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tv   News  RT  May 19, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the comp, the kind of reading the a rainy and president and several high officials were supposedly, makes a rough long day due to harsh weather conditions on its way back from as the by john. an idea of attack on a refugee camp kills at least $27.00 palestinians as the overall desk told him, dollars there for me, is really showing policies to take $5000.00 also ahead the police class with from testers, intel of the, this thousands riley against is way the prime minister netanyahu
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a while the looming stress of new techniques costs a shot over the bottled lee. this government puts you on to the prime minister netanyahu. i look you in the lights, and i didn't tell you. the choice is in your hands. if you choose to follow the positive fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit. the government then attempt that quoted has been made into but by defense and security forces is attempting vote for and there's and communities. these companies tend to foreigners have been put out of harm's way. their leaders included on 3 people, including a rebel lee to meet that just as the a welcome. this is the week. you all know it's your international with the latest the news on the data along with a round up at the stories. the shapes the week is good to have your company there so that we started with breaking news as conflicting report was about as a helicopter tower, and a radian president apprehend, bracy,
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the i croft is either crashed or experienced a russ long thing on his way back from as a by john with a leader was meeting with his counsel, paused the radiator in syria ministry kind of concerned the president's condition. but local media reports that raised these helicopter has been found in the 8 ambulances had been dispatched to the side o. c, to long correspond to the market, the obasi on has these details. the latest reports that we have received for data after the incident took place hours ago, the uranium president on his accompanying delegations were traveling from north western city of uh let's say that peace officer by john to top these 30 and i'll get ration on the joint um, between the rainy and president and the other via johnny presidents who home earlier. however, after there's they take off um, hours later,
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there were reports of a harsh landing, a tough landing of the helicopter, carrying the president alberto ports were unconfirmed. later it was revealed that there were 3 helicopters carrying the president and his delegation, 2 of them successfully, uh, got to the destination. however, the one carrying um, let's say the president's a lot had to make a tough landing. clearly reports revealed that the location of this incident was in a densely, let's say, area with trees. it's a jungle actually and it's heavy fog in the region. therefore, rescue operations have been very difficult for the group that were accompanying the president included. one of the most important um, let's say the top uranium diploma hosting. i mean after the here and now the ring in state tv has said that there is a high possibility that the uranium presidents, abraham light, as i see,
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is safe. but there are some reports that the delegation to accompany him. some of them have been injured or they have been um, lets say the seas. however, what i have to say is that we have to wait still, cuz um, the based on the location of this incident and the difficulty in search operations, the difficulties but they are facing. it's, it's, we cannot say for sure what's going to happen. as a, as well round up, it's offensive on dogs, or at least $27.00 pallets to the ends of reportedly being killed in an attack on the new, throughout the refugee camp in the enclave. central region. as, as the guns a dest toll some idea of selling. so pos is $35000.00 since october breathing power . and so i giving final cases to the slide shows when a news arrived is where the force is targeted. one house and the comp that with
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sheltering displaced palestinians and another strike while idea of forces as being reported in the southern city of calling eunice wounded thousands of being rushed to hospital following the shelley from the city. and also in the suffering from b is ready strikes with facing an acute humanitarian crisis, with shortages of all this essentials, locals. q for crucial supplies, which are hot, they sufficient to feed everyone and meet you and agencies, right? a raising the along the over the spiraling cries is warning. that's 8 operations, all stuff i'm very worried. i think that it's a world which has lost its way and we need to help find its way back to those new ones that we will live to create. the humanitarian operation is stuck, it's completely stuck. we can't do what we want to do. what is the hope for these people? they don't know what's coming next to water supplies from the central system not
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being disrupted on civilian struggle to join qs, to fill by jerry tons. local say, life has become unbearable with no one willing to help in that desperate need. one of us would travel long distances to fill one or 2 containers with water. there are no wells, there are no services. homes were destroyed and our children would kill. we live in humiliation. in fact, no one cares about us. i thought we'd not okay. good enough when it porter came and can use the restroom like to leave a big move on to return. so homes, our children have been thrown into this track up. i love the fact that team is life is unbearable, yet we transport water from near the sea. we walk approximately 5 to 6 kilometers comes we bring 4 to 5 containers of water and it spills on the road. there's no other way to provide water for us some way you do, but the ability digit glove for 14 days um border crossings have been completely closed or something. and no, you, many attorney and 8th as getting into garza and including food, water and
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a few weeks this is, has resulted in some hospital, announced that they were complete. if you the blush and resulting and hospital with you, it's a use, it's a patients ask what happens to support the golf in hospice in i'm now a, the situation is getting worse on thursday. expectation of this for the crossing is going to be continue closed. this would result in a complete collapse for the health care system as hospitals when the no more even to continue providing their life. steven services with fuel depression, fuel is also needed for. a or of the continue of ambulances as ambulances need also, if you, and also, as for the human to 3 and a, it's, we, or this situation on the ground, is for the d test asked to speak to before even the loser of the crossings. this
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for us to the lives of civilians, a garza who would have no more as to, as i ordered you before, the complete the closure, the amount of human nature to ease that was getting into gaza. it was already enough to know now with a complete enclosure. this means of famine is imminent. as would result in thousands of civilians we'd be losing their lives because of the star ration. monday sold a palace, city and prisoners club as slap as well with fresh allegations of medical neglect. the civil rights organization has accused the state of mistreating palestinian detainees with serious health conditions. and one of them is mo, at some right, that he received a 20 year sentence in 2006. and the suffer from chronic illness is the start of his detention without family has demanded. that is well allow him access to treatment. but the please remain on the opposite,
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where that is currently being held in the west banks of the prison. we spoke with the presidents of the palestinian prisoners club. abdulla as the guard had tossed the lights on, the conditions were dad face throughout his imprisonment. you know, i mean, i see originally a mazda simmer. dad is one of hundreds of policy and detainees in easily occupation prisons cost subjected to systematic medical neglect throughout his detention that that has suffered from intestinal problems and continues bleeding. he also experienced feeding spells in things throughout his body, frequently moving between the realm of prison clinic and all the prisons. and there is no real medical care and he needs to be transferred to a specialist hospital to get a chance for appropriate treatment. israel's failure to provide the necessary medical procedures lead to continues, etc, at ation and his health symes. they claim he has cancer and he was registered as accounts of patient. but it was later discovered he had the clinic intestinal
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inflammation, causing continues bleeding, which also let to severe pain, feigning extreme weakness and prison. therefore, we hold the easily the occupation system fully responsible for not transferring seek prisoners to specialize hospitalization. but look since october the 7th, the number of palestinian prisoners and is really detention centers has almost doubled. another prisoner rights organization, either mail estimates that they were car labeled and 9000 incarcerated palestinians . 250 of them online is moving 500 of them. a 7 live sentences in he and she main conditions of the also gary called it this tension practices a silence genocide, a lot of the kids. well, these are all katie's old mass genocide throws a strikes shelly keeling, which has clayton tens of thousands of posting in lives in gaza. a silent genocide takes place throughout beatings. little souls deprivation installation of prison is
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thousands of people in gaza held in nazi like caps. but the easier the all me subjected to meetings, balance of days and weeks with hands and feet side and eyes blindfolded denied food and medical treatment. he's real has implemented extensive military measures after october the 7th. so the prisoners live seem to live in health. multi g needs a place to under administer, their detention without charge or trials. israel bus full responsibility, 49, all international decisions regarding policy and rights to freedom and independence . the international community, especially the united states. she has responsibility for the 10 favorite in support of the occupation cells. it is a real part them, israel's, across of this included mass genocide and continues destruction. we should have been ongoing for 76 years october. the 7th is not until the important info listing is suffering. the issue of prison is, is significant and linked to the ongoing occupations of the international community
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. we must compel israel timothy, nice polish stein. as an independent state withdrew slim as its capital. thousands of his weighty protest this i have rarely been tele vive against the current government was the only thing in police using will to comment on detaining demonstrations the, the crowd through aging benjamin netanyahu to resign and quote, a snap election jamal is that the government secure the release of dozens of these rarely hostages, still captive in dasa. as these ready, prime minister faces pressure from another side with his will, competent ministers threatening to rebel against the government. but the guns has given me nothing. y'all have 3 weeks to agree to a post. we'll plan, he's proposed full gaza and is where what's the deal prime minister netanyahu? i look you in the, i to night and tell you, the choice is in your hands, the nets and yahoo of
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a decade ago would have done the right thing. are you willing to do the rights and patriarchy thing today? the people of israel are watching you, you must choose between zionism and cynicism, between unity and factionalism, between responsibility and lawlessness, between victory and disaster. if you choose to follow the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government. we will turn to the people and form a government that will gain the trust of the people. we will form a government based on broad unity that will bring correction, unreal, victory bounces, planning. here's the return of all hostages from don's that he wants in an international civilian government that would include american european arab and palestinian elements. but without the involvement of westbank cool storage fees, the woman who stole that was to see guys a demilitarized and occupies by the is way the military, which he calls that security control. benjamin netanyahu, his office,
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has responded to the demands, claiming they would mean a defeats for israel. the condition said by benny guns are whitewashed woods, that clearly mean ending the war and the fee for israel abandoned the most of the hostages, leaving him us in fact, and establishing and boasting in state. and again, this is the latest is where the officials, who openly oppose nets and yahoo early this week defends me to send you off the lawn to choose the premier of mismanaging to acid and on demand digits. and netanyahu commits to palestinian governance for the enclave as opposed to his rainy occupation and resettlement. in january, the permanent assistant vive to no confidence vote in parliament over his failure to bring all hostages. hi, this is why they call them and spend a test see for it. say's guns and that's and yahoo! well actually 2 sides of the same point. so actually i missed the guns stopped
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a lot, but they didn't say anything. i mean, a, it's in, it's a constant theme, could say he's don't been clinging to his norm a many times are normally seems that up day is talking quite a lot sometimes, but actually saying nothing. and that these use a dr. dukes so it seems to be to stay in the government and speak of the people of the, against the policy and the opposite. you then the ongoing, the deeds of the government booking. but this, it seems that these field any, don't get all a fault of this, a government unfortunately missed a gun support or wants to carry out and did the policy that they brought me to spend it. them jo carries out both seed support and one to even enlarge and deepen the few patients they want to wise. and so it seems the sort on the cause of the deadly assault on guys out. so he's, that's down there. let's keep doing it the yahoo!
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a, we must think about the definition of it, where the people, because it's not the democratic republic of congo is military on sunday, held off and attempted to know the presidential offices in the country's capital. the military spokes person stays 3 people were killed in the shoes house involving arms, congolese militants, and foreigners lived focused on the the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo. inform, national and international opinion that an attempt to included has been nipped in the bud by the defense and security forces. this attempting vote for and there's an come gleese. these kimberly's and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way. their leaders included the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo, asked the population to go about their business freely and quietly. the defense and security forces have perfect control of the situation. we will return to this forcefully with proof and supporting images. the democratic republic of congo ministry spokesman said in a televised address on the box,
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the pepper traders of the food table bar, including several foreigners have been arrested and are now in cost for the police defense and security forces that the situation is under control. but according to local media reports, 3 people, including one soccer and 2 dogs, were queued in the crossfire beyond man on sunday, i taught, but came south a residence to ma, here, a federal legislator, and found it for speak of a national assembly or before street for 6 foot square seems to the legislative said, come out here and his family are safe and sound. the incident came amid a crisis sleeping plaza. the village securities governing party over an election for the leadership which was expected to hold on saturday, but was forced phones. honorable by check them all here is to become speaker. the
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current president was re elected for 7 term as president in december, but as of yet the name of governments west and central africa has reported multiple since 2020 the most recent re reserves president mohammed basil last july. meanwhile, the united states embassy from safe security warnings on sunday. following the incident r t material. germany's top economic advisory body has released a green full cost for the coming year. the country's economy is expected to barely suppose the stock nation points done thing is 0.2 percent in 2024. but let's talk advise this said the economy may speed up to 0.9 percent next year. this comes off,
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the last is recess and when you have a nice day at a pace cell by 0.3 percent, the country was the wells was performing major economy in 2023. the land has games which consumption inflation on the costs of energy for the economic hardship. some insurance, a lot of salt size 0 didn't on most go in particular, blaming storing energy prices on russia. turning off the gas lines this week, which department is there where she's through not codes, the accusation, pollutants, recklessness has taken us closer to a dangerous needs or a solution. then at any point, since the cuban missile crisis, russia has poisoned people with chemical weapons and went through it and cut off the gas supplies. they had a devastating impact on people's lives and threatened out energy security about so knocks main line that moscow allegedly stopped supplying energy resources. pipeline be of north stream 2 is still operational, but it's closed on the western side. why? because washington has forbidden that. once again,
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the west is shooting itself in the foot and once again it scape golding russia with the case prime minister, pointing the finger at moscow for all of his energy was a nato says it was lot of mere putting who single handedly had gas problem close the valves on gas exports to the west, we thought we had a contract with gospel. we thought we bought our oil and gas from a company. but this wasn't true when put and set the gas from close the valve. they did it. it's not in that contract, only someone with the memory span of a gold fish could forget that it was the wes own and t russian policies that forced russia to shut off the gas back in 2022 gas problem pleated with siemens to restore damage. turbines to working order along the north stream, one pipeline. but the western sanctions made sure that was a no go. instead of lifting them. europe piled on more band, russian colon ports and put similar measures on seaborne crude oil. more recently,
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brussels even voted to allow for the banning of russian, alan gee and with all those constraints on the west own energy supply, the leaders of the so called free world had been nothing but ecstatic, cheaply beauty, which was good on said i know that one of our major successes has been to reduce our considerable dependence on russian energy to almost 0. we must cut russia's revenues, which fortune uses to finance is atrocious. lauren, ukraine, and now a work of the last month really pays off. because at the beginning of the war, if you look at the importance of gas, 40 percent of it was russian gas since a long time. today we're down to 9 percent only. that frankly, i know, i know that i'm a russian gas will have cost for you or, but it's not only the right thing to do from a moral standpoint. is going to put us on
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a much stronger strategic footage. the west justifies all these restrictions as part of the campaign to restrict funding for us is military operation. at the same time though, the u. k just struck a multi 1000000000 pound deal with the french fuel giant total energies. a company the trades in russian gas total energy is one of the largest buyers of russian gas globally. they've played a key role in bringing food and selling g. a coastal lifeline for us has more time economy to market for government focused on energy security and supporting ukraine . buying gas from total should be a non starter. on top of that, new delhi is importing a record amount of oil from russia. and britain is importing 175 percent more oil from india. then it was at the beginning of the military operation. it looks like the more sanctions the west deployed is, the more loopholes appear alongside them. a convenient way for western leaders to pay lip service to their own anti russian policies. and actually enrich rushed as partners by buying oil at
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a 3rd party premium. hating that strategic partnership, vladimir 13 was given a will welcomed by c to ping is the russian president travel to china for to day state visits. the latest mess engaging for top level talks to further cements the partnership, his mole on the trip of the and on a god, a marching band and count on something to the base of the symphony of pomp. every minute detail rehearsed to absolute perfection. we are in central badging behind me
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is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance, the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greet the 2 leaders here you can see the owner got everything is very, very solemn, you can see this actually both men and women represented in the front rows of about to meet both vladimir putin and shooting, paying the you don't get to see this kind of reception every time we have the front row seats mutual respect to the degree of reverence has never been vis expressive of
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the continuous strengthening of russian chinese development, comprehensive strategic interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation meet the fundamental interest of our countries and our peoples. and are in line with the needs of the world community and time. relations between china and russia are irreplaceable. their significance is hard to overestimate the which i apologize for speaking so long and not letting the interpreter do his job. i feel at home here. it's like i thought everyone here already speaks russian. the. now all that translated into hours of 2 weeks and a speck of signed documents, now strategic partnership and the brakes book. the pillars on which russia china relations stand high during the visit, the delegations agreed on must go further expanding its presence on big things.
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kolosso agricultural market, and while the us has been ramping up its efforts to make russia's banking sector toxic sanctions blackmail most to n b gene discussed ways to get around that. now the 2nd leg of the journey. so a lot of my putting. 6 calling from capital b ging to the north eastern city of had been the now over there, he met with chinese students and shed some of the behind the scenes details of his visit. my dual credit. this started yesterday, my friend, the president of the people's republic of china, treated me to this dish of peking duck. i'll tell you honestly that i thought about eating only one piece. well, you understand right? but i couldn't resist because it was so delicious book simple, of course. but the biggest revelations came just off to that to the enemy's your
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conference, which was truly in your face event for everyone. still hoping to see russia sidelined and isolated, it is important that those who are trying to maintain a monopoly on whole issues. understanding that a multi point a world is emerging before our eyes do everything that depends on them in this case. so that this process is natural, peaceful, conflict free, and that the opinions of hold participants in the international process is taken into full account. it was also the 1st time vladimir putin spoke about russia's new advance in the heart of region in east and ukraine. and that it's not actually about taking the city of hike of well please, for now ukraine is showing residential areas of russian border territories, including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that firing right into the
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center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car cost today, we have no plans of taking it. and once again, pollutants trust both most goes readiness for peace talks and the futility of any such effort that does not account for russian interests. we analyze everything. of course, we are following what is happening around the announced meeting in switzerland. we are not going to switzerland, but we never refuse negotiations. unlike ukraine, they are the ones who withdrew from the negotiation process. they are the ones who said they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on us. they declared that they were going to fight to the end. in fact, not to the end, but to the last ukranian. it was president supporters, 1st 4 and visits since he's latest, a new duration. and these guys, celebration of deep friendship between russia and china and the failure of us sled
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attempts at geo political segregation. and while hates is in the west, i surely still going to have the defined display in the east, sadly speaks for itself. and the us republican senators of slums, that binds administration for be pushed out of africa as rushed through in china, gain momentum on the confidence present. biden's foreign policy has been a disaster, and every continent and africa is no exception. while the russians and chinese are working overtime to oust the was from a region that will soon be home to quarter of or as population, the button and ministration continues to fumble the ball and we can our nation strategic interest with our african partners. america now has effectively been pushed out of chad, new share, molly and berg and a fast. so making more room for rush and china. the administration behaves more like an illustration, a superpower flowing with the toning tide against
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a washington's presence nisha. and she has recently ripple top military cooperation agreements with the us ordering troops that to pack the bags and leaves american so just was initially sent to african countries to fight terrorism without showing any tangible results. the confidence is still suffering from insurgencies. now the us is trying to find another african nation to and it's military personnel with little success. and i, jerry and journalists told is it's natural to say africans turning to russia and china off the. a has failed to help them deal with security and they can only issues on the confidence in america's insulins has strategically we can over the last decade or 2. and this is allowed to be because of how america you do seem to have dealt with african countries where i think then economies over the years the americans have not put their money is with the amount to use. they have not defended human rights as much as they claim that the world have been many, i think,


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