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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  November 9, 2023 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] the election of the head of state in ukraine is still far away, and the decision itself has not yet been made, but nevertheless, four of these candidates have already emerged and we can name them, this is certainly vladimirsky himself, this is general valery zaluzhny, who enjoys, well, great fame and authority , who is into this... this is alexey aristovich, who is playing, in my opinion, the most dangerous card in his election campaign, that is , he is trying to reach the common sense of ukrainians who are poisoned to the limit by the poisonous seeds of chauvinism of nationalism, this is very a risky move on his part, but nevertheless he is trying to do it; finally , the fourth candidate is the head of the main
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intelligence department, kiril budanov. why do i say that this is the fourth candidate? it would seem that he is the head of just the main directorate, but nevertheless, after all, a man of hearing, now ask someone for a discount who is the head of the main operational directorate of the general staff of ukraine, but no one will say who is the head of the main organizational directorate, which is the leading plays a role there in the formation operational purpose, but no one will say either, this is just rumor, and most importantly , please note, i’m only talking from a military point of view, he keeps... making statements that go beyond his competence, as the head of the main department, he makes a statement, we used to call it a flight of non-duty, he always makes a statement either at the level of the head of state, or at the level of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, in any normal army such a person should be, well, firstly, immediately receive a slap on the cap, be removed from office and
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sent for re-education, well, that’s how it is in normal armed forces, this thing is demoted, well, sometimes how can it be reduced in military rank by one step, for example, like this, but this one remains in his place after all these statements, which, well, absolutely do not correspond to the position they hold, well, on top of everything , let’s ask ourselves this question again, when , for example, general zaluzhny, well , we’ll allow a little fantasies here, developed a plan to carry out his famous counter-offensive, who should he listen to first of all? theirs. the chief of reconnaissance, correctly, who should report to him the conclusions from the assessment of the enemy, what groupings there are, what the nature of the defensive lines are, what the enemy plans to do, but if the contour ended in such a deafening failure, in general, strictly speaking, a failure, again in the words of himself zaluzhny, then probably the measure is again who to attach first, to the intelligence chief, who disoriented the commander-in-chief, but nothing happens to him, the person
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remains at his post, what is this about? says that after all, there are probably some forces behind him that are equal in influence to zaluzhny and even zelensky, because zelensky should , so to speak, put him in order, lead him to a normal battle, one might say , well, so four candidates, in my opinion, have already emerged. as for the forms and methods of using our now armed forces, since sometimes the expression is used that ours are almost conducting a strategic defensive operation in ukraine. what should be said in this regard? firstly, yes, indeed, in the system of strategic actions there used to be such a form of use of armed forces, but what did it mean, firstly, this should be the main command in the theater of military operations, and the strategic defensive operation itself should be carried out with the participation several fronts, air armies, and naval forces there, it must be led by
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a commander in the theater of military operations. and so on and so forth, again, and the enemy must conduct a strategic offensive operation in this in this case, we fight, for example , near rabotina and near klischeevka, kurdyumovka, we believe that this is a strategic offensive operation on the part of the enemy, we somehow have such strategies now, somehow we sharply increase their rates in this regard, therefore i personally think so, the military themselves, with their, so to speak, plans and formulations in this regard, do not share with us, but i think that the decision... all the documents were processed in this case, so in my opinion there is an obvious exaggeration, but this is me speaking from a point from the point of view of a devotee of military knowledge and the corresponding terminology, because it is correct to name, correctly understand, we devote quite a lot of time to the american political system, the ukrainian one, but with your permission i would like to return to the statements of two russian ministers, very
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important statements, with one round table on issues of ukraine, where he quite rightly noted that western sanctions against russia are forever, yes, there may be different sanctions, but they really are for a long time forever, on the other hand, vikotoch correctly noted, that the main goal of sanctions is not so much to inflict a military defeat, the failure of the counter-offensive suggests that the west will probably not succeed in this scenario, on the contrary, i hope that we will have a scenario of victory in the confrontation with the collective west, and the sanctions will come first directed against the population of our country in order to cause discontent. what is the key recipe for preventing this from happening ? gennady andrevich zyuganov has spoken about this more than once - this is building a society of social justice. the more just the society, the less chance there is west to implement its scenario. and even according to
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the statement of mr. syulanov, whom we have criticized more than once, he clearly says that adequate actions are needed, just as the west is seizing our assets, so russia must ensure the non-return of the freeze. western assets that are invested in our country, but the best recipe is not the recipe from siluanov, but the recipe expressed by the president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimovich putin, after the start of a special military operation, turning to russian business, which is the safest, most profitable place investment is our own economy, our own country, and so it should be, from the point of view of western political games between democrats, republicans, listen, well, everyone has their own... scenario, yes, the republicans, during this deadline, before the start of the election campaign during the presidential election campaign, it is necessary to show the maximum ineffectiveness
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of mr. biden’s activities, including in the ukrainian direction, and even now it has become completely obvious, look what they will invest in a war against our country of 100 billion, which is 10 billion, well, in a key way, will not change anything. but it is possible to maintain tension on the line of contact, including by speaking against russia, using smaller, minimal means. well, of course, the american imperialists will not spend extra money plus hurt biden from the point of view of the stability of the ukrainian political system of different scenarios, and there may be a huge number of scenarios, let’s remember the vietnamese war and in south vietnam there were five inaccurate regimes during the vietnam war the dictators were changed, and of course, what is the agenda, of course, not a military agenda, yes, because the entire elite, the same zaluzhny, and budanov, and zelensky, they are actually corrupted by the west, to a greater or lesser
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extent, but the corrupted west, so the scenario is the same , anti-corruption, they stole in ukraine, they always stole after the collapse of the soviet union, there was money-grabbing, corruption has always flourished, so this is the best scenario to present to western society, therefore... this dictator, a puppet, can be exchanged for another puppet dictator, but the residents of ukraine will not get better from this, we really need to denazify ukraine and transfer the country to a neutral status, in the future this state should become a friendly state in relation to the russian federation, but we must decide its fate, fighting nazism, fascism and necessarily having won in this fight, news that, in fact, has been with us for the entire last day, because there are a lot of messages coming in about our assets, seized and their seizure, putin has just signed a decree according to which part of the blocked foreign assets in russia can be exchanged for
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assets of russians frozen in the west, the document has already been published, i would like to once again focus on what these assets are, we say so, our assets, russian assets, we they have already said that this is the money of doctors and teachers. military, public sector employees, the entire public sector , ordinary workers, ordinary employees, because they have been confiscated and are now trying to transfer them to ukraine, not the oligarchs’ money, this is 300 billion dollars, the approximate equivalent of the reserves’ money russian federation, the very taxes that were paid, then they were invested in order to extract... in order for the state to earn money, in order to replenish the reserve fund or the budget with this money, in order to spend it for development, who will tell
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you otherwise that this is the money of the oligarchs, which in fact needs to be seized, to help ukraine, spit in his face, this is your money, the money of ordinary russians, which is the west, that very liberal democratic west, you and i stole, we will not just survive, we we will live on, develop and definitely win, but we need to get this out of the way, they are stealing what belongs to others. let's go back, i want to know what nonsense you're up to, the main premiere of the year, full stop grigor sanovich, let's hope my uncle didn't reveal this secret, there are too many people, and you love my grandmother, with all your heart, you said what to love it’s impossible for me, but you were mistaken, what do you say,
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are you happy? ekaterina, favorites, today on rtr, many of you check your email first thing when you wake up, and i, of course, am no exception, like phedryn, oskaty to the goddess, the champagne opened and disappeared, the degree is higher. do you want to get a sea of ​​positive emotions? tours to abkhazia, i spent a week on vacation in a skirt, i could barely fit it in, you are at the right place, everyone here will lift everyone’s spirits, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, but a man has to earn money, i earned such money yesterday from my wife, in broadcast of the morning mail and i am its presenter, nikolai baskov. the most positive:
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morning mail with nikolai baskov through sunday on rtr. it is for you? well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, attention. u today is a big day for us, a big holiday. dashing, we haven't seen each other for a long time, cheap. well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for mine words, heroes
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of their time, beauty, the whole brigade, just watching on the platform, russia is a country of which we are proud, we are proud to bring light and warmth around the world, we are proud to watch forward, creating new paths in the oceans and overcoming gravity. we are proud of our successes, but we never rest on our laurels. discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition. the time for hunting has not yet come, we will wait until the morning. let's look at the weekend. maybe you killed him?
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leana, wait, she doesn’t even remember me , she doesn’t remember the death of her father either, i want my life back, it will take us a month, which means that in a month the commission will confirm the complete incapacity of the grapevine, when around hopeless darkness, captain, lena is missing, you're also in love with her ... loser, remember, dawn will definitely come, attention, fire danger, i will always be with you , you hear, at dawn on saturday on rtr, anton shagin, you so they didn’t recognize my father, in my youth i made an attempt to find him, i found out his address and went there, but no one opened the door for me, my mother didn’t, but i wanted... to find a second loved one, my father, probably this is
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an attempt to return love, he generally knows about you, but he obviously doesn’t suspect that i his son, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, you know what i will do first when i buy this hotel, that i will throw you out of it to hell in the middle of the night, it shouldn’t be like this and it won’t be like this, a hotel for two . premiere on saturday on rtr. nato, in violation of its own doctrines , is trying to go beyond its geographical boundaries into asia in order to cause an escalation of the situation in this area. central military council of the people's republic of china, zhang yusa, russian president said that moscow and beijing are reacting to the actions of the west in a balanced manner strengthen their defense capability, contacts between russia and china in the military and military-technical spheres
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are becoming increasingly important, russia and china are not building any military forces. alliances following the example of the cold war, our interaction with you is constructive and is a serious factor in stabilizing the international situation, we are working in the economic sphere, and quite effectively, trade and economic relations are developing at a good pace, and of course, they are becoming increasingly important our our cooperation, our contacts in the military and military-technical sphere, bearing in mind modern types of promising weapons that will certainly ensure the strategic security of both russia and the people's republic of china,
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we see attempts by some countries to expand their zone of influence, and the north atlantic alliance, no matter how it is strange, in violation of its own doctrinal documents, it is making attempts to go beyond, beyond the geographical boundaries of its activities, more and more the united states is drawing in all countries alliance in creating a tense situation in the asia-pacific region, they are trying to create new military-political alliances there, including regional countries, i am guided by my own, frankly speaking, selfish interests, but we see all this together with our friends, including and above all with people's republic of china, we are reacting to this calmly, measuredly, strengthening our defense capabilities, the russian federation, under
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your leadership, is stubbornly standing in the face of extreme western sanctions, which shows that no difficulty bends you and russia, for this the chinese side. expresses respect to you, we came to russia this time to implement your important agreements with chairman xi, and to further strengthen bilateral military cooperation, and the story about western hypocrisy, the most vulgar double standards, the death toll in the gas sector has already exceeded 10,500 people, 4,324 dead , these are children, more than 2600 wounded since the moment the state department asked today, excuse me, but this is definitely not genocide, why do you always condemn the russians and forgive everything tel aviv, how why - potel answered, because,
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this is different, he said it straight out, president biden accused the russian government of genocide in ukraine, but we support it. israel killed more civilians in a month than died in ukraine in 2 years. how do you explain this contradiction? making such a comparison is incredibly inappropriate. wonderful. the united states has no funds left for direct budgetary support to kiev. without new appropriations, government aid could cease completely, the us agency for international development just reported, the same usaid. vladimi, yours, we are now observing such a rather rare phenomenon in the animal world, when fvost commands the dog , why, because zelsky began to bite the hand of the giver, he snaps, he said before, there will be no elections, then there will be elections, then again there will be no, but
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this is not evening yet, the time period is until december 21, when , according to the constitution of ukraine, which was trampled , i think, no, the parliament... must announce the start of the electoral process 90 days in advance, but zelsky can overplay his hand here, but the question arises, here i have, as a lawyer and citizen, and why does the west stand so in elections, in american legislation, and in the constitution, laws, of european countries in russia, there is a general provision that during war and martial law elections are not held, because elections are not a result, elections are this is primarily about procedures, yes, but how to conduct elections when , for example, during martial law, there is a ban on assembly, for example, and how to announce and conduct elections of 8 million ukrainians, citizens of ukraine who are outside ukraine in europe, well, how to carry them out? here,
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for example, in poland there are about 3 million, in general three or four polling stations can be opened, because polling stations are opened at the embassy and consulates, period, well, 10,000 will vote, if so tightly, and the rest will be deprived, that is, this is a dubious procedure, second, but we know the precedents, even in the life of our country, when during the great patriotic war... the last pre-war elections, it was the year thirty-eight, all deputies of the supreme council and at the local level extended, since the constitution ascribes continuity of power, extended their powers, their powers were extended until, for example, for the elections of the supreme council, until 1946, that is, 3 years , as it were, extra, this is not extra, this is continuity of the process, it would seem, well, why, you are deliberately pushing for the fact that ukraine will go into elections, but it will never come out of there, it won’t, i understand why , there are weapons, whoever has weapons has the power,
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precinct commissions will take control, and if zelensky appoints military commissars as chairman of the precinct commission, some there are chances, they will mobilize all voters, and the month of march, the end of march, we don’t remember, here’s a statement that there may be problems with energy, it’s still winter, they’ll turn off the lights, depending on how you count, but if they want, that is... they’ll actually transform the territory, it hasn’t been there for a long time state, in a walking field, then i have two reasons why the americans are attacking, first, all external issues in the world today are subordinated to one internal one, these are the us presidential elections, the democrats understand that there is a second afghanistan, they will not survive, why, because that offensive or counter-offensive, no, they understand that it could happen - and experts from the russian armed forces are talking about this, and this will be a fiasco for the democrats and biden,
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where is the money, what goals are they setting for them, here is the third option that they have begun to develop, this is blinken’s last visit to ukraine, who worked with them there for two days, usually a day ago, but here it was two days, and he came out and said, if russia asks for a truce, yes, then ukraine, i think, will agree, we will support. of course, lavrov gave the answer, yes, if he asks for a truce, negotiations, excuse me, we will negotiate talk, but we won’t stop a special military operation, because we remember minsk-2, now why do we need to reset zelensky himself, and they themselves understand that no one will talk to zelensky, not only because the decree issued this absolutely inadequate, alternatively a gifted scoundrel, and not because he insulted russia, which should not be allowed in relation to any politician, if you are a politician, a private person, this is not kvn. but the third thing i
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would like to remind you is the interview of bogdan, the previous head of zelsky’s office, gordonn, when gordon asks: “how did putin treat zelsky in paris during the negotiations?” respectfully, extremely respectfully, emphatically respectful, i quote practically, but we speak. and we didn’t fulfill it, we cheated him, guys, you didn’t cheat putin, you bastards cheated the ukrainian people, who are washing themselves in blood today, that’s the point , that’s why they won’t talk to him, because we need to talk to the one who keeps their promises, and now some small sensation, as it were, the second, the americans know, but for some reason we forgot that today the green parliament is unconstitutional, not because it deceived... voters promised peace, but actually brought war, many promise and deceive, due to the fact that it came to power through
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falsification, only one document, this document is called the servant party report people who surrender according to the law, as in russia they have to report on their work, finances and so on, this report was signed by razunkov, at that time the leader of the servant of the people party, here is his signature and so on. razumkov signed it, but what does that mean? which means the fact that zelensky is not a president through self-propulsion, but a servant of the people from the congress, and here are all the people who are literate and know, the congress is delegates, and the delegates are a party organization, so i’m showing you a page of their report, not a single regional one organization, not a single one, when kornienko , the next leader of the party after... razumkov was asked how many party members you have, he says, so somewhere around 500 people, can you imagine or not? so he brought
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falsified documents to the central exhibition commission,


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