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tv   News  RT  April 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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of the, the, this ours headline story, sexual torture using hot metal rod zona, electric sticks just some of the extremely distressing and graphic icons revealed by the un refugee agency profile. this 9, which is interviewed gals is released from is really military detention. russia accuses the us of disrespecting, the free will of the palestinian people after washington retail was there, paid for us or shift off the united nations. and the security council of the world's most populous nation prefers the tech to the polls to choose its next parliament. as we've discussed, what's expected to be that key issue for many india and voters based on the way you
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can call it. i'll stick a lot of pen also. trinity is to be able to meet and manage the aspirations to go up in your thoughts. part of putting up become the 3rd largest, the only i typed in the across the globe. i run the clock. this is our t international. let's get straight to our top story. many gallons and civilians, how being subjected to brutal abuse, allegedly including sexual violence and torture awhile and is really military detention. that is, according to a new report from the u. n. refugee agency for palestine, which is really some harling, testimonies officer vipers, and they made me sits on salt, to like a hot metal stick, kind of felt like fire. i have bones into a notice the soul just hit me with the shoes on my chest and use salt to like
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a muscle stick that had a small nail on the side. they asked us to drink from the toilets and made the dogs attack us. there were people who were detained until maybe 9 of them. one of them died after they put the electric stick off his anus. he got so sick with, so one's coming out of his body and then he died. well, oh no, i says it based. it's report on testimonies of palestinians freed from is really the tension between november last year. and this april. the agency documented the release of more than $1600.00 detainees from guys on including $43.00 children and $84.00 women. and on those released were of the agencies, employees and their relatives. they were also old and sick people, them on the tanny's injured people, those with disabilities and with mental problems, they testified being held incommunicado between interrogations and what appeared to be make shift military barracks, housing, up to 120 people,
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sometimes for several weeks. transported there by trucks, palestinians reported while in detention they were beaten up, forced to lie on the mattresses on top of rubble for hours without food, water access to toilet with a legs and hands tied. several detainees reported being forced to into cages and attacked by dogs. some of them including one child, had dulled by tones on their body, the report states. detainees also said they were forced to sit on their knees for 12 to 16 hours a day blindfolded with their hands tied. some on the wall staff members reported they experienced war to bolting a form of torture, simulating drowning france of rape and electrocution, were forced to stripped naked or film till photographed while without clothes. some reports they were forced to act like animals or even you related on. here are some of the testimonies. the ask, the soldiers disappeared on me saying she's a,
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she's from casa, they would bid, and us as we moved and saying they would put 5 owners sensitive parts. jen, it else, they pulled us beat us. they took us into boss to the demon, present of to 5 base and male soldiers to go far ahead jobs and they pinched us and touched all bodies, including our breasts. we were blindfolded and we were feeling them touching us, pushing our hats to the bus. we started to squeeze together to try to protect ourselves from detection. they said they told the soldiers to take all their shoes and slip our faces with them. he mailed palestine in detain is described being psychologically abused, reported inappropriate touch, and during searches, and both men and women reported threats and incidents that's may amount to sexual violence. and harassment by the idea of several people were admitted to hospitals straight off to being released. detainees also testified the idea of confiscated,
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therapist sessions, including ideas and money. and generally it was never returned to after the release . many testified about various threats. the idea fused to get information they needed. do you run into allegations? let's take a listen. shut book shows me my whole neighborhood on a computer screen. it's asked me to tell them about old persons. they pointed to who is this, who is this, etc? if i didn't recognize someone, the soldiers threatened to bull my home. she asked me when my home didn't evacuated itself. i told her my brothers and my father stayed at home. she said, if you don't confess with own formation, will bomb your home and kill your family. the valet stayed in prison, our society says is relative fuses to disclose the number of gallons a detained over the past 6 months after the warrant guys and started over there. whereabouts several is rarely n g as travels through geneva or earlier this week to alarm before the un about the serious crisis inside is really jails in terms of
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a number of inmates. and that's richmond. one of the law says it's sent official request to israel off to the report about ill treatment was published. these really military denied the allegations as you remember, e's real believes another one is linked to have mass. milton groups earlier is accused a number of the release agencies, stuff of being involved in the 7th of october have mass attacks on israel. it led to another while a major donor is cutting their funds before any investigation. later, most of them returned, but the reputation of agency known for providing a to palestinian refugees for decades was of course as boiled. washington is deeply concerned by claims in the most recent underwater ford state department deputies spokesperson said the us now vows to press israel to conduct the full investigation . the big question, however, is whether israel will listen and even if there is a pro, will those responsible be brought to justice rushes password here to
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the un has lashed out of washington after it be towed on thursday. policy nines paid for a full membership off the world body. it saves so much water. but the goal of the us resolution is to break the wheel of palestinians to make them unconditionally submit to the occupying power, to turn them into servants, and 2nd class citizens, or perhaps even eradicate and expelled them from their native territory. such a policy only produces the opposite effect. today, the vast majority of the global community supports palestine application for full membership in the world organization. the sufferings of peaceful palestinians resonates in the hearts and souls of millions of people worldwide. the current use of a veto, right by the us delegation, is
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a futile attempt to hold the relentless march of history, the voting results, where washington, the found itself almost completely isolated, speak for themselves. each knew who the student was speaking, it had all thursday session. all of the un security console where paula science potential full membership of the united nations was as we heard voted on unblocked after the us. vito did the russian and boy also slammed washington for its spence. on the conflict of the home. the committee comes, the colored thing is can our american colleagues did not hide the fact that they see the security council as an obstacle one that should not interfere with their effective diplomacy on the ground. in reality, this was to grant their main middle eastern ally a free hand in clearing the enclave. the us hypocritically accused as russia and china of v towing their fine product. yes, in our veto, serves as an example of why the veto tool is needed and single tediously answers.
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those who are demanding is abolition. it is needed to prevent the adoption of unbalanced and deceitful decisions pushed by washington, where we heard the russian envoys speaking before the 15 member by that leads the united nations and before the security council, russian ambassador nipple ben z, highlighted the double standards and hypocrisy of western countries that are constantly lecturing the world about human rights. so the protections of civilians, civil liberties, and so many issues, but then conveniently turning a blind eye to is railey crime is an atrocity. now at this point, there over 240 united nations workers who have been killed. israel has attacked humanitarian envoys and western countries continued to protect israel at the un security council. and at this point, uh,
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they seem to be allowing israel to carry out further escalations in the region. this is what russian ambassador and eventually you said before the council at the meeting. so we need, unless it is up. and the girl agreement was due to the fault of our western colleagues, specifically the united states, the u. k. and friends of the council cannot condemn these 3 at least strikes on the korean conflict in damascus on april. first, this failure undermines the very foundation of international relations, the invoice liability of diplomatic and consular premises and personnel, and such neglect from the west and towards individual states and their rights, dividing the world into those above the law. and those whose legitimate interests can be ignored. and has brought the middle east to the brink of a major war. we did hear the palestinian authority take to the floor and may complete that they be recognized and not simply observers, the united nations, but be given full united nations member state status. and we heard israel
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thunderously condemned, such a possibility. yours, the war of words on the floor of the un security council. several members expressed the view. the admission of the state of palestine to membership in the united nation was a political matter rather than a technical or legal requirements. in other words, you and charter be damned international law, be damned. they're just em 2 words on paper rights. do you and is no longer about to multilateralism? sadly, it is now committed to multi terrorism. the security council terror pays off its shameful, as i have always pulled out the political rocks within that un, sadly, nothing here is based on truth and justice, but toxic politicized. station and to day the mass cuz finally full and the council has exposed to expose itself. and for the time you open up to see how good granting
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the state of palestine from membership of the united nations, similar to other countries around the world damaged the prospects of peace between palestinians and israelis. how could this recognition and this membership um, international peace and security? this question, ladies and gentlemen, we ask specifically to the united states and other countries that oppose grant in the state of palestine full membership at a time when they recognize israel, which is the other party in the is really boasting and culturally, and has granted israel full membership of united nations and do those to say that recognizing the palestinian state must happen through negotiations and not through un resolution. we want to once again our, the state of israel establishment. how was it recognized? wasn't that down through a un resolution, which is the resolution $181.00. and while they're now trying to is robin handed the adoption of such a resolution. by this time the international community cannot stand idly by while
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the countries of both international law enjoys impunity. israel shoulders full responsibility for the mass of destruction, of guys as self informants continued aggression. it is also the responsibility of countries that have supported easement with weapons and funds and provided israel with the lady, good protection of the us to a political level that sadie smith to this washington's veto. and his view as denied by less to means the access to basic human rights. i think you will provide palestine with the same protections that other countries are provided at the you and that would allow hopefully international law to actually be enforced. cuz right now is real, is essentially been allowed to bomb the palestinians with near impunity. so it would provide palestine with protections and it would set them on the road to become a state. washington does support is rules ethnic cleansing of palestine. washington, well, it will support is real unconditionally because they protect our oil interests in
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the region. oil, interest and other economic interest is not just oil but and, and gaza is an important spot. economically. there's natural gas off the coast of guys. it would allow them easier trade and easier access to the sea. so i think their economic reasons that the us supports the ethnic cleansing of the palestinian people and the seizure of land and gaza. and while publicly they'll say that there reprimanding is real, they're asking israel to show restraint. in reality, behind the scenes, they don't care, they'll support is real unconditionally, so long as israel continues to act as a neo colonial outpost in the middle east. in the matter of hours, india will begin the largest exercise on democracy in the world. it's parliamentary elections, part of which will also see the countries next leader elected early voting has already started in some parts of the nation. nearly a 1000000000 people are eligible to have their say in
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a 6 week long valid. the 1st phase of which begins on friday and r t will bring you special coverage of the major event. the, the will the indian a common me i'm the money in their pockets is a key issue of course for voters said per per to choose their next parliament and prime minister. the main parties contesting the pole or the ruling b, j. p. on the indian national congress, here's what they've said ahead of the field. we are committed to, so the last came to transform. it just puts on soul of manufacturing to create employment opportunities and thrive, economic expansion will ensure all the things the remains the worlds fastest growing, major economy and future, while maintaining mach cross stability with pi a to be the wells, the largest economy by 2030. what production is important because activities
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equal importance and impediment legal, administrative to logic production, ohio value will be removed. the congress has committed to rapid growth and generation of both. we have set a target of doubling budget to be in the next 10 years. well, india is the worlds fastest growing economy, the size of which was estimated at $3.00 trillion dollars last year. the countries g d p, grew by 7 percent during the period 2 and is projected to increase by around the same number this year. india is now the world's 5th largest economy, a big jump, 5 spots in the rankings over the past decade. another aspect of this, india is used or up the forefront of a digital revolution. over the next few years, the nation plans to become a tech powerhouse, the major producer of semi conductors. other key goals include the fostering of entrepreneurship and the removal of obstacles and business development. indeed,
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as foreign policy is also aimed of attracting significantly more investment. we discuss the countries prospects with a panel of experts, a, c, r, a, a very, very large country. and therefore, i think one of the biggest obstacles of, well, you can call it up stickler an opportunity is to be able to meet and manage the aspirations of a very, very large number of young people, 65 percent of india. and on the $35.00, we add about $2425000000.00 people to out of the population every year. so i think one challenge is going to be how do we make sure that we continue to provide opportunities of growth and prosperity for a very large number of people? number 2 is that why the data has been a very substantiate amount of investment in infrastructure. and people like me who live in the lodge metropolitan cities i've,
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i've seen amazing highway is likely won't see in most of other parts of a developer. what i do believe that some more work needs to be done to be able to take infrastructure and make it more accessible in our router areas. so many the things we have not yet started moving is that i so as far as the you're making it up, it's becoming to the energy the products are in the pipeline and some of in the video on stage. you know, these 6 of it is very, very just sick. the available problem is the input of human society sooner we will be, you know, was a cheating, the kind of for, for, you know, sense proficiency that the beautiful country has been to, you know, looking at for the long sort of thing. you know, in the hub, it has the highest, technically true in my club. so it will be produced. 30 folding to 50 loc continues further, yet we have that you don't mind far required for taking the country forward. we
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have some vision though, also to match the profit of you know, what the operating the foss know. speed, the future will be much faster. i'm going to be in the thoughts quite to fully putty viewed up, become the 3rd largest. you told me i don't have any doubt about it. well, that's almost under way, and we'll insure you don't miss any of the moments about the matter as india heads to the pools or special coverage of the countries parliamentary elections, which will run until june against this friday. the china has slum the upcoming joint military drills between the us of the philippines in the southeast asian countries waters, beijing, as one manila against becoming one that calls washington's puppet
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a tablet i'm from one to china, strongly opposes the us deploying medium range ballistic missile. so the asia pacific and strengthening forward deployment, a china doorstep to seek your new lot, strong military advantage is the us to earnestly respect all the countries security concerns, stop stoking military confrontation, stop online and peace and stability in the region and take concrete actions to reduce strategic risk, the philippines needs to think twice about would be a catch fall for the us at the expense of its solid security interest and stop sliding down the wrong path. the us military has deployed its new mid range running bass, miss silas to the into a pacific region for the 1st time ahead of the drills. now the word games which will last, almost 3 weeks are due to start on monday. and china isn't the only country raising the alarm. single pores foreign minister has expressed his concerns to the moment
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you have an escalation of tension or collisions or military action in the south china sea. it will immediately impair and impede trade. singapore is interested in maintaining peace and stability in one of the world's busiest waterways, which is what the south china sea is. leisha 1st commented, or nelson, one told r t. the us keeps wading into a far away region instead of minding its own business to us, it is always trying to poke the nose into affairs of our region despite the repeated roaming from china. that all disputes that should be solved amicably from friendly negotiations. among the countries in the region, the u. s. as far apart, and then not parts of this region. so of course, i mean they, that the, they're everywhere they try to, to pose that knows that the,
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every way around the world to, to correct some trouble. let's don't forget that when president macos 1st came into power, and he went to the us for a state to visit. and i believe quite clearly, and i remember quite clearly he said that the state when he opened up 4 or 5 on the basis military basis for the us. he said quite clearly that they were not supposed to be used to, to, to facilitate anything against china. but now, quite recently he said quite to the country, you said yes, they are against china. so that's quite bothering actually, and i believe chinese government has now made it very clear and the position is very firm. the european union must aim for a quote, a single market with teeth to keep its economy competitive. that's according to
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a plan that former italian prime minister and rico let's was present this other meeting all the leaders of the gap between the union and us into a silver they cannot, performances is becoming grow bigger and bigger and, and the possibility to reinforce the single market to eliminate defragmentation starting from the 3 left to verse of the door fields and the 3 main leftovers, where the energy telecom and financial markets with a not time member states decide it's not to give to the lord the possibility to integrate them. and we are losing competitiveness on the city. this is why the main proposal is to integrate them. let's expand all that mr. let his report suggest expanding the idea of a single european market to lift tangible areas such as telecommunications, energy, finance. currently, those spears are fragmented by different national rules that make it difficult to
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scale up. while the italian wants to see a savings on investment, union release trillions of euro from private accounts, in order to subsidize initiatives across the us. however, while politicians from brussels are not favoring state 8, essentially, just last year they cried, filed over china doing the same thing, but global markets, and also a lot. it was cheaper chinese electric cars. and the price is kept artificially low by huge states subsidies. this is distorting our market and as we do not accept this distortion from the inside and our market, we do not accept this from the outside. so i can announce today that the commission is launching an empty subsidy investigation into electric vehicles coming from china. we discuss a discrepancy with geo political, a specialist on,
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on trip printer and a little julia, i know, saves the you clearly has 2 sets of rules on the issue as well. this is a typical of west tennessee bulky. it's the, the stand that we can do it, but when you do it it's, it's not ok. now we're looking at subsidies. i think it's because the use of losing market share as chinese more competitive stuff. i was reason, actually the chinese more competitive. there's a very high level of real, but these ation, chinese name is also cheap, cheaper. and i think we need to keep into account. that's a because of the energy that the u. s. to purchase in the us, which is much more expensive. what china has a cheapest source of energy, especially when he comes to russia? i think in the meantime, in the initial term, if this is, these might be
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a solution for the you to shoot you to keep the industry to keep the market share. so because otherwise they are not competitive, they need to, to buy, to buy those goods outside and, and probably the attendance ease of probably the us and it's basically china. so it's about my market protection. so, but it is going against the whole from the mentors of this liberal market, free market economy. okay, something else to tell you by today, the president of both swan sounds like choose your opinions of quote, prioritizing elephants over locals. less threatened, defend 30000 of the on the most of germany on the u. k. to demonstrate the dangers of living alongside another statement comes in mid rising tensions over potential trophy hunting import funds proposed by berlin. and as i get the sense that basing these elephants are pets, i get the sense that many seeing these elephants are human beings,
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and the majority would perceive the value of these elephants as superior to human life. and what's one, why don't true for a moment, the experience leaving with them? that's why this offer was made to yourselves to have them in hyde park, a very complex value based policy problem since but so on, i is home to over a 3rd of the continues, alex is a management decisions have major consequences on the spaces as a whole and it all started earlier this year with germany is environmental ministry flow to the proposal to impose a scripted limits on the import of hunting sophie the into the country out of concern for poaching presidents. and we'll put through my system, believe that cause a vase and i have cause the local elephant population to balloon to nearly a 150000. and that hunting is a mistake. so component of population controlled before the die and um animals at this point the president says it is very easy to sit in button and have an opinion
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about apricots as between the phase particularly puts whatnot. and one possible solution my present must cease to flow to was that gemini must walk the walk instead of simply talking the tool she proposed, the germans should live together with the animals in the same way if they're trying to tell which one to do. so just move from the president, those europeans, if they lived among the funds like we do, they would respond exactly the same way. perhaps they might be more brutal because they have a much stronger gun culture than we do. imagine you try to gather your goats at night. when you stumble up on an elephant, any charges you cannot alter on an elephant, you get squashed like when you squash but data when you match, it must be as in bob way, even so that freak i have old slide to reduce the number of a low facility a tibbetts feed at certain points, but nearly all the methods and ways of doing so have been met with criticism or rather are outside condemnation by you go to the and watch them in the or rather the, you go p is seem to not understand at this point is that the region that has
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a sustainable or rather a carry capacity of elephant and that to the overall population has resulted in several instances of conflicts between the animals and the people. and in most cases, benefit have in both the um, the village is causing damage to cross field, especially in some districts do. but so i know with the a more animals than people and african governments often and goods by the idea of wisdom, countries telling them that to the practice is an ethical. hence the 3 to 5 books. one was president at this moment, but at this point, the african countries, the standing the ground and open the calling, the bad a neo colonial into fear is would this suffering to ride to, to sustain the use of offered the services? we'll just thing with a story. we got reaction from global affairs, i'm less than commentator dr. victor archive who saves western countries either
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don't seem to care or know about the day to day priorities of the people up. what's your program like you um, switch to rarely and a ticket decision about what you direct from the style of your fee. we'll pay you the prototype of humor, which means it is your drugs i 90 miles gas. where did you want to be 1st? drugs or a man? yeah, so you won't be stuck between mazda or mark it is 1st to full. she won't be 0. and so i think like yours, right. it said that it's, it's the low been across more than us the entire, from apple vision, another me there. why and then see what it looks like. and that is where we leave and use drop for now. but do keep right in the loop by checking out our social media channels.


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