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tv   News  RT  April 20, 2024 1:00am-1:30am EDT

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now the, the g 7 release is a new plan to help you frame by curbing rushes, energy revenues. but the figures so high european dependence on russian l. n. g. chad demands us troops leaving air base and the country that's in the letter by the african nations air force chief becomes the 2nd nation and this the whole region to give the boot to, to us military after news yard. at the same i just want to give you a sneak peak of mine to seems to be taking place here in moscow. this is going to be one of the main parts of the movie and our correspond to it gets a closer look at indian film making and central moscow with the movie set to hit the big screen in september the
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live in moscow and rachel ruble. you're watching r t international. we're covering the top new stories from around the worlds. the growth of southern countries has dropped a joint communicate aiming to bolster ukraine's air defenses by cutting rushes energy revenues and confiscating its frozen assets. over the past 10 years, western countries have imposed increasingly harshest sanctions on russia. but moscow still remains a top global supplier of gas oil and select minerals and mining operations. for example, in 2023 alone you countries doubled in parts of russian nuclear fuel compared to the year before. arching contributor rachel marston digs deeper into the reality of europe's ability to curb it rushes revenues. a g 7 foreign ministers, nothing. copy italy this week and was a big items on the agenda was dropped
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a level letter to their girlfriends, ukrainian president vladimir zalinski. the basically consisted of telling off the rest of the entire world outside of their the plumber. that still has not abided by their demands to stop buying things from russia. we will continue to apply significant pressure on russian revenues from energy and other sectors. we call on all countries to reduce their imports from russia, which are supporting its war. we will continue to take steps to tighten compliance and enforcement of the oil price cap. we will respond to price capt violations, including by imposing additional sanctions, measures on those engaged in deceptive practices while transporting russian oil. so they're sticking it to put in by using their own citizens as blue dollars, basically sticking it to those citizens, right in their cost of living with no one's insight to high inflation as a result of energy being factored in. to the cost of everything in the supply chain, and by sticking it to their citizens, they figured they're sticking it to pretend. and now what they're saying is that
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they're going to crack down on that, the dirty cheaters, violating the price cap of $60.00 a barrel for russian oil that they impose basically through peer pressure like in high school, under the club, allied nations, back in december, 2022, so this is the same price, kept a bunch of countries i've been conveniently lapse about by purchasing oil from 3rd countries like india. for example, oil that just may have had a rushing identity before it emigrated to india, then mingled with other oil molecules there and then have the absolutely nerve to just come ashore and they, these western nations like, for example, european countries where citizens are supposed to be sticking it to put in by taking short showers, going on almost 3 years now. so all these g 7 countries signed onto this love letters is the last few of the same time playing footsie under the table with russia. g 7 member japan, for example, hit
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a 7 year monthly record of russian liquefied natural gas imports just last december . and just last month, those in ports were up nearly 43 percent for december of 2022. took us foreign ministry, said earlier this week, the japan on was staying the course on joint oil and gas projects with russia on south to lean islands that are critical which enters security. the meanwhile, for all the noise they make about sanctions, violators and band and cap violators. it's not like they stopped importing gas from us, or they just replaced their russian pipeline gas. it works with russian l. n g, a $1000000000.00 worth of russian architect liquefied natural gas into the every month to be exact. in 2023, the block was actually still importing 15 percent of its pipeline gas from russia. well, that's down from 45 percent. that russian gas in price, if it's in ports before the conflict in ukraine, it still may come as a better shock to people who are actually listening to brussels. brag about how
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they were sticking it, by depriving an energy revenues that they were still importing any pipeline gas at all. now add to that the n g o global witness reporting last year that the you really just pivoted to importing russian liquefied natural gas instead of pipeline gas with russian elegy imports into the you jump a 40 percent. since the onset of the conflict, even more than in each of the previous 2 years. yes, no one told french president a menu of my call back in march of 2022. sounds like people using russian gas to heat their homes or cooks and by gets in france may as well be personally carpet bombing ukraine sort of policy. finally, russia has already started to cutoff gas supplies by closing the north stream, one pipeline of work. that's a very clear message and they will use gas as a weapon, the will and said we will need do without russian gas completely. they don't clean so fast forward to present day by the way,
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french elegy from russia is up 75 percent in the 1st few months of this year compared to a year ago. and remember a few months ago that michael said he expected a gary and prime minister victor or a bond to act like you european when it toms, do you craze interest and fall in line with the establishment agenda? well, it turns out that it's france and not hungry. that was actually russia's top customer for elegy last february. not sure who's been taking all the long, hot showers in france, but the country is paid 600000000 euros to russia for gas supply so far this year. as for germany, it's been getting russian gas from its neighbors kind of like if your next door neighbor came over with a jerry can and hose and took the gas of your cars. take while complained a what into moral dirt bag. you wearable who use sites, reading it out, and the netherlands and belgium being the dirt bag dealers of russian gas in this case. anyway, it's average germans, we're paying for this price,
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the virtue signaling, in any case business including yourself is we urgently need to ensure that germany has cheap energy again. and i wonder why other countries, for example, have no problem in forwarding russian oil or gas. these in germany does this to, by the way, but germany is currently doing it in a particularly stupid and expensive and environmental li, damaging way. we get the oil via india and we get the gas, the liquid gas by a belgium. it would be more obvious to use the pipeline, then it would be much cheaper. it really has announced that it will replace rushing gas with other countries gas, like as advised ons, for example, by 2025, which actually azerbaijan has been in 40 gas from russia itself since 2022. so it looks like europe will have to police mingling molecules again in that case the russian foreign ministers seem surprised with the lease announcements suggesting that he believes in courts have actually been heading in the opposite direction
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from his rhetoric to so see sure. so need, they probably claim they got rid of the russian gases, but in fact, exports have been growing to many countries, including france and literally, literally recently had to lead risk coordinator shows the plan to reduce the share of russian gas and their consumption from 90 percent to 0 within 3 years german chancellor schoultz did the same, but presenting it as a victory to his voters. so saying germany has dramatically reduced to dependence on russian energy resources and will soon be completely independent. but nobody mentions the price they're paying for this storage space. russian elegy imports also reached a record high in april of 2023. and it happens to send out its supply for re export to italy and france. so it really does look like it's the g 7. this is as they say about policing breaches of the russian energy band. it really doesn't look
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like it will cost very much for them to travel to investigate. they can pretty much just stay home, open up the tomato and have a good book. the international monetary fund warns that confiscating frozen reserves could the stabilize the entire global financial system . to prevent this risk of director of the i, m f. c or pin department offered camer emphasize the need for strong legal justification before any action on seizing rushes and mobilized reserves is taken the one out to the middle east where there's been a powerful explosion out of military installation south of the iraqi capital. i must say, so i've got a good tell. so a military base around 50 kilometers south of baghdad was reportedly hit and an
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error strikes regional media as well as security personnel reported. one person was killed and 6 others wounded. kelso military installation hosts multiple units including a rocky security forces, but mostly fighters of the popular mobilization force known for their operations against isis commanders have launched an investigation the same. the blast has also caused material damage. chad has demanded the us leave its air base in the country that's according to a letter sent by the nations air force checks. all right, let's go live now to our to is know who you will come today. what more can you tell us about the presence of us troops in the region? oh rachel, this is the latest in the series. soft stalemate, sophia goes and even outside defeats that have come to who into america's coal. i'm so called the global war on terror, on the african continent. what do we have seen is a copy of one of the lead to the,
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sent to the french embassy in tad, to situate him on ex, outlining how to of a stuff a, just a mean demands that you is to provide the written agreement and justification that to you is forces to be on the edge, you could say a base in the mean up the, let's send to the u. s. defense mentioned i'm cancelling the states as a force agreement, which determines the rules before u. s. military personnel operating in the country, while the lid did not order the u. s. military to leave. and had it stated that all us forces would have to leave the french base and ends up being that with the us special operations. task force is based if it is also worth noting that as we come c'mon, deaf general langley visited sky just in january of this year and met with the chief of staff for the armed forces of tad and at the military lead is it is not
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clear with the general deed needs would be amid the one who wrote to this later that we're talking about yeah, in fact let's have a listen to some of the contents of that. click that jots air force has asked them every can to provide the documents or but that's what agreements just to find the presence at a g co say advice in response to 2 agreements screwing on logistical support and the personnel between our 2 states. but shots, as voice did not receive justifications or the presence just as the force of the us defense at the sheer to immediately stop the activities at the i g, g. a say at bass to this development is key, considering that to this is the, the 2nd time sheet is the reason to kick america out. in lots of this year, the united states was forced to stop it submitted. c uppercase is a new z, which is a land lock west, an african country. in this the heart of did the news. it may not immediately seem
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like a key, at least for the u. s, but it served as occlusal states in ground for the united states military to carry out work and respond to terrorism. in the region, u. s. were presented to tried hard to negotiate a deal to maintain some sort of military prisons in his id. but he is willing to, to, has declared that the u. s. military prison is a violation of museums, constitution. he has moved on that in the slough is off, i need to go see the, the american presence in the territory of the republic of news here is a legal violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the silver and people, notably so its elected officials to be consulted on the installation of a, for an army in its territory. the government of new year taking into account the aspirations and interest of its people. and besides, was full of responsibility to balance was immediate. the fact of the agreement relating to the status of military person, all the united states and civilian employees, of the american department of defense and the territory of the republic over here
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like people stuck in the best. and then we need to visit the accord was facilitate to the illegal prisons of american military personnel. and civilian stuff was in the museum in board. is, was the viewed by me z as being on 5th and the tool used by the united states to undermine the nation sovereignty with spokes person calling mil mesa and my do abraham, i'm stating that the agreement is not only profound on fish and it is, but it does not lead to the asp, erases an interest of the needs erie and people. because lastly, it forces me via to pay bows. related to tax is an american military aircraft, which must be paid regularly and which cost me shaving takes p, as billy is of if a from the then the, the, the general says that the con, concerns, if you said, when i started to have no information on military activities carried out from american bases in the z, and i'm
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a weight of the civilian and military personnel as well as the american equipment deployed on these areas. so it's been clear for quite some time. now that means it does not want a permanent foreign military presence on, on its territory, even though the u. s. had agreed to eventually withdrawal, right now, it had been hanging on to its last best to contact terrorist outposts in width and africa for quite some time. while continuously blaming russia for its detailed ration and ask your kindness of listen to this. the russian federation, a narrative drowned out the us government in the past years. they were excel in the russian federation of stoked a lot of the instability across this will help. they did this through misinformation, this information campaigns. so i see how we will double down and our efforts is through our own information campaign. but mass flip our assurance efforts. a
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russian federation is really trying to take over the central africa as well as the ssl within africa. the russian federation wants to establish a ground game that resembles a start ups, a partnership program, but it doesn't have the values and doesn't have the values of democratic values of, of what we bring sides. that is intrinsic values for stability, security and security, security and prosperity with our african partners. however, the u. s. expectations to rebuild the release is in the z and many parts of the african continent. i do say yes, the pentagon has been criticized even for a band and soldiers in new z would many people asking, how does a group of american soldiers who defense department officials institute were in the country simply to train to advise up to assist museums, military suddenly gets sent to search a tenant bas can put
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a match the risk of missing then they had it missing the plan to carry out or did the missing. and why would the americans equipped with the heavy whip? is that and we looked uh, bullet proof vehicles in and talked to the territories in the z. it's exactly that incident that's been re ignited a longstanding arguments over the scrolling and often opaque will for to buy american slaves around the world. even then, members of the congress from both part you said they knew little about the american military presence in the z, just move on that the by the administrator and, and the state departments are engaged in a massive cover up. they are hiding the true conditions on the ground of us diplomatic relations and knowledge under effectively abandoning our troops in that country with no help in sight. i didn't know there was 1000 troops and millions you . this is an endless will, without boundaries, no limitation on time or geography. we don't know exactly where,
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where it's in the world militarily and what we're doing. that's hello to tell you the reasons why the u. s. eventually got kicked off uneasy, and is on the verge of being kicked out a from tad view as news that the war on terror is a big failure in africa, fall from reducing the violence that it only makes noise about. in fact, the results of you is, assistance in africa speaks for themselves. a recent report in indicated, not so long ago, the volume is on the african continent is far worse. then when the u. s. military came in to help the african continent to revealing that to dates from um, terrorism in africa. i have skyrocketed for to more than 100000 pacific during the u as well in terra. and at this point, the u. s. may yet salvage something in tad, but if it exists, that's a lot to me is to say really be a tragedy for chad. the same way is that is not
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a tragedy for an easy are to say the volume. okay. the level you thank you alyssa, abraham is executive secretary of the african legacy foundation grouping, and the former spokesperson for the market off the libyan government. he says african nations are becoming more aware, they cannot reach peace with western involvement. this is a wonder for the continuation re awakening of african liberation, spit. it goes back to when a freaking stoke up weapons and put it together, struggling to liberate their lands from the occupation by weston forces. as early as the fifty's and sixty's. now, africans realized that to gain full sovereignty, entered truly have control over their natural resources, their economies, politics. they must get rid of or foreign ministry, presence,
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western corporations that control freak and the economy, the politics, even media. and this is not a southern thing. this has been boiling up for the last 10 years. at least, i would claim, since the destruction of my home country, of libya in 2011, which made many african nations. the realize that you simply cannot have peace and understanding with the west, which libya tried to do the west. as soon as you try to gain control of fuel economy, fuel natural resources. if you're only if you're golden, the west, when it comes, when file, when for us to take us back, fine, i'm sure funding on training. see but the into the sauce region. chad is the heart of that. i'm from child a nice job to manually and both, you know, 5. so a problem stand faced by african countries up to this moment. and then of course
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the west comes and says, we want to protect you from this problem. allow us to have minute your presence. so the q, yeah, it's a problem. they find it's, i'm going to come in with it's been, you know, power to solve it. the reason of course, what they want is to take the control of the economy of the sauces, videography, and completed their global wars from other people. his lands, the french police, have detained a man who was threatening to detonate a suicide bomb at the uranium consulate in paris. he had previously been arrested for acting in support of anti government protest and iran. our 2 friends corresponded in a dish of deborah. zach is in paris with more post on dispos. you decent. a large number of police officers were concentrated on roof or no in the 16th district of paris, where the arabian consul, it is located, after a potentially armed man who threatened to blow himself up,
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took refuge in the building. the forces of the search and response brigade immediately arrived at the scene actually don't. after negotiations, the man surrendered without resistance and was taken into custody. as long as the man was not actually armed and was not carrying any explosives for me, he was wearing a tactical vest with replica grenades. i should. it is also known that the man has mental health issues and has been on the radar of the police. he was sentenced to 8 months in prison and banned from entering the 16th district of paris was after you set fire to tires at the gates of the arabian embassy. last september, he claimed it was a protest against the uranium government to do you have decided to appeal the court's decision. a hearing on his case was due to be held in paris on monday. i thought of israel has sped up settlement. the construction is to jerusalem after the war broke out in gaza. as, according to a recent guardian article,
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the publication came as 3 families in the shape to ron neighborhood, an east jerusalem received eviction notice is ordered by the jerusalem magistrates court. are 2 spoke to one of them, a highly yet highlighted with the new of a 948. they evicted, $531.00 villages and most of their, our children, women, elders. unfortunately, there were no cameras, there was no such technology back that i met them. but today when the world watches guys are being killed, live on here and does nothing about it. you owe me. there's no sense of security. every day we have a catastrophe, like not every day we have a savvy back like the knox, a word 96 to 7 and day by day it gets worse. she may have been living here for 50 years. 7 from the settler comes and evict me from my home, and that could buys my place your fee and then be hosted once filled out and they're taking our homes from and you won't be going out children in front of the world. how should you feel? and any say or just a crating i was thank that is like the all x a mosque and of the church of the hall, the simple car that's very difficult to express. the sadness inside me. believe it
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every day in the threats we face me every day and you know, specially meet the with us part of the companions. i started at the time of the, of, of completion of the i was always family me. and of course, there's 2 of them on the street in front of my children's eyes, the fear that every day they would rate my house for asked me in front of my children, my mother, my father, the bidding, so the insult and throwing me on the streets of the day, the whole world, all eyes are turned towards, got them in the united nations and the speak world, this hypocrites talk about the security council and then america comes and use that to me to all the how do you feel when you see them raping all girls going women? good entering hospitals. so let me go in doctors. yep. go into tennis and i told you, phil is really government has a program for a service along with the i'll just my house all the how this is really government doesn't on piece or the 20 about a city and state. these really government only wants a jewish state with well,
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how to send me a according to the article settlement building across the eastern islam has accelerated with the as railing. governments standing behind all the largest projects more than 20 projects with thousands of houses are in the pipeline. the continuing expansion of israeli settlements is regarded as legal under international law, but israel disputes this earlier this week, the jerusalem magistrate court ordered the eviction of 3 palestinian families from their homes. according to the ruling they are expected to vacate the house before july. the reports say the house includes 3 apartments that 20 members of the 3 families live in sally, the opposite, whose family also got an eviction notice, says he plans to appeal most of the see, despite all the pressure in jerusalem lights from house demolition, some of the taft of our homes and the confiscation, while lance before the taxes, from all aspects of all, were main stats on their case. didn't start recently when they started 50 years ago
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and is really rabby claimed. they bought this land in the year 1876. so they don't need an excuse to kill palestinians and they don't need an excuse to expel palestinians from their homes. how much of the citizens were ready? so they went under the table and today they brought them all the noise, our own garza, and today they explore their opportunity to do whatever they want and separate us from our land open at their convenience. we will appeal to the central port is the piece or cannot enter fee after the supreme court decision. and god willing, we will confirm rolling to freeze the decision until the ownership of the line is proven when they are a government of extra minutes. so maybe there's nothing on them do it or unlikely for this govern as i got used to expecting them to say and do something. but things are changing in the world to them as the magic is strongly against them. additionally, or so all the claims got their complete lives, they used to say are now exposed on the table. and so i thought of proving that we
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are proud of my head. we have been under oppression for a 100 years and one on the saddle of tears, beauty filings and foolishness of this be. and so i say the future is hours if he's good, while patients can be beautiful, we've been hearing this times. we should not be available any when a little no more in the nation. musicians have held a demonstration in front of the us embassy in jakarta, demanding a cease fire in gaza and showing solidarity with palestinians in the nation. officials earlier said the american veto on palestine 0 and membership betrays of peace. archie correspondent, rebec enough to pull who was at the protest. a fight against as or else oppression has come in different forms in indonesia. and this afternoon in front of the u. s. embassy and the capital of jakarta. music represents the voices of the people to deliver their support for the people off the pile of time. the solutions coalition for gaza was just formed a few days ago by more than 20, you know,
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nation with stations who shared the same view and the importance of immediate ceasefire in god's up. the sudden movement came after the non stop attacked by israel, supported by the west to the palace time. and now iran, these most nations feel the need to voice their support and also demanding the world leaders to do something for the ceasefire in god. and for them, the best way to deliver their voices is through what they're best music, you know, and just say call them. and we did mom and unconditional ceasefire. and especially considering that the us supports the attacks, which is why we are standing right in front of its embassy image. that is another reason for this is that the us is one of the most important players in what's happening in palestine. once they can turn the tables down, be the actions taken by his royal and america around me getting worse. if i think that's why we think that since we don't have diplomatic relations with israel,
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i don't know. this is a place where we can lay out the mon, i'm one of get the yeah, that entertainment on us as positive the global community comfortable. i feel the necessity just because it's not talking. then the attacks on palestine have been going on for more than 6 months. every day we see the pictures and videos on social media. we can see the brutality that goes beyond any human reason, of course, amazes me. it sounds like somebody can only use a month as a will to not take any action to stop. it told me that maybe it is not a concert, but some of the sections took place to sing a song. are we form? because through this lyrics, through this words, they wanted to express their support and their solidarity for the people off palestine shouting free palestine in between. they share some message off solidarity and also for some music as the best way for them to express their point of view in politics and also to connect more with the younger audience is
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also their listeners and sending within a nation constitution. this is what the afternoon is all about, shouting and also demanding world keys. and also for them to ask to stop the oppression in any forms and is are out there. they're going to be the full reporting from jakarta for r t. i seems that brooks is about to get bigger with colombia expressing its interest in joining the blog as soon as possible. the country is desire to join for x was expressed in a joint statement following a meeting between the bazillion president and columbia and leader columbia is not the only country and the southern hemisphere to express interest. in joining the ever growing works block with venezuela on his way to becoming a full fledged member as well. earlier, my colleague nick aaron a spoke to steven bruce ahead of the african governance and diplomacy program at the south.


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