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tv   The 360 View  RT  April 19, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EDT

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what is called the access of resistance is challenging israel and unfortunately it's western patrons the world's largest democracy in yeah, goes to the polls for general. busy elections, walters, special coverage on the race. right. and officials of state 3 drones were shot down by a rainy and air defenses. over is for han city known for having nuclear facilities . see what the goal of the us resolution is to break the will of callous simians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power in russia, as you and bachelor slams washington for non going with the vast majority of them. veto is the palace change requests for full membership after united nations the
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live in moscow. this is our t international. i'm rachel ruble, the world's largest democracy. it goes to the polls for general elections that are to be held for more than 6 weeks. early voting is already underway in some parts of the country. we're bringing new special coverage of the event. the list here india has more than 969000000 eligible voters. that is more than 10 percent of the world's population. more than 2600. the political parties are registered for the race but to render modi's b, j, p being one of the expected front runners. the elections are to be held in several phases and will run until june. first with the results to be announced. 3 days later, a to india is the worlds fastest growing economy and the size of which was estimated
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at $3.00 trillion dollars last year. the country's d. d. p grew by 7 percent during that period and is projected to increase by around the same number this year. india is now the world's 5th largest economy having dumped the 5 spots in the rankings over the past decade. and the as ma'am, and the election requires more than a 1000000 pulling boom, send over 15000000 workers to oversee it all following will take place across the whole of india even in less accessible areas. so some pulling machines must be carried using forces and elephants girls. highest blowing boots will be located as far up as 4650 meters in the himalayan mountains. right across the live now to our, to the special a studio located in the heart of india and new delhi, our correspondent, ridge and shermer brings us the very latest on the elections ranging the floor is yours of the. thank you,
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rachel. in fact, the dawn. so democracy has just started in india all. well the next 6 weeks around, 1000000000 people would be costing their world to choose the next government. in fact, to be the 1st day of the full around $10.00 to constitute the seats all going to pull that this is across $21.00 states. it's the number again, there are telephone. all 543 constituency seats, envelopes about which is the lower house of development. the are out sick, and we chat window decal thought to your a combination of political thought. these gaps, 72, not. that's the magic number. what a desktop number will form the government and run in the off for the next 5 years, both the b b, that's not being there movies, political policy, and congress, which has found in the lines of thoughts to come to a b,
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b. they have been making promises that's their manifesto is in fact a congress came up with a manifesto which stays basically, it's a new i fucked. or that translates to a pillar of, to the uh and what they're saying is that the one justice for women, they want justice for fall laws with the jewels and so on, so forth. what the visa be hallway were saying is that low congress has been and follow for the longest time in the indian history in india is independent history. so to say they haven't done a thing, of course, because for almost a whole list of things, essentially continuing. what they've done for the last 2 tons, but the selection, they're not just selections in the history of mankind is something that, in fact will be watch closely. not just an india off by the was to break that down . i have a very, shall guess rajiv to rise. of course, it's
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a farmer diplomat and he's going to break down what ended elections mean. i'm just putting the all but the was now listen to run no matter where you land on the reading through more the you may love him. you may not for to kind of know that man . do you think the wall is watching the indian elections? close the bread, i don't think there's anything left to serial federal bureau for description. so you described it pretty bit. yes. the sense faced off double pressure been 1000000000 people wrote an order placed around 67 percent. does operate in the last images which was in 2019 so if the same percentage horse that means we had roughly talking about between 650000000 to 700000000 people actually going out of their homes and costing that more. that's a tremendous number. just the smaller jo. few manatees means more population then
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into your preventive. so, imagine the kind of exercise it would mean for people who are organizing this selection. the 2nd thing is that is too big election to request address reporting booth. it was a mess of exercise or $400000.00 white goods, which includes forces, elephant and votes, because to carry the boxes, the election boxes to let's say, nickel, but island deep so or to undermine these like to add lot of boat for the election officers to carry those ballot boxes. so it's a tremendous exercise. but it is also used as i said, because doesn't that plus federal festival and there doesn't. that was a little part of sufficient. but if there's nothing new for that, and do you remember the 1st election and then there was in 1950. and india was one
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of the 1st countries in the world, much more for america to give it does present, tries to everyone that these women been included in america. i think it came in sixty's women that allowed to to me and sixty's. so india shows the, the, to the was in terms of democracy in many respects. and this is one of the views that we have. 1000000000 people waiting to watch without any major disturb is as far as the prime minister is going to say, yes, of course, he's a prominent for the is the prime minister of the country. so anytime the prime minister of india is, is on the phone, then not to me, the cameras would be fixed on him, the tension would be fixed on them. but it does not mean that there are no other
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political parties. yes, it says consist of democracy as the contest of the 2nd does still feel reach to the people. so you may please people who are going to be decided. people are the wind low because of this exercise suddenly and you know, they're going to die when 5 years when it's people who become bible for them and the powerful as actually have the most of those people know when you talk about the issues that people are working on you may be able to for the said, how the indian democracy is this. carla full, it's new as a girl. it's everything. but it's also very tedious in a sense. you know, elections in india have been full, worked on soft and community, and gender and so on, so forth. what do you think at this time, some way even foreign policy has the consent to see when people would or would just because in the last 10 years we've seen that india has become a powerful country on the global states for uh, a couple of things. uh, you know,
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rethink, do soto, don't play the importance of the waters wind. it's more, it's always, uh, sweet thing that, you know, they have no concern beyond the local issues. and then they go towards, uh, it is the price rise, all the employment and so on. that uh, the only fixtures and device that is not true in sick or agreement. only man in villages are you familiar with because the media has fish that so people like you renewed talk every evening on the television, then it registers in their minds. and then the discuss. unfortunately, in the villages more goes in by lanes in the, you know, in november their children are playing football or whatever. so, what happens then is that isn't the visitors,
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supposing does it fit or tug some whole or the other for them. so this is comes into the picture which was a country which was sponsoring those douglas. so there's a sort of ident begins to form in the mind that even vote for the government. it gives us protection for rivers give vote for development. rich advances are economic possibilities. in terms of getting the street here and so on attracting for the spring. so in this, such as we, i'm in, it may happen more strongly in a major city. but you want to remove this location possible in some such a versus invest comes into play and self interest off here to do some connection with the policy. i think that they saw the email so strongly has it stood up to the west as well. what other countries would succumb to sanction? see on russia when all the countries would not buying or from russia?
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india learning more. the j. sean gordon del sonya says minnesota, feel very clear that we are going to look for all word interest and we're not going to be guided by what other countries say. do you think that also in a sense makes people and followed the look. i was responsible for them does relations, which i show when i was the flooding industries. and i continue that india's relationship with richard. i shows that relationship with india is not of us to do it today. it goes back to the time of 1942 and tony restored with each other we have with each other. so it doesn't mean that should've been one side one . fox lo uh is in need or something. the other experience, this other thing. so i'm not surprised section this i, this is the fun buying point from for shift. but also please remember,
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india has partnerships fixed and full for the series, which happened during my time in sacramento. uh, for example. the 2nd thing is the restaurant simple question. in does buying more, and it is awfully doing that. but can this see the any degree of want us to be on the streets is that it is on buying? why does the find in india, which is produced in russia? huge amounts of that refined product goes to risk, and then some risk trin spokesperson says no, no, no, to find product is not russian or how does that, does that, does a very good logic. so the factors that exist as buying as much or from russia land. oh wow, that's who asses as and as mice the king of us, i'm, you know, that sense of nationalism. do you think that's a factor in the selection?
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really, less and is imposes is effective, extreme nationalism should not be effected and it does not affect, but which country can say that less than the room is the factor in the political society. so yes, we are proud in his head. we will keep national interests in mind. uh, even when we have deciding on who. mm hm. it may not be the most. i mean that's not the only thing that is affecting of will. but if there's one other factors and we shouldn't be proud of as well. so you know this so much talk about something that the opposition has been reeking golf. that under no means remove these india. this is a switch to democracy and that's exactly the line. the pc picked off by a lot of western presses. well, do you think it's the endo becoming the fastest growing economy in the world and so on, so forth. do you think that's my book in such a section of the world with uh the facts that people have the right
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size as the rich this is an endorsement of democracy. so. busy i don't think i need to comment anything more than that. like this. the vision of the way would be focused on how election goes whether there are any irregular practices, whether there are any deviations from the rules of the election process. so the that they can uh write for the rich they can give their office of issues, but they shouldn't be fair to object to george. okay. okay. well, what do you think that the sort of in deals can fund and how india has become a balancing force of thoughts in the one you just mentioned that india has historic, strong ties with russia. but it also has a continued engagement with the, with that the balancing force due to that. that's something that's happened in that means. and what these india, or do you see, for example, if a fungus war to come and do think that,
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that would continue. so let's start from the beginning. this from the start from 1947, i was confused big, for example, in china, china as well for both them the treatment. they went through it by japan, around the time of the 2nd world war. and they are almost worse than the one thing, the range of people that look by contrast at what happened in india and i did 40. so what we could have was taking the same attitude we could have always will fit for the same uh range feeling of free range. but we did not rejoined the problem with research. yes, there, there, there was being, there was suffering. uh, there was a homeless opportunity lost in terms of flooding the furnace, but that is something that you should remember. it's not for good. it's not be seen by forever. so we joined the common when we have very good relations with the u. k
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and other restaurant punches, but that is, that is also the majority of indian port in doesn't need to ship uh, the vin auto mall that we become a moderating balance in force. in the words, this was uh from the some of these doors, the president put them at the age of 400 prison foot and reacted very wisely and murdered in agreement. so that is home at your country's being with each other and listen to each other. so this is a more version and becomes a more good thing for us because of understanding of things like russian or some other countries. i'm and the whole thing really is that india really continues to ring the model reading for the problem broker that it is. but who will go on india for the next 5 years, we will not know that on to unless the very last world is counted on the force of
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june. and that really is the beauty of windows election. each ward by each water is counted. but of course, the results will come on the 4th of june and didn't know who's going to run the country for the next 5 years back to you in the studio. all right, thank you so much version in new delhi and do stay with our 2 throughout this weekend in the coming months as we bring a special coverage of india's parliamentary elections that will run as runs and told us in until june the that there is a clear religious part to the strife. that's how you pay. foreign secretary david cameron is described the ethnic tension and india state of mental for when asked about the issue by a british house of lords member. we have the riots in iowa where
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tens of thousands of muslims who account christians have been prosecuted again. and again, the saying, the minister minister agree that india is a member of the commonwealth and shooting freedom of believe me at the full front of the commonwealth charges that have been occasions where it's been something that we've raised with the indian government. and i think that should continue to be the case. i think it's right to say that we should dine play the religious aspects of some of the strife. yes, sometimes it is a communal, or tribal, or se, but that in many cases a clear religious part of it and we should be clear by david cameron also noted that he is closely studied what he called a good report on the indian states. issue is written by a british journalist that investigation be entailed last year, his violence in monterey for however, some social media uter users have been quick to criticize cameron for weighing in
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on india's internal affairs. this is an internal matter of india. hence, you're speaking about it is not right in any way. have we ever spoken about the issue of london and other places of u. k? so stay away from our internal matters. they should get over their colonial hangover, the u. k. as an insignificant power today. they still think india is their colony. the brits will never get over their colonial hangover. as an ag violence broke out and not employ in may last year after a so called a tribal solidarity march, which was organized in the church in 4 district. the march was aimed to protest against the majority, my tie community who were demanding a schedule that tribe status over 200 people who were part of the killed and the thousands displaced the during the classes of uninterrupted in the state. again, earlier this month when that 2 men were killed there. meanwhile, the indian government says as doing everything possible to improve the situation.
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and in prime minister in the render mode, he thinks the way for resolution can only be found through peace. they heard from ram into ron's on to side political analyst author and columnist. he says western nations are trying to interfere in india as internal affairs because it's hard for them to accept the country has its own independent policies. just been the case, not just what they mean, but also with the european union and also with the us timing again. and this is only one of the incidents that they have deemed appropriate to comment on, you know, of which, you know, comes from a, particularly the reason that they see that the students are colonizing in. yeah. you know, it's hard for them. it seems like the except that didn't just come along when it hasn't robust democracy of its own judicial process. it. i mean, that's the beauty of agencies that can do to what is respectable that i think what really is problematic here is that this is, you know,
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this is an agenda that you add for of countries that are not involved in this don't have the expertise or don't have the knowledge, including individual. it's not just mr. david cameron, but also the bus and was all to this report. you know, he's only been there to 60, in 60 is you cannot even brush, you know, the surface all of this complex drugs, you know, so they feel that they're not honest to good to watch the shoddy work and investigative journalism as they call, you know, it's very surprising to us and india and over now to the tensions between iran and israel, a spokesperson for ron civilian space program. who's saying delorean stated 3 drones were shot down over is fun city which is known for having nuclear sites. ron was embracing foreigners really response to a to a tally, a tory large scale rocket,
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and drugs strike on the jewish state last weekend. this was a ron's response to an idea of strikes on the right in consulate in this mask is which resulted in the depths of 11 diplomats and 2 high ranking generals, as well initially denied responsibility, but later indirectly admitted is target in the building claiming it served as a military base, coordinating homos operations on april 13th, around long hundreds of drawings, cruise and ballistic missile. stuart is rarely territory with israel climbing. the vast majority were intercepted, islamic republics military sentence ready to head back with much greater force if any of its nuclear facilities are attacked by the idea. the model is the enemy's new gear size have been identified and we have the necessary information about all targets. we have on a finger on a trigger, a fighting storm this house to destroy the designated targets in response to a potential attack. to monday morning, the works between one and a half. they get a short term. as discussions of news entered the freight,
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which housing authority strikes against as well as risk glass project or want to value even stronger counter measures? however, the situation to keep from medic twist. now what is well be is showing more things about targeting eros nuclear facilities. tar, tony revelation from the noisy or d. c. showing elsewhere to see for your slides, but also for some of the development of a nuclear bomb or on the wire gc unit that's in charge of protecting your sites. your facilities will leave with no other option, but to reconsider is declared nuclear policies. i got a how does the tax if there are any threats or actions by a fake sinus regime against countries? nuclear facilities in the pressuring these limits republic?
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reconsidering no nuclear, dr. and policy in violating into consideration to announce before will be likely and imaginable. and it is possible for these land make republic and its own forces . 30 tele, using advance weapons. if any flights of fox, somebody's vague zion is to resume, take place against all nuclear facilities and their machines, nuclear sentence will definitely be attacked. this both statements march. the significant departure from it was previously asked which strictly the use of weapons of mass destruction including based on religious t. sure, one has long been saying there is nuclear program is intended so peaceful process to richmond. so few radio stands up to 60 percent, which is not too far from the 90 percent fewer the required for an atomic bomb. the energy agency has several times verified that peaceful nature of the wrong
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activities. israel has consistently boards strong composition to a wrong nuclear program. calling for international intervention to prevent these from acquiring all this has led to a shadow war between one and is relevant to see numerous disabilities, particularly at no time in central is on our never launch. direct attacks on the why is solely on your side. so now push push to start a new race and then we just are on the counter attack, trade and difficulties, not only for israel, but for the wider was showing to wrong, wouldn't allow itself to be slighted for consequences as the attack made for the future. for a ron, you'll find more details on our website to our teeth,
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dot com. the palestinian authority is brand to the us be to a palace times bid to become a full fledged member of un unfair, on ethical and unjustifiable rushes. you and basset are followed suit and slammed washington saying the country is going against the vast majority of those supporting policies as well. it saves so much more to produce things. the goal of the us resolution is to break the will of palestinians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power, to turn them into servants, and 2nd class citizens, or perhaps even eradicate and expelled them from their native territory. such a policy only produces the opposite effect. today, the vast majority of the global community supports palestine application for a full membership in the world organization, the sufferings of peaceful palestinians resonate in the hearts and souls of millions of people worldwide. the current use of a veto, right by us delegation,
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is a futile attempt to halt the relentless march of history and even the voting results . where washington found itself almost completely isolated, speak for themselves. the results of today's vote did not shock many people. many anticipated that the united states would use its veto power as a permanent member of the un security council to block the bid for number statewood for the palestinians. however, when russian and basset are in advance, he gets up to the floor. he emphasize the very dangerous implications of today's veto by the united states. as it appears, it could set the stage for the full eradication of the palestinian people, which seems to be the goal of what israel is currently doing and matches the rhetoric of many is really leaders. now there was a war of words between the leaders of the countries involved in the conflict, israel and palestine, the palestinian authority. several members express the view. the admission of the
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state of palestine to membership in the united nations was a political matter rather than a technical or legal requirements. in other words, you on charter, be damned international law, be damned. they're just em 2 words on paper rights. do you and is no longer about to multilateralism? sadly, it is now committed to multi terrorism. the security council terror pays off its shameful, as i have always called out the political rocks within the un that sadly nothing here is based on truth and justice, but toxic politicized station. and today, the mask is finally full and the council has exposed to expose itself yolanda and for samuel philip to see how good this recognition and this membership international peace and security. this question, ladies and gentlemen, we ask specifically to the united states and other countries that oppose grant in the state of palestine full membership at a time when they recognize israel,
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which is the other party in the east, really boasting and culture. it has granted israel full membership of united nations and to those to say that the recognizing the palestinian state must happen through negotiations and not through un resolution. we want to once again our, the state of israel establishment. how was it recognized? wasn't that down through a un resolution, which is the resolution $181.00. and while they're now trying to is robin handed the adoption of such a resolution. and by this time, we know the international community cannot stand idly by while the countries of both international law enjoys impunity. president bassett are in the den z, a slam the united states for its hypocritical stance, claiming to support the palestinians, and then voting down today's resolution. in addition to that, he pointed out the claims from the united states that somehow the result of the voting is russia in china. salt are completely disingenuous. americans get kelly
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didn't use canal or american colleagues did not hide the fact that they see the security council as an obstacle, one that should not interfere with their effective diplomacy on the ground. in reality, this was to grant their main middle eastern ally a free hand in clearing the enclave. the us hypocritically accused as russia and china of v towing their fine product. yet an hour vito serves as an example of why the veto tool is needed and simple tediously answers. those who are demanding is abolition. it is needed to prevent the adoption of unbalanced and deceitful decisions pushed by washington. so overall it was the united states with its veto power that prevents, it would have been a very historic day that the united nations security counts in palestine could have become a full member states with the full rights of the un member state. however, the.


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