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tv   News  RT  April 26, 2024 8:00am-8:31am EDT

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the use, thank you so much for your time and the, [000:00:00;00] the, the china does not address this problem. we will washington the ana sheets. it's functions sold, collected big. it's ready to, well that it gets signed, if it doesn't, and it's a leg support for roger over the war in ukraine, promising so much, but delivering so little ukraine, reportedly, withdrawal has been much beated us abrams tanks from the front lines up of
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a prove easy pickings for cheap russian drugs the us as to withdrawal, the majority of his special forces on the job as a central african nation questions washington's role in tackling terrorism. the hello the welcome to our international reaching. you lived from a new center with moscow. i a michael quarter, not washington starting up the heat on china. however, the water in ukraine are the us secretary of state, onto the blinking, has openly threatened viji with new sanctions. if it doesn't cause it's a large support for the roster, a vision cannot achieve better relations with europe while supporting the greatest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. as we told china for some time, ensuring transatlantic security is a for us interest. and our discussion today,
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i made clear that china does not address this problem. we will, we've already impose sanctions on more than a 100 chinese entities, export controls, etc. and we're fully prepared to, to act take additional measures. and i made that very clear. your mind meetings today. it looks like let's cross live to r t curse, but nice on the best get here. so it's good to have you join me right now. this is an open an accusation from the united states as today's light, that would look like be the tension via escalating a yes, that's right. tensions escalating between the us and china, a number of issues. but this idea that the u. s. is in beijing, this quote that represents a balancing blinking, and he says we're going to sanction chinese businesses and banks if they don't stop trading with russia is pretty incredible. we also heard some blinking saying that the e, you wouldn't stand for it either saying that basically, you know,
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if china doesn't stop trading with russia, then that would cause problems with its relationship to the you. interestingly enough, though, onto the blinking doesn't have the right to speak on the 27 nations of the e. u. we have the german chancellor in beijing just a week ago, all of schultz reaffirming that germany, europe's biggest economy wants to continue try trading with china that that is an important relationship. and at the same time, we had brussels saying that it was more access to the chinese public markets. mike, it may fall, you get tired talking while you're on the one hand, the u. s. has launched a large scale built a new crane, and on the other hand, it has made endless accusations against the normal economic and trade relations between china and russia. this is extremely hypocritical, any responsibility, or nato bears, and irreparable responsibility for the crisis. the alliance must reflect on its role, stop shifting, blame,
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and effectively take practical actions to resolve the crisis. political language of home, of what we've got there is the chinese born ministry of cooling out. the us for hits hypocrisy here, saying that on the one hand, you're telling us we contract with russia, we may, but you can pass for need bill that's going to see $61000000000.00 going to creating a country that is. so i was in use of miles away and it just seems the fact that on to me blinking is engaging, saying based, it's like inviting somebody into your home and they turn on sale. i don't like how your furniture is rearranged. it is plain rude and trying to clean these don't give us fun spot. speaking out to some fairly highly unusual, rector rick, the very strong saying how it feels about what the us to say it really is strong. and i must say, but isn't this what russia has been saying all the while natal directly participating in the conflict? yes, that's why we've heard russia thing over. no, nato is essentially
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a 3rd party to this rule. it's going to move freed finances in ukraine. it's been advising ukrainian, military outside and its own countries. and it's obviously been for a long time having joint exercises on the phone with a, with russia, in many different countries. we've just heard from the russian defense minister showing through who is at another meeting this meeting in cosmic stone where he's basically turned on the subject to get new nato sends its money into a region need to sense it's military and to region. nate, to close his problems, that's hopeless and what he said, pitcher, particularly, i want to emphasize that it was not us, but the day who came to us came to our borders. this once again shows that western nurses cannot be trusted. now we're being told that a for actually is not stopped in ukraine, then we will supposedly attack the countries of the alliance. the russian federation has never threatened naples, who have neither jo, political,
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more military interest to attack the states of that book. we're simply put to thing are people's, you know, historical territories. we have always made every effort to maintain strategic stability and the balance of power in the world. the united states on the country 1st created and is now deliberately prolonging the conflict in ukraine. yes, this is a path we have seen and again and again, not just from the us, but the us and its nato allies generally is that they send money weapons into a region and then we see in stability. we've seen that over no, but we saw that with the conflict in syria where this went in and then we saw his logic state being funded and created as a result of that, we saw that in libya, we've seen that in a rock, and we've seen that enough kind of stone, and that's what he's and leading to that is the nation. so is often the source of tension within the world. but what, when, when he comes to the asia,
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the west seem to use the same playbook given it is yes, that's why i mean, you know, there's lots of issues at the moment between the us and china, particularly in asia. we've got problems at the moment regarding tick tock, seriously popular social media application. sure you've been doing it sounds thing like i know many of our colleagues have, hey, but essentially a take talk has been told that you have to sell to a western approved company who will buy new. it says, you know, a social networking site developed by the chinese and its success really seems to have irritated at the us government to announce saying we're buying it if you don't sell it. i mean that is a pretty incredible sense to have. we've also got the issues in regards to the money that's being fundable to taiwan. taiwan, an island south of china, it's seen by china is being part of the china as in its entirety. and it's one china policy. but the us is funneling weapons and money to tie $1.00,
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but the one side say with will leach the one china policy. but on the other side, saying what we're going to send these weapons and if you decide to enforce the one, china policy will stand by the side of taiwan. and then you've got issues of the fact that there is um, you know, the us presence in the south china sea and really, china is not the same to the us. bought out of domestic issues is none of your business as it is now. what are the issues contributing to pensions between the united states and china? well, as i mentioned, this is some of the issues, but also we've got that really cool ratio of taiwan and also the shaft china seas. so in regards to the south china seas, the west has just announced that later in 2024 it's going to have joined to military maneuvers with japan and the philippines to other nations in the south china sea pacific region. and it's going to do that, and that is really wrong, cold china like you know,
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really the idea that us would have this military presence. it would be holding the joint maneuvers just off it's coast. can you much and have us with react if that was close to i mean it was the chinese have doing it. and also just said the chinese apartments, the say, you know, boss talked about domestic issues. so it's sean is concerns are consistent. we always call for respecting each other's core interest and urge the united states not to interfere in trying his internal affairs, not to hold china is developing back and not to step on china's red lines on china, sovereignty security and development interest. these are really strong, clear statements from beijing about the fact they do not want any involvement, any interference in that domestic policies, and they will stem to protect themselves. and it's, as i mentioned, it's highly unusual to see the chinese speaking in such direct times. but obviously
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this visit for months in the blinking on the things he said, don't hesitate to really, you know, struck a chord on this thing. may it's no, okay, height, weight, see how these things cut out? thank you so much of a domestic heat. our correspondent for bringing us up to speed on this. right, are the, are to contribute to call is job. believe the slapping functions on find out what all the speed up the sea change and the global economy blinking is basically threatened me to expand sanction south china. i mean, you, us have currently maintaining somebody comes after sanctions, but us have threatened to use financial sanctions on chinese companies and chinese banks that do business with russia and others quite serious threats. china would not be intimidated by the threat of additional
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sanctions. i mean, china have phase us sanctions before the china will find a way and us sanctions on russia has already cost of russia to move off of dollars. that kicked off the trend of the dollarization. now you, us is going to move on the financial sanctions on china. you're gonna see the world's largest economies moving off dollars. i mean, this is gonna co have huge consequences in the world financial market. china will find out sir, it is, i mean, now the brakes is already talking about a common bricks courtesy us policy is gonna just give an additional push about ukraine's reportedly withdrawal. and it's us supply the advanced a bronze times on the front lines, s b a being easily picked up by cheap russian drugs. and that's according to,
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to you as ministry official cited in western media. us alright, let's discuss it with a correspondent. the goes down of joining me right here and just you day is good to have you join me write down about the problems abrams tank is, is considered to be the best in the weld as the wave that'd be picked up by the russian drones. one can compare them to david and goliath visited. well, this whole endeavor with supplying tanks and some of the, well, the ones that they are promoting as the best tank in the world is turning into a bit of a p r disaster for washington. because from the very outset, the us, they were very reluctant to send the abrams tanks to ukraine. in fact, if you recall how old the deliberation that was going on to a balance it's, they were strong um by jeremy. because initially washington went to berlin to send a letter tags to ukraine, but all of the shows the chancellor said, oh, well, if we have to do it then, well, you have to chipping to. so that's how the united states ended up with sending some
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31 over m one, a, one abrams tanks to ukraine. now, according to the russian ministry of defense, at least 8 of these machines have been destroyed by very, very cheap russian drones. basically, a drone was about, about $500.00 is enough to destroy, and brenda will useless a machine. that's what, well, $10000000.00 value have this is this for testing. and right now the united states, they simply don't have the answer for that. all they can do, and we, we did observe that in fact, because when i was covering events the war in ukraine, back in february, this is what we saw. they were very reluctant to send these beasts to the front line because of this. all this is useless against a $500.00 drone. it burns rights will be all mines is. uh, well this cross is as good as uh, as good as a cross has. uh so right now what we did observe,
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they had to pull it back and they are essentially using these tags as are typically pieces. so they are moving them about 10, maybe 12 kilometers away from the front line. and then they are shooting well via a parabolic trajectory, again as a, as an autonomy piece. and of course, that is not a very good way to use a tank. and that it's not an efficient way to use it, a tank. and a lot of it, a lot of its capacity essentially is going to waste what that, what so much expectations from these times? where are they at? because the we're seeing as the gain change when that would be released and said to ukraine. oh, absolutely. when i say that they were reluctant to send these tanks to ukraine. well, i'm saying about the actions, but the words were very, very different. here's how the us on ukraine sold this uh uh, sold this weapon, this beautiful piece of equipment before before. uh, it was actually before it actually receive them, have
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a list. the united states will be sending $31.00 a room tax to ukraine. the equivalent of one ukrainian battalion favor of science are the most capable tanks in the world. they are also extremely complex to operate and maintain are also given ukraine, the parts and equipment necessary to effectively sustain these tanks. on the boss, look, when it comes to the abrams tank. we've said we're going to continue to talk to the cranes about their needs and we're going to wear and continue to meet them as best we can. and we'll do that. the abrams is a, a powerful system. there's no doubt about it. it was simple. this is a very powerful step by the united states. you frame will receive abrams tanks. i personally think, mr. president biden. these tanks must be like a fist a freedom that knocks out tyranny so that it may never stand up again. we can do this so well, you've had it, it was suddenly somebody
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a lot of marketing went into into the announcement that these banks will be sent to ukraine. but again, the very 1st pieces were shipped back in september and it was months until we had to, when we had a chance to see at least one getting close to the front line. and all those months ukraine was losing little by little chunks of turkey. i mean, in december they lost money in a very cheap strolling hole, just outside of the nets. abrams tags weren't really, we talked to the fighters and we observed the fights a very, very close from the front line. and in fact, less than one kilometer away from the front line. we didn't see left uh abrams tanks there. and now they tried when, when to the bottom, 4 of dave code was raging. another stronghold outside of then that's, that's when the abrams tanks were used. that's when the us lost them, that's when the band and they had to shamefully withdraw them. and well, clearly,
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clearly the shipment came with the strings attached and ukraine didn't deliver this burning nato tanks. it turned into a p r. disaster. now, besides the a bronze doug, how about the other western tags that were sent? they fair again, the better? well, it has been the same story over and over again. i mean these 11 tanks in the zip code was your region. you can see it's ellipse or graveyard of nato equipment, and it goes without saying it goes the same, full level tags for bradley's, the i p c's. i goes for mazda is german, made nato apc's, and other infantry uh, fighting vehicles. all of them. 2 and, and all of them but, and too cheap. again, i have to stress it to very, very cheap drones. imagine how much engineering and sort goes into designing. even one of these machines, how much resources you have to spend. and then you get a plastic drone with an a p g project dial mounted on it,
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and it just flies directly into the tank. and that's what i did and that's it. and that's it. and it burns on the in fact, well, you can, you can have a look at another example. for instance, when uh, when do you k supplied its own challenge of tanks. it turned out there was simply too heavy for the soil and basically for the territory that they were meant to be used in on it blood. well, to this, the challenge it to prioritize is begun protection. so it's not with foss, this tank out there, but it is one of the most powerful claims to have the record for the longest range of killing destroying another time. just this challenge is full admittedly precise. actually, they've had real problems with it in ukraine because of its repetitive or well, there you have, it's on the, i mean it's a, again, it goes to,
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it goes to any other nation made a piece of equipment. in fact, russia will be exhibiting some of the pro fee uh, trophy tanks and trophy fighting vehicles, trophy apc's that has managed to extracts from the battlefield from the front lines . and the v is, will be displayed in moscow. and it is uh, sort of done to co inside of course, with the victory day, uh, which is celebrated in russia on the 9th of may. that's when the soviets, when they liberated berlin. and uh, so yeah, all these are all these pieces of equipment. they will be on display in moscow just to rub it in one more time. well, hope some person's are learning your lessons because because put in a said, we're ready to dialogue, we're ready for peace. let's keep this things behind us. it goes down. ok, thank you so much for the up bringing us up to speed on this right now. what side? aside from the bottom of the fields, russia and the west of also a lot fluids in the un security council, where last night, ross of vito,
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the us and japanese plan for a resolution on stopping arms, race and space. moscow's envoy dismissed it as a set of cold fly. to do it a good. you see, if you the photos of my choosing weapons of mazda destruction, from all weapon types, washington talk, you and their allies tried to conceal their lack of interest in ensuring that no weapons of whatever kind be placed in space which russia and china had been insistent on since at least 2008, this is like trying to install the roof on a house before the walls are built. and the overall design is endorsed were not opposed to discuss on the roof, but only after 1st the green on all the other elements of this construct, which is exactly what the western delegations refused to use as long as the us should stop its development and deployment of offensive weapons in outer space and change its negative attitude towards the negotiation of a legally binding instrument on arms control and outer space. higher outer space is
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not the private property of a few countries, but the common asset of all human kind. it is not an arena for countries to fight each other, but a new frontier for mutually beneficial cooperation in new sites. now, ross, i said that the un dropped the resolution, lots the inclusion of conventional weapons as well, which the us in japan did not include in the document. moscow has promised to submit its own draft on the issue to the secure with the castle. how about the us ambassador to the un has seen some alter of motives and rejected the draught draft, and washington has accused moscow of developing nuclear weapons for space, which could be used against satellites. but russia denies those claims if it's as possibly nobody mist. recently, there have been more and more unsubstantiated accusations against russia, for example, that we are supposedly going to build nuclear weapons in space. such allegations, which are nothing but allegations are just deployed to drag us into negotiations on
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their own terms, which are favorable only to the usa. at the same time, they block our proposal that has been on the table for more than 15 years, meaning the draft treaty on preventing the deployment of weapons in space, which we prepared back in 2008. right. let's cross live to retired indian left in a general sense, a cool connie, who's a global strategy expert general is good to have. you join me right now. now i know you've been following this development around the well, now the us position of the, on the russian veto sounds logical until you hear the russian position. what are your thoughts when you go through all of these and you hearing and watching what's going on? a, a my personal feeling is that since 1950, we have more than one thing. the oldest pace a to be a place which is free of nuclear weapons. and that resulted in a long destruction between those 5 soviet union,
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the u. s. and everybody else and then came to 1967 of the us based predicts, which are by the testing of our veterans up most destructions and up to space also for a bit to the solution. the bodies moved, but you get up and i thought that goes to be implemented in every want those $156.00 talk to you that of find it not divided in there is also one of those cottages that signed it in 1967 back to 5 to 1982, i think the old listing, but everybody said that the space must be free of the weapons of mass destruction. why just weapons of mass destruction. i would say it should be a real weapons, all that, but it should not be nuclear. is it bolt? it doesn't anyone's property. it but new delays are they tend to utilize what company it should be utilized for the inter navigation. it's been utilized for so much for you. talk to all right, so much of data so much for security and stuff. so it should be rather than necessarily accepting with eclipse yet another i don't,
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but doc damage wouldn't make any sense if you have some 3 big which is already in place. and that is a very complex set. predict the 1967 out of space, big. another thing that russians did, you want me to book an them. so they bought the offer you is a, this is in the hotel all said, but did you say that? yes, the supplement, as they did very clearly that the space was a lot new to light and that this the by like but i yeah, i know the most people say allegations in the plus this is what happened was what each other there's so many ways and means of enjoying and the part, the joining of the i'll just be the 3 weapons of mazda structure. i was able to leave an open and what was the issue of money i need to be like, but why don't know? and i don't think that they need a climbing on necessarily to you. the pressure rise on the floor, somebody for life or the one thing to say that that i 7,
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i'll just base it is not being it just, nothing like that. i don't thing any one of them of the video objective on that. and i think they should not necessarily be should stick, but that's my personal opinion. speak to the 1967. 0, that's basically the big dive. these big things up, weapons of mass destruction. and i'll just based on taxes on, it shouldn't be an issue that you have it on cassette like that been and that by do this and i do that. but let's go in to such speculation. i'd be less like the products and probably belief and had good relations and then show that the space is not that nice, but anybody whatsoever. and all of us stick with the 1967 out of space pretty. that's my goal on that. yeah. well general, i'm glad you talked about w m d 's. but why do you think the dropped the resolution from the us to japan? only mentioned weapons of mass destruction as opposed to also the including
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conventional alarms. so i, i totally agree with you while i talk to you, i didn't think so again and i get that because of mass destruction, the nuclear, biological, chemical, and all of it, this is surely do void of oil weapons and you're absolutely wrong. you wouldn't, couldn't waste, build up, and why that is a definition of reference of mazda section, just in case you to be very, very clear. i think if, if it is dispute, the russians are fed all over again. and again, that it shouldn't take care of no recognized vision of the outer space. that's it. no, it's an idea of the i'll just be all the way it was politically sending in this not finished up and from the start the test page. this is one time, i think it should be clear that wrote anything and everything. this page was not the prep a night. that's a, a visually no test, but it's nothing we want depends of mazda seconds. everything in depth. and y'all just based to data,
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millions and millions of proximal bright lives because it's so much that is in the 5th, which is the breeze or a bit that just make life wondering about the piece do do it it gave you. did the contribute to launch? is it a point where did you draw? it may not just work on it, but you never know when being picked up in new york because as i've been dysfunctional leader or the devil, it's very important to me. that'd be much the show that the space should be devoid of veterans. and i'd love to do all of that, but not just methods of mazda selection, but also front based of that. but in this day, should not be there for next year or all right. we have to living here in general, every time left in a general, assign j co, connie and global strategy expert. thank you so much for your insights on this. thank you. thank you. great. now the us as to withdrawal dozens of special forces from the central african nation of chad. and that's according to the pentagon,
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although he claims that the measure is only temporary is talks continue with chatting. officials, us after com is currently planning to re position some u. s. military forces, from chad, a portion of which were already scheduled to the park. this is a temporary step as part of the ongoing review of our security cooperation, which will resume after chads may 6th presidential elections. not for more on this story, life across live to our, to corresponding lovely. okay. no, it's good to have you join me now. the, we know what's behind this decision, after all, washington's normally reluctant to make such moves the inside to washington has been reluctant for quite some time. and to these developers off a black eye for the american foreign policy, especially considering how hard the by that administration attempted to avert this
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outcome. but essentially, off to chad cold on the united states, withdrawal its troops from an army base in the country. the united states finally gave in and decided that it will be towards me as early as next week, despite some uncertainty about with the washington state. as a forces agreement to with chad can continue, will be negotiated. the initiates of came straight from chad, even though many reports make it seem like washington is the drawing at its own liking. and that this does come off to the u. s. agree to, to withdrawal. it's more than $1000.00 service members covering fees. i'm deployed in the z. the u. s. has tried to call to vote. it's itself raw the with the military machines in both chad and new. ze, i'm hoping to preserve long standing counter terrorism ties and to, to maintain millage. she assets in keeping the $100000000.00 joint base situated in
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the newspaper. and so 2 of august is that acted as the have before surveillance, much of the entire as to how region entering the cruise. the wind, some of these african countries kicked out the french military. and as a wisdom back security deposit is the us government to misread the signals and so the moves and the action as a win for them. and this is what to put the winds in is every indeed a shift over and dictates the terms even with the lights of chad. but then also when it comes to chad, the situation is a bit of a different dynamic because chad who was not to overturn the system but to preserve the system. we've also seen report stating that the u. s. and chad have agreed that to the period following the upcoming charges, the presidential election is an appropriate time to review, secure your to corporation. 1 may read into that and seeing that there will be a view configuration of the relationship between side and the united states. after the election and i think this goes back to watch


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