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tv   News  RT  April 27, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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0 the headline stories this our cross protestors fill the streets of the sale of the valve is release them. um prime minister netanyahu strike a deal with her masterly sole remaining hostages, from dallas to call on the government to resign. this is the worst government that was russia, its back out west to attempt to seize this house. it's due to the spring conflict with ace. and peter, for of course, i must pay it. bosco incurs listed on russia. sage, it's absurd that the west still cannot name the code for it to be active industrial terrorism about this story. the newest spring of gas pipelines over 18 months.
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the just a few moments into a brand new day here in moscow sunday, april the 28th. welcome to the argues. anti government protest have gripped israel again. demonstrators are also demanding the release of hostages, still held by from us in gases since the october 7th terrorist attack ortiz, middle east, corresponding reef, and arched the reports from the main raleigh in tennessee. this became a typical sort of thing here in tell of even the last month, thousands have gathered on democracy square behind me for a weekly time, the rally cosmo prime minister and major war elections to be mailed now or is our grand frustration with how is really the countries
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you remember more than 3000 military is rogue from guys like feeling more than 1200 is really military taking 100 would be a number of israel's military offensive. the return of all hostages home hasn't been achieved in almost 7 months now to the day of freedom that celebrates the exalt as of jews from slavery. in biblical age of protests, or se sick tons of the celebrations as 133 captive men. and women old and sick children among them still being held somewhere deep and how
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masses tunnels in gaza, probably with no freedom. no the yeah, i'm just trying to create a user in the interests all the way i've been able to speak to. * earlier lets say to people there's like a like the last 7 months to bring back sales to this, which is very important. and story place this, the 3rd person is government doing very bad thing for us. it's a typical baby uh of way of uh or for that behaving like no to think anything for the people and they will live and we will be i those to send him away. i carry the us flag because over the last 15 months,
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this country has been graded and i am a little concerned about the police. this american flag is an insurance policy for me because i am concerned that they will take excessive violence with a regular protesters. we came here to call on the government to resign. this is the worst, the government that was in the as well since its inception. earlier on monday, the idea of military intelligence, she became the 1st high profile official to resign because of the military sailor to present took the tax and protectors here, believe that many and foreign minister before anybody else suited. for example, israel has launched an investigation into the negligence of the military with administrative. we are safe from an assertion step down regardless of the prob, we'll find out before or even at an added to the massive discontent. local concern mom to raise roads warren gaza. last week is really media reports except for
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international criminal court. maybe consider an issue in international around the relatively near future. again, prime minister and others home, these really officials for alleged war cry. minneapolis doesn't seem to care. this is how he commented on vision poured onto my leadership. israel will never accept any attempt by the i to see to undermine its inherent rights of self defense. israel will continue to wage. i would just want to victory against genocidal terrorist and it will never stop defending ourselves with while the sea will not affect these rose actions. it would set a dentures precedent that threatens the soldiers and officials of all democracies fight in savage, terrorism, and wanton aggression. meanwhile, israel a mass, i'm back to negotiations around the who's come into play, the role of a mediator. the intentions are concerned about the news, reparation in the south,
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in the city of ross, or near the egyptian mode. and they're all working very hard to help them reach an agreement. but the way to as far as the invasion of israel has been saying for weeks, it wouldn't be 1000000 displays in our house or. and i mean, and i'm going humanitarian crisis agency or is that the need to tens of the region to build and enter it into action territory that would of course endangered into security on thursday. the idea of people that they had of is real security service, travel to cairo. and after that, and the location of interest to intelligence officials, the businesses as well as the, about some whole brands. and since optimistic level just to the media now have mast examines the jail, the one you asked was special earlier, is that he's familiar with negotiations that the car into minutes,
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almost all the masses demands is in both ways route. so if he shows cold, there are different kinds of cars, and that was the message for israel gives hostage negotiations. one last chance. if the reason all the time they move forward with the operation. now despite all the western attempts to cripple russia, president put, and how's the current and update 2nd, nomic forecasts for this year with the state budget increasing inflation going the other way. what the letter is, the progressive development of our economy is positively reflected in the federal budget on the whole, the federal budget revenues for the 3 months having grease you more than one and a half times compared to last year. we need the roster and occupier of market soup, so this is really simple. it's not through administrative actions and resources and fair market competitions. meanwhile, a st. petersburg cortez sided with
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a russian bank and its efforts to recoup $440000000.00 from jp morgan chase. now that's money that america's largest bank froze in us accounts in response to the ukraine conflict. jp morgan, as responded by culture, assuming in a us court to block the t b bugs attempts, the american lender also claims account return assets to be june t u. s. sanctions. earlier my colleague nikki or and then are to contribute or chris and this broke down the details for us. a v g b, which is a very large russian bank, is the 2nd largest bank in russia. was united as a lot of bank, steve holding assets in the us, which then effectively stolen from the steel someone's money. you can expect for a quote in russian not to rule in favor of that banks would cover those spelled in funds. there isn't really any reason for that. none of the funds from what we
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understand from the information had been used for anything but to invest in very a vanilla investments in the united states. there wasn't an issue with that. it wasn't the funds that made it to industrial complex or anything like that. and, and to be honest, i don't think jp morgan all going to be able to react in any significant way unless they want to challenge it. and the russian quote, which i think they know they're going to lose because they really don't have a leg to stand on here. the license ukraine and as well at age legislation allows the us to seize russian state. as do you expect the tit for tat response for most good? we just have to dial a speech from president pacing what he explained that the russian economy is doing very, very well indeed. a j. d. p growth, he's saying could be up to 3 percent. compare that to the west, but we have to have negative just to be guys to very minute go daddy. me guys. so i think most people look because they always do. they never yet, and nights they don't suddenly, you know, when, when most gets punched, it waits before it punches back. but i think they'll see probably a level of different measures that come in that really,
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really hit then hit them where it hurts rather than just do it for the sake of doing this. this story. as an example, could we say that the us sanctions are actually damaging the wrong box? oh yeah, absolutely. we thing that, i mean at the end of the day. a money has to flow as a major banking institution like jp morgan. you have to have money deployed in different markets around the world. and that's, that's really the case of the united states. the united states has always use the dollar. it's use his own capital markets in order to exec influence and control around the world. the minute that this, the other countries turn around to go hang on a minute. you're making us do the things. so, you know, let's respond and let's take back what saws i think it could really have a huge detrimental effect. not just so the us going to be with the economy. good economies of the west. in general. the russia and china are pushing for a un security council resolution calling for an introduction approach into the sabotage of north street. the gas pipelines linking russia to terminate were
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destroyed by explosives. in september 2022. moscow sees the west has been trying to cover up the truth. used to not use up if the narrative of western countries looked unconvincing before. now their arguments simply cannot be taken seriously. we have no doubt that this is obvious to an increasingly wide range of member states. moreover, we all see perfectly well that when they needed the us and its allies do not delay investigations. because even without any data from the investigation into the terrorist attack in the crockett city hall near moscow, the monitor goes up to the us and its allies is contrary to objective facts. visual came to the conclusion with the incorrect that the key of regime had nothing to do with it and tried and are still trying to convince us of isis involvement in the
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terrorist attacks. well, that's quite a miracle. they could quickly point out a cold presence here just let in the situation with the north stream pipelines, the not only the not drugs, but also interfere with the efforts of others to do so. i wonder if washington realizes how up to search all this looks either or do think seriously thing the rest of the world are fools. we know that russia has consistently called council meetings on this and basically condemned attacks on crushed, critical, national infrastructure. yeah, russia is that the same time deliberately on systematic fee targeting ukraine's energy system pressure of things, concern over the sabotage of critical infrastructure and values, while wreaking havoc against ukraine, cities and targeting ukraine's critical infrastructure. really look, he's new in the speeches of many western partners, and there was a link between the conflict in ukraine and what is happening there. with the
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sabotage of north street. i would like the country you split answer the question is, do they really link these to advance and propose the answer to this question? that will be very revealing in terms of understanding what actually happened was towed or is that right? you know, i think it's clear from my statement, at least we did not link the north stream attack to anything to do with ukraine. say this is a question of consistency and coherence in russia's approach. not the question of linkage between the 2 issues. thank you. lose if you, if you have not sure we have listened to the response of our british colleague was talking about consistency. i would likely remind you that nord stream is an international gas transportation infrastructure object to which they would have mentions lean from national and vengeance for the suppression of terrorist bombings and apply. we are discussing this here today and knowledge of what the western delegations referred to in their speeches. a. just a reminder,
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a $3.00 to $4.00 nord stream pipes were sub but touched on the sea bed within the economic zones of denmark and sweden. those countries launched their own investigations, but both were recently closed, citing a lack of evidence that could implicate any na, still to all of either nation. no further or conclusions were provided. russia, however, has blamed the west for the bump. last, american investigative journalist seymour hersh concluded after um, investigation that washington was directly responsible. but some western media reports name key it both involved. former c i l, it's laurie johnson, also brief. the un security council on friday. he said the world botany is obliged, obligated indeed to expose the culprits behind the act of industrial terrorism. i believe it is not only the responsibility but the sacred duty of the security council to take the lead and bringing about
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a settlement of the north stream. matter by peaceful means, i will not review the mountain of evidence that implicates my own country united states and this act of war against the russian federation and the federal republic of germany. there was no compelling national security interest to justify the destruction of the north stream pipeline, which has inflict a significant economic pain on the people of germany. this attack accomplished nothing in terms of helping bringing in to the conflict between russia and ukraine and ukraine's natal facilitators. you have signals, intelligence, satellites, you have data stored, for example, that can provide intelligence ranging from the movements of ship to the movement of money. when you combine that data with conventional evidence, you have a powerful means for identifying who ordered and executed the bombing of the north stream pipeline. i can say this much with certainty about that operation as it was
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carried out, but the financial and material support of at least one nation state. there are written records almost certainly highly classified and stored with very limited access. but there may be available evidence outside such classified records that can illuminate the act significantly if not solve the mystery. my message to you today is simple. busy of the money well i'm delighted to say laurie gilson himself joins this life from florida. now you're most welcome lori. perhaps you could 1st take us through the details of how you my list to appear in person to up the un security council session in new york. and indeed, how your statements were received by its members to it. yes, i was invited got the invitation initially to randy credit. com, a new york radio personality. and i guess he's been in touch with the basset or
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pull, gotten ski at the embassy at the un, russian delegation that to you at, shar, accepted it. and here's what's so important, understand. nobody from the russian side, instructed me what to say. they didn't send me a script. they didn't ask me in advance. what do you get? a 2nd residence. they just said, hey, we'd like you to talk the they've heard me speak in a variety of different for in september. so everything that i presented that bad, especially the columbus fraud me, is meant by me. and at no point i, i guess i gave it to the russian delegation to day 3 days in advance so that they would have it as a gift to the translator. we did, i had no pointed, they come back and say, hey, you know, this makes us look bad or we don't like the in here. nothing like that at all and completely open. so that's home was came about. and as far as the reception colors um sabbath, i trust mister credit goes judgment on disregard. he's attended every single one of
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these sessions with ray mcgovern, with roger waters at pink floyd with matthew hall with care and quit housekeeper and others. and he said he's never seen visiting this positive or reaction on from the other member reading the security account. last one, you know, bassett, or from algeria bassett, or from c on the, on the side of the says, is there, they're all very engaged. they paid attention, they listed. so it was gratifying on that part and bringing yeah, that response tells the story in itself and you raise many person in points, can i just pick the parts some of them? sure use you said that if people really. busy the truth on who blew off from the word stream, they should follow the money. can you tell us more about the particular aspect? yeah, the number one, the explosives used. nobody ever went into the bathroom and cooked them up in the bath tub. those were purchased who purchased? well, once you get the type of explosive, it is,
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then you can go out and begin looking for who would buy that quantity of explosives . so this, this was not your typical off the shelf commercial garret, great explosives of this was something special ed, look, we know who did the united states that the, the base that seymour hersh identified down in florida. it was, see, i maritime headquarters has been for years. so the fact that so what's going on is neither a sweet and or denmark or germany. what to admit to the reality that it was the united states and, and the united states as they're trying to get away with it, as despite the fact that joe biden publicly promised he was going to destroy it. victoria newland was over the celebrated of the former prime minister, at least at the time sikorsky of poland. those sending a congratulatory tweet go to the by the administration. and theresa may the then
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acting, the prime minister of the u. k. stupidly set up and classified text message again, applauding. united states for its carry, you know, getting this done. so it's just the, you know, the high pock receipt of this things. it is. they are trying to stone. busy busy the russian delegation and it, but there was, there's a broader principle involved here. we're supposed to have this international rules based order. and under that international rules based order. if there's a dispute, you've got to have us an objective standard for resolving and not in this case. united states wants to make up the rules, so it suits itself. and when, when the rules would go against that, it wants to ignore it. that's what's going on. here it can, i talk with another nation as well. in this you also pointed out that germany itself, which had previously bought the affordable pipeline gas from russia,
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has taken the biggest loss, is from del sabotage of north stream. wife and husband. berlin itself. being able to name the culprits, it's battered wife syndrome. ok. german germany is like the spouse is getting beat up by her husband all the time. it broken nose, you know, black eyes are falling down the steps and it's just, it's a toxic relationship. and germany doesn't have the self respect to stand up and say, look, we're not going to take this anymore. you know what happened out of this? this was designed to hurt russia, but all it did was it cut off rushes transportation mechanism to germany. well, guess what? that's not the only way you can get gas to germany. there are other ways and adds to the cost. makes it more expensive. so what does that mean? the german, let's pay higher fees for natural gas. the german industry pays higher fees for natural gas. that some of them going out of business. it hurts the germans,
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doesn't hurt russia. you know, was there was no rush of items. sure. it would have preferred that the gas pipeline stay in place and keep flowing. but the pump into a gas out of the ground all the same and there are other ways to deliver a timeline and, and that really concisely. there are the, the different comments said by us officials, including biden's warning about a button toward string previously. at one you said there's so much evidence that perhaps the u. s. and the destruction. why isn't making a difference? why isn't about taking hold? is it just the will, is not there? correct. so it's it's, it's a total matter of the will. it's look on top of it as i sat there listening. and i did suggest this to him. bassett, or an event of the, of the, to his credit a very he's, he's much more diplomatic and patient than i am listening to the united states and the breads. and the french talked about russia's violation of north of ukraine's
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rights by destroying electrical thermal power. power plants and, and water, the hydro, electric power plants. and i simply noted that it was the west with a storm shadow missiles with highmore messes, with a tack of misses with missiles coming out of france. and that are hitting antelli russian citizens. that just may mean not just injuring the kelly. so the united states and the west, they are complicit in the murder of russian citizens. this is an act of war. and i guarantee you, if russia was doing that to the united states from mexico or we'd be a war. and this is just a sign of rushes, i'll call them majority of patients and responding to this. and having to sit there and listen to just the, the high pock receives spelling, you know, i and i,
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and i did say this. i said that listening to the united states lecture the, the, the russians on high policy is like listening to playboy, to have in or during the lecture on celibacy place. it's absurd. yeah, something else you said there. i think it's worth just exploring a little further. as well already because despite the allegations against the us itself, washington as refuse to investigate, the sabotage of north stream of shows, there are claim it's not their business. but as you alluded to, it's interesting how they tend to say the complete opposite when it comes to say military interventions and countries half way across the globe. for example, we don't hesitancy to tell other people about what to do. i did a bachelor and eventually approached it, but he and i both had the same thoughts. perhaps the best way for you united states to get to the bottom of this is to have those same intrepid analysts who figured
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out that ukraine did not attack the croakers city theatre. without this carried out the tourist operation. they did that. even as the terrorist operation was still unfold. so if there was that good for heaven's sake, put them on the north stream pipelines, they'll have that matter wrapped up in 3 hours to be cynical about it. is it a similar case with that with sweden and denmark? do you think as, as you lead up with germany, this crop there probes without any leads at all? suspicious? no, no, yeah. well, that i guarantee you, if you got into the classified part of the reset investigation, the goal, we don't, we don't want to look any further. we're not going to like what we find. because as they come out with it, they're going to have to implicate the united states. there's, there's no, this was not a active god. this was not something out of nature. this is nothing that the russians did. and it's certainly nothing that the ukrainians stand there. they're not competent enough to do that. but this was something that was well within the
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capability of the united states. and i think seymour hersh, his article stands for itself, that he accurately reported what he was being told. and as i indicated, a succession of the you and the other day that that it was consistent with what i saw and experience when i worked with the central intelligence agency, china as joined, rushing, calling for a un back, probing to north stream. but why do you think that other members of the security council aren't getting on board with without idea slash itself? well now, after, after yesterday i use the wheels are in motion. yeah, i think the and basset, or from algeria was so uh, was definitely very uh set on i was getting involved and concerned about this. uh so i, i think that i, i think russia strategy and bringing this up again is to say, look, this is
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a fundamental violation of international law. and by virtue of that being a fundamental violation of international law. if we don't uphold and punish trade, we don't go after those who did this, but and if we don't hold them accountable, then all we leave ourselves as a world works. the law of the jungle, the str. busy august rule of the week, a soft nation. and here i think of it is a master and events. you pointed out, you know, that that's not the kind of world that russia wants to know. signals intelligent, but uh, you know, rush, it has been now over the course of the last 20 years, a continue par did to the west. this is the west desire to destroy a break up. russia is real pipelines and i hope the russian people understand that it's not a fantasy. it's not a diversion. let us start to, it's not some of the story made on last one to see the united states or the west for whatever reason. i think it was, you know, based upon the research,
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a rich resources that are a part of what they want, they want to break up russia and take it had any attempt and look, it's not just russia to try to do the same thing to china. it is, this is the most or, you know, i've been around for almost 70 years now. i've never seen anything this crazy. this is hands down bonkers. that when you have blank and go to china and insult the chinese. and then tell the chinese don't work with the russians. of course, i can see russia and china looked at us in these americans. they're crazy. i mean they've, they've got loaded guns and we've got to get those guns away from them because they're going to hurt somebody. can i just come from the, the other side to this for a moment because some critics have said that russia should be the one to actually name the culprits and discharge justice as it sees fit as it was that countries pipelines that came under attack, which can be considered an act of war. why do you think most who has been holding
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back? because they understand that as soon as they said it's going to be dismissed as pure propaganda. you know and noticed that the unrelated to the north street, but just the revelation came out overnight, reported by the wall street journal. the finally, western intelligence analyst have concluded, vladimir putin didn't kill the volley, but we knew that. but, but it was, it wasn't, you know, the russians denied it upfront, all you out, but that's just what you say. you know, i, i think at some point though, that it may be incumbent upon russia to put together a full briefing, complete with evidence, because i'm sure they've got some satellite evidence and electronic and other intelligence supporting evidence and go run into a briefing brief, china brief brief the front of the countries to sean. look, this is what we got and then put the united states in the position of having to deny that that may be coming down the road. but i think right now rushes remains
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tried to take the high road, got the low road res, always fascinating to speak to and congratulations. busy not address to the the console as well and thanks for coming. busy to speak with us today on that. laurie johnson, former c i m o s c o, all of the burg associates roofing already many sites. thank you and, and i apologize for not wearing a suit and tie. you always looked fine to me. all right, thank you very much. all righty, bye bye. now are we sleeping on the dangers of artificial intelligence, or will we adopt uncontrolled, the rapid rise of the machines that's done for discussion next in going underground . the .


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