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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 24, 2024 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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not the head of later has said that russia, if it defensive crane will attack all the locations in europe. i wonder what you think about that speculation? well that's, that's ridiculous from the and b to both of you. i'm just wondering, you know, in slow by the vice, the media, the everyday radical read of that a russian army. so we did these kind of where wonderful crane and it stuck somewhere in the don't boss. on the other side, these read your russian army is going to vote where you include the direction of even part of this is, this is uh all sense is that sort of leave you to go. and this is why also from the historical point of view, i've never seen any, any history, any my phone over us on. so to come back or, you know, but i saw the effort of a germany or from the 19th century to concord, russia. so probably this is the, is the case. that's why i think that these, these other strategies strategy to,
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to spread the viewer. and you will be in societies uh to basically the people in the role to sort of music organization and all these war ongoing and be something that you need to refuse me. now what benefits good and need to achieve? stilton bug have for saying the russia is a potential threat to all of you. this is, this is, this is the same story. i think the war longer assumed the leadership of the european union and nato. they just needed these narratives against russia. russia is the best, the biggest deal in the world. this is something of each of the old dominion during the zeros needs to around the big both a war. and this is something we don't really need if people know lots of people in europe and you know, the nice is a bees, is the economic growth, is the good relations with russia, china,
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the spend the way and order and solve the really don't need such speculations. such stress, such lice. now the us to set to issue about the another $100000000000.00 in aid for 3 crisis around around the world in ukraine, israel and taiwan. what is the potential for that to find funding to fuel on the conflicts around the globe? well, it's a big mistake. i think that there is, uh, all of the military tools that you've cut off of in the war on the 2 friends. and the emory cons now are opening the 3 from a false, against russia, against china, against, you know, and this is something to beach of, cannot be successful and age can just may go to a world more dangerous place. and this is something i come to understand, and i hope i really hold together with many slides. so in my countries,
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the american elections of, to the american presidential elections, there will be a change. and hopefully they'll not from will bring this change because this is that adding a right now, why have negotiations the and the creating conflict been suspended in your opinion? i believe you've been monitoring this development. well, i think the interest of the american military complex to reality is more tools. brent is war longer even because they have the profits from this also the accounts that have the benefits from the beginning of the european union. i mean, so it's a combination also on trade and economy and when the european union and russians are, you know, in conflict together, it's good for the american business. so i think that it's the american interest. i have these war as long as it's possible,
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but this is really not the interest of you repeat any of those why i'm very, very upset and these are going to get from the european liter. so and i'll read those also, you will be in supervisors because this is a really a guess i will interest to continue in this world and we shall do everything to make a peace. all right, slovakia and hungry have both stood up against the stands is mandated by the use leadership about the ukraine conflict. what has been the use reaction to that? are they treating you like an outside or even a power? yeah, that is a big pressure on us. you can imagine because of these the robot states. so the primary sto, slovakia studies are very openly. we are not going to send a weapons to you brian, we have the interest of the soldiers. we are not going to approve the and try over you trying to night. so we are going to veto a to, to visit the. and this is the signals of peaceful silver in the nation. and they
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are very narrows because they have sort of a deep and they hate some of the nation and dislikes and so yes, slow like yeah, easy in a difficult situation also because if you have a lot of agents, i would say or the people do, does do deputies who are lying about sort of lucky i am the best i'm center so you will be bottom into our end up being some and dice. little watch. so resolution because of our on slow lot ocean pollutions. and this is something so, you know, nice days, otherwise all nations that of you all know the really heavy and the trying to re and all of these, these people in the european elections days will be the main issue of it will be in the elections. is the will have the bees or more we want to have a beast and hebrew progresses, they want to have a war. all right, last blah slovak upon him and deputies because thank you so much for your insight
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here. best is not russia, as president clinton has describes terrorism, us, one of the biggest challenges that the world is currently facing, addressing and international security farm in st. petersburg keys, cited last month's deadly attack or the moscow concept. or, as i said in the example, in the international terrorism is undoubtedly one of the most serious threats of the 21st century. the purpose of terrorist attacks in various regions of the world carried out not only by radical groups, but also by the intelligent services of some countries, is to undermine constitutional foundations, that stabilize southern states and insight into ethnic and into religious hatred. at the same time, the methods of criminals are becoming more and more sophisticated above barrett. this was once again demonstrated by the bloody terrorist attacks that took place on march 22nd in the must go region. the special services and law enforcement agencies
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of russia continue to investigate all the details of this despicable crime to identify its participants, including those who ordered sponsored and organized it. none of them can escape justice. other recent concept, whole attack was also a major topic of discussion that ab farm. i don't know the follow me a dedicated to eliminating money laundering and the financing of terrorism r t for us, but i'm just all of the bands get reported from the conference. i'm hearing news meals good on the west. we have a stomach going on with representatives from the ricks countries, an old city for many other countries around the world. and one of the things that i'm talking about here with the panels is how they can call much of money laundering. and also the financing of terrorism, monday through cities attacks and most for just a month to go up in a high on the agenda 1st moved in a $140.00 people died in those attacks on the chair of this meeting,
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saying that a task was well for pads by an international network. accomplices that we've also heard from one of the representatives from the anointed arab emirates has been talking about the best practices in his country and how to tackle terrorism. he offered his condolences to what happened during most can i just a month ago. and he also said the best attack on crew to city who showed the city needs the countries to come together to be at so much like this to ensure that they can find joy, ways of working together to prevent such financing of terror acts in the future. because the only do that we're hearing here is that they keep the source of the funding for these big attacks because these attacks take huge amount of funding. so if you could that source of funding, you could cut a tax like that and that's what they trying to do today is to find ways of jointly
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working together to ensure that something that like happened to quicker city who back in march never happens again. so do we know if there was any international involvement in the funding of the quote, the so that we have had the accusation, in fact, the prices of preaching may not himself he's speaking st. petersburg today of the 4 most are looking at these issues. the previously present ukraine was behind the a tough can cause a city hole in regards to the financing. he has said that some of those gunmen who fled the scene were closed on the way, trying to go to craig when they were given the window where they be able to cross the border. but they were still from doing that beforehand. we knew that some of the attackers have also admitted during their investigations and interrogations, but guess they were headed to ukraine's now in addition to that,
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we've had present printing talking today about the international terrorism remaining the rebus. right? countries around the world facing, told, told me, see about corpus city hall. and also we knew that russia has also requested the extradition of the head to the s p u in ukraine. and that's because ukraine has admitted that it has been behind tara attacks in russia. in recent years, in recent months, including that attack on the crying, the bridge is also being suggesting that ukraine might've been behind some of these attacks and the sauce nations we've seen taking place in russian territory. and even more than that, we've had enough to section this has come from the rushes f as the suggesting to the free and company corporate was actually involved in the funding of the tactic for the city, holding the resumes. a really interesting company. because basically the company
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that you buy it and the president of the us, his son is alleged to have links with this is hunter bullied. and so the idea that the price is going to be us, his son could have linked to the company that's being excused. the funding, international terrorism is huge, me concerning so much so the white house has completely denied those links. but yet it raises a very important question. whether countries like the us nato countries all willingly or unwilling leaves in the knowledge that they could be involved in companies in ukraine. the could be financing acts of terrorism as great as what happens at the city. it on the side lines of a st. petersburg far of we spoke with the national security chief of the east african nation of uganda, and he said it's, it's important to exchange tactics about fighting against terrorism. i said no to that west and entity is use terrorism as
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a tool if it's within their interests. but we up to see if we can know, so shall we expedius against it because the van dies been fight segments . so i see some categories and unfortunately today the i'm ok to take advantage of the door to, to exploit deposit come under one on one day me but the use when it's fair. but the other us has begun discussions with new share of public regarding the withdraw. busy of its troops from the west african nation, of the american soldiers are apparently in
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a dire situation, running out of food and medical supplies. and that's according to a report by us congress mine mazda guy, it's miles, food, equipment, pots, medical supplies, etc, of being prevented from reaching advice. one o, one in may, critical medications will run out for individual service members. they have repeatedly reached out for assistance, but their strategic hi, a headquarters such as africa come on, routinely overlooks that concerns and those of add bass, one 0 one's high. a chain of command will simply do not provide relief or guidance for resolution. us embassy in these areas, covering up the failure of the us diplomatic efforts in these. yeah. now the report also claims that more than $1000.00, so this patient in this year had been forced this day. idle has to be off forbidden to conduct any auditors, emissions. they also have apparently been obligated to stay in the country even
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after the end of the deployment period. of the soul. just say that the accomplishments of falling on deaf ears because washington is more concerned about its own image. the us senior defense officer, intentionally suppressed intelligence information, to maintain the facade of a great country to country relationship. they failed to be transparent with us service members deployed to new share all these years. now the only oper getting power that wants to be us to hold at the civic is on the continent. our t corresponded to my, my age reports on this is quite clear for the united states. you either follow its agenda or you are a traitor to democracy. however, america is now facing the reality that due to this very approach, its presence in many places in africa is on the want to win. all of these countries kicked out the french and turned inwards with then try to pay the to become the peacemaker. in the hopes that we could keep all the presence the,
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all of that is clearly not working well. now out, russia is now in sure, but the reason russia is in might just be because it is not cold in other states on how to govern themselves. for instance, in the past few years, a handful of african states like new their molly worked in up also, and the central african republic were fed up with frances presence in their countries. so they took them out. and the same story is set to repeat itself. the u . s. as in the cross hairs now as it has failed to nurture relations in the continent, and has been asked to pack up and ship out by a number of countries who wish to cut ties in the air force as ask the american defense a to shake, to meet at least stop american activities on the edge. i can say air base and we ask you to intercede with appropriate authorities to inform the americans that we have taken the decision to stop there. to bury the american presence in the territory of the republic of news. yeah. or is
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a legal it why lights all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably fruits, elected officials to be consulted on the installation or for an army on this territory. it was false washington, recently we called over a 1000 of his troops based in new jersey and said, might be next in line as it is also pushed in for americans to well get out. it's not surprising that some african countries are standing up against the american presence, according to the african center for strategic studies that's from terrorism and i've heard that have sky rocketed with tens of thousands being killed last year alone in the areas america has been stationed during its war on terror in the region. you would think that a power, like the united states would be diplomatically smarter, while most goes relations with the nations on the continent are based on norris and trust between 2 parties. washington's policies on the other hand,
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are not based on dual interest, but generally on, containing russia and china. in line with spent between 2 to national defense strategy, the department of defense will engage with african partners to expose and highlight the we so negative people's republic of china and washing activities in africa. as the russian and chinese presents. there are a headache for the west, washington as need to agree action is just to send past just smooth things over, instead of simply working. so create sole and diplomatic ties that bring real benefits to both parties. well, advocates i've had enough of the was interfering in their affairs and put in the content as a drive for independence in the back seats. as soon as you are in government, regrets, the desire of the american government to deny the silver in new jerry and people the right to choose their partners and types of partnership capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. we condemn these militia statements as completely
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uncalled for defamatory provocative and a continuation of wanton hostilities against and bob weighed by the us government. we demand that the buyer and the ministration provides evidence in support of these gratuitous accusations. failure to which the administration must, without any further delay, withdraw them unconditionally, so much time and money spent. yep. their goals on the continent are not exactly clear. not only did the west approach to africa back fire, it only brought the continent even closer to russia and china as close relations with africa. dave, back to soviet times and have been strengthening recently as russia has proven itself to be a reliable partner to the continent. so the mother, if you see the component of it's in difficult times that you find out who your true friends though, when africa was experiencing difficulties. whether that with slavery colonial lies ation upon side. russia has always been, if not the 1st one,
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i'm the country. then one of the countries by africa side to help us. as the multi paula world, emerges from the american dominance. all countries are demanding to be treated as equals and he's the west colonial mindset that is cloud in its vision to clearly see that diplomacy is a 2 way street as the other party should not be run off the road route. we spoke with history, an african american studies professor gerald horn, and he said that the us will try to delay the removal of his troops from african countries. the united states was not pleased when they were asked to remove their troops. i think that they will seek to delay of this indefinitely because they still have a fun wish that they can change the minds of an easier and authorities. not to mention the fact that the longer those troops are in these year, the more time the united states will have to try to cook up conspiracies and plots
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against the missouri and authorities. that's probably the main reason why they have not left as of today. it's apparent that the new era and authorities are not acting in isolation. they're acting in league with their comrades in molly and burkina faso. they have a new confederation of the association of several states. and given to that association, i dare say that all of these african nations, all of these nations of this, the hell would like to show uncle sam the to the iran says it's for range rate as rece the record high despite the western sanctions. and that's according to any iranian government spokesperson, who highlighted the growth of the national economy during the weekly press conference. charged. so that time, why could be something within the framework of sanction? some of existed before this, the range of nation has reached the records volume of foreign trade around 150000000000 dollars last year. they range
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a nation 6 to continue it's fast phenomena development. and despite the animosity of those for the rank arts of charles killing and attacking civilians, for example in gaza mean last week, the us imposed fresh functions against the runs drilled production and steel industries. one of the blacklisted entities is a steel company that is one of the biggest supplies of the metal in the middle east arctic for us. but then use of july the has details that there were some effect. so it was with how you tore it to, i guess, as well, are continuing to reverberate in a new measure. the u. s. has imposed the fresh round of sanctions on one targeting multiple industries associated with the military sector, particularly drum production. washington said it's section 16 individuals and 2 entities that make engines for the shaw head type. drones deployed by ron during gets twice on his rail in coordination with the united kingdom and and consultation with partners and allies. we are taking swift and decisive action to respond to ron's unprecedented attack on israel were using treasury's economic tools to
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degrade and disrupt the key aspects of a runs malign activity, including its u, a. v program and the revenue, the regime generates to support its terrorism. little sections are not limited to the military sector and impact steel producers, an automobile companies. the us says are linked to these loans, the privilege and guards court, which load it wants to attack on as well. the website is targeted, 5 companies in dubai and europe. that supply production materials for the who's a strong steel company, the key player. and there was metals industry. the was did not provide details about how this deal company is connected with the i r g c. what it sets to exports contribute significantly to. it was national revenue amounting to billions of dollars annually new us our sections and there was nothing new. what has happened and it measures is important. washington says the sections are we response, but it was quite fun as well. and it just for of the last thing is real security in the eyes of wanting officials, resorting to economic pressure instead of
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a military reaction indicates a failure of the was holding a central office, essentially military officer. i guess that was prior to the wrong miss. what, when joe strikes on his round us president joe biden issued a warning to iran, affirming washington support for tennessee, and threatening to haunt with a single word don't. however, as former i are do you seek him under jose and can any more guide them says the united states because rhetoric has given way to spread their economic measures. i really, i recall you all the american officials regard israel's national security as their own security. so far they have stood with full force with the scientist regime in its genocide of war and gaza. and of course, the us has paid a heavy price militarily and politically and has not achieved its set goals. the americans are trying to preserve the support of design this lobby in the us. and now they have realized that they cannot even sanctioning ron,
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because we have penetrated all the layers of the sanctions and circumvent even the oil embargo. so they are trying to target non and rainy and companies, the work for the ran in different high tech feels to stop them from participating in iran markets. it seems like this measure is prompted by jo biden's, pre election period. he is concerned about whether he will lose the election if he enters a war with the wrong. everyone has endured longstanding sanctions from the west targeting almost all its industries, particularly its military sector, whether us sounding the alarm over it was ballistic missiles and their potential to deliver nuclear warheads. absorbers believe it won't prove that those restrictions have been futile when the i r g c u launched hundreds of domestically billed thrones and broadcasts as well. and because by those into that made during the us has realized that it cannot contain iran on the battlefield. and despite all the sanctions, iran has emerged as a missile power and
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a drone power to manage to penetrate all the defensive layers of design this regime and strikes them in operation true promise. that's why the u. s. has decided to steer clear of the conflict and stay on the safe side while continuing its support for israel. that's why the new sanctions try to block you runs access to modern systems, v i r g c says it's attack on israel came in retaliation for the idea of the bombing overall cost. so within syria, on april, 1st, resulting in the depths of several high ranking iranian military officials. while these rel, receive support from its works from allies and repelling, give also salt, none of them, ada, and israel, subsequent drones. franklin avon, which has been down play buddy's work republic as underwhelming, unworthy of their response, was aims to curb, but it deems that it was the stabilizing actions. it falls back on his prodigy. that's historically, he'll the middle success. orbital sanctions proposed some challenges for the long 1st week. williams about washington is military, pos,
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story i hear despite all the falls, everything is back to square. one american forces continued to engage with one back for the force of the cost of the landscape of the middle east. these were the war on guns, usability are all right, that's the the update this hour and i'll be right back in less than 5 minutes for more updated statement on the what is part of the visit that the employee would post that isn't the deepest view of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present. good. let's stop without cases. let's go products
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the russian states never as one of the most sense community best, in most all sense and up to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin mission, the state on the russians cruising and split the ortiz full neck, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the payment services for the question, did you say it's a request for check? the
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question, i mean you clear up? she was like i do live muscles do. if you look on the initial, be 1 o'clock, significantly post on zillow, will it be almost getting used? by the way, you do origin buddy office, the was done, the newest frame only building systems to build a new do what i see these the bus is the little gear limitation, says this tutorial on both of the
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think it will have chevy image shows, the patient you know, just put that on you, but the just the put me on a couple are you pretty sure what are your new address, but then you would just give them a long shot. the local spelling. so got you. so that way, you know, view them step is just a little bit slow, so no control of the console phone is a visual of moving in, but i do up to him if he's available, come down. yeah, i'm literally so frustrated with as much. it's gonna get to play the show you a different level may assist you mind when you do it. i'm good insurance and which the technology you can throw in the let's just sponsor suspicious go out. i don't like for us to go where you need the course to just go in and put in the see it is done with this or fix it on this was was self employed. so sort of all
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the hidden horrors, the guy that more than $300.00 bodies of found in the masked way by the hospital in the end played off. they use ready for this result from the area. also ahead also as to the pentagon and slice to manage the withdrawal office from strong these yet. american soldiers in west africa stay us diplomacy. the region has been a failure to the states. and by one strange thing, military choice will not bring about security for taiwan. people only increase tensions and the risk of conflict across the tie, one stray straight talking problem to quite measure the leap which lashes out. that'd be us both sending. you had made a treat.


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