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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 19, 2024 3:30pm-4:00pm EDT

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likely to be in nato allies. nato is suddenly in favor of secession. he's a tax, so it'd be a bumps the prize console the way through terrorism coercion, bombing a state essentially to give up a piece of territory, then it recognizes it. and then they turn around to the, the, the, the east of the, the, the residence of the dumbass. you. however you much you've, you've already expressed fuel will through a referendum. you have to stay in the states that you don't want to be a part of nature, claim victory intervention in serbia. and before that in both me it was only to keep peace yet such functions of resulting in decades of tensions in the balkans. the
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what this point this nato allies have accused a russia of shattering the peace in europe. it is clear that nato has not done enough. and what russia has done, the shots is the security architecture of europe. it's a great pill to swallow, to recognize your own faults into oh no, to them a quarter of a century. all nature is still refusing to do all you know, just in relation to its illegal campaign, and you can slow up here. but in a rock, i've done this on libya, how it enables the purpose of islamic states, and now how it piles ukraine high with arms. that is something seen by many, including the global side as being the problem. so it's even sky reporting for all the info grades. so if you hold off is where we leave things for now. i from the arching use and do stick close. that was what type programs get there. started in
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moments, see what's showing wherever you are today. in moments goodbye the entire body. this the bailey show now very different in many ways because we hold no punches. so look for it. and here we go. to the bottom number one. ukraine has once again fired bustles into russia, targeting civilians. trip item number 2 to lensky blames the president of ukraine. blames is a patch on the west for not giving a more money trip. i'm number 3 is huge, huge movement is getting ready to vote for a very 1st time. foreboding will tell you. i'm rick sanchez. this
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direct impact the . all right, let's get right to it. there has been another attack on the russian city of boulder on board or how does a border count? it's a stone's throw from ukrainian territory and has come under repeated attacks by drones and shelling the in the video right there that was captured by civilians. and it's now been shared on tele graham all this within the past 24 hours, it shows the onslaught of incoming ukrainian missiles, which damaged to houses injured, one person who was treated and released by the way. why so little damage? why did they do so little damage mean getting a place like this with vessels?
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well, ever since ukraine began targeting civilians in the area of belgrade, russia did 2 things. first thing it did is pointing to advanced air defense system to intercept incoming missiles. that is what you are seeing right there in this video, or almost all of these missiles were intercepted. now, we should talk a little bit about that air defense system, the air defense system. it seems to be working right based on what we just saw there. but there had been countless attacks in the past where nothing or very little was intercepted. tonight, new video capturing the moment missiles, rain down on billboard, russia, a border just 25 miles from you crazy. it's one of the most severe attacks carried out on russian soil since the war began. footage show explosions in the middle of town with cars and buildings on fire and black smoke rising across from
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a christmas mark. this man, horrified and saying on his cell phone footage, they. 2 are dead people lying there? everything is smashed glass everywhere. russian officials say more than a dozen people were killed, including children. more than a 100 others who it's yeah it's, it's, it's been horrible and it's been going on and on for quite some time. the attack on civilians killing many of them, including children, as you heard in the report as force of the government and parents to take on the difficult task of picking those children in to live there in belgrade and moving them out of the border town for their own protection, 9000 children not being evacuated from the russian city of belgrade, following ukrainian strikes. the coffin of belgrade published a video on friday, showing the departure of the fuss group. 1200 children will leave for pens.
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the town which is on the border with ukraine, seen shelling and recent weeks strikes, have killed 16 people and injured several others rational. sororities have accused ukraine of carrying out the strikes. well, actually it's not so much an accusation as it is a dangerous tactic on the part of ukraine. ukraine is asked if not bang for the us nato countries to play some more money and more arms to combat the tax on their own territory. they say, and they have to, they have received it by the way, most of the funds, most of the money to the tune of hundreds of hundreds of billions of dollars buy some estimates, something like 300 and $20000000000.00 has been punch to them. this is stop and think about that number $320000000000.00. but it seems most of that funding has been sent and spent and still ukraine has not been successful in repelling russian
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advances. those are just the facts. okay. in fact, most military analysts, even those now in the west, the guys you see on like cnn and the bbc and fox and all those places, they're going on the air and having to admit for the 1st time that you grant is losing ukraine is losing this war with russia, and it's continually giving up more and more territory. now, if that's the case, which it seems to be, why there is ukraine not taking every penny that it has left or every penny that it gets. think about this and using it in a, in, in the manner in which those who sent the money to them intended to be used. right . what, why aren't they using it to protect their own territory? the answer to that question has to do with a very knock, a villian tactic that president lensky seems to be deployed. the 1st all of you
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know, to deviate from our calling on line, the line of justice as i and, and justice. busy mr. so landscape means. so let's get appears to be implementing some form of blackmail on the west, essentially telling them, look, i don't want to attack russia. i don't want to attack russia, but if you don't give me more money, if you don't give me the lensky more money, i have to. i mean that, that's the, his argument seems to be, i'm doing, i'm, i, you know, i'm bombing uh, you know, cities like belgrade, because i have to, it's all i can do using us and nato a weapon rate, a bomb russian targets, especially civilians and even children is no doubt giving many western leaders heartburn, it's gotta be right. they could simply cut off the landscape. they could tell him
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that he's just gone too far and that his actions could cost world war 3 and he's better stop. or they could just pay the ransom right. pay that right. so money give him the funding that he wants, which is what he says they must do. so that way he won't have to. he won't feel compelled to have to attack places like builder. ok, this is fascinating. this, this will malcolm video game that we're talking about now involved in russia and, you know, great britain in the united states and ukraine. well, right now, by the way, and i should tell you this is important. it appears that the us congress is leaning toward doing just that, paying the ransom, giving them what he wants there's, there's certainly enough nodes to, to move the bi partisan pieces to the house. and what about the question of zalinski going to far in attacking those russian targets potentially conflict grading this uh this, uh, this was a, well,
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it appears the us concern is not so much whether ukrainian missiles kills. busy ions and, or children, they appear, us officials, that is to be more concerned about the good listen to this. you know, what they're more concerned about the global oil markets. according to this article right there that i'm showing you right now that i read this morning when i woke up . according to this article in the washington post, us vice president, come along, harris met with mr. zalinski in munich recently and warned him to stop attacking russian oil refineries occur. busy adding to this waffle article, the vice president, tulsa lensky, to refrain, because it is a topic that quote, new us officials believe would raise global energy prices. the exact words that i just read you is what i read this morning and the article that's being attributed either to the vice president or the vice president's team. higher gas prices is not
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what the white house wants during an election year. joining us out to discuss this too long time guests of the show were joined by former betting on official michael maloof and international relations and security analyst mark. just about a um i guess we start there, mark, i go to you. what do you make of this walk? oh, article which seems to suggest that the united states is concerned with so wednesday, uh, sending missiles into russia, but not so much because they might kill children and injures of elkins or start ro, board 3. and for us that gets angry enough but because. busy as they're interfering with. busy the global oil prices, you say what to that? sorry. yeah. so 1st of all, it's western political leads. political military leads. don't give a fig for. busy or the russian civilians in belgrade or
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ukrainian civilians. for instance, that were sheldon, the don boss, by the regime that sees power with us help and key of in 2014. in fact, the western media, including the new york times, spoke approvingly of long range strikes into bel gourd. and last year. drones strikes on skyscrapers in moscow as necessary to bring the war home to the russian people, which is white washing and justifying political pair openly. in the us as ashley long promoted a strategy of long range strikes into russia. now when it comes to the, the question of the oil refineries, it's a little bit more complicated. we know that american voters are looted ludicrously, sensitive to the price of gasoline over any other electoral issue. we seem
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certainly elect oral candidates, are very careful about it. um and if there's even a perception that um a russian strikes on russian oil refineries are raising the price of oil. now that's question because these are refineries their refinery oil for domestic gasoline use. for the most part, there's a question. first of all, it hasn't had that much of an effect. there hasn't been a spike and gas at leon price is diesel prices in russia. there hasn't been, um, a, any slow down of the russian military on the front due to a lack of supplies. generally, the effect of the strikes is vastly over inflated in the western media. that said, the markets are always rational things. the price of oil was going up and better to play it safe. now here's the problem. i have every long range strike like heating oil refineries in crowds. gonna daughters is facilitated by western satellite that
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every single want know strikes are impossible, without $440.00 nato's satellites pin. put those in every other strikes deep within russia. so whatever the u. s. may be saying publicly, they're also providing the targeting data for these stripes, in my opinion, spending kamala harris to send the foreign policy. the message is pretty much equivalent to the way the chinese just greeted. the german chancellor, olaf schultz at the airport in bay jake. they sent the deputy mayor of bays yang to meet with the mayors are really important. michael maloof joins us as well. michael, to the idea that we would create a scenario where the weapons that you and i paid for with our taxes are being used to kill civilians in russia is not something i ever thought that i would
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see in my lifetime. and it scares the hell out of me, shouldn't it? yes, we shouldn't even be involved. but given the politics and the evolution of where we are today, you can see why that's happening, why we're also now deeply involved in another term while in the middle east. i think one of the landscape problems is that so much is of the of us ordinance now is going to israel and not to him. yeah. but is it but, but my point is this, and it's a fine one. is this not a bridge too far? i mean, it's one thing to support ukraine and say, we're going to give you money so you can defend yourself against an invasion from russia. it's another thing to say, we're going to give you money and if you're okay to use it to bomb russia, a country with more nuclear, where warheads and we got, well, the united states tries, as you say, ties to discourage the wency from doing that. he is black male in the united states
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to get more otherwise he'd use them internally. that's his argument. but he is marks us heating oil refineries in russia using drones, but they're not in a swarm tactic. so n, he's not destroying them that, that the russians, the russian oil economy still can deal with that. but the, but the reality is that zalinski is, is, is black mailing the united states to get more stuff, more money, much of that money is going to go to produce more to our, to our industrial complex. yeah. to, to produce those weapons. so we can give him the older which, which is the game. yeah that's, that's, that's, that's really the game that is the game. what, what do you make of a month? you know, i go back to you on this mark, be the big this question of i called it blackmail. i mean, i'm using the word blackmail. maybe. maybe i'm using that term out of school, but i can think of a better term and i was sitting there as i was carrabba's as i was writing my intro today, i was sitting there on the computer thinking,
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and i wrote black mail that i got rid of it, then i wrote it again that i got rid of it and then i replaced it with another word . and finally i went with it. i said, is there a better word than blackmail? if you're telling the united states or nato country, this is you don't give me this money. i am going to do that. i mean, i also, i suppose, could have made the comparison to what my children did when they were very young. and that was to throw themselves on the ground and scream and kick them till i gave them what they wanted. same thing. okay, so there may be an element of black male, as you say here, specifically with regards to the threat of, of raising oil prices, raising gasoline prices during the us in a campaign year. but i want to point out the, the u. s. as in courage, right? long range strikes within russia. this has been spoken about in policy papers. it's been spoken about by us military experts. the secretary of defense lloyd austin,
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has said, the goal of the us is too weak in russia and to inflict on them a strategic defeat. they don't care about american weapons being used in russia. they are just fine with that. that isn't acceptable escalation at this point because of the u. s. policy officials of said there, russia has no red line reading. we will not pay any attention. the red lines, which is absolutely taught a nuclear power, that not only as you said has more nuclear weapons in the us. what actually has far more modern nuclear weapons and carriers like hypersonic missiles and sar mites and like them the united states. but this is on the ask, this is the school, a tory latter that we're on. and the us has no sign that they even desire and exit ramp. i think this aid was always going to be approved. it's really just
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domestic petty part is in wrangling that has held it up over a border security issue as long as it has. i've got to get to you. i know i see you over there, you're ready to go. we're going to give me 5 2nd. give me a t's on what you want to say. he doesn't have the, he doesn't have the, the, the, the ordinance to do anything internally. so he's going to try to aim at infrastructure within russia is south side. we'll keep it at that and you'll be able to amplify that when we come back, michael maloof as well as mike's on boat right here. i'm rick sanchez. we're going to be back with more on this discussion and ask a question about another country that's going to be in the news for the next 6 to 7 weeks in the big election. important election. lots so young people will put those 2 together for you. stay right there, the,
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the russian states. never as i've started as i'm sort of the most sense community best ingles, all sense and up in the system must be the one else holes. question about this, even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin media mission, the state on the russia to day and split our
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t spoke neck, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center for the question, did you say a request to check the or the quarterback. this is directed back. i'm rick sanchez and i'm drawn by up for republic. unofficial. michael maloof security analyst marshall boda. my thanks to both of your gentlemen for joining us. i know you were you were like the kid in class raising your hand and wanting to be called on by the teacher here. and uh, i think, i think you make a fair point expand on that, that you were sharing with us. yeah. they're not going to get the ordinance and whatever they do get, it's going to be too little too late. and it doesn't change that straight at the
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strategic balance of what is on the ground in ukraine today. so the lift gate is using his home, made drones, basically, to hit infrastructure inside of russia to try to weaken it. and that's what has alarm about the oil and gas. do you believe that he's doing this? you know, listen i, i was just listening moments ago i started clicking around because the big boat is this weekend in congress about the is coming up in a couple of days regarding the vote on whether to fund not just ukraine, but taiwan and israel and everything else and i was listening to some of the convers, when a couple of congressman were saying they're on the verge of losing everything. i mean, things are so bad, and ukraine, you have no idea how bad it is. we've got to help those folks. well that was the argument he was making, but i what i took from it was, things are really bad in you create him, does it not?
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i mean, he, ukraine has run out of soldiers. ukraine has run out of a lot of things. yeah. they're in a very tough place right now. it's got to be no kind of offensive what the russian was always, always what you're saying that because they can't fight internally. let's just last some missile. yeah. but it, yeah. russia, yes. piece meal. it's, it's, it's pinpoint stuff to just irritate, but it doesn't, it doesn't eliminate or knock down the structure uh, with the, with the dental is very funny. got the mike, but here's the other thing. you're killing us a people you're killing us. i know. i know, i know that but the, but what's the response rush? it was in response to some of these attacks the other day. rush, this response was the a knock out completely. the electric generators in, uh, keep, you know, i'm in a big way ice. i almost think there's a similarity right now between a ron and russia. i mean iran has a country destroyer. it's embassy assessed, somebody but several of its people while they're doing it in
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a 3rd country. and they basically call with 5 hours of anticipations at all. by the way, we're going to send some drugs, make sure you knock them all down, you know, like really, and now i'm watching russia, they're having civilians killed and i'm wondering, please rush. i don't do what i think you can do. please don't do that because it's gonna start world war 3. but i think russia is actually showing um, you know, uh the what, what's the word i'm looking for here mark, what, what is what is most just showing that a lot of people wouldn't expect they want him after being hit this way. restraint restraint, no sponsible space would a and the desire not to escalate to a nuclear confrontation with the united states. but all of these things are lost on the, the politicos closing is war time leaders in washington, d. c. a who it simply aren't capable of, of, of understanding these concepts. i think michael maloof is right, that this long range strikes is
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a deliberate strategy for the average him. because they can't win on the battlefield and the west cannot provide the key munitions like artillery shells and intercept their missiles for air defense in the quantities that they need. whether the money games through or not. because their military industrial complex isn't geared up for this. but from the very beginning, the only hope all it's a russian defeat in this has been a collapse of political stability in russia. the intention in washington they, they fully believed that the, the sanctions would have that effect if they would crush the russian economy. the, the rubel would be rubble as, as we heard the jen sack a and, and others say, and the russian people would rise up in the street and over throw their government and then that that would be right. obviously that didn't happen. so the only way to
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create the political stability and russia necessary to shake their political well mm. is these type of terror attacks? these type of long grain strikes on civilians as the new york times bought it to bring the war home to the russian people? that's a deliberate strategy of hoping against hope of creating political turmoil and russia. it's having the exact opposite effect. yeah, the russian people are showing remarkable rally around the flag and let's finish this and it's having the opposite effect. but they really don't have any other options. i would expect that their tactics will get more extreme and more extreme and more dirty. and russia is already saying that there is a ukrainian possibly a western connection with terror attacks, like the croakers sea level tear. and another example of this long range
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strike. and that's an important word or using care. we've got 30 seconds cuz i've got another story on india. i want to get and go. i wanted to say that so landscape was doomed from the start and on on this campaign against russia. hm. they were always trained for defensive, not offensive, and that's why they have their failing today. i want to bring in this other story. now i want to share something with you. this is interest saying this is something that is taking place in india. and i'm going to get a little bit of help in there. perfect. i'll show you a typical in the news. you're ready. this is his name and i liked this guy. i really liked this guy. his name is josh rush saying, and i like young people everywhere. he's full of life, a heck of a dancer, don't you think? he's also one of about 18000000 young indians, and we'll go to the polls for the 1st time this year. 18000000. and what are they looking for when they vote jobs like nature for like the idea education
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and employment? because a lot of news is not getting educated much, then they're not doing that job. they are educated as educated as anybody in the world, but they're going to need jobs. the election starts this weekend. it's gonna last about 7 weeks body's expected to win in a landslide, but that hasn't stopped him from thinking about locking in that youth, but he's implementing and has just announced a plan for more and newer jobs. a better. it's to create 18000000 of them. now the 30 seconds, do you think you didn't do it bark? um, he has shown the ability to raise uh, india z economy. they're one of the fastest growing economies in the world, surpassing china by some measures. and moti is easily going to win the landside he's seen is the pro business candidate. yeah, i agree. i think it's going to be hard for him to do anything, but when and when, by a lot my text about them you, we are out of time mark as usual. brilliant stuff, michael maloof as usual, the same to you. thanks. good stuff. great conversation. my thanks. to both of you,
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before we go, i want to remind you of our mission. it's simple, really the sign of the world. that's what we try to do here every day. we've got to stop living in these little boxes where we only know what we know, what may be, what our neighbor we like, knows to don't live in boxes. how much that you're probably looking for you again, right here. under active, the face has always captured humanities imagination. i mean, let's face it, space is cool, but only the chosen few are able to head beyond the, the earth's atmosphere. it takes years of preparation to actually take on the final frontier space, training pushes the human abilities limits to the very edge. so who are the super heroes of today? let's get them
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a little better. the goal will leave india the most populous country, the fastest growing economy. for the next 5 years. we bring you a special election coverage over the next 6 weeks, as the pre leading people vote. also ahead this, our rushes, foreign minister pushes back against western nora tubes on ukraine, as most school promotes p, the socks instead of continued fighting while the us and all i seek to the fates russian on the level. this reflects not so much of religion to attitude as agreed and he's there, and they're not hiding it any more important. johnson who said that people left russia when would be the end of work. a gentleman under random calls it's retaliatory strike and his real loss within the necessary.


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