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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 26, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EDT

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to as the high before the veiling match off the entire as to how region entering the cruise. the wind, some of these african countries kicked out the french military and as a wisdom back security pockets the us government to misread the signals and um, sold the moves and the action as a win for them. and so what to put when the news here indeed is shift over and dictates the terms even with the lights of chad. but then also when it comes to chad, the situation is a bit of a different dynamic because jazz, who was not to overturn the system, but to preserve the system. we've also seen report stating that the u. s. and chad have agreed that to the period following the upcoming chad in president. so the nixon is an appropriate time to review, secure your to corporation. 1 may read into that and seeing that there will be a view configuration of the relationship between side and the united states after the election. and i think this goes back to watch. a lot of people are saying that
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the most significant aspects of these coming elections in chad is not the final results, but was the the extent to which the ellipse should lead a shipping will be able to navigate the complex political issues and continue the transition towards a more inclusive and democratic system, what do we all get to on the ground as well as that? i asked which i have never been to a priority for the united states. oh, you is need is most impactful, initiates of the but the administration devoted only limited episode, attention to the continent. and russia is offering governments in africa, a survival package, a received something that the united states has never been able to. this why african deed is an o oscar and russia to train you to set this moment. right. we have to leave you here. now. archie crispin in milledgeville, coon gay, thank you so much for your insights. and what i see on this asked most stories are
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the top of the i see you again, the rich people, everybody wants to change very quickly while it was a political new come or 8 years ago for my president, donald trump has since completely recreated the united states republican party, all ended image. there is no secret, there is a split and the conservative movement. never choppers and america 1st are now butting heads from the primaries to the house floor, the party leadership on sky. now here's an on this edition of $360.00 view. we're going to discuss if the reward of electing a president trump, is worth the risk of the entire orange c and the 2 party political system in the united states. let's get started.
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the donald j trump, maybe the republic unit presumptive nominee. but for me, are you an investor, nikki haley continues to be a thorn and trump side. she's deployed double digits and state primaries even after dropping out of the race one day after super tuesday. now this is causing speculation, there might actually be trouble when it comes to the vote at the republican national convention in milwaukee wisconsin. later this summer, you know, all this fall. com, following the ousting of republican national committee chair women, ronald rodney mcdaniel. and it seems she didn't go on around. there was already discontentment, with how republicans have fared in the 2020 to mid terms and a special election. the suppose it read way. well, i didn't materialize with mcdaniels leadership as a point of blame. but even if she was partially removed for her past track record
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at the r and c, some think it was more of what she would or would not have done regarding support for the campaign and the administration of donald j trump in the future. now i want to enter the new chair, one, chairman of the archie, an american lawyer, a politician from north carolina, michael watley, and well, his name is new to most republicans, the vice chair um woman daughter in law of a current presidential nominee lar trump, is definitely the one, garnering all the spotlight. now the 1st move, being the firing of more than 60 plus staffers at the r and c, and plans to move some of the operations to south florida. and i must have done something right, because the republican national committee is celebrated the largest fundraising month in history with watley and laura trump raising $65000000.00. $50000000.00 just from one high dollar fundraiser. donald trump spoke about the
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mega $1000000.00 success, while at the event they wanted to contribute to make america great again. and that's what it's asked to do. we're going to make america great. again, everyone knows that the election is going to be in now a little more than 6 months, and it's going to be the most important i believe election we've ever had. i think it's going to go down is the most important date in the history of our country. that's november 5th will be the most important dates in the history of our country . it sounds like a great discussion for our panels. let's bring in woodrow johnson g o. strategist and ceo of revere strategies, angelo juan carlos, his final countdown and ed martin, president of the phyllis shop with eagles. thank you so much for joining me. great to see you at it's been awhile. i know you've been busy dealing with everything on j 6. so i'm going to start off with you. first of all, the fundraiser there was hosted by billionaire investor and john paulson at more logo in florida. absolutely blows away the $26.00, a $1000000.00 fundraiser with
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a 3 democratic president, joe biden, brock obama and bill clinton in attendance. there was just basically a week prior. how will this leadership team of the new r and c be different from the last one? as well as got to, you know, you set it up right. i mean, uh, and then the last time we were in a similar situation was 2016 because we had an open primary process. she described that and i was on the are and see if that time of 2013 to 15. so i saw the inside of the planning and how it works. i just can tell you this at this point in an election. after this primary, there are video, his name is on the ballot in some states or some places work. there are some people still talking about other candidates, even de santis, but it's really cool. last around the candidate and you know, in 2016 there was ted cruz who was still fighting and there were people talking about can we go to the convention and cause a problem? and i never really happens. i mean, there were a few people holding out. what do you see with the money? both the grass roots and the big dollar money is a republican party,
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sort of letting go of the possibility of their being anybody else. and so when you say, will it be different, it'd be, the campaign has merged directly into the, the a r n c. now it's of being, you know, chris wants to be there as a senior consultant, the campaign guy in the campaign for job. he's now running the r and c not was standing. who the chair is a vice chair. the day today will be run by the campaign. i think it's a good sign because in 2020 there are and see did not seem to me to understand the legal threats to understand the get out the vote problems. so i think the campaign, the maybe they learn from 2020 has as learned that less and then the orange, she will go gang busters. but the money shows you where the energy is going. it's just the way it is in politics. and i think that's what we're headed towards now. slow, fast. both parties are well funded. both candidates are settled, it's going to be 6 months wordpress, but would ro, is it kind of unrealistic to think even though the trump family has taken over, is unrealistic. think that those never trump faction is just disappeared or now
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going to be silent. well, it's got a i just think that this whole so called division is, is really overblown. we're not a monolithic movement. the conservatives are not monolithic and thought were individual. ready state by nature. so this idea that there is any real the. ready ocean is, is frankly ludicrous. we're not a party of snowflakes. we debate, we have different ideas. i'm confident, just like in 2016 republicans will come together and they'll support president trump. what's the other thing? so angela, do you think it's a good idea to have a family member in the highest female position in the g o p. i mean, does this not make it look more like a dynasty for republicans? a no, not at all. look, no stone was left on turn. this round. president trump wanted to make sure that every single fraction of the new republican party was covered and in his control. look at it, he's done in the last 2 years now with the started with the mid term elections,
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making sure that the right people got in to congress that he's doing the same thing with the senate and governors races, all this down down racing. you know, he's supported candidates that are america's 1st. now the 2nd over fundraising and the are and see because one mcdaniels quite honestly, was not fundraising. remember where you're going back in january. there's only $9100000.00 in the bank accounts of their r and c. well, that's crazy for a presidential election here. so he had to do something about that. he gave all it a chance, but ultimately it doesn't matter. he trusts his daughter in law and wife was least going to do a fantastic job since they've gone. busy they've cleaned house, they've gotten rid of at least 60 members that were clogging the pipeline and we're able to raise over $60000000.00. come on. that's the amazing feat for the very 1st months they've been on the job. i would hire her. well that's the thing, and murder are pointed out that he didn't feel like it might be overblown. this
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divide, but republican voters are definitely in some ways not on the same page. still with the backend. trump, you know the latest front of primaries, they can how he's still pulled double digits in wisconsin. haley one nearly 13 percent of the vote. rhode island haley is looking to pick up a delegate with her nearly 11 percent of the vote. healy 112 percent above and below right below new york. trump native whole place, while trump won the 82 percent. nikki, still garnering 40 percent of votes in connecticut to trump. sto is 70 percent with hailey still acting as a thorn and trump side. is the party do you think able to really like you said coal let's focus on the future. trump presidency. or are they worried about these protests vote with in the are and see when they get to milwaukee slow? so 1st of all, everybody should know this a viewing of this program that the conventions, both democrat and republican, they are ready to and fixed their over. there's no such thing as an open convention . there's no such thing as somebody making a motion on the floor. it's just
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a made for tv spectacle, and it's meant to galvanized fundraising, actually among other things. so don't think about that. oh, mediately her name is on the ballot, but she's not campaigning. i love the places where she gets both. she gets, admittedly, they say, democrats are going across to, especially when she was running across the boat. i, i agree with my colleagues is trust 40. anybody who's never trump is not a republican anymore. they've already been baked in, people know, bill crystal and others which much more interesting right now is the younger people and african americans and latin. uh, latinos are looking at trump differently because they're seeing the chaos of buying . remember when you're in a big chair, like bad news, you're getting blamed for everything. that's just the way it works. you can say, oh, i wish it truck was any would have done this or that of the other thing. i think it's much more important for people to realize, no matter what divided ministration says about jobs or the economy. the american people feel like we're in the wrong direction. that's an opening for truck,
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but we know we pull the countries divided is 645 percent. $140.00 board members at the other the 10 percent in the middle. probably less than that. swapping around there. not a lot of movement in there, and it's only in 7 or 8 states. but if you're reading and you watch the flow, is it from election cycle right now? all the things are right. forget about never trappers or anybody else. it's not real, it's not real numbers and it's not going to matter in november. okay, so that's the thing, not many people, in fact, you're not hearing this very much discussed about it. i'm a conservative coming at this. woodrow what happens if trump is actually doesn't win in november, will lower remain at the r and c, or will that be the ultimate awkward political moment for time as well. again, i think it's just important to note that in 2012 brock, obama almost lost the state arkansas. a, a known opponent got 42 percent of the vote. so again, this whole line of thinking is really just kind of,
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i don't even know where it comes from. so as far as what happens at the urgency, i mean it's just such a wild thing to speculate about. i'm pretty golfing to tribunal with. well, i love your confidence for once again, this is still the party that for the last 4 years and said that it was taken from him to trump still claims election was reg, who was to say that they might not have that claim again. but angie trump is elected a new po from the wall street journal says down present job i is currently behind trump in the swing states of pennsylvania, michigan, george, arizona, nevada, in north carolina in wisconsin, biding and trump port height of 46 percent. all of these states, aside from north carolina, had gone to by noon 2020. now jump bite is actually assisting her husband is not losing any federal ground despite pulling. take a listen. he's losing all the battleground states. no, he's not losing. and all the battle boards is coming up once people start to focus in and they see their 2 choices. it's obvious that joe will win the selection. angie, i don't think joe would go on natural television and say, yeah, jos loves the joe is losing. but what do you feel like is the chances of trump
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actually beating biting in the general if everything stays exactly as it is right now? well, if everything's a stays exactly same, we know we have a trump when, if the guy is driving in november a truck when this is jill fighting going on. cbs news talking about how great joe is, is the same thing as m. s. and you said, telling me how great the economy is, the half the gas like you, and just thinking everything is going in their favor. what i enjoy about the close race is that we're going to get people out to vote because clearly we can now see the momentum punch truck and not providing this all the time as we saw wage. so people of december covered it was going out. so i thought that's all right, i did talk through the same thing and the blue states, there was no rage voting going to fight. in fact, if you got a few people there in falls, you're happy. no one showed up and that is what i think we're going to continue to see for the general election in november. now, i think also that you know, there's
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a lot of things that can happen in 6 months. this is a very strange election cycle. we're going to see all sorts of weird stuff happen. we're going to see not just an october surprise for may, june july, august surprised every single month. and it's, you know, remember 12 the stone. he's got a lot of legal battles ahead of him. we thought we had kind of cleared a path for him, but it looks like those cases are coming back around and i don't think that, you know, he's going to be able to speak fold it up so we can watch those very, very carefully. but meanwhile, right now, president trump has the momentum. i just really hope that he 6 q that all the way up to november. i feel like republicans have a little p t s d following the corona virus and what happened that year with the election side. thank you, retro, angela and, and i want you to stay right there because the presidency is not the only place republican party a split. what is a good server? conservative movement going to look like after the 2024 election regardless. if
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they are successful or claiming the white house, we're going to continue discussion about the inviting and congress after a short break. take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscope. it gives them just a shifted reality distortion by tell us to, to vision with no real opinions. fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better wills. and is it just because it shows you few fractured images present? it is. but can you see through their illusions, going underground can along the casualties as a result of israel's genocidal assault on causes including suspension of international humanitarian law, but also free speech across the western world. perversely,
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being pro palestinian and pro peace is condemned. is as for medic, this, this isn't a republican speaker. we have right now. this is a democrat speaker in the house. welcome back. you're watching the 360 view and i'm starting now. hughes. you know, it's not just to divide with the race or present ripping apart the republican party . representative marjorie taylor green is fulfilling her promise and calling for the ousting. and how speaker mike johnson. this is following his working with democrats to avoid the government shut down, which also included another large package of money being given as aide to ukraine, to fund the murder every single day to fund a war to pay for it. to continue it to advise it, to have r c i a on the ground over there running that war in ukraine against russia,
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nuclear armed russia. this is beyond this. you can't even call yourself a christian if that's what you're doing. well, they might be like to party, but i'm glad they're finally speaking yet. but democrats are actually singling. they would actually support keeping johnson a speaker as long as he continues to support the budget, which includes the millions of dollars in ukrainian aid. it's time for my house republican colleagues who believe that supporting ukraine is the right thing to do . to break with the pro fulton maga, extremists who are ascendant in their conference and partner with us to do the right thing. but if johnson is able to hold on to the speakership, and might only be for a short term, and there's looking at more likely republicans will actually lose the house in the november elections. but just as likely they will gain the senate and was much mcconnell planning to retire at the end of the term. there's a new race for potential majority leader within the republican party. i'm going to
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continue our discussion regarding the new r and c, trying to wrangle the splintering republican party. i welcome back our panel. woodrow johnson and g o strategist and c o revere strategies. angela wong co hosted the final countdown and ed martin, president of the phyllis safely ego. thanks for staying with me on this. i'm gonna start the woodrow because johnson has said he consults trump on spending negotiation. it actually led to the border bill not being passed for congress. do you think trump is in his the you're telling him to fund or defend ukraine? well, i'm sure the conversation is happening, but i couldn't speak to what exactly they're talking about. well, but that's the thing because in johnson has actually tried to unite this part of you, especially when he came in. he specifically told members of congress to endorse incumbents for the 2024 election. however, those that are unhappy with his leadership, which included my, gave the klein march or taylor green, have dissented by endorsing other candidates should be, are and see,
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get involved. and how should they respond with trump now at the helm? and i, they aren't, she is now strong. so as i tell people all the time, if you want to endorse against trump, have added you have the a record of winning in primaries. that is almost the 2nd to none. so i look, i think johnson has gone hand to trump and said, i want to hold the majority. if i hold the majority, it's going to be by getting out the vote, energizing the base. i can't do it by saying regular republican talking points. i need you trump, i need the energy of the america personal, which is by the way, a movement that says less spending overseas. i'm more spending in america, less wars and more of our focus on ourselves. and, but i guess it is. josh is in a tough position. it's almost impossible. i have to say it's such a narrow majority and he's trying the best he can. he is a conservative, but the swap swallows you up. so you're arguing to give his real money, even though israel could borrow money better than we can. there are going to give
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you credit and money and hope the democrats, the party that is being torn apart by the issues internationally. because the key jeffries may be on the take for all the big money that wants to spend it on military and i, bill and military industrial complex. he is clearly in the track. he wants to be speaker. he wants to have money, regular democrats, or war with each other over garza over here. and so i think the republican should stand back and say, look, we want to be safe in the world. we don't want to fund more adults all for the talking points. the rest of russia, russia hopes, nonsense, doesn't work. 10 bought the congressman from colorado total with tony twitter, he pulled a pole ryan by quitting because instead of running and finding he quit. and when he quit, he says, well, ross is telling people what to do. he's a liar, he's a fraud, he's a quarter, he's a tower. if you're going to stay and fight, make an argument. big an argument. they use think somehow wasting money and cheese
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for zalesky and his crow guys is somehow stopping more. it's not, it's a lie. it's a broad so most of the world is looking at it saying, hey, we just need a new president. he's going to go in. and in 10 minutes, he's going to say to who to say is a wednesday stop the divide up the thing, stop chewing, all your people is gonna look at the country and say, you want to rebuild bridges. you want to try to stop fentanyl. you want to do the work, let's do that. so johnson is placed here by the way, i restarted it prep. when's the election? we've the house is republican, maybe naturally. but right now the house is guaranteed to be in trouble and it'll be republican and the senate is clearly everybody knows they're making justice. so to my, your 7069 year old woman answer questions about whether why she won't retire, because they know they're about to lose the senate. so these are democrats, we're, we're with each other. we should all stay and back. i'll fight any more wars, not funny the more words and let them fight about it and don't solve for all the
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talking points. i like more to deal with rage. he's a fighter for j 6, but in this case, she's really just getting attention for herself. she's not necessarily building a goal issue. well, ed, i think republicans love your optimism on that, and i think they like it. but angie isn't one of the reasons why the republicans might be losing the house that rebellion going to be having is because they continue to go along with the funding of these words. it almost seems like they're missing the point if they would just simply say, like i said, ticket advice and focus on america 1st and get out of that spending. they would win and yet they're not doing it. so why is that message not being sent to the republicans like johnson, like stop this and you might actually have a chance of saving the house? well, i think mike johnson is in a terrible position and he knows that we may have to actually lose the messaging on ukraine. we may actually have to give money there, not because we want to, but because we have to win other areas and the democrats will not let up on that. i
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know that's not america 1st. i don't like saying it either, but look what's happened. you have mike gallagher who's that to leave as well, which leaves the house much already the one seat. and that is the seat or what does that it was that oh, the tower, he's a coward and a quarter you want to take on sign. nobody's so upset. he's going to go quit raleigh so we can get a big deal. he's out of the intelligence. he's an old intelligent driver i brought to. you doesn't like that. that's like the implant speaker and took $9000000.00 with him and set up his all slash fun. one is a 5, a one see 3 or 4 for him and all the staff to get paid. what these guys are fraudulent wires and they need to be called back to their face. look, johnson needs the money to run races. i get it. but the fact is this, if we run the channel, most of the seats in this, in the house are already jury man, or they're all say, all the democrats are saying, all the republicans, there's 30, they're at risk. they're going to be republicans,
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by large party. a large majority of truck is running and winning. that's just how it works guys. it doesn't matter. the rest of it is nonsense and debates. and today, andy's point get to this period. hopefully don't start a room or don't fall for stupid arguments and get a new president who will set an agenda. there's actually america for the rest of it is all liars, like gallagher and po ryan and everybody else. well, and yet they're still somewhere around the public part about democrats seem to as squares about where do i'm gonna go with you on the last question that present you're biting is seen in pauline just him or during this minority votes. he said all on a swing state toward trying to appeal to latino voters by going to a mexican restaurant in arizona watching just completely out of touch. you know, we, i need you, i need you badly. need the help. come on. i desperately need your help. i yeah, he just completely dead hands at me while trump is actually set to win the largest percentage of the black vote for any republican presidential nominee. and history is diversity or minority recruitment. going to continue to be
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a priority post collections for republicans if that's what actually helps boost him over the finish line with a when. absolutely, it should be and frank and frankly the job i was losing weight catholics to i mean, we saw the same the same type of outreach to white catholics as well. it's frankly, you know, the values of black voters, the values of hispanic motors, their conservative values, they just either either and they're starting to realize that they don't like paying taxes. they're socially conservative. they are not happy with the direction this country is going and they see it and they have see now in their lifetime, what a binding presidency looks like and what a presidency looks like. and they know that they were better under dropped. well, i wanna thank all 3 of you because this is a definitely a conversation that people are having. and once again, i think it's the one thing we can agree on. if there's not as much of a divide as people want us to be, except that the warrant still is going to be there until it is completely removed, and it probably will need to be addressed in the room. thank you so much. woodrow
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johnson go strategies and see over of your strategies and to the long co has the final count down and ed martin present it. the shapely eagles for joining me today is not political parties can change, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are predictable. it's not unusual for a political party and those who are elected under their umbrella, to work hand in hand. what makes this error different is in modern times, america has never had a presidential campaign which has recently lost take over a political party almost completely. so when you have a campaign and a political party are twined and amplifies the risk of major destruction, to that party is the campaign loses. now i understand why winning is the only focus, but what do you have a candidate like donald trump, who has often spoke or alluded to fraud in the last election cycle, yet very little has been done. legislative license to restore faith or integrity and u. s. selections, not heavy. a contingency plan is not only irresponsible,
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but puts the 2 party political system completely at risk of obliteration. then all we are locked with is the short term, is one choice, and democracy becomes replaced by the dictatorship i've got now here's miss bennett your 360 view. thank you for watching the march. the 22nd 1943. during the great pantry, i'll take the shots and bunch of fatality in 118. run down the belly, mercy, and for that you have caught seen around the ship of some person. if i did the you wish to be loaded in the fitness center. yes. the pieces to the for most of the
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room to 40 to 149 people died including 75 children of age who was practically wiped off the face of the law. new blue loves our little boy live orchard and couldn't. charlie was noisy and we'll use porter as follows. oh shoot. was hot really. i really usually its own you sonya. so the infamous battalion responsible for the atrocity included over $100.00 ukranian nationalists from west to new. right? yeah. all right, and so i'm see what. okay, as far as the new e phone, that's a lot of those. do you guys pursuing your up with them? us customers declassify criminal cases from the central archive of the k g, b, a better rules shed light on the atrocity and on so numerous questions that have
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remained an onset for many years. watch on see the we've already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities, export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to actually take additional measures for washington. the tabs to block male bay gene, claiming it's ready to wield its sanction sword if china 1000 and it's a lead support for russia over the war by new, great promising so much but delivering so little. you train both of the withdrawal as the much fetid us. a bronze hangs from the front lines after they approve easy pickings for cheap russian. jo at lastly phases criticisms.


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