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tv   Documentary  RT  April 23, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EDT

6:30 am
towns and the nice republic and the continuing to advance on the front lines. well, that's all from me for today, as always is great to have your company. my colleagues, michael quarter, will be with you as a couple of the, as a lot of the new old, a very good the the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the temporary printer to interested here's the thing that interest fits. there's k, i does, that's a sort of some, also a lot of ups and i'm even more stuck with that. of course they also could i ask you, i sca great in the loop as to what i'm doing at the end of this message is to
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convey for us and you'll no longer with us because and this will be so it is an issue and you'll get a sense condition in them . so it's can you is this is, can do, do most of you should get to know lots of a so thing to or find me so to close the image. yeah. actually visual has a lot of videos to so for the story the
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the symbol of case. but if i'm gonna try to just go through just a little, you know, the, the machine that was also grammar school and the dish has middle one of your stores here to junior. how can i tell now permission of the school shooting and numbers coming in and she didn't so vicious. yeah. of course which it didn't. yes. priscilla pursued him. yeah. with him. he's quite from julia. i'm. i've sent it listed in your thoughts and then you know, for the look, slips. uh yeah. to jim jim though for sure the guess it's making the most interesting to i'm that's the more than the smell people are interested in. you could just loan it and the source and only shading those kinetics is almost the just sticking able to control it, them in the ocean that i wish to mean those names to get to the stage of the last,
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which is the situation of if i didn't 100 with that gives you that. yeah, it's us to our stuff for us to do it. the same with warner, russian of us. let me pull out of this deal. it's a 1st and last name will do so think of shit who doesn't get and you can but or to find, you know, good or which for some of those and such that it for the, for the, for the middle. and the mission was to go to the knowest within. ready to do with the position and because of the publishers because of the cost of those posted on the same given to them. what i think visual visual can depending on the exchange and visual prospect where fema e initial 0 were as board of one to one of those things to put in the fact of nash williams. so if i turn it down to just interest,
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most of those are to know what guns could launch those programs. i knew i was one of the most the value for computers in the format and it will just look up, we can put them to put them. but unfortunately, since the solution to example in texas, i've sent the new policy at the nimble and showing envelope. and when i put that in the, the previous a 4 digit or somebody should have what i see. and if i did internet done with this has a girlfriend, you do, but for the display, for leasing with them, so must have you look at a should be sending them spam aging, 1st floor solution solution solution. there's a comb, much the groups or the or distinct, or that's also going to be going because that's clubs. justin is still going to look for the full causing and you think that good. what else? additional okay. for the notes,
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for the airplane store is willing to and you have yourself comfortable, prerequisite cartoons total more. and you folks still the solution for that much. so is a think died that apply to either 3, a new height. it is possible against anybody as independent of the sample of the city. if could you move, if you're still stuck with me, i'm in a very slow and you know, i was more than that. yes, i feel as if so refreshing that you do as a couple switches, you phone me people associated with the pain just comes to most of which you are unable to do. so mister brain, you start to close the sample from the ditch and yeah, cache individual who's a with a video systems. so for what story is just i can consume this up, throw then yes. and i finish officially,
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the ships almost as invoice interest. you go upstairs and efficient them good for the best interest in that i get the numbers. yeah, i mean the only so i can spend, if i should say, what kinds of professional combustion i'm or sign you can. but when i produced furniture, so there's cook with a choice because i choose to my own. it came more spanish. that's what i'm shown. the ceiling is that engine a good thing occurs. but that is before you might be able come into the homeless and the computer would be to move it to bush when you've got it looks funny at all for you to discuss the shuttle professions that i knew with much of the best coverage that order for putting the insurance up for you, i got the switches that link from the beginning of the interest. and if there's some population in addition to the other special needs a solution, i don't mind couldn't work a little bit. sure thing so but sure the pushing it when you to consider it as a festival and then give them
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the zone in uh what that, what would be william the specialists that up similar to the additional good as new institutions. i see that, but also i've lost the truth of changing the boy, but if not, since the 1st because of a tech couple of things to come on board and some of the the, you know, we do know you sing the it you, what did you heard anything any, because always just my in go commerce and if there's always to be personal for me with just the british and there was a have compression. i'm with percentages. so typically i'm still looking for some part of this new and you're something to unlimited super location address location because of the way i'm that was a way of so i could ask is it is saltisha to condone
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a color? it's just about to do most of its 1st, the initial priority is more than that. i didn't was to them in the what the to be a go we one for the day. oh, i saw some that i know and there's a friend to those. i could, i knew the as well have deputy marsh terminal grace published in the wedding. there's region and ask us when she gets to the vendor, i'll know can be great that those that to do no shit that somebody will for should send this. but i just, i'm going to, if i have to more on x, just the motion state, this is the state of the demo, a vision at the my tongue better the, to this, to, to a, to that let us use resemble anybody another way to the concept is the type of findings to explain yet full of course a new so there's lots of them are stories of so the key is to look at the best way
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to identify the problem. the navigation is no storm with which on the west. the 3rd is that and it's eastern shaggy. dorsey is mostly pursuing english. it must be in a way, i'm gonna read this volume of especially, and then use the most of the day today. so let's just see, let's see the best one. you see the name that you sent to provide when you're still looking for a longer slumber flip monthly window is what decision um, what do you believe? will sinus bitch it in the winter? so if it you can just get the last one. give me a gym for complex or with a whole new flip, dirty summarizing them will come up after cutting your to is tied to the much of the boat,
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and that took me longer for me. so it's not cutting. he just don't want to tell him i'm gonna get you face to look stupid to formation. it's the local choice kind of shock, assuming there's a doing the push forward in it's just html stood us and we didn't know if there was some cable from the only person i know, but there's no interest joseph's done to them for mr. ocean to show up on the waging with them, that she almost confused you to get the question to move underneath the individual fund. well, and then it personally, it, the federalist knowledge and with a blanket also have permission to, to you forget, as no insurance company to go buy super movers in school. so i'm good for the shots, additional funding money out of the during the semester. so i don't know, most of the provisional post christian, he said doing it, but i'm, we're definitely nature completed and that's what you're just changing the
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assignment science for those. and i'm up for summer and you've tried changing that . you put them on the 2 of them when the chicago, what the who says that if one is trust me doing nothing is as cool with as bill with the to sitting in their system child to high, much say a calibrate if she was living cannot think that there was, but then yes, that other than leaving them was your land okay to and i think of them we doing research color. so this is not focused on going to uh you mentioned think if i get the deal, is it the worst of it? because of which we're going to ask them to spend too much to look at a crisis, call them shit and wish to obviously if you met with ocean punctual findings, motion clark, i'm couple regions with one of them on wanted to put in this and it will kind of a fuck that i'm which the design that it would be his own that which to the fiscal tutor, which to the most i can put
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a c one. yeah. what should the most of the senior citizen prepare? which the mailbox tool, which in the system brings the ship to and i've seen a gun, so i think i can special i can, you know that there is pressure because location just number line yesterday i was more than this doesn't mean this cuz i'm stuck. which carpet, i'm a special agent with zillow, dash with a couple of attributes in the industry in the to the visit of it's sort of way much know it is a ship. what about them? yeah, pretty sure. so bad service the smoke out the other black and white cliffs, new meal probably bad news is easiest one. then you know that a but from 1st extra thought, the 1st the tech to go to because i missed a is a shift towards and then we're still is asking about the spanish smoke of the
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number to reach alters for shutoff. somebody's be a special case. look at the younger so the cause of which, you know, one of the weights of company to look at the piece, the price to price see mean. yeah. so new video storing is that crew of love with them. no good to same news as should to us for new various is that the uh the is that the uh, the with x the
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video of a ledge abused by an officer today, a sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed a student from a classroom at spring valley high school, i saw him just talked to her sprained her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just, is quite a student in the class. someone looks the police officer and says here as law enforcement that is worse, clearly attacking, abusing power in a torch and other than others besides. this is what's wrong with probably be on discipline. black church. he was there in forcing a lot to meet in the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes in school is using force is never pretty for necessary. a tops people were never gonna change your mind. so people will never change their minds about the video. they think i was wrong. and that's it.
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the, the, the, the set up, oh my god, you you over to the screen of your, to the gift card of choice consolidates. you have to see what was more of a see if somebody in the on can you send the,
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the for kelly stuart? i didn't look at each to kind of from the city of crystal as a frustrating and just keeping this to new, to the starting. let's say that enough, less of the signal to the the most people in the studio should buy with go. yes, you have us cause a lovely me you call a lawyer issue. i need to know the point on this wonderfully and move on. you know,
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what else cousin will let me do this levels over all the way. i'm know, it said a little bit most of the get some good. some of the. yeah. so that's the way to like show the and i just hung up on my yearly knob on the west side of the city. and west was it was the most pleasant fulfilled suggestion, interesting stores on top of that. so can i shoot here, this little boy, the lowest, mama, se done one of them? i never got on a special less. you got the signal. i get a little problem with the you the, you know what he did? yeah. buses come see him. i do luck on your lady. some of the will pull up well, little slips double sided all of the store and instead of, oh my god, see, i'm the only to base your to the best coverage setup for what 2020. it's monday.
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but able to stay on that i'm what's, that's a boy above that's pretty easy. paid should be e. a love it's 2 medium supers. send it up to you for your this would be to get you set up some fundamental, what should be the best thing that i can lead you? me privately. the cause of this is you don't want to publish so, so if you need a shuttle that can i put it that way? yep. and you know, for the new city is for me to finish the last question in the phone that the kids get upset mostly up to the lovely method the most to get the numbers for me. i don't know what's going on with the phone and talk to somebody. yeah, most of the customers publish that item with my apple. michelle. not much less. i looked across the q federal agent way to get that see to be sure that i didn't know
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what the good each of us on the act. the ceiling is what i am unable payable for you. i knew you were disappointed with someone is reasonable to re stay in the phenomena with pro security. i feel a feel with a fix here, but some of the more on this yes, i say i've never read it says kill me just says keep a penny on the form. i should probably put the police with courtney sit on the but a deal navy and from chicago. it's the thumb. keep the last 4 blocks. it took us to get it. is that what you mean? it says keep group of thought. it started in those zip codes this to say 0 name and it says good for the election cereals a lot because there's a skid or sheets for if she alone instead of doing a show would use them. so that's even part of the case of prostate. sure. nimble with us, those lights see, tell this is a fix or see me,
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doesn't me. it's could by the way up really luck initially. it up the chain you twist like we just sit there which equation which in this as low as from the same appraiser floor bringing with be able to take him to court and east of take we should do. so we come back to the levels pretty much keith finished. i'm sure to see the image bear with me again. this is salsa when you see the problem, when it's going to we need the kind of this. so at least we'll just last to deal with kind of that yours come home. you me deal with the deal? it's from the lady owned. it was a yes. plus the completeness. each lady on the what was the use plus the piece
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a couple of it's got the most plus i had, i bought the, here's a little different. you get a hold of somebody. here's a less is boy combining a slip of physics and you have to write that table and refresh this to a uh, let's do a voyage. so with all the severe law levels lashania. yes, quite a bit. find the are the civil geeky costume, if they can give us a sheets, a video for them both the city and maturity ski costumes, they should much q issues may 5th chapter. they ship them oscar for it to pretty well for you. supposed to be at the cost maybe until up so you can just say, you know, and you can sort that up see if that was $1.00 of them with both the lose the full time the that is it gets to more of potentially physics kimball. there's a lot that it didn't fingers good about, so we have consist, 16 when the pitiful otherwise. but you might see what i saw. it's the, the postal, what is some boys mean settings? it'll solve some of the symbols. there's
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a couple in the pay with this with the easy to easy simple, the comb cottage if they kick much the face, the clips, the law office workforce, me whats more. it was a little bit concerned about saving you money. it was an old one located on a southern uniform, she moved from that's a little you know, with a pretty much the to kind of a for somebody a lovely or they have to deal with sure it's play publish source to learn more than i believe it's thoughts and they've got to know what the projects swimming lists cause any partial flu focus sites. choice can gotcha daughters, we made some of the chests shouldn't weigh a little less kind of them way w adjustment. come back to us before you make cadillac. i mean, you have both of us fairly similar issues covered at that point, but it mostly chain you uh so this uh when did you, my lady let me find you
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a little bit with stay on this as well. anyway, so wheres the land a little bit each? see their immunization the land, the little was finding source from you. patricia means it makes the least give reasons used, but it didn't make, consider them that level the what the pretty you there so that you have listed in the cut a little bit less content that i gave you. what we should say go to them by you to split them when they would be much comfortable. is this gimme a multiple multiple extort living? yeah. so it doesn't actually living at the most kind of i personally believe me on the so all of this to see and my colleague is kind of like to stay with when you cook with a couple of pepper to let you know, let me. yeah, it will have problems with chip or somebody leslie. good evening,
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yours. i used to live in the midst of the question without killing sale, which i did notice which will come with the swift. could i switch nimble advertising, hoping you don't have plenty of use. 10 of them is listed for those. i suppose the we could have them middles coming as a day. if you have trouble of those problems for the lowest, we study some of them that i would do basically right the most key fields in the corporate in quite a sum in a model chest for you. and man certainly does love that up or to put you to little more lovely this touch the button zillow's throat with everything you look at. most of the children are blessed to go and get on to joy. a couple of things in mind that you through the, with the connection issue, i won't be able to smoke a little bit cramped up smoke. it'll save you somewhere. come on up more thing. yeah. because you might have
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a sort of search. it was the one almost come on the with the initial that on the critical up in the system you have a good rest of it. yep. okay. i thought it was quite a bit of just a sort of work order. that's cool for the whole tapes. what the specs, what each the eventually series of stories suggest you used to initially know that i'm quite legit is just the or the but the for the which i didn't really understood only pretty up to this question they, they still pulled up still for edition but i do have an extra was limited to for the there's a much more affinity skills fail. so, so with the, my mail is zillow with all emotion, annual spit out of multiple travel to pump in the process of getting
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a system that they were suppose to, is a should to a system or should look and see a whole 3 or put a little scope instead of designers for control of sales to stick with the so collectively for, for us to be able to connect to this is to pull it out before the get the machine issues blink ivy just dump so familiar with that. like you said that a little play mama will she may range the city. yeah. no, because of the name was i mentioned with a living in the machine. you find the story in the structure of this new is victoria about all the subtle work, and i'm actually a really, really is a much an organism deal with 0. yep, that's a lot. 6, lots used to be a problem, but i didn't the formulas. so you, what else cause a lot? so sambal a forklift stating each one you want to look at what heats and what will have to be taken to keep a pull, some place near, put it in the put your to speak, but as
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a floor for any of the spelling. we believe that the motion order, but i just, i did see put them go, disclose the initial shock with i'm sure really stuff. give a piece of the nation comfortable opinion is on the beach as well. yes. today e, with a sure to the they built more than 4 months ago. then a $3.00 oh, $3.00. 0, yep. to find out maybe only more severe. the civil also is the page, the more sure doesn't mean it's much can use the sort of in will scroll further. disability for mom was i'm with, you know, i to go to mama for law smart the old, my mama, a cousin that prostate, whatever. all what they're supposed to be, you know, what is she? was he also send you the blush? is that a valid mobile a? what do you my new york trip? so
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the find the goal for yes or is it considered you don't that's just in the media for the middle in the yes, there's book sandals which is human. let me put any other see will kind of my to him with butcher was it in? yeah. in the queue, let you in the me up enough. we for the training of a lacrosse, there's a stone and let's say that nothing actually doesn't mean by sticking with the finance and then go to quit slowly is going on with x 0 and it will start us literally mux. and when will see, it was more of a see, let the worst of a prospect for the subordinate, the image, the a
7:00 am
a the, the as washington, the earmarks baby as of dollars in when 3 and all the age, 4 key of the price has been paid and ukrainian lies. moscow says kia has lost about half a 1000000 troops since the conflict interrupted in february 2022. the united states have multiple arrests that made us leave class with pro palestinian activists. that's raleigh's. that job. i didn't size all on just submitted 10 today. marks 25 years since the nato, a missile destroyed headquarters of radio and television, the sab. yet, kelly,


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