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tv   Documentary  RT  April 20, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the hi, i'm rick sanchez and i'm here to plan with you whatever you do. do not watch my new show. seriously. why watch something that's so different. whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else to give it. please do have the state department to see i a weapons bankers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. i changed and whatever you do, don't my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable . my show is called stretching time, but again,
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you probably don't wanna watch it because it might just change the way instead of the serial choices. because i wish to mr. lab, rob, you said that the opposition there is going to use this chance to undermine the people whose policy is based on destroying russia. are there any people maybe not clocks or maybe not dogs, but some reasonable people that we could deal with the saving? we're already dealing with someone, me, me a, unless they have a chance to for instance, take the place of bull, ralph schultz, mac or on or other people or when you to the that's, it's hard for me to guess because everything is happening in secrets. these people are not elected, they are appointed by small groups. and this goes for the european commission, and the european council is much that's how the high representative for foreign affairs and security policies are pointed to. we are never against the contacts with any political players to be able to, especially the ones that are part of the system. taken. for instance, marine la pens,
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party or alternative for germany and other movements that are not so prominent and can take national for raj. for example. this is a british politician who's participating very actively in the promotion of conservative groups. they have just held a legitimate conference in brussels, which is a regular events in the head of the local district in brussels. shut down the event after 2 hours, despite it being a legitimate for him, attended by victor or ben natural for raj and other conservatives. when he came there with the police and said that it had to be shut down your belongings with the guards attire, all spelled. uh yes, the guards are tired and excuse he claims that they are extreme is supporting extremist ideas. this is an example of western, haven't congress, they are sure of their impunity dominance and superior order. one alternative from germany started getting additional points, according to opinion polls. they were accused of being russian agents. 2 germans
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were cards who apparently spied and prepared terrorist attacks them against the american military bases in germany. and some enterprises that ship weapons to crane 2 people were apprehended to you in parentheses. let me also know it was an hour in baset or with someone. they told him that there were 2 people arrested to be to so they could easily find this needle in a haystack. literally, we would compare this to the north stream, terrorist attack, which was an extremely lucrative initiative for germany. this took several months of preparation. involved naval and air forces of many nato countries. and the information about this is public now or something. nobody notices, as opposed to 2 citizens who allegedly were in the process of repairing an act of terrorism, which they were found immediately to the accusations that opposition parties are gaining momentum because they are supported by rush around through various means, including legal ones, are very telling them, we used to say that to the french, to the british, to the americans and other members of nato,
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and the you seeing that's what we said to them. was that not only their embassies are involved in some activities about which there are some rumors that know they were caught? red handed to some of their staff. they used to hire locals for administrative and technical work. they were sent to russian regions and being part of our community. they used it to promote anti government to movements and for an agency. and this causes indignation of goods so they can do whatever they want, as opposed to us. we were even advised against meeting with alternative for germany . i remember it very well to get them. i think i have, they have what this has been session by investigators freedom and democracy for one of the parliamentary party. mister monro floor was suddenly invited to celebrate the h as anniversary of the norman to lending some. are we going? it's just my 1st question and secondly, does smartphone have a split personality of what's going on? because we were not invited?
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actually, it is their mode of operation. when they're going to do something, they're unable to act as polite people to let people send a letter and then make the announcements for each. however, here they say, we're going to invite someone not to preach and we will invite someone, and nobody invites anyone that we haven't gotten anything. if we do, we will let you know. and i can only say that 5 years ago when the march of the 75th anniversary of the normandy landings, our country was represented by the ambassador. 10 years ago in 2014. there was a meeting there that initiated the normandy formats on crane. started the process that resulted in signing the agreements that neither friends nor germany, nor ukraine intended to comply with. so you can imagine what allusions we now have . what so might be, it's a good thing. they never invited us. but in terms of historical truth and historical justice, there would have been no 2nd front, but without the her rogue deeds and sacrifices of tens of millions of soviet people . to give another example of the germans have
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a commemoration day for concentration camp the victims. but the announced with pride that the, we're not going to invite russians this year is not really something to be proud of . let's return to the middle east. there was a strike on iran, in your opinion, things that are going on there. can they result in iran being forced to consider the nuclear weapons idea even if they never considered this? previously, i gave them the model. she took the key with the sort of the i've heard this line of reasoning for us. it has been disseminated by these really media and in the west . i think the goal is to switch the attention of the global community from what is happening in gaza, but it's facing a humanitarian catastrophe. special rubber tours of the human from and rights council has even use the word genocide. they want to switch the attention of the international community to a run as a threat and to a scribes to iran, among other things of an attack with the use of nuclear weapons that it does not
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have mass confirmed by the i a able to. so now ron is the world's most inspected n p team member states, and iran has a long and even a fat twice, which is a decree, an announcement, or a documents by the supreme leader banning any such developments in the country. iran has no intention whatsoever to pursue any such operations. after iran responded to an unacceptable attack on that uranian consider building. there were afraid calories in that attack, and iran responded. the russian and rainy and leaders spoke on the phone a couple of days ago. our representatives also contacted these railings and there was a clear sign in our message that we conveyed to these railings that iran is not seeking any escalation. it has to respond to is, can we blatant violation of international law such as the attack on their diplomatic mission? what they don't want further escalation is this is how all the experts interpreted, or ron's response,
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i think. and i hope i'm not wrong. the same kind of response was given to his really actions against the nuclear facilities in iran, just behind to be of the office for the system. a roof was there, it got to the wrong is real conflicts on beyond the arab israeli conflict of iris. and now since been unfolding in the middle east, given that it's also complicated, that only aspects can truly draw sprints, and it's a complexity july pathetically. is there any hope for a future diplomatic solution for this region involved in? so the countries, russia and countries or has the guns sold for this point. it's so much lots of built. and so many students had that it has no results, didn't fit the pass code. you have the font was smoldering threats over nuclear wall for centuries to come see if she'd be able to this new list. i believe hall misfortunes of the middle east is as far as the growth of extremism and terrorism
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is concerned. we are fueled by the fact that the palestinian issue as remain on result was for 75 years. see me this to be to live in 1948. it was promised to be sure rather decided that 2 states would be created to invest. one state has been established, but the other is still not there. the united states promised to veto the palace senior request for un membership. and they already did the territories that were determined for each state back in 1948. now look completely different of many of the territories that were initially allotted to the palestinians are now qualifies in the u. n. s. occupied territories because they were not a portion to israel back then in the 2 states resolutions. but the situation has evolved, of course, after the 1967 war, we're now talking about the 1967 borders. instead of the 1948 fortress. it was
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mandated by the one decision recognizing the 1967 borders with the capital of palestine in east jerusalem. the return of refugees to palestine was equitable use of water and other fundamental issues to move if this had been done, in my opinion, there's in the middle east would have been a much more peaceful place now. there's not 100 percent. of course, that is hardly possible to, but the palestinian leadership made some mistakes under yes or our offense. agreements were assigned. mistakes were made by both sides. but the need for a political will and determination to deliver on the agreements has always been a key importance to us when the quartet of mediators surprising russia the us, and that you and your, and was active in 2003, some 20 years ago. the security council adopted a roadmap for establishing the palestinian stage within a year following a proposal by the quartet to go with. it was a very detailed roadmap, providing a monthly and even weekly timeframe for the process. and everyone was okay with it
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. it also took into account the territories, all the developments on the grounds of low today. we have guys, i know yes. but benjamin netanyahu has recently said that the gaza strip needs to be turned into a buffer zone. what they really want. and i don't know how it's going to end. take the town of ralph on southern gaza for example, where 1500000 refugees are living and horrible conditions. they would prefer all these people to go to egypt and let them turn gaza into a buffer zones where no one will mess with them. as for the west bank of the jordan river, the 2nd part of the palestinian state, which is supposed to be united geographically and logistically, the west bank is full of the legal is really supplements and condemned even by the united states. there are many thousands of history, at least settlers there when gauge and conflicts, time and time again, and physical fights and shootings with the arabs. so however, if we don't start building the posting and stage to nothing good will come out of
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it. at some points the americans under president trump tried to declare palestine in the boundary as it had at the time, which meant the palestinians would have had to move between the small portions and pieces of land, which is impossible. but as netanyahu said, when everyone talked about keeping in mind, the need for conducting talks on the posting in states after the hot phase of the conflict was over. he said he was not going to focus on the issue of the palestinian state, but to restrict his efforts to ensure israel, security, and of conversation. when the cease fire resolution was adopted, the lady representing the us and the un security council and firms that the us had refrained from the towing into business, but pointed out the resolution wasn't on bindings. and in this line of thoughts, the americans may consider all other things related to the palestinian state issue as non finding as well. this is a very bad situation. we want to put an end to violence to address who monetary and issues. and most of all,
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we would like the arrows to come up with an initiative supported by all of or so is that still have common sense to take the matter of establishing a palestinian state into their own hands? one of the one where do we currently stand with our media and mr laffer off, we've been getting conflicting reports. so could you provide an example of what else to in europe on for instance, they keep saying that we do not behave very well, say in the c s t o we yes, that's what they say. they also say that they don't benefit from participating in the raising economic union. among other things, you know, facts are stubborn things. armenia is our ally still and now law. ready most so usually can we, we still believe we are allies from the legal perspective and not only from the legal perspective. i think there are still people in armenia who understand the importance of rush for the security and economic growth of their country, including their prime minister,
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who recently addressed the european parliament by saying if i'm not mistaken, that's relations between armenia and russians are not going through the best of times, but they're important for our state hood sovereignty, security and economy cannot be overestimated to end of quarter. he also said that his country cherished the many positive things that used to be and still are in the relations between armenia and russia. i think these are very important words, to some extent. they are a response to the insolent and shameless efforts of the united states and the european union for them to speed up the severance of armenia from russia to pass for the e. u. armenia is the country that receives the biggest benefits from this, even if that is confirmed by the numbers. 35 percent of the armenian economy depends on the countries e. u membership. last year, 37 percent of our medias trades. that's a little over $20000000000.00,
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was accounted for by the 13 percent by the european union and 3 percent is the share of the us. even in terms of pure numbers. we cannot say that the e a u is disadvantageous to armenia, armenia being a small country contributes much less compared to other states, including financial actually gets financial contributions are much smaller. but nonetheless, it enjoys the same rights as every other member states, including russia. whenever discussions are taken, whenever the voting takes place in the sales guest, prom armenian pays $177.00. you was dollars per 1000 cubic meters of russian gas, which is half or even one 3rd of the price the west is paying. and if they plan on supplying their own gas to armenia, i'm not sure how that could play out the u. s. as now demanding that they shut down their nuclear power plant and replace it with american small modular reactors, s m r's. and i hope they armenians understands the importance of their met some
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more m p p. so now the sell congress as railway, they have been enjoying preferential tariffs for passenger transportation, infrastructure investments, and many other things all these years. these angles, or copper and molybdenum combine, is the main tax bear into the armenians budget. i'm saying this to those who seek to make it look like the smaller mania is being exploited and abused by russia and the, you know, they should bear this in mind. the same goes for the see us to jo. unfortunately, when 3 tried part type agreements were concluded after november 2020 and you since providing for a normal, well balanced process of normalizing relations and resuming all contacts between the member states. the you and the us started interfering with the process right away. that's trying to privatize the results and stop pressure from implementing the agreements that were reached just like they did in 2003 when the caustic
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memorandum on the territorial integrity of doza was signed with the special privileges granted to trans nestor. it was initial and the leaders were almost headed to choose and now to sign it. so the president turned back on his way to the airport. right. and smirnoff received a phone call from the use of cell on that said that they only had 15 years to remove all the russian depots and troops. he said they wanted this process to be set up and, and bands of them from signing the documents. that is what happens with you, but it is a fact that the 2022 segments in your hands, the c s t o, fully agreed the documents were stipulating for additional arguments for border security, running special military drills and deploying a c. s t o security emission in armenia and they were all ministers signed it, including the armenian wonderful, but the very next morning when the armenian prime minister opened the summit,
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he said that consensus was not reached. however, reaching a consensus, it didn't seem a problem for armenia on the subject of the e. u. mission of that mission's original mandate was for 2 months, but now it is permanent a subscript. there are now canadians on that mission and other needle members want to joins to move. so it is no longer going to be an even mission, which is going to be a nato mission. we should ask for the arguments and that the c t o could not define the scope of its mandate in armenia. testing is that our mania cannot define the scope itself. they said they were ready to respect the borders established by the 1991 alma t declaration together with a 0 by john here that recognize this car box as part of as our bridge off to me. but at the same time, they set up a de limitation commission fluid and prime minister, pushing them just recently started talking about 4 villages and the tablets regional that he's ready to seats for which he is now trying to convince the local population that this would be the right thing to do,
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but i didn't ask for the 1991 borderline that sion on wanted to see us toyota support and for tech to reduce t is disregarding it to himself. these de limitation talks and his other initiatives are changing that very borderline or that is why 1st before claiming that the c s t o needs to define the scope of his mandates. armenia needs to define his borders as complete the de limitation process. and that's what the armenian authorities are currently busy with. however, when the document was signed and endorsed by the you saying that car box belongs to us, or by john and the alma to declaration is in force. it said nothing about any special rights for the armenian ethnic minority in our survey on nothing at all. but that is why claiming that armenians had to leave car box because an hour peacekeepers didn't help them is wrong. the only person i'm supposed to say no now, sounds bad. i know, you know which and well, to wrap it up,
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i'd like to get back to what i said in the beginning of the future. nichole pushing on said we value the relationships we have had with russia. it is hard to over estimate what russian did for our sovereignty and for our economy. every aspect of our relations must be valued. and i hope that we will have contacts with the presidents. and we'll be able to discuss this openly without any arguments provided by our ill wishes from the west. but as will it passes for me, but i'm not sure if we should wait. since we're talking about our access, we'll want to live in peace like in that popular account too, but it doesn't work with amazon one. and it seems like view when you were wanting to follow neighbor, moldova announced the referendum on this subject. i'm joining the you in autumn and as you can perfectly understand the people living in terms of history, i'm the guys. yeah. you know, i'm not really thrilled by the idea of what do you think about this? and if we're speaking on a broader terms of what should be,
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do to prevent it from happening again and again, that's just same way it's happening. i mean, yeah, like you just mentioned when they said, well, be your mission works for us while yours just thousands to play these nations office distancing themselves from us. and it's very disappointing to see what the sadness of extra ocean i'm dealing with that the, the, the yes it is, it really is disappointing. is disappointing that back in 2003. the then president of although, but didn't have enough. it wasn't even the courage he needed to sign the document. it was already initial. all it needed was his signature. and the issue of these immunization warehouses would have probably been already solved by now. well, we can say what if all we want, but history deals and facts west operates aggressively, and they are pushing, acting without any of the core of hoops. and now they are converting from acendo and to a person who is dragging. literally dragging was moved over into nato to into the
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landscape of the weather, directly, or by joining romania. yes, but the landscape played the same role, but should 1st portion co started dragging ukraine in tomato and we amended the ukrainian constitution. then zalinski continued. and what miss santa is doing now in moldova, is very much in the spirit of a dictatorship from this world and the west. not only doesn't mind that when the west understands that there is a need to act firmly or suppress any kind of opposition. it allows its puppets to do just that and even encourages them to do so. it's the same happens in georgia and she has one of those protests made solomon's the rubbish. surely, a fighter for freedom of speech, even though the law that triggered the protests is not harsh at all in poland, states in the us and france and many other states in the u. similar laws treat the
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same as a crime and punish it with a fine if the guilty party, for instance, or receives international funding, fails to declare it and misuse us. but in georgia, all you have to do is simply declare receiving more than 20 percent of funding for your organization coming from abroad. nothing more store and ask for multi bill them. see if they go through with their referendum on joining the you. you know that god, calcium has already said it will not recognize the outcome of this referendum machine, especially since they are already experiencing a crack down on their rights for simply saying that they do not want to join the you. and for suggesting that maybe the country should look for other alliances and develop relations with russia and all other neighbors. in response, the government cuts their subsidies from the state budget that they are entitled to the same is happening and trans nestor. the want to turn to try semester into
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a conflict zone. and so i'm sure you've heard proposals to use military force to suppress this region and doesn't deal you get another strategic blow to rush on with it, but they will never succeed. as for all those for nationals, we're now leading the countries of their so called origin. i don't think that they will enjoy the support for a long time. and i am not even speaking about wielding any authority. even those forces that are trying to benefit from this a temporary situation, that is parts of the us overall strategy will not back them for long. no one likes to people like that. no bigger than god bless you this year russia is hosting a brick summit. what are the challenges, objectives, and prospects that you see in relation to it and says most blooms must ation reduced be something that we have plans, a lot of activities, $250.00 events. that's where the challenges we need to ensure a smooth introduction of new member states and to all processors. the number of
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member states has doubled. now, while the organization already has its traditions, procedures, and agreements, including the culture of consensus and mutual supports that we have been working out during the many years of the existence of rigs with 5 member states. there are many mechanisms that are already working, which is why the new members will have to participate. not only in the ministerial meetings and the summit advance, but also in central meetings for i team, security, agriculture and banking. that's what i can say, insurance officers. speaking of the objectives, the last summit requested the finance ministers and central banks to present their proposals on alternative payment platforms. this is very important to help us secure economic ties and ensure our economic prospect, which i believe are very solid, which we have many plans and we need to protect them from the self serving interests of the west. so that now undermines the trust of things that open the
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global financial systems man, the global economy. it had created one solution, allegedly for the benefit of all countries, the go button, what is your solution this? thank you for answering all the questions. it seems we have covered everything of importance. we have one more minutes and if you'd like to say anything else in case we didn't ask you something, no, i'm good. i would only like to wish you to keep working on developing russian mass media the same way you're doing it with a deal with with thank you very much. and what wish you to just stay the way you log in with our country and all of you was luckier your own was very clear in what you save. because you know what to say about all those who are in the room. and i wish you a lots of coverage on this very difficult try. yes. one more thing i'd like to say . i'd like to remind all the likes of miss san do one to all those who want to drag our maney away. of the very thing you'll said for real sadness and we talked about
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it today. he said, we are not fighting for ukraine. we're fighting against russia, that is a threat to us, or when he was convincing the population of europe to continue this war. and then after that, so lensky said they are not fighting for ukraine. they are fighting for their own interests, and he finally saw it. i knew so i'd like to see all those words being groomed by the west. now to finally understand that as soon as possible, i think they know it, but it's not stopping now dealing with what can you say about the quote, if you don't want to talk to lab wrong, then you'll talk to shy goose. i saw it printed on t shirts already. thank you very much, mr. law problem. and thanks to all of you. words and hopefulness next yet and the same formats. and i hope for more good news to discuss the, the
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of the ssl for the cuz it also were good in business and you clean the b. e a w that was chosen? yeah, mary, comes green. we'll just go over this discussion of clipping to those ceiling and provide you a section. sure ruckel beam was manager of the different incident in full, which of course can get you thrown in with them in the probably just a moment. sure. issues the rooster theater that was sent to us yesterday. isaac care to as the top 3. usually i'm looking at the study meaningful to flourish, to for me to on, on, on the tutor which originally it was just pushed. it just won't because we use new way to partial a few school goals or i don't know which these are i know for the don't know, as i can suggest to do, given the other than that we're going to use best opinion pronounced has come up with
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the new video of alleged abuse by an officer today for sheriff's deputy in columbia, south carolina, forcibly removed a student from a classroom at spring valley high school. i saw him just talking to her screen her and initially, you know, i didn't think is a problem because i knew that she was just is quite a student in the class. someone looked at the police officer and says, here as law enforcement that is worse. clearly attacking, abusing power and influence and other than others besides, this is what's wrong with those totally be on discipline. black children, he was there, enforcing a lot to meet in the crime, to quote, disturb schools in any way. that means any disturbance that any kids causes in school is huge and forces never refer to for necessary attempts. people were never gonna change your mind so people will never change as their minds about the video. they think i was wrong,
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and that's the, i'm actually understanding. you're welcome back to going underground broadcast to go around the world from west asia, what some of the cooling a 3rd world war widens limits mass censorship in nato nations of news information. and i'll give me a jump skin propaganda model and steroids with britain and the u. s. bombing yemen in iraq and us proxies, wyoming, syria, and palestine, i'm 11 and expressing defense has never be more difficult. i mean it stay declining american empire. julian assigns of wiki leaks, tortured in britain, is perhaps never be more emblematic of the savagery of


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