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tv   Cross Talk  RT  April 15, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EDT

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is that have nothing to do with common sense? what are done solely to inflame the situation? who are most likely to provoke russia into some kind of action was how can it be cancelled and why it is not canceled in other countries? there are also people who speak russian, who's persecuted them for this week, but it's nobody. and many russians live in other countries. well, that is not right, but everyone who lives here will say that of course, this is a violence against the person. this is a violation of the constitution. you were, you were, i guess the of the city of the people's republic, blank legs, this off of this project kind of as a, with a pile of gas. and we're very lucky to be joined by independent does jealous sonya vanden and back to an greek diplomatically and others for some photo put this, i'm a foreign policy expert. so ro come out of those. uh, uh, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for taking the time today. sonya, if i'm install with you,
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you're paying repulsing all the situation in or mass all over from the start of the combs. like, what do you think of kids efforts to impose old by both on it's far on former regions as well? it's so that's what sheila says is and clip before as much states terrorism. i mean, you cannot force your real only people because there's a russian speaking people and you cannot say, you know, you know, have to learn a ukrainian and you have to do everything. what we, we, i tell you to do, you do come out and conduct your culture any more. so this is stage terrorism and we see this progressing. i was the exactly in 2022 in march and how many, many evidence that the people were really suppressed. and, you know, i found the revenues of nazi in there. so the people really terrible. they were treated terribly if they didn't comply to the government or what we called the
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regime in p s. so, i mean, what else can we say? it's now going on in the, you know, 2 years going into search here and it's getting worse by the day. we see some nations send, got a lot of area and now you have 3. so there are now we've russia. we saw this last year was due with random. so let's hope that this keeps regime will fall because there's no other way. i think this cannot continue for the people because if people have a right to list and fridell it as a right to speak the language, as you know, this is all, it's all about the few russian edits to the i n s o n. okay, this is this, if i may, i'd like to delve a little bit into a bit of history. you know, we with the 1st and 2nd minutes agreements, we will know, uh, those are full of them. they were, they were a potential for
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a peaceful re unification fee claim. but in your opinion, is the form of debt by o y, y and your view didn't they said seeds as well. basically, i think that it was the west, 1st of all, who organized and pro meant to uh, this, uh, this uh, this war that started to 2014. and i think that it was the west, particularly the germany who undermined any implementation of these agreements so that we could reach where we are today and uh, which is creating a new enemy for nato russia. and a provoking essentially as the war between
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russia and ukraine, that has a disastrous effects on europe ad on the ad on nato, and basically on the european people, the majority of which are totally a gets to this uh, wards that is taking place. there are many, many people who are trying to start peace negotiations between the moscow and the n q. the silver will come by, so i may so follow up on that with you as well. i'm. i'm curious because uh, news. it's amazing that some of the european countries, but it was, in fact, i'm the quote and the fights for the time they so told about, um, you know, this was, these minutes agreements was set up just because the landscape needed time to sort of strengthen his all me really?
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i mean what we see these palmer and then in your opinion lead is come out. won't say less office, say this, what does it say about future agreements when it comes to guarantor countries? so i will, i'll, if i, if i may, if i may have to, hey, i'm sorry, i would like to remind you can set the made in the demonstrations the for administer of germany and the secretary, the other secretarial, united states newly and the german, nebraska, during the u. k. a basset, theirs were present in demonstrations against the legally guns but the president of the ukraine, which is something which is something totally unacceptable in diplomatic
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relations. now, of course, these agreements were, were made in order to allow the west and to the cube regime to organize themselves in such a way so that we would have with the events that that came in 2022 and which has created. so begin, and we of the west of europe, russia, which, according to my point of view is, is, is a big mistake and it puts endanger the future of humanity indeed. so we'll come out there to see you. now we also heard about a diplomatic solution for don boss from both you planning and presence the
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landscape. i am the former president put a shanker, but what my question sir, is, why did they say one thing? and then acts differently than uh, depending how much got from my country potter to be off the back. uh the uh, 3 minutes to be set. the domain to beach law signed in means you not bad it. bad. many important uh points it far up. it's load solution to the problem by side, the lives of all those points, verify dated, and that means a 3 minute plus dept in petals. and i also understand that the president doesn't savvy mess keys. i mean, game to he had faults to go, you know, and i have yet to please spoke, settlement in relation to the boss in other areas of the system, your claim. but unfortunately that did not happen. you know, like, i mean, if you will, that stuff to what the problem is,
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i think this for why would not have taken place. we should also understand that the off the disintegration of almost soviet union, if russian dominated gets to ukraine, chose to be in your brain. that means p telepathic in favor of being a part of the brain. walk, walk deep the walk, the actually ran the wrong and building things go wrong. that day. those are very people in the, off the eastern you'll claim who have decided to go review pre knocked up into some big agent today. and they are actually demanding for independence and several areas . it's tim, you'll claim as the sam seemed advancements, which means that feeds sam, credit policy of the premium government ben box tippin, stock and pins when things have gone wrong. we have seen in the media both stream divest and media as spelled as the russian media and audit match the media. big
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kind of tally deals, which has taken place in the us 10. you great, you know, and have been kind of general side which was taking place there. so something which no human being can appreciate and i didn't get this spot. but at the, off the highest author, kindly this, to, on the, not even that of all the g has a game and a game at 4 k to that's it. this time to go on a peaceful solution. it is important to have a peaceful solution. uh, concrete potter, would it be the link to be the peacemaker or best? i think the new way of sending should be a beach has to be taken off and in the my country pottis' has been invited. all that. i think our country would play enough people to roll in and i'll be at a peaceful solution. well, yeah, so then i just, yeah, but so, but is the case since i say no, but you know, how is it is the type of good. can you tell me 5 is that i expected smoke?
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please, please say no watch, watch we do understand is like a 2 and a half pos, up to your thought. the water has fetched nothing for the adoptions estimate as for me to and probably do premium, etc. far on towards user base for man kaiden or 10 of the people. so be just dependent that it is time and it is very important that all the factions, through the prompt to dine, no, and should. and i simply school type lucian might some 3 potters would be willing to play a better role as a peacemaker. and i think it's time that these has to be dropped by 2 by 2 into the fold area. in the best hopes that diplomacy is always key. sonya for millions now. so in to, you know, many countries a sort of say that russia occupies full of the ukrainian eastern regions against the will of the people. now, since they've been on the brand,
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get agree with the but it was most go, not the locals, that sort of decided the fates during the referendum. or, of course they did, they decided they want to be part of russia. and also when i was there on the ground since march 2022, i spoke to a lot of people there and they all said, and they really, truly, i mean, they said, we want to be part of russia now. and what the west is saying is that it's ok past, but they don't a lot of people, they don't have a clue. what is really going on the ground, especially journalist because you know, there are not many western journalist when the but a to come back. also on the latest speaker about the piece agreement, there was a piece brokerage in 2022 and the west says no gold web fees. so with clearly those one fees or no, any negotiation with russia about these or, you know, this is, this is going on since that time. and we need a peace agreement,
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or we need peace, peace for all the people there because this war is really terrible as what i have. so, and these people really believed in, in the don't last, as they of russian. they want to be part of russia. and when in 2018, the ocean coast that it's known, empty general ration, it was actually he declared to all these people in the dogs because the army, the printing army came in. and i remember i was in the, in the yes, good the airport and my new builder. and it was terrible. i'm terrible stories about people tortured. and so i mean, also the style of victory, the same problem and especially people were hiding in sellers. and so i don't understand how the rest is taking these tense. what we, we see, you know, the history of the west in this conflict is going on. we see their stuff. oh gosh, i always see, you know, everything they say it's, it's like a lions,
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it's. they don't, uh once piece. it's like they want more everywhere. and this is all sort of case in the end of the a set metal and means it removes day one or 2. by the time they said to be green. i mean, imagine this, they want to, uh, ukraine and not speaking about piece at all. this is the whole problem they'll do is they don't speak about these, they don't have real different much anymore. and yeah, it's more language coming out. and this is very terrible for the people who are suffering these horses need to do most. and they, yeah, indeed, if i'm not quite nicely, it needs me to the and i guess i know this given that brussels and washington are often the 1st to put the size of the government's. why did the west, at the very least not denounce these euclidian actions in dunbar as that so resulted in the files of civilian casualties. is a punk,
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was the of its finest there as well as the west had. it's the agenda which i think was quite stupid. then the agenda was to create the big i let me the big new and they me that may to have to face that was nato. and that's why they didn't do anything. they didn't condemned what was happening in the done much area. but we must also not forget that russia, in december of 2021, submitted proposals, a draft agreements to all the nato countries. separate the enter the united states at these draft agreements, dissipated a confidence building measures in europe. ad with the united states. as of course, no further expansion of nato. why the west could have started
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discussions on these russia proposals. they totally refused it. they totally refused have they, they threw them away and not only that but started birth, it came out. i think it was 10 days ago and he said he mentioned these proposals, and she said that she did not say the truth. he said that these proposals anticipated that all the member states of nato that joined the nato and 1994 or 1998 should leave nato so that we could reach to the 1990 agreement. this was not the case. the russian proposals, which i read very carefully, said that no further expansion of an angel, meaning that ukraine would not join nato. yeah, it seems that the ladies and gentlemen,
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we have savvy run out of time. i'm going to assign you all for joining me here today. independent does dennis sonya right. and then and right, so in good zip island is some for the purpose of foreign policy experts. so i'll come, i'll do this, i'll thank you so much for joining me. be safe, be. well, thanks again for your time. thank you. thank you. by you about the nato bombing of uga. solve it, a cool to century ago, killed many of the very and people whom the west them is a lion said it's intended to put tech. here's all special companies looking back at and exemplify moment. it's going out of the 3 the way i can protect thousands of innocent people to diffuse a powder keg at the heart of bureau to stand united with our allies for future
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generations. never to see those in europe. the solar diversity has the details on the private event that took place 25 years ago. but 1st, a warning. you may find some of the following images. this that we mustang, to save thousands of innocent men, women and children from humanitarian catastrophe, from death, barbarism and ethnic cleansing by a brutal dictatorship to save the stability of the bulk and region, we have no alternative, therefore bought to act. the
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nature of this campaign was the claim, the humanitarian well, and it was that to protect people from the big bad subs i didn't did so by reading down me saw so what was then you can swap you carrying out almost $11000.00 strikes, many will fall from precise is nato, so both like to trumpets, say done, you bill prize and there was a holiday, no town. and we'd my friends, sonia miller encourage, and right. and on the, on a village we decided to visit our small town and meet our friends. because i hadn't seen them in a long time as the bombing was already in full swing. all money i know was just 15 years old on that fateful day. i'm not mad that she will never be free from one
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that took the life of her best friend, nothing to any more mazda. after a few seconds, there was a bang, dust, noise, and the heat. i felt like we were on fire. we were losing the ground from under our feet. i mean one moment jesus went through my head, this is it. my life is over. how well my mom and dad going without me. after that the 1st direct attack, another one followed. the bombs fell again on the other side of the bridge and there were many victims in the 2nd attack. these were most of the people who came to save us. they knew that there were casualties in the direct strike. the 1st strike on the bridge and to mount we thought that hold rescue looked like a maternity for us. our screams calling for help. we heard the voice of sonya's mom calling for her and marinas. mom. i was injured. i had many scrap. no one's oliver in my body, a fracture of my right upper arms, large ones on my foot, abdominal ones from shrapnel or recovery less that for almost a whole month that physical recovery was not as intense as the motional one that followed. one of the learned that our friends sonya had passed away. this is
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a photo of sign in me from our, from one year before the bombing of the borrower in bridge. we have a habit of saying that sonya was an angel from work. this sir. she was an extra ordinary girl, tall, beautiful, noble with a good heart. first of all, a friend that comes once in a lifetime. that was what she meant to me. she was the best student, the best wisdom edition, she won many awards. unfortunately, she was not able to show her down to the world. she became known in a completely different way. nature claimed the var in bridge was a tall gait as it could have been used by military vehicles. but had the alliance carried out its homework, it would have known that this was no possible most to me. and i get even under the bridge, was not a legitimate target because 2 cars could not pass each other by on that bridge. was a child at the time, but in my humble opinion, military vehicles could not pass through there for a bridge to be a target to be so typically important so that it would have to be destroyed.
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according to amnesty international, what happened constituted a will crime. the bridge at far far and is report since it had been struck twice as people rushed to assist the victims of the 1st strike. 2 more missiles had several minutes later in selecting additional civilian casualties. nato forces failed to suspend or attack after it was evident that they had struck civilians in contravention of article $57.00 of protocol one. protocol one in the geneva convention. i was in disagreement attacks on civilian populations. many civilians were killed, the var and bridge, and the outcry would be a task force nature to tighten the rules of engagement, yet was not enough to prevent new civilian debts. now, over the course of the $78.00 day nato bombing campaign. so the claims is around 2000 innocent people lost their lives, including 18 children,
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and they remembered here at this memorial in bell grades. nato had made huge claims about the ethnic cleansing, of cost of, of all, i think, all paintings in the former. you can slow up you, but even they would not sped any attacks by the self appointed safe is here to we were sleeping when 4 bombs exploded suddenly and started to run. but there were many people seriously injured and some had lost their legs. we tried to go back to help others, but it was too badly injured, so i couldn't. some neighbors put me in the tractor, but there were too many people in there. how many survives native foaming all the village of korea show? i think i'll bring ins was sheltering a 100 others were not so lucky. another intelligence mishap by the lines coming off the natives. disastrous foaming of 2 convoys of acetate, cal opinions, slaying costs of a week. so bad weather had frustrated nature. pilots then the skies cleared and
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they recorded, he excited as they think they stumbled on a great price. serbian military convoy this conversation between avery triple sea and bear, $31.00 immediately prior to the tax is shown on the next slide. it'd be triple c says here, it'd be triple say go ahead. roger, we just received word that this is a b, j con boy. how copy of freight gives me all your players. so are you still airborne? ab triple c. i want as many fighters as, as i can get now they have the and it's time to address those claims of ethnic cleansing. you respond to a to is
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a justification for its illegal intervention. weston governments consistently repeated claims by those who had fled. you can solve the costs of the is a crucial test. can we strengthen a global community grounded and cooperation and tolerance rooted in common humanity? this will, refreshing and brutality rooted in ethnic, racial and religious hatreds dominate the agenda for the new century and the new millennium claims which they hadn't substantiated. in fact, off to the west and officials have to concede the width and 3000 bodies of ethnic albanians were found in costa by hardly supporting the claims of genocide to fades . heritage. nato however claimed to be smithing in hundreds, thousands of miles away on behalf of comfortable obedience who had nothing whatever
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to do with nate. uh there was no humanitarian disaster in costs of what happened. the costs of it was that nato was seeking an excuse to justify his continued existence. so we trigger the crisis that event intervenes. in order to address the crisis is like a, apply a site to who sets up a building a blaze and then says, hey, it now i've gotta work to do, i have to put out this file, but that's cool. i brushed under the rug. $25.00 is so many, and so it'd be a su traumatized every year. they come together to remember those who died as a result of weston to seaton, lies about what was really happening. he's been bothering of, of the former yugoslavia by nato forces has ruined the lives of many, for decades to come. we, we call this tragic events especially published throughout the coming months and on
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the solemn quarter century, i know best buy a the, the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community best ingles saw something set up the, in the system must be the one else calls question about this even though we will then in the european union, the kremlin move. yep. mission,
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the state on the rush of funding and supports the r t sports net, keeping our video agency roughly all the band on youtube tv services. for what question did you say steven twist, which is the look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except we're so shorter is that conflict with the 1st law show you alignment of the patient. we should be very careful about visual intelligence at the point, obviously, is to create a trust rather than to the various mean with artificial intelligence we have summoning the theme in the
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a robot must protect this phone. existence was on the the, the door to the court unit of the month and you said i will talk to you soon. so media from the central, i'm gonna send you settings from way simply because i'm waiting from it on the computer. no, yes it print this all the money to the sale, be the name, is he at the was the east. i'm not sure who to be. it looks like he should get us
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the book which and such was sending. i don't, i thought a soup inducing that to, to see the proposed past the acceptance that i'm here to plan with you, whatever you do, you do not watch my new show search like why watch something that's so different whitelisted opinions that he won't get anywhere else welcome to please or do you have the state department, the c, i a weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations. choose your fax for you. go ahead. change and whatever you do. don't want my show stay main street because i'm probably going to make you comfortable. my show is called direction, but again,
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you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the way you the this is like a reading wall, and i mean this is a declaration of war. the spiral of retaliation is called the brightness of response to it was mean kind of products which everyone conducted as revenge. but that is really the s like part of the conflict. syria for ron did not respond to it would increase the possibility of both because they would make israel more aggressive processes. the west has exposure, is broken, hip hop, christine bison, dining and ron. but kelly ation while remained silent about israel's initial deep cleaning of the deadly attack again last night.


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