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tv   News  RT  April 26, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, the already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to fax take additional measures. yeah. black mailing in beijing, us secretary of state struck named china over at support of russia. thing is, it continues uncle sam's functions already to strike nestle faces, criticism for pushing sugar. patrick baby, full of meadows and developing nations. offering healthy aversion is for western boxes. all the green, the fields sold by and this needs to be sent on are without, with any added sugar. while in low when needed income countries, you find 2 brands on average and that product needs
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a clear those time the sugar here no sugar. their time that the usaa is withdrawing most of its circled anti terrorism forces from chad. south africa is full. about 5 minutes or so, it is time for the continent to be allowed to solve its own problem. the kinds of interventions that we have been going on to find outside of ourselves. we, we have, we have the capacity within ourselves to do to do what needs to be done. reliance on people from outside is very close the front and i hit 10 pm of the city that never sleeps. it's out to you international by from law school. wow. was washington turning up the heat on china over the conflict in ukraine? i'm, you've got to have a look at this. the secretary of state anthony blinking has openly threatening to beijing with new sanctions. if it doesn't cut off,
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it's friendship and support for russia facing to not achieve better relations with europe while supporting the greatest threat to european security. since the end of the cold war. as we told china for some time, ensuring transatlantic security is a for us interest in our discussion today, i made clear that china is not addressed this problem. we will, we've already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities, export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to, to act take additional measures. and i made that very clear your mind meetings to tell us what i mean, what you heard down to the blinking say that was essentially a direct right to trying to do what we will need to do. or we're going to impose even more functions on your country, not really given china much of an option, the statements months. we blink to new incredibly strong,
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annoying that has essentially cooled up the us for its own hypocrisy. and that's because it said, you know, the us, it's just passed this massive store and a bill with $61000000000.00 us dollars being sent to ukraine, which is 5 thousands upon thousands of miles away. and yet, at the same time, us criticizing china. so having a trade relation with one of its neighboring countries, that is russia, that's helping, listening to what the chinese foreign ministry have to say about that may probably be a $100000.00 while you're on the one hand, the u. s. has launched a large scale built a new crane, and on the other hand, it has made endless accusations against the normal economic and trade relations between china and russia. this is extremely hypocritical and irresponsible nato bears and irreparable responsibility for the crisis. the alliance must reflect on its role, stop shifting, blame, and effectively take practical actions to resolve the crisis. politically. that's where i didn't really strong statement by showing it in regards to what's happening in ukraine. it is been
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a country that has been incredibly neutral about the conflicts until not, but it really seems that think of a landing in beijing and making the sort of common see has in those threats of sanctions of really while the chinese up. what isn't that? what russia has been saying all along the need to getting involved in the conflict, and that's why we've heard a lot about the instability that need to creates wherever it is in the world. let's not forget for us is no just part of nature, but it's also the biggest fund of a nato intends of the money that it puts in. and we've just heard from the russian defense minister, this aesthetic issue, who is at another meeting, is the meeting actually with his chinese counterpart in catholic stone. and he has said, yes, again, it is instability that russia we're seeing on its food is on the west, not just in ukraine, but also with the border with finland, a huge pool to that, and the baltic nations as
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a result of natives presence. this happened less than 20 have site picture, particularly. i want to emphasize that it was not us, but the day who came to us came to our borders. this once again shows that westerners can not be trusted. now we're being told that a for actually is not stopped in ukraine, then we will supposedly attack the countries of the alliance. the russian federation has never threatened naples, who have neither jo, political, more military interest to attack the states of that book. we're simply protecting our people in our historical territories. we have always made every effort to maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world. the united states on the country 1st created and is now deliberately prolonging the conflict in ukraine. we've also got a issue with taiwan, taiwan. it's an island that is part of china overall. it's just to the south of the mainland. china has this one china policy. i'm not something the us says, it acknowledges. but at the same time,
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when it passed for an 8 bill will be sold up money going to ukraine. it was a $1000000000.00 worth of money that's been allocated for taiwan and not is for a to taiwan, including military $8.00. and that is always been really something that chain was very unhappy about because it sees the issues in taiwan as being domestic. and the chinese foreign ministers essentially told us both out about domestic issues. china is, concerns are consistent. we always call for respect to each other's core interest and urge the united states not to interfere in china's internal affairs, not to whole, china's development back and not to step on china's red lines on china, sovereignty security and development interest. and then there are the tensions generally in the south china seas, the u. s. which has no territory right close to the chinese mainland as the
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somebody did that is going to hold joint maneuvers with the japanese in the philippines towards the end of 2024. as you can imagine, china is pretty unhappy about us for ships potentially being that close, but it's territory and just keep you an example. if the chinese had a worship that close to hawaii, i think we'd see some reactions from the white task and mean time, of course, while washington is threatening to bind to talk in america, the canyon government is taking a different pos and proposing stricter regulations on the necessity, cheese a community reporting. think talk is required to share quarterly compliance reports with the ministry. clearly showing content taken down and reasons for the same. i urge that we choose regulation instead of a complete bond as well. can you just as a, according to the plan, the alpha will be required to send reports every 3 months to the countries. all 4 of these, this comes, have been bouncing pressure applied against textbook by
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a number of western states over security. and purposely concerns kind of the belgium and denmark of just a few that are full bidding government officials from using that social media platform. well, let's take this conversation further. now of course, and while i do international relations consulting, maya kamani and are joining us here or not, see it very well. welcome to you. what do you think of the approaches here to different ones? can you a basically looking to regulate the social media, john seeking open lines of communication and reporting? well, america is taking a hard line stones, sell it, or be banned, your thoughts on the different approaches of which one's best. what do you think? oh, thank you very much. i don't want to say that this is a uh, on the pricing moment for us in kenya because we put in that we had not had this conversation before. but uh, but to me just just uh, maybe to go let to do is the clear edge, but it did go in the country on the bus. the know when i buy there will be binding
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. it totally, no. going to be uh, sold and then uh, all of a sudden to have the government having interest again to buy anything. good. yeah. we would be that 2nd country now we got to bump picked up. so we are looking at did the escape to the fleet because we, i'm not sure whether this is the right thing to do and the pieces that i to move into the piece. oh, i'm sorry to jump in. i do apologize of it before jumping into my head, but i wanted to ask you because i just jump on what you said. america basically wants to block tick tock it cool. is it a threat to national security? so you're telling me, can you or does not say to talk is a threat to national security, not, not at all, because if this was the case, we would have bundled it before we had the americans. i if i towards these is the case because i see the security number the in kenya on. it's a not dictated but it's on this. there's a can a dependency in usc soto how had the being find even before i made events, it took me so be
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a lot. so sure. that piece is exactly the reason why is it the 2nd government is planning to provide it? i think why i would want has mentioned these for the purposes. oh but uh you know, uh right click that. um the secretary of the whole mess came to mention and to talk about these from usc and getting yeah. well by it is not usual. that's not what they do in the window, but the how do you think that's a place? so there must be something be would be. yeah, yeah, i think you got a point. what about, you know, i guess maybe leading on to what you're saying to. there's going to be g o paula taking involved right in america. it's sanctioning china these days. you know, when it comes to the super conducted ships, america, i mean, with, i just feel like i'm driving a dead horse through the money. because at the end of the day, i mean america in china that just looking at holds all the time right now. kenya and china, a different relationship entirely, but on that note, what is the relationship between nairobi and badging?
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the emission should be too ruby and big thing has been neutral, so to speak because a lot of the benefits of the dispute country. so these 2 regions 8 will send you more benefits info, but we would want to see if this is very uh, interesting situation where by a foot or um we have seen in there isn't that it has to be let change over at government bodily. that is the kind of government body it has shifted no from. is that just one big thing to you? is it true? well, the bunk and i am is on what we have seen. now this is, you've got think these issue will stick the binding and what up to you, we have seen that many in police is especially globally, policies have been changed. they have been shifted. the phased or a by the through the influence of i am in a i am, if i wrote but with the which basically is as a result of what that meant becomes was to the right cool. in that aspect the,
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you mentioned the eventually i am actually measuring the i am asked by the him. i mean the end of the day the i am and flex the full speed countries, high interest loads, they can never pay back. and so the government's then have to set off the software and assets to satiate the hunger of the i m f for international relations, consulting dot net have my i kamani joining us live here in austin international. i really enjoyed a conversation. thank you very much for your time. thank you very much. for many newborns, it's a vital product for growth. the claims that food jot nestle is offering a less healthy version of a baby full of military developing nations as proving bad news with new moms. we heard from idaho and gabrielle de, from the team who is actually carrying out this research for the green, not the soul of buying this thing, switzerland or without any edits, sugar while in low and moderate income countries, you find 2 grams on average in that product. and the situation is steaming, are in cuban markets. we've also had a look at germany phones and the u. k,
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which are the main markets fullness in europe. and the situation is to say, no, uh, most baby cereals been growing up. you know, the product sold by and that's the whole, so without any other shooter. so we confronted nestle with our findings and their response is basically that they comply with all national registrations and international stumbles. and this is true. but as i mentioned, they are the one, they have a huge influence on the weight and national legislations and codecs. thumbs up are being developed. and so of course they comply with those standouts. it's a clear don't stand on the sugar here, no sugar there. that's one that's i mean the sugar is available, they want to edit, they just added, they removed it and switch it out in europe for other reasons because they know that consumers don't accept it anymore. and i don't think the babies in africa and asia or in any other allowing me to come country like more sugar and bathing suits . and i'm the one year up the reports and pay the sugar content of $2.00 of nestle
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is best selling baby food brands. and low and middle income countries. highland ethiopia and in the right there's up to 6 grams of sugar puss, thing, but surprisingly the very same brands in europe have no sugar. so here's our corresponding reporting from indonesia. and so the space watched off public eye and the international baby for the extra network has her feels that nestle, the global food and beverage dry and f, x pressure and honey to him from milk em serial product sold in developing countries compared to what is the same product sold in market indonesia report. so we decided to see for ourselves i went through 4 different different markets in the capital jakarta, to look forward to sarah like instance serial and need to a powder mill squared. naturally,
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a renamed the product to demko in indonesia. i found that sir, like is not a common product to find in supermarkets compared to other local options. but we managed to find the instance serial in the last or i fits it based on the information on the packaging, sir elect instance serial has 5 to 15 grams of sugar per serving. this particular flavor at the milk and honey has 15 grams of sugar per survey. while den call mills contains 10 to 15 grams of sugar for serving. this one has 15. it is not always easy for our consumers to tell whether i added sugars and how much is present only based on nutritional information that's being printed on the package of the public . i reported that this particular flavor sam call one and then called one plus one seal in indonesia has 0.8 grams. i'll edit sugar per serving in the form of money. however,
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none of this information is printed on the packaging. this has proved negative reactions from worried families around the country. in response, the government is trying to keep down the storm of anger by ensuring that the products in circulation has met all the nutritional requirements, including sugar, salt, and even fat. the nation food and drug monitoring agency created be held to your choice logo to help people choose how to year package products. one of the requirements is that sugar content must be below 6 drams, a $100000000.00 leaders for each bar fridge package. nestle uses this loophole to give producing the baby formula in indonesia, something that naturally chose not to do in the european market. while it's claim that it hasn't broken any of the countries guidelines all day as well. the world health organization recommends that added sugar should be completely avoided in the
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1st year of life. it alleges that we apply double standards between countries in our baby food portfolio and that some of our baby food brands contain excessive ad and sugar to report a ledges that nested these practices ignore w h o guidelines that is simply not true. the public does not take this matter lightly. many customers feel disappointed that they are risk their children's health, while trying to give the best option further development. so you go to those say, and i just found out about this information. why are these different ingredients for nestle? they should be able to maintain all products in all countries with the same standards. if it is dependent shaded, what is the basis for the action? because the company is because nesta should be able to equalize all its products with a house, then that whether it's in asia, europe, or anywhere else, it should be the same model sponsor that can see. ma'am, i think this can be considered as public deception because every product must be accountable for what it sells. when they don't ride what's really in the products
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that can home the consumers, the sonata. yeah. why does this lead do that in indonesia? why isn't sure to edit in products around you are being countries, there should be accountability from this led to clarify this. the ingredients is the number. one thing i have to pay attention to. this finding is concerning. looking at the increased rate of ability in low and middle income countries including indonesia, indonesia are recorded the number of abuse children age 5 to 19 years has increased 10 fold. and the last 4 decades. a matter that many families around the nation are keenly aware off while the government is working to advocate millions of families. additional sugar that might lead to obesity is the last thing that the country meets. exceeding in takes a few care. not only for children for it, for instance, um, also for dogs except consuming sugar. it can be
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a problem. one of it is obviously the, the sugar scandal is something bigger, young children who get used to sweet flavor start to seek sweeter foods. this starts a negative feedback cycle that increases the risk of nutritional disorders and adulthood, including obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. global foot conglomerates such as nestle should really take responsibility for their actions. if they are true, aim is to contribute to creating a good healthy life or has and is to pull most of its special forces troops out of the central africa nation of chad. however, the pen to go on says that will be back is talks continue with chatting. officials, us after com is currently planning to re position some u. s. military forces, from chad, a portion of which we're already scheduled to the part. this is a temporary step. as part of the ongoing review of our security cooperation,
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which will resume after chads may 6th presidential elections. these developments are a black eye for the american foreign policy, especially considering how hard the by that administration attempted to avert this outcome. but essentially off to chad, cold on the united states, with all its troops from an army base in the country. the united states finally gave in and decided that it will be towards me as early as next week, despite some uncertainty about with the washington state. as a forces agreement to with chad can continue, will be negotiated. the initiates of came straight from chad, even though many reports make it seem like washington is the drawing at its own liking. and that this does come off to the u. s. agree to, to withdrawal. it's more than $1000.00 service members can come and see. i'm deployed in the z. the u. s. has tried to call to vote. it's itself raw the with
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the military machines in both chad and new z. i'm hoping to preserve long standing counter terrorism ties and to to maintain village. she assets in keeping the $100000000.00 joint base situated in the newspaper. and so 2 of august is about to act to as the have before the veiling, much of the entire as to how region entering the crews when some of these african countries kicked out the french military and as a wisdom back security pockets, the us government to misread the signals and um, sold the moves and the action as a win for them. and so what to put when thing is you have indeed a shift over and dictates the terms even with the lights of just. but then also when it comes to chad, the situation is a bit of a different dynamic because ted, who was not to overturn the system but to preserve the system. we've also seen report stating that the u. s. and chad have agreed that to the p with following the upcoming tab in presidential election is an appropriate time to review,
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secure your to corporation. 1 may read into that and seeing that there will be a view configuration of the relationship between side and the united states. after the election and i think this goes back to watch, a lot of people are saying that the most significant aspect of these coming elections in chat is not the final results, but was the the extent to which the ellipse should lead a ship and will be able to navigate the complex political issues and continue the transition towards a more inclusive and democratic system. what we all get to on the bond as well is that to advertise never been a top priority for the united states. oh, you is need is most impactful. initiates of the but the administration devoted only limited episode, attention to the continent. and russia is offering governments in africa, a survival package, a received something that the united states has never been able to. and that's why african deed is an
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o oscar in russia to train due to at this moment. i think one of the american generals will visit the country this week to determine a withdrawal. but we would like russia to join a troops that includes the conduct of battle and the use of weapons. we're interested in buying weapons. it says city african nations are increasingly standing up to wisdom pa was rejecting their continued termination. well, meanwhile, in the democratic republic of the congo, a un peacekeeping mission is closed off, one of its key bases the, the rest of them apparently will be gone up later in the year. off of the d. c actually told the group to go home, a neighborhood from a former south african, a for a full, the foreign minister, i should say, i listened to a student who says it's time for the continent to be allowed to deal with its own pro. we have, this is on the african continent. we have the, there is offices on the african continent. if we have the will and the african continent, we don't really need the kind of interventions that we have been going out to find outside of ourselves. that age,
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who has the capacity to has the power it has the will and perhaps we should be urging to intervene. time use leave and rely on the african continent to solve african problems today. several you and please keep peace keeping mission happens. come on that various kinds of criticism. and i say this, why do you saying that the un on the african continent from east to west north, south us struggling to do the jobs especially keeping peace and returning normalcy to those countries? well, i don't know why they're struggling. we've, we have been called upon as a, as a sub african government to intervene. and in a free place where we've intervened, we have been able to lay down standards. we've been able to lay down timeframes and live newton. we would have
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a doctor that we had available for peacekeeping surfaces. we don't have to go outside infectious new united states. i me to come in to case in africa and we, we have our own institutions and perhaps a you need, we would need to explain why it is that, uh, you know, we would have an evident partial day of the continent running to the united states when we are there we, we, we have, we have the capacity within ourselves to do to do what needs to be done. the reliance on people who from outside is very close. yeah. we should be over that by now the, the us defense secretary has confirmed that ukraine will soon start receiving the much anticipated f. 16 fighter jets with chopping frequently. hyped was a game change. we provided more than 3000 armored vehicles, including more than 800 main battle tanks. we've given you crane tens of thousands
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of anti tank missiles. and this year, more than a squadron of donated f sixteens will start to arrive and ukraine, along with pilots and maintainers trained by members of this contact group. and this contact group continues to step up to meet ukraine's most urgent needs. meantime, ukraine supposedly withdrawal and it's the american supplied volumes to abrams times from the front lines. apparently that being easily picked off by cheap rushing drones as, according to, to us military officials cited in the western media. now these main battle times will have top is a major game changer on the battlefield. washington send thousands of them to ukraine, both as have lost count at least the age of being destroyed according to moscow. despite this dro biden's status, the m one, a one abrams stands out as the best in the world. the united states will be sending $31.00 a room tax to ukraine,
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the equivalent of one ukrainian battalion abrams tanks of the most capable tanks in the world. they are also extremely complex to operate and maintain. so we're also given ukraine, the parts and equipment necessary to effectively sustain these tanks on the balance . look, when it comes to the abrams tank. we've said we're going to continue to talk to the trainings about their needs and we're going to where i continued to meet them as best we can. and we'll do that. the abrams is a, a powerful system. there is no doubt about it. this is a very powerful step by the united states. ukraine will receive abrams tanks. i personally think, mr. president biden, these tanks must be like a fist a freedom that knocks out tyranny so that it may never stand up again. we can do this. well, for more on the west and supplied west on this, let's have a look at how some of the heavy on that can be eliminated though without firing
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a single shot. the challenge it to prioritize is begun protection, so it's not the fastest time out there, but it is one of the most powerful claims to have the record for the longest range of killing and destroying another time. just this challenge is full admittedly precise. actually, they've had real problems with it here and ukraine because of its repetitive. my colleague, mike, a question i spoke with a political consultant with human rights defend armando devil. i highlighted the southern states of failed to predict how the military game would perform in real combat conditions. the news about a bronze tags being withdrawn from the font lines as those times i hailed as the best times in the business. so how come tiny little drones proving that net nice is? it's like the story of david and goliath, isn't it? yes, it's a perfect the discretion of the american not understanding that the warfare has
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evolved. they already made a mistake initially. my not taking into account that the she await those everyone's bags and is not compatible with the soft black soil of ukraine. and so they are easy to get bogged down. and on top of it, as you mentioned, the wrong department allows those, those things to become sitting ducks, essentially without having, you know, any kind of a peer to peer a confrontation with washing things. so it's a disaster. uh 61, not the 31. things were announced to be deployed. it is reported that between $5.00 and $8.00 of them were already taken out. i think the decision for now has been put on hold to deploy them. it's obviously a blow to the american arms industry because it shows that the equipment is not
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performing in the war theaters and it makes it difficult to sell the system to potential would be buyers. yeah, and as i washington is just a proof of $61000000000.00 a package for ukraine. washington says loads of new military equipment is right now arising a new crane. then heading to the front lines. however, moscow says it just the bottom, the railway line with a train carrying many tons of western weapons seems like they don't last thing long . these days it sits on to the international the the fire buddy. this is a daily show because, well, it's different. we whole know punches so look for it every day. well yeah,


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