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tv   News  RT  April 23, 2024 9:00am-9:31am EDT

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the the, the titles into the stock, special military operation. training in the last days have reached almost half a 1000000 troops as watson to pass to send more weapons and aid to the roster, says latrines paying the prize of human life. also go ahead the . the bombs continue to rain down on guys. i has the enclave month to 100 days of a conference for the new us state department report on human rights. validation fails to conduct these roles, actions the trying his rights to carry a movie can know, making trade exchanges with all countries in the world, including russia on the basis of equality and mutual benefits allows no destruction
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or sabotage sign on tells the us to keep its nose out of it's a fast one and comes ahead of the secretary of state visits of aging during which it's been robot, the tubes threatening the country functions over its ties with the auction. the weather is, is our to international, reaching you from there, boston and capitol, welcome to the latest updates. i have michael quarter. that one the last 24 hours at low ukraine's last more than a 1000 troops. and that's, according to the latest report from the roches defends administrative, we'd set the key as total loss is now about to half a 1000000. in 2 years of war, it was installed, left to prevent the collapse of the ukrainian armed forces. washington intends to send almost $61000000000.00 to the key. every shane board. sure. most of that will
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be used to finance the us defense industry across american authorities. cynically say that ukrainians are the ones who will die for the interests in fighting russia . in total, since the start of the special military operation, ukrainian losses have reached almost half a 1000000 troops. the kid regime could not achieve the goals at the counter initiative set by nato instructors. our troops have dispelled the mist about the superiority of weston weaponry or the smell, but it's just because the old set of these problems that the credit ministry was largely made up of volunteers ideologically ribbon fights, as many nationalist troops and peaks physical form, one to the 5, it'd be now replaced with troops. large the drastic can split the troops who would bother be elsewhere and do on whom it is difficult to rely on the incredibly complex and difficult psychological and physical and physically conditions on the
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battlefield. it will be very difficult for you, great to recall, and since, you know, i mean with any semblance of what it was. furthermore, cynthia schwartz who said that you credit defense is all tracking. this is being demonstrated since the full of up to go with russia, sees it about the school of settlements. russian troops just over the past several days of seas to move settlements in the or well along the battlefield. and now that you create a new doesn't talk, brigade has a bad in their positions, just west of the west of up to pacific actually go also said that it is being demonstrated that there is very little advantage to, to west of all of these, these means that they're the best and the world is being shot. the russian of production is zip old times old time. how is in the most in dom on piece of military hardware. that is and the fed as $500.00 complexes for example,
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pods and ad defend systems. but they have production which is where the beginning police increased. many phones will continue to be increased. as for this new 60000000000 dollar package that is incoming for you can take actually group says the bus and strikes from strikes rockets guides on warehouses on the basis projects by which these weapons are making the way up to the battlefield. they will be increasingly targeted in order to make sure the moves weapons will. the majority of those weapons never reach the front floods awhile washington is busy, is blasting yet more cash on key of the route and warnings that'd be interest payments to serve as its own debts are reaching critical levels. you will have more on that later in the program. thank you, madam speaker. i rise the guys today marketing and not a grim milestone. it's 200 days since he's ready for his launch the war on the
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enclave. in retaliation for the have mazda attacks of october, the 7th at the city of darrell belies one of the latest targets. so the idea of footage capturing the moment of a strike the so far there's been no official color. some of these are all on the strike and they say no word on any casualties. but local media reports say, a central area is a be enclave of come on during teds attack. in the past 48 hours, including crowded refugee camps now to draw attention to the baseball data, one man from guys that has posted a video with him carrying a banner. and it's captions says $200.00 days into the war. what's left, the video was filled with roy's and destroy. ready hospitals in the background of the double desk toll since october, the 7th, so passed $54000.00 people,
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more than 90 percent of those killed have been civilians and nearly 2 thirds of them, women and children. but when it comes to the accountability, many of the west of, of being accused of turning a blind i, i take, for instance, uh, canada, as finance minister, she's on record as one saying the country would serve as an asset for useful. perhaps. that explains how recent behavior, when faced with some difficult questions involved, the 14000 children killed in gaza. mr. freeland, you condemn, is just killing 40000 children. stop watching. you condemned israel's killing of courtney 1000 children that mission or for the wife walking away. there's a glaring omission of a condemnation of these wills actions and a new us state department report on human rights violations around the world. and that's have prompted claims of double standards, something the 2nd just stage was quick to slab down to do we have a double stance?
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the answer is no. as this report makes clear, in general, as we're looking at the human rights and the condition of human rights around the world, we apply the same standard to everyone. and that doesn't change whether the country in question is an adversary, a competitor, a friend or an ally. but let's take a closer look at the report had the wedding used for both washington's enemies and all lies by contrasting approaches to conflicts and assigning blame are clear from the outset. as israel exercises its right to self defense, we have made clear that it must conduct military operations in accordance with international law and take every feasible precaution to protect civilians. the criminal disregard and contempt for human rights are in full display in this war against ukraine. russian forces employed violence against civilians as
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a deliberate tool for fire. the report highlights documentation of human rights violations and abuse us some amounting to crimes against humanity proud the 2nd year for us is brutal, full scale invasion of ukraine. of the guys, a conflict has resulted in the loss of more than $34000.00 policy and you live in half a year. and that's while the warring ukraine is claimed over 10000 lives and more than 2. here's the enclave now lives in ruins. but the bottom, the administration refrain from accusing use of the breaching international law, all like russia and ukraine, which is clear from the reports, wedding, nat, geo political analyst has, has all the believes that the double standards, when it comes to ease, will clear unacceptable. it's very clear that for example, in terms of the united states is condemnation of russia in other countries when it comes to human rights, whatever claims they may true or false pale in comparison with what the world can
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see, the israel is doing and goes up. so it's just a blanket leave false statement that he's made, which i don't think the international community really buys into any way the media apparatus in the united states. if this were any other country doing this, they would be scrutinizing it at every minute level of detail. but now, conveniently because it's a ally and some even say part of the united states, suddenly their investigations are pending or they're suspended, or maybe they'll look back at it in a few days. so you see, it's just a, it's just a shameless double standard that they're maintaining. and it's frankly a, a type of madness that they continue even keeping up the vin year in the 1st place . and the warning about washington's policy towards the cost, i think as a seeing and a boy over in the street on the streets now fallen flat at the pool policy new
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roddy in new york university. police moved in and the number of arrests were made. the valve in flashes. the wrong good. as you saw with these, attempted to despise the ground, demonstrators responded by marching on the local police headquarters why columbia university's president was forced to claim that there was no warranty. julie sentiments on campus. we have had pros, really demonstrations on canada. no job of protest that we all guess will slips. no, i have you seen one against our ups? no, i have no. have you seen one against palestinians? no, i have no. have you seen against one against jewish people? have you seen a protest saying we are against jewish people?
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no, i have. i have. okay, thanks. thank you for that clarification. pro policy and protests have been slipping across some of the most prominent us universities. a california state for the technical university after fabricated themselves inside the building, and they use top tables, chairs, and all the other objects to block the entrance and prevent police. equipped with a dr. gear from injury activists from harvard and columbia. universities have been setting up camps, chatting slogans and carrying banners, demanding an ed to jet aside in gaza. or the colleges have clumped down. how about university has responded unsuspended a policy and it's on the diary to committee even threatening expulsion for students who continue to be involved in it. you as president to abide in, says that the pro policy in, in raleigh is, are inherently, i just send that to you submitted protests on college campus.
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that's why i said, i don't understand what the problem was any as well. they have also been reports of intimidation and highest made towards jewish people on 2nd us college campuses. and that includes columbia university, new york is implemented the hybrid chevrolet regime to de escalate. the tensions arctic correspondent caleb popping spoke with active as the campus at the university along with yale and other ivy league institutions. i've had a wave of pro palestine. pro test says campuses are very divided about where students stand on international issues inside the campus. there has been an encampment of pro palestine students and now as you can see, the campus has been locked down through the history of this university of being invested in war and invested in the wrong sort of history. you can look into the ways that they've invested in to be an armoire invested in apartheid. peace and
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freedom of religion. i personally will be coming to these gates here tonight to to have a seat or i'm is your student and it's a and a tv that makes me feel unsafe here. so i will be celebrating, pass over here outside the gate with my students are inside the gate. as a student, i was against the war in vietnam. we did the same thing and people knew we were right. and then the, and we ended the war in vietnam, and these young people are right and i want to defend them because in the end, palestinians must have the right to live. i'm jewish. first of all, i'm not a religious do, but i think it's absurd. i think they're using anti semitism to detract from the real issues. and the real issue is genocide, free speech and the empire that they are expanding the empire into the middle east and they want to keep are not paying attention to that reason. here is because
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america is controlled by jewish billionaire, the jews, okay. they control, that's why that they control the media, the control our money that control our culture, our music, the arts, the ras count is rising here at columbia university. another american colleges where students are speaking out for palestine and facing a crack down by administrators. they say the protests are anti semitic and create an unfriendly atmosphere for jewish students. but they say they're simply speaking up for their rights and expressing opposition to the government policies, as well as the policies of the university itself. the china wouldn't tolerate any interference from the united states in these relations. and. busy with other countries, that's the key statements on the chinese foreign ministry. the team doesn't need you to shop trying his rights to carry abnormal economic and trade exchanges with all countries in the world, including russia on the basis of equality and mutual benefits allows no disruption
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or sabotage and trying his legitimate rights and interests. totally right. no infringement tell you. now those warnings from 18 columns as the us 2nd through state and the blank game gets ready to embark on the state visit to china. now western media report say one of the main purpose of the trip is to rebuke china overs pods. with russia and threatened functions as cooperation with moscow reasons, holstead. however, chinese china is repeatedly set that the us needs to stop acting as to wells, please. my she is on to that. this is the united states and several so called allies cannot represent the international community. in fact, the vast majority of countries in the world do not recognize the us boys as the world opinion shooting though with us in the united states. there's not a party to south china sea issue and has no right seems a fee and the see related issue between china and the philippines,
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which i'm sure from one country should notes, may end detect normal relations between china and russia, should not undermine the legitimate right of china and chinese companies and should not, shouldn't blame to china, went to italy and provoke confrontation, change to tell them future us move as, as a base tensions in the region and increases the risk of the mixed judgment and miscalculation. we urge to us the earnestly respect other countries, security concerns, stop spoken, mailed through confrontation, stuff, undermining piece instability in the region, and take concrete actions through used to teach increased. so all you did from call the internal affairs, the pacific island countries will tolerate no external interference. they have the right to carry out friendly cooperation with old development partners between china and pacific and in countries to help each other and deepen corporation is simply natural for the justified and always done above board. the united states has unveiled a large scale a bill for ukraine will also making gravitas accusations against normal traits
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between china and russia. this kind of approach is extremely hypocritical and honestly irresponsible, and china is firmly opposed to it or would join now by jo, political analyst, angelo we, i know i can always go to have you join me now. what's your out? look on the out. com about the upcoming visit of a space secretary blinking to china. what we've seen that before. uh, the chinese of a much the bed for this, a good cold meeting. basically the us is already announced the, the judge end of the meeting. basically 2 fold. one is a tripping china not to to help the rest shop in supplying weapons. and the 2nd part would be just to, to denounce china for those 5. be good to stories about seeing john those what they called the us call it in turn and can we, should we talk completely
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a complete fabrication by ca, outlets for the soul. chinese is pretty much ready and they probably know what the outcome doesn't mother what china will respond to the us will put most anxious on china. i will put a sol pressure on your progress to, to uh, to do more sanctions on china. and you should, you will probably be more of what, what we call the copying china. united now recently, or western politician seen, tend to travel to china now blinking area. we have a job in terms of low, sho, what's the significance of china to that? my best time as well. the main problem here i think is uh it is a quote on a curb. basically, china has a trade surplus when he comes to, especially the us, but the connectivity western genuine sol, basically china says more than what he buys. so china has a surface in us dollar,
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which is due to the straight surface i in the old days trying to use to recycle it straight surface in buying us steps. as we all know, the us step is a kind of ponzi scheme. it's a depth of these not meant to be repaid. so try 9. the last 5 to 6 years is complete. the stop not the we stop buying us that, but it's started to ask the service to a us that in addition to, to that china is, is started also to, especially when the especially meet the real patients started in ukraine. china started actually a doing transaction in other countries, then the dollars so they are actually accelerating with other countries, the delays ation. so this way, e i d, do you guys? he's being defeated, it's being defeated because the u. s. can fund is defense. they lodge defense
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spending of almost $1000.00 because it has the global currency, a can actually print as much dollars as it wants. but this is as long as the us dollar is, uh, uh, is the global currency. now we are in the process of device ation in the us, he's being hurt. so what we see so, so from the us, the up putting us extra pressure on china not to go too far when he comes to the reputation. because that is, that would mean the end of the us, j money. all right, now it, if bank gene is threatened to have functions of a cooperation with moscow as reports say, what's likely to be chinese responds. uh, not much chinese, they, they are very pragmatic. uh, actually you see the collective west, when could they react when they want to trip, then they put sanctions. what china does is it, there is actually a saying chinese,
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they see a be close to you. friends would be even closer to you. enemies, soul, chinese to read the g it is, it is about engagement. they know that the more the mold engaged with the collective west by drink trades do more. they have a future which is cool, cool dependents. but so, so basically china is not going to go into confrontation, but rather than we try to engage and engage into relationship. but our personal to that we're trying to is being doing for a long time. it is above diversification of its trade partners. so china now has its main trading partners, do global salt and bricks, brazil, russia, india, and all the other cut, all the countries from the called the global saw. so time has been the risk and wait before the collective west as being the coming from china. so he does, it has been, has a huge bets because china was a full, long time to us, be paid for this moment. once we are living now,
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he's very simple. he's the to see these trap. we have an emerging power and you have a declining power in the question. the question monkeys, are we going to go to was a war because the declining power would not accept that? or are we going to have a peaceful transition? that is a big question. mark, a doesn't look very good. we see we have different phones in reality, when you really analyze all the confrontation we have around the world. that is to, in, in uh, in the special to meet your needs are real per ration. nature gaze, restaurant the middle east and know you have these people to asia, the us. he's actually a funding tie one. and he's actually trying to use type on the same is the jews you claim to fight to the last to claim him against russia and to fight to the last towing east against china, the be paying for that and china knows. so the question, the big question is, do we have a collect the west which is rational,
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or are they going to the very big question that now do you think the west will be really able to harm the chinese academy in a way if they deem disobeys? weston orders. absolutely not. china, actually, it's pretty much the sufficient way. they can keep trying to ease semiconductors, which we don't really high tech. i'm talking about the 3 nanometers because right now try not use that's sufficient from 5 nanometers. so the, i would say the micro chips and that will see energy, but no energy. china has very solid partnership, especially with saw the are we got, you run, and especially russia, so strongly self sufficient. in reality, the problem with calm would be for the collective us because the collective west is more depending on china the china be, depending on the collective west. you remember what happened with the sanctions.
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the collective west europe did sanctions and russia. russia is doing it has a 3.5 percent of g. b rolled. no, you look at the u. the u is the decline and they do some research. and so in reality, it backfire when he comes. he came to russia. if it comes to china, that would be 10 times more damage for the you, for china. yes, yes, of course, but it's not going to be dramatic. china is being the best for the small them for this moment for a long time. okay, thank you so much and a little girl. yeah, i know geo political onto this, we really appreciate your insight into this us and not to them all these the political party of president mohammed des moines who appears to have achieved the last live victory in parliamentary elections by his people's national congress bodies seen as looking to china and away from india when
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it comes to future development as one at least 6 to 6 of the 93 seats kind of the up for grabs. and that's, according to the preliminary results of the main opposition party, which previously dominated the chain base, is projected to wait and just a 1000 seats best time. yeah, 1st of all, results are expected later this week. and when president de moines it to pi, he quickly phil phil, one of the main campaign, promises by ordering indian ministry personnel to leave the island nation, he has repeatedly said that he wouldn't allow any foreign power to on the might of on demand it's countries sovereignty from a foreign minister, all the ma, these are the do not want more than sets of de moines is policy shift exposes a why the issue in the nation's determination to protect if 70 i think um for the whole region. um, in terms of do apologise. the countries in the region have been influenced by india
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and china, and we have unfortunately see the pendulum being shifting from side to side was different documents that come in and that's the same for mores, especially like that as well. my father was a former president with all these so we took that a problem. 2080 was voted up during his time. he did a whole very balanced position where he, prior to is the independence of this country as a sovereignty without be bullied on the amount of any other country at all. and he successfully month manage that seems to be less than a decade. frustrated to india side, the government backed him off the went chinese side and then again another go in this type. and again, this reflects a power to present noises. government is very close, have his own. um, the one has been that he used for all this and he loves, obviously for movies and shows the surgical rhetoric that may well be the case. but in actual fact, you know, is that there is a huge, i'm please. of course,
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if you will, because these countries i trying to control the region for a strategic reasons. i'm only your in a position in terms of defense, military or the power of these countries. these walters and um, collections are very much into, unfortunately, and often i think you the really the will of the people easy money being pumped in by other countries. and those that actually affected the outcome of these roles and it is really undermining the farm policy of the country and so on. and in terms of going ahead, i'm sensing that democracy. i see the challenges because it is becoming a system with a political flowed and corruption and due to amounts of money. awesome to see the world what's, what's happening either in government or falling individuals and companies may well be making process of the fees. some of the countries are not seen benefits. this is
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not life. and we do need to us, you're going to get the voice, including the young people who do want to see a change. and we do want to see think they do want our members to be a comfortable are government to be a comfortable are the us is walking the same, passed the collapse that many of the following implies one's charge to. and that's the downing assessment of washington's car. in financial state of play by prominent british scholar and economist any great power that spends more on debt service interest payments on the national debt then on defense will not stay great for very long true of haps, for spain, truth on c and regime france. true of the ottoman empire, true of the british empire. this law is about to be put to the test by the us beginning this very year. the u. s. fiscal policy is on
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a completely unsustainable path. that was, you see on the screen right here. i'm trying to give you the us that interest is shown in the brown column right here. and that it is rising. is complet the cost of the rising while defense pending the red $1.00 here is declining from what you're seeing out of a small percentage. difference will equate to have a trillion dollars in about 10 years and that will be in 2054. now that's not all the international monitor fund has also published di you cannot make predictions. let's break them down right here. but the congress fiscal death, as it is, picked up predicted to exceed by 7 percent of buying that next year. and while that may sound small, it equates to about one treated in dollars. one street on dollars. i'm gonna say the most says, but, but not pose a significant risks to the global economy. of the 2nd figure does that we show you,
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right? you're using us that he has to pass 35 percent points. and that's more than 10 trillion dollars on the long term predictions right here by 2054 is also making grim reading us in 3 decades. the gap is expected to reach 6 to 6 percent points are almost 20 trillion dollars a do political exports. eddie smith believes that the so called american empire is on the rapid decline. the weapons industry and the weapons lobby is making tons of money from ukraine. so it's in their interest for the government to basically give them another stipend of money um by, by purchasing more weapons for ukraine. um and it's in the interest of the neo cons in the neo liberals in the us state department who have been behind this ukraine policy from the beginning. um its been something that the democrats and folks like victoria newland have been.


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