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tv   News  RT  April 12, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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of the grain is of losing a hundreds of soldiers on a daily basis. so fully into russia not far piece of property is mobilized ation laws to send motives, girlfriend, line fight and host leaders of japan and of the philippines to reinforce the defense ties. and made dispute with china as washington warms. that will blame ranging as well as no, with any russian ministry game. can you try to remove dozens of evidence based off members form in the mid 8 rulings in relation as prime minister to those? is there any of introduction?
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i'm hundreds of money left because in 10 years of twice a day don't strike them on the entire page leading to significant disruption of the public health, the fly from moscow. this is a by the mommy in 30 minutes of news and views starting now lots of other things in the dump. i say that new plan is losing hundreds of troops on a daily basis as fighting intensifies for a strategic be important town. and then don't ask region, what is the class of also ranging in the nearby is that for room 0 region, this further, it shows less a lot to the end run slides, hammering you premium positions. so this on the front lines are full within a few chips. simply do not have enough munitions to push back the incoming back and
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forth is all it's a is a senior class, one of my guys, they've sent us this report about how the, including government is attempting to stay afloat despite the mountain losses on the front lines ukraine has had enough. it's not getting everything it once made. it is done on skiing nicely nice and quiet diplomacy didn't work. yes. people may hate me in my room and relationship. the other part of me saying diplomacy is all about private relations. but then i told the part to shut up and the part of me wanted to speak out, started speaking up. we've tried everything and nothing seems to work. i always use logic in my steps, in my words and conclusions. and i just don't understand the logic behind it when, for example, one of our partners has weapons that ukraine needs to date in order to survive. and i don't understand why they won't provide it to us. money, guns, rockets, jets, lots of money, lots of guns. the problem for the west is that you've called say new off to 2
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years of relentless, yet entirely vague proclamations about democracy and freedom, silver and tea, and victory. less than politicians find themselves in the same home. they don't for ukraine. but there is a way out, just wait time until it is too late. while guessing at 16 s, do you crane sooner would be ideal. it still needs to be done properly and we believe they will still provide a significant boost to ukraine's power when they become operational, the issue, ease. ukraine is running out of the one thing. the west con gibbs moved to. they did soldiers hundreds of thousands of ukrainians who wanted to fight russia. i'm now mostly dead crippled, but doubt, ukraine has an onset. it is an onset with no one wants to hear, enhancer,
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says plainly, just how bad things on our constitution states that it is the duty of every ukrainian to protect that homeland. so it is only right, the women stuff to all know the name, but is it simply going to disappear for hundreds of years. they have repeatedly attacked us like israel. we have to be prepared for this. and that means training of both men and women to be ready for tomatoes, reluctance to continue flooding the crane with whether this is understandable, they will change the outcome while ukraine was send does now self admittedly demanding a bit of everything from sold. the wife wants to fight the jets. what is once in particular, a patriot and see the said systems which cost upwards of a $1000000000.00 each. and the discussion behind closed doors in europe and the
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united states is, is it worth it? how much use is you pay and going to guess as the systems before they are destroyed or damaged in boston strikes every need to come on to understand which way the wind is blowing. every new weapon system that the west has said, russia has led to council. every operation they organize. now, winds inflame and is the information provided to us by the british intelligence services was irrelevant, or we were misled in advance. that is nation often. nation news is it's enthusiasm for more britain remains the cheerleader. try again that again to drum up and fuse, you ask them for killing freedom and democracy failing. why not just do it for the money? they say, if you're worried about democracy around the world,
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if you're worried about security, then investing in the security of you crate is the most cost efficient. thing you could possibly do. america is currently investigating of the supporting ukrainians of either a fight the central list of the annual defense spending. it is a fantastically efficient way of supporting freedom. if you want to send a signal to china make show that ukraine wins. the tide is tom, the writing is on the move painted in the blood of ukrainian con scripts. and the even kid understands that the world is growing. todd, the problem is that people just got used to the war happening somewhere out there, the feeling that extraordinary decisions are needed on a regular basis to end this war with a victory for ukraine is gone. so you're a security council, the highest convenience of discuss of the incoming calls that is russia's subbing and balancing on multiple funds wells with our mess it up to the firm. that new
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plan will inevitably be forced to surrender rain and use the mail it to reactions or taking a radical term before our eyes. convince new western 8 packages or so called me crying. the results and comforter with tax my. the key, if you will not be able to change this trend. the situation is extremely worrying for the western sponsors of the ukrainian leader. will have already set themselves and you go, instead of helping keep defeat russia. their goal is to not let russia when the ukraine today is nothing more than a private military company fighting for the west and with western weapons to the last ukranian. all that remains for the key of reason in these circumstances, is to act in impotent anger. in the worst terrace traditions purposefully showing peaceful neighborhoods in russian seats and committing to acts of terror. soon, the only topic for any international meetings on your claim will be the unconditional surrender of the key freezing. i advised all of your to prepare for
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this in advance settings, washington has decided to put all is inverse. there isn't one boss, get us deputies technically. the state has one that washington will blame china and north korea, but any russian that is successes and then you can conflict. it rushes off fences continue and they gain territory new crane that will alter the balance of power in europe in ways that are frankly unacceptable. from our perspective, and we will see this not as a just the russian unique set of activities, but it can joined sort of back to tiffany's, backed by china, but also north korea. this is antithetical to our interest and we've been clear and transparent with them about this. meanwhile, us present jo, by most indeed is of the philippines and a powerful special whitecaps summit. you said we'd find that some folks embodied
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a new era partnership as us researches its commitments to the defense of the pacific by the nations. i'm advising total total disputes with china. 5 insisted that us support for his defense treaty with the philippines. this quote i in class and i want to be clear, the united states, united states defense commitments to japan and to the philippines are iron clad or iron clad. as i said before, any attack on filipino aircraft specials or armed forces. and so i was trying to see what invoke our mutual defense treaty me. while the time's data outside of the outside influence will not be able to sup, tie one's reunification with the mainland. but the subject was discussed shooting, paying jose the previous piley's president and begging a hi shonda to the the distance of this trait can not save of the bones of kingship,
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between competitive on both sides to the differences in systems can not tend to the objective back to that we belong to one nation and won't people, external interference cannot stop the historical trends of a national re unification or issue on talent and into i hope that young people in taiwan can set aside ideological differences and recognize the historical and cultural connections between ty one and the mainland. these connections cannot be severed by politics and during the meeting between president here king my enjoy. i the great hall of the people on wednesday afternoon in 4th as of approaching the 1990 to consensus and the purse, the entire one. independence was on the score as the common political foundation for the peaceful development of frustrates ties. for us, you also are and the size, the principles of the for knows which states there are no, no, so i can not be on target nor issues beyond discussion. lori forces that can
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separate those behind my enjoys funds, university students from tri, why? who have a confident him during his visit to the mainland, where she does for the street. oh, sorry, express high hers for the youth during their compensation. encouraged by young people from both sides of the straits to embrace their chinese identity with pride and the confidence in the work together to the long term prosperity of war f, as frank as nation. so this line of challenges facing up frustrates relations. their participation subsets reminds of app, she's usual understanding on the ships, the shock valleys, fine, younger generations. okay, is very good. this down costs life to joseph gregory mahoney. the professor of politics and international relations is kind of normal university in shanghai. those are thanks so much for taking the time. uh, what are your thoughts on these recent financial summit between the us, japan and the thing is what we have for the initial thoughts. you know,
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after the cold war, both japan and the philippines try to establish a greater sovereignty and security and a search more independent foreign policies after years of america manipulation. and to some extent, those efforts succeeded for a while more so in vanilla, then tokyo. unfortunately, japanese prime ministers learned that they still had to count out to the japanese emperor and the us president or be pushed from office. while in the philippines we have the recent return of demarco's, family power. and the expansion of us know, your military troops in the country. so these developments and the trial that will summit look a lot like yet another attempt to replay key elements of the cold war. as interesting, you know, they seem to always go back to the cold little stuff. there's mental peace these days. but the was praying that is defense commitments to japan on the philippines are i and cried. i mean, it's interesting that these woodland years,
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what do you think there's a, a threat, those that those asian countries need to defend themselves against, as well as hallmarks the same as i said, history repeats itself. ok versus the tragedy. then as far as the 1st, the cold war was a tragedy, and the 2nd that the us is trying to spot a stablish is now as far as uh, nevertheless, the us likes to say iron clad because its defense commitments are not always aren't fired. it often has a band and positions and allies, especially in asia, but it's ironic in part because it was in the age of the old iron clad ships that the us 1st projected itself as an imperial power in asia. doing so. it was 1st in the philippines which, which in turn unsettled japan and lead substantially to japan's increasing aggression in asia to create a counter imperialism. now, there are threats today to japan and the philippines that needs to be defended
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against these include climate change lat, cluster economic development, add us to germany. unfortunately, they're caught in security traps created and exploited by washington. increasingly they are being pushed into what might ultimately become front line positions in america's new cold war paradox. and that brings tremendous in security for them. the sort that no iron clad commitment, however repeated by the us presidents can mitigate, particularly from a major power in, during the relative an absolute declines shows if, why is america involved in this? i mean so far away from the region, is it just trying to push it had been to me? perhaps face has power. i make it feel the world feel that they need to fear the americans. but we need some concepts going back about 10 to 15 years ago, trying to develop new methods for mitigating us conventional tactics. of like the
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air bases that the united states started buildings in central asia after 911, where china begin to work with the russians through organizations like this on high blood pressure organization to push those out. and likewise, to develop new weapon systems like the carrier to the missiles, which were useful for pushing carrier plates. further from china is the eastern seaboard. china also developed a new ways to frustrate other us 1st way tactics. the aim to destroy the rate our capacities they pushed instead of the us to develop a new combat ship of the literal combat ship, which wasn't very effective. which in turn, put more pressure on us to double down on supper. re lines that maintain surveillance and track chinese submarines with significant capacities to enact shipping block days. should washington command. now this is compelled china to take more active positions above water, including the value island dispute with japan. and in this announcement to see,
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to establish better self defense capacities and create if possible, break it off, points for chinese summaries in short, underwater and largely hidden american aggression for both defensive responses from china above water, which everyone can see. and then the us accuses china being the instigator of aggression. and this is nonsense, all of it. traces back to long term strategies designed to limit china and perpetuated possible us a gemini with japan and now the philippines complicit center. so we can, is it a, is this just biden's interest, or is this something that the u. s. is always sort of been focused on creating tension in other regions as well. you know, the facts. the matter is we've seen a shifting in us thinking since the collapse of the soviet union. now initially we have is a, the end of the cold war and logic. and this, the, the, the end of history paradigm,
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i and the idea of the nation states were no longer that significant. and then of course us and it's perpetual war machine, found itself instigating uh the, the, the, the $911.00 situation to us to a large extent, by pressuring a barriers as lama countries. and certainly by inviting unlawfully countries like a racks which i created a lot of the security concerns that we would go honestly including those in syria and the rise devices. and so it was or so this has been a long standing development. in the meantime, countries like china maintain these p a, they emphasize peaceful development. and they rose, they collected stronger while the us how it out. it's middle class, while they revealed the limits of their military capacity and now find themselves on the brink. i was quite a, i would argue that the majority of the americans a notice about their country, their, their thoroughly disillusion. and you know, when they go to the polls this november, they will be choosing the candidate that they have the least. certainly they don't
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like either candidate on the, on the hall. so this is the broader context of trying to push back against china and maintain a us imperial position, dating back to the end of world war 2. joseph, let's go back to the region. you're right so that it does seem to be tensions of continuing coming out from america. but the japanese farm has also stood the part if you like. i mean in addressing the u. s. companies, he said that with that the us presence, the in the pacific region wouldn't be with software. the fate of ukraine is a bit is, seems to be, you know, the go to bad. what are the amount about how far is such a statement? well 1st, the terms in the pacific has been normalized in recent years by countries with hostile agendas against china. i wish it a knowledge that its ideological value is to lake the pacific, and it'd be notions which together constitute by far the largest area of the world
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. as a contested space, one of which china is to be constrained as much as possible. this is how the trim is become popularized. given these strategic games from washington. second, uh, vitamins and bastard or to japan romped emmanuel, who previously was a congressman who supported america's legal warner act, has long been an apologist of this really oppression against palestine who was a bomb as chief of staff built before becoming a marriage, chicago, and overseeing a local administration with secret police interrogation sites that when the hatred of black americans, he was on bluebird television a couple of days ago to comment on biden's meetings with casino and marcos saying the us objective is to isolate china. it agents and this is what the washington has accomplished. now i'm not sure that anyone else in asia would agree with that assessment, but we can think of manual during the rest. candor, sir, it's clear. many in washington have tried to lake taiwan and ukraine, despite them being entirely different. however,
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they do share some things in common. as we know the us expanding nato in europe against russia and chipped away at russian security in syria central asia and europe. well, instigating a color revolution and ukraine creating tensions that compromise russian security and lead to the necessity of accessing the crimea. where recently the u. s. has contributed to starting and then finding a proxy war against russia and ukraine to push russian energy out of europe. while the us established itself is the world's leading oil producer and reestablish was terminated in europe, post baxley, which by the way of us, also encouraged at europe's expense. now how ukraine relates to rush or how to buy one relates to china. as a said, these issues are fundamentally different. but how the us is trying to exploit both appears quite similar. us has built, they need to like block with august and aims to link it with data and expand both against china. simultaneously, us has tried to undermine chinese be to nomic and technological developments. well,
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also trying to push china into the middle income trip as it did to japan in the 1980s. and now the us is doing this with marco support recalling his father conspired for decades with washington at the philippines expense. joseph very so as or sign a run out of time to to for ages on this subject, we're gonna have to thank you and i'm gonna leave it that and appreciate your time as joseph mahoney. and 1st of all, takes a special emissions at east china and only to us in shanghai. thanks again. kata has removed dozens of local workers from its embassy in india. i made a go and left and relations between the 2 countries. meanwhile, kind of pon minutes, a dozen food pads or twos, both india and china, of seeking to interfere in its national election. all the critics and out the recipe of his claims all to contribute to rachel moss as the story
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a. so canadian from mr. justin to though is and testifying this week at the country's public inquiry, looking at the allegations of foreign interference in the 20192021 federal elections. and well, maybe we'll shut it all down right now and go home because to go is already identified the guys responsible within the 1st few seconds of the testimony. and it turns out that they just happen to be his own political opponents. the conservative party of canada that the previous conservative government was known for its very close relationship with the current indian government. worse, our government has always stood up to defend the minorities in canada and the rights of minorities. just because even if it's earth days, their home countries overseas, so apparently true, don't say there's the opening up top secret intelligence file to politicians is the way to keep these honest. the, as politicians are totally never use their access for partisan political purposes, kind of like what your dad was doing during his own testimony right now by making this about the conservative so called failure to set up this committee, which sounds a lot like the us houses permanent select committee on intelligence using the
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oversight function has been described by washington's brookings institution, so compromised by par, subject to the quote for an incentive advisors parties to run interference and investigations gets their party for political purposes. and present committee reports that are used primarily as campaign messaging tools. yesterday i was giving everyone a little taste of how that works at this inquiry right now. to, to spend some time answering questions about how exactly he dealt with information given to him by the canadian security and intelligence service. so see, says the documents in question relates allegations of what can, despite agency qualifies as political influence. sigway over china, specifically with allegations of the chinese consulate in toronto. busing international students to a nomination meeting for one of 2. those liberal party candidates in the province of ontario, who now sits as an independent member of parliament as a result of the stench generated by this whole fiasco. now it's important underscore it. we're talking there about the liberal party,
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internal lamination meeting and not a general election race. and someone who has run canadian federal campaigns, this kind of grassroots mobilization in heavily ethnic areas is really usually seen as a feature historically by the entire canadian political establishment. and not as a bug, which is why politicians like to go dress up the national guard to attend ethnic celebrations. they choose up like there's no tomorrow to these well organized body bucks. so the spike agency gave trudeau documentation dealing with what they consider to be regularities and to run up to the 2019 federal election. and he got them before the vote. but, you know, told the hearing that he really couldn't be bothered to read them. and that he really just likes 5 chief david's, you know, to call them up and read in bedtime stories like a toddler. the best way to convey information to me is to receive a direct presume from my national security advisor and intelligence advisor. the
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only way to guarantee to make sure that i received the necessary information is to give me in, in person briefing or secure line if necessary on any issue or priority issue. yeah, the only way to make sure i get something is to personally venmo. it straight into my brain and well, no one did that. so back to you, problem. look to those statement actually contradicts what his assistant katy telford said on the record of parliamentary inquiry a year ago, the trio res, absolutely everything and would have specifically read those particular intel metals. both trudeau and public safety minister dominate club law, the minister responsible for despite agency isis a lot to say right now about stuff that they may or may not have actually read their expressing skepticism over this by agencies, reports and allegations. now specifically about the credibility of intelligence. renee, the chinese, this information campaigns targeting conservatives and also about the agencies account. the particular intercepted conversation between that same level
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a party nomination candidate who benefited from the ethnic busing and the chinese console general in toronto. sees this alleged that the candidate was doing some diplomatic freelancing and pleading for the release of a couple of canadians in prison. and china on spine charges too though, also brought up in his testimony, the murder of the tell us down the separate test who was working from home, actually not too far from where i'm seated right now against the current indian government. but here's how to dope spun it. one of the things that we had growing concerned about as a party when we were in opposition before the 2015 election was the lack of oversight by parliamentarians into what was going on in our national security universe. in this country, india has already said that all of that has a total interference bible, right? yeah. for india, it is not the government of india is policy to interfere in the democratic
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processes of other countries. in fact, quite the opposite. it is canada, which has been interfering in our internal affairs anyway to those and down the line. the notion of any chinese for him meddling at this hearing, saying that the results of neither of the 2 licensing question which he happened when were impacted. and that it was, quote, improbable that didn't involve favorites as um of one political party over the other. your thought of china is reacted to this whole circus. china has repeatedly emphasize that china has always adhered to the principal of non interference and its internal affairs and has never interfered and has no interest in interfering. and canada's internal affairs to those that, that the 2 elections in question were, quote, free and fair. sounds like the inquiry might be turning over the wrong rocks then. and that maybe they just start with a government big ticket for and spending items like for ukraine in israel, or even the u. s. military industrial complex and then work backwards from there in
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search of meddler, compromise and canadian, and dressed. and subsequently, a la jolla cycle is a global associate on us assess. she, us on a said to those accusations against 4 hours. uh, basically i was on the different blame away from his own the climbing popularity. nobody in the world bought disability, nor did anybody in india not hurt anybody, but job what this is doing. the people who actually tried to give some kind of pay what it was, statement to him, what some of his best on the ladies because they wouldn't have let him down in some that of. busy because of the butter to go component the heat and diploma and go to google bridge. and the claim regarding india, that indian interference in these elections and things like that. and i think the same community which is on thing to have very clearly said the vins are not destroy himself and insecurity in the popular domain. because one of the properties window,
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he thinks that the, the support of the standard is the, again been that people validity in some manner or the other. and again, perhaps getting the support of some minorities who mix some kind of watch it so that all of the year to the indian stand. and again, she won't be here the responsibility of brutal rights to ask in our and kenya, public hospitals are opting to hire for an adult because instead of meeting the mom from local stop for higher pipe of canyon, medical workers have been fired for the disability. and strikes which the east african nations government has bind a gatherings, protest, or whatever the other action since the seat of grievances outside the law. and in breach of cor directives undermines the constitutional order of the country and of the for nothing visible k. as in terry, may as a claim to the denver, sorry, does work for anything, issues for hardworking medical. so who had remained on the job is law enforcement
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officials to keep the peace and safeguard the public as well as the physician suicide. committed to that, what was a public cost with whom a capital my robi, has laid off a $192.00 of those. and so you can pause and a nationwide strike has been ongoing for almost a month. there's less is a demanding, but it pays for the president and william, the router says the simply ok enough funds available. we are going to focus on justice workers in kenya, while they both agree that the national health care system is currently paralyzed. they have different ideas about who's to blame. it's very unfortunate that the doctors have to go because tonight, for me, they don't, that's what i do. and we'll get full bit. we just did uh salaries without internet insurance and a bit talking conditions. they thought that it is already 30 over 30 days and the government does not.


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