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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 17, 2023 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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that the legendary talk show is live on the tv channel and the program goes out only on fridays the luxurious life of the popular internet blogger lerchik and her husband with billions of rubles in their pockets, a fleet of luxury cars, gold bars at home and passports from different countries. for every member of the family. we saw many of them became famous for running weight loss marathons on the internet. but those who bought into a rich life and the beautiful promise of internet scammers to lose weight quickly, instead of a slender figure, ladies gained hundreds of extra pounds, like women who had begun, from all over. countries impostors from the internet earn billions. and do they have a chance to lose weight? but then the issue will continue the regional news by residents of moscow and the moscow region of visibility in just a few seconds. don't switch. temperature
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and heavy rainfall have turned some streets of moscow into an obstacle course. when will patching begin? constant noise uninvited guests and communal problems the stench is unbearable the authorities of the moscow region have begun to fight against illegal hostels 250 objects have already been closed in the north, the capital. soon there will be another clinic. it was built from scratch according to all moscow standards. the degree of readiness. sergei sobyanin assessed the real money rain today in the north-east of moscow, banknotes of 100 dollars and 500 euros were falling from the window of a high-rise building on rusakovskaya street, someone decided to throw away a very impressive amount according to preliminary
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data, money fell down after they came to one of the apartments with a search and the owner, apparently, decided to get rid of the currency of origin, which he could not explain. spring exposed the seasonal communal problem of pits on the roads, filled with water and more difficult traffic provoke serious accidents. who is responsible for the quality of the roadway, how not to get into a puddle and save your car, maxim doroga found out how the obstacle course drivers are trying to maneuver and this is one of the central avenues of the capital leninsky pit literally every meter and thought where to complain if i leave the wheel there , this is an additional threat, because any hole is a plus when you don’t see the rains. uh, how deep she goes drivers. here , not a single wheel was pierced and more than one part of the suspension was left; on this site, the construction of the metro road builders is underway. they say that the asphalt was broken by machinery. yes , it’s not clear why the pits are not closed up, because it’s not the first
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year that construction has been going on, but it ’s getting worse and worse every day, that is. well, here, you saw, there is a movement of 10-15 km / h. even so, it's impossible to go. this is already another part of moscow izmailov intersection of the fifth parkovaya and factory passage, the local pit has already become a local attraction drivers. beginners know it, every now and then they fall into a trap literally 50 meters away from the district government. people have applied many times. i sour him there, then after a while she appears again. i have been trying to apply for active restrictions for several days, so they put it on. temporary patches of hot asphalt, and photograph the report that the work is done? well, literally 2-3 days. and this hot asphalt flies out in pieces, the quality of the asphalt leaves much to be desired. and now you see, even we fall into pits out of the blue. and here in general, a glaring situation due to improperly laid asphalt melted and rainwater does not enter the storm sewer, but
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the asphalt collapses and the water does not enter the storm sewer, but enters the chest. and here there will be a huge washout a few days ago on metallurgists street, the car literally fell under the asphalt, fortunately not deep. the phrase about the fact that the asphalt came down with the snow has already become a cliché, but drivers are convinced every year it’s better not to say, this is the third transport ring, the intersection with the warsaw highways, continuous potholes and nowhere there are workers who would close them up with road asphalt concrete for destruction, repeated alternate freezing and thawing is required. at the same time, there is asphalt and concrete is made and laid. in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. the probability of premature destruction will be minimal; the roadway must endure the transition through zero on average in moscow a year this happens up to 80 times citizens can
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apply, both directly to the balance holder and on the portals of the authorities in moscow to this moscow region. this virtue still has control from the administrative and technical inspections, which have the right to impose fines, if the roads are inter-quarterly in nature, well, the most practical advice in this case is to observe the speed limit, especially if you are driving through puddles, by the way, according to weather forecasts, frost this spring have not yet ended aktivoporez alexander dvornikov sergey minin ekaterina yudina to lead. the weather in moscow is in a fever, then the sun, then it is warm, and suddenly there is sleet again, but still warn of severe night frosts at the weekend, the temperature can drop to -12. well, victoria chernikova victoria joins hello. well, as much as possible, when the warm spring has finally come, we'll have to wait until next week. but, the sun will be plenty of warm air on the weekend. it will warm only from the northwest in the northwest , plus eight in kaliningrad to plus 10, and in
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the center the anticyclone will disperse the clouds, but will return the winter frosts. on the night of saturday in the capital region it will get cold to -12. a little higher during the day the table will be coolest in the east in sergiev posad tomorrow near zero at dmitrov and i swear, plus two, and in kashira plus five in moscow the upcoming night will be -8 ° in the afternoon, plus two plus four and without precipitation. sunday night will also be frosty. happy. the same plus 24, but then the temperature will go up to the middle. next week, yes, plus eight, so we won't have to wait too long. thanks to the weather, said victoria chernikova. more than 250 illegal hostels will be liquidated in the moscow region. they located on plots intended for individual housing construction. and even on summer days, such mini-hotels cause a lot of problems for local residents. now the authorities of the region have declared war on illegal business and artyom kuznetsov’s report nikolsko-arkhangelsky microdistrict
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among the private sector, a three-story building with a guest house sign in the neighbors, uninvited guests cause a lot of trouble, the stench is utterly drained into a roadside ditch. and this is not the only violation. on weekdays, the guests are noisy on weekends parties. here, uh, loud music is turned on, that is, big speakers with big speakers, birthdays, the owner of the mini-hotel assures on the way back. the event, i don’t give up at all, but it’s even unprofitable. you know, they will only cause problems. although on the website of the guest house. eat. even the banquet halls section can accommodate 160 guests. the price is negotiable snacks on request, though no one cares about security, but for guest houses. that is, it is not necessary, really not necessary. after all, according to the documents, the house is intended for individual housing, which means letting people in here and taking money for it. forbidden the land
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must be a certain category of non-individual housing construction . that is, it is under the hotel business initially, because the hostel implies a commercial activity from which they make a profit. here many, respectively, are mistaken and build hostels on the lands. uh, izhs regional authorities began checking with illegal hostels. at the beginning of this year , 400 problem areas have already been checked, more than half have been used for other purposes. we check different categories and types land use of this agricultural land. these are the lands of settlements, if a person wants to engage in the hotel business on an illegal basis, he needs to carry out a number of procedures, including obtaining certain conclusions that will allow him to open in this particular place. well , marina has been in the hotel business for 8 years, when she bought a plot in sergiev posad, she immediately knew that there would be a hotel building here. it was already under construction as a hotel. several projects have been started here. safety project e
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video surveillance and it's all so there was money about the same, they say, experts in the illegal hotel business make a desire to earn money without investing in either comfort or security. if you are sure that a mini-hotel near you is operating illegally, you can contact rospotrebnadzor , it is this department that controls the work of hostels and hotels, send a letter of complaint. it is possible to consider it through the official website within 30 days and after that they will appoint an inspection if the hostel is declared illegal, its owner will be issued instructions in case repeated violation of the demolition last year in the area has already demolished 19 illegal mini-hotels. artyom kuznetsov dmitry shcherbakov alexey trofimov and ekaterina yudina together. rusfond raises funds for a four-year-old world school boy brought a severe infectious disease confined to a wheelchair and cannot speak to acquire new skills. he is helped by special rehabilitation courses, but the family no longer has money for them. daria perch will tell him how to help. 4 years i so
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want to run along the corridor, but miron can, just roll along it, straining the handles with all your might to move the wheels , what a fine fellow you are, how milan rides. cool, he was born absolutely healthy. the term was discharged from the hospital, and a week later he suddenly fell ill. an ambulance was called and the diagnosis was confirmed there. uh, bacterial encephalitis, a severe infection struck the brain, caused sepsis and pneumonia. 2 weeks in intensive care on a ventilator, the doctors said he got out by a miracle, but the prognosis was unfavorable, we were told that miron would be, uh, a severe invalid, that he would not learn to do anything, he would not sit, he would not himself eat these terrible words. miron's mother took it as a challenge to fight for her baby together. they have gone through dozens of rehabilitation programs and thousands of hours of training. if you want, hold on to the handle in bulk, its adult mood was quickly transferred to the child. miron ready to work on simulators with perseverance
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, willingly participate in special games that develop motor skills and attention, never object to therapeutic massage sessions, everyone flew off. let him slowly at his own pace, but the boy develops, acquires new skills myron can eat by himself, he can sit with he can get up with help. well, for now, what we don’t say, but we all understand rehabilitation courses are expensive, they take almost the entire family budget, but give up. now, when progress is visible, neither mom nor miron simply can't, and the doctors insist that the next course should be continued. we will also devote to the independent movement of the miron. it will be, uh, walking in two locking orthoses supported by a walker, and a lot of work will also be done with a speech therapist. two rehabilitation courses cost almost a million rubles to raise this amount. can we have enough send an sms to number five five 41 with the word 200. the price of the message is only 75 rubles. quite a bit and the biggest dream of the mother will come true
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to see the long-awaited first steps of her son, a gift from him sergey evdokimov to lead. can pay for breakfasts and lunches in canteens in a non-cash way, parents put money on a special account and can always control what their child eats advantage, innovations have already been appreciated and adults and children listened to their opinion alexander i like dumplings very much. for tomorrow , cottage cheese casserole apple and sweet tea c recently , a new technical dish has been on the menu of schoolchildren near moscow, the recipe is simple and convenient; everyone pays like an adult with a bank card. hello 4 rub. 29 kop. and you do not need to recalculate a trifle payment in one touch. now the post-industrial society is somehow more convenient to keep money on the card, and availability. i think this is generally already the last century and is somehow quite inconvenient. the new
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system made it possible to get rid of queues, which is especially important for new large schools to buy chips, chewing gum or spend money on something inedible will not work, or, in principle, they can put a remedy for the child if they issue it to him for personal personal use, but the write-off in the dining room will only occur from the child’s personal account for food. all processing of personal data takes place only on the side of the school ; personal data of parents are not transferred anywhere, but the system itself, which is being implemented today. e, upon completion of development will become a subsystem of our regional school portal. parents have a new approach to nutrition. already appreciated clearly i can control spending on this card. and the way i replenish it myself through personal accounts , and i know exactly what my child eats and whether they eat at all, this system is very convenient in fact, because it freed us from
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the daily weekly collection of money i didn’t pass, the teacher is always nervous all the time in the chat, parental clashes, where did the money go, by the way, an innovation not only in the payment system, but also in the menu in the school cafeteria, for example, there are even hamburgers, the guys have the opportunity to come through the terminal to pay and buy themselves whatever they want, maybe this breakfast, maybe lunch or some buffet products, for example, our burger, standard first, second. compote also cooks, and with a margin, so that there is enough for everyone, but now we are preparing pasta, pasta products, they go today as a side dish for the second course, yes, cells. now even come to the front row. we have peas today. this is where cutlets are made. as a second course, the menu changes every day and can even include a dish at the request of the children. the main thing is that it be safe and of course tasty alexander sandzhiev.
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musal mammadov dmitry chernikov veronika magazinchikova and ekaterina yudina lead more than 4,500 people visited the stand of the city of moscow at the international tourism and hospitality exhibition for the first day of work, the city of discovery is one of the projects that the capital is successfully implementing today and scaling to other regions, in fact. this youth program combined two areas, study and travel. the project allows schoolchildren not only to listen to linear excursions, but also to touch the profession. and-and to participate in master classes in seminars also, uh, professional hyper-curators take part in the project, who help children to reflect on the choice of a future profession. we gave away a few minutes of advertising ahead, we will definitely continue to stay with us. cleanse
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the liver with folk remedies. try to replace them with scales, and scales modern natural remedy promotes careful cleansing the liver, a weightovlar dad, what is better when a person is brought in when it develops and of course, when it develops. interactive online tasks with the logic like mts junior subscription 30 days for free here you are as an option, neo what eyes the unusual neo capsule can be decorated with stickers for everyone has their own vk meeting place rollton with love and care makes mashed potatoes from natural potatoes, that's why it turns out so tasty rollton they like
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to catch a cold for the taste. use aquamaris classic spray aquamaris classic soft. solves the stripe washes away viruses aquamaris a classic sea of ​​​​opportunities, without a cold, we give one more reason to rejoice and reduce the prices of your favorite products with discounts of up to fifty percent. for example, steak trout, with a 40% discount for only 419 rubles. scooter heart so yes yes you color premium you from me. why are you 6 months old aunt at 12 you are also at 12? it's just my assistant messed something up, don't worry, i like her less mts premium universal gift for every online cinema ion 50 gb the internet, the book service of the line and mts music in your youth will not forgive if you miss new music.
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thank you for these 15 years spent together because of the happiness of beth next to the cinema on weekends , we are running out of time for compatibility and soon it will be too late to give birth. and i want to ask you to help. with this same miracles, really. come on, i'm not a patient here. i, as the mother of your
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unborn child, anastasia panina , can no longer. if you decided to leave, alexander makogon, after all, he deserved amazingly clear fingers, a wonderful job, a new relationship. beloved let me introduce my ex-husband, don't be my wife premiere tomorrow at 21:00. russia's main project this spring is the idea that some kind of affair will take place , something amazing will probably awaken the best feelings. i don’t even know what to expect, it will give me an unforgettable experience. take care of me. i am you alone is my melody show that opens up new emotions today at 21:30 on the channel, russia
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graduates will not cross and kindergarten. so mcd-3 is being launched this year - this is essentially the ground metro, which at two stations will come here rejuvenated so that
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molachninova is gradually becoming a full-fledged district of moscow, not only in terms of formal documents, but also in terms of quality of life , an online conference was held at the helmholtz center for eye diseases, at which leading ophthalmologists of russia discussed diagnosis, increase in glaucoma. this disease is the world's most common cause of irreversible blindness, but if you see a doctor in time, the worst consequences can be avoided, report alexander bystritsky. i didn’t go right away, not after 40 years , and then, when my fogging started , of course, i should have applied earlier 2 years ago tatyana dmitrievna noticed that instead of a clear picture, there was an eternal veil before my eyes. at first i was not too worried, but the situation deteriorated rapidly, then at the heimholtz institute. she successfully operated on her left eye. now the second operation was already on the right , the left eyes were operated on, well, they operated normally. well, i still see a very serious disease, which without
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treatment leads to irreversible blindness the patient may experience discomfort. uh, there may be a slight fogging sensation. especially in the morning. uh, glaucoma in general - this disease without symptomatic causes of increased intraocular pressure is many and not the last role. here heredity plays a role in maintaining vision. early diagnosis will definitely help to treat glaucoma, when defects in the central field of vision are still minimal, while peripheral ones are normal. not so difficult. however, in the later stages without surgical intervention, exactly not enough. we treat such severe forms of glaucoma, which, perhaps, were previously even incurable, we implant. ah, domestic drainage systems. e, foreign drains, we carry out widely laser operations that improve the outflow of intraocular fluid, so that this fluid can be removed by surgeons , they create a new outflow path without opening the eyeball. this eliminates infection and
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significantly reduces the risk of complications. often glaucoma develops along with cataracts , these two diseases learned to distinguish only in the 18th century, but today, in the 21st century, glaucoma can be stop, and in case of cataract, replace the clouded lens with an artificial lens. it happens that one eye has glaucoma , the other has a combination of cataract and glaucoma and other concomitant pathology, which already belongs to the posterior segment of the eye. you just need to be observed competently in time, we have the latest equipment, which is produced both in world production and also in domestic ones, it is also very important to have, and a complete list of medicines that are used in the conservative treatment of glocoma. all this in our country. there is an increasing percentage of people with glaucoma. this is due to the fact that the proportion of the elderly in the total population of the planet is increasing, and the risk of developing this pathology
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increases with age in our country at the moment. there are more than a million people diagnosed with deafness alexander bystriyskaya ursal mamedov and ekaterina yudina watch the main news of moscow and the moscow region in the week in the city program on our tv channel on sunday 8 am. i was in court, and they told me that you can be imprisoned, unlimited possibilities. how to hang astronomical debts on blind and deaf people. you know that she is a deaf disabled person who uses disabled people in criminal schemes, according to official data, this is where the office should be. they don't let me see for 7 years i was a mother. let mom hear. why a child who had three mothers ended up in an orphanage. this room is an expansion
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of living space, how to assign a whole driveway text i can say and what to do if you can only go home through the window now attention is at a height 4 m. only we have the main stories that happened side by side on sunday at exactly eight in the morning. all news is always available on the media platform. we look. and by this time we had denis donuts with you. see you.
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good afternoon, this is


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