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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2023 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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547 km of the m4 don highway to rostov-on-don 119 km outside the window, all the same cars moving, still not there, the air temperature rose, the snow became softer, pushing car after car. we arrived at a cleared area. a barrier was cut out here so that cars could drive onto clean asphalt with every kilometer of snow it became less and less, and the traffic jam was gradually ending, but the heating points and the rescuers continue to work to free cars and snow captivity until now oleg bratukhin marina kaprilova. igor zalunin vitaly kaziev dmitry pshenitsky house kamensky district. we continue to monitor the development of the situation, but further regional news from the residents of moscow and the moscow region in just a few seconds. don't switch.
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ninety-three-year-old moskvich, they introduced themselves as employees of the central bank . voting began for the most beautiful stations . supervision clarified the rules for shooting in stores the buyer has the right to collect information about goods in any way, including with the help of video filming, if employees prevent this, you need to complain to the same rospotrebnadzor or
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call the police such conflicts arise when expired goods are found. people are beginning to fix the sellers and the guards of the animals in this worker. so he noticed me, found a violation in the dixie store in lyubertsy and began to remove this worker. the counter of sweets, on which there was no marking, was removed. i filmed how you do it. he noticed that he did not like me filming. he started lashing out at me on camera for my beat until the least hit once. uh, i didn’t beat him anymore, because my husband was nearby. to add that the store administrator communicated with customers correctly , an auxiliary worker man showed aggression, we are conducting an experiment. we go into the store and start filming on the phone, the staff practically does not react in the store, you can shoot here, i'm standing now, i'm filming this, you can not forbidden. and now we will try to shoot a little already on a large camera and see
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if there will be some kind of reaction from the security and other employees to a professional camera , the administrator immediately reacts, and ordinary shooting. m. no, there was no shooting. in fact, a shopping center store or a market is a public place. and where buyers can enter, video shooting is possible and it doesn’t matter here, the size of the camera for many security guards and administrators is prohibited because this is a private area where there are no restrictions on entrance, where there are no restrictions on filming based on federal law, if this public public place is a person any consumer has the right to make video and photo fixation there is a government decree according to which consumers have the right to receive information about the product in any way available, but due to constantly arising conflicts, the supervision was forced to give a special explanation, so the consumer can record information about it, and the cost of that,
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including using a mobile phone in order to compare it in another store and, accordingly, make a choice to purchase goods for him at one price or another and the seller’s ban on video filming or photography in such conditions. it is simply unacceptable, if you find yourself in a similar situation, can you complain to rospotrebnadzor or immediately call the police maxim parin maxim bragin maxim nikishin and innokenty without pavlov? the capitals are looking for scammers who defrauded a ninety- three-year-old pensioner of almost 12 million rubles. phone swindlers acted under the guise of employees of the central bank, they convinced an elderly man to withdraw cash from all bank accounts and transfer them to safekeeping. misconception pensioner cashed out the money and during several meetings. passed them on the street to an unidentified man as a result of fraudulent actions, the victim suffered
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damage on an especially large scale for a total amount of more than 11 million four hundred thousand rubles identification of the persons who committed the crime and their prosecution controlled by the prosecutor. in order not to fall into the boat of scammers , it is important to remember that the bank of russia does not work with private clients and does not call anyone, before giving or transferring your money to someone, you need to carefully check everything. muscovites will choose the most beautiful station of the big circle line from nine, opened on march 1, the voting started on the active citizen portal, meanwhile guides. we have already developed new routes for those who are interested in the history of the metropolitan subways, report by alena lavrova k the turquoise ring on the metro map, like a wedding ring on the ring finger, you get used to once or twice. and now, from sokolniki to rizhskaya, the train will teach you without transfers for some 3 minutes instead of seventeen. these
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stations are now neighbors on the black line. of all the new stations , the large circle line rizhskoye with its art object is perhaps the most discussed among passengers and a really huge color screen, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off, attracts and fascinates the authors of the project . the internet flies and it is no accident the station became one of the five where the 5g internet speed network was launched. here, up to one and a half megabits per second. they say that the magic carpet is a temporary decoration, but the passengers are sure the magical beauty of the new station will not disappear. she made an unusual interior for me, as if you were coming in. and as if in the future you get very beautifully for the best design, nine new stations are fighting and there are already your favorites. here , the children like the fish in the nagatin zaton people, then, as if they are going with the flow along with giant fish, then they freeze in front of a huge aquarium the authors of these panov
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artist. maxim kozlov here we see shells and some inlaid elements and various stones from malta. that is, this is really a very fresh approach to art. komsomol badge soviet coins. it is said that there are hidden elements in this mosaic. we didn’t find it no matter how hard we tried, but the guides will definitely find the publications of those developers. who built these stations according to the new stations, of course, there is less information, the old stations and art historians have already been studied as well. since its inception the moscow metro is the visiting card of the city. tourists from all over the country and from all over the world come here for impressions, the most popular excursions along the first ring line and the station in the center must be touched to bring good luck. now the guides have a new route in their arsenal, 31 stations are a large
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ring. a project of incredible complexity that was implemented in 10 years every tunnel and tunneling shield faced situations in 2019 maria was launched by the chinese contractors from the middle kingdom attracted the design of the station for the construction of the southwestern section of the block michurinsky prospekt, a tribute to a thousand-year-old culture. here you can see the traditional chinese culture red colors and traditional patterns - this is such a modern perception, a modern understanding of chinese architecture, transferred to the underground moscow world. sokolniki is one of the last stations to open on the big circle line. symbolically. that it was the sokolnikov metro in moscow that began, so everything here is dedicated, the story on the walls is portraits of the first metro builders, clippings and old newspapers, it the ceilings are the scheme of the very historical red line, the moscow metro - this is also the history
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of the city. yes, throughout the country, the thirtieth stations were built as palaces for the people. they spared no expense from all over the union, they brought to moscow granite marble gems mayakovskaya square re. volitions, komsomolskaya old solemn day the circle line is the apotheosis of the stalinist vampire, in the late fifties stations castles stations temples went into the past metro pulled further from the center and model projects came to the fore in the mid-eighties construction pace. they fell in the new century, a new style appeared and new stations already outside the moscow ring road, the city grew, its needs grew 15 years ago. my colleague alexander rogatkin, on the platform of the almost finished strogino station , promised what seemed unbelievable in the new urban planning plan of moscow , fantastic figures are announced in the next 18 years. it is proposed to lay more than 400 km of the line. metro this is more than was built in the 170-year history of the existence of the metropolitan
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forgery and, in fact, was laid in general , the length of the metropolitan metropolitan line today almost 450 km. and, of course, this is not the limit. alena lavrova yulia zabolotnikov maxim bragin anastasia roev and olga grina. secondary military registration and enlistment offices are completing work on clarifying the credentials of recruits, future recruits are interviewed by a psychologist and a medical examination enters into their personal file information about the marital status of the place of work or study, knowledge of foreign languages ​​and sports achievements, these data and the personal wishes of the military person will play a role in the distribution spring troops the recruiting campaign starts tomorrow. rusfond is raising funds for five-year-old german naumenko, a boy with a severe congenital disease that makes his bones brittle. the crystal child has already undergone several operations and now he needs rehabilitation therapy, but there is no money for the treatment of his family, alexander
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bystritsky will tell you how to help. the first screening showed a risk, this is a risk, i don’t even know how i got home after that, because i walked and sobbed out loud. or perhaps victoria found out about their pathologies of the unborn child at the twelfth week of pregnancy, at the second screening, it became obvious that the boy had severely deformed hips, shortened legs and humerus, and this was only the beginning. i had to have a caesarean section because there was a placenta offer. here and uh, on the operating table, it turns out the surgeon. uh began to pull and heard a crunch. victoria she always remembered the ringing silence in the operating room of the surgeon's words. you have a terrible crystal child for any mother, the diagnosis is imperfect acute genesis, severe a hereditary disease, when the bones are so fragile that they can break even from a careless touch by the age of three months. herman suffered seven fractures and moved to his arms. i listened to the bone crunching. and
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i understood that we had to go to the hospital. now herman is five in appearance, an ordinary boy likes to draw, rides a bicycle, collects car designers. herman really wanted to go to kindergarten. every time. passing by , victoria recalls looking into the windows with interest and asking. well, when you don't walk anymore kindergarten. yes, he has an assistant, he goes to an ordinary kindergarten with ordinary healthy children, and he goes to the pool three times a week, the boy has already undergone two operations. he had deformed hips fixed. now we need constant droppers with besphosphonates. these drugs affect bone metabolism and prevent possible fractures of the teacher severe type of disease, continued active growth of the child, it is necessary to continue conservative therapy and follow-up of the teams of specialists from the center of born pathology for treatment 550,000 rubles are required. mom doesn’t have that kind of money, but we can help herman
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, just scan the qr-code that you now see on your camera and smartphone screens or send an sms to the short number 5 5 4 1 with the word enter the cost of one message. 75 rub. alexander bystritskaya alexander dvornikov and anastasia roev 200 and today in moscow showed the first drone, created in the rodnev industrial park. a platform for the production of modern aircraft has been deployed there. they are designed for transportation of goods and flights. capable of resisting icing and strong winds , the new production is part of the project of the federal center for unmanned aerial systems. today, the first production is being launched, this is the production of drones at aromax, three more productions are at the launch stage, because we see here at aromax. this, of course, is the future of our unmanned aircraft, which, of course, will be in demand by oil and gas workers in agriculture. the premiere of
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the play bran took place at the theater named after yermolova's version of the play of the same name by henrik ibson was presented by the director vladimir antipov, the main character, a priest, a man of strict principles ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of his ideals, a performance created within the framework of the project one and a half, which allows different creative teams to create performances on the main stage of the theater. watch the main news of moscow and the moscow region in the program of the week in the city on our tv channel on sunday at eight in the morning. even now i simply cannot get into it. 6 m above the river level, the water only comes. i'm trying to pump out. where to expect new floods. and when it all ends. if the water rises even higher, then he can simply swim away and they began
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to push me and my mother dr. evil as doctors tried to make money on a seriously ill child. you can talk about why he took 100,000 from people? they found out which clinic hired the souls of lips with experience. what are you doing? look, what we need is a tourniquet, such an ordinary plaster system of youth and beauty consoles, how not to lose in the race for health , never conceive some kind of apparatus with real and how medical experiments on oneself end. at the sklifosovsky institute for emergency medicine, they were immediately placed in a toxicological intensive care unit. only we have the main story that happened next to sunday exactly eight in the morning. today is the anniversary of the actor of the linkov theater, alexander zbruev, in front of a few minutes of advertising odari, we will definitely continue to stay with us. we are sure
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that you buy osago at a bargain price, but if you compare, you will find it cheaper, apply for osago with savings on the number one service in russia if you have insurance, then be sure to compare on the site and in the application, youth will not forgive if you miss new music.
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russia today marks 85 years. the president of the country sent his congratulations to the hero of the day. vladimir putin noted the generous talent and charm of the actor, who helped him achieve recognition. and most importantly - to earn the love of the audience. we are the younger brother. you are one single woman who wants to meet me. and, of course, the unforgettable big change. and dozens of theatrical works in the linkom, to which the harness has been faithful for more than 60 years, a report or a philosopher. in these shots, the komsomol is already 50 , the link is 40, alexander zbruev is 30 more . thank you. and i want to invite the audience to our
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theater for the current performance. for the future performance. come and often, here people go, but more often and most of all in lenkom alexander viktorovich himself comes from the moment he graduated from the shchukin school and was accepted into the corpse to this day. that is, he already served here, when the moviegoer only met in the film my younger brother , based on the novel by aksyonov, with actors harness and sophomores mironov, and then andrei and, uh, oleg, they were very different people. crazy different people. andrew has always been like this. and all some kind of a little bit in jazz, what is this purr, there are neighbors with an awning, pam-pum-pum-pum-pum somehow thoughtfulness. serious later in the movie harness. this is an employee obhss, in the detective story two tickets for the afternoon screening, the film was a success, but there were always a lot of detectives on the screen. but the famous student
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of the ninth, and the school of working youth is one such, why should i grigory ganzha be like someone else? answer me and at about the same time in the theater, he is an absolutely dramatic young front-line soldier marat in arbuzov's play staged by efros. i'm 22 soon, i once thought that life is like it happens on stage and in movies, when an ironic squint can be a tragic fatal transit battalions they ask. chore fire, history teacher or mischievous hooligan. raise
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space, he is wonderful, he is a great artist, and he is a wonderful person when his father died. i turn to him for all complex questions, he is my teacher and friend and comrade all rolled into one against the backdrop of carriages of scenery for the performance. an all-in artist takes flowers and lays them down, dedicating them to zakharovsky the first, as the current artists call him to their linkom generation. sasha abdulova grisha gorina well, and all those who worked in this theater in these hay, and he really lived a huge creative
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life, and he worked with such masters that when you are on stage with him you feel , how would i ever have an amazing combination engineer valery guru teacher of life with the departure of the soviet era, engineer zhilin becomes an engineer timoshin and a bending research institute you are the only one for me in this comfortable talking machine. i feel comfortable living with you. in this one , we see zbruev very conveniently and so differently, and today he is still like that grigory ganzha
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, unlike anyone else, everything or me filippov viktor vinogradov vladimir averin alexey karpukhin elena fitona lead? platform look and we have to this hour until the meeting. on the russia 1 channel and in the dmitry kulikov studio , donald trump will be charged with criminal charges as early as next tuesday. a grandiose political show with elements is expected.

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