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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 26, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm EDT

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again, ukraine hasn't had much time to refurbish and to prepare it's fields for the f sixteens. russia has been hampering those efforts extensively, and russia had the means to do so with the ukrainian air defenses. depleted and not living up to the expectations. so again, it's a very, very concerning developments. and uh, well, one can only hope that this does not escalates into a direct confrontation between russia, nato, and the united states by proxy, which could lead to, well a nuclear confrontation. but you can check archie does come for more updates. how see you again in about 30 minutes from now. thanks. wanted the the fire buddy. this is
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a daily show because well, it's different. we hold no punches, so look for it every day. well yeah, truth bomb number one, mark johnson. he gets booted by students at columbia university. a truth on number 2. johnson goes on to lecture those students accuse and try to humiliate them. they are protesters who are calling for a cease fire that they deserve that trust. i'm number 3. you a secretary state anthony blanket arrives in china after giving tie $18000000000.00 and they the chinese that is, they don't like it. i'm rick sanchez. this is direct impact the i want to start with the question, why?
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just why, why would you do something like this? unless it's just a pure power play. an almost romanesque move among peasants. because you know, or you think you have all the power the, i mean what the house even doing their speaker suddenly showing up at a college campus to take on protesters asking for a ceasefire. and did you notice the smile? did you notice the smirk on his face there uh, at the end. imagine, imagine how smug and self important you have to be to show up at a place where people are angry that you are sending money to condone and continue
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a massacre of the people that they are protesting about the people that they are caring about. any show up there to make sure them and to ridicule them. how does that seriously? who does that? speaker of the house, mike johnson, that's who a man who like most of us politicians in this crazy system of ours, is simply a guy we pay. we pay him a salary, so he can steal from us. last, i checked to the tune of $9000000.00 in, in donations from, from political donors. i mean, here's mike johnson reading a statement to the students to today's print testers like he's trying to get their go right. he's trying to make them mad at me that it works. by the way, the statement almost sounds like it's written by these really war cabinet. as the,
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as he tells the students what he basically is looking at them and saying you're all terrible, terrible people here, listen. the chairs, traditions of this university are being overtaken right now. by radical and extreme ideologies, they place a target on the backs of jewish students in the united states. and here on this campus, a growing number of students have channels. in support of terrorist, they have chase down jewish students. they have mocked him and the reviled them. they have shouted racial s epithets they have screened at those who bear the star of david. enjoy your free speech. wait a minute, enjoy your free speech. what does that sound like? what, what does that enjoy your free speech? is that a threat? is that a threat? is he suggesting that he can take it away from them?
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like our parents would say to us, i hope you like that, that, that, that you know, that ice cream you're having cuz you're not going to get any more of it. i've actually said that, i mean, is that what is doing? is it going to take it away from them? a as in sat, he may, is he suggesting that's freeze bank cuz it's something that comes from him and it comes from the government and they are on great say for not thanking him for giving them this. this opportunity to say these crazy things that they think what, what, by the way, free speech is an inalienable, right, right. it's, it's guaranteed to us as human beings or so we thought least that's what jefferson said, right? i mean, that's what john locks at. if you go back and read where the find, you know, where, where, where are constitutional thinking came from, by the way, no less the constitution. but you as constitution guarantees, i felt like some politician go somewhere and say you better be careful. you like
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what you're doing because i can pick that away from you. what's it doing? i mean, i'm sorry, but when i watch this as an american, i was just, i was actually angry and wondering what the hell is going on here. i can't help but ask myself if, as i watch this moment, i'm not looking into the future and seeing what a us religious the accuracy is going to look like at some point. i mean look i, i happen to be a christian. i grew up catholic. you know, proud to have grown up catholic, still practice catholicism, but i don't use it against other people or other religions. mike johnson has told us that his position on gaza and what he's doing here there at. busy columbia university comes from the bible, his interpretation of the bible, by the way, don't that's not my take on it. he said it appeared as the biblical admonition to
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stay in with his ro, we will and, and they will prevail. it's a big the go out, much to watch. did you hear when he just said, let me hear it again. of the biblical ammunition to stand with his ro, we will and, and they will prevail. it's a bit biblical admonition. that's. so he's basing my country, maybe your country is foreign policy on his reading of the bible, which most christians would by the way, disagree with that reading that he has of the bible. i mean, there's something just so horribly troubling about this speech about johnson doing this as he lectures. protesters for saying mean things that quote might cause others to place a target on the backs of jews. one can help then, but think especially me cuz i happen to have a last name that ends in easy right. like sanchez gomez rodriguez. you know,
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those folks 60000000 of us who live here in the united states. so when we hear that, we can think of how hypocritical this is coming from a man was done that exact same when it comes to mexicans. and other immigrants from latin america coming into the united states. i mean, because of him and his very ugly words on that topic, which he has a right to by the way. he has a right to his ugly words. we all have right to ugly words. but it's because of his ugly words in part that these folks from mexico and other immigrants, or as he would call them all the illegals, probably including me, that somehow that's the reason. so many of those folks are hated by millions of americans. look, that's just a fact. go look at any pole that's been done on this. and this is not a political point. i'm not making
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a political argument here. i'm not trying to be pro, this are pro that this isn't about the right. this isn't about the left and absolutely american jews shouldn't be respected for their accomplishments. i should, you know, american immigrants, or hispanic immigrants who are americans. so again, i mean, this is not about politics. it's about the ugly and very on american. let me repeat that. the ugly and very on american look of self righteousness, the over waning attitude that we're seeing from wayne to many of our leaders these days, but seem to suggest they can tell us what to do. while they take millions of dollars from defense contractors and then millions more in this case from israel. by the way, johnson is not alone here. the.
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yeah. see that guy right there. i can say the same about him. that's the secretary state anthony blanket, who flies around the world telling other countries what they must do, what they must do. it's as if, as easy is it, the rest of the world exists only at the pleasure of what he and president biden mandate at any given time. speaking of the president, as we watch blinking, arriving in china in the place of president biden. it's kind of hard not to wonder what most americans must be thinking and that is why isn't mister by meeting with the president of china? is he too old? is he too feeble? just ask him, look, we should probably know out of decency and diplomatic protocol, the chinese did not meet the secretary of state. the way the speaker was met with the news, right. like we saw in columbia university. i mean, those are students,
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though the chinese probably thought about it. the chinese are set to be in sensed by what the secretary state blinking has just pushed through congress a payment of $8000000000.00 to taiwan. so that taiwan can build up its military for a possible war with china. now, let me put you in their place. if you're china, right, you are china. that has to be calling. right? because as they see it, taiwan is one of their provinces with which they have some differences, no doubt it to them. it's not another nation with which it wants to have a war. in fact, china is, is not holding back after what they have seen occur in the last week with especially the 8000000000 dollars that was, that's, that was because soon after you saw blinking arrived there, they released this statement saying,
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and no uncertain terms that china does not appreciate the meddling in their affairs when it comes to taiwan. here it is going to change you don't want me to type on issue is china's internal affair, which tolerates no external interference. the insertion of taiwan related content and to the us congressional bill seriously violates the one china principal and the free joint communiques of china and the us and since a wrong signal to the separate his forces. in taiwan. we have formerly opposed to it. we urge the us side to honor his commitment of not supporting taiwan independence with concrete actions and stop arming taiwan in any way want only joining us now to talk about this is george us. some really is a research. busy fellow at the global policy institute and the author of the book, bombs for peace, nato's humanitarian war on yugoslavia. um, well, i can only imagine what it would be like if texas,
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who has suggested at certain times sometimes seriously, sometimes not so seriously. but they want to separate from the united states because they don't like the liberals in the white house. they don't like the fact that the united states is screwing up their border and they probably wouldn't be big enough and do well enough alone. and suddenly, soon after they say that here comes china or russia or iran. and so it's fine. since you don't like washington, we're going to help you. we're going to give you $8000000000.00. plus, we're gonna give you some more planes and some tax i just can't help but wonder how what that's what those george as well, right? that as it was said, sorry, well, the united states would act with great deal of force and would be quite brutal in the way it applies as far as there's no comparison with china, china has been extremely holler. and um, oh, well this is, he is okay. let's imagine the shanghai community was issued in 1972 during
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president nixon's visit there, china, in which the united states officially accepted that there was one china. and the time one was a box of china. since then, china has not made any move to use force against i one. now, when china then comes of ways, these massive military packages, that's $9000000000.00. i mean, they see that what the united states is doing, i want is what it was doing in ukraine. leading up to 2022, it kept pouring in alms. um and uh, military rising. the place to the point at which rupture was said, well, we can't allow this to go on, but much longer because it's endangering our russian nationals or millions of russia nationals in ukraine. if they make a move against them, there's not going to be very much we can do about it. sure. all a total work. and i think that's the case that with china is well,
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because china has drawn a line in the sand and said, well, if i was declared as independence, that will be a cost was barely, then we would use force. well, the more you you put in arms into taiwanda, more likely it is at the some point i want will declare independence and say, hey, do your best. because look at how well we are echo the pool coupon and strategy. and there's another part to that, right? what we saw in ukraine, for example, heck, what we've seen and all over the world, every everywhere from santa me go to, you know, uh, parts of latin america in places like, uh, guatemala. the key is to find some people within whatever country you want to change the order in and find a minority group or a separate this group or somebody whether they are actually already there. and then you load them up or you create them through the c. i a and then you blow them up
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and then you'll get those folks to start having demonstrations and then you start having product as them before you. busy somehow they end up with some guns and then suddenly there's violence on the street. and before you know, when you're close to having, what is a perfect civil war in that country, which has been fed by our government. and it wouldn't surprise me if china doesn't think the sons of guns are trying to do the same thing. they've done. busy over the world, and they just didn't ukraine in that fashion. inside taiwan. you say what? yeah, no question. that's exactly what us nato strategy has been. which is you go to the country, is that a deeply divided? there are a serious fracture lines in the country. and then you essentially back one faction against another was sooner or later, it's going to explode. so it was, you know, the people here was ukraine. ukraine was a very divided country. when you was very divided, you have the east, which was very russian and oriented small drop ship. you had the west, you know,
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the lot of polls that was, is kind of an antagonistic towards russia. so what did the united states and they to do? they moved in and back one faction. mm hm. well, when you back one, and then the other faction was, say, well, we don't want any positive because uh, you know, you can essentially back, i hop the country that we really don't get on within the level here. we don't want to be able to be a part of it because this was exactly the strategy that united states and nato pursued in yugoslavia. it though during the night ninety's, when he crushed was up and kinds of nationalism including supporting terrorism. and then of course, they said they still back and say, hey look, it's exploded, we now need to in intervene to rectify the mess that we've made. and of course they haven't rectified. body is on there as bad as they always were. that's easily united states because they doing it in georgia as well. no less and less than and,
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and, you know, they've done it in latin america columbia. they did it in for rule. they did it recently in bolivia. they did it. and as i mentioned in guatemala, obviously they did it in cuba. they did it in the dominican republic. uh they did it in a row. it's like we said, we wouldn't be here all day and we were going to name all the times of this. and what's funny is, we're living at the time now we're the united states seems to be very separated and we need to guard against that. but how sad it would be if someone did that to us. because right now we are a divided country. and yet, i know, you know, most smart americans know that we have done that around the world and hopefully we don't do it in china to the point we're trying to get. so brussel that they start maybe some kind of conflagration there, which could result in world war 3. let's just be honest about it, george. let's do this. i'm going to take a break. when we come back, i want to ask you about this guy johnson. i mean, i am just, i,
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i don't even know what the said about the things this guys has been doing lately. i've taken a back and, and, and i want to get your sense of it. uh, his saying he makes foreign policy decisions based on the ability readings is going to scroll and humiliate students who are protesting says they have no right cuz they mean games will be right back the or the what is part of is it that the employee would posted isn't the deepest view of us and bidding the word or is it something deep but more complex might be present good. let's stop without cases. let's go part of
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the the and welcome back to direct impact on re sanchez. by the
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way, i was just talking to george about the situation in latin america and liquid pops up. we've got some video coming in. these are the scenes from the streets of bolivia. look at this, the fairly what's going on here. once again, in bolivia, hundreds of teachers trip to the streets of la positive protesting against force retirement. the teachers also demanded the government of president luis, our se, allocate more money to their increased class hours. seems routine, but don't be surprised if there's a story behind the story here. in other words, the us, as i was just discussing a little while ago with george, our leaders, not our country. we're good people, they're not. they have had a history of interfering a lot in america. bolivia, specifically, sources inside the country have revealed that in 2019 the us assisted in the
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removal of the democratically elected president, evo morales. morales was overthrown by the military helped by the c i. despite the fact that he had let the bolivian economy do incredible record heights. i mean, morales was the country's 1st indigenous president. his government was able to reduce property by 42 percent extreme poverty by 60 percent. the november cool was led by the country's leads, seeking to revert state power to the people who would monopolize that before morales is election in 2005, and guess who helped them do that? you guessed it, you only get one guess and you're right. we did state department the c a, we didn't like the guy even though the people liked him, even though he was doing well. and we decided to do exactly with george suggest we're kind of doing right now in china, but i'm going to move away from that for a minute because i don't want to run out of time without giving you an opportunity to speak to our speaker of the house,
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a gentleman from louisiana named mike johnson. the things he has said and done lately have even chuck probably, you know, to george. well, um, you know, he hasn't really sharply. i mean like the he is, um, uh, staggering incompetence is possible. the calls for uh, republicans, sir, let's think of a, his immediate breed as, as a nancy below say, she relentlessly pursued a democratic party agenda. she has a majority as small as johnson's you, who's that dining majority of doing that. a democratic body agenda. now let's see what john johnson has just signed off on every single part of by whose agenda that's 25000000000 is everything. it's a, a wish list for all the,
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by the ministration. you think you have a bike is of the different policy. why you helping you have the president of the different bobby, you know, the election. we knew him essentially is the agenda that 9x5b6x1b. so you say that it for israel a i'm dealing with what i want. and then of course, the ticket on it and everything else. so it is, is bizarre. and then he goes to columbia, which you're getting is really quite bizarre because, you know, if you're a republican, you know, you're in something be good liberals. and once i did the liberals on the other, they don't show that at columbia. you know, you've got the liberal design. yes. one side. and then you've got the kind of woke supporters of the palestinians. and by the way, for the benefit of our viewers to hold off for the benefit of here at georgia, talking about columbia university, not columbia of the country,
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but continue in the us. exactly. so you say, okay, it's, it's an intramural flight, it's hurting the democrats. i mean, the republicans knowing how, how it's incumbent that they usually are in elections. this is a godsend. you know, have them find, you know, don't get yourself involved. but instead, he goes there, he becomes the object of hatred. he starts issuing threats with the suggestion. now is that the government cutting off all kinds of phones from colombia in the budget? that's a serious business. i mean, all of the, i, yeah, universe just depend on government drugs. i mean, you know, you go to the national science foundation, defense have gone to the national institute of health sciences centers with disease control. they give a lot of money to universities. i think based off the donated universities low borrowers are going to close down, you know, basketball court. so just what do we just think of the principle of what he's saying? he's saying that in america as a government official,
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he doesn't like what people are saying, not because what there is, by the way, i don't necessarily agree with what the protesters are saying, but they have a right to say it. people haven't, i happened to be cuban. people have a right to say, i don't like cubans, they have a right to say work sanchez, i can't stand you. i hit your sho, george. i don't like you. i don't want your people. i don't like where you come from. i don't like your parents. i have a right to say all of those things. is it smart? is it nice? is it kind? no, it doesn't matter. you still have a right to save it. i don't want people to cut his eyes, jews, i don't want people to cut his eyes, anybody. but the fact that he's going there and saying you can't say these things about this group of people. my god, that sounds auto american is how it is on the cell and it goes what, what's happening here is an unfortunate phenomenon, which is that criticism of his ro, oscar, this is what is ro which much we did this up is being compounded with something
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different which isn't the services. um yeah, so the 2 usually used interchangeably. whereas it's quite clear that in all of these universities the, the protest off protest director that is relevant. but israel is doing right now in gaza. but he said, when you listen to john, so in your listen to many of the politicians to him or everybody else, of course the media is i just committed juice, feel threatened. there's no evidence whatsoever. the any jewish students all threatened as no, that was make sense. now, if you're a jewess student and you come waving these ready flag, the jobs is that the bill will be voice raise against you. but that's a separate issue of the idea that your jury student. yeah. jo, it but suddenly you get beaten up. that's nonsense. that has not happened. there's no evidence that anything like this. that's good. yeah. nope. skokie, illinois, folks, for those of you watching us right now, go and look up what happened in skokie, illinois, a decision that was made that essentially said, you can't do that kind of things that the speakers doing,
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but it looks like we're going somehow back in time and we didn't even get a chance to talk about his biblical readings, which causes him to have these foreign policy decisions. cuz we're out of time, but i'll get you back george, i'll get you back. thank you, george. some well what, what a pleasure to talk to you. what an interesting turn of events this week, and we'll be looking for more discussion on that again before i go, i want to remind you of what we try to do here is i think you can tell we try to simply the silo the world, you know, i mean, think of things perhaps from another point of view, because we don't think troops should live in little boxes, whether the run by the state department or the c i a or anybody for that matter. i'm rick sanchez. i'll be looking for you again with direct impact the the minos names can i get that asked. i just asked you to invest it. you know,
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she said, hey buddy, the 100 with that gives you the chair, issue a star. so for us, there's a number of us who are the super intuitive down your just interest more so i was wondering no longer wish to live for production and for a minute. and it was just the mattress, the box, or the or this team, the best kind of money on the form is the number for the full of korean. and with a zip code of us 20 minutes for us kind of a much less for the 1st day of just opinion noise. yeah, i'm familiar with this. so i'm spending, if i need to. okay. and so especially with a combustion, i'm, we're signing, dispel interest. there's couple of thoughts or choice central is to layer on a team. it's almost finished. a program is shown this within graphics, which is really
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the we've already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities, export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to fax take additional measures. washington attempts to block mail b gene claiming it's ready to weld assumptions, sold if fine a dozen, and added to the legs support for russia over the watering ukraine nationally faces criticism for pushing sugar pac baby formulas in developing nations while offering heavier version for western markets. we hear from those behind the research to the green, the fields sold by in this thing, sweets and on are without any.


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