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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 18, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm EDT

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it saves western countries either don't seem to care or know about the day to day priorities of the people of baltimore. no one who is your program like u. s. h, to rarely on the ticket position of or what you don't front of the stuff. i'll just say, we'll pay you the product types of human, which means it is your drugs and miles desperately. you're going to be the 1st dresser. and man. yeah, so you won't be stuck between mazda or ma is 1st of full, q, m, b 0. and so the peak like here is riley said that it's, it's a little bit of bounce more than us the from apple pollution another me there. why? and then see what it looks like. and that is where we leave and use drop for another. but do keep right in the loop by checking out our social media channels. wherever you see you are reading them, blocked or too little go. give it
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a follow good by the who. what i would show seemed wrong. just don't have to shape out the application. and engagement equals the trails when so many find themselves will support. we choose to look for common ground, the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things are considered on peter live out . the balance of power in the middle east is influx. israel no longer has its volunteer to turn supremacy what is called the access of resistance is challenging . israel and importantly, it's western patrons. the cross walk in the middle east, i'm joined by my guess, wilmer. it's leo and in washington. he is a political scientist, author and a radio talk show host in new york. we have line on he is a legal and media analyst, and in mar, say we crossed it already on tom t as an independent journalist and a contributor at 21st century wire. quite so many cross cypress and effect. that means you can jump any time you want, and i always appreciate wilmer and may go to you 1st in washington. you know, you could say the word change, but you know,
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what is changing. everything is changing as something we've never seen in our lifetime. as i talked about israel supremacy in the middle east is very much being challenged right now. but the, the biggest change that i see going on here is, and we make when we look at iran's retaliatory strike for israel's attack on it's console it in damascus. is it israel could only defend itself with the help with the help and assistance of the united states, the u. k. in france. that is a very interesting thing because it is real survival based on how much assistance they can get from the west. and is that good for the west? go ahead and in washington of israel survival is totally dependent upon the west, from a number of strict perspectives, not only militarily and financially, but ideologically, as well. and the, uh what, what uh, what
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a ron has demonstrated is that the design is this ology of a supremacy superior already. and the ability to protect the citizens of israel is now been proven to be nothing but a missed. and, and that is really rattling the psyche of, of, not only because when you look at a lot of the israelis, they have dual citizenship. they are fleeing that are flying in the country like a sinking raft. and what a rod has now demonstrated, not only to israel, but to the united states, is we can strike you when we want to, where we want to. and you can't do a thing about it. well, you know, it's interesting, you know, because this is, we're going into kind of a, a sense of a perpetual complex here line, or mike johnson, the speaker of the house. he said in the last new cycle, but he is a,
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a war time speaker. what war is he referring to and that anyone vote for it? lionel, no one can figure out what he's even talking about. and the other day, which was the most towing marjorie taylor green, who say what you want. often said things that makes you say, oh, she said, has he is he being blackmailed to be? who is the there's something about when republicans take the position, i must say gentlemen, that closer to home. what is also frightening to me is how the college campus, which used to be this, this bastion, this, this intersection, this, this marketplace a free ideas, crazy during the vietnam war, columbia. we're actually having people and i don't want to be pissy or plenty about it. but it's not anti semitism. what is anti? so mendez's and we're the, the, the semantics people we're actually are having
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a college president's come up and explain. are you allowing somebody to think this violence is one thing? absolutely. but what i'm hearing is, are you allowing someone to sink this kind of thinking of myself and my tendency happening? where are the civil libertarians generally the, the, the, the, the, the, the liberals and that the berkeley freeze. facebook who says, wait a minute, free speech is not condition upon the subject matter is conditioned upon the idea. so not only when this is all over, we're going to have this cancer that is metastasized within our system. and, and i don't know if there's any treatment for it. well, you know, a, freddy, a is. this is kind of an extension of what line always saying here is that, you know, we've seen that is realistic. streamline, vulnerable right now. but it also means that the united states is very vulnerable
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because if this, this phrase, iron clad commitment to israel, that means be not in states as committing to get into to fight is rails wars. is that a very good idea of certainly from are not the united states, but for the entire region and for the global economy here, do the americans understand that what they're signing up for, particularly from what we understand the, the, the costs that israel had to pay and, and it's western patrons on the, on the night to be radian, retaliation was $1300000000.00. can they do that night after night after night? go ahead and mark, say the shirts as a computer. yes, of course. this is a very tricky situation. i think the united states got itself in that little bit of a people to be honest with you on my analysis of this, you radians strike and deposits. you patients after united states in disbanding
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israel as shown and different aspects of this conflict. and also perhaps different reason why the united states intervene. so it's very important fun to, to really analyze that you understand was the united states actually just defending each route? all. so what are you trying to protect? basically make sure the entire defense and m restarted defense system and each route was not being set to rated. and i think it do united state to some extent and was trying to avoid an embarrassment because we are defending an it's a military industrial complex. yeah. and i've seen that the billions of dollars that have been spanned, india decided air defense. and israel is almost a, a, a pilot project for the well to see that. and i don't see anyone in the united states with a want to have a public embarrassments. so i think it was interesting to see them moving into the
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iraqi a space and deploying a complete air defense operation with a refuting anchors allowing basically, you know, to diminish that possibility. the said differently. i absolutely agree with you, is that not only was israel's air defenses tested americas was being tested, that's what you're getting out here. you know, right, wilmer, you said something very interesting here. um, you know, we have to make a differentiation. i'm good because i'm glad we have line and here because he is a not for semantics here, but you know, you know, what we see is the defense of israel. that's the narrative. but no, that's not true. this is defense of a zion. this the project we have to keep separating these 2 things out. go ahead in washington. well, that, that for as much as the, as really lobby wants to conflate judaism in zionism, and to say that to be anti israel is anti semitic. no, no, no. this is not a issue about judaism,
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this is not an issue about jews. this is an issue about zionists, and what people need to understand is not all the zionist, the jews, and not all jews resided. joe biden has told us very clearly and folks, you can look this up. i am a zion, it's. and that is a very well more of a do you think? right. so he references, don't you think he's been trips to because he thinks it's pro israel. that's what you know, i think you brought it up. we were all brought up to make them the same synonymous, and they're not go ahead, you're off to say something very important and i interrupted, go ahead. well, i've always understood them to be different. it was always made very clear to me that those 2, we're not, we're not the same, but this is a zionist settler colonial project. and there are many that believe that as goals is real, so goes the rest of the audiology and the settler colonial projects.
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and that's why so many in the united states are so staunchly committed to this project. and as we see, as, as with, with south africa, this is now coming to a close. yeah. you know, line or they, one of the things that's very interesting. if you look at the reactions to it, to a israel's assault on iran's consulate in damascus and then the retaliation here, what we're getting from western capital is just utter nonsense. i mean, it just ball faced lives the way they're interpreting it. and this is dangerous because this is what they're telling the public said is real one. know israel's in big trouble. and sowards patrons basically who's controlling this narrative, lionel as a lawyer, i know a little bit about the notion of provocation. so the funds and violation of territory trespass and i,
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it's absolutely us down me how nobody will ever even say, even in the preparatory side. no. now i recognize the fact that yes, under international law, the attack on a consulate or embassy is indeed considered an act of war power, you know, or it's just just even pay lip service to it. just i know this may seem other incandescent bits like it never happened. i don't want to bring this completely derail this incredibly important conversation. but it, i called at the k middleton phenomena. we just stopped talking about it next. what do i do? did don't do, don't, don't talk about just keep talking. we will talk as though this never happened. we're, we're just going to do. if we remove and just set this incredible portion. now remember, if i were to take this scenario, if i could go back in time and say, let me ask you, if country a did this to country b and country c, but what would you think?
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and as the rest of the world, what they would say, believe me, no, but the whole point in line and let me go to freddy here, lionel is absolutely ran with his analogy, but there is always be exception. meaning the israel doesn't have to observe international law in the, in the west protecting israel. doesn't either freddy as well. absolutely. and in relation to your questions with blue consoles, the narrative, i, st. terry, we need to dig, it's likely to be said is when we talk about the western media community to western medias are controlled by the good police, the neo cons old, the a little elite power clubs, but we cannot do united 5 to these realize a great deal of influence into western media, please be surely to in france and in europe. so we can expect the narrative to bro, to be pro his readiness such and why end us out seeing goes for actually the last bus 20 years in europe. and i'm sure the united states, he's a really nice again, but i think there is also some of the,
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some curious as far as to understand what the media is doing and how they're treating just information. and we've seen that over the last bus 34 months, literally slowly abandoning the, basically the con, 16 gaz. okay, i'm ready. i have to jump in here and go to a hard break. and after that hard break, we'll continue our discussion on the changing middle each day with our team, the known in vietnam as the american war, the vietnam war lost it for almost 2 decades and dragged in numerous countries. nor does he have written down that you don't see it now. why did all, i'm empty? hundreds of thousands of american troops who was sent to the country to bank the south vietnamese on me and
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the american soldiers murdered resistors. most of us like the down entire villages and spread dangerous chemicals. and li bye. all right. did the americans ever fully acknowledge what they did on the vietnamese veterans ready to forgive? get no. yes. that's the way it's too late. to put yes, the door, the adult or to to just don't want to talk to me soon. so media meetings,
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essentially the settings from like the same 3 things i'm really familiar with the norm. yes, it presents all the money to the sale be the name is the at the was the motion to complete it. it's a cute to should get us the book which is such as to not authority to producing that to, to see about purpose passed through. so the welcome back across back were all things are considered on peter lavelle to remind you were discussing the changing middle east the ok, let's go back to for them on our say we, you were making
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a point before we went to the break. we finished trump, peter, thank you. what, basically we've seen the mass media, whether it's in europe, it's in the united states. they've studio bands and the coverage of the guys a trusted to is yes. so i think very nonsense, really generation library on word we so and we can see it at the national televisions. we're getting very little insights on actually israel improvements of the situation. the 1st step is made to comply with the uh, the international court of justice or order. if you will say this clearly uh, this is done on the page. and this uranium strike is very interesting because as you said, the weights treated it is treated as a fixed rate, but it's clearly knox. and clearly the footage that has been provided by these rail as far as the expanded to damage india and a, a base and have a team in and, and, and rep on a page in the new ship days. it is just simply not true. it's just not what you
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would expect from about as the strikes. so again, we've been lied to that is the old way to, to present that, you know, wilmer in, in washington. it's very interesting. i'm glad would probably have brought up the media coverage here. isn't it interesting? and i'll go to line on this because it has to do with semantics. ok. but you know, we hear from western leaders, we should be restrained restraint. you know, everybody, should we? well, they didn't call for restrain for 6 months as a israel's genocidal campaign was being played out in gauze in front of our eyes. i mean they, they want restrain for us not for humanitarian reasons. apparently. go ahead in washington it's, it's bizarre. well, 2 things. one, as it relates to the narrative, there was a piece recently that was talking about the fact that the new york times has decided they're not going to use the words palestine. and they're not going to use the words occupied territories. or at least are going to minimize the amount to which they do that speaks volumes about the narrative. now, 2 restraints, there's
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a whole lot of rhetoric, rhetorical pauls for restraint, but there's not been a restraint on providing the military. the military hardware to design is colony of israel so that they continue to uh, to engage in genocide. there hasn't been in a restraint on american generals. any is really war rooms helping to plan and to org, orchestrate the genocide. so there is a lot of rhetoric calling for restraint, but there is 00, a real, real active restraint by the united states because president buy it and could bring it into this in 2 days. just by simply saying, we're not sending you anymore hardware. we're not sending you any more money ever, lionel vitamin is never going to make that telephone call. a way we hear we hear
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from official circles that if israel wants to retaliate against a directly against around the united states is not going to be part of that. i do believe that for one second, i don't mean just for the interest. but the reason that freddy was brought up is that their missile defense systems are all in co mingled here in the united states is gonna know exactly what it's doing and it will give its tacit approval. i'm sorry, go ahead line. well, no, you know, a gentleman assigned to a history be rewritten just as an example in new york and the golden gate bridge and elsewhere. when you have pro palestinian protesters the way it is being the way the narrative works is well, there they go again, complete and utter traffic k as how dare these. and i'm thinking of myself. imagine during the height of the civil war of civil rights movement. when dr. king and rob or another, another is, is a famous admin pettis bridge incident, or there they go. again, jamming up traffic. no, we, harold, this is interesting. we the, the, the, the famous i have
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a dream speech. i'm sure parking was terrible that day when this event happened. peter, you, when i have talked about in the old days where we used to think about the native american, we've been talking back to says she little says around marlon, brando and barry my heart at wounded knee and weeks out. you patients, mendoza? apartheid we, we seem to at least indicate a sentence and ability to appreciate at least the concept that's gone now. and you have circles, it's right on. that's right. you know, it's a line or as always brings up a really good point here pretty. it shows to me, you know, the, the, the west like city, lecture, the world that it shows that it's virtuous and it must follow its ways out. but this is just neo colonialism all over. and it's even, it's an ugly form of it. i mean it, there is that it's not even, well, it least we're bringing drinking water in literacy. okay. is it the mask is completely off right now. okay. these israel has to be protected from these round
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people who cares where they came from and who cares where they're going. that's how well blunted is right now. pretty a yes, as it gets to say, and i think it's important to understand the embarrassment with desire these projects, you know, because it was established as a national many states in palestine. so as i say it, nick based states that might survive. you know, the 1000 small countries and more importantly, if they're not violent, if they're not aggressive, but the state like israel, it, which is, was built on the secular nationalism is definitely key outdated in the 25th century . and everybody knows that they're not as maybe for the media and most prized better in the do promoting circle. when you speak with the problem, as everybody knows that's not just needs to go. it's an embarrassment, and it's creating more problem that it needs to. the problem is that we have a policy goes to a bible on the table here and media, i'll be literally pulled the last bus 6 months, you know, a new crises of communication mode,
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meaning that there's always off to confirm or they have to kind of just the 5, do you trust it to that we are saying? so anything that is happening is treated on the prices on an emergency business a little bit. pretty much the same way that our government is currently, you know, applying and, and governing in the west. you know, it's all emergency, everything is an emergency and that is creating difficulty because nice catching up with them. and that's exactly what happened. obviously last week and with the, with the origins drive, people got to see actually the truth. so it was that kind of are, you know, wake up call reality check it you. oh, yeah, it was a eureka moment in many ways. wilmer, it's very interesting to me that the, the west i invented for essentially the and concept of international law. i'm equal treatment under it, and now we have countries like south africa in nicaragua is saying, yeah, what, why don't we apply these laws equally right now,
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because it's really interesting. who did joe biden turned to 1st after israel was attacked? the g 7 o, the globe, new york, former colo meal flowers. i mean, well, you know that this in the be to have no sense of irony that the same people that you know, exported the ideology of colonial ization. they are the ones who are going to still decide what the world's and thinking do. it's really amazing to me go ahead. well, i, this, i believe is a, a very, very clearly, an example of the power of the rise of china. the power of the rise of russia on the international stage with bricks. joe biden turns to g 7 when it's really now the rising of bricks, brazil, india, russia, and china, south africa, and the other. 17 countries, i think that now want to join the organization said to imagine what the acronym would be if you had all of them in there. well, i think we need to outsource that to line and we could probably get it to work.
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okay. i'm sorry for the liberty keep going in in washington. and i think it's also important to understand that that breaks for the most part is an economic organization. yep. and what the united states is fighting. they are fighting the rise and development of economies, and they're using militarism to do so. so these other countries, south africa and others that are turning to the international court of justice in the criminal court. they, their voices would, would have fallen upon death for years. and years ago, because there would not have been the counter force that the to make this take it from a unilateral power dynamic to a multi lateral power dynamic. and when i say power dynamic, i'm not only talking militarism because, you know, when it's when united would try to decides it is had enough of us carrier groups in the south china sea. they'll send a hypersonic missile in there to solve that problem. but the issue now is the dollarization,
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the issue is challenging. economies in the united states only solution is military as well. you know, line or, you know, it, we've mentioned the president, the united states, mr. biden here, a number of times. um and, and freddy is kind of uh, alluded to a good business shift in narrative. you know, um, you know, all of us were brought up on the propaganda against the move was and it ran and all that it was, it was, you know, part of our, a, every day the news diet is that would find is going to do now is that you know, ship the attention away from the gaza, which is, you know, dogging him in every single campaign. stop and just beat the drums of war against the ram. is that, is that going to work? because he has to be careful because the war actually could happen line on as well . if, if ever you're going to shift the narrative of anything, there is no better country in the world. and here i could tell you gentlemen,
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to times square a couple of blocks from me and offer a $1000.00 to anybody who knows what bricks is. no, think it's a line from a pink voice on. they have no idea. none whatsoever. i also have my, i, i my, quote, a question about dubious, intellectual friends who will give the most persuasive narrative as to their disinclination to support a war in, in support of zalinski. and it makes sense, i say, now let's take those precepts, those concepts and apply them here. oh no, no, no, this is different. is did. what's different about and, and it's interesting how we can on a moment's notice, we can focus and turn. there are people who still think the middle east that iran has below the who sees that this is some prehistoric, almost a dis this and to query a group of people with spears who live in a world. i'm sure they don't understand that you're talking about really
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serious sizeable contingent and the thing which scares me the most is when people have it in their heart, when they have a desire, when they have a kind of blood in their. so i to the mix metaphor, but for americans don't have that. we're saying, well, you know, we, we intellectually understand this, but you're talking about people who live in read this and, and i'm, i'm, i'm, the 1st rule of wor, sons do not withstanding is make sure you understand the capacity for commitment of anybody. you're engaging because you're going to where they have this is their future, their family, their history, their pro, but not this. this is here was an essentially line on what you're saying is that when we've talked about breaks in, which are like talking about changes in the middle east and elsewhere. so when the american not empire collapse is the last people to learn about, it will be americans, right?
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a, i'm sorry to say, i think you're correct. all right, so i know i'm correct. all right, gentlemen, that's all the time we have on it. take my guess in washington, new york and in march i, and of course i want to thank our viewers for watching us here at our dc and expand, remembered across the face has always captured humanities imagination. i mean, let's face it, space is cool, but only the chosen few are able to head beyond the arts atmosphere. it takes years of preparation to actually take on that final frontier space training pushes the human abilities limits to the very edge. so who are the super heroes of today? let's get to know them a little better the.
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