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tv   Moscow Mules  RT  May 19, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

1:30 pm
so i understand that you served term as prime minister as to bach. yager in 1991 in 1992. yes. can you describe a little bit of what was what the implications have been since then? up until now? big changes make changes because in the time you had adjust uh, turning in that time check with somebody. uh uh and and neighboring countries from 40 s socialism to a democratic society market economy. a free press big changes. so we understand that the developments over the past few days have been a month from on the biggest throughout the year. what can you personally say about little backdate? so i know beneficial particularly from that time he started as a young,
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socially, slightly different uh, in, in the both post communist party is lucky uh and to add members, members of solve a problem. and uh and uh, despite the fact that the deal was socialist ios goal is that about the creation but to our relations were correct. and this yes, for some time is practically in the same political scan, the opposing or the government of select. yeah. so coming back to the assassination, it's out to you hasn't seen such a chance on politicians in lives for decades. you think the risk is sort of link test congress by i think so. i think so because of
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the tension is not just the case of slovakia or even seem to view it up the the tension is growing in the lord because the word or security and economic architecture that to govern steer today probably this is changing or is going through the, to the, to a change and to the, to, and to dispatch inc, millions of people. and if such a big changes are coming closer and late to even happen or
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in some countries even matter, maybe happened or bought it to happen already today. that to you guys that leads to me to dramatic events, even like an assassination. so i think it's already so suggested in the state as behind the assassination. that's on the phone. a little bit piece of life was pausing is spelled asus in general. that includes, so if you, so some of the using the sale of arms to ukraine or descending age to you cream. what i want to know is how much is this political stance the cell position towards these bo, this is how much is it like spread? or, except, you mean is that like, yeah, yes, it is one to split and 10 terms. yes. feel spotty. the one elections in september last
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year and even in the president. so the elections in slovakia, one month ago again, streets us political can't as one and to even the in the media opinion balls. this stands of sort of the government, especially especially regarding the war in new cane fish as a big majority amongst our citizens. so yes, and the positions that go against the pizza supported the policy and fits of government that we just we just supported and supporting the west. um says
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the feels itself strong because the support from the west and the on and on the other hand it sees that as the allow and it has not very big charles, this is the lock. yeah. and that that leads to 2 such dramatic attempts. just very briefly, the beginning of you and so you said yes it is widespread. you were referring to little that fits those policies in position towards to print, correct, or they were but i think so. okay. what kind of thing? so, okay, just want to clarify because over the course of, let's say the last few years back to, to has time and time again come into power. much like he said, he has the support meeting. what i want to know is now this little book officials, this includes the president's ups,
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the walk in the sex of the documents group of hatred in the country as a reason for the assassination attempt. i guess the prime minister is that's the case. why do you think that is the reasons are probably more one of the reasons i see that the so called mainstream media are opposing feats. so because features policy and features government because they are supported from the west end partly uh the owners of this media are western western companies on it. and that's, that's creates a situation. and so like, yeah, the majority of this makes the media us that going
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against the majority of so they also measured, measured, it measured, retired, and del opinion of salt like see designs. yes about is lucky, i have quite great influence. so go to the other in these internet to media that are probably done the cheap, they do not need to big money from, from abroad. and the, that's why it's here is the opposition of mass, the media. and this, the, then the internet media tend to us that's, that's create um tension in society. mm hm. so do you think this is a problem? just 1st of all, curious, is this something that affects all of your i think i think
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it is right? or in the, in the all, you are url and receipts or at least it's, i said that the 5, these political bodies that have to maybe not the majority, but the drawings at often not either for deutschland, i've the in germany or in the, or, you know, c, a, this, keep about the i the new and have no exact names. and 2 in the netherlands. uh so, yes. uh, see the drums maybe not positive but to at least a group in political groupings in the us. so that all of this
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political groupings, uh growler ink, but they are practically excluded from the, from the government. yes. in the, in the bottom line they, they come in. but in germany, i have day practically can not be part of, of the government even know, even this lower government on the, on the come to german countries. the same particularly is the case of o, c, a and other countries. so that's why the nation not only in slovakia but in europe, is growing and probably finish in of so time will really grow even
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more. what do you think can be done to resolve polarization within society? can it be to 1st start next, negotiations between uh yes, in the uh, say the over so like, you know, demo, so like, yeah. or is that like, yeah, but, but a new bro to europe, especially about the war a new crane. the negotiation about the finding bees in ukraine because because the water in ukraine is and to cut the lease a door off of political situation in, in europe as a whole. and probably even even broad. uh, so uh, in ukraine. it should be stopped it. so correct me if i'm wrong,
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robeteck, so that as in the past said, is governments or his policies are trying to build and to establish an independence and solve it for him policy independent from the european union independent from nature. so the question here is, is this is a policy, this is what the government says. yes, it's position. is that why does the, with the media referred to for real bad faith? so as pro russian, why do you think who was somebody who uses that they this classification of robot feet. so as pro ration is of the point, or is it going for for the then they're all better feet. so in the realities might say partly, bartley, it could be correct. this is this classification overall. but fetal, eh, because,
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because of what we see in the, in the us do, in europe, in union, it, is it this up, or i think national, somebody, any d on a, of, of member sites and the member states will have less and less influence on, on vital issues for future up in policy. and that's why all a body distance or countries member countries that can keep this national and so but any d live feed, so like beat that or bomb in hungary even the in the other countries, at least not in government, but uh, in public space as they are they,
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are i gazed that practically against the, the, me uh the main line of the process and the does that so i guess very old sanctions from brussels against such countries like a guys supported up to the up to now or against the hunger hungry or at least mention mentioned and relate to very soon probably even the newest and the yes and, and in this situation russia is uh uh, supporting the as a contrary slogans. the slogans of national and some of the energy
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and that's why that's why the feed. so could have been described as pro ration poly edition. yes. and a name the the case of the war in ukraine. yes, you feed so and these government has clearly openly said that the silver cat would know weapons that are to ukraine. that is, the new cutting should be, should be finished, or stopped by negotiations noted by, by weapons. and that's also yes, in, in the ukraine presidents that lansky as a bond abundant even negotiations with alaska. so it's clear contradiction between in this case between the feats of the stands and
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interests of a sense. you mentioned victor, oregon hungry. and you also mentioned is the position of brussels takes against the member states. the question i want to ask you is when we take into consideration a still not the case study, i think we're back. it's as policies for an independent policy. yes. hungry. pretty much just saying big dog or has but yes. and quite recently, surveys, bit into the is it's under which was visited by she's in pain, china as presidents, even the funds french president. them of them, according to an extent is for to was trying to set us looking for some sort of alternative partners, trade coordinates. maybe the question i want to ask is easy. europe's identity in a crisis and well that is happening. i remember states like so lucky, a hungry candidate states like sort of yeah. are they looking to spend one sense of
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the word become a part of the great to europe and block, but also hold onto his own identity? would you say that is if there was any way should starting from the the, the, the concluding find of all the other question of yes, it can be the bought a new to meet a change of the european union is the main political line the and it may be because when the when we joined europe in union, and so like, yeah, join the raw, the relate in 2004. but in the previous time, you're up in union. even even describe dates of that
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the national identity of member countries will be kept. and uh, now that has changed, that has changed. so europe in union should, should of the, the change it's, it's, it's political line in that way that the, quote the quote to include both vs cooperation inside of europe and union and inside of europe and national ident identity of the member member countries. and then the to starting of or your question to start out of your question. yes. countries like a hungry but the so it may be is said to be, uh, uh,
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if uh if uh, uh, either party to go. uh hm. oh, is this the ends of the of situation insane in germany or no us? yeah, we would, we changed then this countries wont uh, of course, and probably the they would like to stay in inside of europe and union, but they would have a strong influence on changing of the whole, the whole of the political line of europe in union, in in direction, as i have said previously, going back to some of the internal discussions. how do you expect the assassination attempt to influence to slovakia, internal policies of politics of the fluid sees it is still
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solidly after. very important order be if the if the, the going through the positions of governmental bar. okay. and don't positional kemp, who to go on as they were up to now or the they wouldn't be modified leader or the opposition instead of i'll kill pollution or body is lucky. i miss the she mich guy published one week ago in the, in the paper in slovakia that he does not the does not the value 8 the voters of governments bodies. yes. who is, is that democracy is the democracy 1111
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a party blakely says that he does know to evaluate the citizens of. so i'm lucky, a voting for, for i'm out of the box that, that shouldn't be changed. and that wouldn't be changed or that would be easier changed if the if the brussels officer officer, brussels may be london who do not so strongly support even to the present the position of bodies. lucky you. lucky is one of the few countries in europe that supports a peaceful resolution in ukraine, which it is. it would be peaceful. yes. yes, yes, please. yes. solution. do you expect and more countries within the european block
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to follow this stance in the future? do you think the was side with philadelphia for example? i think so. i think so. but the question these, the other countries, or the say pro peace book in europe should be stronger very quickly. because because even russian army reduce big bonds are a few grain then to reach a peaceful solution who will be more difficult and more difficult and never in the, in the history receive even i think the other countries other not only in slovakia, that if some army every she's reached,
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some line that to the daughter we would leave the line. we though, do i have on that? so i, it's the russian army read. she's slide the se, nip at a very the in the u. k. and then the ukraine, or do have a very, very difficult position if russia reaches certain milestones goal. yeah. so as we say this would progression and we're much stable strong to position as a bit if there is ever going to be a negotiating table. what do you think you would do in that scenario? the west, especially united states, are doing very, very stupid policy. because because they pressed the russia
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in china and other countries are together. and yes, i remember, and the henry kissinger avery's that the communist china left calling me in the soviet union. and the that had the do as i had a very much there was suddenly many content. and now the and now the, and it just says doing just opal's i policy and that, that's why see the question, if for the police a position of arrest that would be, it would be not only that because the position of russia, because the site is now practically supported by china, by either on a more or less, by in the more or less by african countries. so, on the west, the challenge for the west then would be not only russia,
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but to the ward majority. it's not necessarily a matter of, for example, in the united states versus russian or the european block versus the east. so what would it be safer to say that this is an alternative to the collective list? yes. and not only alternative to the collective worst, but the pressure for changing the global architecture, global security architecture. because the collective west. yes, the on the big with the united states would not be the only the only for all of the, of the word. and to yes,
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at least the then that would exist that at least 3 bowls hold or united states china, russia, the exist, but actually kelly owner already now, but then dispose, we'd be, we'd be more important and practically no, no. or even the even man may deal to an important issue quote and not to be solved without. without this and this repulse and the then then the so called a collective west quote, not dictate its condition conditions through the work many extra it's within the fields. politicians, academics,
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they suggest the course of the best in the united states had been especially resulting in that diminishing foreign policy. we see this are specifically speaking . i think the middle east is a good case study is how to withdraw from most of its positions. it's less, that's foot holes in many parts of asia. met, at least for good. and i think it's also losing, it's for the whole to europe as well. many suggest the united states has influence over the years has become tiring, this sense. and this is why they believe that the year can do need is correctly looking for alternative methods of somebody that's who are international relations. relations with other states. very simply put the question i had, this is the fault to inform the policy of the us influencing this shift in the global architecture. the receipt
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in the united states, the how the of the so called deep state the expressing for keeping the present the present architecture of, of the international security international economic order. and maybe even culture or the at cj or, and to that's it. i'm afraid that the big because how it's possible that make big american party. i mean, now the democratic party, the big party is it is not the able to both. i'm of the candidate for presidential elections then joe biden. and the,
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and the whole word is, is seeing this in the bass, physical inability to produce a candidate to be the candidate. and then, and then maybe the president of the, the l for the, the economic country. so that for me, it's saying that as if in the united states, not the say the elected president is realizing uh, rio power, but to this is the deep states. thank you so much of a sentence. if that was a very pleasant conversation. thank you. by the, the
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now you need your research. typically he said to me, i think, you know, what kim's in the book is that probably the message should see where it gets to the the only issue ok. use the thing of them. so i'm just going to the, by the ways that the boys, the, the most name that will be put on imagery of assess florida doesn't want that
2:00 pm
extra them. but adults appears that the search and rescue operation is under way in the mountains of news. and they're rolling off the helicopter carrying countries, presidents and 4 minutes that makes us todd landing, an idea of photography and the refugee camp kills at least 20 steps. and the palestinians is the overall that's totaling calls from the is really offensive support is $3500.00. was also the police collage we've protested intel of the the sizes riley against is ready prime minister netanyahu for while we're looming, try to reach any cross the shadow of.


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