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tv   News  RT  April 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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fall season historian, who studies the wonders of moscow metro. the this hours headlines. stories on archie, india demands an explanation after canadian prime minister justin through those appearance of a sick separatist event in toronto, delhi once and move cut rupture by law from birth pictures. also this hour the french police crack done on students during a raleigh for gals, outside sort of bone university was another part of his institution reaches agreement with both passengers. despite the local politicians calling for severe measures that made demonstrations both for and against the so called foreign agents bill in to police, see they had a gorgeous parliament questions, the integrity of us lawmakers who wants to sanction the carcasses country. brits.
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they just, they should the just after midnight in most go welcome to then use our on our to introduction. india as some in the high ranking canadian diplomats to his foreign ministry. after prime minister crudo joined seat opposition leaders. other rally in toronto. were a separatist. tell us that the slogans were heard being trumpeted. new delhi safe mister to those actions could drive a wedge between the 2 countries of the government of india's deep concern and strong protest was conveyed at such and disturbing actions being allowed to continue unchecked. at the event, this illustrates once again the political space that has been given in canada to separatism, extremism and violence. their continued expressions not only impact indian canadian
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relations, but also encourage a climates of violence and criminality in canada to the detriment of its own citizens. spacing out a toronto event on sunday, with his head draped in an are in sick turban. justin trudeau assure the indian, separate his supporters of his full bucket. the 6 values are canadian values, truce justice, openness, compassion, service, human rights. these are the values of the heart of sic is them. these are the heart values of the heart of the canadian communities, but they're also values at the heart of all canadians to the nearly $800000.00 canadians of sic heritage across this country. we will always be there to protect your rights and your freedoms. we will always defend your community against hatreds and discrimination. johnston to recently attended
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a call. somebody went in to room to one call. so this actually is all celebration, all this seek communities in new. yeah. that particular event, they work for congress sons to go with chanted by a group of people. and what justin show due date was basically smile. now the call us on mind is dead and in dad's been that in india, florida. why now? but it has been kept to live in the follow circles of canada. now, just in to the us government has been warned multiple times, sign the indian government to keep and check the ecc list elements that are moving on canadian. so a, but essentially all those requests have fallen on deck fios and justin pseudo, at this point, exports believe, is coming across to somebody who is ready to deal with extreme est with radical
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elements. as long as it's serving his political interest just to context the contest dining memphis and she use a google kind of non used score. separate is from the scene community that up to monday that will be an indian land from the state of punjabi god called out as a separate state for the sea community called congress done. now it's not indian seats that are demanding that seeks from canada, the stream. yeah. some of the thoughts of the war at this point it looks like the canada is b to shan, to them. and it's not, it's just the current to government. it seems even the opposition is trying to be filled the community considering that there is a considerable amount of population in canada o, o,
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c community. and also there's considerable water back. we will rely on the great sake values that girl goldman thing brought forward. values are the quality for the common people. the girl said that there should be no cash system. know people on the top, dictating down and pushing the people down. everyone would be saying a lie and relationship between india and canada have naturally become very big over the last few years that have been several incidents of color sunny referendums taking place on canadian sword, but also just sort of value openly the canadian parliament blaming india accusing him there for being a girl in the killing of these seats, separatist canadian leader coals miniature, no question. the geo political experts at this point are asking, is with the canada would ever allow a beast of deadlines to be got called out into
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a solid state called ca. this done, the i'm so naturally is no. so why is canada allowing that kind of sentiment to blue against india the, to the warning gas and know at least $27.00 palestinians have reportedly been killed in the latest is really our strikes of the southern most city, rough as the idea of proposed to invade the urea top come off the official darn egypt for talks on a propos ceasefire with israel. the gas and militant group is coming under mounting western pressure to accept the do the does seem to me, there is no, you know, let's be frank, company, generous offer of you know, sustained 40 days the spot, the release of potentially thousands of palestinian prisoners in return for the release of these hostages has not been in captivity for over 200 days. so i hope
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i'm asked do take this deal and frankly, all the pressure in the world and all the eyes of the world should be on them today saying take that deal almost has before the proposal. that is extraordinarily, extraordinarily generous on the part of israel. and in this moment, the only thing standing between the people of guys and a cease fire is the most. they have to decide and they have to decide quickly. well, kanza hasn't seen a ceasefire since a week long truth to november with multiple runs of talks feeling to really bring about a 2nd agreement. the news is really proposal includes a 40 day pause in hostilities. now it would also see an exchange of at some hostages. held by him us since october 7th, for hundreds of palestinian prisoners in his really deals much of the world's focus is on the concept. of course we're nearly 7 months of warehouse claim that on
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parallel number of civilized, that's according to the us it is unprecedented. that's more than 30000 people have died in 6 months. we know that i'm on the death of 13000 children. we know that more children have died and goes in 6 months. then in any conflict in the world, in the past 4 years, to well as the unread she's mentioned, the number of children killed in dallas, a shockingly high, just to compare back during the 14 year war in iraq, more than 3000 minors were killed. another recent conflict in human, at some 3700 young lives in just over 7 years dead. but those numbers, they're divorced by this, the total of 13000 children who died in the bombing of gaza in just the past 6 months. some countries including saudi arabia, want to see israel held accountable. the ministers stressed the need for the
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international community to impose effective sanctions on his real, including stopping the export of weapons to get in response to its violation of international law, international humanitarian law. and the war crimes it is committing. and garza and the occupied west bank. well, my colleague nikki, are in discuss this with international red cross and red crescent spokes person to muscle del, a longer he urged the world to take action to stop the war before even more innocent flights. are those a cost of 6 months? all of these, more than 6 months of all of these that we really need to see down in the initial coming need to sit down and put that in your money at the, at the beginning of every single discussion. because what this up into now, it seems to be not, but we have heard from some of those who manage to leave garza and they told us that humanitarian aid is just not getting through the paperless, solving, and they don't have medicine. what is the situation with the delivery of humanitarian aid? now, no, you want anybody and i didn't seize, able to get the 5, the response of the minutes. so need the, all the guys a city,
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but we go the out of you the situation in some instance, some of the last lease and weeks was lied to be improving and having a funded in 50 and the one that it struck. so if you mind that i need anything every day and it goes 3, but my, these we 5 the but on what is needed that you many that a need study. mens avery mino said that these coffee go ahead. the because i had the and the, the, the, the need so we, we need keys and then that he's another very important biased these, nothing enough but to bring you money that and they need to open a gate, then you need to create the, i mean by them into what he's supposed to go to, but 8 that what he'd say for the money that i want to get so great. but when it's also safer, what seem events forget what they need and how just how safe is it for? humanitarian work is on the ground right now and how can it's safe to be guaranteed because we know that a shocking number of people who have bad to help those stuff re, a bill was a, have also been killed is not safer on. i would say it's better to be safe, and this is a huge problem is huge amounts of the station even know what a caustic,
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a significant width update the $22.00 times. so the number of the t as in stops include leaks. key is a 22 women and men have been keyed in 6 months for the in the mean use what i left an 18, they'll find a site address and both think garza and lastly, even in the west bank and the thing that these are really clear i wanna start find that a way to evaluate this conflict provided with enough even human is that one cosign expected rival pro test stuff. the university of california have taken a dramatic turn. now supporters of gaza flashed with culture demonstrators after a barrier separating the 2 groups was breached. it comes and made a rising wave of pro palestinian rallies at educational facilities across the us. the well footage from
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the scene shows scores of demonstrators on both sides of the barn and kate's, while bikers of gaza held fathers identical zionism, they telling the children a red supporters of israel are critical of her mouth as well as countries like russia and china on a run for chump feeling. i posted the and state. earlier, i sit in 10, come protest that you see a lake was dispersed by police. here's what some of the rival demonstrators in los angeles of the say about it on the representative. people are weird frequently monday, this genocide illegal because the ac before protest has been restored. these other feature that we have to protect, which will hundreds of people have been arrested during rallies of universities
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across the us. some lawmakers in washington dc help pitch the bill to rein in what they are calling of the submissive behavior ok. demonstrations. college is face losing federal funding if they fail to comply with the proposed regulations. the rising and the semitism on our college campuses is a major concern and we must act to ensure the safety of students. i'm proud to work with my friends and colleagues which you taurus on legislation that will impose a 3rd party. and to sam, it is monitored on college campuses to ensure productions are in place and oversee any troubling action by college administrators. if colleges will not step up to protect their students, congress must act while i'm delighted to say, we can go live now to new york city and speak to legal and media unless line or if they hear his pick. you are most welcome indeed line of a big figures more than 700 students. how being arrested in such a protest across the us, that's in a 2 week period. why do you think americans are rallying with such increasing force
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as well? i'm it, it's just a great question. there should be routing for, and i'm going to use this practice thing that we called the 1st amendment. i'm a, i'm a licensed lawyer. i represent people the very 1st guarantee of free speech, among others. freedom of religion is this thing called the 1st amendment. and it guarantees union the most horrible speech ideas imaginable. it wasn't ever intended to protest nice ideas and minor discomfort. violence is always a verb for me, it is proscribed and prohibited. do you hear what they are doing? they are conflicting and merging and trans might verify the,
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the utterance of an anti semitic idea. and i define it by anybody to come up with a legally satisfying definition of what that is. the past is constitutional, muster, and i and by the way, racist whole most, oh, big trends. but we're, we're, we're confusing the fact that somebody could say something which is spiteful and hate for people. i think a little bit of example, in 1977 in illinois of the nazis march in a famous case called skokie skokie, illinois. they couldn't believe it. it was the feud utilize the population many who would flood the holocaust could not believe they came to america, the land of opportunities and i'm not sees were marching the a c o u represented them. and one of the few examples lately that i come in and it was led, deleted attorney, was the joe because it was the idea that it would protect. it's not certain ideas.
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we have this idea union in this country where the supreme court has said that if an idea or a thought is likely to incite violence and is in a position to do it where, where you're likely to know what anyone who tend to inside violence. then the speech can be stuff because speeches hurtful or problem added, or it is a trigger warning or causes somebody to feel to, to, to have mike for one question. and we have all of these words, and you know what? it started from really picked up during colvin, where people couldn't even old pine us for their own bio medical martial law. i'm telling you to let people speak the moment somebody's violent. that's it, you're done. you're finished, i don't care of your violin a because of your favorite football team, or you don't like a song that's being played. violence is verboten. oh, well we're doing is we're lying noisy, we're actually, we're, we're called,
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you can just this apotheosis of these protestors who are actually recruiting more people because what they want to do was they want you to address why they're not able to speak versus what they want to speak about in the 1st place, and i can't believe it is being spread in columbia university. in 1968 was the epa center of anti vietnam protests and unit of protests are on come constables and they are smelly and they're loud and they're one comfortable and the getting away. and that's the whole purpose of it. but they're also powerful. you mentioned the vietnam more, you know, people will, will point to a lot of those protests having a profound influence on the continuation of the vietnam war. they were the powerful, you've got the anti apartheid and the south african government, the 1980s, those protests as well. they were powerful from what's happening now. do you see do
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c s coast between those 2 examples on, on what's happening as regards gas? that how do you jump to the pose, those 2 movements or 3 movements even it's still just a busy day shape. you know, we, we don't even, i'm, i'm not sure if people even remember this, and i'm saying tap listed in my generation. some of the best music was played at the rallies the song. oh hi. oh bye bye neil young crosby, stills and nash was about 10 state or 4 students were killed. and listen to this now talking about reading in the national guard, basically that the military, so bell, internally a big tent stage. why they want to bring in number one, terry, because somebody is wearing a funny hat and beating a drama. and you don't like what they have to say. so what i've been saying there's unit river edge tags. so what if you don't like it? we don't was in town to protest and here's the best part, the media,
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the media are doing everything in their power to show the worst and the ugly. when i say the media meet the conventional media but the worst and the ugly, and the racist. and the as being a whole back in the i d submitted, there was one time or one particular coverage wasn't even on the campus. phone wasn't black so way, and people watch you just don't know the difference. they don't know, it's, and what happens is you hear this piece and title kids who did they take the extra go on and work. this is, this is the marketplace or for you ideas, colleges, universities, this is where you want to win. why your intellectual revolution, but remember pilots? 5 minutes by which no, no no i to what is but let me, let me just throw in. let me just throw in something on the point. some of these protestors the line will they were proponents of console culture. some of these
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people were saying, because you don't agree with me, you're not of the same view. yours doesn't count as much as mike. is it coming back to bite them? some? what do they realize? not. that's the 1st amendment. hope crucial it. it's to absolutely what about this unit? they had started and people who didn't one certain aspects of history taught because of my corporations because of trigger warnings. i don't like it. i feel bad. okay, fine. now the very same people want to say, i feel bad, wait a minute, you feel bad. he feels bad, you know, accidentally pretty well as the to. so do i shut everything down because i feel bad . you're to tell me something that you believe in telling me something. you've heard the news. somebody started, but the seats are about into your buck, canada. try to make a statement, try to make any kind of demand sort of declarative statement that does it make somebody feel upset or hurt. try. and if you don't, and if you do say something that's and a die and sacrament,
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and completely not susceptible of anybody taking offense, you're not doing a very good job speaking up because you're not saying anything. you only take black one year over the target. when you make a point, that's when you make a best wonders progress. but again, no violence, no violence. i don't care what it is. but because i say something that makes you feel uncomfortable. do you know how you cannot draft the statute? and by the way, how do i go back to the end you submitted? how do i charged somebody with by the video semitism, satcher, who is george? how do i do this company? we, we tried this with, with hate crimes and hate crime legislation as, as though there is a love crime and that didn't work. what do you, how do you white, a statute, god penalizes thought the police are scary, but the thought visual entities are even worse. it's massey, can i put in another aspect to this feeling because during the later in life
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highest correspondence association didn't present and fighting, didn't even mentioned the protest there. that's the spice. some demonstrators gathering at the very entrance to the venue. why do you think biden's turning a blind eye on, on these protests, what kind of influence could they have this year in the presidential year on the? well, 1st of all, i said to, to be fair. the answer is that this is an item for vitality. it used to mean somebody in the white house correspondents dinner. it really might as well be today . it's so bad now to give tickets out to people who barely work there in turns people who clean up here go ahead, take a table of 10, go watch this. nobody cares about it. but the thing that's interesting is, you know, the question you ask is, why not address is what does this mean? if i promise you the worst thing and the, and i mean this with all due respect to any particular group. the worst thing in the world for their cause is just say, you know what, here's a microphone,
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please. pick somebody to tell us what you think. and then you will hear sometimes. i hate to say it in some cases, people say at the cause. that's what they're doing. that's crazy. well, the reason why you might think is crazy why, why, why still can see it because you never let them talk. you never let them say needed, you know, should have seen in skokie this picture. 9077, steve massey's look like it was like a bad movie and people laughed at them. they said, this is what, this is what we're arguing about. please be by all means it destroyed simple, but because it was ridiculous, it's only gain traction when it was suppressed. you think it here you have there and all or it has to be your it in public. the reason i'm different bludgeoning, right? because it also comes in sync with it his worst approval ratings, or indeed of any us presidents since eisenhower in the 1950s. do you see a link?
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i see right now an absolute get 6 months to go 6 months to go. as i'm looking at the polls add on the human myself, could there are people on both sides a could this be trump? do the redux, quoted this busy, and i'm tell the union, it is a feeling of know because remember when it comes to keep in mind donald trump is has 9. these are big indictment. i charges 567. he's in court all the time. they are doing everything in their power and his numbers are going up. so they are to use this of the street parlors freaked out. and for good reason, because it's not supposed to be like this. it's not supposed to be the man is or he's in a court room. he actually faces imprisonment and his numbers are going up. but
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yeah, test alone is the word i think at lydell. thank you so much for your take on all that. oh, it's a pleasure to see you legal on media unless learn to live from new york city. thank you. good friend. well, just to continue at that scene but live across the atlantic, the par, us where a friend students have also been gathering. busy must rallying in support of gals or for several days now. the latest demo took place outside strip on university. the list sits in protest by a group of students intends was swiftly this 1st by 3 weeks after people refused found order to leave. a must have published and the inside was also unfurled on campus earlier in the day. meanwhile, another procedures, french university, has cut a deal with it. students who also been demonstrating for cancer. some french officials
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say that's a piece um, how much they call for a truck on, on such rawlings i saw isn't raleigh in the georgia capital as well in to please see monday in support of a so called for an agent bill, which has been approved by parliament demonstrations for i'm in opposition to the bill, have going on for over a month mondays. raleigh was organized by georgias routing party with protesters marching towards the part of the building where the leadership address the cries invalid to protect the nation's independence. by the way, the debate inside the parliament building itself got physical one m p through a bottle of water out of calling. during the readings, media reports say the woman in question was from an opposition party and was removed from the fall after the u. s. senators have responded to the george and for an agent bill by letter they
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have threatened to impose sanctions and all the restrictions on typically see if it becomes law. the german of the georgian parliament replied by the monday american law makers revealed where washington sponsorship to the country actually goes. instead of restrictions, it would be easier for the congress of this $108.00 to make it public the money coming from the american budget to georgia to these days what this money spent on is hidden and that we sometimes loan by chance, the money from american citizens is spent in a roundabout way to finance bodies read code and these information groups. and it cost a shadow in american a to georgette. i want to bring you the take of george and lawmaker timor meisner, i'd say, who spoke to archie and saves the country. now has a chance to break free from long rolling for an middling, the purchase of the new purchase with the georgia government no longer wants to be a tool. because for many years, it was forced to turn
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a blind eye to western pressure on georgia. back in 2012, when i was a future member of the parliament of georgia, this pressure already existed and it was rising more and more every year. apparently the drawers in government has already decided that it is necessary to get rid of this somehow to abandon actually because georgia cannot become such a blind instrument in the hands of the united states. and the most important thing is that we have information that this money is being used incorrectly. if the us has good intentions and any person with good intentions, chip preferred transparency. it could be seen what good deeds one is doing in the states, right? the country doesn't want to be open and transparent. welted is hiding something, right? this is simple logic. very simple and clear. and so on the other hand, it seems that for the west, this is one might say the last attempt to put pressure on georgia. because after
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the 2024 elections, this will be impossible. i am absolutely sure of this. this is the last chance. this is the way to make a change of power through a cooling. we know that about 20000 people in georgia are funded by these foreign sources. these are people who benefits with the health of non governmental organizations. the rest of the georgia in population does not support this, and everyone will see exactly how many people are opposed to this. and how many people want this lot to work in georgia and for transparency to be there for everyone. well, not as are lots for now, but if you're in the mood for a deeper dive into any of our stories, this our, our to dot com is a solid jumping of we do take a look at the
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