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tv   News  RT  April 26, 2024 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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logic because it might just change the way inside the we for the united states not to interfere and showing this internal affairs, not to step on china is red lines on our sovereignty drive. this is either one cus negative 30 times evening, good. at least in the middle, working 5 to me, the powers that said to salvage and the relation to the highest lead the season thing as also we while a deep faith video. but just before we just pull in front of the back against china, we look into the potential stages of audio visual intelligence technologies. i'm gonna say is the national accuse is the british government of quotes of pulling policies undermine human rights around the world for
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the good type your company today. it's a little late. this global news, i'm road, hold all the end. this is our team in session. so on, easy to see if anything has met with american top depth of my as an event and who is currently on a visit to beijing intent as a solid lives. the sinking ties in between those 2 world powers. the chinese firm is the one you want me to bring to the us list notes in so fair, and here's cutting fees into a little fast. a lot of each china is concerns are consistent. we always call for respecting each other's court interest and urge the united states not to interfere in china's internal affairs. not to whole. china is develop in fact, and not to step on china's red lines on china. sovereignty security and development
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. interest is the highest the loans on the table. a thing sarah treatment of american companies and kind of may not be using is threatening it's name is in the in the pacific. but let's take a look closer at who is really responsible for the so called sidewall between the us and china. and for tensions in the region is for a mass on her side, the us continues to miss the see china with a rustic policies attempting to contain beijing. meanwhile, the you, as i'm the been conducting st. vincent drills in the pacific region. it's the 1st time in the annual naval exercise is being held outside. many of those territory walters and right has raised concerns among regional name is a number of the felony, didn't put my the issues have also most recently immunizations. and in the us in
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china, washington has signed off on a package to try one and has moved to bottom, the social network set and so on. so how is it a security concerns unless it is sold for the american old? although west and investor has also been a long standing trade dispute between the u. s. i am china and food in my ex foot tires onto peter chip supplies. oh dear, i spoke with a blogger, i'm pleased with alex reports of i. he says america has been bullying china for a long time, but basing is simply not putting up with it anymore. when did the word competition become confrontational? and that's the issue here. the americans look at chinese competition as a threat to national security. and this is why we are at this deal me where we are right now is in china as we know the moment, but he seems to be so ruffling
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a lot of feathers does it does with us still feel that it's, you know, is the dominant part and when it comes to us, china relations you know, that's a very good question. i think america is a game plan has been exposed. it's the palm bellowed bankrupt and bully program that they've been trying to do on many nations over the last uh you know, 40 to 50 years here. and sean is not buying it. we're talking about a nation that is very confident and has over a 152 trading partners. it's one belt one road. a strategy. what does it really mean for type pay this $8000000000.00? and even though we know that to the us follow the one china policy will say, trying to do here. well, do the follow a one china policy? that is the question. i mean, china is tie one when we hear aid, we would think, well maybe that's because of the recent earthquake that happened on the pro
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provincial island. but no, it's actually to arm the island to the tune of $8000000000.00 plus dollars. american taxpayer dollars coming to arm and island. i mean imagine if chinese arrived entire in may be manhattan and decided to meet with the local authorities there and give them a 1000000000 shopping. nothing kind of says in the region, this is not just being done by american officials pushing for the philippines to be ready for a potential war is also being done by a i a clip simple it into the voice of the philippines president has of this online but he seems to be simple thing on siblings and take up arms against china. i'm sorry. what's the good thing that's been done? no monday. so try not home. do nothing is on the web at the bottom of the bully. it is come to the
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attention of the presidential communications office that there is video content posted on a popular video streaming platform circulating online that has manipulated audio design to sound like president ferdinand monk of junior. the audio deep fake attempts to make it appear as if the president has directed on force is open for the pains to act against a particular foreign country. no such directive exist. know has been made. we ask everyone to be proactive in exposing and fighting against missing information. this information and my information lets us remain and be more mindful and responsible for the content we choose to share in our shed digital spaces. as a i have the blood line between fact and fiction. this example is not a one off of but this cool political loves to frame. this is marina customer of been so the story the world is approaching dangerous territory as
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a technology is increasingly being abused. to settle political scores or achieve so it's an objective the amounts of missing information being spread online has wage unprecedented levels. but now we can't even rely on what we see or hear ourselves because that food could be fake. and it's all because of people take pictures, audio clips and video messages. this is what it looks like, ladies and gentlemen, and now are great nationalism view chart do do, do, do, do, do the short demo, going to see is a positive thing. more pressure then you want to put a hello everyone, it's a president, trump and it's really, really made. it was funny at horizontal, the realization hit that a good way to change people's perspectives and perception of reality. and this will be most important now, because roughly half of the world's population is expected to go to the polls in
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2024, a very dangerous tool in the wrong hands. bulls to make you sit on the world are worried about how deep fakes could be sleeve, inflamed, divide in week. you know, societies left, the least deep face, can be easily employed for personal, professional or political gains indicate simple additions. they are used to spot of political campaigns to this credit opponents and have a polarized world, the face of a tool for an interference and subversion, and it's affecting every corner of the world. most recently, americans, new hampshire, were flooded with phone calls, whether you was pressed and for example, well, they thought it was the us prize, then it was actually a robot to made to sound like joe biden. discouraging them from boat and in the primary republicans have been trying to push non partisan and democratic voters to participate in their primary what a bunch of malarkey. we know the value of voting democratic when our votes count,
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it's important that you save your vote for the november election voting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to elect donald trump. again. your vote makes a difference in november, not this tuesday. the problem is that you can guarantee that everyone will know or eventually discovered that it was fake, especially when it spreads online like wild flyers and india is well aware of this problem and is bracing itself as it holds its biggest election in history in the world's history actually political parties there have already been accused of use and be safe videos in the past. like this one, for example, shared by a local political party show and administer, asking people to vote against his own party. and there was nothing anyone could do . but watch the number of views quickly climbed to a half 1000000. of course it was a yard generated, though it looks completely real,
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but the normal walter would not be able to distinguish volts. he had started when the video was posted and there was no time for the opposition campaign to control the damage. what's troubling is that now political parties are openly using deep faith technology to sway voters like this video. again, we're to extremely popular bollywood actors claim that prime minister movie failed to keep his campaign promises or address political economic issues and that people should vote for someone else. neighbor and pocket stone also saw a surgeon deep face that had all the general likes and a couple of months ago with amazon con, being shown calling for a boy called over in slovakia. assuming the conversation between a journalist and one of the candidates may have decided the parliamentary elections there last year, just 2 days before the vote, an audio file when viral online. and it's the candidates was discussing, bringing boats, and raising the costs of beer. that all the i'll put the final nail in the coffin,
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who knows, but what we do know is that regulation is necessary. the use calling on tech companies to tackle dictates that us congress is talking about it. and pretty much everyone who understands this, how dangerous this is fox, it's a work in progress and 2024 seems to be a trial run for just how bad things can get before they types. and this was for real before it's too late. if that's even possible, of course the, we discuss these dangerous developments with a panel of guess the 2nd listen to what they had to say. the missouri aspects of these deep face is you know, less and more, but not supposedly benign news reports about conflicts about so i'm, you know, there is conversations that might have occurred to national between journalist and politicians like me to point to talking to these the things don't get picked up very quickly, not going to see how do you know it is a is a mix,
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but i mean is that there's a good above me. okay. on the one in 21, you've got very, pretty benign aspects of people using it who don't having a similar tongue and perhaps helping them. right. sometimes stephen janitors or the other and this much, much more on the far is huge div. that's a good players who want to change the news can change outcomes and i think, you know, we'll somebody running up to this election is now in america. i think we're, we're only the bisnel of something quite made. so the amount of times of something monumental happens, which is based on the faker reports. so you do that then journals change and well no new hopes that countries can come to get out. so i agree to come on. oh yeah, i can be used, you know, across the board us been given the but unless mitchell of technology today, i think it because the prism a difficult time, you know, with the bus outside of the renewal because in some countries by on out for
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a box and it's quite as the opposite about police. it is almost like what are from the united nations or from what i globally addresses you regarding the use of technology. i know i'm because it closes the pauses for it for you money to of the old. because if this persist under, he is not being done to check this, then it could become very dangerous. he's done where governments, uh the euro or what's wrong or to point together, simply because a seem before population information. so the printer, what started for entertainment passed away and become a public nuisance. and especially during the time of the election and then the veteran goes to 1000000000 people have under lot of defects, can really many plans the public opinion towards this body of backbiting. so yeah, it is, it is a big, big challenge today. so they're not all kind of,
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lot involved with the today is the cyber space and the what it doesn't need to be think with it as a nation stands where they're just saying that those over that it is of the times does read that it is do a hacker, so every wonderful day is that so this on the screen to now it is had and is and, and that'd be great. yeah. that as it is impacting the society. and the only way you can perhaps 5 feet deep creek area is using a in india as well to the global resonation of its being comic since this, the head of the will be going to inform. i'm the ceo of american finance, the jp morgan chase. and it should gushing praise of india's prime minister. never under moody motor has done an amazing job in india. he's taken 400000000 people out of poverty. really, we're and we're lecturing them how to do things. take on emily education system
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bumbling infrastructure. they're lifting up that whole country based off, you know, but you know, i think you have to be tough to break that down, you know, and you're breaking down some of your accuracy. they have to, i think it's 29 states or something like that. and we need a little bit more of that here in the is doing incredibly well. i have to say it is the fastest growing of the large economies in the world. if india continues with his reforms, i think in the coming decade it can become a 10 to the an economy. and what does this mean? it means that india will be the 3rd largest economy in the world, and it means that more people will get opportunities for jobs and a better livelihood. and there is a lot of the worlds fastest growing economies, full cost, a guessing can become part of the top $3.00 global economies within 3 years, alongside the us and china. as of now, it's economy is expanding as an annual rate of 6 to 7 percent, with the inflation level as its lowest since the coven band. demik would have been
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these main involved. that is good relations with countries around the world, the stakes to a policy of a non intervention and of not taking sides in conflicts in his progress is based on the massive growth of its infrastructure and service industries. because it makes excellence, jack harassment says, the 5 but western powers, all noticing india's growth is not surprising. there's no doubt that the indian economy is, is really performing quite well and growing. and we have a new emerging middle class expanding, lower middle class, whatever. and western financial institutions see a great opportunity for participating at both management and so forth. talk, you know, have a question. if we have the top $38.00, will economies in the us, china, and india and china and in china and india, not playing political bull with the us. let's say,
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let's just say that indeed does become the 3rd largest economy. what does that mean for the relation for the us as well? that's a bigger, bigger question, and it has to do what the, you know, the bricks and expanded bricks and the new financial structure they are about to develop, end of the year next year. really main for the g 7 in the us we're, we're seeing a, the beginning of a bifurcation of sorts of the global economy. and the global south led by, uh, you know, china and the brakes and india and the other as well. the latest group here is the petro comfort countries and you know, in the middle east and joined 30 for signed up. they want to join the, you know, and the next bricks conferences i think is in your country the end of the year. i mean, the western smarter people on the west. i understand they've got to figure out a way how to deal with that. they just can't to sanctions added to it. maybe the
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dumb, neo cons of the us think they can. but the smarter player general, like a diamond and the big finance capital as they understand that they have to figure out a way of dealing with the bricks. and i think india is their entry to that over the local authorities say even more bodies have been discovered at nasa at a hospital if on eunice, often the idea of forces left the area about $400.00 bodies are being found and a mask wave on the grounds of the medical conferences, southern gaza, bother you, and has expressed concerns describing the discovery discovery as quote, horrifying that have been conflicting counts. why is and does is authorities about how and when the quote is will berry i'm a lot in the us. close students has been wasting this support from palestine at
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mass protest for several days. some of them are being confronted with hoss treatments by the police in the past, due to the overall cost american students have been put in tubs to come files in protest against the government support as well. they have been demolished in immediate spot in the meanwhile has emory university in atlanta professor weeks of lead time it is because when the woman was trying to get to the ground, why police i, what is it said the offices behaving like glasses is a prime minister benjamin netanyahu has this via the out pouring of us students, sort of that with you with pass students as reminiscent of support for non c.
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before the 2nd one, americans college campuses is a risk. as you submitted mazda of taking over leading universities, they call for the installation of israel, that talk to students, that talk jewish faculty. this is reminiscent of what happened in german universities and the 1930. it's unconscionable, it has to be stopped. it has to be condemned and condemned unequivocally. i think ours wanna take a moment and visited one of the protest tabs and spoke with students and the other participants to find out what they think about how important it is in both the us. and is that all viewing the support for palestine in universities and student organizing has been the backbone of every single move in every single movement for progress. and so i, i know that the efforts that we have going on here today are, are going to make an impact when media chooses to center the encampments and,
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and kind of just lose sight a little bit of the fact that this is all centered around the the and the genocide that's happening that's murdered over 40000 people and there's a 200 and and 3 days now. maybe 202. i think that's, that's where we kinda lose some of that. meaning i think, but i think that there is still ways to hold on to that. we are had as jews, as jewish people, just say the, the, the for the world that design is people the so called state or phrase real. they don't represent jewish people as no way before the. the upcoming design is, was those the jewish people and the, and the post and, you know, leave them a piece for them. no problems or they make i'm, i'm another all the cost of, of the, of the, of the posting and now speaker of the house. mike johnson recently went to columbia university to give
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a press conference condemning the student pro testers. needless to say, he was not well received by those in attendance. the bare this the day that the enjoy your free speech. i have found that a lot of people are coming into these spaces to get cloud and to kind of capitalize off of what's happening there is a lot of attention and momentum being built on our campuses. and i think i'm seeing very clearly that a lot of people are choosing to, to try to profit off of it, whether it be to villain are as us or to quote unquote support us. i think that there is a time in place in room for politicians. but i think when it comes to our talks of revolution, our talks of, of dismantling systems of oppression. people who are within the united states,
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legal and governmental systems are not, are not necessarily there in our best interests. and so i think it is important to, to be cautious of who are letting into our spaces and the time and place for those things. i'm gonna see international has scaling, cutting the games, the british government to the end of the see undermining human rights around the world for self serving political motives. there's no doubt in my mind that the u. k . will be judged harshly by history for its failure to help prevent civilian slaughter in gaza. the very minimum that's required from the government is an immediate hold to arms sales to is real and a strident an unequivocal call for a permanent cease fire by all sides alongside a huge scaling up of humanity, hearing aid to help stem masturbation. right to the highest storms, they refuse to vote for an immediate cease fire in gaza instead of stains of the un security council wise. i live the u. s. meters, the resolutions, but i'm
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a little bit of public and have been a rise in court. so calls and e u k. um sales as well. and as those devices are apparently knows the icon, government maintains secrecy about the weapons being sent to the idea. as if you know that a party is going to commit a war crime, and this forcible transfer of people is a precise breach of one of the statutes that governs international law and all states in this area. then you are making yourself complicit. the british got the british, people should know what advice has been given to the government on the off with what looks like no legal advice in, in the public faith is always made public. and there are many good reasons why that's not the case. and these of reasons, in this particular case of persisted, don't just on the weight of the country, what killed you know, ideas, right? and that is why the prime minister had a very serious conversation with these riley prime minister about exactly that man
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cues of human rights violations. it's the 1000000 territory for the british government. all tease a seems to any explains what these troops are accused of responsibility for the making of thousands of civilians. and his former, calling the kenya decades of military exercises a sing swain's land, but down to use a wide phosphorus on how heavy is listed with unexploded minds. the problem was so widespread that the defendant's ministry was forced to pay millions to more than $1000.00 foam is 2 decades ago. but the mines is still being found today and puts these troops on no terms use wide phosphorus in 2017. the person who used to take responsibility for his actions, leaving victims struggling for justice. 2 and a half years later, 0 compensation has been given to the people effected the british army is actually using every trick from the colonial rule book to try and not pay the canyon people
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compensation in 2740. so this would create of right big move in 2000 women and cutting you in the 19 seventy's offer essentially investigating themselves. i'm school days with more recently accused of acting with impunity for decades. with an i'm gonna see we're pull claiming 650. can you women were right to move it mostly in the last frontier is one of those women wasn't allegedly killed by personally sold in 2012 with her. dismembered remains found in a septic tank. it was not until june 5th, 2012 that we discovered that your body was found in the hotel septic tank. things have never been the same since. 12 years later, we are still looking for answers about your matter. we have never come to terms with why the soldiers who mode it unlocked. you have never been charged or arrested . perhaps they think they can get away with it because the victims are africans. the president who's accused of being the aggressor when it comes to the conflict in
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ukraine, then 5 minutes to board, as don't soon as a case of scuff, bring a piece daily night for 2022, telling k i have to continue the fight against russia. the russians were ready to end the war if we took neutrality like finland and made a commitment that we would not join nato. this was the key point. in addition, when we return from istanbul, forest johnson arrived in key. evans said, we won't sign anything with them at all, and let's just fight. while it will, flick knows the shedding of civilian areas in don't boss on the attacks on civilian infrastructure, both david and crimea. it was pulled really insane to ukraine, despite widespread acknowledgement. but it kind of, when i was the international famously came on defy 2 months off of the conflict begun offered claim there was evidence of key. i've could think potential war crimes including the use of civilians as human shields. so the person is a case of
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a poker, say you, but the stabilize the cuban lies globally. one of the same time, claiming to be standing out for the something that could be described as all, whether you in the parliament has a dump to the reservation dum ogden increase functions again, ron, following a drone or miss on time on is a earlier this month the iran has maintained the attack. it's thus ever, directly, tom, this is the time would be, was with how the asian for dead is ready as blank on his clothes that in damascus, as well as the accuser on of launching hundreds of miss alden drones in the garage . but say wrong said it's only 5, doesn't just one part of the list so that it would it in the way. so i could have been doing go, he lives in a desert community that has been done by or shot. and should i say, by his way, if it was, is the
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santa but i got started when we were sleeping at night we woke up when the missile started flying up here above the village. one of them entered through the roof and wounded amena injured her in the head when she was sleeping. i took her to the city of our rods, where she went through. 2 surgeries, for condition is improving, but doctors don't know what will be in her future. she is not speaking just looking around. she can move one side, the other side, she can't, the, the, the we don't have a protective area or bomb shelters. if i wanted to build one,
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israel would have ruined it. the police have a demolition order on my house. if i want to build something, they will come and destroy its doors, a demolition order on the place where my camels are. they want to remove it's the the budget about changing me out. so this is our land, the injury of my child is ultimately the cause of the i to yeah. the police took many show fragments from here, of the missiles. this is the situation. i cannot do anything for my kids. i believe the state is responsible for what has happened and for the condition of my daughter . where can i move to the cost plenty of money. you need to pay a watch. it is not easy to move from one place to another to a city, for example.


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