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tv   News  RT  April 16, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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the, the, an r t correspondence is detained activities. the airport with no reasons given. he had been heading to cab a protest in the georgia and capital russia has found you create and to be directly involved in last month. the terrorist attack of the moscow regions which killed a $145.00 people. moscow security council and filed the old parties involved to be punished also ahead. an escalation of the conflict was the result of leaving the office not to madness. lead us the fluid move war. that is what i'm the president because my doodle ones, 80 escalation in the middle east to lead to his bed world war. and as the western nations continue to support ease all despite its desire, just like back as you bought. didn't nigeria ominous to international and other
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civil society organizations that are going to going to block british load die, and shell from selling your local brands onto lead takes up for, for getting the region type of vehicle for many tickets at the game one moves. what is going on there about the oil pollution and the judges that have to be in by the kind of the welcome to all the international reaching you from our new center at moscow. i a michael fortune with the updates. we start this program with breaking news right now. our tea correspondent, the porter has been detained. actually believe the airport as he was heading to georgia to cover co test. all right, lights right now we have, but he goes down of joining me right here in this to your eagle is due to have you join me now. what do we know happened?
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well, it is a somewhat troubling development happening right now. unraveling in the georgia and the police airport police being the capital of georgia. basically, my colleague and our calling done more to he traveled to georgia and at the board to check points at the book at the board to check when he presented his passport. his his id and apparently he was told that there was some technical glitch in the system that wouldn't recognize his pause for these documents. and so he was just told to wait until it looked fine at that time. but then it was this quoted to an isolated room, and that was pretty much we haven't heard anything from him ever since. so probably his means of communications were taken away from him. we are expecting to hear from him shortly. but again, it is a very troubling development because essentially it looks like he has been denied entry to georgia and he was traveling that to cover the latest protests in the
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georgia and capital against the lou on for an agents. again, this is not the 1st time that he's done so because it's the 2nd attempt to of the georgia government to cost is low and that he was the $1.00 for our team to national to cover the protest last year when the 1st, when the government essentially made the 1st attempt to vote on that bill have a look. this is a piece of his report from the crowd. the number here is the
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to. so again, you can see he was reporting from the thick of it from the crowd from the crowd. now a little bit more about this. no, because this for an agent floor, it's very similar to the one that the rusher has or the united states have. basically, according to the george and bill lead, because it is still a bill according to it. and you every and you or media outlets whose budget is made up the at least 20 percent or more. it basically is for, and if a for and funding makes up 20 percent or more of the entities budget, they have to register and they would be subject to a few extra extra financial procedure, procedures and checks. so the opposition argues that this new bed is if, if it, if the bill is passed into a lot, it would move the country further away from the integration with the e. u. and this is what the opposition wants. but i run
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a cli also be on use that this bill again it's passed into, it would limit the freedom of speech and the, basically the freedom of the press. you remain deeply concerned that this draft legislation would harm civil society organizations working to improve the lives of george and citizens and with the rail, georgia from its european path. we are also concerned that this draft legislation would impede independent media organizations working to provide access for georgia and citizens to high quality information. well now, promptly at least one journalist won't be able to report on the floor and on the cause of the opposition, who seemed to be striving, who seemed to be advocating for the freedom of the press. so much at least bunch on this won't be able to report on that and that will be so bad you know, that, you know, adding a difficulty to the freedom of speech in there. it goes down. no,
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thank you so much for. yeah. are less cross now live to independent. don't live. sonya vanda in day, sonya is good to have you join me now. why the here thing russian journalist could be targeted right here as well. what we hear it's already in georgia. they cost is you bill for, for an agent. so, you know, also it has a, from a message and relationship with russia about it turns out also it has a problem relationship with the e mail or the west to know. because i discovered that there was somehow a tweet from politico and there it said the few days were many, lots of journalists were not going to enter a georgia. so this is also a problem and we have to comes that it's the you probably you can and the pro russian can. and what we heard is that in the pro you can is now saying that they were going the same way as ukraine and slap or your brain and all this crazy stuff
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. so i think it's the 1st of all, what if you've ever story that easy change and it's it's yeah, it's a disgrace because it's against a press freedom. it's against the freedom of speech. and yeah, it seems to me that it is occurring all the time. more and more than during the list are now. yeah, it cannot do that jumps anymore. and this is, yeah, this is very terrible. so i hope for the little that he will be released very soon because i mean, the st for i want that hurts for 4 hours at the airport and even lost his phone and his passport. so, i mean, what, what do we, what does he do is just going there and he's just, you know, reporting what is going on. and this becomes really political in the journal is to be neutral as before to of what do you seeing there, what is going on. so yeah, what can i say more? it's it's, it's a disgrace to disgraceful press freedom. i know i really hear this going to be,
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i'm a say don't, holds dual citizenship, both russian and united states good as had been a reason for his detained. well, i didn't know about this quote because when i said, are these go for did, there are no you, there are 2 kinds the pro russian count and probably your pro western camp. let's say that. so i don't think that's the reason. i think the reason is that the country itself, it's divided, of course they have a very negative stance on russia because of the 2 of, you know, up garcia and southwest asia, you know, the way from georgia. and there was a war in georgia, 2008. so difficult to be taken into account that they don't want people from russia . and yeah, i don't know which bus for day today, most likely he's russian because of course he's for r t. so i think this might be the reason because of your being russian as well. and yeah it's, it's a to happen. i mean, we saw this is like
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a trend. so we saw it last days. i discovered that, uh, for instance it's, it's a different case. it's not a journalist, but disagree, asked minnesota, who is detained in berlin, like a philistine and surgeon who was detained in berlin because they want to attend the conference. so also freedom of speech is not allowed for gas. that is not allowed for russia for us. if it's like a trend, and of course georgia has applied in december last year to become a member of the european union. so according to your being union means they have to follow their rules. this is most likely. yeah, what is happening now? this june release from russia cannot to enter. it's a disgrace that he actively covered loss. yes. protests, as my colleagues said earlier on, could that have put a target on his back as well? of course. yes. because uh, yeah, a lot of governments don't want to to, to be out in the open and especially georgia who is now. but i said want to apply
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for you in your world of discovery in the you that there was an r t rush out today during the list. dad, it's makes the things complicated for the people of the government who wants to be part of you. also, i think what's called the knowledge that people who didn't agree here with the russian government. they went through georgia and sit there. maybe they also complaints about that russian jewelry still are allowed to enter that. so it's a weird situation in my opinion, and as a restrain situation that's doing the lives cannot do the job. what i want to say again, and she's not happen to join an issue, not do their jobs. and in this case, it's now georgia who knows with other countries movie next. i mean, we already know allows or having big programs to entity, you mean like me or all the can not even entity you anymore. so yeah, it's, it's, of course, he's registered in georgia. i don't know. so they,
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because of the computer at the border table, but his name will come up and this is for him. and hopefully you will be released very soon and does he can come back to rest here for awhile. of course we look forward to him being released so he can come back home if it would let him get into the country and that that a john listed. sonya funday ended. thank you so much for your insight here. thank you very much. ryan. have a nice ukraine is directly involved in the terrorist attack on the moscow region last month, but killed a 145 civilians and left hundreds more wounded. and this has been confirmed by the secretary of the boston secuity castle, who says that the key of hand and the charge of b has been offer, should be proven. the for did i see of the window, you strike an example of a few minutes. you can see us hatred of our country is the service itself in cocoa city on march 22nd. during the investigation. the connection between the direct
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perfect changes of this terrorist attack and you create a nationalist was confirmed, and procedurally established the perpetrators accomplices organizers of this most was bloody terrorist attack and the affiliated persons no matter where they hide and no matter how they try to confuse the traces of their crime will suffer, the deserved punishment, put themselves nichol i, pa thrush, of added that these perpetrators will be found no matter where they were and that they will be held accountable. now just to remind you a little bit that form gunmen were arrested after the attack on their way to the ukrainian border. now previously, they were claims that they were radical assignments, but they had a handler waiting for them on the other side of the board. the note is official, russian officials have solid proof that links this attack to ukrainian nationalist nichol i pod thrush of also emphasized that a number of terrorist attacks that were planned by ukraine work conducted and prevented by russia that includes thrown attacks or even deadly attacks against
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journalists, he also emphasized the fact that for a very long time, the west has been longing to seize rushes resources. but the, today they've decided to isolate russia as much as possible. now we also highlighted that measures have taken place to improve russia security, and that includes a training on the regular basis to counter terrorism as well as to intensify the introduction of modeling equipment to help with that as well. and, and he says that plans to rescue and protect people have been developed in all of russia's regions with the crocus city who. busy the tankless, one of the most tragic events in russia's living memory, this by the heart was witnessed that day. people rallied together did aging blot and offering support demonstrating to resilience in the face of tragedy. are these documentary brings the lights of the survivor stories, and on is the victims of be attack. you can watch the film here on our to you
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throughout the day. but here's a quick preview. the, you know, we just, we had a round default of magic side behind us. he said i was the price so that's it. so my dad from it also, i saw people standing around me, i yelled off to me and began to run outside the door. every person there was a hero. no, no, she shouted off to me. i'll pray for you. for the sale be there were one, bend it together. and i think our people don't like that that have been many more victims unless that which is such as our people are very empathetic and take these troubles to hardy, to see that purple skies. my soul aches, my heart aches. how could i not say farewell to those people who died? the
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adf is one that you run should expect a response to socrates, a tackle diesel raising fears of need never to bowl full scale war in the region. yeah, i'm going to face the consequences for its actions. we would choose highway spawns accordingly. the idea remains ready to come to any for it, for me on, and it still proxies. how do we continue our mission to defend the state? a visa, a quick reminder of the recent incident. your rod launch numerous messages and drones at ease. rowland, it's fast, a direct attack on the country about day to wrong cold, the attack a retaliation against a deadly use ruddy s blank. on its constitute 18, syria is what claims it intercepted,
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almost all of the incoming projectiles. with some damage reported as an air base. why the ron says you will stare away from the further escalating the conflict unless he has no other option. we do not seek to expand the war, but we will cut off every hand that attacks our country. any aggression from israel or its supporters will be met with a stronger response than before. i run here and stick to this traits to celebrate the country is open response to me as well as multiple iranian ministry combined as we killed in the idea of franklin that taught to ron's diplomatic complex in damascus. and as more and more countries get involved in the regional conflict, direct and indirectly, then as well, i'm president because my dual role says that the world may be on the past with a major war, unless a diplomatic solution is found in the photo. what is left for us to do to advocate
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the diplomacy and rationality prevail because it does not escalate an escalation of the calls that because the result of need on the yahoo nazi madness lead us the 3rd world war. i mean, as well, advocates piece rationality, diplomacy and to the western nations including fonts and the u. k. were quick to support, ease well and call for more sanctions against the rhine. while the us a country that has perhaps done the most defend the claims of this conflict says it doesn't want an escalation. but at a fundamental level, there is a bond between the united states and the people of israel, and that bond rest on are shared security. and one of the things that we will continue to be committed to is the defense of that security. and the willing to risk original talk to war for this i think you've heard me say here a number of times that we are working to pursue de escalation. and that has been the focus of our diplomacy since october 7th, not just over the weekend,
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but since day one is trying to pursue the escalation and prevent the conflict from widening and spreading and expanding. so while jo biden's election cycle administration in washington, desperately tries to tell us the conflict in the middle east is in spreading the facts on the ground. tell us something completely different. the reality, 16 different countries in the region are no embroiled in the burgeoning conflict. as around a ratchets up the pressure and deliver its, its 1st, the record colloquy strikes on he's ready. soil, you'll have to ask yourself why the us is so determined to tell you that this dangerous situation is contained? well, maybe that's because they would prefer to can field the vast u. s. military presence in the region. after all,
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the us deployed dozens of aircraft and launch air defense missiles from at least a countries with a run. and it's proxies fired weapons from a rec, syria, and e m. and it all sounds well, looks like a regional conflict to me. but despite all this, despite what we can plainly see on the map, the us is refusing to acknowledge reality. in terms of the striking, damascus, all it is a real speak for themselves and you know, and when it comes to preventing a wider regional conflict, um, you know, so far there is not. uh, we certainly hope that doesn't happen. again. the reality on the ground tells us something completely different. as you can see, the us has quite a built a huge network of air defenses to fight a regional war. it's telling us that just isn't happening. and if that's true, why the american air cost based in q 8, jordan the u. a capella,
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and so do your radio and they're working to defend as really ya sits on the ground alongside their own faces. the u. k. is also intimately involved in this apparently non existent, more actively engaging against iranian air force assets during the attack on the as well. but the spike, this washington is sticking to the story, even when free of their soldiers were killed in a drone attack in the region. we don't want to see a whitening of this conflict. we don't see this conflict whitening as it still remains contained to gaza on the western media has of course don't. it's best to assist white house attempts to downplay the seriousness of the situation in the region like eagerly spinning divided ministrations all as well. narrative, even telling us that the rainy attack represented a victory for israel. i'm regardless of what the pentagon on their bosses in the white house tells us. it's clear that the us is up to its neck in the middle east problems,
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but admitting that during an election year is not something any sitting president wants to do. much like the collapsing ukrainian misadventure. it's far better to convince the taxpayers funding is that everything is going just fine to well, jordan is one of the several nations that helped interest out the ronnie and drones . but a mindset is the, the only active in self defense with the countries king framing. it doesn't want to become the theater for regional war. and that position was echoed by they do the indian for administer this. i let you know this is all my such and all my so it's just clear for everyone, for these role and flavor on the google not to allow anyone to cause the security of all people to be that ancient. it's very clear that we're concerned by the writing in a tackle as well when it comes to and for what we believe is dangerous to the security of all citizens. we won't be a while ago and it's important for everyone to know. this is almost
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a mission the bus separately. i mean, we are good habits. we met these to be k, l j on the company's in the regions of out of the succeeds and easy to do something to get it to avoid the sentence. the worst case scenario, but who knows what we, how the situation would be. the jetta deteriorated the border to kind of live in, get it up further in minnesota, at least 56 times under the be did the phone fat. and that ga that we deal with the any is that i tend to violate it's somebody in it. yeah. aerospace, the same way we knew that you know him up in the violation of somebody in the ad edit space. but when, how do we have that ability to do that? what the action of our major outlines in that age and europe? yes, and then, but again, this is really a big was in the us. that was, would it be ready to be in the upcoming days and moving to offer
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canal, amnesty international and other civil society groups demanding that nigeria prevent british or john shell from selling its local onshore business unless it cleans up position links to its operations. the shell should not be permitted to use legal gymnastics to escape as responsibilities for clean up its widespread, the legacy of pollution. the companies divestment record is replete with examples of phone show room lighting licenses being sold without adequate safeguards to protect nigerians from home and an ice even government from financial liability. although a company is believed to have cost environmental pollution, including contamination of what the sources agricultural applies making, as well as damage to the livelihoods of local residents. civil society groups, one's nigeria and officials to make show a dress. the harm is done to the west african regions before giving their consents to a potential sale of the business. now the rain is on the console job of which comprises
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of local and international energy firms, aims to purchase shelves. assets in nigeria reported me for about $2400000000.00. even after that sale, the u. k. or giant will still operate and the integrative gas in deep water industries in the african nation, the director of amnesty international. my jerry, a brand new east son, lucy says of the men's environmental devastation must be remedied by the funds. owen, as by the current or future, some of them that instances where the communities that took some of my testing calls. and i do want to know there are issues that as the cold between the boy and giants and the communities. and what are we talking about and you say, legacy, your big kids, you know, as part of the sixties and all know that a legacy of devastation, you know, destruction of livelihood, ah, speeds up task piece of oil in the, you know, we've had the,
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in the ocean and many other agents that actually affected the life cycle of those. we believe that the company has a responsibility and it has to be operating in the region for many of the kids at the game. one knows what is going on there about the oil formation and the judges that have post a lot of time to be involved. so the company has to, what do we have for them to actually use a commitment to address some of the environmental injustice that shouldn't be private, possession of business or by the lives of human beats. when businesses not businesses band priority is broke. and we want to know that that is what has to be happening with the ad that oil companies. we can see energy in anticipation, google. we don't know the legacy of the new company coming in,
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but definitely daddy's a legacy, which is the reason why we are doing what are we are doing now and we are seeing what we see that gives he is that people taking advantage of this. but none of the people dip a stitch in their own environment. why and make the money that makes them for the out of the out of their business. so what do we see is that, what is the interactions on these organizations? i see that this company you, what is what is the positive deep uh, we have to wait. we have to make sure that they can be able to address these problems. so we know you will know about their capacity to handle these things. that is why we say that is an issue and has to be addressed. so what we're doing that is indicating they get the most of them or not. the issue i've had um is the issue of the damage done by the shit. oh, why is it has to be addressed?
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i mean the has to be the priority full by people that are due by international airport has closed out of the torrential rains and the region cost a wide spread flooding. the passenger planes more closely resembled boats as they've tried to move around in on data texts. the ways the closer i'll be airport is causing widespread travel disruption is a vast storm has hit the united arab emirates and it will mon leaving at least 18 people dead emergency services. i said to be stress in either respond to the crisis with rescue oppressions on the way to aid those drop by rising. what as authorities urging people to stay indoors and avoid the affected areas of the us. national security advisor has once again postpone his visit to india.
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the official was meant to attend an annual meeting of the initiative on critical and emerging technologies of the project loans last year was intended to both the us india cooperation in the field of high tech estate is the 1st meeting took place last year. it has been postponed twice with washington fighting instability in the middle east. and that's as the us national security advisor and all the top of specials watts poetic about india as important as online. a partnership between the us in india, a country in bricks, has gone to new heights with an engagement across technology. and so many are in security. and so many other dimensions. india is the world's largest democracy. it is an important strategic partner of the united states, and i expect that to remain true, but best buy the washington's high res relations between the 2 states seem to have global strain and that's after the us offered directly to the sick, the separatists out lowered in india even implying that new delhi is involved in
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plotting the assassination of separate is moving members. more recently, washington implied that the rest of a chief minister in new delhi was in fact election and defiance. india responded by saying that the statement itself was a difference in the part of the united states. the recent remarks where the state department of unwarranted any such external invitation on our electronic and legal processes is completely unacceptable. in india, legal processes are driven only by the rule of law. anyone who has similar a plus specially federal democracies should have no difficulty in appreciating this fact. now from our indian and bass of the, the pond, the full process, there is a difference between woods and nation when he comes to closing up to new delhi. or there is sometimes a shadow between the world and the action of people. and in doing no data needed
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any more by just saying we love you guys and then get us in the band. so that used to happen, not anymore. so i do believe that these statements shouldn't be taken with the ship load or sold. and we believe that the actions if they are taken with then convince us of this and saturday and trustworthiness of our partners, whoever they are very, very busy and nice things about us. we will fall in love with them and then do remind us and then control the well. they also say some nice do things about us. we don't take that. i'd say there's. ringback any more, nobody in policy making so goods and in the us. in fact, we've done said there is some more jew when i mean i say something to are in and this is my personal opinion. no one has ever to choose the americans or being sensitive to the concerns of their bosses. well that's all from me now my colleagues were always.


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