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tv   News  RT  April 25, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the, it's only against the old system and god who find their loved ones to live in the same concrete with so many comes off to a refugee camp was hit, and the latest is riley is totally, i said, israel has to pay the price for its war and that will be in the form of reduced business being conducted between the 2 countries. we attach full value to it and plug you also can do the same idea. trust you as a controversial us state upon report on human rights violations around the world,
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which is most certainly problem said the claims of the bias, the from delhi to tennessee of new york and the middle of its mixed fact. your top story is set to go here and i'll ask you international, i've just about to 8 pm locally here in so despite his ro, apparently pushing forward with its plan for a ground incursion into the southern, ga us and city over about 5 or the rest of the enclave still remains in the cross has on a daily basis. quick warning. you're gonna find these images disturbing. the scene are capturing the moment a young girl is pulled a life from the ruins of a building. and it being hit in an idea of how to strike on a refuge g come wall. it's a tale of survival for some elsewhere. it's a story of tragedy. the, the. 2 this all the loved his young daughter in the very same strike,
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the continuing atrocities come despite the international court of justice back in january ordering as well to prevent any acts of genocide in guns or south africa. which of course have filed the case of the hague, says that those rulings just keep on being violated. is also demanded an investigation into the recent discoveries of mass graves near hospitals in the territory of the grades being found off to the idea of withdrew. the situation in garza has deteriorated significant mates since the cost or the of the 26th of january 2024. as a result of israel's friday and responsibility to comply with the court's rulings. the lack of accountability by israel is increasing the clip. we note that the evidence of mass killings or civilians, points to the perpetration of all crimes, crimes against humanity, including mode and extermination and genocide. you know,
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this isn't j decide that is with the live stream on all devices. every way we go, we see it on social media and the news of these programs. and yet the, so the international community and international, multilateral institutions, this cause really to, to keep these are in some of them and i think is even though it shows that they are who we should actually just say it shouldn't be, know what you be. oh, and even that, i mean like you said so many times that they have been there due to of genocide and of little crimes. and but this we know, stoops. i mean, if you can just consider that also and how the us has been using and abusing the b, b to power, they use a could to counsel. but in addition to that, i mean the i, c, c is really dragging their feet. nothing has been done. so as long as ease those got that he was in the back of the us and of the course of imperialism like the u. k. and germany and a lot of countries in the west is always being to act with impunity. well,
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the rhetoric coming out of nothing out with these days quote, reminiscent of 19 thirties, nazi germany. that's how the is ready. prime minister has condemned the wave of pro palestinian demonstrations of the ring, sweeping through universities across the united states. what's happening, americans? college campuses is a risk. i just submitted mazda of taken over leading universities. they call for the installation of israel. this is reminiscent of what happened the german universities and the 1930. it's unconscionable. it has to be stopped. it has to be condemned and condemned unequivocally. well, i mean, while the whole war and guys are, is increasingly being used to school political point in washington recent debates, for example, ton pretty custody over the university protests. and the way the authorities have
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tried to deal with the, let's take a closer look at these. the protests are taking place all across americans, leading academic institutions. this point, we've got 24 hour encampments that have been set up there having walk outs. and there are protests, round the clock. the message is support for palestine and opposition to israel. columbia university just had to cancel in person classes, and at yale, dozens of students were arrested in new york university. just cleared out and, and camp minutes. and with all these controversial protest tapping of the americas leading academic institutions, the commander in chief decided to weigh in submitted, protest, phone calls. so that's why i
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don't understand with bombs dropping around the clock, the world is filled with outrage of gas at the humanitarian crisis. in gaza, main stream us media is also outraged about the protests. critics say these protests are offensive to jewish students, creating a hostile environment for their education. and a recent center tearing got intense. have you seen on time will slim protests on campus. as i have see, we have had pros, riley demonstrations on canada. no. but, but john, a protest that we all guess will slips. no, i have you seen one against our ups? no, i have not. have you seen one against palestinians? no, i have now have you seen against one against jewish people? have you seen the saying we are against jewish people? you know i have i have so. okay, thank. thank you for that clarification. now some members of congress are blaming the pro,
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test on tick tock. they say that the app should be suppressing the pro tests and the hash tags about them. and the fact that they aren't is all the more reason the tick tock, a social media app, most of the bands. but it's more than just the check talk. mainstream media is ignoring the diary, humanitarian situation and gaza and the rising death tool. instead, they are focusing on the protests in the united states and how everyone feels about them. adding to that some of the protesters seem to have gotten involved without considering possible consequences and the new victim is born. what you have been told why you have been suspended and your reaction to yeah, i guess i it was suspended thursday morning at 10 am with 2 other fellow bernard students. and the email stated that we had engaged in disruptive behavior. talk to us about what the experience you have had. would it be university tell you as to the reason why you were also suspended and whether or not are you being treated differently than your fellow colleagues? so varnerin seems to be
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a little bit more repressive than columbia. i was notified that i was suspended yesterday, whereas they were notified that specifically and 2 other students were told that they were suspended before we were arrested. now this coverage with some palestinian voices to actually call out the protesters and say they're making it too much about themselves and not about guys that the protesters told us that they are concerned about the people in gaza. and they intend to keep going, despite the widespread condemnations they've received, the protesters themselves to have their heart set on the right intentions. they're obviously here, the demand divestment from israel ad columbia university. and i think what the protesters are doing are highlighting their, their actual intention. so they're doing the right thing, at least they want to the war to stop there. you know, they trying to bring attention because there's government and united states government is funding this war. and is not right, i think what the students doing is right, their training at columbia to divest from the funding of israel. they're trying to
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get them to invest from that. and i agree with that and i agree with the students activism. obviously i think our focus should be on what's happening in gaza. i think that the media has not done a good enough job exposing the things that have happened to the people of gaza at the hands of the israeli military. so we've got yet another partisan political fight in america with lots of finger pointing and named, calling. america is polarized. nothing new here. but while the american political charade continues, bombs are dropping, and palestinians are dying every single day. caleb mauppin are to new york. meanwhile, on wednesday, the house speaking mike johnson visited columbia university and the ongoing protests and basically the calls back for the president to resign. so he did not get perhaps quite that reaction. he was expect
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the beer this the day that the enjoy your free speech. but of a tough crowd. right that but we're bored about with political analysts, filmmaker and screenwriter show and starting he uh, he says it's still too early to tell that it just how much of any impact these protests could potentially have. i remember even being in college during certain protests around the israel divestment issue, right. the idea of the universities divesting from israel, because it's been, you know, it could be considered in apartheid state. and in that time, you know, almost 20 years now. i haven't seen much in the way of progress for, for the actual investment movement. and that's it. i think these protests are important. the, they symbolize, again, it's like,
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it's always inspiring to see people out there in the streets. i always support peaceful protest. obviously they're not out there destroying and moving their doubt . they're just trying to make a point, which is, is more, is brutal, default genocidal. but then mentally it's beautiful. it's devastating and it needs to need. there needs to be a ceasefire. that needs to be a piece resolution or some kind of past piece, which is not on the table. obviously the us just sent another package for 25000000000 more need to israel's war. so i understand the, the sentiment is absolutely clear from why the students are gathering and will it affect anything. i mean, it's difficult to know how much the student protests during the vietnam war effect, the ultimate, you know, this decision to withdraw it, you know, you, that's arguable right. but the point is that it's kept, there is something to the site guys disappear. and if people think why out there thing, we do not support this and by raising their voice, who knows how it will affect, for example, how quickly we find maybe a, you know,
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some kind of piece solution or if it effect, if it doesn't get this with the get resolved before november. how will it affect the election? india is should we say in the sense that a new american us state department report on human rights abuses worldwide. it's often new delhi found itself being featured in that very document. this report for understanding is biased and reflects a very poor understanding of india. we attach no value to it, an odd you also to do the same. on washington's human rights report accused as new delhi of all sorts of abuses ranging from papacy, interference. the media restrictions, all kinds of, uh, they call it enforced sentenced to ship. however, absolutely no evidence has been presented to back up any of this. and so we were talking with a, a full, the indian advice that are unable to do an i a not entirely convinced that any
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external player is in a position to preach. it is basically the board con, calling the kettle black and the united states. and some of the rest of the country trying to assume the role of the super polis man. that's what of the human rights of democracy at all. little things i can say is, you know, the india is conducting the law, just democratic society is in the what with the water button. but again, people costing their will. and everybody's bottles and democrats who festivities that are not acceptable to them. i can build like a strong india. they don't like a strong government in india. they don't like odd instead of good to know me. but i told her to get for do you have one or 2 good reasons? that's it. and they would prefer a, we me probably government in india, that is all what will happen. so they're trying to, just to these are the boards. i did not agree with the ideas. just trying to formulate damage is not the unsuccessful to, to be pregnant. as you lateralism in action,
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india is far from being the only country to express dissatisfaction with this report. china co t i have posted by hops. uh, the authors of the report should start looking at this little bit closer to home is unable to attend the fun. yellowstone calls human advice report from the side chaps, vega, sat on spots of the human voice situation in nearly $200.00 countries and regions around the world except for itself. this once again exposes the selfish nature of the asked contamination of bowling and it's hypocritical, double standard feature range sections that don't match its woods. if you guys really cast about the human rights, it should say solitude and reflect on the human voice dis austin, caused by us for an intervention. and the provision of i'm simply adding fuel to conflict. terry a single by the 2023 human rights reports published by the u. s. department of state. there's no duty to reflect the ongoing names,
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human attacks and gas i. this clearly indicates that the concern report was prepared with political motives fall from impartiality and objectivity. we reiterate our goal for the united states to focus on its own human rights records. i think the, the problem with the west is that uh, they believe and double standards for danes, they believe. and i book this urban to deal with a little bit of talk about via the i that as being the standard record. so what they're trying to do is they're trying to pressure, right, is the government, which i have southern time before it started to come to an army or the don't to the line of the rest. that's, that's the thing is, it's a toolbox. i'm doing good. and which days trying to have the cell to zoom time already know better, which is not sustainable either by evidence as far as their own behavior is concerned. or in the countries where they are doing to who to do the research or these kinds of reports, or just pick up some reports, unsubstantiated, new evidence. and they just combine it and try to discover just because it's coming
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from the usa or anywhere else. it doesn't mean that either good or have any impact on the thing that we need to discard. center goal is to have no meaning. and then i have to do this. you really see a sensor saying is not always believing as a deep faith technology gets even more realistic is not into the stage where as some people say it's risking triggering geo political conflicts. okay. some point, the power and voice of the philippine president surface online where he seems boldly ready to take on china. i said to our brave soldiers, we tally against china if necessary, we should resist and use our power to stop these acts of bullying. it is come to the attention of the presidential communications office that there is video content posted on any popular video streaming platform circulating online that has
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manipulated audio designed to sound like president ferdinand monk of junior, the audio deep fake attempts to make it appear as if the president has directed on force is open for the pains to act against a particular foreign country. no such directive exist, know has been made. we ask everyone to be proactive in exposing and fighting against missing information. this information and my information lets us remain and be more mindful and responsible for the content we choose to share in our shed digital spaces. so as a i a power of a blurring the line between fact and fiction. this example is not a one off event that is caused by the decoding of to, for i you, this kind of stuff really seems to be lifting off as a run. it costs revenue explains the world is approaching dangerous territory as a uh, technology is increasingly being abused to settle political scores or achieve. so it's an objective. the amount of missing information being spread online has which
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unprecedented levels. but now we can't even rely on what we see or hear ourselves because that too could be fake. and it's all because of people take pictures all the eclipse and video messages. this is what it looks like, ladies and gentlemen now are great nationalism. view chart do do, do, do, do, do the short demo. going to see is a positive thing. more pressure then you want to put a hello everyone. it's a president, trump, and it's really, really me. it was funny, at horizontal, the realization hit that it could really change people's perspective and perception of reality. and this will be utmost importance now, because roughly half of the world's population is expected to go to the polls in 2024, a very dangerous tool in the wrong hands. bulls to make you sit on the world are worried about how deep fakes could be sleeve in flames, divide and weak. you know,
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societies left at least the face can be easily employed for personal, professional or political gains indicate simple additions. they are used to spot of political campaigns to discredited opponents. and in a have a polarized world, the face of a tool for foreign interference and subversion, and it's affecting every corner of the world. most recently americans, new hampshire, were flooded with phone calls. whether you was pressed and for example, well, they thought it was the us price, then it was actually a robot made to sound like joe biden. discouraging them from voting in the primary republicans have been trying to push non partisan and democratic voters to participate in their primary of what a bunch of malarkey we know, the value of voting democratic when our votes count, it's important that you save your vote for the november election voting this tuesday only enables the republicans in their quest to elect donald trump. again. your vote makes a difference in november,
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not this tuesday. the problem is that you can guarantee that everyone will know or eventually discovered that it was fake, especially when it spreads online like wild flyers and india is well aware of this problem and is braces itself, as it holds its biggest election in history, in the world's history actually political parties there have already been accused of use and be safe videos in the past. like this one, for example, shared by a local political party show and administer, asking people to vote against his own party. and there was nothing anyone could do . but watch the number of views quickly climbed to a half a 1000000. of course it was a yard generates a though it looks completely real, but the normal walter would not be able to distinguish volts. he had started when the video was posted and there was no time for the opposition campaign to control the damage. what's troubling is that now political parties are openly using deep
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faith technology to sway voters like this video. again, we're to extremely popular bollywood actors claim that prime minister movie failed to keep his campaign promises or address critical economic issues. and that people should vote for someone else. neighbor and pocket stone also saw a surgeon deep face the head of a general election a couple of months ago with amazon con being shown, calling for a boy costs over in slovakia, assuming the conversation between a journalist and one of the candidates may have decided the parliamentary elections there last year, just 2 days before the vote. an audio file when viral online. and it's the candidates was discussing breaking boats and raising the cost of beer. so that all the i'll put the final nail in the coffin, who knows, but what we're doing now is that regulation is necessary. the who is calling on tech companies to tackle the fakes the us congress is talking about it. and pretty
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much everyone who understands just how dangerous this is spots. it's a work in progress. and 2024 seems to be a trial run for just how bad things can get before they types. and this was for real before it's too late. if that's even possible, of course. yeah, pretty wiring was marina right. that let's set drawing a guest and take this conversation further. we've got how john was martin and jay on the left screen right then cyber security i looked assigned to you for an area on the right screen. gentleman to the both of you. a very well welcome to thank you so much for joining us here at archie international. what a crazy story this is that we just just the mountain, but to you for us. going back to the incident of the philippine president. i mean, i know it's early days. yeah. and people like to do a bit of a storm and a tea cup, but, but all the genuine concerns about having like a deep faith has a deep faith of a president making certain comments that can really, i guess he believes by so many people i think what, what is this, you know, i think, i think we, we post that most of them just received the last couple of months of
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a number of videos of the item of that. so, you know, the problem with all these videos is that some, if the put together and put them some that and they all focusing on really powerful people. then on the one hand, across the message guess receive very, very quickly. and that can be extremely dangerous. but only allowed because the power from people who are very rich, the deletes usually have an infrastructure, people around them who cannot see that hold. so it can stop it and actually tell everybody that is to say for 99 percent of the rest of the you know, what, what do we do? and i think the, the, the, the missouri aspect of these deep face is you know, less and more. but not supposedly benign news reports about conflicts about so you know, there is conversations that might have occurred between journalism functions like marina point stuff. you know, these are the things that get picked up very quickly. and you know, it is a, is a mix, but i mean, is that there's a good to me. okay. on the one end,
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you've got very of, you know, pretty benign aspect to people using it to don't having just some other tongue or perhaps helping them right. sometimes even jealous. yeah. the other, at this much, much more on the far is the future, gets a good players who want to change the news and change outcomes. i think, you know, we'll probably running up to the selections. now in america, i think we're, we're only the, a bisnel of something quite made. so the amount of time to something monumental happens, which is based on the fake air force where you, i mean, you can imagine and you know, some kind of a terrorist attack happens some sort of massive threat. the national security happens in before the president has a chance to address the public. somebody else puts out a things take fake, all of a sudden and, and, and all the people get the wrong message mark. and i mean, essentially if i wanted to ask you, you know, bring it, bring it, bring it down from the geo political level, almost to the everyday level with jose and james, like you and myself. i mean, at the end of the day, lots of people on social media and everyone across instagram and all these other social platforms posting that faces and what they doing. i mean,
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it's how easy is it now for some sort of price to or hack o o i x, but to take someone's face, for example, create a situation where i don't know they could pick a woman's face and who, who, who then contacts the husband to say i've been kidnapped and none of it's true so, so you're gonna have a life example and actually, you know, there was an incident happened in the bottom of the back with a doctor was supposedly kidnapped digitally and better to see the video or before the pickup was saying that the, that the i've been getting up and on and so the printer which started for the entertainment, has to then become a public nuisance. and especially during the time of election and then down there goes to 1000000000 people. i learned a lot of those are not the papers. can anybody collect the public opinion? yeah. towards this body of that body. so yeah, it is good. this is a big, big challenge today, and they can, they can get also quickly send you, but it's not like that. you know, you have to wait 24 hours for
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a deep fate to appear in a newspaper. i mean, this stuff can be pushed out. so, so quickly, we moton back to you if i made this a totally unconfirmed, but i'm sure you saw the pictures. it was sometime last year, i saw the lensky, the ukrainian president, being photographed in a studio surrounded by cameras, lights, and a huge green screen behind him. and people said that some of the video resolves that is keeping out on the location of the front line. well, actually filmed via a green screen, some people saying he's not even spending much time in t of these days, although that's all speculation. but is that possible? it's close as possible. i mean, i think it's probably likely, you know, many cases. i mean, because screen screen technology is gone. so, i mean, i'm old enough to remember what it was complete. great. you know, anything was well, right? reading straightened now is sewage, thoughts and so cheap. and, you know, you called ready? i'm, i'm feeling comfortable saying you calling me blame regimes, particular regimes that losing and was, you know, to play these kind of tricks,
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you know, and the worry is, you know, you've got teams of young people who are sitting on the front of the computers and looking at ways of creasing fakes many years, but then be a 100 and interesting. what we're discovering now is that there is a sort of move in the forest automated process, which is much, much more a to, you know, for example, just recently there was a fake news story about missing yahoos missing yahoo doing and his doctor, finding a notes you know, playing on the prime minister in his desk, you know, when does that story take them to originally came from a satirical pace and a set time magazine. and it was picked up some of the a, a, the way it works is it hunts for information which is already sitting on the inside . it searches for that text. it's such as a paragraph. so we've keywords in it. and you know, often you can find the, these like these 6 new stories can be created randomly. now, you know, you're worried about you're worried about what you're saying before about, you know, conflicts and, and, and,
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and presidents and prime is making these statements which stopped what was, but i'm more worried about things that we can't even control. yeah. yeah. yeah. yeah. that's such a good point martin. i mean it's such a good point in feats. essentially if i brought to you, if, if i may, i mean, you know, some, some people are saying that that could be state actors involved in creating a videos to, to metal in other countries. elections, so to speak, not i mean, so me on a personal level, that means i don't know. yeah. okay. maybe it's true, but there's also a part of me that wants to say, you know, maybe it's pranksters out. there may be a sky. so a really savvy pack is already savvy with software. you know, if it's too much to say, look, it's no, it's state as being a volt or is it more likely just dies just guys messing around, having a good time and trying to meddle on, on a most simple sense. and so they got all kinds of people, lot in bought of the today, the cyber space. and the, what it does, it can be fixed, whether it is a nation stands whether to say that those or whether it is of the kind stuff,
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whether it is a hacker. so everyone for days that i did for microsoft to part is to be believed. which came in the 1st week of april that they sent that china is nice with the elections, of a deep traits. and another mcafee, the boss says that one thing that before it has uh, income that are deep fake and do they tend to believe it sold the, almost everybody to is in bartonville and, you know, you know, trying to change but big perception. but, and even though i'm protecting the national security, like what happened in philippines, perhaps what has bizarre, there is something very weird about different things. yeah. so this on the, for you to, you know, it is had and is, and they'll be very, i there, this is a bad thing. this is i be able to and the only way you can perhaps 5 feet deep creek and the i is using. yeah. you guys deal with. all right. all right. what time do you think you didn't you this a few moments ago the a i has presented itself with a bit of
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a nuisance on the st. martin. last 30 seconds to you please. i'm running low on time, but martin, is it only a nuisance or all that some benefits, some positive sides of this that may be in the salt. so, you know, i think the really bicycling critical question now is if we do accept that, we need to do something about it and it needs to be regulated in some form or other, you know, who does regular to, you know, i'm really concerned about the idea of do you have an easy access to reconnect holding? oh, where are we gonna? where are we going to go with your list? i'd really like to be into that. let me start regulating germany. they start regulating coffee and it's just another book shouldn't do for them. to just sense of shipments a bit, basically airbrush or media out of the the, the, the spectrum they don't like as i do, but the to so i'm worried about so i think it really should be too expensive industry. i think we just, we hopefully we'll see some initiatives in the future web i, you know, the news organizations to be forced to perhaps invest in the software and to check


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