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tv   News  RT  April 4, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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so it's called direct impact, but again, it's not, we don't want to watch it because it might just change the way and say the what are you this? the ukraine has become an outright terrorist states for 10 years. it has been terrorizing civilians both within its own country and beyond its borders. russia's top diplomats has been g crane on its western support, says, claiming may be an old to ready to turn a blind guy to keep atrocities over the data of chief and safety. pumping ukraine military aid is locked in security, but most case for my own voice. the alliance is, keeps simply being used as a tool in a proxy will a game wash right now, not based on the crane is an instrument for nato. to put it bluntly and
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straightforwardly direct countries of waging a hybrid war against russian. been bob way to class stage of the saucer. i made a devastating drive just been exacerbated by the ongoing in the past opened barracks, the just on finally fam, henry muska you watching on t international around the old. the news you need to know is coming your way. thank you very much for cheating it. while it's difficult to believe russia could have been talking to by is law, make fundament less. that's according to black me a person who has said the deadly attack in moscow 2 weeks ago wasn't an attempt to undermine the country's unity. i see numerous victims russia and cannot be the target of terrorist attacks by islamic fundamentalist. we have
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a country that demonstrates a unique example of into faith harmony, and unity into religious and ethnic units. and in the external arena, russian behaves in such a way that it can hardly be an object of a thing by islamic fundamentalists. but the goal of undermining the unity of russian society, especially in molten conditions, is set the best of all of them. meanwhile, the russian security service has revealed its 3 most suspects have been arrested. one was said to being directly involved in recruiting the gunman. yeah, the 2 was said to have transferred money for the terrorists to buy weapons on the vehicle. the rest were made in moscow homes and e katherine bug the to the suspects were for nationals while the other is a russian citizen. meanwhile rushes foreign minister has declared ukraine and out right, terrorist space set of gay laptops woods came as he was commenting on the crocus
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city, whole concert to attack. now he's also lashed as to what see cole be ignorance of the western countries when it comes to atrocities. been committed by kip. someone else today in the stella, ukraine has become an outright terrorist states for 10 years. it has been terrorized and civilians both within its own country and beyond its borders. we see how kids flagrant violations of human rights are being covered up by western n g nose and many international mechanisms. in february 2022, when the special military operation began, the key of regime declared itself free of virtually all human rights obligations. even then, i will remind you the entire world was covered with numerous images of ukrainian military atrocities, including on the battlefield. let us recall the video of ukrainian nazis were in uniforms of the ukrainian armed forces, shooting captive russian soldiers,
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whose hands and feet were bound and had bags over their heads, all of which was filmed and posted online with obvious pleasure. but no one is going to demand that ukraine, investigate this crime, and prove that they understand something and at least partially respect their obligations under international law. mister lab, ralph placed great emphasis on how the actions of both keys in the west have led to a re emergence of neo nazi as a, one of the main events being the so called anti terrorist operation. the key i've had launched against the people have done boss back in 2015, not long after the euro. my don regime came to power in ukraine. this operation drew much of its strength from armed neo nazi organizations like the as off battalion, which the united states had supplied with weapons and money over many years. and according to russia's a foreign minister, he says that it's unlikely that the west is ever going to conduct an actual investigation into the crimes of organizations like the as on fatality, some,
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we'd be able to refund the very 1st moment. we've been demanding an objective open investigation. no one is going to do that. at the same time, the european union is have believes as if it had only been waiting for this occasion together with the americans. and the british introduced new packages of sanctions against the restaurant. we all know the key of is not independence. it is only following the instructions of its bosses. it's masters who need to implement their and t rush or project for global midland. you. the main thing for them is to defeat russia. the most of this is the goal that was set for the key of regime period. can you give me the remote reference for administer also spoke a bit about how moscow was able to broker a ceasefire. and the don boss conflict in 2015 through multi lateral negotiations that resulted in the minster agreements. but after some several years, it became clear, the key of and the west were not serious about upholding their obligations under
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these agreements. despite the fact that moscow had long wardens, the west and key of that, an escalation of this conflict would only lead to catastrophe, which is what it is. we honestly told the west if you are pushing ukraine towards disaster, no one was listening. that's why i say again, we have nothing to hide. i do not know with what arguments the west uses, except that russia will conquer everyone now. and there was no logic there some time ago at the beginning of the special military operation, even before its western ideologists said, let's rather accept ukraine. it's nato. then russia will not dare to attack it, because russia cannot attack a nato country. now as you see, those arguments have changed, and they are now saying that ukraine is about to lose, and they cannot allow you for and to lose. because as soon as it loses to russia, russia would immediately attack nato. where is the logics there?
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at 1st, they assume that russia would never allow itself to attack nato, but now they are just convincing everyone that this is the plan of present, including and the russian leadership. all president has already commented on this calling it nonsense. of course, it's all ties into mister laptops earlier statements that the key ever seen has been a terrorist state for the past decade. and he mentioned the attacks on the crime in bridge which took the lives of several civilians. the assassinations of journalists like daria, do gonna, and other terrorist attacks that have taken place on russian territory that have essentially put t of in direct contradiction with its obligations under international anti terrorism conventions. well, that's where an indian diplomat and they'll treat good not yet, says the global says, says russia's aspiration for peaceful and she, the ukrainian conflict. russia has been engaged in
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a big way with the countries in the global south. and it has tried very hard, i believe, to have good relations when the western countries is a little trick automatically automatically. but sort of home because of the geo border to color gear, kind of a competition that has not hooked up. and so in the building so which have suffered the most and i'm glad i that it is brand new. i mean calder is drunken bar and the one that is going on the investigation of design that i'm us, all these that is affecting the aggrieved, the what is happening. i have the, the, the countries from the global south. and i think that that is one reason that's the most of the board of offices work install. this water is not between the actually, you know, this is a warm between the shop and the west. and therefore, until the best as configurable became known. see, the end of this was russia's relations between a h, a nato, are in this state of direct confrontation over the alliances of involvement in
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ukraine. this is, according to the kremlin spokes person chestnut. besides these relations have now slipped to the level of direct confrontation. indeed, the nature mistaken the lines itself is in fact already comes to the increasing its engagement. it is already involved in the conflict around ukraine continues moving towards the board is expanding its military infrastructure towards the borders. in fact, nato continues to demonstrate its essence is best because nato, it was conceived as my lines it was configured, created and managed by the us as an instrument on the confrontation, primarily on the european continent. protege, it's lots that comes with continues nato support for you quite and seems to be dwindling. some member states as talking to advocate for their own interests. now this includes the fund gary and foreign minister who's opened. he stated that he's country will not support and h as proposed 5 years, 100000000000. you wrote
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a package for ukraine, budapest reasoning for that. well, it says the tax pay should not be funding military escalations, a similar candice jacobs. regarding the $100.00 building your support package for your crane, i would like to remind you that i made it to clear yesterday at the council meeting that hungary does not want to increase. need those coordinates enroll in this line of operations to participate. not only do we not participate physically, nor in the planning, nor in the implementation of also now willing to offer financial assistance. because if needed were to accept the 100 building. you were a package for 5 years. it would mean enough expenditure of tens of billions for the young during budget. and i say once again, and darren taxpayers money cannot be used for decisions that carries the risk of a military escalation. so these, meanwhile native chief has described military support. ukraine is quote, an investment in the blocks and security that he's allowed to be alliance members
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to make a to can not blake a tree to make it blinking through all that not full entry states as many, many times. that's a support you're training. so child that is supported to greatness and investments and our own security serial for to well welcome bolden contribution spots in the long run. we need to be less dependent on a voluntary contributions short term. i'm more than dependent on a strong nature commitments to an agent chief is also vowing that ukraine could eventually join the block. however, he didn't specify a timeline that his statements came. is the alliance as walking? it's 75th anniversary caps for administer, who was also invited to the the state gathering sees the opportunity to request new weaponry from the west chick t us patriot. and we saw a systems that european diplomats have been debating whether or not to create this 100000000000 euros funds long term on supplies to yeah. meanwhile we've been
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hearing from most goes for my own voice in nature, alexander cro scope. he's accused the block of using ukraine in the proxy war against russia, and it's, it's, it's been a really good. i am a no, not the spring. and ukraine is an instrument for nissan. to put it bluntly and straightforwardly. they took countries of waging a hybrid war against russia. a hybrid war consists of many elements. it includes 1st and foremost, informational and audiological aspects by demonizing russia and attributing old souls malicious plans to us or more periods. so that's actually looking a bit broad. now beyond ukraine's food is new, we currently witnessing increased need to activity in the south coast. what's the main goal of the alliance in this region? and does watch so already have an understanding of what specific methods the alliance will trying to use to achieve this goal?
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yeah, pretty much any upfront with me. absolutely. there is understanding, look at nato strategic documents, which is a thing to find brush as a direct and immediate right to the lines. or they've decided that russia is a direct and immediate and the right to the lines. so i did was born in the mines. secondly, by the military construction and no native activities, wherever they have a agent containing rush out. and this time central asia and the south courses. also, reasons why russia needs to be contained pressure can be contained primarily through the destruction of historical ties between russia and dog places. boston is what i see. let's head to same ball point now where a state of disaster has been declined. it comes, it made devastating black that's plaguing the southern africa nation, coupled with the crippling sanctions coming from the west. the president says the need priority is to secure an adequate fruit supply for the entire population. why are we ever been able so far to send for this food because it can you put
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pollution mean or drought? here's now component our kind of situation with food insecurity deliveries, res. beyond the projected 2700000 people, our priority priority is securing food for somebody else knows and bubbling must succumb to or die from honda zillow, because of your culture will fix the faces an unprecedented tendency of presidency . missing non gaap, glad to create a state of national disaster as a response to a severe drought that has drastically reduced from outputs in the country. this development comes off the reports of thousands of cattle dates and significant corrupt fame is across the country. highlighting the urgent need for intervention, seen the likes off neighboring countries, like some be ad malawi as well, taking similar steps as a result of the, you know,
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with the phenomenon. but president, non gaap were mentioned that at least 2700000 people were expected to be. food is secure from last year, april, until the end of march this year for the stating that a system is current to show that's and, but that requires an access to $1000000000.00 towards various interventions, but also in response to the crisis. can you see a to that's as the well the food program us sleeping into provide food a to those affected by the draw. so the elbow challenges remain in meeting the voss needs of the population because for the longest time with no that is involved with the economy, it has been questioned as sustained by the agricultural i'm sick to at some point to provide that employment and income to more than 60 percent of the population and accounted for 40 percent off totaled export earnings. and it is so tended to that that is a shortage of re and in most parts of the country. but the close of all of this is
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move and just dropped the i'm justified, senses ons and bob, which has turned an agricultural challenge into a disaster. we know that a number of agricultural programs and projects were terminated because of the sanctions. i'm the dad, this international development agency, one of those was stopped after the can position of sanctions in public, not to mention the lack off investment in the lines of credit, which made it very difficult for the industry to restore and invest in bits, applying to machinery as we've seen, the number of serviceable tractors the total capacity of needed units as well. so going down to allow me numbers. but despite all the effects of the legal sanctions, it's government under the leadership of president, non golf west has not been visiting effects. and bob, as vice president didn't october last you called at the center. so that an albatross around somebody's nick, as they continue to isolate, is involved with, from global sanctions, i mean from global access to capital and many other opportunities. and so for this
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to, to that, since 2001, we estimate that zimbabwe has lost or missed over 150000000000 through frozen assets. trade in bar goes export and investment restrictions from potential bilateral support developing loans. i m f and world bank balance of payments support and commercial loans. sanctions are really hurt and seeing by wins. by now we could have gone far in terms of our economic growth. these and bubbling governments continues to finish the video tray of message. that's thanks to the all to blame for the forwarding and the failings of the economy and across the african continent as all sanctions from the waste, our weapon of choice to enforce it, they own the foreign policy goals. and once again, some bubble continues to be the brand offer to of what was involved in political analyst has been explaining how western sanctions have been hidden during the development of the countries agricultural sec. stuffy is even before the dr. tips,
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almost 60 percent of the above. ready the page on i could call just like there's no id cards to outputs. they are in dire need of age. they need a they need someone to support the. busy this is going to come to the governments, besides shows you into 5, do think of the so in terms of use ability to provide supports to this and by bins, it may be they also don't have any access to trade use expand or creating so they don't have access to more and so that they can support these huge population buddies. i see it's a vouch draft proposal. good to be midwest by the state. but in those is with is what a good thing by which left, which is to east of small come by city owing to this ashes, they don't have enough. a big equipment in terms of making is they should,
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they don't have enough in terms of cultural lands. they don't have enough interest all flooded kindly and see that they need to import all be federalized that would be needed. the company that provides all that produce fits levels in by with most of the, my other sessions and the sessions for the past 2 to 3 years. so you just imagine these assets went out to ron. now where the supreme lead to has about his country will make is relatively new for it strikes on uranium consulate in damascus on monday, which left 7 officials that with god's help we will make design is repent for the crime of aggression against the reigning consulate in damascus as well. multiple military advisors from the rollins islamic revolution regard, cool, was killed in use way as for like 2 generals were amongst them. now local media
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roles reported that 6 syrians, the visual casualties, were hate in that as well. because so that building itself was leveled in the attack. now, while, as well as not yet claimed responsibility for the incident to other countries in the region have strongly condemned. it focused on his branded the strikes to be a major escalation, while saudi arabia, i said, the targeting of the prologic facilities was a violation of international law in an exclusive been to be with all to the spokes person for the presidential body olsby uranium. god can scott in council says is well has which that deadlock ron will not act recklessly to this crime and will not agree on what the use up as on is the stablish ment, once they, once a rounds reaction to be ration for the 2nd, we will respond to this crime stress g has always been balanced and why is in terms of reactions to similar attacks on google stuff. and the onset,
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not as i spoke about the goals to be as honest regime in the context of this aggression and argue that this occupation regime has reached a deadlock and the confrontation against hamas, islamic jihad and other opposition groups in guns that also made faces difficulties in the fight against jimmy $911.00 on it, but this formation, which was once proud of the victory of the armies of the countries, it was 6 days that is now exhausted off to 6 months of confrontation with the kind of standing groups equipped with simple military weapons, so new they fully tries to save itself by taking similar steps such as attacking other countries in order to draw the world's attention to this and to get out of a difficult situation in fact, and on the escape exporting its wall to other countries as we believe that the zine is regime would have no states is enrolled in the region without the support of the us and the west. in other words, they support is the f a rate is of occupational respiration for prolonging the existence of the regime. oh, don't we believe that the us is directly responsible for the dual actions of these
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on his regime and to the address all the wrong on the us message send through diplomatic channels, says that the american side will not be able to escape responsibility for the murder committed political analysts done visiting professor at the university of tyrone adult to, to hey, just saw the fee is, is well, is trying to do more to drawer plays into it specials. that would then put the whole region at risk. this is an extremely escalated situation and the have nots just madness of these really we seen is just putting the west asia on the verge of a full list bar. and for to ron, of course, and allow for scenario has been most unwelcome auction on the table, given the fact that such an option, the run, the risk of dragging the entire region and even beyond into a full fledged allow confrontation. therefore,
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iran was trying to practice sort of the strategy patients so far serving and march significant purpose of avoid inc. additional complications. however, this patience based on but the courage from the spokesman and father of the shows in iran is not all limited. these really is, are doing to do active, bore into a new they say, extensive battlefields coming from the fact that they have failed in the bathroom for that d r d d. they feel that they are in sort of disaster situation after these failures, after killing hundreds and thousands of civilians and all they know they are trying to bring as many as possible of players into this battle both. and they can sort of provide justification for the investor lars to get into the special's, been era and gets into it and do wrong is very cautious about this situation.
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because the chief purpose here is to the more the found his way the president nicholas smith do, has accused us of building c quit military bases in the dispute to this a keyboard territory. and guy on madeira is claimed that the us southern command is an instrument of a c. i a created to quote for past, for an escalation against venezuela, a good moment. it is the moment of defense, if of them ex mobile, the southern command tonight because the president are from didn't not govern guy, yada, yada is governed by the southern command, the c i a, an ex model. and i'm not exaggerating. and we have proven information. death in the territory of diana, temporarily administered by diana. they've installed secret military base of the self in command military and nuclei of the stuff in command and nuclei of this. yeah, yeah. and it's a cable, as well as to keep it who is a jungle region that covers 2 thirds of the guy in east territory. and it's
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historically been a subjective dispute for the 2 countries. venezuela has reaffirmed its claim to the land following the discovery of oil in the waters office of keepers coast in 2015. just a month ago, the venezuelan and kinase president's and that's to renewed commitment to maintaining peace in the region. a put the pass for resolution remains unclear because diana is still banking on a verdict from the i. c j which venezuela does not recognize what we spoke with progressive, daniel? sure. who is an expert in the field, latin america and caribbean studies. he says that the us is facing the 2 countries in date, st. choa, twix exact its imperialistic policies with the us media always does is a huge is a my daughter or don yellow at the going to cut our, or the cuban leadership, or any insight incurious leadership was being paranoid,
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but my daughter was not paranoid. the us is try is been trying to over through. busy the boulevard in leadership, we saw the 2002 attempted cool for 48 hours against hugo chavez. we've seen the assassination attempts against my daughter to him himself. so what the state department's plan has been just so they, they have a webinar as ukrainian nationalism against russia. they are webinar ising, the guy, and he's to go to war with their neighbor. the is to keep you can provide for all night. and e, as in all been as well as with the c, i a, was to divide a wage in this boulevard, in vision of unity among south american neighbors. the us already mobilized the troops to their 9 military bases in columbia. there are 11 u. s. military bases in panama, they have a significant fleet surrounding venezuela in the review seen in the atlantic. they have the largest base uh, in on doris and all of the, uh,
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south america. so this is definitely not the case of uh, my daughter was a, this is not a segment of his imagination. this is based on a track record of $200.00 plus imperial invasions the us, even though it's 2024. the, i'd like you to 1823 with the monroe doctrine. they think this is, this is their backyard and they can do whatever they want to control. argue we still have the most important commodity in the world, and that's the oil invent, as well as a lot of it often move into decades behind balls in israel, of things, policy, and indeed model one by gucci is suffering from the physical and psychological apiece. that's according to his relatives, well known as the palestinian mandela. biography is one of the most popular political figures in palestine. he was involved in numerous pro chess set. the time
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of the 1st intifada and was the leader of the 2nd. now for good jay who is 64, is serving 5 life sentences for straightening attacks on his way civilians charges . he has always denied all he had the chance to speak with his son. he says since october, the 7th, his fall, this treatment has gotten steadily with so after october, the 7th, as part of the collective punishment, the policy of those 80 government, they started punishing prison is uh left right and centre 12 to 13, documented the cases of getting to attend the prison is a no entity and confirmed fee of testimonies from prisoners inside that the abused and got to meet up with no medical treatment amongst these prisoners as my father lead to something. but he was moved to sort of the confinement and was i had the fault that prison was moving him,
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he asked him to put his hands behind his back end is down in front of all the prisoners to humiliate him as they had a need. and he refused to do so, so they forced him to do it, which got his shoulder dislocated and they didn't get any medical treatment for that. they broke the window, they don't even think of in the very minimal fluids. he already lost 10 kilograms. the keep the abusing heading in different ways very, very and even physically because we just learned from a lawyer, the doctor visited an inmate of his that he was attacked and brutally beaten up on march 6th. and a visa allegations were confirmed by him because he was visited by his lawyer a week ago for the 1st time. and the daughter's lawyer and he was beaten up. he was
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left leaving for 3 hours on the floor, and he didn't get any medical treatment. and the best, the best out and didn't understand what was happening. and then he found many bruises and many entities on his right foot on his back on his shoulder and even on his forehead. the collective punishment. the police are going to is really government, they, they haven't changed, whatever they would own was the financial independence team, people for the anything that anyone does. and i think that the, the took advantage of october the 7th to continue with that project offered cleansing. and even to genocide, the understanding and people as we can see and goes. and i think that they took advantage of the fact that everyone is busy with their genocide and goes up to abuse. but it gets better than this. and they know that they are doing these things against the international law and yet no one is it.


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