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tv   News  RT  May 19, 2024 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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the the police class with protest because instead of the vista, thousands volley against is really prime minister netanyahu or walden, moving west to mutilate cost the shadow over the bottle. li, discuss what's the prime minister netanyahu. i look you with the lights and i can tell you, the choice is in your hands. if you choose to follow the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government the it's not meant to 10 state visit to china. seas aging roll out the red carpet with
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the chinese and russian has been stage signing more strategic deals with the way for and multi part of the world. and in one week, russian for face take of the move tyrants ribbon kits has throughout this whole conser offensive suited in phase most go has no plans to take you credit. and 2nd largest city of conklin ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territory. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. as for the city of cardboard, we have no plans of taking talk of today the world. welcome to you. this is the weekly on, on the international with the latest news updates along with a round up at the stories. the shapes the week is good to have your company of thousands, all these way. the protest is invalid in tel aviv against the current government was also getting police using was
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a cannon on detaining demonstrations of the demonstrate to the edging benjamin netanyahu to resign and coolness. not election. protest is also want the government to secure the release of dozens of these really hostages. still being held captive in gaza is where the prime minister also faces pressure from another side that is really will competent. minnesota has directions to rebel against and that's in the all his government, unless he's demands a mess. but the guns has given the premier 3 weeks to agree to his post will plans a garza and is well it's so what's the prime minister netanyahu? i look you in the lights and i can tell you the choice is in your hands. the nets and yahoo of a decade ago would have done the right thing. are you willing to do the rights and patriotic thing today? the people of israel are watching you, you must choose between zionism and cynicism, between unity and factionalism,
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between responsibility and lawlessness, between victory and disaster. if you choose to follow the path of fanatics and lead the entire nation into an abyss, we will be forced to quit the government. we will turn to the people and form a government that will gain the trust of the people. we will form a government based on broad unity that will bring correction, unreal, victory to go to bed or a woman at this time and codes. they were ton of old hostages. from garza. he wants to get an slave to be run by an international civilian government. that would include american european, arab and palestinian elements, but without the involvement of westbank authorized. these guns also was to say a gauze, a demilitarized and occupied by the is where the military, which he calls security control, benjamin netanyahu, his office has responded to the demons, claiming they would mean a defeats full as well. the condition said by benny guns are whitewashed woods,
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that clearly mean ending the war and the fee for israel abandoned the most of the hostages, leaving him us in fact, and establishing and boasting and state a pretty guy and says the latest is where the official so openly opposed netanyahu earlier this week, defense minister, you ask, alonzo two's the premier of mismanaging the war assets, yolanda mon dish, but, and that's, and you all who commits to palestinian governance for the end place as opposed to is really occupation and resettlement. and january, the prime minister as advised to know confidence both in parliament, i have his failure to bring old hostages home is ready to on the left in the or and so he's the prime minister has loaned out state his welcoming office. any statements by mister gun was to have been eagerly await to see it. but uh, what uh, turned out to have been his uh statement was directly disappointing because no todd
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and political leaders and it shouldn't be have the new toilet rather than do something immediately. and now to, to use right now, leaving the government and leaving the men to replace all 4 of the media to have the elections the gave listen, you know, a 3 week old to match them which is really lovable. nathaniel is both the most hate admitting these rules and majority of these rarely deeply case and be spicy because both of his responsibility for october, the 7th and his insistence on evading comfortability for him. however, seem to connect, had been to follow him and he still enjoys majority. so to have uh, at least half a dozen members softly crude,
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led by gallons bolting from the government to topple the government being comments that as well round. so if it's offensive own goals or at least 20 palestinians have reportedly been killed in an attack on the news, to route to refugee time through the enclaves, central region. since the gauze, the death toll from id of showing. so policies $35000.00 since october we've reading powering for giving final tests as to the slain children in news or as is ready for us is targeted one house in the account that was shows when displaced palestinians of cities and also really suffering from the is ready strikes with facing an acute humanitarian crisis, with a shortage of only centrals. locals. cute for the crucial supplies, which is hardly sufficient to fees. everyone in need. you and agencies raise
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a raising the alonzo. is that the spirit in crisis morning? that's 8 operations. all stuff i'm very worried, i think that it's a world which has lost its way and we need to help find its way back to those new ones that we will live to create. the humanitarian operation is stuck, it's completely stuck. we can't do what we want to do. what is the hope for these people? they don't know what's coming next. vital water supply is one of the central system that being disruptive and civilians are struggling to join. choose to fill that jerry tons local say life has become unbearable with no one willing to help in that desperate need. and the trouble long distance is to fill one or 2 containers with water while you know, there are no wells. there are no services. homes were destroyed and our children were killed. we live in human radiation. in fact, no one cares about us. i thought we'd not okay with no shuttle when it's porter. we
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need to pay. we need the lessons like to leave it, we want to return. so holmes, our children have been thrown into the track. uh huh. yeah, that's a forklift theme is life is unbearable. yeah, we transport water from use the c walk approximately 5 to 6 kilometers comes we bring 4 or 5 containers of water and it spills on the road is no other way to provide water for us some way you do, but let's not cost life tunable fall side, palestine red crescent society spoke suppose, and many things for your time today. i appreciate that. so 1st of all, a, could you please this out to us how the situation in gaza has changed all the way the closure of the lines to monetary and crossing for 14 days um border crossings have been completely closed or something and no human attorney, an 8th as getting into garza and including food water and a fuse, this is uh, has resulted in some hospital announced um they were complete if you have the
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pleasure and resulting and hospitals with use and abuse its uh oh, patients off what's happened with golf? so you would have been hospital, i'm now a, the situation is getting worse on thursday. expectation to have this little bit of crossing is going to be continue closed. this would result in a complete collapse for the health care system as hospitals will be no longer able to continue providing their life. stevens services with a few of the flexion fuel is also needed for the continual ambulances, as ambulances need. also, if you and also, as for the humanitarian aids, we are the situation on the ground. as for the cataracts, restricted before even the loser of the crossings. this for us to the lives of civilians and garza who wouldn't have known more. as soon as i ordered you before,
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the complete the closure, the amount of human nature to you that was getting into gaza, it was already knocked enough and now with a complete enclosure, this means of famine is imminent. as would result in thousands of civilians will be losing their lives because of a star ration. we do have the establishment of the us build floating peo um to assist with humanitarian supplies. do you think it's going to be and know how much help is it going to be? it is absolutely not enough and we continue to cool no matter what a new city new sions. as for this or even for the aid of drops, there is no alternative for getting a loud lambda crossing as the easiest past, is a more effective way to get a aids into casa. we continue to call on the international community to apply pressure for the reopening of verify crossings,
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as well as from upsetting me crossing. we need to continue getting a humanitarian aid as through crossings and to make sure to open the new even moved the crossing and to have a continued suspend. and i'm in bid and humanitarian aid office to old areas of casa, and was humanitarian aid issues of the most pressing in guns right now is a clean water size. it's food, is it medical supplies, which area is most pressing? to be honest, oh, i can't even like, as we say like we, we don't know even saved from where to start to because there is needs in after the we need more food because people. 1 are struggling every single day in order to have just split the food to stay survive. most families, they don't even have premiums. they already have like a one news in order just to say to stay survive accordingly,
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because of i talk on the dropbox, we're getting the kinds of support from families who want to have parents, but there is no tens. um, the only thing they ask for it just to help them to live and when it comes to neighboring countries, how can they help civilians in gaza whenever you're ready? i'm sorry you i think everyone can have and we needs a graphical and serious action from the international community to intervene right now to protect and serve against inc. casa, that's came off and you may be sorry on suffering is on the motion of it. it's has been so long over 7 months and civilians inc also been killed, injured,
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relentless, bombardments. and on top of that, they are in a, continues relentless displace average gall stuff and many have been forced to leave at least 5 times. and after the day, 7 hands are struggling just to stay survive, to have access to food, a drinkable water, as well as when i should says to live and i'll ask for the health care system. also, it is continue to collapse because more hospitals are going out of service on top of the industries of increasing the number of ages, trucks to get into cause though with getting less age. as recently, complete closure of both lived the crossing. we need urgent actions to protect, to billions of humanitarians because the situation is absolutely beyond catastrophe. both. thank you so much for continuing to keep us fully updates on
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this situation. i really appreciate the work that you do. we've been focusing about focused on palestine, wordpress and societies, folks pest and thank you hating that strategic part. this is not the webpage and was given a will and welcomed by siege and pain. guys. the russian president visited china for a 2 day state visit the latest matching badging for top level talks, points to further cements the partnership. here's how the president putin was grace's to the
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and on a god, a marching band and count on something to the base of the symphony of pomp every minute detail rehearsed to absolute perfection. we are in central badging behind me is the building of the parliament and over there in the distance, the 2 delegations, the russian and the chinese delegations here as they are about to greet the 2 leaders here. you can see the, on the god, everything is very, very solemn. you can see there's actually both men and women represented in the front rows of about to meet both vladimir putin and shooting, paying the
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you don't get to see this kind of reception every time. we have the front row seats . mutual respect to the degree of reverence has never been vis expressive of the continuous strengthening of russian chinese development, comprehensive strategic interaction and mutually beneficial cooperation. meet the fundamental interest of our countries and our peoples. and are in line with the needs of the world community and time. relations between china and russia are irreplaceable. their significance is hard to overestimate the which i apologize for speaking so long and not letting the interpreter do his job. i feel at home here. it's like i thought everyone here already speaks russian. the now all that translated into hours of 2 weeks and a speck of signed documents,
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no strategic partnership, and the brakes book, the pillars on which russia china relations stand high during the visit, the delegations agreed on must go further expanding its presence on big things. kolosso agricultural market, and while the us has been ramping up its efforts to make rushes, banking sector toxic through sanctions blackmail most to n b gene discussed ways to get around that. now the 2nd leg of the journey. so a lot of my putting. 6 calling from capital b gene to the newest eastern city of had been the now over that he met with chinese students and shed some of the behind the scenes details of his visit. a little clear, the state to this yesterday, my friend, the president of the people's republic of china, treated me to this dish of peking duck. i'll tell you honestly that i thought about
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eating only one piece. well, you understand right? but i couldn't resist because it was so delicious. but of course, but the biggest revelations came just off to that to the enemy's your conference, which was truly an in your face event for everyone. still hoping to see russia sidelined and isolated, it is important that those who are trying to maintain a monopoly and full issues, understanding that a multi photo world is emerging before our eyes do everything that depends on them in this case. so that this process has natural, peaceful conflict, free and that the opinions of all participants in the international process is taken into full accounts. now, as for these functions, it's also a convenient pretext to eliminate competition for the us itself. according to the russian president. assign soon regression of interpretation with the sanctions of
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course looked like sanctions on the outside. but to a certain extent, such elements of economic welfare are not being used for the 1st time. and by the way, politics, the nature of the relationship between russia and china. the situation in ukraine, i assure you it has nothing to do with this. these are just elements of unfair competition. it was also the 1st time vladimir putin spoke about, russia's new advance in the high to region in east and ukraine, and that it's not actually about taking the seats. you'll kind of well, at least for now, the crane is showing residential areas of rushing voided territories. including belgrade, civilians are dying. it's obvious that firing right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car today, we have no plans of taking it. and once again,
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put this trust both most goes readiness for peace towards the end, the futility of any such effort that does not account for russian interests. we analyze everything. of course, we are following what is happening around the announced meeting in switzerland. we are not going to switzerland, but we never refuse negotiations. unlike ukraine, they are the ones who withdrew from the negotiation process. they are the ones who said they were going to inflict a strategic defeat on. they declared that they were going to fight to the end. in fact, not to the end, but to the last ukranian. it was president supporters, 1st 4 and visits since he's latest, a new duration. and on this guy celebration of deep friendship between russia and china. and the failure of us sled attempts, a geo political segregation, and while hey, to is in the west, i surely still going to have the defined display in the east, sadly speaks for itself. now some long bounds i club experts on
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vice china and of the shanghai center for rim, packed, and international studies. that saves the russian chinese partnership with the stability and promotes a multi pilot a well. this is a certain day, and by far off a very successful the trip of a russian president put to china. what we can see is that the 2 countries are now not only comprehensive, strategic popped as, but it's quite clear that both lecture and china have sheer ration about the wasteful when it comes to global development to all wild development. because both china and russia are very much against the hedge, a monic control or attempt to control the world by the us. and that both countries are not happy with the way the world has being fed right over the last
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decade. also in particular that so and also both countries do believe that the future of the low she'll be multi paula and respecting the interest of or countries around the world. a big and small judging by what is going on around the world. i think the unity of china and russia where ways the 2 countries coming together, it will definitely crate a force to promote peace and stability and hopefully prosperity. because the rest of the, the, the democratic republic of congo military on sunday, held off and attempted to know the presidential offices in the countries capital, the military spokes post and say 3 people were killed in a shoes to house involving arms, congolese militants, and foreigners. a list of some of the armed forces of the democratic republic of
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the congo inform, national and international opinion that an attempt to quit. it has been nipped in the bud by the defense and security forces. this attempt involved foreigners and come galleries. these companies and the foreigners have been put out of harm's way . their leaders included the armed forces of the democratic republic of the congo, asked the population to go about their business freely and quietly. the defense and security forces have perfect control of the situation. we will return to it as forcefully with proof and supporting images. and government over throw took place in the early hours of a sunday morning and also targets who it's the economic minister's residence to actually as well reported between men in military uniform on the middest as gods. it's been almost a week in violent unrest and from the south pacific territory, new caledonia, french forces have little wasted operations who regained control of
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a key road to the main international port. so as power stick that the state of emergency on the island off the pro independence demonstration spunk wires resulting in 6. that's, here's a breakdown of what prompted tensions across the island. the of the 3 words in my circular awesomeness speed. it is imperative, the republican or to be restored, the
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just saw, we feel oppressed, we are angry, everything is happening over a bit. and we a one dream. all we need the kind of people being heard. let's get you a moment. i realized is that the french have never thought about us. they talk about shedding and balance, but that's never been the case. let's go plot, but we can't go on like this. we won't get anywhere with threats, violence or ours. a discussion that works for everyone is needed so that we can find sincerity. serenity and above all peace. the
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focus to those who started the protests a few days ago are sending a signal to parliament. the government entered the president of friends that they categorically impose the draft constitutional law to unilaterally expand to the voter lists of new caledonia. however, both parliament and the government, those have persisted in their desire to advance this constitutional law. and when parliament plays with fire, it is not the one that gets burned, but the residence of new caledonia. and this is exactly what has been happening here to see they've gotten on suspected of shooting small box problem, just a real good fit. so has reportedly pleaded guilty in cools the assailants, fully opposed to appointment just as part of the days, particularly his plans to stop on supplies to ukraine, as, according to the country's interior minister, should ice columbia and both what of each, if i can confirm the reasons why this is classified as politically motivated, pre mediated murder. we're not pointing fingers on anybody. i presented to you with
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the facts. and this was the summary of a stipends night, but they say it was the he's unhappy with the situation and he disagrees with the government. it doesn't agree with stuff in assistance to ukraine. 2 weeks before the assassination attend space suspected gun manager rochon too low was suppose to that. a protest in weston, slovakia. riley was in suppose of ukrainians or smoke with people carrying the flags and condemning the countries routing policy. well, let's take a closer look at some more background information on the suspects. now, $71.00, ero, did you want us to ensure that is a phase course that could be solved back prime? minnesota is policies and um ukraine policies while the runs members of fits those government confirmed that he took, pausing numerous pro weston raleigh's. before shooting. belinda, he, the amount of department is to renew slovak supplies, to catch the country's defense. when is to say, is the shooting was nose come, incidental? this is what i gave you all the biggest tragedy the past i was,
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is that we've discovered that the disagreement with a different political opinion, disagreements or conflict of opinions, have turned into pre meditated mode at what has to happen for a person who originally presented themselves presented his opinions as passive, has to become an extremist, take a gun and chemistry want to kill someone else. i believe that the emotions of the last months was so high. it's low back. yeah, this was no coincidence problem. visa is not so new politician. he's been named politics since 1992. that's 32 years. if he didn't have the same opinion with selected media, then the criticism float. and if you, despite public criticism still won the elections, then it breaks. the question is, how can we criticize him if he still wants to fight on somebody floating is going well that fits so his deputies say is the state made. it remembers the end so that it clearly and that these statements life is no longer addressed. the associates from the same so
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hispanic and k all spread through the crowd waiting to meet the country. as lita, they say like it's almost 5 minutes to fit. so 5 times the last big government building going to rush to fits owens with ca before he was lifted to a hospital from a safe location. and suspect was immediately taken into custody on c correspondent . yes. and can brings us more details on this look and security forces have removed a boat from this tree that was launched as a result of an attack and assassination attempt on the lease of walk in 5 minutes. a rule that fits so immediately behind it is the cultural center in which the prime minister walked out of moments before the attack took place. the silence was a 71 year old male speaking to the locals. they suggest the sentiment that the silence had towards the prime minister or the government is not necessarily something that is shared throughout the country. these statements was in one form
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or another aligned with a number of conflicting ideologies. back in 2016, many suggest his values more traditional that they were aligned with smoking interests. some would even described them as pro russian, whereas in 2022 was inner circle suggests his views changed, supported pro ukrainian, pro western and pro liberal values a drastic shift that resulted in the assassination attempt of to walk in prime minister. but all that fits up, of course, 1st of all, it's a tragedy when you hear a politician is being attacked. and of course, we know that some of our carries a country where there's a big polarization. there's parts of the country which is strongly opposed to 5 minutes their feet. so and then there's a large part which is a fan of uh, feats so. so of course it's a dangerous situation and it's also, it's always a said through here that people tend to violence to express their opinion. and there's just, yeah, that's.


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