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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 26, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm EDT

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i c j and presented all case very sought, as he worked on and very convincing. the put across the majority to of the judges agreed and the judgment was passed. we're expecting that then there are no more procedures that followed. watching that particular episode made me wonder him, do we have an equal rights at the united nations? do we have the people who can act with impunity and not allow to we took a decision that we would take the meta to the i c j. but before would take and the method to the positive we ourselves had taken a number of steps to try and see that we can normalize it. go to normalize the situation con, have these deaths going on? these are people, these are children and dying every day on your screen. what do you think the world is thinking? uh, i think there's going to be an immediate association of, of any shutting in, in, in that area or any of them being in that area before we can talk about, you know,
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what do we do next? every day, children dying guys. every day we have been covering this every single day and it's really terrible. it is why is a little quiet about is why is a word quiet about why is is what was so different. why is he so so different or something happens in so america and it will, it will comes down on us. and until we have to explain, you know what it is that is happening in our country. but the seems to be, um, you know, a child in the family can get away with it and we're talking about the electronics call, the double standard that everyone is complaining about that besides, besides the move bites of africa, you know, going to the i, c, j we have had russia, we've had china saying, let us put an end to this issue of the floor of the united nations security council day after day. the week after week this with clear messages from russia. tim, this,
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it is from, from china. i'm even most all of the world know at the end of this whole thing, do you see that not the green to face the reality on ground could make israel become isolated from countries who are watching and folding. what's going on? i don't know why it's not totally isolated. what is going on there is an emotional but in all the time we've had to was and uh, at the end of the 2nd word for and we decided to we are going to have a membership of the united nations. it was because we didn't want to not the whole . and here we are watching day by day. as young people, the children, babies, old women must have got. and were you just sitting though helpless, something wrong with the humanity. when that happens, if you should all be,
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it should not just be sort of, it shouldn't be all of us saying it's unacceptable. it must and hopefully that you know, there will be some residents from the world at some point where every body is a part of this particular complaint to stop the war. and without, without wasting any time, every day the children die. after the middle east. now proving that no one is safe in gaza or u. n team. visiting the construction side of a new humanitarian project off the coast of the enclave came on board a fire. it's been built by the us and it's meant to help boost a to efforts through the territory. it's on clear who is behind the attack. a, a u. n. team was visiting the jetty and staging area for this proposed by the time operations around scheming about a 100 meters away. no injuries. they went into
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a bunker for some time and then continue that so well at the beginning of march, president vida, in order to build a dark off guys, a city shore to bring relief to the war torn poly student and clave the situation and gaza as you know is dire or the you at officials alarm fam and is pregnant across the street with literally everybody's suffering from food and water shortages. according to world food program, more than a 1000000 of people are experience and acute hunger, the poor, which will repulsively cost us more than $100.00 an a $2000000.00. washington sends it ships and equipment, and even american birds around $1000.00 troops that bite an ordered and stresses all the tie will not step foot on the guise of shore. when ready, we hear at the beginning of may. the us says they will be able to deliver some 2000000 mills a day. well, all of that may sound like good news, right? but the big question remains, whether all these efforts were really necessary and will it actually change things
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on the ground? the argument is that the pull to will provide relief specifically to the north of guys of that is now hard to reach because of severe fighting between is really forces and military this but with the port will the problem actually be solved a 3rd party is supposed to be driving trucks down the pier onto the beach and deliver human hearing aids further to those in need. with israel providing security for convoys. again, by the said, no american troops on the ground, no american security forces, meaning no extra protection for the aid. and that is how it works now with big concerns raised over is really capability to secure a desperately needed cargo. that's after dudley incident. early in april, when 7 humanitarian workers were killed in his raised serious try at the time, they were delivering aids to guys that is exactly in the area where the u. s. is now building the pier washington doesn't seem to be concerned. march here is how tend to go on commented on the recent incident with the un personnel coming on. the
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fire were aware of reports that a small number of murders landed in the vicinity of the marshalling yard area for humanitarian assistance that will eventually be the delivery site that, that disappear will support. it's important also to highlight that this occurred before any us forces, you know, have started moving anything, there'll be no us forces on the ground. and it knows, i understand it in terms of the, you know, there, there is no us equipment per se. in this marshalling yard and other question regarding this america sponsor report, what's wrong with land roads for the un and high ranking? humanitarian aspirants repeatedly said that they are the best and most effective for humanitarian. a delivery is a more effective than mary time routes. now there are just 3 overland roads to send a 2 guys through including 2 crossings active both with egypt. that's bring
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a to this trips southern pars, and one northern road recently opens that is dramatically insufficient. while experts estimate at least $500.00 trucks needed to be sent to gas, a daily to meet massive demand a couple of days ago. just 7 vehicles across the board, the into gaza. throw this northern passage when all 3 kilometers from air is cross . and you can see the sign behind me guys aboard the area has been declared a closed military zone and we were not allowed to get any closer. but that's the point we used to take to go to god. so you get straight to the guys of safety in the north of the in clave where hundreds of thousands of people currently crowding . it's a short called and it's not to use is ro, close the truancy officer warren gaza, saw that i never opened a bag, unclear why. also what stops israel from sending more aid through existing points given it to her in organization is complaint. israel prevents
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a from flowing easily by checking for too long and even blocking the vehicles. israel points the finger of blame a time us. that's israel says hijacks, the deliveries and the problem eventually not sold. and washington is spending millions of dollars on the gas appear, while it's efficiency is yet to be proven. the us also approved to spend another bill in of us dollars on humanitarian assistance. something the president biden seems very proud off for guessing that the same bill improved spending $17000000000.00 to help israel was most of it going to weapons funding for days really are let's take a listen. this bill significantly significantly increases humanitarian assistance. we're sending to the innocent people of gods are suffering badly or suffering. the consequences for the mass starts and we've been working intently for months to get as much a to guys as possible. this bill includes $1000000000.00 from additional you,
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mandatory to aid in guys, and israel must make sure all this a reaches a palace to anything guys without delay. so there are many questions regarding washington's way to help sending relief to guys is dying on the america fund. that is really bonds. that is why many say now that instead of building the price, the poor $10.00 guys of washington would have been focusing on putting even more pressure on israel in order to increase the deliveries for existing roads, or even better to stop sending arms to israel and support israel and paved the way to ending the war. a i think is really national security. administer a tab by ben z has been taken to the hospital after being involved in a car accident. the cod, the cross happened after he had been visiting the scene of a terrace, stabbing in the central city of roundly. although these call ended up on its roof,
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he was only set to be slightly heard. it's reported that the ministers call had jumped the red light when the accident occurred while the united states students protested the support of palestine continued to grip universities across the country. in atlanta, one professor found himself facing the strong arm of the low. the video shows when the woman was tackled to the ground by police. you had been sent into the campus in an attempt to break up the demonstrations. students have been calling out washington's unequivocal support for each roll and demanding and immediate ceasefire in gaza. now argues caleb, bump and visit at one of the protest cans to gauge the need among the demonstrators,
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the diversities and student organizing has been the backbone of every single move in every single movement for progress. and so i know that the efforts that we have going on here today are, are going to make an impact when media chooses to center the encampments and, and kind of just lose sight a little bit of the fact that this is all centered around the, the and the genocide that's happening that's murdered over 40000 people and there's a 200 and and 3 days now. maybe 202. i think that's, that's where we kinda lose some of that. meaning i think, but i think that there is still ways to hold on to that. we are had as use as jewish people say the, the, the for the world. that design is people this whole state of free israel. they don't represent jewish people as no way before the. the upcoming design is, was the, the jewish people and the, and the post and, you know,
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leave them a piece for them. no problems or they make i'm, i'm another, all the cost of, of the, of the, of the posting and now speaker of the house. mike johnson recently went to columbia university to give a press conference condemning the student pro testers. needless to say, he was not well received by those in attendance. the affair this the day that the enjoy your free speech. i have found that a lot of people are coming into these spaces to get cloud and to kind of capitalize off of what's happening there is a lot of attention and momentum being built on our campuses. and, and i think i've seen very clearly that a lot of people are choosing to, to try to profit off of it, whether it be to villain are as us or to quote unquote support us. i think that
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there is a time in place and room for politicians. but i think when it comes to our talks of revolution, our thoughts of, of dismantling systems of oppression. people who are within the united states, legal and governmental systems are not, are not necessarily there in our best interests. and so i think it is important to, to be cautious of who are letting into our spaces and the time and place for those things are the us defense, secretary has confirmed the crane will shortly start receiving the much anticipated f. 16 fighter jets, too exhausted. all would have been frequently lived as a game changer. we provided more than 3000 armored vehicles, including more than 800 main battle tanks. we've given ukraine tens of thousands of anti tank missiles. and this year, more than a squadron of donated f sixteens will start to arrive in ukraine,
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along with pilots and maintainers trained by members of this contact group. and this contact group continues to step up to meet ukraine's most urgent needs. certainly the united states. they all hyping up the shipment and the supply of the up 16 fighter jets. and they are in the just selling it as a game changer, you know, piece of equipment that will help the ukrainians on the battlefield. the key of and to, and presidents the landscape. they have been doing the same on the parts, but well, the role and this has been moved to kind of, well the united states. they have been training ukrainian pilots for quite a while now. apparently they now the see of those recruits ready to take up in the on them selves and carry out live missions again when the deliberations were going on. and when all the discussions on the supply of the 16 fight address, we're going on. the russian president vladimir, he showed his, uh,
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basically how he sees the situation and how much of 16 will be able to change on the battlefield in his opinion, not the condition of january. so right, no, no green nature has been thrown into the water in your brain. they supply heavy vehicles. the option of supplying aircraft is currently being considered. there things are burning, including the leopards. they are burning, and the f sixteens will also burn as well. there is no doubt, but if they are located at bases abroad and used in hostilities, we will have to look at how to hit them. there is a serious danger of drawing natal further into this conflict in russia has been wanting time and time again that well, any escalation will be met accordingly, appropriately and proportionately. now the united states is sending these up 16 fodder just clearly an escalation. now the tricky part and the very, very dangerous fuss about this is a rush. it has been trying to take out the landing strips of ukrainian military
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airports bases that was re fits into. so ukraine was re fixing its uh, military facilities. its uh, uh, a, it's apple, it's the so that they are able to launch these f sixteens into, into, into the, yeah, because ukraine previously it had no such infrastructure as it was in the process of re purposing and just re refurbishing the infrastructure. russia has been targeting these airports and so just so to, to prevent ukraine from using it. and if it, of course, we'll see how successful russia was doing so. but if it was, then ukraine might have no other option, but to fly on to loyce. these have sixteens from the facilities that abroad and say in poland, for example, and russia has been very clear what comes next if you crane decides to do so, the comments already being her, the team, the conditions of significant destruction,
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of few grains feel to infrastructure the transfer of 16 tactical fi to solve the unforced itself. ukraine can carry out sol teeth from a basis in poland, romania and so the last year we found the use of those flies. this from the territory of the months of may to member states, will be viewed by most coast day involvements in the conflicts and ukraine, and will force ross so to take retaliate to re masses. so again, ukraine hasn't had much time to refurbish, and to prepare it's fields for the f sixteens. russia has been hampering those efforts extensively, and russia had the means to do so with the ukrainian air defenses. depleted and not living up to the expectations. so again, it's a very, very concerning development, and uh well, one can only hope that this does not escalates into a direct confrontation between russia, nato, and the united states by proxy, which could lead to, well,
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a nuclear confrontation of your claims reported that you withdrawal and it's us supplied, advised abrams packs from the front lines as fear of being easily picked up by cheap russian drones. and that's according to, to us military official cited in western media report. the bees made and bottle of tags were hyped up to be a game changer on the bottom of the field. but those western hopes of failed to play out in light of a new year of war, or fat. washington sen, thousands of them to ukraine, but that's the last count. at least 8 have been destroyed according to a russian defense ministry. but despite this, joe biden says of the f one, a one, a bronze found out that the best of the weld, the united states, will be sending $31.00 a room tax to crate. the equivalent of one ukrainian battalion favor of science for the most capable tax in the world. they are also extremely complex to operate and maintain. are also given ukraine the parts and equipment necessary to effectively
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sustain these tanks on the balance. look, when it comes to the abrams tank, we've said we're going to continue to talk to the cranes about their needs and we're going to wear and continue to meet them as best we can. and we'll do that. the abrams is a, a powerful system. there's no doubt about it. this is a very powerful step by the united states. you frame will receive abrams tanks. i personally think, mr. president biden. these tanks must be like a fist a freedom that knocks out tyranny so that it may never stand up again. we can do this for more on auto western to supply the weapons. let's have a look at how some of the heavy alma can be eliminated without firing the short the challenge it to prioritize this, the gun protection. so it's not the foss this tank out there, but it is one of the most powerful it claims to have the record for the longest
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range of killing a destroying another time. this challenge is full admittedly precise. actually they've had real problems with it. hey, and ukraine because of its lability. if i, let's get some thoughts on all of this now have cross live to political, consult at the human rights. defend the on, on devin, a, auto. it is good to have you join me now. the best we could loan the best been that's huge, new multi $1000000000.00 a trunks to key a revelation is that that long range mess also have secretly been supplied. and now the news of these f sixteens. so where does this all take us? well obviously, uh whatever was discussed as far as trying to prove it edge, the american interest to american people's interest. what's going to see uh, pulling out uh by the wayside by my johnson. there was not even any kind of money
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use, i don't get it to securing the cells and water. and when this means essentially that the party as quality as the wrong, the most bodies in the house of congress to we would try to maintain auto stability and maintain the ukraine project to live actually. so until the election. now let's turn to the news about a bronze tags being withdrawn from the funds, the lives of those times i hailed as the best times in the business. so how come tiny little drones up proving the net nice is? it's like the story of david and goliath, isn't it? the yes, it's a perfect the discretion of the american not understanding that warfare has evolved . they already made a mistake initially by uh, not taking into account that the she a weight of those everyone's bags and is not compatible with the soft black soil of
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ukraine. and so they are easy to get bogged down. and on top of it, as you mentioned, the wrong department allows those those things to become sitting docs, essentially without having um, you know, any kind of, uh, peer to peer, a confrontation with washer and things. so its a disaster. uh 61 uh, the 31 things were announced to be deployed. it is reported that between $5.00 and $8.00 of them were already taken out. i think the decision for now has been put on hold to deploy them. it's obviously a blow to the american onto industry because it shows that the equipment is not performing in uh warranty errors. and it makes it difficult to sell the system to uh uh, potential would be buyers. now there's been so much expectation face behind so
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many of the weapons supplied the grain from the british challenges to the gym and left pads to the us. hi must, but nothing is really managed to tip the scales in in keeps favor, but are they going to keep operating the anti and the search for the easiest game changer? well, that's the crux of the question, is that we found out that back in march, the long range missiles were actually sense or the decision to send them where stick. and then while the focus was on the adoption of the a package. and obviously this is a game changer and a ring, a very worrying one of that. we know that those us systems where use that is twice once in crime me on, was not really almost a city. and this specific leak would the problem. the question for the russians with a couple of create measures, because we certainly do not want to see those weapon system being used behind
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russian lines. so it's, it's a very worrying development. we all have in mind the, in the set, the video in the sense of a german senior officials, basically advocating a series of strikes on the crimea bridge to using this kind of weapons. this would also be a game changer, but all this fits into the change of strategy of ukraine, which in the wake of the valve did come through offensive failure, as now resorted to a state that always. and essentially, whether it's to new to blackmail on my showing the when you're sending jones to these up on old j nuclear plants or using uh, also uh, behind the lines we quotes to, uh, i can be there always to actions. and the long range missiles basically participates of this of lucian and it is an escalation, but again, uh, the main object to you right now is to provide, uh, the uh,
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koans administration. we have some time until reelection and, and by then um we hope uh not to see us troops intervening directly into the conference right now there are reports of growing numbers of ukrainians field tie of the of the will and don't believe that the us a to a change much how close to reality is that i'm sorry, can you repeat the question? yes i, i'm saying that there are reports of, of growing numbers of ukrainians and the dispute pilot of the war. and they don't believe that the us aid would change anything. how close to reality is that what it's actually grounded inside cuz we just got a, a not equal very interesting articles published in d as in time by. uh, steven ryan. steven brian is the former under secretary for a near is the policy is also. so i'm one word for the senate on the committee's fun
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reduction in committee. and he, someone would know what's, what's going on. he essentially says that the not the territorial forces of ukraine, but the regular forces and some of the most capable of incompetent and experienced battalions on either of these urging or refusing for fights owing. these are ad ya so for some of them to having, being in rotation for, for here and uh, wishing to basically uh get a break. uh, they also are running out of uh, ordinance. and so they basically do not want to risk. uh, you know, going to a certain depth and malott is really low right now. all right, we have to leave you here now. well, let's go consultant in human rights. defend on a definitely thank you for your insight on this. thank you. all right, that's all for me now my colleagues are research, i will be with you in
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a few minutes from now to bring you more stories and updates by from the now the among the casualties as a result of israel's genocidal assault on gaza include suspension of international humanitarian law, but also free speech across the western world. perversely, being pro palestinian and pro peace is condemned as best i submitted the in the united states trying to impose sanctions on russia. that's the best thing the that's kind of happened to russia because the sanctions on russia, against agriculture, against the other items to the main russia fetus produce that phone. so as on
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agriculture and now, so the major brian export are no longer defendants on the united states. and you are the because they already cps because they cut the store for i'd be such and then use familiar email futures. great to fit into the rules. the nazi theory of racial superiority, finished style for years of creating an ssl all the place and 14 concentration comes. so the full prisoner of war labor comes 10 prisons really well, you know, thing to do these call level. she's the media venue. so i'm assuming you need even the chest is really to get all the fields. i'm assuming the law is going to be in approximately 25000 people. went through the occupied of go to finish camps
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according to official figures. these move stuff, dudley looked at it the ship. did you do it in like you do my id. i'm not sure it's just the snyder stuff. so the youngest, i'm you know what? the famine disease forced labor, tortured by the war. so formulas. what was the last, it also need you to do that? it's a terrible human off with those who put in these 9 push these things up to give you what feeling to do it could have done it to those thousands of testimonies of crimes and the impunity of criminals. when you've got here, you know, one or 2. so do you to speak? it's not in the did i tell you? yeah, for the good i see it are released upon me. they decided to do discuss with him, please don't just do it, but tell us then yet that was put in the middle of the the
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already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities, export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to, to act take additional measures, black mailing while in beijing, us secretary of state, reckoning china over at support of russia. i think if indeed it continues. uncle sam's functions are ready to strike. nestle is facing criticism for pushing sugar pact, baby for mothers in developing nations while offering unhealthy of oceans in western market habit. listen to the green up the sol buying. this thing sits in on our without any edits. sugar. why? any little when you didn't come countries you find 2 rounds on average and the products.


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