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tv   News  RT  April 21, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the, the, the us house of representatives approve the total of $95000000000.00 in aid to israel, taiwan and ukraine. about most republicans in the congress vote. oppose giving t of more money seeing america account afford it. also a head on the program, the at least 20 civilians are alleged to have been killed by an idea of striking a residential area in southern guns that coming just hours after american lawmakers passed a multi 1000000000 dollar aid package. for as long as i rage in the country and made reports that washington is preparing to sanction an idea of unit,
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the 1st time over at human rights violations in the west. and the russian m. o. d. u confirms its troops have secured yet another settlement in the done yet republic pushing back ukrainian forces who being retreating from the welcome to r t international. my name's you know neil of 30 minutes of news. news starts not the us house of representatives has brought in key, if a 61000000000 dollar war chest know simply. however, most republican congress members officially oppose the bill which could have implications for ukraine. should donald trump, when the members presidential election, rushes foreign ministry spokesman also slammed the motion, saying it, and other pos bills will only fuel more on necessary violence around the world in the us allocation of motor
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a to ukraine. these drill and tie one will aggravate global crisis military 8. so the key of regime is a direct sponsorship of terrorist activities. males for a to tie. one is the name to syrians in china's into and the list says no to a to israel is a direct pass to an unprecedented escalation in the region. so the us house of representatives, after months of gridlock, has finally passed the a deal to ukraine. $61000000000.00 now all amendments and there were some rather creative amendments that were proposed. all the amendments to the bill were rejected and the bill passed now. it's been passed with the intent to rebuild arsenals. there was $95000000000.00 in total. that was given for 4 and 8 as they separated the ukraine aid, the taiwan aid and the aid israel. mike johnson, who became the republican speaker of the house of representatives, had pledged, unlike his predecessor that he would not bring this bill up. you would not bring it
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to a vote, but he changed his mind and i guess on the terms that this was alone. he was okay to go along with it. not. busy democrats voted against the bill and, but the majority of republican congress members did. that's quite the divide when it came to grant. and there was a lot of outrage from, from republican members of congress. they felt that this was not in the united states interest now. leading the charge was marjorie taylor green, the representative of georgia. and she was seconded by many members of her party. rather intense speeches were given prior to the voting. you say the united states tax payer has already sent $113000000000.00 to ukraine. and a lot of that money is on, accounted for you. claim is not a member of nato, but the most important thing due here in washington dc is all we have to spend. americans hard earned tax dollars over to you, crane and keep the money going to continue to murder ukrainians. wipe out an entire
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generation of ukrainian men, 2 and a half years into this war. we still don't know what success looks like. is it cry me a, is it all of the don't boss is a hold what you got? we don't know. we just can't afford it. this new spending. $60000000000.00 is designated as emergency spending. mean it go, meaning it goes straight to our national debt. a national debt that grows every single 2nd to the tune of $8000000000.00 every single day. and by the way, while i was speaking, we have added another $5500000.00 to the national debt. now the previous speaker of the house kevin mccarthy was ousted when he made what man described as a secret or back room deal to try and go forward with funding for ukraine. and now thomas massey and marjorie taylor green to outspoken republicans who opposed
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a do grand say they want the same thing to happen to mike johnson does a they say he was replaced a, he replaced kevin mccarthy and was brought into office to oppose this kind of deal, he made this kind of deal and they want him alice did. so we shall see what happens next. i'm concerned that the speakers gotta deal with the democrats of fun for wars rather than to secure a border. how did a bill that was intended for veterans that came out of the house become a bill that may bring us to the brink of war, at least 3 places on the globe by sending a 100000000000 dollars to military contractors. how do you creating officials reacted to the bill being passed? the ukrainian president has already responded in kind with great, thanks the personally bang speaker of the house, mike johnson for making the deal that he promised not to make. we had a message from zelinski that went up online. but let's also recall a statement made by the ukranian president a few days prior to what i but we suggest that this is not a secure leticia,
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then this is politics. and to be honest, it is a shameful, the world is just a shame for democracy for everyone who owns it, talks about democracy. well, if congress takes and divides the sites off to all that has happened into his rod and you credit in parts, and that means this is an election issue in the united states. now 23200000000 of the a will be used to restock ukrainian weaponry. 11.3000000000 of the aid will be provided for the training of ukrainian troops by the united states. and $61000000000.00 in total has been allocated by the u. s congress to provide to ukraine to continue the conflict at this point. uh, there's a lot of anger on the republican side. there is a lot of anger on the democratic side that took so long. uh, and it appears american politics is much more polarized than it has been in quite
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some time. the very big disagreements about u. s. foreign policy and how american taxpayer money ought to be spent or us corresponding caleb and speaking to me immediately after the bill is past no senate candidate for new york state diane sar tool and r t that instead of using the cash for developing the u. s. washington prefer suspended on the global conflicts, as i think there's probably more going ons and needs to be, i don't know if it's related to the lumen blow out of the trans atlantic financial system. i find it frankly embarrassing that the congress would spend so much time and effort, debating policies which are going to inflame the world, which don't help the united states and have consequences which i would find horrific. i would not want on my conscience if i were a member of the elected body, so i'm not sure it probably has to do with election cycles and uh,
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primaries and all kinds of factors that are not obvious. it's not going to change the situation. now you might ask, how could a $174000000000.00 affect the lives of the american people? could we not repair our railroads? uh, could we not do something about water management power management, there would, would have some real used, or if we wanted to do real reconstruction, that would raise the standard of living. but that's not the game when you fall in into the mindset of m. fire, everything has to be looted. it's a devolving spiraling collapse of where ultimately the, the empire economy begins to cannibalize itself. and i think that's really where we are and it's, it's a terrible tragedy because that's not the purpose of the united states. i don't think anything we've done with visa b. ukraine has been about ukraine. i mean,
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they've only suffered from this so weird spend sending money to american military contractors in order to torture the nation and people of ukraine. i think americans perhaps aren't that aware of that, although many of them have a sense of it, it would be one thing. you know, i make the argument that we should spend money going to the moon. we don't spend the money on the moon, we spend it here, and it does boost our spin off technologies on the american workforce. this is like some kind of sick per version of that. it was us congress members also approved $8000000000.00 to quote country china, a large part of that symbol, go directly and military a to tie one which page and considers its own territory. chinese officials launched the washington, the head of the votes on capitol hill. the united states is good at using 8 as a bargaining chip and using care and stick to force developing countries to do what
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they say, which results in a serious lack of coherence. and it's a policy and undermines the sustainable development of recipient countries. what canadian political analyst alex reporter fee says beijing should consider sending weapons to some american island to give washington a taste of what it's doing with taiwan. once again, wake up america. i mean, the taxpayers of america must be furious today. i guess there's jubilation and celebration in the streets of israel in the streets of kia, of, and well, also in china's promise to tie one. now, if we look at this from, you know, a practical point. why would america, who has uh, you know, is $12240.00, not a compiles upgrade from time one, feel that it is necessary to come over with representatives to aggravate, poke fun at the, you know, the chinese government and say, hey, well, we're at it,
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let's raise a $8000000000.00 of our us taxpayers, money to arm your island against yourself. it's. it's absolutely crazy. we have to, you know, hold the american government accountable. here wouldn't be americans, except chinese representatives to fly into. i don't know, new york manhattan and meet with local government officials there and say, hey, you know, we're in the mood to bring a $1000000000.00, a chinese artillery in arms and put them on your island. eric as well. maybe we think washington is a threat to you as well. the big figures didn't stop there either. u. s. congress also passed a $17000000000.00. a package for israel from us was click this strongly condemn the move coming. it made the devastating war in gal so just hours after the us high signed off on the bill, israel bomb the southern most gals and city of what offsets killing at least $22.00 civilians. according to local officials.
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the 18 children are reportedly among the victims, the gas and health ministry said the idea of killing more than 50 people over the weekend. the latest strikes, locked in several residential buildings, and the death toll is expected to rise as local sift through the ruins in search of bodies as real as gearing up for a full scale round invasion of an office. where a run one and a half 1000000 palestinians are shopping. and a shocking discovery has reportedly been made in the neighboring dallas, and city of con eunice, some 200 bobbies helping on the earth in a mass grave, while it's not a hospital there, according to local media. these really military recently withdrew from the medical facility after occupying it for months. palestinians are now flocking to the scene in hope of finding the remains of their missing relatives. we heard from some of,
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of the, the 3 been highly and i've been here for 5 days. i've been trying to find my brother's christmas and has been exposed to sons. that will be in our memories forever. we don't want to continue to coloring. it is also what did they do to suffer through learning about okay, that's the last week i came to our house model. oh, need to see it destroyed in if my friend told me they're a mass graves at nasa hospital. so i've been coming there for 5 days to find my son to see him, but i don't see of me and he hasn't been identified as one of the bodies of old piled up the. well, just like the book, the bottom set doesn't do much. most of the full these ones great. some of these with god and 2nd, greenland that's. that's how people were forced to big. grey said to bury the dead them because these really only have come up with the coffin and now and what are every human being should have their own great go potty of the 3rd straight day of clashes has been seen in the west bank. it follows the killing of more, the dozen people, and then there's really raid on the nurse shelves. refugee camp on sunday,
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according to the palace, daneen, red crescent, among the dead, was a part of mad at coolly shots while trying to help the wounded. the idea for reportedly use drones, an armored vehicles to clear the camp where the alleged militants are hiding. i'd, here's with local said, i bought this situation. this is the 1st time in our history that we've seen such destruction, such devastation, such criminality. we've never seen or heard of anything like this. i've only heard of gaza and this is the 2nd, gaza. this has become gods, and number 2 was triple destruction of homes and people. however, we haven't had electricity award. so since the campus stormed, the electricity has been passed off. we have children, they need to move, they need to eat, we have run out of the bread and milk. i would add this on 5 of my children live in these house, and each of them has a floor the on the demo list them old. i was visited my son's house in and out of the area of the camp on thursday nights when these happened and people told me it
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has been demolished. and well, we heard from the palestine red crescent society spokes person who's based in the west bank and the ball far suck, confirmed the death of a volunteer from the a group. on a tuesday id f of denying part of medic access to the besieged area one o one b or c s, and one and 2 years was a short. we'd like any addition. what he was conducting is a miniature in the room inside the account. and we've got thousands of calls present as is safe people in addition to others were injured. and we ask for a couple of hours we were completely denied to reach them because of the complaint. is there any seat on the cam on an even is there any forces is taught arrow detains a once over here, rough teams for more than half an hour before releasing their own land on our own
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them to transport the wounded. since the beginning of the world, that one is right, you have been systematically tracking the health care system. i'm sure there's some in despite the fact that you minutes already is and health care workers shouldn't be respected at times and protected 17 p r cs numbers. how big jewels since the beginning of the water one boss. so the kind of standard dress and continued to call on the international community to have an urgent action to put more pressure in order to have a 3rd one and sees fire. that's with no fees, and they'll stay in the military and access to all areas of casa and what is going on for more than 6 months. and that is on next up to that we have senior civilians being attacked and targeted. there is no aspect of life involves. uh, we're talking about this significant destruction also begins homes where more than
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70 percent of civilians, home in the us, the have been destroyed. most of the population are know internally displaced. they are living in tents or a school lacking doctors to pull to water as when i am education. the israel's president has claimed he regrets the suffering of guidance has been bombed by the idea for the past 6 months. but honestly like hurts song made the blame squarely on from us on its one day terror attacked on october 7. i take care of my neighbors, the palestinians. i really do care. it breaks my heart that they have been drawn into this terrible situation under the terror from us in the gaza strip, but they initiated this attack. they killed, kidnapped, dismembered, and burned innocent civilians. and it is such a tragedy that how moss has brought upon the palestinian peoples. well, we got reaction from is really active as i l rosenberg. they seized the president's
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latest statement, actually flies in the face of his own previous rhetoric on the war. it is some presidents have so himself said that there are, there are no innocent people in gaza, essentially giving the okay to the targeting of all godson's all civilians, all peoples in that stretch of lands. and now naturally i see well, find somebody else to, to use never themselves, never taking responsibility is rarely fed, especially high ranking is, is rarely officials, they know the situation and gaza. they know the number of deaths and they, they don't really believe the propaganda. they uh, they use facing the outside, they're supposedly doing everything. they tend to limit civilian casualties. they're either responsible themselves or very well aware of how is real is creating
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the trends situation and guides us as targeting of civilians the, the, the mass hunger. and so they are willing parts and central parts and elements of this ongoing side of the crimes or even the genocide they know this and, and, but they must deny it because to not deny it. the monthly with a legal case already going on is politically suicidal and maybe even dangerous for that personally. well, surrounding this washington is preparing to sanction. um is really military unit for the 1st every time that is according to media report, citing us state department officials who say action will be taken against the nets . uh you have food to tell you over human rights violations in the west bank. the still to be confirm move has sparked and i try in israel. the sanctions must not be imposed on these real defense forces at a time when our soldiers
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a fight in the monsters of tat right of intention to impose sanctions on an idea. a few that is the hides of absurdity and the moral lo, the government headed by me will act using all means against these modes. sanctions on our soldiers is a red line minister gallant, and must immediately back in the j a who to. if not, we will take them in as great heroes. 2 years ago, washington began investigating the idea battalion over its involvement in violence against palestinians. recent media reports say about a special state department panel recommended that the us should sanction is really military units that have been credibly accused of human rights abuses. when asked about that some days ago, america's top diplomat pledge to take action soon. think you're referring to the so called lay, he's a law and our work under that. so this is a very important law and it's one that we apply across the board. and when we're
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doing these investigations, these inquiries is something that takes time. that has to be done very carefully, both in collecting the facts and analyzing them. and that's exactly what we've done . and i think it's fair to say that you'll see results very soon. i made determinations. you can expect to see them. in the days i had the net, the you who dot battalion operates in the westbank. it was formed as a special unit for ultra orthodox, also known as how ready jewish men to serve in the military. the us sanctions in question would deny those as really troops access to american arms training and any other assistance. or we discussed the case with junkie farber, a journalist and former member of thoughts very idea fatality. and he questioned why the us isn't focusing on its own track record of devastating military interventions, instead of scrutinizing israel. and i wonder if on medicaid is investigating and
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american all me after day only in child, and they only unfold and they are responsibility for kidding. probably hundreds of 1000 innocent civilian so around us it's gonna stand it for b. m on maybe some other country. so i think even america's the policy for the never thing. they all the last people to judge other it, you know what a folder, especially a my df about everybody knows if something is wrong and particularly is why they all me. and they really always investigate and guess i don't know. maybe prisoners by den needs vote meets or people to vote for him in michigan because and we know many, many moves and people hate and invite them because it's a full sales was. so, you know, it came to who it from, from one to start from one side underneath the funny stuff when, when the other side, this is american, i think it's more like a good american setting these right as well. if you don't stop watching, you will solve those. we're going to punish you. so,
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and that's okay. well that was like, really easy to pick on them. because then you have some, a, a, you know, background, but the, you know, problems. but then again, the last time to have everything was in 2022. since then the idea is this something about it, we can see the last thoughts were you looking happen? and yeah, this is the way i'm a guy. you know, they switch and then if you don't do anything, they probably shoot. i don't think they need to be ready with relationship come view wound to hold them. it seems because, you know, in the last few months, the very, the government and these ladies and the american, the government didn't do so went together only when he killed one, only when they go 3 long. so the american, of course helped us when he comes to politics, the situations americans are not very happy with these ladies. i don't think it would be worse than it seems. now. what is the rails opposition? leader has also labeled the reported us section planned a mistake, but the entry love pete shifted the blame for the idea from unit struck record to
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the incumbent and national security minister as well as the finance chief. they mean they're not interested in peace in the west bank we spoke with is really human rights commented or jealous and public. besides, it's senior idea of commanders who should be the ones held accountable for violations by their troops. it is high time for that for them to be sent for 4 days. ready are me to be sanctioned for these things, but i find it odd. this thinking that a specific unit is removed from the operational logic of the rarely army as a whole. a single unit cannot operate outside the policy. the updates are in the arm. it's a complete misunderstanding of how the 30 minute a military works. what does that mean? that the single unit is being sanctioned? is this unit operating on its own? is this unit not part of the fairly army? if that unit, not implementing it fairly policy. how does that work? what is the logic behind the sanctioning single unit?
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i mean, i welcome. the essential is of course, but what is the logic behind sanctioning a single unit with obviously, if the policy of the is really army and is really government for decades. and 2 or press, the nice thing is to deny their, their, that, to they not, they, they, night in their basic rights and to implement a system offset their colonialism in the starting, what we see time. and again, if the is really army destroying the listing in communities and destroying the lives of hosting and streaming 15 in communities, meeting genocide in the community, ethnic cleansing into with band. and this is not some isolated incidents of the specific cases of robin and those that fall far from the tree. so these are the intrinsic, paul, this is the interesting policy updated. really army, an update for the government. all right,
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let's turn attention now to the conflicting ukraine and don't boss russian forces have secured the village of pump delica. in the new republic, the russian defense ministry sees the side was secured by units of its southern combat worth retreating. ukrainian troops tried to country attacked twice, but were repelled. according to moscow, it adds key of last, at least $440.00 soldiers to fight thing in a 24 hour period in that area are senior corresponded. but i'll go see if can tell us more from the product the collapse among you've created defendants. but yeah, on the 19th of april where they began to leave the positions which they had defended this. they resisted all attacks, but they began abandoning that. and so just a heavy egypt. so just those who put his will gals will lead by themselves. a
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mobilize many have be now take it as prisoners of war, but by russian forces. they all being all being treated for renewal in bucks on a field which is just outside the box. just to the north of it, of that russian forces of a rex is the russian flag force that the russian flag about the ruins of bugs out of coby, his especially bad news. the great, because this means a pulled out and sold for 3 directions on drops of yacht, which is the last strong point. the last major you create in strong board, outside of box, which is where you cause the value gradient defensive operation for box. what happened again, this is going to be difficult, baffled because it is elevated tests of yacht itself, as well as easy see thing. settlement for the free will population of 12 and a half 1000 people. but again, this, this was
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a slew of losses territorial concessions by you fred. since the full of, of dave, the moscow has hosted on meeting of 5 political groups from mold open. you've agreed to team off against their countries, pro e u government. the opposition functions help create as a joint block that's being backed by russia. the groupings leaders say they are aiming to own st incumbent, my son to an october's presidential election. sitting there on happy with her push to slush ties with must go in favor of brussels, will do best top court recently, green lids, i propose referendum on the countries page to join the we heard from ensure the mold, open opposition figure who spear heading? can you call us see what it was available, we have created a blog to when the presidential election and the referendum on the look session west tries to turn moldova into a testing ground for military operations and saturate our citizens with weapons.
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without asking the west, does all it can to fill our country with migrants. freedom of speech is completely absent in moldova, 13 opposition channels have been closed. this year, all opposition leaders are under arrest. the to the west back is aggressively and harshly those opposition to forces and parties that are ready to fight for me. i'll go low to the end, haven't gathered here, and i am sure that we will succeed. we see our future on a common platform of social and economic cooperation like the commonwealth of independent states. i am sure that more than 60 percent of molto was population supports us. and i am sure that the referendum on my bill was membership and that will be in our favor in favor of common sense. we have already seen criminal cases, arrests and many other things. and i'm sure that this will go on all our parties. consider rush out a friend, a partner, and they close associate. today we are asking rush out to help us in our struggle
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for survival. i am grateful to russia for giving us the opportunity to meet here. it is important. it's worth a lot because a friend in need is a friend indeed. well, not is there a lot for a dollar, but do keep across the very latest developments today by checking out our socials, wherever you see that green and black r t logo give it a follow the the
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