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tv   News  RT  April 24, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

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the, the, the in the headlines here on our feet uncovering the horrors of war more than 300 parties of trial and in a mass grave outside a hospital, the named gaza. after his ready forces withdrew from that area. and independent review research, there's no evidence to back up. israel is claims that stop from the un relief fund works agency was involved in the mazda attacks of october. another organization started at face similar accusation. the preston's house experience, ultimately, patients against our medical, his task, pressing the keys, and i'm getting into a big, huge issue. it's not because they're locked in so much because because they think
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they're also political clear, sonata state in your lane, in the middle, in our fast spots. the headline from india as far minnesota to the west of preston to claim is attempting to influence public opinion. also in the program of co slammed washington over sacrifice and devised ordinary people for the sake of american, i'm patients, it's off the president biden and signed a multi 1000000000 dollar package, showering more on the from age to, to them, at least on the latest commentary from washington, it's a full deck if you will. top stories right now. what else here? so i made the ongoing continued cottage and gaza. there's been a particularly written discovery, a mass graves containing goldens, 300 bodies, located outside northside hospital, formerly one of the largest health care centers. and the i can claim, just 2 weeks off of these rarely made a tree, withdrew from the city of con eunice,
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using it in ruins. the remains have been exude them to be id. it's unclear exactly how and when these people died, as most of the call to the said to be possibly decomposed for media, claiming that, that all women, children, and young man, the u. n. is res, its own concerns. of the many of the dead was said to have been found naked and found. we feel the need to raise the alarm because clearly there have been multiple bodies discovered some of them had their hands died, which indicates serious violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law. and these need to be subject to, to further investigations among the deceased were allegedly older people, women and one did, while others were found tied with their hands tied and stripped of their clothes, the un human rights office. as these recent reports, problems concerns about the possible war crimes committed by israel and the guys a strip a week ago, just to remind you of palestinians uncovered mass graves at 2 major hospitals in
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hawthorne and clave. nicer and as chief of hospitals after they were rated by israeli troops. now government officials say they discover its almost 300 bodies from nicer hospital in for new and is in southern gaza, some with their hands tied or hadn't coughed. some naked, it is not clear how they died or when they were buried earlier that you, as human rights chief, said he's already fine by the reports of mass graves calling for an independent entrance, parents investigations into the death stressing it needs to be performed by international teams site and quote, prevailing climates of impunity. you add urges that's credible. investigators must have all access to the size editing. that's also more journalists need to be able to work safely, and garza to cover the fact that the students suggested that these grades were dog . 5, these really forces that's one of to get 3 devices or is rose denied disease obligation
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is calling this claims faces and on phones. and the idea of says it conducted a pre size and targeted to wake operation against her mouse in the nicer hospital area in the city of her new is in february, arresting around 200 militants. the army also said that the troops examined body is buried by palestinians there in a bead to tax the dna of the dead and meshes where the dan, hey, of these really hostages. just to make sure that they did not meet the captives several hostages one. now released said that they were held at another hospital for some time during the cafeteria to so it makes sense to check some locals. we have spoken to also confirmed that the mass graves appeared as guidelines not having access to the secretary. wanted to bury the dead when the idea of launched a soul from the medical complex. it doesn't shed light though, on why some of the buddies have signs of tortures as government officials reformed
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. and while it has yet to be investigated, of course, what exactly happened? voice is accusing western countries of being conflict, so it's getting louder and louder. it will be, i guess, uh, does a in g as a every day. we discover most graves which are a symbol of genocide or sound. hundreds of bodies of sometimes in medical units, older, sometimes apparently handcuff nissan, executed and much less i'm all we see images of children to on. and yes, so this genocide of listing you have been impossible without the support of the european countries. now one must great, fell through another is being discovered. there are still no sanctions against israel. this is unforgivable complicit. a old all tissue. one of our biggest ally across the ocean, washington. the us say it is hard. we fight with the reports about mass graves and guys are discovered off to the withdrawal of israeli army, asking israel to clarify, you must have seen the reports about mass graves containing hundreds of bodies
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around l. c. for you and she said he was horrified by these reports and wondering if you asked as a comments on us and whether you guys to raise this with these really government. we have seen the, those reports and the reports are incredibly troubling and were inquiring on this with the government of israel. but it didn't stop the us senate from improving $26000000000.00 in more time systems for the region. most of which will of course go to west indies funding for these really military, with just the fraction for committed to arrange supplies for guys a to our friends in is real. america will soon deliberate to help you fight the score jerbill moss and stand up to a ron. and while it is unclear what the investigation into mass graves in gaza will find out, or will it change actually anything on the ground with more aid, financial aid tend political support for israel. now we can send,
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say one thing for sure. that's the idea of us can paint the idea of offensive in the gaza strip will continue bringing more data from both sides. it was just a couple of weeks ago that mol, graves were also uncomfortably out of shape, a hospital in kansas city. the facilities been under his ready speech for many weeks, like warning for your disturbing images, myself and the coming your way. the bodies of at least 30 palestinians recovered from 2 sites. local officials suggested some of the data being executed with lately reports, claiming survivors of the as rarely as sold in the hospital, had reportedly confirmed those killings. just to remind you, back in january, the international court of justice ordered israel to take all steps to stop any acts of genocide and gaza. but as south africa, which filed the case at the hey, good said that those rulings have been violated multiple times. it was a cold for an investigation into the mass graves saying it was a poll at its discovery of the situation in garza has deteriorated,
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significant base since the costs or the of the 26th of january 2024. as a result of israel's friday. and responsibility to comply with the court's rulings . the lack of accountability by israel is increasing the clip. we note that the evidence of mass killings or civilians points to the perpetration of war crimes, crimes against humanity, including mode and extermination and genocide. you know, this is a genocide that is with the live stream on all devices. every way we go, we see it on social media and the news of these programs. and yet the, so the international community and international multilaterally institutions, as prior to really to trying to keep these are in some of them. and i think it's even that it shows that they are who we should actually just say it shouldn't be. know what you b o and even that, i mean, like you said so many times that they have been there due to of genocide, enough crimes and but this we know, stoops. i mean,
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if you can just consider that also and how the us has been using and abusing the veto power, they use it because the council. but in addition to that, i mean the i, c, c is being dragging their feet. nothing has been done. so as long as ease those got that he was in the back of the, you as an end of the process of imperialism like the u. k. and germany and a lot of countries in the west is relatives being to act with infinity. and while humanitarian organizations continue with the risk emissions across the yanks, i want to say, who are uh, along with unicef delivered medical supplies and border purification, a to northern casa, the people who chose to stay in places like jamalia that's set to be barely surviving. meanwhile, an independent review is set up to assess the role of own raw has concluded the importance of us, what is without question, the place an indispensable, and ate replaceable roar innovation. and this must be said. clearly that
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stopped from that is the absence of a political solution. we know it provides live, subbing humanitarian aid, and essential services to the population. and of course, as, as we speak in this critical time, era as a vital role in the humanity tell you on response in guest. meanwhile, the owner of chief, as welcome to reviews, conclusions origin neutrality meant the will. so of course, as you remember, the following is rarely accusations to the contrary, which are found to lock any evidence, evidence. on the basis of the march 2024 list which contain stuff id numbers is real, made public claims that the significant number of u. n. r w, a employees are members of terrorist organizations. however, israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this in the absence of
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a political solution between israel and the palestinians. u. n. w. a remains pivotal in providing live saving humanitarian aid and the central social services. the palestinian refugees in gaza. jordan lebanon, syria on the west bank of to interviewing hundreds of people. the pro cleared the organization of any wrongdoing. israel had accused the un agency of bias and claim the several of a software involved in the how myself over a tax. and following the allegations multiple countries like america, the u. k. in germany quickly cut off funding to the agency. but in light of the new report, violinist said they would not resume his payments. how dusting and red christmas folk person about 5 o'clock has strong words. she says such accusations are all about him during the humanitarian with the sign read precedence have experienced such additions. again, our medical has passed our wordpress energies and ambulances as when that happens
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as many times as using the 71 or one when this reduces after the or cs regions and how many of those present in 10 units and i will speak on the end of the city we have these claims of allegations, these allegations were try were and just an attempt to give justification for the fact. again, i would hope these engagements were not to be in danger. the life of me the kind of style and the patients as well. so we continue to call on the international community to apply it pressure to ensure protection for health care workers, medical for swimming and hospital english for and the international communities to continue funding on other agencies. so we can continue providing our life, steve, in service to the people who are in this brand new india is
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far and administered joshua and caught a bit of a rock star these days. now we've targeting the main stream media slamming the western press for interfering of the ongoing elections in the country. he says there are many who have a bid out of the lanes and trying to play political k. i get a lot of these noises from the rest of the press on the criticize our democracy is not because the lack information is because they think they're also political. playoffs are not ex, these are games which are being played with us. these are politics. these are our domestic politics, which is going global, global politics, which feels they must know, intrude in india and will how can, how can these jobs decide who should be doing them without, you know, consulting us, the comments about the west, the media coverage comments indeed, as ma'am, a general election is on the way articles have made a host of claims ranging from criticism of the elect total system to alleging the
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prime minister how to handle and seeing opponents arrested. all the handles and group that believes foreign influence over the country is no longer nearly as powerful as it once was to. so we've seen this for many, many years and this is only growing. you know, the economists, for instance, a big in london always gives elect chosen those the people of india. can you imagine one tiny magazine and one tiny island? those at each time the need election comes down to 1400000000 people who will be must vote for this is ridiculous side is, you know, these really lead stages of 0 or long gone via colonialism. that's due is in trends somewhere in those systems that he used to parents and not availability. that's the point that i really want to put to you. then not to bring it in consistency happens that all the was we never an election guns. it's because one set the worst the next
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isn't i wouldn't even say it's all the rest and act as one set of people. one to decide you must be in power in such a country, especially be india. and you know, if you don't get the person to be like this, talk to leave these drum beats about the various things i'm doing. yeah. like i said, we will just be using this later in cold i invest might, into washington's are insecurity. that's how the us president has hail the gargantuan the aid package and he signed off on the deal. ukraine will get uh, well rather a lot from the $61000000000.00 package of cash and weapons. but the fact is, and zalinski must know, this is that the vast majority of the package will stay inside the beltway. i just signed into law, the national security package. there was passed by the house representatives this weekend and by the senate yesterday, it's going to make america safer, is going to make the world safer, and it continues america's leadership in the world. and everyone knows,
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gives vital support to america's partners. and so they can defend themselves against the rest of their sovereign and the lives in freedom of their citizens. and as an investment, our own security. because when our allies are stronger and i want to make this for and again and again, when our allies are stronger, we are stronger. the united states is going to begin military deliveries to ukraine within the next few hours, according to president by that, and these deliveries will include air defense, ammunition, high mars, cluster shells, radley infantry fighting vehicles, and this is all according to the pentagon. now, in his remarks, us, president biden emphasized what he has been saying frequently, which is this claim that somehow nato countries are threatened by russia audit, potentially if the war and ukraine were to come to an end that, that would lead to then russia marching across europe. and attacking nato countries . now, russia has made clear that they have no such intentions,
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but this is the fiction upon which nato leaders continue to sell that for a long of the conflict. now, the ukraine aid also directs the president. the bill directs the president to provide attack them's missiles. now, $61000000000.00 is provided from american taxpayer money in connection with ukraine under the new defense spending bill $23000000000.00 of that will be replenishing american arsenals that have been depleted by supplying ukraine with weapons. now ukraine is expected to pay back the money that has been provided, that is one stipulation of the bill. the president of the united states has the authority to negotiate the terms of the repayment and right off up to 50 percent of the debt. now, at this point, it's important to note this bill has been delayed and bogged down in congress for quite some time. many republicans voted against it. the majority of republicans in
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the house of representatives opposed to bill and speaker of the house. mike johnson became speaker of the house on a platform of saying he would not approve such a bill, but instead would focus on america's security concerns at its own border and economic concerns. however, speaker of the house mike johnson seems to have reversed himself, sparking anger for marjorie taylor green, and other republicans that are more firmly on the trump mazda camp. and it appears that this bill that passed the senate passed the house has just been signed by us president job. 5 and weapons deliveries will begin in the coming hours. the house of representatives, rushes and buses or united states has lost our accusing washington of sacrificing the lives of ordinary people for the sake of american ambitions. have a listen, a me because zillow a week, but american made a choice in favor of a more it's sided with evil and supported fascism for the sake of its greedy and insatiable military industrial complex,
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rapidly administration sacrifices the lives of ordinary people with their decisions . the local politicians actually put an end to the fate of the entire state, which is being used as a battering ram against russia. each of the cynicism of the us authorities is amazing. that's true. they talked about the need to pump up the nazi machine key. if we're ready to kill as many ukrainians and russians as possible with american weapons as a result, they want to see the world was based on american rules strength and the system of domination of western countries over the world majority. and in essence, the administration violated its responsibility under the you and charter to bear on an equal basis with other permanent members of the security council. special responsibility for international peace and security. american health will not save zelinski, new weapons will be destroyed, and the task is and goals and special military operations will be fulfilled one. meanwhile, the russian foreign minister spokeswoman has signed washington for supplying kia
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with long range missiles and with that goals for a peace conference that has the white house admitted it had sent more of them before receiving approval from congress of the origin. so we've, as i said in my opening comments, we've already sent some we will send more now that we have additional both authority and money. i'm not going to get into specific numbers for operational reasons. i believe they will make a difference. this is all against the backdrop of anointed times by the english substance. and the key for she did receive the world community into some kind of conference on the zalinski formula. the world majority of should know what america is hiding in its leaves. washington split is taking this simple drug, everyone under the pretext of peaceful intentions to an empty meeting and increase zalinski stutter is potential and made amount of power,
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shoulders back home key i've had suspended. consider services for a minute tree age meant a broad ukrainian foreign minister made the announcement on tuesdays addressing us the only way to be fair to those fighting on the front. if anyone believes that, well someone is flooding far away, the front line and risk and he's a whole life for this stage, someone else's staying abroad, but to receive services from this state. then this is not how it works. that is why yesterday i want it measures to restore their attitudes toward man of conscription, age and ukraine, and abroad. this will be fat of this comes on the heels of key and strengthening is mobilization low in an attempt to boost the front line numbers. a huge qs, a form to the gradient color in photo environment, dorothy of ukrainians, who fled the conflict. now they have ukraine said that the suspension of console, the services was needed to quote, resolve technical issues linked to the new york new laws implication. however,
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you're pregnant civilians are not entirely happy with the move. so take a listen. this is a fight against the people who are fleeing the army. they don't ask us on what basis we went abroad with a law has not yet entered into force, but workers of the passport service are already interpreting the states has put us in a situation in which i have no white. i think that all state just simply driving people to the point that we will only do this. that is it is no longer and going to get the ukranian passport. i left you create exactly because of all these laws are written from members of parliament. i'm already on the way to the point where i can give up my ukrainian possible, just return the money to me because i fundamentally cannot understand what kind of pool disabled. so i came 700 kilometers to get my possible because i received a text message that i have to pick. you know, i have be standing here for the 2nd today. no one keeps the possible. and what do
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we have to do to simply be given all the documents that we paid for? and i was discussing this other in the program with john les younger conan, he knows, he said, as washington approved, new aid packages. ukraine still needs the troops to operate the weapons on the front, or we're talking about some kind of a very seat motor slave already. what is going on at this moment when know the western countries are giving so much weaponry? of course, they understand that all these weapons which they are delivering, they need somebody to carry them. they need somebody to shoot with them to use them . so all the, it's fully understandable already in the western countries that due to granite is lacking. ma'am, that's not the secret, so i know they, they then what these weigh, all the blind best of these issue is that they can declare they must illegal immigrants. andrew,
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that they have force of ease of grainy and man and to, to go back to pray which leads to the wrong place. and western governments are very um, junior goals for the training and refugees was there. they're already costing their support, the benefits, and they see them as need their own brooks, the war against the rush. as india is now holding the world's largest democratic elections. bollywood celebrities, a crime file to access a file, police reports after they appeared online saying things that they never did. that blaming artificial intelligence for literally putting words in that balance of a look and spot the difference. and what did you go for? most of these vision was to celebrate our rich cultural heritage. history and legacy. and india is progressing towards modernity quickly. we must never forget
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our routes and cultural heritage. i'm with the couple of us here. this is maurice clark has. this is a wish to celebrate our side live fears on employment, sort of an inflation the butyl. india is heading towards an era of injustice at a rapid pace from another. i to, i made a con, also fell victim to a deep freaking post. the nation both said the videos to show them supporting the opposition to a pure fiction. and several 5 checkers have shown that the clips were indeed edited to the fax actually had to was quality. and i, i generated voice a little movement. so it basically out of sync with the speakers, gestures, an indian actress due to says the development of a i is extremely concerning. it does need strict government regulation. the deficient intelligence has really taken over a big way and not just the elections. i think you can just to put in force any image, any red and the mass is deeper. who will just go for like this is
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a hood mentality to just go on face value. they probably wouldn't give it so much todd, about whether it's in order to be a lot of fake. they will just quickly see if i'm seeing that as to when and it might just be misuse or all you know, useful. busy was, is that that isn't meant for, i don't see the, it's, it's, it's like, uh, invasion of your privacy or if you're out of, of, of your individuality. if you live in a very unpredictable way, you don't know what will come out of your images, your video content, and anybody has the freedom to just make anything and put it out back on. sometimes you might just not be aware of it. so i don't see when we have something as strong as a i introduced not just and then the haven't gone to iowa. that has to be strong laws also against the misuse of it. so i think that would be for the for tape. is that the be and it, we're just smooth enough. the process of using a, you know,
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probably russia is a prostitute, a general size, the countries or a 3.5 percent increase in terrorism in 2023. most of them perpetrated by ukrainian radicals. this comes off the president prudent has described terrorism is one of the biggest challenges the world is currently facing. addressing an international security for him and so petersburg, he cited last month's deadly attack on moscow concert. hold as a salient example. the international terrorism is undoubtedly one of the most serious threats of the 21st century. the purpose of the terrorist attacks in various regions of the world carried out not only by radical groups, but also by the intelligence services. some countries is to undermine constitutional foundations, just stabilize southern states, and inside an inter religious patriot. at the same time, the methods of criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated and brought back . this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attack that took place
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on march 22nd in the moscow regions with special services and law enforcement agencies of russia. continue to investigate all the details as despicable trying to identify as participants, including those who ordered sponsor, it'd be organized. none of them can escape for just 145 people were killed. and that's our act in moscow. a month ago, russian authorities basically saying ukrainian secret services were behind it, performance and petersburg, a number of officials with that discussing all sorts of issues. one of them being the development of technology across those fields of being an important issue for the african continent. that's a very good issue on the 4th of russia, because now we have, i think it's one major we of corporate team who's africa because africa by the meats, you know, do to upgrade and to come up with olds and use old decisive d technologies which is which is much need to,
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to deal with the problems with africa. and i think corporation between africa and russia in this direction is very much welcome. in the development, the nicety technologies, you know, would be in high demand, especially in developing countries in africa, even new versions. because many in my country, you know, we are going to, it's a part of this opportunity. there was a governance, we have time to good old the mess, everything online. and i think any support from or i shop would be welcome. okay. not on the phone or we should just, you know, i'm tilting in pennsylvania for can come to them. yeah. representatives from a huge amount of countries worldwide and right now in russia is advantage of the north that is in petersburg as this international security for the details of that online right now, you know the website, it's on the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and welcome to cross stock were all things are considered? i'm peter lavelle. the mass of aide bill for ukraine passed by the us congress ensures the conflict will continue. countless lives will continue the loss, but will this aid all through the events being played out on the ground? there is no reason to believe so the prospecting, ukraine. i'm joined by my guest. i'm the one go in north florida. he is publisher


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