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tv   News  RT  April 8, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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the, the nickel takes germany, you took courts out the hague, i choosing berlin of encouraging a genocide and gaza bite arming israel. it is indeed a decided excuse to the pests senior children booming and planning the goss on to provide too many, tammy and aids, including to add for ups on the one hand to furnish the veterans and committee to equipment that are used to kill. and then the, then the bbc transfers its indian broadcasting license to a private entity. i made a legit tax violations. uncontroversial risk coverage. plus also i wanted to show you the shape of one of the 5th of baffled route current across the front
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bloods. we could have gone close to, but the risk rises ex potentially we may not ever done a no man's land of scorched earth. we report from the front line here that done yet public city of hardship squared away the operators exchange precise strikes in a conflict increasingly dominated by drilling into the it's one minute past 9 pm here in most school this monday i'm, you know, neil and this is been use our on our team introduction. the un international court of justice has begun to hearing a lawsuit brought by nickel rock us against germany. berlin is accused of facilitating the quote commission of genocide in gals that by supplying weapons to israel, whilst pumping the country with arms. germany also claims to be providing plenty of
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humanitarian aid to gallons. managua stays, that's a hypocritical position. it is indeed a pathetic excuse to the best seeing in children, women and men and goss on to provide for money. terry and 8, including to add drops on the one hand and to furnish the weapons and committee to re equipment the use to kill. and then the 8th them and to kill also for many to be an age. because as most recently evidenced by the missile, i tech against vehicles and vehicles, a real central kitchen. and the other one that's being revealed about germany supplied israel with 30 percent of its total of military imports in 2023. that's a 10 fold increase from the previous year. berlin has exported a total of 3 and a half $1000000000.00 worth of weapons. and other equipment to the i d f over the past 2 decades, making it the 2nd largest and electric donor to israel after the us. the 2
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countries want to 99 percent of is really military imports. well, it's really how's the night that it's military campaign in gun said breaches the genocide convention nick are going to out has us the i c. j to implement provisional measures including ordering germany to suspend miller free supplies to israel. and i would say that those weapons are being used to commit crimes against the people of gas. the sermon is taken to a new install navigation present in the side or to a suicide spect of international humanitarian law. the export of german weapons and communities of equipment to israel likely to be used for committing these grey formulations of international law is continuing. germany must immediately make every effort to ensure the weapons already delivered to his rail or not used to commit genocide. in terms of reaction, we spoke with south african geopolitical, especially jo milonga,
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who's thinks berlin isn't going to stop sending weapons to israel because the german government lost control of its decision making. several of these, these folks on friday debating families. and i'm really excited investor confidence is not entirely dependent dental. what to do by the americans have a maintenance or abuse, a new desire based in new it's in germany. so did not speak process of taking it indeed into one day of left. but there is nothing here. so i, i know how to say that americans are in charge of decision making. that may be independent of what did you say this whole close to the americans don't tell me to
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pay to another over a headlines, tories today and mid looming tax issues on full october controversial stories. the bbc is restructuring its assets in india, and the british corporation has transferred its indian broadcasting license to a private entity funded by former bbc employees who have pledge to maintain strict standards. and it's unprecedented for the bbc to grant their license to publish to another entity. we will not compromise our journalism and the bbc is solidly behind us. considering that the bbc didn't want to lose its presence in india or cut jobs . and they didn't want to become financially on viable. this forced us to think out of the box based on the legal advice the bbc was receiving. everyone was veering towards this as the viable option. the bbc has applied to the indian government for around a quarter stake in the private limited company. the shake off follow searches of the bbc office is related to local tax issues. digital news entities are alive,
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direct foreign investment of up to 26 percent. if government approved, while the ownership struggled comes in mid, the bbc is waning popularity in the country. according to web analytics, the number of controversy surrounding the broadcaster the news organization last year, or a phone discrediting indian prime minister and the render moody accusing him of having a direct role. in the 2002 sectarian writes, you deli, a, choose the channel of pursuing an anti government agenda of having a quote, colonial mining sense. but i'm going to put this cop. what indian arthur? i'm calling mr. archie gar, walls, sage, the bbc is waning popularity. in the region, stems from it's biased coverage need, this thing has actually added this to financial so i mean, there's not, they've taxes which they were suppose to pay. so you know, that was obviously something know and to pick and be allowed to continue with. so
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this uh, you know, do our certification you could say, or this formation of a new company is just a way for them to actually comply with been doing the conditions. this is sort of like a really good thing i would want to say, and that there's a change in that approach or the static strategy which has been very into a full week. i can do the full be if you, if i have to go to like, just to give you a basic idea of like you don't need to see us how it has run into these types of problems with several countries. so be your title b r y. no, i mean, you know, there are so many countries like me onboard with. they have openly defied the government regulations and the laws. so it's not about propagating freedom of speech. i mean, you can mean that goes to your opinion, but negative opinions cannot be against the very people, you know who you are broadcasting it to. so they spend a life about indians doing news and that is not something they shouldn't be ok with, as indians must go. st use there is quote,
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significant evidence that ukrainian intelligence services are connected to the terrorist who probably not the progress concert whole attack. last, that's one of the findings. the russian investigative committee spoke about on monday. the moments 11 people involved and in particularly serious crime have been identified in the case, all of them have been charged and preventively detained. the investigation has already obtained significant information about the circumstances of the terrace corporations for the crime which might indicate the connection with the ukrainian special services. and after coming i say it's not on the accounts that are rena, the for a suspected terrorist headed towards the ukrainian border. they were detained in the brianna region around a 100 kilometers away from the frontier. the russian president, later, 9 stuff. there had been an escape route prepared for them on the ukrainian side, barely speaking a word of russian when detained. the suspects during questioning nature confirmed
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that was the case where you will groups plans off to the terrorist attacks to key to move towards key if we want it to leave the territory of russia. we goes into the car and hit the road. so i realized that it would be difficult to cross the border. safe low said that there would be guys waiting for us at the border with ukraine who would help us cross it and get the kids so. so i'm so sorry for lo. told us to drive towards, you train the boat or we had to make a phone call to get helped across the board of this further, just being published for the 1st time suspect since the crocus city, whole terrorist attack outside moscow who had claimed they couldn't communicate without a translator now seemed eager to talk on camera a confession, a motive, a plan as they spill out, the details of the failed get away plan which was meant to lead them to the
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ukrainian capital side full of told us to drive toward ski if and when we get to the border, not far from the border to abandon the car and call him, he would help us fight full set. when you get to the border call me and i will tell you what to do next. for more on the latest developments surrounding the investigation and more into the worst. so shooting and law school in many decades. r t dot com. so you cover the rest of the defense ministry saves it has completely destroyed a warehouse on production facility for heavy payload drones in the city of something rogia this friday. it shows precision targeting on the really total destruction of thought. you printing and military psych kids has been using you avi's to strike a russian infrastructure such as oil, gas, and other energy facilities, including sundays, attacked on the zach photos you
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a nuclear power plant that is europe's largest such sight at those attacks. as we see, have been on surge and at more updates to bring you all in the conflicts in ukraine. the russian defense ministry has confirmed its forces. how repel dozens of frontline attacks over the past 24 hours. russian forces have advance in the next republic in the last day, according to the embodied getting tactical advantage near the impactful city of arching laws, also known as box moods. las cruces kids on a suffrage around at $900.00 risk losses, as well as times are totally in the country attack. a kid frontage on the bottle field has been the deployment of russia's spike drones as well. it's believed ortiz,
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senior correspondent, rough goes be if it brings us more from the more towards the city in the ruins of maximus. speed is so bible. there is always an enemy drew watching. we are. we have a scouts squad. regiments 10, a weight once entirely made up of mobilized troops. now, the battle hardened veterans, scott, and confident they being assigned to retake a village, the name of which become synonymous with slow stuff. we venture that towards the south of bucks. most of all, di here is watching the skies because because each ones which are bound here, but i wanted to show you the shape. what are the fits as baffled ground cars across the front clouds. we could have gone closer, but the risk rises ex,
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potentially we may not overdone these fairly 2 kilometers behind me. shave go, which ukraine expended thousands of soldiers taking. it is now tough, controlled by russian forces. please shift is surrounded or noun sides by higher ground. it is there that the battle is waged. some of their presence is relative. 2 or 3 people per position. they're just fodder left behind. you see a few of them. when they die, it means there is an assault under way, which means the rest have to defend, which means entire fleets, tommy called the drones rising up to a 100 foot targets on both sides. the
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road had moved on. the sky of above smoke, however never stays empty foot long. they're all big and deadlier things about the, the 6 of dreams and not just the physical, cannot be overstated psychologically without a doubt. yes, pv drew suicide. drones are the most terrifying weapons used in these conflicts large because of how wide spread they all thousands and thousands use every week. this particular specimen, valium, is put together in the field, then it's p. o explosives to kilograms of explosives used to below,
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but you pay the in fortifications to get the troops inside. these video is from a lead testing looks excuse to our masses, for nothing is without skill amongst thousands of druid pilots who li dozens will become aces. 10 the weight is full and one of them i want to introduce you to my colleague hand battle brother. this is master is my entire company has filled up a graveyard of ukrainians and master here has filled up another graveyard all by himself. somewhere near oval for another region, mazda began flying drones, but the full months ago, he quickly excelled. the
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mazda has more than 140 confirmed hits. 140 ukrainian soldiers killed the injured by one. russian drew an operator with nothing more than a remote control in his hands and had scenario as much all the task of mine at the beginning when i hit the target, i was trembling, but eventually became a piece of cake. when i'm given a task a wheel completed, i don't feel any pleasure. i'm just doing my duty by eliminating one target, i may have saved the lives of our soldiers and demoralize the enemy who might refuse to follow orders. so the small stuff is well protected. we were not allowed to film him as well. it wouldn't be any of the regiments positions last as base of operations is seek with and changes regularly. key is to valuable to race,
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especially now that you canes forces showing cracks. so let's go to, the situation has changed radically. they have an evidence shortage of manpower and artillery shells women at the email. they are dying in entire units and sending fresh ones in without any training. they don't know what to do. they keep making the same mistakes, which i can capitalize on. ukraine is in a difficult position. it is losing soldiers foster, but it can replace them. never mind trading them and, and train soldiers do not last long. mazda and others like him to not let them more, i guess, the archie from bach. more than me, it's people's republic. no one escapes the mobilization in ukraine. that's the message coming from the commander of the countries. brawn forces the more you
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koreans find the courage to join the ranks of the armed forces, the few a chance this russian will have to implement. it's both thursday plans and assume that you create in cities will attend to normal safe life. therefore, i always ukrainians to leave their emotions behind, not to succumb to publications. we have to realize that no one will be able to sit down. after all the fate of the country, the fate of our nation is at stake. russia will not leave any one alone and that built a head that those who betrayed grade. the reports of social media put forth to show the new recruits include a man with down syndrome. and he's one of the number of people with disabilities serving within. he adds troops allegedly, without their consent. video footage has also revealed how the printing and military is dealing with the soldiers and the american people have been seen forcibly dragged onto the buses, allegedly beaten for attempting to escape the country. the moscow bureau chief of
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iceland saga radio station told us a chose key of authorities or in the space of desperation. your granny on the government's the people in jesus a. i don't know what his desperate position they need to do. so she would step is, it's a, she would say they, they needs people, they don't have any more people. they are fighting people in the streets. they are trying to recruit people, which don't want to fight in this more or they are taking sick people, which is just all for to see, you know, and the, it's something, it's the best price united. i think the co ops is eventually approaching. it says so everything about the moran levels, the more for mobilization about the serious state. so for human, the choosing, this is so called the republic off will for you when it say so, what are your most about the hypocrisy of the european union. know if the sucks sucks. unable to offer on this the end to nursing us human rights boards, or kind of such a organizations. they know this what's happening across the intelligence. the
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secret service is the report to them the, the situation as it is, they all know everything about the shots, corruption of this black hole, or they know everything about the so probably just ation office fund due to the bankers from wall street. we need to negotiations, we need people to sit down for peace negotiations, some tools and some things, but nobody's interested that they have given, given more and more weapons. meanwhile, the ruling party in the nation of georgia is preparing to re introduce the so called for an agent law. the prime minister husband says that the legislation is necessary and will prevent outside forces from interfering in the countries policies. they prove to as the transparency something russian know past, what is your pin. last year they managed to mislead part of society. they turned values upside down, but i'm sure they will not be able to do this again. we believe that transparency and freedom of speech are defining values in a democracy. so let's protect both principles,
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both values as much as possible. i of this proposed legislation is aimed at making georgia and society just more transparent because for years uh, thousands of western funded n g o's had been working hard in the country to manipulate public opinion against russia and china. and this law actually isn't even attacking them. it would just require organizations in the country that get over 20 percent of their income from foreign sources to register in the government database. nonetheless, these western funded and backed organizations in the country are already on the attack against this proposed legislation, criticizing it for being a so called russian style law. and parliament is set to discuss it later this evening. and what is the western reaction being to george's discussions about the law? while the european union has already openly criticized this proposal, saying that apparently transparency and democracy are mutually exclusive. transparency should not be used as an instrument to limit civil societies capacity
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to operate freely. we encourage the political leaders in georgia to adults and implemented force that i in line with the stated objects. if of joining the european union, supported by a large majority of georgia and citizens, the u, causing georgia to uphold, is commitment to the promotion of democracy. the rule of law and human rights on top of that, germany's foreign ministry spokesman has already hinted that the prospect of the e u. membership for georgia could be taken off the table if this for an agency loss . it for an agencies law goes into effect. so we've also got nato's leadership coming out publicly against the law as well. i oppose a new town by the george and government to reintroduce the dropped law on foreign nations or for an influence as business actually. and that 1st day strengthening democratic institutions in georgia, georgia, and used to work and reforms to get closer to them. they so and the repeating union, the georgia and people made it clear that they wanted democratic prosperous feud
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showing the repeal erode like cic family. i'm afraid that any law that introduces this idea of foreign agents will have an impact on media outlets that also operates in georgia, undermining the better idea of macon, georgia, a stronger and more democratic society. now, despite all these claims from these georgian liberals in the west that this has some sort of proposed russian style law. i mean, we also have to understand that the united states has had a for an agencies law since the mid 20th century. and the european union also recently enact that its own a similar law though the europeans say it's not a for an agency law. it's a defense of democracy package. this is the 1st time such and always been out for the discussion in georgia last year. it was also discussed but why wasn't that adulthood? that's right. actually last year i myself was in georgia when parliament decided that it was going to try and pass a very similar to this one just about over
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a year ago. and it immediately basically became clear to me how just, how entrenched these western ngos are in georgia and society. i mean, thousands of protesters came into the streets and started writing over what they were calling a russian style law. people are throwing molotov cocktails. people are throwing rocks, the police responded with water cannon. so it was just an apps. let me tell you audit situation just because the government there was trying to get a hold on for an meddling in the country. well, elections are coming up on october 26th in georgia, and it's very likely that the west, along with it's a proxy organizations in georgia, are basically trying to thwart the ruling euro skeptic, georgia dream party, in whatever it's trying to do in an attempt to basically cartel its political power and hopefully i mean in the, in their hopes obviously trim down the political power the georgia dream will have in parliament after these next elections. my colleagues donald quarter and nicky
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are in earlier know a china seas. no external actor should attempt to spoil it's by law friendly relations with russia, where the direct marks after us treasury secretary janet the ellen who is touring the asian country threatening chinese companies with repercussions for working with moscow. for continue to be concerned about the roles that any firms, including those in the p, r c, are playing and rushes, military procurement. i stress big companies including those in the p, r. c must not provide material support for roaches for and that they will face significant consequences if they do. and i reinforce that, any banks that facilitate significant transactions, the channel military, or do use goods to rushes defense, industrial base expose themselves to the risk of us sanctions. way
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relevant countries should not attack the normal relations between china and other countries. older, legitimate, twice an interest between china and other countries, companies general take measures to safeguard this. the ju them is interest invites to to well, i think this whole episode is very characteristic. all the communication and diplomatic style that the united states for some reason chooses to practice a visit to our child, i came up to along the way to cole, with the chinese leaders. should you be that to invited the american presence managed to secure a he needs it more than half the chinese side. and the 2 leaders agreed that madame jaelyn would travel to china to strengthen a dialogue. and for some reason, americans believed that telling other countries what to do and telling him in
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a very room, diplomatically route matter, is going to strengthen these dialogue. it's not just, not them yelling. but for example, secretary of state anthony blinking, who behaves in pretty much the same manner, trying to, uh, get into some sort of bad communication with the chinese. and yeah, assuming we uh not being able to help himself to. uh, you know, make some uh, pull arriving statement that leaves the time his whole snow either way and no other reason. no other space than um, you know, to appear cold on the no develop ties anymore. the russian foreign minister started on prop is also in aging for talks right now. what are the expectations for his visit? well, i think this visit provides a very interesting alternative diplomatic style to what we discussed earlier in the one practiced by american officials. because so gayla growth has very frequent sky communications and, you know, meetings with east chinese officials,
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russia and china are celebrating the 70 just i never 3 or 5. and if you look at the trade speakers, they demonstrate that, you know, the relationship is indeed stronger than ever. the 2 countries, coordinating not only the bilateral relations and also working together within the framework of number one, special organizations, including the brakes. and by the way, within the bricks framework, it's not just russian, china, but the number of countries and now defaulting. um, i know sort of just system just west of more international transactions. i think that goes back to the yellow comment about, you know, possible functions for bags that are supposedly facilitating any military training, but when it comes to the issue. okay, great. and i think it's important to stress that russia has enough capacity
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to, uh, provide whatever it needs. uh for its all time. this has been the most of the physician from the very beginning. i'm the same by the way, those for china on its own difficulties with the west in taiwan, both russian and china. ultimately note about ideology is there about making sure that you know that a storage is that governments working in the service of the people and that, that this work. and this corporation leads to practical improvement in the living standards um logistical frameworks within both countries. oksana bar code there when we spoke with nelson, one from the shanghai center for a written pockets think tank a long time, followed by discussion club member. he said he's paging has become use to us interference and it's come trains 1st. another courses where i think shauna has a, both the governments and the people do have a strong feeling that the us, they,
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the big does have a, you know, the us does have a habit of interfering into other countries, internal affairs and also the habit of telling people lecturing people about how to do things like trade relations between a rupture and try the as reached is full time party. and so, i mean, for the us, the, i think what secretary unit and has a set told remarks accusing china about supporting russia, accusing china's the over production capacity and everything. i think she, she basically was talking to the people backing her own country. i think china is not a child, it's something that we kind of like used to that uh you know what the us does, but it doesn't mean that china is getting to listen.


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