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tv   News  RT  May 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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the, the state of israel request the court to reject the request for them with the situation. an indication of provisional measures submitted by the republic of south africa. israel attack, hold at an international court of justice, hearing as the country tries to shift the blame for a top 10 says that has killed more than 35000 in gaza. a med criticism from the us in the us and build the floating docks to deliver aid to guys have all most land crossings remain closed as drivers trying to deliver much needed supplies are packed by is really sellers also a dresser, a consolidations selected, median journalists, which for years has been built on the day, the labeling appropriate feats as
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a criminal and they will do everything they can to ensure that from the seats. it does not prove the slovak defense minister says western media bears the blame for provoking the assassination attempt unemployment. mr. robert pizza, a former slovak prime minister proxy accusations in an exclusive interview with archie. the majority of this mainstream media us are going against the majority of sort like citizens that's create tension in society and paris. sense troops, 16000 kilometers away to dwell on rest tennis overseas territory of new caledonia as locals. their protest, a new law, they say, is a positive to the ethic population. most gives you more. i realize is that the french have never thought about as they talk about sharing and balance. but at the same of being the case,
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the live in the russian capital, i'm rachel ruble. you're watching r t international a mid to south africa's urgent appeal in the international court of justice. concerning id f, a tax on rasa. israel has tried to explain away its all sense that has killed over 35000 the guidance at the reason i. c. j hearing is really representatives were heckled for their attempts to shift the blame on south africa. the state of israel requests the court to reject the request for them of the situation. an indication of provisional measures submitted by the republic of south africa. well in this response, as well, has once again contested in the accusations of genocide for to the court advice of africa. it's all of the quote that said africans case was complete the divorce to from the facts and circumstances. it also defended its attack on the south of gaza,
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telling the quote that in the states would have done the same if they were in their place preventatives off as well. even that meant that the short notice that was given for the hearing to them saying that is why was given less than 24 hours to respond to south africa's request. and that to the state of south africa repeatedly, i'm returning to the court. the focus should be directed on getting some us to accept a sci fi a deal and not only is really representative denying and detecting the claims carried out to this meta. they also say this in the one that should be stopped in this whole thing. it is still of africa, this case. even bytes, very name the application of the convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide. anything does a street suggest an inversion of reality if anybody should be towards that's enough, is enough. it is 40 south africa and not the keys right?
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as to what's points, do we say enough to sift off because repeated attempts to expose the provision of the measured procedure of these courts in such advice and seem to come on to the lawyers off as well, even went as far as saying that. so that's a, is exporting the international court of justice to help commerce. um game of the military is over the if and the guys the war. and that's an order sold by. so that's because for is for as well to withdrawal from guys that would be denied. and it's the right to self defense off to the attorney said to the countries repeated request for the court order as well, to stop it for military operations against guys that demonstrated. so that because desire to, to preserve how much the ruling does and that it is shocking. that's that africa. elaine bull nation, the full to gains racism now aligns itself, become muscle which they refer to as a racist organization. so that's it. so responded and said,
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this is not true. in fact, this is a schuman rights issue. it also says that it is acting in the name of palestinians who have no independent representation at the u. n. for instance, we do believe that our own intention, yeah, has literally been to bring to the full key concerns that i need to national crimes . and particularly the crimes of crimes which is genocide in this case. and we are really serious about that from a human rights perspective, and not the essentially year as a list by him, his though that way you to defend, to protect come us from dispatch it. so that also says that the previous rulings from the pains telling is well, to prevent the genocide have not succeeded in protecting palistine is in does a so it is see change and explicit or that this time we hold to share in a few weeks the decision on this very urgent request that so that because filed as that decision is expected next week and gone has announced a floating peer it's built to assist guys that has been completed and installed the
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1st batch of 8 has been delivered according to the us military. the us sent com, deputy commander says the plan has been developed to ensure the safety of all personnel, the protection of us forces participating as a top priority. and as such, in the last several weeks, the united states and israel have developed an integrated security plan to protect all the personnel. we're confident in the ability of this security arrangement to protect those involved with a project has been launched over 2 months after president biden unveiled, the plan is really forces will be in charge of security on shore. well, to us maybe warships patrol the area in the eastern mediterranean sea. the vessels are equipped with a range of weapons and capabilities to protect american troops and as allies, although the you and will coordinate distribution of the assistance and gaza. it's humanitarian affairs folks. person says, a floating docks cannot replace land crossings any and all 8 into
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gaza is welcomed by any, by any route. however, getting a to people they need in to and across it guys, i cannot and should not depend on a floating duck far from where it needs a most acute land roost on the most viable, effective and efficient aid delivery method. which is why we need all crossing cards to be opened. meanwhile, the foreign ministers of 13 countries, including all the southern nations except for the us, are calling on israel to open all border across. excuse me, all border crossings for 8, especially the rafa crossing the joint statement highlights the urgent need to alleviate the growing humanitarian crisis. in dies and wars is rental against continuing its rasa offensive to me to do the on a thought they were former as democratic factions spokesperson says by delivering some aid, washington is trying to save as well from, for the prosecution. in the genocide case, this board was built to,
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to present the state of israel from further prosecution over its genocidal siege over the uh, the guys district and the political dynamics. and the as well as side with the surprises genocidal value will not allow the government to adhere to international pressures to open the costs of once with gods out and provide a humanitarian even to the medicine. to 2400000 pals, sidney is trapped in the gaza strip to the point that the, the state of israel house, and even as is complicit with the terrace gang. so at that age, a attempting to go through the course and of course into a gaza. but at the same time, when the united states, there comes and saves this, save it is, you know, save some of its a position in terms of, uh, uh,
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having the gateway to enter the military needs into the gaza strip. to kind of shows that by doing president biden. yeah, we go on genocide, joe is willing to take it the extra effort. the extra mile to cool is loyalty to the supremacy is design is states of as low as the land crossing. 2 dogs remain closed, making it impossible for food trucks to deliver much needed supplies. one border point still operating is carol shall on our team at least bureau chief maria for no snow trouble. there was one of the, a drivers, the 3 30 am spontaneous parking on a dead end street somewhere between jordan and jerusalem for security reasons. we could not disclose the exact location. i'm and now his real name starts the engine and inspects the cargo. having been a truck driver for a decade,
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i'm and lost his job due to the worst impact on the logistics industry. on his 1st day back to work in 7 months, he embarks on an important mission, shaping humanitarian aid to guides us as far as i understand, this is the, the aid going from jordan to guys us through these really territory. so i have a model number yes. we load the dates of the alan b bridge, shown the jordanian border until deliver it to the correct i'm so long crossing. we'll drop it off at the crossing and we'll have back that's out of might sound like an easy job, but it became a challenge recently. for months. do settlers have been presenting to minutes? hearing aids from going to guys are locking roads attacking trucks, holding they goals for hours and vandalizing cars and supplies. less on the road has been piles of sugar flour, rice grain that are desperately needed in war torn starving, the guys uh,
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last week several trucks were set on fire rock place online groups where people post information on where the trucks will be calling on all those available to come and stop the 8 the come on. so what's in front of the main argument? no. 2 minutes here in the systems before all is really hostages are free. i guess you've seen the pictures all the attacks on humanitarian tracks best times for gaza . how you feel about it? i worried about your trip. he's very dangerous smell just a little, but what can we do when he just done by all people and deliver the a to them? for 45 am, simon is ready to go. the
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as soon as we start moving, we support a police car for a moment. we think it is for the truck secure to but it is not well, it's really supposed to ensure the safety of international humanitarian aid transport of fluid, stair, missouri. it doesn't provide convoys with passports. when attacks happen, police arrive at the scene, even occasionally arresting the most active settlers. but it doesn't stop others from continuing the very next day. the u. s. has condemned the souls as a total outrage. jordan has criticized israel for failing to safeguard crucial supplies, while human rights groups labeled these incidents as acts of terror, the
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6 am, we try to engage him and in conversation, but he appears focused and reserved. it's about 2 hour drive. tough is already covered with threats remain the while on the road with both a number of trucks similar to ions, although many of bound for gas um they avoid traveling together in a convoy to minimize the risk of crossing pass was set. there is the 7, 10 am we arrived to the frontier. gaza is less than kilometer away. where the care i'm so long crossing horn is road as a boulder. it leads to the southern parts of the probably spinning and play. it has
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been the key entry for a few minutes here in a 12 guys and since the 1st truck was sent to the street, but it still remains. so since the beginning of the war and of cobra, more than 27000 vehicles, more than half a 1000000 tons of supplies worse. and so the guy who has 3 been most of it went through here. this vital passage has been closed for some time following a deadly walk. if a tax had not super responsibility for. but now these really authorities say that it's reopens and it is functioning in a day. and we see that there are many trucks here. some of them that go in through the check point, some of them are going to be inspected and continue the way to the guy is a 3 where the supplies they are carried off and such a desperate needs, humanitarian organizations and international organizations like the u. n. r alarming, that's fam, and it's spreading there in the in wave where it literally everybody out of 2300000
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population suffers from food and water shortages. i went on his truck to reach tier, luckily without any trouble on the roads, but with a set there is a tax on humanitarian convoys, tests and full gazda speed. on the rise, we can say that everybody could be that lucky and even his next 3 would be different. ready for an auction now to you, reporting from israel and kept them shut them. crossing the slovak deputy prime minister has condemned to pro western media and politicians over their criticism of rubber feet. so saying, the baseless attacks caused the recent assassination attempt against him. the good news for them is that i thought equal both the go as long as the onset of the rest 3 consolidations selected. the media in journalists, which for years has been built on the day, the labeling of robot of feats as a criminal. and mafioso a mother, i think the to put in 7th and an evil that must be stopped and they will do over
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the thing. they can't insure the trouble fits. it does not prove it is impossible to go further. self reflection is the only way for which one sincere apologies needed because all these lies are the main reason why robert of fitz, he's fighting for his life today. so let's see. here are some of the western media headlines that ignited and to feed so sentiments that either was for trade as a pro russian politician, despite calling himself pro slovak, some articles even referred to his government as being authoritarian. according to the slovak minister misinformation like this could have led it to the near fatal attack. reminder of the silver minister was shot multiple times, buying a sale. and earlier this week, the footage from the scene to atlantic spread through the crowd waiting to meet the country's leader. the attacker shot prime minister feed. so as he left the government building his cards, his guards rushed the prime minister into a car before he was ever lifted to
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a hospital from a safe location. the suspect was immediately taken into custody and an exclusive interview to archie farmer, slovaks prime minister yon for the gorski suggested the shocking incident was instigated by western media. one of the reasons i see that the so called mainstream media are opposing feats. so because features policy and features government because they are supported from the west end partly the, the owners of this media are western western companies. and that's, that's creates a situation is a lock. yeah. that majority of this makes the media us uh, going against the majority, delta dental opinion of salt lake citizens. and yes that's, that's create um, tension in society are to use yes. and that can,
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has more details reporting from outside the assailants home. this here is a residential complex and this the walk in town of livid say behind me is the residential complex in which the assailants tried to assassinate the walk in 5 minutes to go back to pizza. on one of the balconies is a russian flag. it symbolizes the unity of the residents here, as well as some show of sympathy, particularly because of the silence is currently being accused of siding with pro ukrainian pro western and pro liberal values. whereas the vocals and the government as a walk, you are trying to push for more nationalistic, but more traditional values. now this is important because we spoke to some of the locals, hesitant to speak on camera, but very vocal about where they stand with respect to the events that took place. many local suggests the family was a good family that it came as a bit of surprise. others suggest one speaking to them at
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a local pub said the same and did not try to integrate himself with the local society. and we understand over the course of the last few years, he has had drastic shifts in his political alignments. and in 2016, he was essentially align with pro russian or pro. so fucking national interest. and in 2022, we took a complete turn and decided to side with pro ukrainian pro western and pro liberal values. we understand speaking to locals and reports from local newspapers suggests the ceiling was also a member of a number of organizations. many with different political alignments, the idea ologies was kicked out of each of those organizations which provides some sort of an idea into the mindset of the silence he was initially against little that fits was political alignment as well. we understand in 2023 when little that fits so was running for office. he vowed to put an end to harm supplies to ukraine and upon assuming office in 2023 he'd be got to deliver on that promise. we also
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understand the government is currently opposing ukraine's bid at least the potential of joining nato saying that it will stand in his way, taking everything into account. we've also encountered a difference between the locals here in livid sir in hundreds of where the attack took place, as well as the capital. the locals who spoke to them, but at stomach suggest that they were surprised not because the attack took place because it took so long, whereas the people here in levied. so the locals for the football game nationals been, all of us have a different approach. they have more pro governors, which really makes this come as a surprise for many local see because they're surprised that the st. lynch was from one of these pro government's towns. we also understand, of course, much of these rhetoric. so debates are happening at a time when the european union is questioning his phone identity as well as it's foreign policies. many suggest the governments step robust through about fee. so as for leading is pro russian. but if you ask local politicians, it would suggest it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with signing with one
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side or the other. but it has to do with siding with slovakia, building its own national interest, its own foreign policy solver and an independent from the european union. i knew which the volunteer is both a member to just that i can are to individually. slovakia, the france has declared a state of emergency and it's overseas territory of new caledonia in a bid to call the protest. parents has sent a 1000 additional troops to the south pacific island some 6th, 16000 kilometers away from the french mainland defense. justice minister says order must be restored swiftly because the 3 woods in my circular awesomeness speed and system. why am i saying this? because it is imperative that republican order be restored and it is imperative. just as it was during the riots we experienced in mainland fronts, which have very similar points to what is happening in new caledonia that we have these offices. and the judiciary must play its full policy and providing these
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offices. so i would like to remind you that the justice system was there for us during the riotous new caledonia as a french tony in 2024. it's starting to look a bit like algeria as a french colony in the fifty's and sixty's when there was a, a fight for self determination there as well. and that's exactly what perish is looking to prevent. we're talking here about an island that's closer to us. generally i in the pacific then is to france. what exactly happened to kick off all of this new unrest? well, 1st president menu is not because really party in the french national assembly. on the other side of the world, i might add here in paris, decided to introduce a new law, meaning the french people who have lived in new caledonia for 10 years could vote in the islands elections. which means that thousands more people living there would be adding to be electra roles. now some vocal leaders are saying that the new move
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risks die, looting the vote of the native candidates to saw and we feel oppressed, we are angry, everything is happening over that. and be a one dream, i'll be the kind of people being heard most crucial, but what i realized is that the french have never thought about as they talk about shedding and balance. but that's never being the case. let's go plot, but we can't go on like this. we won't get anywhere with threats, violence or our discussion that works for everyone is needed so that we can find some saturday serenity and above all peace fit. so there's a sense to adding a 1000 the more voters instantly to the islands voting base is a way of tipping the scales by at the very least, di, losing any block voting by the pro independence crowd, which heresies as absolutely critical to suppress in some way all this seems to have prompted independence officials to just kick off some for and outreach like
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and as or by john, just last month. and then basically doing francis trying to implemented the colonial policy in terms of legislation. new caledonia has signed various agreements with funds from time to time through them. parents was supposed to support the independence of new caledonia. but today, frances, trying to limit the rights of ethnic minorities by making changes to the constitution. today, france does not comply with its obligations, thereby deviating from neutrality. francis trying to prevent the holding of a 3rd or random on the subs, terminate sion of the people of new caledonia. we believe that the world community should recognize the right of all peoples to self determination. we continue our struggle for independence. the question is, why would france water create a major new flash point with this new law that could drive the independence movement to make the kind of trouble that is already seen? 5 people killed and unrest of thousands of police deployed from mainland france.
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surely, it couldn't have anything to do with frances wandering at all in any cost to water down any possibility the independent is. we'd never have the chance to govern over the 3rd largest producer of nichol for things like making electric car batteries. and it really represented 6 percent of the world's output, new caledonia is, or it couldn't possibly mean that the movement to grow into something like what happened in algeria resulting in president chef. and they've got, basically just casting off algeria as a french calling me. and in this particular case, parents, this fear is that if that ever happened with new caledonia. well, the big benefit and the big gains would probably go to beijing or even maybe to the us since and bassinger was sniffing around last october. the a bhaskar from france went there and, and paid a bit of a visit,
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which was kind of interesting. i mean, well, a new caledonia and indigenous group known as the canucks has organized a raleigh in paris. protesters are outraged by the french government's state of emergency declaration in their home territory. minorities union leader has condemned paris for choosing to send the troops. we wish for the situation to come down in sports and to see the french government make a strong political statement rather than send troops. that's not something that will get fox back on track. starting a conversation would be a strong political statement, sending the army to another country is not usually to hong talks. the rapidly advancing russian military has already taken 12 settlements and ukraine's archive region just this week. as, according to moscow, the russian defense ministry says its forces have also carried out a series of a 28 strikes using high precision weapons on new created military sites. the targets included air defenses, weapons, and ammunition depots,
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as well as drone facilities. western media is now sounding the alarm over the swift russian offensive. but despite the outcry at his news conference in china, president clinton said taking hard copies, not russia's goal with moscow, sticking to create a buffer zone to ensure the safety of its border regions. what is happening in the cock of direction is also default. ukraine is showing residential areas of the board of territories, including belgrade. civilians are dying. it's obvious that shooting right into the center of the city. if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone. that's what we're doing. as for the city of car cost, we have no plans of taking cock of today. i, for this week alone, moscow's forces have already gained more grounds than keeps troops were able to, during several months of their much hyped the counter offensive. last year. the kinds of president, whose term expires next week, is blaming
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a lot of western weapons where the russian games somewhere zalinski assigned a new lots are urgently get more cannon fodder to the crumbling front lines. you have is authorized the mobilization of conflicts from prison or from prisons. according to your training and media report, some 10 to 15000 criminals will soon be rushed to battle with minimal training. you have claims to move as needed to make up for a critical shortage of manpower as regular military has been heavily depleted in training and authorities also pass a law that video evidence can be used as proof of conscription. notice, even if a person refuses to receive the document from an enlistment officer veteran war correspondent elijah magneer says, ukraine is struggling to find enough volunteers for a military conflict that simply cannot when its desperate situation and the the cannot be mobilized the troops that all services the last 27 months now, they are going up on the,
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on ages. they go to 25 years old now. and they even though stopped or support a broad concept of support to own men will be called to assess the ukraine. so they really initial to just man, so therefore they will go to on anyone to come and go and get themselves in the bathroom feed because they, they know how this is going to end up. and the reason why people are not taking the initiative and join the army because they understand this is a law school and even it is give this them that europe knows that the americans understand that. but there's long does you, it zalinski is then saying, i'm ready to fight it does or not you great. and then the, what you're saying would be my guess, go and fight and mobilize, whatever you one, even convict or the youngsters or the 11 left
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d o a in the villages. oh, and they menissi bought a d o after you want, as long as you are happy to continue the war. all right, we're sure to stay with our to international. i'll be back with much more news in about 30 minutes by the to the cousins barely was not great because as billy was expansion in the right can you wrong the we can discuss it, but the ra shop to see if the expansion of nature as a vital existence will traps to russian security and uh, it must be repeated once again. that's russia said this many, many times since a need $9.00 to $9.00 to $6.00.


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