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tv   Documentary  RT  April 22, 2024 4:30am-5:01am EDT

4:30 am
up missing wasn't, was that what we have created the blog to when the presidential election and the referendum on e look session the west tries to turn moldova into a testing ground for military operations and stature rate. our citizens with weapons, without asking the west, does all it can to fill our country with migrants. freedom of speech is completely absence in moldova, 13 opposition channels have been closed. this year, all opposition leaders are under arrest, west acts aggressively and harshly. those opposition to forces and parties that are ready to fight for moldova to the end having gathered here and i am sure that we will succeed, we see our future on a common platform of social and economic cooperation like the commonwealth of independent states. i am sure that more than 60 percent of mold de was population supports us, and i am sure that the referendum on my door was membership and that you will be in our favor in favor of common sense. we have already seen criminal cases, arrests and many other things,
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and i'm sure that this will go on all our parties. consider rush out a friend, a partner, and they close to associate. today we are asking rush out to help us in our struggle for survival. i am grateful to russia for giving us the opportunity to meet here. it is important. it's worth a lot because a friend in need is a friend. indeed, a file that runs on this new. so i was always great to have your company here on odd c into a national modus operandi to the host, and then the time is on. next, i will be back in about the
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temporary prompt attempt. usually usually when you get to choose, it says okay, but that's just sort of similar to a lot of up. so let me look for some more stuff. you did. of course, they also could i ask you where scott crane the push to appear on your system is to, to convey so you'll no longer with us because and this will be so it is an issue and you're not going to shoot in them. so it's collusion is this is, can do most of you should get to know lots of a circling it or find me transcribing which was split
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control the this was in the which, yeah, cache. and you visual has a with a video systems. so for the february, the on the golf course, but if i'm gonna try to just them go through just a little, you know, the, the motion as well. so grammar school in addition to middle one of your fellows here to junior. how can i tell now permission of the school shooting and numbers coming interested in some bushes? yeah. of course, which it didn't. yes. priscilla pursued him. yeah. with him. he's quite from julia on sunday, which listed in your thoughts and then, you know,
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for the results of the items in the wrong, which of the guess it's making the most interesting story? i'm not so women more than us. male people are interested in that. but any thought, just lonely, and this wasn't only shame enough to notice how much the uh, is taking a little that control latham in the ocean. that i wish to me those names to get to that asked i just asked which investor to yeah, we're showing up if i 100 with a commercial gotcha. issue us to our stuff for us to do it. the same for the most part of this deal, is it the last name we'll do so think of shit was in good and you can but so if i need to know that which uh for some doors and such that it for the good for the, for the middle initials to go to the new list within you know what to do with
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the permission and look as of the permissions. cuz of course that it was supposed to the same giving them what the additional show came depending on your permission. you emotional support, fema e, additional 0 to the board of one total with those the brings to part of mesh of nash will tell you support to put it down to for just to just some of the gums go launch those programs kind. yeah. because one of the most, the more blue for consideration for them to uh, and wish to look up with them, put them to put them, put that in the porch success. so that's probably the solution to example in texas . i've sent that enough in your policy as a nimble and showing envelope. and when i put that in the, the previous 4 digit, or somebody should have what i see you, i'm gonna send an internet done with this as it goes under uh youtube to display
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some leaf in with them so much i really should be sending them spam agent, 1st floor solution solution solution. there's no rush to groups or the or just to go. that's also going to be going to cost plus dogs and us to go to look for the full of cruising and you think that good. what else? additional. okay. for the notes, for the airplane store is willing to and you have yourself comfortable directors of cartoons for them all. and you folks told us solution for them or so is the guy that apply to either 3, a new height. it is possible against any period as independent of the sample of the civic gonna do move, which still stuck with me. i'm in a very slow. you know, i was more than that. yeah. i think they feel as if so the question, if you do as
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a couple switches your phone for associated with the plan just for most the most of which you are unable to keep track of this to blame. you sort of control the sample from the ditch. yeah. cash individual has a with a through a system. so for looks that way is just i think consume this up. so then yes, and i finished officially, i shipped almost to the invoice and trust me, you go upstairs and this isn't good for the person that i get the noise. yeah, i mean, you always can spend that for you to what kinds of professional could you condemn, bustle, i'm or sign you can, but the style interest, there's cook with a choice because i choose to lay out on a team. i'm a spanish, that's what i'm shown, the shooting his attention. a good thing occurs, but that is before you might be of interest. if i want to send the computer would
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be to move it to blue screen difficult for the so explain the answer for each area . and we've got the shuttle profession this that i knew with much of the best coverage that order for put in chance for you walk out the citrus the link from the beginning of the interest. and if there's some foundation, in addition to the other special needs a solution, no more than that, the moving. sure thing for me, but sure. and the pushing it monday to put it as a shot, and then go to the zoning. uh, what did you, what would be william the specialists that up similar to the additional good. i was new. uh, just appreciate that, but i know i lost the truth of changing the boy. but if not, since the 1st because of the tech. couple of thing. uh, come on, butcher to some new to the. yeah, we do. no. yeah. see the it you,
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what did you heard anything any because always just in the cold commerce and if as or so the personal problem with just the confusion is because they have compression . i'm with percentages, so typically i'm still looking for some part of this new and you can go in and super location address no package because of the way i'm that was a way of sort of cut us can, is it is software. so to claim don't color it's right is about to do most of its 1st, the initial priority is more than that. i didn't was to them in love and to be a go we one for the vehicle slots from that i normal and their their say friends to those are good. i knew that as well. yeah. pretty much the mental grace or wish to me, what is regionally us cause when she gets the vendor. i'm not going to grade that those to do no shit that somebody will for shift then this, but i just,
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i'm going to if i have to more on x, just the emotional state and see this doesn't continue to stay over the demo of these yet at the more time and then the to this to, to, to that let us use resemble anybody another way to, to cancer. the type of names fix, letting it full cause any sort of shots. yep. i don't wish to any of so the key is to look at the best way to identify the problem. the navigation is not storm with which on november, the 3rd is attendance. east that i'm sure yours is mostly for. so we didn't really share, must be in the community. and this volume of especially thing is the most of the day today.
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so let's just see, let's see the best one you do for the name that you sent to provide when you're still looking for a little bit slim but flip monthly with doing what decision um, what do we we will sign a solution, bitch. e in the winter. so if the economics get those are the last one could be a gym for quite with a whole new clip, dirty summarizing them. what can you advocate and you know, to try to remove the phone with the formation so that he just don't want to tell him something. what did you face to look stupid to for me is the local choice kind of show can assume, and there's a door to push forward in it's just html stood us and 0 to move. there was some cables from them that are you on it. there's no additional charge joseph's done to them almost one of those things of the union with them that you are working through
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. is it a difficult question to move on to meet the individuals but well, i've got it personally at the start of this knowledge that i'm doing it as a function of the you forget, you know, just by super moving school come good professional to kind of show the doing the semester, so i don't know most or so from professional posters to the sitting room with document tracking whatever. and that's what you're just doing. it cut them assignment signs for those and about where you'd mentioned getting that you put them monday, 2 of them in the should. okay. but that of course is that if one is trust me doing nothing is as cool. cool. well, if it's built into a setting in their system shall go hi much say a calibrate if she what that you. maybe you can not think that there was, but then yes, that other normally they don't. usually i'm ok to, i'm not sure if measuring cup of them are doing research color,
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so it's pushing us focused on going to email it just in google plans and you have to do is that the cause of which we're going to actually spend too much to look at our crises, quite them to the wish to receive the ocean partial findings. motion, cool. assignments, original one of them. why did you put in this? and it will kind of a fuck the i'm which the design that maybe it is on that which to the fiscal tutor, which to the most. okay. for sure. yeah, i'm sure done. done by suffering the senior citizen, but the mailbox tool, which in the system brings the shipping and the upcoming accounts, i think of special i can you know that there's no specific i locations from them, but i guess the was more of the stuff in minnesota which talked with, i'm a special agent with zillow dash with the system that folks, couple of traffic in the industry, the the,
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to be the visit of it. so the way much lloyd is your ship. well, it's up to him. yeah. pretty sure. so the service us, i'm like out the other but work or new me, i'm from the bad news is easiest and then you know, maybe from thirst extra thought the 1st the take, the gosh, no, because i missed that there's a shed or didn't finish. so that's kind of this main show smoke of the number that the provincial for shutoff somebody's, we have special cases that the younger. so the cause of which, you know, one of the weights of corporate look at the piece, the price to prestige me here though new data stone is that
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crew of guy love with them going to same news and should to us for new various is that the is that the, uh, the with that the the what is part of the is it that the employee would post good isn't the defense you of us and that in the word part is it something deeper, more complex might be present?
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let's stop without cases. let's go out of or the one instead of oh my god and see him, you only to be any of your to the gift card. the police consolidate. you have to see what was more of a see is somebody in your opinion, on the other end, the look at the store items or products to go
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from the city of the city. and yes, you can just delete the cost of the, let's say that no flesh the single thing the the most people look at the studio symbolic go. this will give us cause a lovely me, you call a lawyer, issue my niche, an e mail to the point on this wonderful enamel button. you know, what else cousin will let me do this level? silver, gold, liam, know what sort of good stuff. so if i could get some of the facilities way to like
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show the and i just wanted to let you know, but that was that it was difficult to invest, but it was taking more because i'm still able to question you just seems to work on top of the machine. yeah. this little toy, the lowest, almost a number of them. i never knew if they've got it on a special bus for the out though, except though i get a little problem with the usually i go to the unlimited, you know, but i do luck on your lady some month it will pull up more of a sub will so side of the base of the lady and the store and instead of, oh my god. so you know, and so basically any of your except the best coverage set up for monday. but they have to stay on that. i'm going to,
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that's of way above that security page should be a e, a lover, it's 212 medium simpler. send it up to see if it's here for you today. so these are definitely me, have them set up some sort of middle, which should be the best thing that i can legally privately. the couple of this is easier on the commission. sure. so if you need a shuttle to invite you to the voice you're putting your floor in. the city of nutrition go, especially in the kids that are mostly up to the, the most rigid only numbers for me. i don't know slowly with the phone. and so we're still somebody, yeah, most of the customers almost had, i knew them with my f one. michelle. not much less so looked across the queue. so federal agent ways up the person that i didn't know that, that instead of us on that completely nipple seriousness of the silliness. what i am unable able for you. i knew you was pointed with someone. there was reason what
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i say in your from avenue is closer to the, to look deal with a 60 you wish for some of that the war on this? yes, i say i've never read it says kill me just as the book value on the form. i should probably present it to the police, but courtney consider when the but it deal navy and publish that because of the people that live to a box, it took us to give them the it is that we mean says keep group of thoughts with somebody in order to have those this to see 0 name, and it says good for the election through a lot because there's a scale we should, it's fully if she'll know how to do the show you some. so that seems pretty far up . location of both. be sure nimble with us. those lights see, tell, this is a fix or see me, doesn't me. it's good. by the way up, we're luck initially up the chain. you twist will put forward as to the with the
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queen, which in that this was lower for, for the same appraiser floor. bringing wise to be able to take him to court east of take wish of june of the source contract with them was pretty much keith finished. i'm sure to say limits. bill was one. this is salsa happy with it. we're going to win. you steve, super the ok. welcome quite a bit of we need the kind of this. so at least we'll just last to deal with kind of that goes to columbia and we deal with the deal. it's from the lady, and it was a yes plus the completeness, each living on the what was the splunk at the beach? couple of it's that he was at, i bought the, here's a little different data showed if somebody, here's a lost his voice, the way,
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the physics and the expedited, but i to land massages to us for the absence or village soul with all the superior law lashania yes, the, the idea of the pacific beach, because to the thing, gives a sheets, a video for them, for all students who will be skipped costumes. they should less q issues. may 5th chapter dealership name oscar with the will pretty well for you. i'm supposed to be at the come up there until. yeah. so you can just say, you know, when you come sort that out, see if that was more of with both the lose the full time the that as it gets to more for today actually physics kimball. there's a lot that see what the continuous, good about to leave consist. 16 when to go in and critical. other words, but you might get what i choice the by the postal. what did some boys mean seriously? don't solve some of the symbol there's. there's a couple, a nippy with this with a huge, it's really simple, a comb cottage if they kick most of the clips,
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the last you both to some of the more force me what's more, it was a movement concerned about $70.00 money. it was a little by little come down to some of the for mission with the that's a little, you know, in a pretty much the, because of the thoughts of a lovely or that's a deal we should play publish source to learn more than i believe it's thoughts like, i don't know what it looks a picture, it's a swimming list because any partial flu focused lights choice can guy just door doesn't mean it's of the chest. shouldn't level last kind of them way w to chest to come back to us for, for you, because they gave me fairly similar issues covered with the corporate and those machine. you so this the way you miss ladyman, we find you ever when the little guy with stay on the says, why anyway? so where's the lamb? the little bit, each of their immunization, there's a lamb,
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the little was finding source from you by chance. she read it to me, somebody's can 3 years, but it, it will make, consider them that level the what are you there so that you have listed in the cut a little bit less content that i gave them the way sheet's. i go to them for you to learn more. stable with kayla. pretty much stumble is this gimme a multiple extort living? yeah. so it doesn't actually living at the but it was kind of a case with me on that as so as this of see and my colleague is kind of like there was a new book with a couple of paper to let me, let me do it with the problems with the chief voice from douglas. good evening, yours. i used to live in the midst of the question without killing. so whichever note of my children with a slip,
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could i switched level advertising hope. if you don't, the plumber use of ruby is listed for those. i suppose the website we've got here the middle. so thinking as they, if you have trouble of those problems, the slowest we study within the some of the woods, the lizard. i'd be in worst case sales and on then, and that the corporate in quite a sum in a mobile chest for you. and man certainly does not set up an order, but here while i do this, touch the button and deal with that over the phone book. most the 1000 children are blessed to go and get on to chile, a couple of my pictures through the so with the solution, the issue, i won't be able up some of the little clamp smoke. it'll see if there's a man cut them up. some of the thing, yeah, because you might have some insights and what to what almost cut them on the floor . we'll talk a little bit admittedly on the shapell that i'm not that critical up in the system
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yet. could i say? yep. okay. i thought it was quite loretta, just as i sort of went to the school up in a couple of little tapes. what the specs and what each the eventually good reason to raise each ascii is initially and you know that i'm quite legit is just the over the for the for the which i didn't really on the sit only pretty up to this question. it is still available, that's still for addition, but i do have an extra was limited to because a much more affinity skills fail so. so with the, my name is michelle with all, i'm actually a dealer said other posts which i was to pump the process of getting a see see what other they were supposed to. is there to shoot you a system and see who grew up with
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a little scope and your set of providers professional of sales to stick with the productivity for, for us to be able to connect to this is the for the, for the get the machine issue is valid, gave you just some sort of a newer like you said that i have to play mama. well, she later into the city. yep. no, because the name was i me to the with the right now the machine. yeah. i got a little story in the stairs or this alias story about the settlers, and i'm actually up through the beauty of the motion or you just, i'm the 100. that's it. yep. if not 6 last you see a problem, but i didn't the formulas you want us cause a war. so sound or a forklift stating each when you look like. and what is the model that we try to keep up real solid, but it's been able to and if in your specific what is a flow, i knew you last time that we believe that the motion order. so what is i did see, put on go this pulls the initial shock with, i'm should be late september,
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this would be nice for comfortable portion and it's on the beach as well. yes. today, e with a show up to the they built money for munchkin, within a $3.00 oh $3.00. 0, yep. to find out the only more severe the civil also was that they'd show that the machine was may as much as the sort of in the scope of this political mom was. i'm with, you know i to is the video mama for long smart the old, my mama, a cousin fuck pro steve was i don't know whether it's the switch now, whether she or he'll stop samuel, the blush otherwise mobile. and that's why the menu you will ship. so the, by the use or is it considered? you don't, that's just the name in the middle in the yes, there's book. see,
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and those are the which is human still only putting it in civil case. the 2 on the spectrum is that in you, and you could let you know the width of the training of all across this stone. you might say that enough mesh, that doesn't mean by sticking with the financing angel took with the lawyer. you've got them fix 0 and it will start off with a lot of mark someone will see it was more of a see let that work, the gross, the for the subordinate, the image, the the hello and welcome defrost of full force. here we discuss the wheel and
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the, the size of this while the us approved another $95000000000.00. the 3 major crises around the world and you create is one and 5 on sunday to and members, long lives and know and insight for the complex america is making a terrible mistake. and we have to tell the world the truth. someone really wants a bit more and no, it's not us. a terrible wars approach. i take care of my neighbors, the palestinians. i really do care the brakes. my parts that they have been drawn into this terrible situation as a part of the remote policy is one instance how boss is ultimately responsible for this suffering is a kind of that with no innocent civilians.


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