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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 22, 2023 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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we are ready to relive these strong emotions again and share them with our loved ones, this film wants to be discussed and hundreds of reviews on the network are excellent confirmation of this. and everything again, yes, now our wednesday has come to an end, it's time to say goodbye and wish you a good day. yes, we wish you a good mood today, as well as yesterday, as we wish. tomorrow we will not say goodbye to you. all this for a week. see you. bye bye. does russia lead in the studio the main topics by this hour? completed his state visit to russia, the plane is already heading towards beijing, international media continue to analyze the historic meeting of russian leaders, the adjustment of the fire comes with the help
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of drones behind the russians in france , protests against pension reform do not stop. the police act harshly to disperse the crowd using liquor gas. a strong earthquake occurred in uzbekistan afghanistan tremors were felt in most countries of central asia the moment the earthquake began was broadcast by a pakistani tv channel. and january frosts returned to yakutia. magnuli is already blooming in the forests of sochi whole glades of snowdrops in moscow are waiting for warming up to 13 °.
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a few minutes ago, chinese aircraft number one flew from moscow in the direction of beijing. xi jinping's state visit to russia was completed at vnukovo airport. the leader of the people's republic of china saw off an honorary karaoke after talks in the kremlin. vladimir putin, his chinese counterpart signed a package of documents and set the task of multiplying cooperation in eight areas, including financial moscow intends to use the yuan more actively, not only with china but also with third countries, this is a logical step in the conditions of unprecedented sanctions pressure on russia, it is with china that our country is ready to create a joint working body for the development of the northern sea route, which is one third, shorter. the route through the suez canal and will become a new international transport artery is another extremely important project of the siberia 2 gas pipeline, which will pass through mongolia those parameters of the agreement for its construction, agreed on the region. nie promising for many
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years to come will be the interaction between russia and china in space, the leaders of the two countries instructed government to promote moscow-beijing cooperation and assert responsibility. the visit of the president of the people's republic of china to moscow is the number one topic all over the world french liatri-beau is called the agreement concluded by vladimir putin and siddimping strategically important american, wall street journal emphasizes the results of the summit caused a real stir in the west, but the negotiations were followed most closely, of course, in china ispekin alexander baletsky. this is the cutting edge of the diplomacy of the great powers, and we in the st. george hall of the kremlin are exactly the edge of diplomacy, chinese journalists call this meeting in moscow. but the final statement of the leaders of russia to china only demonstrates the historical and global significance of the visit of the president of the people's republic of china. i would like
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to sum up the results of this speech in three words, namely, deeper mutual trust, more cooperation and more responsibility. this trust has become a solid foundation that determines the relationship between the two countries. what the leaders talked about in moscow more than once setting an example to the whole world, as it should. sino-russian relations adhere to principles of non-alignment, non-confrontation, and non-targeting of third parties, at the same time, the international situation does not affect the sino-russian relations in the same way as the chairman noted, they are stable , mature and not influenced by any third parties, having their own internal motivation . china russia trust each other politically, complement each other economically and learn from each other culturally. and it makes a huge contribution to global stability, chinese reporters note that unprecedented the respect with which the head of the prc was received by putin , who and how met the guard of honor, the composition of the negotiators in the middle kingdom, where every detail was paid attention to the ceremonial protocol with a large pet.
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and of course, to put pressure on an impressive package of agreements. first of all, she is interested in her own development, and cooperation with moscow brings tangible dividends, and the new agreements confirmed by the leaders are presented in economic news as a breakthrough, and putin putin noted that almost all indicators of the project the gas pipeline power of siberia 2 to china is agreed and russian companies are able to meet the growing demand. china in energy. whether it is in accordance with the terms of the contract. or even more, putin also said that russia is ready to support chinese companies to replace those that are leaving russia and the parties will continue to encourage the practice of mutual settlements in their own currencies. but the west also calls this chinese support for russia, which helps to circumvent sanctions, and in general, to moscow, according to the opinion of the united states and europe, flew to show that he is on her side, including in the ukrainian conflict, hence the statement of the leaders. everyone was waiting for what putin and xi would say about ukraine, but
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there were no surprises. china has once again confirmed that it is not a party to the conflict and treats it impartially, and most importantly with an understanding of the background, but western reporters do not let up and at a briefing at the foreign ministry they are again pulled out. so why isn't xi calling zelensky then? china's position boils down to one phrase to advise on reconciliation and encourage negotiations, which regarding your question, our position is consistent and clear, and china is in touch with all parties. in the statement following the talks in moscow , there was so much about the inadmissibility of deaf thinking if a ceasefire is necessary and about the fact that moscow and beijing continue to oppose the expansion of military alliances. but moscow does not refuse the negotiation process, and it is precisely the west and its slows down in china, they not only see it, but also emphasize in every possible way how it is, that in such conditions, when the chinese and themselves facing colossal external pressure it is more important than ever to stand together.
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this is not only support for each other, but also for global stability in general, which beijing calls the main result of the negotiations in moscow alexander rybalsky gleb on the pair nikolai petrov lead, china against the backdrop of the discussion of china's peace initiative, london's plans to transfer shells with combined uranium from kiev to moscow called a provocation, as the official representative of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova just said, this is absolute recklessness and irresponsibility the purpose of such a step is to bring the situation around ukraine to a new round of aggression, the statement of washington and london , the well-being of the ukrainian people, zakharova called a lie that is used to disorient the world community, but now such shells are part of the ammunition of american tanks. abrams they can also be used in german leopards and british challengers. well, for the first time , nazi germany used such weapons during the bombing of yugoslavia and during the invasion of iraq in the eleventh region
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in ukraine, this night, serial air alerts sounded the defeat of targets, according to residents of the zhytomyr khmelnytsky and kiev authorities, explosions also thundered at the air base in odessa , from where, according to preliminary data , they organized their drone attack on the crimea , active work is being carried out and our gunners are strong points, enemy firing points are being destroyed, including and from heavy howitzers acacia from the dpr, a report by ruslan bikbulatov. crews of 152-mm self-propelled artillery mounts acacia of the brave grouping of the central military district daily carry out fire raids work by the method of nomadic guns carry out the fire task quickly and immediately change position the enemy never knows where the acacia will strike their next blow just then. how to lay down a projectile on enemy territory in real time is monitored using
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a drone from minute to minute , an adjustment should come and a volley will sound simultaneously from several guns enemy strongholds are hidden underground in scorched forests. from the sky, drones are fixed from a half fire confirming accurate hits. in the calculation of four people for one participation in a special operation, concern for the future of their children is what i am here for. this is my son. i want to make at least some contribution to the victory of our troops so that my son does not see everything that is happening here, what they see, uh, the children who are here for someone is the memory of their great-grandfathers. who gave their lives on the fronts of the great patriotic feats, uh, our heroes. uh, veterans of the great patriotic war are very inspired, as if you feel that people, well, fought for their motherland and were very
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bold serious and well it inspires now and here. the calculation remains to change the position to replenish the ammunition load and wait for new fire missions ivanovich vladimir menyanov together. russian black sea fleets this morning repelled an attack by surface drones in sevastopol this was announced by the governor of the city mikhail razvozhaev, the military destroyed all three objects that tried to penetrate the bay , the target in the air intercepted air defense calculations in several buildings after the explosion in dronov , glass was broken according to emergency services. no one was hurt warships received no damage. internally displaced persons from donbass are received not only by russian regions, but also by neighboring south ossetia temporary
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accommodation centers are organized for residents of donetsk on the territory of the republic, they are helped to find work and arrange children for school, reporting by andrey chistyakova a girl learns the ossetian language from donetsk herself, a first-grader decided so she herself likes to understand what they are talking about and to be equal among odnoklassniki we have created such a microclimate in class, so that this child would be as comfortable as possible in our class and the second, which was very pleasing that the child declared to learn the ossetian language and even goes to school ossetian dances in mikhail logachev's room, chess textbooks, and also a cup and medals collection of awards for victory in various competitions collected in tskhinvali for the year, exactly so much his family with others is forced to live in south ossetia here. they were evacuated under shelling by employees of the ministry of emergency situations at the disposal of a migrant from donbass an entire floor of a new hotel complex. here's to one of the rooms the children do their homework. here they tried to create maximum conditions for
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a comfortable life. away from home. and this is an economic block where you can put in order, personal things. and even free medical care, even subscriptions to the sports complex. someone was employed, although this is not so easy here for the usual household chores. these women talk about the unusual, the hospitality of the inhabitants of tskhinval, everything that the settlers needed was carried by bags and continues to be brought by local residents, and in the markets they even discount the price of homemade vegetables and fruits. there are three of us, i live with my two sons , 16 and 13 years old, helping the whole world is in the blood of the inhabitants of south ossetia, the republic, it is good to know what shelling is, a water blockade of a public civil platform, not forgetting about the migrants. now the humanitarian convoy with khinval leaves for donbass at least once a month to help volunteer fighters. it's all like what? with big wow, it was carried out with hands, a small
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republic, together with russia , is bringing the common victory in a special military operation as close as possible to it, and those who are forced to became a migrant. they meet another spring in tskhinvali, of course, thinking about their home, but the locals are always with them. they say you are not strangers and live. andrey chistyakov hangs here for as long as needed hilala, south ossetia due to bad weather, air traffic was disrupted , yuzhno-sakhalinsk plunged into thick fog, arrivals were delayed flights that were heading to the region also to vladivostok blagoveshchensk or directed to an alternate adrome in khabarovsk closed today and most importantly, chukotka airport in anadyr issued a storm warning gusts. winds reaches twenty-five meters per second there is no crossing. through lyman in the schools of the abolition of the occupation of power, the authorities recommended employers. announce a free visit for employees. march 22 -36°.
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that, as you can see, the january frosts have returned to yakutia, the impact of the arctic cyclone, residents will feel for a few more days, and in sochi you can already enjoy a real spring warm city magnulia blooms in the forests whole glades of snowdrops in the capital region, warming up to plus thirteen is expected by the weekend degrees, which corresponds to the may values, but by the end of the month, according to weather forecasts, the temperature in all of central russia will return to the climatic norm. in belarus , today they remember the victims of the khatyn tragedy 80 years ago, ukrainian punishers destroyed an entire village, burned alive 149 people with the youngest, of which there were only seven weeks, commemorative events will be held in the republic ; this memorial embodied grief black
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the ash-gray concrete and granite were carefully cleaned and polished during the restoration, but they are not tiny, even the stainless steel handrails were replaced with more restrained ones, and the charred walls were assembled and repainted. as if ash was mixed into the cement, the color of the ashes, gray-haired from grief, was restored, the marble crowns of memory on uh, the unconquered man was uh, borders. uh, newly restored seams are laid on e. road the last way. well, there was a lot of painstaking work here, an unconquered man with his unbearable grief, a miracle that survived nazi. adu blacksmiths iosif kamensky with his son, who tried to escape from a burning barn, was wounded by a direct shot in the stomach and his father died in his arms khatyn immediately brings down all his pain on the viewer, deafening with emotions and silence pierced only by the ringing of bells. there are no white spots in the history of what happened in khatyn, a specialist knows every minute and by name, how the executioners of the 118th ukrainian
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battalion, pursuing partizans, entered the village from alive, burned 149 inhabitants half, of whom were children younger than 2 months old, and in documents. here is a genuine clearly commander kerner about the destruction of khatyn battle and 34 killed partisans, an outright lie, understandable without translation, the word murder. you would never find it in any german. document that they killed. there they could kill partisans capable of partisans, but to the civilian population, that he would report that he had destroyed the village and the inhabitants were not killed, but their parasitic accuracy became a monument to documents . the architects were awarded the lenin prize background, march sharp pipe trees. the obelisks , the tallest elements in khatyn, 6 m chamber memorial became a symbol of the tragedy of the entire republic went as far as possible from the perception that this chimney remained. it's just chimneys. and the contours of this house
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and an open gate that invites you into a house that does not exist. and the residents who lived in this house. it's like in a symbolic stove, like the blades in the center of the ashes. in these flasks, the earth scorched by the nazis datla, during the restoration, retained a shade of soot and that's it, except for tired reinforced concrete. although there are 186 graves with names in this only cemetery of burnt villages in the world, but it turned out that this mournful list is far from complete and now it has added 30 more khatyn sisters with coals. they are on a charred map of belarus you, stunning in the hall of burned villages. this is a new museum. every third in memory of the dead inhabitants, the beginning of the war in the memory of the children of the fascist occupation, a country smashed to smithereens and genuine photographs in fragments is an unbearably strong exposure to a person again, i plunged into our history , felt all the pain that i endured. eh, the belarusian people, through these unthinkable incredible sufferings, took these torments
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with them here. here in the chest is a piece of this pain. and do not forget about this death and the dazzling triumph of the life of the village, which you were born restored the church. she was once in khatyn in the elementary inventories, even weighty bells were indicated for ringing, and not athletes in yaroslavl and proclaim that after 80 years khatyn is alive. anastasia sakhnovskaya alexander alexandrovich peletsky natalya novgorodova and vladimir menyailov news, republic of belarus this is what will happen next in our program in france protests against the pension reform do not subside a powerful earthquake occurred in central asia and in moscow in the real apartment of svyatoslav rector an exhibition dedicated to the berliac line was opened. all the details in just a few minutes. wait here. i go
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eldorado 30 years in the top tell me that you will hold back or give free rein to the feeling, whatever they were, i do not know. i need my native blossomed spring. miami show that opens up new emotions. i expected everything, but such happiness
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the premiere is on friday at 21:30 and, probably, the premiere is singing to the north to work on the russia channel smart girl. she will live there and c2 tatyana lyalina told me to meet, returning from peter you for a long time. i'm completely alive alena
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this is news, we continue to produce russian military engineers, right at the forefront, have established the production of parts for the repair of combat vehicles. they pay metals and cast special blanks from it. this made it possible to speed up the restoration of damaged tanks and infantry fighting vehicles report by aleksey baranova the column safely reaches the repair boxes. in everything is provided for in this hangar for the repair of tanks and large armored vehicles based on them , for example, in turn , these engines are waiting for the bulkhead, the largest repair base in the donetsk people's republic of the eastern military district, the engineers equipped with their own hands to remove the engine.
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well, the replacement of the elements of the pit, there is no warm mud for the convenience of servicing machines, neither more nor less, but they began to engage in real casting here in the field quite recently, they came to such a decision so as not to delay the repair of tank engines and other armored vehicles. there are questions with a small intro, we proposed the option of taking the usual scrap of brass and melting it in a conventional coal furnace, transfer the resulting workpiece to turners and make gas rings for the junction of tanks. the bmp is now not idle waiting for spare parts at the repair base, it is carrying out a full maintenance cycle, this tank has been repaired and is ready to return to service in the very near future, it will not be in its unit and join those vehicles that are now operating under carbon. like this through the black-and-white monitor of the battle in the form of vanya's crew reversing after firing.
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aleksey baranov andrey yurchuk halit tankiev lead donetsk people's republic, ugoldar direction in the dpr, new points for issuing russian passports are being deployed . yesterday we stood behind russian passports and registration of a huge queue, all over the donetsk republic, to get an admission ticket, people come at 6:00 morning, such a picture today in all departments of the migration service, the queue went around for 3 days. yes, five or six to eight there are already many people 300-400. man since
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yesterday recorded. today we are so ninety, the seventh, i've been sitting here for 12 hours to apply for citizenship, it was possible for citizens to get a russian passport before. it has been issued to the dpr since 2019. someone did not dare, someone was frightened by bureaucratic difficulties, but after entering russia and forgiving the procedure , there were several times more people who wanted to in order to ensure the acceptance of documents from all citizens of the republic who wish to submit documents, but attracts for this. the maximum possible number of employees in the ministry of internal affairs, and , accordingly, we organize the opening of new points, the registration itself takes about 20 minutes. but the passport will have to wait 2-3 weeks larisa and galina received it 3 years ago there were no queues then. but now , one of the first to issue monthly social payments from march 1 , all residents of the new territories are entitled to them. i at all
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did not come here. they called me over the phone, asked for my details , clarified that since march the monthly payment for a disabled person begins. here. oh, and everything was very civilized, operational politely and already received this money. i found out on social networks, called the hotline, the girls accepted me. they said come, please, in line at the social fund's customer service they are accepting an application. at the beginning of the month , more than 20,000 have already received payments. a person from the new regions pensioners disabled veterans here queues managed to avoid the service can be issued, including by phone i came for reissuing pension pension payments uh-huh, according to the laws of the russian federation , there are a lot of very pensioners and many who want to reissue get a passport reissue a pension get snils it is now all with such an upsurge people come to sign up. and if they immediately with the documents, as much
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as possible, we try to accept all the republics today, open and 28 multifunctional centers, familiar to any russian. the one-stop-shop principle is now available for new territories earlier , in order to receive snils tin and other public services , citizens had to travel to the neighboring rostov region at the mfc in the following areas of the most demanded one: getting the inogorsk federation dreamed, uh, i also dreamed about the registration of maternity capital. and registration of benefits from zero to 17 years , an application for a passport is accepted and mail allocations, well, the flow of those who wish is still too large, including for obtaining a residence permit, to deal with queues and a long wait, the leadership of the ministry of internal affairs instructed and president boris maksudov mikhail vitkina anton khobotov andrei rudenko 200, donetsk in france, protests against pension reform do not subside.
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footage of clashes with the police comes literally from all major cities of the country on the streets of the fire, heaps of garbage are burning, law enforcement officers are dispersing demonstrators, tear gas is pouring oil on the fire macron the president called the demands illegitimate, and the number of detainees taking place in the country is approaching 1,000 injured hundreds, and tomorrow the trade unions promise to take to the streets no less million people and continue the nationwide strike, strikes are not only covered by france in madrid, prison workers took to the streets dissatisfied with working conditions in munich , municipal employees seek a pay increase, and in los angeles all schools are closed until the end of the week teachers demand to equip something with the necessary number of teachers. in other topics, a powerful earthquake occurred in central asia the epicenter of the shock of magnitude six and a half was in afghanistan, dozens of
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houses were destroyed there, and neighboring pakistan was killed according to preliminary data, 11 people were injured, about 200, despite the state of emergency, the host of the local tv channel. he continued to work as well as the doctors in the kashmiri hospital, who at that moment operated on the patient and the earthquake was felt by the residents of tajikistan kazakhstan uzbekistan india in new delhi, where the women's boxing world championship is taking place, the participants of the tournament were evacuated from the hotel. in moscow, in the memorial apartment of svyatoslav richter, an exhibition of the dedicated line, brilliac, chamber singer, and life partner pianist, the opening was timed to coincide with richter's birthday and the couple lived together for half a century. the exposition on documentary material shows their entire creative path . many photographs and other exhibits. the exhibition has never been exhibited before, organized by the pushkin state museum of fine arts, it will last until sere


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