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tv   Documentary  RT  April 23, 2024 10:30am-11:01am EDT

10:30 am
and so it's in their interest for the government to basically give them another stipend of money um by, by purchasing more weapons for you green. um and it's in the interest of the neo cons in the neo liberals in the us state department who have been behind this ukraine policy from the beginning. it's been something that the democrats and folks like victoria newland have been been pushing for a long time. people have been predicting the collapse of the west and the western empire for a long time. and i mean, it is inevitable throughout history. empires rise and fall in the us is no different. and you see the signs of an empire in decay. you know, 80 percent of our people living paycheck to paycheck? well, the entire country is drowning and that the richest people in society are the big banks and the multinational corporations that and all of the working people over their debt to and, and the government doesn't seem interested in doing anything about it. they only seem interested in pumping more money into the military industrial complex and in
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more foreign wars. what are 2 to companies waiting to get for the details of all the surveys are following, thanks for watching. i'll see you again. the temperature front attempt usually usually when you to choose to fits, there's k a that's just sort of similar to a lot of ups and i'm, you know, it's almost the end of the course. they also could, i ask us got crane the push to update on 0. i'm plenty of them. this message is to
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convey for us and you will no longer with us because this will be so it is an issue and you're going to condition in them. so it's kelly, would you, is this is collusion, most of the district the know lots of us. so to or find me sort of control the uh this with each yeah. carefully. vigil is a with a video as she does so for looks that way the the
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envelope splashed. uh, i'm gonna try to just and go through just a little. you know, the, the machine is also good or more full and the dish has middle one of your stores. it's doing good. how can i tell now permission, understands commissioning numbers, communication conditions for vicious? yeah. of course, which is yes. priscilla pursued him. you have with him, he's quite from julia. let me send the listing of the watch and then you know, for the look slips. uh huh. yeah. to jim though, for sure the guess it's making the most interesting to them. that's for women. more than uh, sales people are interested in putting it on for just loan. and this wasn't only showing us commodities, almost the sticking, able to control at them in the ocean today, which to me i was needing to get to the stage of the us, which is the us to, to,
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you know, shut up. if i didn't 100 with that gives you that. yeah, it's us to our stuff for us to do it the same for the most part of this deal. it's a 1st and last name there. so i think the shit was in good and you can but a significant in no good which some of those and such that it's like a middle initial's take a to, to let me know. i just want to know what to do with the position and look as are the publishers because of the cost of those posted on the same given to them what i think visual visual can with anyone yup. opinion visual pacific or fema e additional 0 to as board of $1.00 to $1.00 of those things to put in the fact of nash williams support to an adult or just
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interest. most of those are to know what guns could launch those programs kind yeah . was wondering how long ago and what's the value for confession for me. and it will just look if we can put them to put them. but unfortunately, since the solution to example in texas us into the new policy of nimble and showing envelope. and when i put that in the, the previous a 4 digit or somebody should have what i see you. and if i did internet, done with this is a girlfriend you do between the display for leasing with them so much i really should be sending them spam aging 1st floor solution solution solution. there's no rush to groups or no or just in the that's also going to be going to go that's published and it's still going to look for the full of korean and you think
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that good for us additional. okay. 40 minutes for the airplane store is willing to and you have yourself comfortable directors of cartoons for them all. and you folks still the solution for them, which though is a think died that apply to either 3, a new height. it is unavoidable against any videos and because of the shape of cars instead of going to do moving, interested, or stuck with me. i mean, you're pretty slow and you know, i was more than that. yes, i couldn't get to it as if so refreshing your was a couple switches your phone told me give associated with the plane just because the most of which you are unable to transcribe partially of mr. brain. start to close the sample from the ditch and yeah, cash individual who's a with a video systems. so for the federally, it's just i think consumers,
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subzero then it's got and recognition. officially the ships almost to the invoice to trust you will have to do something good for your best interest in that. i'm and i'm with you. i'm from minneapolis and spending it because it's what kinds of professional could you can the most of them are sign you can be produced furniture . so there's cook with a choice because i choose to my own a king. i'm a spanish, that's what i'm shown. this thing is that engine a good thing occurs, but that is before you might be able to interview if i'm gonna send the computer over to them over to blue screen, difficult for the explanation of each area. and we've got sufficiently professions that i need pretty much. ready so at least cut, there's not order for putting in chance for you walk up such as the link from virginia to interest. and if there's some population in the district, the other special needs a solution. don't convert the moving. sure thing for me, but sure. and the pushing it from when you to consider it as
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a festus. i'm going to give them the zip code in uh, what did you, what would be william the specialists that's similar to the additional good as new or used. i appreciate see that, but also i've lost the truth of really getting pretty boy of what you're about 6 to for us because of a couple of thing. uh come on village and some new to the yeah. we do know you see the it you what that you heard anything in the book as always, just right and go commercial as always to the personal for me with a chest. i'm pretty sure there was a of compression. i'm what percentage is the word from personal part of this new and you can go unlimited super location address new package because of the way i'm that was a live so i could ask, is it the song tricia to print on a color?
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it's that i just about to do most of its 1st, the initial priority is more than that. i didn't was to them in the age of the of the video starts from that. i know and they're, they're so excited to to those are good. i knew that as well. yeah. pretty much the minorities that wish to me, what is this region and ask us when she gets to the vendor? i know can be good at that. those that to do do, i should tell it somebody will put it should send this, but i just, i'm going to if i have more on x, just the emotional status, here's the thing in a state of the demo, a vision at the my tongue better, the to this, to, to, to that let us use resemble and you bring authority to the cancer is the type of findings because i mean, yet for cause any so there's lots of them are stories of. so the key,
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just because the way i didn't the problem, the navigation is north fillmore, which i'm a little bit more so that that is attendance eastern. she jago dorsey is mostly pursuing english. you must be the cause for them of especially, and then use the most of the today who the hell of the 1st to see the best one you few for the name that you said to provide when you're still looking for a little bit slim but flip monthly with joyce, what decision level. same is bitch enough when you're still at the economic just the last one gave me a chance for quite good with a whole new flip dirty. i'm guessing. what am i going to after cutting your to is
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tied to the much of the boat and that took me longer for me since that he was the one to tell him to come up with you face to look stupid to formations the local choice kind of show can i assume and there's a door to push forward in it's just html sort of some general motor wasn't able to come for the only person i know, but there's no choice joseph's done to them for mr. ocean or so we're dealing with them that she over supervisor to get those are pushing them of underneath the individuals. but well, additionally at the start of his knowledge that the blanket also information to, to 3 or 4 get, you know, sure. feel free to go by super movers in school, so i'm good for the shots. additional funding by the end of the during the semester. so i don't know most are still original close to the
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said didn't get to go down. we're definitely not sure for many of them uh which, which as to didn't put them assignment signs for those that i bought or smith nutrition getting that you put them on that as it was. i'm not sure what the who says that if one is trust me doing nothing is as cool. cool. well, there's a bureau with the 2 setting in their system child to hi much say calibrate. if she'll let him, can not pick up the resist by then use that other normally they don't. was you lamp okay to i'm not sure. but i'm, we doing research color so it's not focused on going to email it to difficult when i get to deal with the thought of it, because i put you want to ask them to send him with shift because he's quite interested in which to obviously do i am at that point, the ocean partial findings, motion, clark, i'm completely jump into one of them allow me to do, but in this and it will kind of a fuck that i'm pushing and design that. and that would be his own that which to to disclose total, which to the most. okay. for see what yeah,
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of the most of the so you said that that you mailbox tool which in the system brings the ship it and i've seen a gun. so i think that the special community that there's no pressure because obviously there's nobody yesterday, there was more of the stuff in minnesota which correct with i'm a special agent with zillow dash with a couple extra 15 minute and just to clean up in the, to the visit of it's sort of way much noise. you're shipping, which what type of told me. yeah. pretty sure. so the services and walk out together, but what it costs newman, the cookies, the logistics and easiest. and then you're not able to print that extra. so the 1st the tech to those will be to so i missed that was a shift towards the summer. so he was asking about the spanish smoke of the number
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to the provincial tours for shutoff somebody's. we have special additional cut the young to sell the contents of which you to the notion of the weights of corporate look at the piece, the price to press the media to new york stone. is that crew of love with them? no. going to same news. i should to us for new various is that the is that the, uh, the with that the
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when the world's largest democracy votes the rest of the planet watchers in an emerging multi polar world. india's voice matters. but who will be the power behind it? watches almost 1000000000 people decide and billions more, react the the
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word instead of, oh my god, and see him, you over to the screen of your to the gift card of choice. consolidate you have. see what was more of a see somebody in the on, can you send me the for kelly stuart item at each store posted on the video of crystal as opposed to the and yes, you can just delete the custodian. let's say that enough list supposedly with this thing with the, the the
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most people. but that each studio, well let's go this and get us cuz allows me to call a way to issue my niche, an e mail to the point on the spot for letting him of you know, but us, cuz i will let me know what's going on with this level silver coat, liam, no. i said a little bit. so still be some good. some of the yeah. the bill cycle, intellectual the i just wanted to let you know, but that was almost impossible. was thinking more because i'm still able to question you just seems to work on top of that's the connection here in this little boy. so it was uh mama said number of them. i never knew if they've got it on a special less for the i thought example, i get a little problem with the
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the you know what he did. yeah. but i did not go and use lady some month. it was full of well little slips double side of the base of the nearly 11 store and instead of, oh my god, see, i'm the only to base your to the best coverage setup for the monday, but they have to stay on the boat. so that's a boy above that period to pay should be a. yeah, luddites to medium symptoms of course and get that up to you for your day. so you should be able to get them set up some fundamental. what should be the best thing that i can meet you do me privately. the couple of this is easy to accomplish. so, so if you need a shuttle to invite you to the voice and you're putting your floor in the city. as for the technician, the last question and the phone that the kids had upset mostly up to the most
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secure digital numbers for me. and i did a little slowing with the toner, the store. so somebody. yeah, most of the customers publish that item with my app or michelle number to last. i looked across the q, the federal police always stop by the fact that i didn't know what the good i have each of us on so that i could put a nipple serious plus the ceiling is what i need them. i need will be able, clearly i need what is pointed with somebody to the right, you know, for a little closer to the, to look deal with a fix here when the wish for some of the more needed. since i've been out there for me, it says kills me. just keep a failure on the form i should have because of what the police were going to consider when the but it deal, navy and publish it goes away from the ballot to a box. it took us to give it that, we mean it says keep a loop of product. it's probably in the order of those. this is an easy, it only means it says good for the
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collection through a lot. basically the scale we should, it's fully if she'll know how to do the show, produce them so that even with be part of the location of both, be sure nimble with a. so let's see, tell, this is a fix or see me doesn't mean it's combined the wiper lock initially it up to the chain. you can you twist quickly the sabbat, which equation which in this as low as seem pretty low floor big in west village. and they came to court, east of technician, didn't always come back, but the bill of was pretty much keith, i'm sure to say limits. bill was one. this is a sofa. we're going up to we just use simple more. that's the
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go daddy account book. i'm gonna, we need the kind of this, so at least we'll just last to deal with kind of that going come home. i'm having to deal with a deal. it's from the lady on. it was a yes love, like the biggest each lady on what would they use? plus a couple of it's got he was at, i bought the here a little different data showed of how much material is probably combining a slip of physics and the ex today. but i to me and massages to a uh, let's do a voyage, soul with all the superior law level lashania. and yes, if you decide you go to the pacific beach, because to, if they can give us the sheets, maybe you put the bottles of the city in which you will be skipped costumes. they should much queue issued for the 5th chapter of the ship that moscow for it pretty well for you. supposed to be at the club maybe until you have. so you can just say,
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you know, and you can switch that out, see if more of them with both the lower left for the but as it gets to more of potentially physics cable, there's a lot of slips to it. didn't things good about the concept? 16 when the physical otherwise, but you might pity what i choice the by the postal late. some boy may turn into those solve. some of you is simple to use a couple days and you play with this with are easy to really simple the competitor, just if they kick most of it, the clips, the last you broke the some of the workforce make much more pleasant. a little bit concerned about saving you money. it was having a little by little cutting down the some of the, a former she was the, that's a little, you know, in a pretty much the to kind of a store lovely. or they have to be able to show it to a function source to learn more than i believe it's thoughts like i don't know what it looks like. a chair. it's a sleeping list because any partial flu focus sites choice can guy just door doesn't mean it's of the chest chips level. last kind of dumb way,
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w a chest to come back to us for, for you, because they gave me your subsiding a similar issue with the government tax for, but it looks like senior se, wait, wait, wait, but do you ever leave the little guy with stay on the says, well, i knew it was a land to get each of their immunization or the land. the little was funding source from you. patricia uses me somebody's can versus used, but it will make concerning the level of the what the but are you there? so that you have the rest of the have a little bit less content that i get and what we should say put it on by you to split them. we would get a pretty much stumble. is this gimme
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a multiple kind of model extort living? yeah, so it doesn't actually live in yet, but it was kind of a case for me and they saw all of this. i don't see and my colleague is kind of like to stay with them with a couple of papers to let him leave me. yeah. yeah, with the forms, with the chief voice from douglas manual, i escalated the mr. the question was still killing sale, which i did notice like children with less width. can i teach? and then level ed reason because they don't, they belong to use of ruby is listed for those i supposed to go up to the middle of the community as of the difference. what i'm one of those probably the slowest we studied in the some of the woods, the lizard i'd be in most cases, hills and on the corporate school and quite a, some in the pay them all interest for you. and there certainly goes up
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or the potato level, just touch the button, the list that over there, look at the most and the start of children with less to go on the scale. also truly a couple of in mind that you disagree the fixing the issue of a vehicle of some of the clamp smoke, it'll see if there's room with got them on the move thing. yeah. because you might have some insights and what, what almost got them on the phone with the people in the shuffle. that another a critical up in the system. you have a costly yeah. book a couple of quite loretta chests of that sort while the school up in a couple of little tapes. what the fuck seemed. what each the budget waste good reason to raise each aski is initially annual that i'm quite legit is just the over the for the for the which i didn't really on the sit only pretty up to me personally
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this bill pulled up still on the floor edition but i do have an extra was limited to for the there's a much more affinity skipped scale. so. so with a, my name is michelle with all machines. and you said other multiple trailers to pump the maple sophisticated. hey sissy, what was that? it was supposed to is that it should to us so the commercial and credit expense, the whole, grew up with a little space. and you said it was based on his perpetual of sales to stick with the man. so collectively for, for us to be able to connect to this new reporter up the for the, for the get the machine issue is the guy you just dump. so if i get fit that i will populate my monthly swishy later into the city. yup. no, because of the names i mentioned with the machine you find the most poignant instead of showing this nearly a story about will to settle with him. i'm actually up really, really is
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a motion or you just i'm the 100. that's it. yep. the plastic slots you see, i probably put that in the formula able to schedule a sample of focus, phasing each one of the ladies and we will have to be taken to keep up. will someone please be able to open your specific but as a floor, you'll just find that we will use a to motion or us, but i just, i did see put on go. this pulls the initial shock with i'm should really get with this would be nice for comfortable position. it's a on this as well. yes. today. yeah. with the show up with the they built more than 4 months ago. so then they will still live fine. yup. and your email with the submit submit also is that they'd show that the machine that was made as much as a sort of in will spell phonetically. spell that a digital mom was i'm with, you know, i to is the video mama for long smart the old, my mama,
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a cousin that prostate was i don't know what the specifics know what issue of yours, of samuel, the blush, is that a valid mobile, a what you my new york trip. so the idea of video for yes or is it considered you don't, that's just the media for the middle in the yes, there's book. see. and also that which is human symbolism. if any other than civil credit the butcher was that in. yeah. in nicky, don't let you make me up enough with a bit of training of all across this stone. you may say that enough natural doesn't mean by sticking with the finance and angel cook with the lawyer. you've got them fix the other one, and it was that literally mux. and when will see, it was more of a see, let the worst of a prospect for this 3 minutes. the image, the
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the hi, i'm acceptance and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else. welcome to planes or do have the state department c i a weapons, bankers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my shell stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called stretching time, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way the
11:00 am
. the in title seems to start with the special military operation. ukrainian law states have reached almost half a 1000000 troops out to washington per past, the said more weapons and age. the key of russia says the dreams paid the prize in human lives. also ahead, the the bomb continued to rain down on guys as the enclave mocks 200 days of a conflict. but there's no condemnation of either of actions interviewed us faith deposit report on dr. donations in the well. try his rights to carry a normal economic and trade exchanges with all countries in the world, including russia on the basis of equality and mutual benefits. and i was noticed.


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