, he won, yes, everything is fine, that’s why it’s necessary here, he said that i believe the fact that ukraine will reconquer its territories, the question is, do you believe in bigfoot, well, in fact, too, roughly comparable, yes, that is, you no longer believe. who besides him, zelensky still believes, zelensky is not the only one who believes, you know , even this representative of the security council believes, how do they have a ball or whatever his nickname is, the lugansk bandit ball, aka danilov, aka danilov, he said that we practically occupied the crimea there, there’s just a little bit left , as i understand it, 2-3 glasses will be all and it will be occupied,
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there’s a little bit left, so here we are, that’s another question altogether, you’re probably already this is a completely different story, so i think that the next president of ukraine, of course, should probably be a psychotherapist, because well, there are too many people per square meter who think differently, then you can rule the country, so do you think why he doesn’t hold elections, how to say, before it was like the series servant of the people, since they took servant of the people. the servant of the people party got together, and now no one gives money for the series, clown, servant, self-propelled grandfather, you see, there is no such series, that’s how it will be, maybe it will be a choice, but there is no other option, that’s what concerns all the same america, there are a lot of interesting things there, like where they were in the brothel
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, in short, they interrogated the elite there... or something, i don’t know, i honestly haven’t been, i don’t know, i can’t say for sure, i just have such experience no, but they weren’t in this, i don’t think there were any others either, you know, in this, yes, they are elite after all, but another question is what they said there, that we use these women, which means many times, so they are more profitable, than drugs and weapons, then expose them to the ukram... so to speak, these girls, let them be used there many times, not like weapons, weapons have arrived, once and no, that's it, goodbye, by the way, here in this beauty contest, in which margarita, in my opinion , is participating on our behalf, where are the transvestites, everything is hers there is no chance, there is no need to participate in such competitions, there is no need, this is just, well , these are our beautiful girls, and they will
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compete with whom, that is, are you wondering? well, this is some kind of tinny thing, they will come, hello, we have come, we will participate in the koska, just a minute, a minute, let's see which of us is more beautiful, well, these are, well, think about it, transvestites, but today there is a competition , so they just published the footage, got to the beauty contest, met their competitors, finally met transvestites and gave them alyon sweets. well, well, it’s just an idea, the world has gone crazy, here it is, it really feels like something is happening, well , on top of that, for example, blinkin says, we’ll be terribly watching over there china, so that they don’t supply weapons to us there , but we don’t know yet, that is, we
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supply everything we want there. throughout europe, everything is nato, ukraine, well, that’s normal , that’s different, and you’re here, we’ll keep an eye on what will happen, well, here they are for us, and what will happen, well this, this is just some kind of ponopticon, which he says like this, and you think, but is this person normal or not, that is, you are all at war with us, we must treat you somehow, then you are not right , what do you promise, there are billions, billions, billions, they don’t know what to do anymore, she... god forbid, you do something with china there and what will happen? they are simply amazing people, and we must perceive them as normal people, we also say, here they have some kind of epiphany in europe, yes, why did it start an epiphany, there are slovakia, the rooms there are already saying something, we should look at the negotiations somehow, and even this peter pavel, who is the general of the czech republic, also
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says, well, ukraine could lose, something like this territory they will have a worse position, i ’m not sure i’m talking about how retired, as if they are resigning, they immediately immediately become somehow insightful , understandable, like the general buddhesphere on there , too, you showed him, says that well, that’s it, even if the entire north atlantic alliance is help nato, ukraine, she still will lose, and why do they say that, they are making a mistake, because ukraine has already lost, it’s clear, i’m only a matter of time, and then what, and then they, and we were against it, no one said anything before, something peter pavel, this czech, czech, all the time he was just saying, put down the weapons, put down the weapons, come on, more , let's more, and now, you know, somehow this is not very good, now you all bastards will say that , you’ll all start talking, from small to large, it’s only a matter of time,
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you’ll start talking, you won’t go anywhere, you won’t the first time, well, the coolest thing is that they understand only one thing, when we stood there in berlin, they understood everything, and when we stood near paris in 814, they also understood everything, but now they don’t understand yet, because we... are too far away from kiev, well, we’ll be fine, we’ll be, then you’ll start talking, and this is , as they say, ukraine forward, let’s move on , they’re really continuing the offensive, they’ve only changed the model of the rake, and so they’re stepping on the same rake, this general guyat stated that the russian federation do not destroy bridges across the dnieper river, although they counted about twenty bridges there, due to the fact that the russian federation. are preparing for a large-scale offensive, planning to use these bridges, but this was actually stated by an ex, albeit a very high-ranking, very respected, but ex-general of the bundesfer, scholz himself just
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announced that germany is preparing for a long war with the russian federation, the war is not will end in the near future, and a russian victory means the collapse of the alliance, look. it's sad to realize that we we are not living in the most peaceful times, and the threats to our security are more obvious than ever. we need armed forces capable of defending our country, armed forces ready with personnel and equipment to protect the security of the alliance zone, wherever they are needed. unfortunately, there are no signs yet that russia will end its war against ukraine. but this is not a reason for pessimism. the €100 billion special fund is an important first step to enable us to reach nato's target for the first time in three decades at 2% in 2024. that is why we must be
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prepared that the conflict may continue for a very long time. german defense minister estorius wants to put the country on alert. chaig came to this conclusion. the german ministry of defense believes that it is necessary to restore the defense industry and carry out. structural reforms, create more attractive conditions for military service, it is clear that all this is not so that some kind of ukraine wins, they consider ukraine a loser, they are preparing for war with us, we will return, civil strife is brewing, power is needed there, strong, the main premiere of the year, who are you going to fight with? who are you going to war against, mr. master? she can forget betrayal, my severity is unbearable, i live in this country, remember that
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ekaterina alekseevna is fair and knows how to be grateful. she offers you life and does not deceive you with empty promises. but he doesn’t forgive betrayal, but just be honest with me, always. congratulations. have made a dizzying career, well, don’t be afraid of me, ekaterina, favorites, if the road has ceased to be dear to you, do not force, torment i won’t either, today on rtr, you’re watching 100 to one, we have some kind of... open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then there’s a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it will be
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7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor , i would like to chop, not, pluck, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for headaches, god forbid now if you... every saturday and sunday on rtr, crystal date, crystal gift, bitterly, on friday, i was in love with you, like crazy, now you love me too, even more, sashka, someone else’s family doesn’t give others peace, handsome. rich, but why not mine? i
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won't miss him. yuri baturin, sash, i’m pregnant and i’ll have to give birth, that’s great, we’re getting married now, maria kulikova , hello, this is marina, i’m expecting a child from your husband, i hate you, no, i have a new number now, a new address , new job, new life, hor. happiness, marina, we need to talk, she doesn’t want to, we ’ll figure it out somehow without you, on friday on rtr, i got it for treatment with my wife, drop it three times a day, and the vision becomes clear, some scraps of paper, we need to find ntragent there, can we
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see it? a man from moscow falls in love with a beautiful girl from the provinces, i was late for home, the beginning of the episode, i didn’t watch the history of a big country on friday on rtr, look , love is... you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to see, look, let’s see , look, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, let's sign up, look, look, maybe we'll go to my place, just watch a movie, it's time to understand that
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it will not be possible to win a victory over russia on the battlefield, the kremlin said today. in this regard, peskov said that the sooner the kiev regime understands the futility of war, the sooner negotiations will happen, but ukraine has its own vibe. they said that there was no counterattack, it was a psycho-operation against the russians. kiev wanted to spoil our mood and cause anxiety. and in this regard... he killed 90,000 banderaites. the war is not only waged on the ground in the air, but in the minds. ukrainian psychological operations in the future will be studied in textbooks, one of the most successful is the counter-offensive. for several months we deceived the enemy, claiming that we were conducting a large-scale ground attack. cyber ​​troops dispersed this thought in the minds of enemy social networks. i've been russian for several months now. are subject to a powerful psychological attack, while our
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troops are gaining strength and getting stronger for a real counter-offensive, mikhail mikhailovich, they say the counter-offensive is not real, let’s begin, let's start with something a little different, and not with all sorts of nonsense, but behind the words of the high-ranking bundwehr general kuyat, you can still feel a solid school, a lot of experience in serving in operational-strategic headquarters. and good military analytics, it makes no sense to argue with the general’s assessments, one can only agree with them, in this regard, it is still advisable for us to move on to other figures, in particular the president of ukraine, vladimir zelensky, said that we have a plan , but i would like to remind you that you had it at the beginning of june this year, after all, it seems that the president of ukraine, he doesn’t know the definition of war that he gave at one time, the command of multinational forces in the war in the first
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gulf war, general norman schwarshoop, he said about the war something like this: many people see war as a ballet , the actors enter the stage one by one and perform their steps. in fact, this is what happens, as soon as the music starts, some son of a bitch appears from the orchestra pit with a rifle and a fixed bayonet, starts chasing the ballerinas, your plans go to hell mother, i think that this is a very noteworthy definition , and as for, very figuratively, as for: the assistance of the armed forces of ukraine in this counter-offensive, then again it’s similar, because you always need to act in accordance with the situation, so that you had some kind of multi-variant planning, but the fact that they attacked for 4 months in the same directions and advanced 17 km , exactly there, i wouldn’t say they’re advancing, i would say
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they continue to attack, yes that’s right, well that’s it somehow this is a little different from mine ideas about the art of war. but what still needs to be done in order to maintain victory in the war? well, as napoleon said, the strength of an army lies in what , in mass multiplied by speed, in this regard , i’ll give two historical examples, at one time american generals during the vietnam war told congress, we need 50,000 people to succeed, okay - congress said, please 50, after a while they say: 50 is not enough, let’s give 100, they gave 100, then 200, then 300, then 400, they stopped at 550 and what if from the very beginning at the beginning it was 550, well, perhaps the situation developed differently, in this regard , it also deserves attention, our domestic experience, purely positive, defense minister andrei grechko before the danube operation, i remind you, this is the introduction of troops into czechoslovakia,
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he told members of the politburo, if there will be less than 25 divisions, i’m not getting involved, but he was still a front-line soldier, he knew what he was talking about, and when the troops entered czechoslovakia, well , there was practically no armed resistance, well, it’s impossible to fight a waterfall, right, when on every at the intersection there are five tanks each, this is a different approach, again, now , as for the ukrainian side, you can develop whatever plans you want, you can write on paper whatever, as they say, your heart desires, it’s another matter how these plans, they will be filled with personnel, weapons, military equipment, and other material resources, in fact , without this... it is impossible to fight, but by and large, zelensky again said: “we have plans for this year to next" yes, the whole implementation of your plans depends on only one thing: whether big brother will give you weapons and military equipment or not , only the success of your actions will depend on this, and as for big brother,
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he is, by and large, well, let’s say figuratively, in the fire of the ukrainian armed resistance lays down a log, and even then once a month, and even then the log is not the thickest, with such, with such supplies of military equipment, there is a chance for military success, i would say, not that there are very few, there are practically none, so the ukrainian military-political leadership needs to look for non-military solutions to the problem, it is unpromising, the solution is only in a political solution, and in my opinion, please know, ol, i usually don’t comment on these juicy topics, but today apparently i have to , because i want to stand up for 4 billion women. yes, which exists on planet earth, but i am absolutely convinced that, of course, some transgender person will be chosen as the winner. i don’t know how they reacted to the gift of chocolate alyonka, i think they were very disappointed, because in fact they were waiting for some , alyonka, yes, some fishing hooks
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of the fourth size, or, well, the third, and, well, in case of emergency, a bottle of vodka, well, because , because it is intolerant to ignore their inner. men’s world, well, we just don’t understand these subtle nuances, so with gifts here we need to approach this question much more subtly , a briefcase would be suitable, now regarding biden, you know, well, there’s nothing special to discuss here, that’s of course, let the americans wonder what will happen to america if biden is elected for another term, everything is much simpler for us in this regard, we don’t even need to guess, because biden is a sober person, this is what happened to our country, the soviet union, degradation in the economy and in all spheres during the yeltsin period, i think, well, here it seems to me that every russian could give them a lesson about what actually happens to a country when
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a president who is completely inappropriate for a given time and place can lead this this country, now let's get back to our counter-offensive, or is it a dead end, is it a dead end or not, debates are going on, once again there was no counter-offensive, it didn't start, but it didn't happen and never happened, i'm talking about a dead end, you know, what kind of solutions, what kind of zelsky did not make a decision, he still found his dead end, he still found it, and why did he find it, because in fact he ignored three turns, so he walked and walked in the political labyrinth, it says, but there is minsk, he says, no, we won’t go, next comes paris, no, we won’t go there. further goes istanbul and we won’t go there, it’s reached a dead end, what to do when you’ve reached a dead end? right, where is the easiest way to get out of the dead end, where is the entrance, where is... the entrance, so you need to go back and look where you need to turn off the military path in order to
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somehow get out of this dead end, you know, what is the difference in the approaches of zelsky zaluzhny, zaluzhny is a military man, when he talks about a dead end, he understands what he’s talking about, because well, you understand, even when you, when you have nowhere to retreat from, yes, it’s still you have two options left, either to fight, so to speak, continue to fight until destruction and destruction, so to speak, or go surrender, two options, and when you have nowhere to advance, there is nowhere to advance, because over these 5 months they have already tried to break through in this defense in all directions, i don’t know what danilov means, you asked a question, i , for example, would be at a loss how to answer it, because such are our successes in the crimean direction, this is where, this is how, where is this, is that you? assumed it was kherson, and he, for example, will assume that this is zaporozhye, yes, and i will say, yes, in general, we need to go from there from the donbass, yes, where is this
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crimean direction, where is this success, it really doesn’t exist, well, you understand, i sometimes it’s difficult for me to comment on some statements of ukrainian officials, because i get the feeling that they are not really on friendly terms with her, they just sleep with her at night, frolic, you know, and then go out in public and start all this under emotions, under under all this they begin to carry, well, the last thing i’m talking about... it’s so common unity on this issue, it would seem that zelensky has tough ones inside the country, poroshenko alone is worth it, yes, but even he, even he says that no, well, elections probably don’t need to be held now, and you think, that this is a concern for the country, do you think that he is worried about the future? no, this is absolutely thoughtful. remember zelsky’s statement, a stadium is a stadium, and now they tell him, a dictator is
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a dictator, and now you take full responsibility for everything that will happen, and what will happen, they know for sure that there will be no victory exactly, and it will get worse and worse and worse, why should the opposition share responsibility with zelensky, and provoke him there so that he can then say, you know, we wanted to win, but inside the country we were undermined by poroshenko, tymoshenko, i don’t know there boyko or whoever else is there and they are guilty of the fact that, so to speak, our counter-offensive failed, they stole victory from ukraine, no, they are silent and say, you decided, you are a dictator, go and lose, we have prepared such a backpack for you , we will pack it for you, all your scandals are corruption, we’ll push reznikov there, you’ll lose there and you’ll go on a long, long journey, that’s the whole plan , so they’re in no hurry, they know there will be a failure, that’s why there’s no active political life in ukraine today, but there’s still elections
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there will be, zelensky just doesn’t yet understand how he will be removed from this position, and i have no doubt that he will be removed , well, ermak, who claims that there will definitely not be a minsk 3, and zelensky is going to the end where the end is, that is the end, you have come, i not me, i have never felt anything, i have never heard not only about pressure, but even about a proposal regarding...
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this is not discussed in any format, the position is unchanged, the conditions regarding our territories, before our independence, before our sovereignty, sovereignty, unpleasant, and our stories today, we don’t hear this from any of our partners, this is not a subject for discussion today, i believe that this is... post, for example, or cnn, we’ll come back if we don’t if we want to touch everything with our own hands, then other people’s hands will do this, are already doing all this... work, it is aimed at constantly forcing


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