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tv   Direct Impact  RT  April 4, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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well, they have lost the fear of humans. i want britons to have a taste of living alongside elephants, which are overwhelming my country. in some areas, there are more of these beasts than people. but savannah is not alone in this, it's neighbor and the media is suffering from apparel scenario. despite explaining the negatives common from the trophy, hunting in port span is formal colonial rule or germany choose us to turn a blind eye. nevertheless, and it may be a studious ground, an openly called the band in neo colonial interference. we consider any input restrictions or bands of trough is listed in c, d as conventional international trade in endangered species of wild phone. and flora dependence is $1.00 and $2.00 which go beyond the c i. t. s. regulations as unilateral unlawful, new colonial interference with our sovereign rights. the sustainable use of our resources. europe's heroes syndrome behavior towards africa has showed
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repeatedly that it is nothing but a facade to hide its neo colonial implicit rules. instead of professional dialogue, to understand the demands and real needs of african states. europe superiority complex continues to make them stick out like a sore thumb. next join male big science has on direct impacts and will be back up with the out the . hi everybody program know once again we now post a show every day used to be a weekly, but now we're a daily. and so many of you from all over the world reached out and said, you really like what we're doing. so we're doing it every day. hold no punches,
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so look for it. trip. um, number one of that a syndrome, a completely unsubstantiated report, but guess who's bringing it back? i'm going to tell you truth problem. number 2. cnn's love affair with warmongers is 5 and once again and we'll show it to you to the stock. number 3, the lensky has fired another top, a use left. i'm rick sanchez. this is directive pack the . all right, let's talk about it again. we, we have an a syndrome now look, i was born outside havana and a little place called going on, i call cuba. so obviously over the past many years myers have always parked up when i've heard the story about havana syndrome. so what is it?
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all right, here's a simple explanation. back around 2016, some station employees that were based at the u. s embassy there in havana. they told their bosses that they felt sick. they said they had fatigue, they had nausea and they had some kind of headache at the time. it became kind of a big deal. even though what they were describing sounded like they went out the night before and had too much cuban wrong. but because they worked for the c, i a, their complaints began appearing and newspapers. and then it turned into that they must have been targeted by some type of weird noise that wasn't boost. this was what they said was a weird noise. that was mysterious thing coming through the walls of their building and infiltrating their minds and making them feel sick after perhaps even getting into their brain and stealing their thoughts. nose, i mean i say that because in cuba and we have an express and you can hear it. if you go to miami, it's called me in the set. it will literally what that means is eating your brain.
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it's really just an expression that we use. it means someone's trying to convince you to do something you really don't want to do. that's what they say. anyway, somehow this became bigger than life. and by now how that a certain story was everywhere. imagine a to stick waves that somehow workers can barely hear that seem to come through the walls and it gives them headaches. the story was now appearing on the front page of the new york times and cnn and the washington post. it was everywhere until finally, the story was refuted. but was it? well, maybe the question is, what was it? bugs, bugs, insects, no, really, bugs. there was a certain tropical insect that at certain times of the year makes a certain sound that makes like i'm the sound of acoustic waves. who reported that
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a group of physicists that were hired by the us government to analyze the audio taken from 21 different incidents. and they got that paid from havana. and here's what it sounded like. the you hear that? yeah, that, i mean i, i guess i don't know, i'm not a scientist, but they, it's like they said, those are like insects. and there was no big deal and nobody's trying anybody's brain caused by insects. the scientists go on to say that it's highly unlikely that any microwave or ultrasound beams were involved because it was scientifically impossible. they say for a single source of energy to be able to do such a thing that was back in 2018. i reported it right here with that report came out, i remember, but apparently that wasn't good enough. not for 60 minutes of luck. i grew up watching 16 minutes when i was growing up as a kid and i wanted to be doing this when i grew up. and luckily i have, it was back then really good journalism show something some of the best reporting
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in the country. if you're going to use the word investigative journalism, i don't like that word because i think all journalist investigates, therefore. busy journalist are investigative journalist, but anyway, they were famous for investigative journalist today, 60 minutes is more of a show though. it what it used to be more of a shill for the u. s. government agencies like the state department in the c. i a, by the way, why do you think they get their stories? hello. and they used to have pop knots. jermel is there. today, they hired people like cameras in cooper. and this guy with this really faked voice . in 20161725 americans including c i a agents who worked in the us in port i, 6 toyota, and the sub whole cox like that. anyway, that guy has filed a report where he now talks to some other guy in europe who says that he's figured
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it out. he knows who is responsible for have an upsetting drip. and he says it's of russia. wow. what a surprise, right. thinking that quick let, let's see what they got. let's watch the report. he knows who's involved and he has a long track record uncovering russian documents in gross and says he found one that made link to 91552, a directed energy weapon. and when i saw, i tell you, i literally had tears in my eyes because it was spelling out what they had been doing. it's a piece of accounting, an officer of 29155, received a bonus for work on quote, potential capabilities of non lethal, acoustic weapons. okay. and that's pretty much it. i mean, that's it. so he found a paper that says it's somebody at some point in russia,
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once worked on acoustic weaponry, there by russia must be responsible for the noises in nevada. and it wasn't bugs after all. that's the story. i mean, it's a hell of a strip, which story is extremely fam. i know i've written a few stories where i didn't have a lot of facts, but i went with them any way that sounds them. and their source is a reporter in bold. get rid of a guy in bulgaria, a guy who according to breaking points, used to work for a company that was funded by the c. i a see to get, make this up. and now he works on an online newspaper. so that's worse, 60 minutes goes to do a story to get information from something don't involve. no. yeah, i mean, the whole thing seems weird, right? the reporter, the story. the circumstantial evidence, the fact that they're trying to, we yvette, what is essentially a dead story. but of course, it is about russia,
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so you gotta do it must be good. its weight. this thing gets even more bizarre. you gotta see this story. in his report, this 60 minutes reporter with a fake deep voice then tells a woman who apparently is an f b i agent, to put on a book contest that's. that's not a blog would so no one more. i think visor with the blog wake of course uh he puts on his in his costume. it looks ridiculous because she looks exactly like the same person. but she looked like before she put on the blond wig, but here she is. one of them is carry. we're disguising her and not using her last name because she's still an f b i agent working in counter intelligence. it was like a dentist drilling on steroids that feeling when the it gets too close to your eardrum. it's like that, you know, times 10. it's like you have to look like lady god,
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just incredible. that story. yeah. there's, there's horrible. anyway, so, so, so there you have a reporter involved area with washington contacts, a woman and a blond wig who may have had a toothache for all. we know that's the evidence in this story, but wait, it gets even better than that because of course, cnn picked up on it. they didn't think it was silly at all to see it out. and this is a perfectly legitimate story. after all, it's, it's about russia, we've got to do it. got to do the rush of story. so guess, really talk to, i'm going to let you think of this. i'll give you some clips. let me help you. um, who loves to hate on russia and china who's still looks and sounds like he's living in the 19 sixty's right at the height of the cold war especially looks he was seeing us troops go to. busy anywhere in the world though, he himself refused to serve in viet. now. you've guessed it. ladies and gentlemen.
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john bolton, and i was the national security advisor. i was brief diagnose. i was very concerned about it. i, i did that and do now think that there's a very likely some hostile adversary behavior here, whether it's russia, china, maybe somebody else, but more than likely russia joining us now to discuss all of this. i'm so sorry for laughing, george of some welly, he's a senior research fellow at the global police policy institute officer of the book, bombs for pace, nato's humanitarian war on yugoslavia and just the fact that i showed you john bolton, probably just ruined your day. but what do you make of this whole 16 minutes story? and then if i didn't see and then follows it up with, oh, i know well, interview john bolton and he'll confirm it for us. what a great get as well. like you. i was also under the impression that the havana syndrome story was just dead as
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a dodo and then you will open quietly for dolphin. and now it's suddenly come back. and so i was trying to figure out what's behind list. and i have to think that this is all part of the revival of russia gate. and there's plenty of evidence that russia gate is being revive, you know, rosters interfering, and all the election rush. it was trump back. and the somehow it is to do with the drum, if they can show that with a some reality, you can do this elana syndrome hoops and the trump didn't take it seriously. trump didn't do anything to show, embarrass diplomats and intelligence people who are being bombarded with these horrible res. then if you would like a suggest show, well this is to this evil person from once again, he was doing hooton's bidding. so it's kind of a double whammy, how you get to blast russia, and at the same time, you blast the folks over in the intel departments like the c i a and cetera for not
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doing their job. by golly, they should have figured out that it was russia who was giving this woman with a faint care do or the wig. uh, i had a that's right. that you are the best. but i mean, the story. i mean, you, you describe this isn't in a 60 minutes is quite ludicrous. you know, that woman with the belong wig. now, she interviewed according to 60, whether she interviewed this russian, who was arrested full speeding. she interview any for 80 hours, according to 60 minutes and 80 hours and it is. and then it was a badly bombarded with these res was rise like say that that was immediately off. i said, if it goes on bother before, then it would have been a little appropriate for her to be conducting this investigation. so she was bombarded. so what would be the point, of course. well, why is the word why, why, why, why the way i would why would rush it want to give the woman would say we had it?
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what, what is where is the national implications, the geo political advantage for moscow to give this woman a headache. i don't separate, no whatsoever to the air at the of the of them a syndrome is that they keep attacking us officials, us, diplomats, us intelligency. but i mean, if i have this wonderful weapon, then why don't they use it in ukraine? you know bone bob's the lens, you know, but you should, he just, you know, give them and they get to the bottom. and the zip is worn over with the south carolina with those silly things of that. and george, i mean, i mean i, i have to say that when i said i grew up watching 60 minutes, i've always wanted to be a journalist and believing still what we do to this day in because of bad show. because of some of the great reporters, one of the 1st correspondence on there was concrete himself, wasn't bad, but to see them still to this kind of who was the editor, who approve this?
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who was the guy who said, yeah, let's get a former f b. i agent put a week on or so nobody recognizes or would you just looks like the same person with a stupid long waiting? how are these people? what does it, what exactly? and what's extraordinary is that the implication of this report was of the us government was covering the stop. now, why would the u. s. government be in the business of covering up for russia? i mean, when does the us government been reluctant to point thing? is that russia? yes, you know, in report of the report, the us government said no, we did not believe that any hostile power as this the means of inflicting this. uh, a lot of people, i don't think anyone was responsible for this and you know that the, you know, i think, you know, if you was explanation, this just being a report published in scientific american just
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a couple of weeks ago saying there was no, there's no evidence of any brain damage, but it's a, it's a total thinking what, what other people did they have and they show any evidence of brain damage. well, and the fact that somebody might have or studied acoustic weaponry. so what i'm most of my life, i was a police reporter, i worked with caps the most of my life and guess what? they have. they have a cube stick weaponry. they do it during, they use it during the hostage negotiations. they use it in prisons. it's not a big deal to have accused weaponry or to have investigated the usage of acoustic weaponry. that doesn't mean that you did the thing and provide a particularly that's right, and i'm particularly is this russian guy he gave will let up years ago, and it was now working as a chef with america. so he gave, you know, liability interested in any of that stuff. the deed may have been interested in is a young man. he's doing something else now. so they, is it just oh well, you know, he must still be working on this. why do you think it's funny and he's,
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he's an hour shipped. don't you're very successful chat. so he must be, you must be doing something right to go and being employed as a chat. is there something i'm missing by the way i want to, is there something i didn't i thought about the bulgaria and goals or something to the bulgaria angle that i'm missing or the or is this guy just happens to live in bulgaria? no, no, no. is it guy crystal gross? um, he actually works well. this billing cap, no billing. cat is essentially a c i a cottage. mm hm. uh, is supposedly independent. um, but in fact they, they, they get their intelligence, their information from c i a and m i 6. and then the c i n a my 6 can say, well, we didn't know this, this is amazing. this is because i'm independent and the journalist researches i've found this out. wow, they doing a better job than we are. and that's so that's, that's the job of bending cap and chris rose up is one of the chiefs and many good, but he's been peddling nonsense for years. i mean back at this,
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not the rush of several special millage or operations. he was saying, rushes, one thing a m o roof is running out of the size, rushes on the brink of collapse, you know, he but it but at all sorts of nonsense of a girl roman abram of which was involved in indigo. she ations um yeah. mans. you know, he has been poisoned ukrainians. have been poison ivy kind of notices, grew zip was pulling up and he gets the audience a cnn is a really, you know, this guy's, he's so good is nothing. he is assembly. he's working compelling, get, i think is a see i got out so nothing. you said you should be the lead, the why, when george would 60 you know that and even i knew that and i'm not an expert on geo politics and bull gary are this particular syndicate or this journalist. but i've done enough research to know that this guy was tied to the c i a if i knew it was that is, yeah, i, you know, it was that is, yeah, i have others know you start to see i wouldn't,
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16 minutes and their editors say hey, we better not use this guy as our main source. he's tied to z i. he's got a bone to pick with us or with russia. right? you right, you would sing, but there's a media already a little bit. that's, that is with the selection things ongoing very well. russia gate is going to grow and grow and it's in its impacts. and basic is uses the so loosely, russia is everywhere. it's ubiquitous and controlling everything engineering and our lecture let me so you know, jump both of these on line so. so is the meddling everywhere. and that truck wouldn't do anything about it. you know, he was urging drilled to do something and trump just wouldn't do anything about it . well that's the next door and, you know, yeah, november. yeah, you know, this reminds me of the guy who comes up with a story and says, oh yeah, russia. busy is responsible for example, $400.00 and a syndrome,
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and somebody asked them, well how do you know that he goes, i read it and they say, he says, where did you read it? he says, i wrote it down and then i read it. and that's exactly what we're looking at here. the guys, they make their own news, then they report their own news, attributing a, basically to themselves as a source. remarkable, but we're going to continue. i want to talk to you about the landscape. there's some news this week about what's going on with zalinski. so we're going to touch on the stay right there because you know what we're going to do. we're gonna come back with george and we're going to be talking more about this situation, which it almost pardon me for laughing, maybe i should. but it does seem comical websites that seem to comical with me right back the
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on the side of the slope. they love that the media does a yeah. wish on one of us because of the of the associated vehicle catch to go and show it to you and you're doing the properties. is that best? let's just on the, since i see the, this was because i have some more students go to go to the, the media to decide because what it is, uh my, your, it was the one year that it was already sites. so i don't think that it's pretty spit jason up a vehicle. is that glitched? i know, got all the
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the say welcome back. i'm rick sanchez. it appears tonight, the inner circle of ukrainian president vladimir zalinski is re shuffle once again and he's re shuffled his cabinet. this has been happening a lot of late as of late more and more. busy more of his advisors, apparently a disagreed with his direction and his directives. and as a result, there seems to be of a, a separation job going on between the people he started with and the people he's putting in now, or the people who he had the week before. the latest firing is noteworthy because it's sir gate. sherry's shareef was one of the few remaining advisors to have been one of the landscape. i mean, since day one of his presidency. in fact, this guy, this guy at most of you know, right, did zalinski was
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a very popular comedian before he became the president of ukraine. well, sheriff was this business partner? this is, this is his business associate visual. the guy who built that comedy business up. he and the president landscape, and he just got rid of them. he said, i, you know, no matter how good of friends we are and how long we've been together, you're gone to the 2nd follows. and i say to because it follows the sacking of a top general valerie lucy who was let go for suggesting that the war is not going well countering zalinski is very optimistic statements at the time. he's also let go 3 presidential advisors and just within the last several weeks also let go of a to government representatives. so i guess george, i'm bringing you back in here. the question is, what gives what's, what's, what's going on? i mean, you know, it's one thing to get rid of one guy or another guy or dial here and there, but they're, they're going and bunch is, it looks like a while. it was easily um,
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is there a difficult spot? but i think what is striking is that however dreadful the situation is for um, ukraine as well as the landscape. the uh is west coast offices are absolutely determined to continue support from human continues supporting the world. so we had yesterday and today is the meeting with the state anthony blinking and the french for our minnesota. uh new new man. and they were a game pledging that ukraine would be brought into later. so here we are talking about the prices in ukraine. this price is with this uh, as the landscape, his manifest unsuitability, to be the president of what was country during war, and they're still pressing for ukraine installation of the wonders though as we
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examine the situation. if the lensky can last and i feel bad for the ukrainian people, i almost feel like there are people in a war that's being foisted on them more than what they really want. maybe i'm wrong . who am i to speak for any group of people, but you know, it almost sense. i almost sense so many of of already gone so many less than the beginning. so few of them are left to fight and you have to work continues. it's like somebody is wanting them to fight more than they want to fight. is that an exaggeration? is that unfair on my part, to say that, you know, i think you're absolutely right. it is, it is tragic. i mean, is the question of it's a truck tragedy. ukrainian strategy for russians. um and it's being sponsored by others. i mean who are not dying or not getting to and then who are happy to get others killed. and you know, when emmanuel, my problem said, oh,
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we'll put some nato troops on the ground in ukraine. well, what he was getting at is that the french start, like french troops are going to risk anything. it's not like nature forces are going to do any fighting. they're going to do that in order to go on encouraging ukrainians to go on fighting. it's just a way to tell them there's no way out. you're gonna have to continue to fight a hopeless stupid war, the consistency for other people. and that's what and they don't wish to continue this war. and apparently they've changed the conscription this week, the 25 and people were making a big deal out of that. explain that to us. well, i mean it is, it was to be honest i, i do think it's strange that you've green had this conscription rule web, i mean, really conscripted at the age of $27.00. most places you know, scripture blasting is 17 or 18, but it was very strange. and i imagine it's because, you know,
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they one young man do have children 1st and then they can send them to the from um, but it is the question. can you give it to you? they sending more or more of these men to get to as a country that he's already suffering with demographic problem. you know, people, you know, the people have left, like let's a control was a lot of people are being killed. um, how are you going to be sending even more of your young men to die? you're going to wonder what, what's going to be live? yeah, this country in 10 years time, i figured you can't help but feel really bad for the men for the people of ukraine . nonetheless, it's a terrible situation. and it's funny, like most of the countries in the global south are pushing for some kind of negotiate and situation. well, most of the countries in the west or say no, no, no, no, keep fighting to fighting, just absolutely crazy if not, mind boggling. george, you've been a fantastic guest. thank you so much for joining us. a. thank you very much for
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inviting eric before we go. i want to remind you of our mission here. really we try and be silo. think the side of the world. we can maybe even make it smarter. we've got to stop living in these little boxes where we think everybody thinks like us truths don't live in boxes. i'm rick sanchez. i don't live in a box either. somebody looking for you and get right here. where were you hope to provide? direct impact? the 1941 with the nazis health relation, ultra nationalist, the was dashes proclaimed the independent state of croatia. shortly on the seizing power, they built the scene of us concentration camp, a place associated with the worst atrocities committed in yugoslavia during world war 2. use dash is used to come system to isolate and exterminate subs, roma, jews,
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and other non catholic minorities, and political opponents of the fascist regime. conditions in the senate of us come when the gods tortured to arise and the prisoners they send them the concentration camps. so most of them died. it was incredible genocide. the take a fresh look around his life kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to do vision with no real opinions pictures. design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills, and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present? it is, but can you see through their illusion going underground? can
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the result is this for the 1st time it says 2022. the russian defendant smith is vince with this purchase of the water, must go on the profit intention to sign and keep the fight in your brain. will butterfly empower us to take joined amazon. i bother the screen to a 6. so concept doctor is a reveal to instead of using a i, a, the old semantic checkout was run by underpaid workers in india. is having the reconsider operating in the middle school and gone to often the is really of time on age was however, the us from instead false. and it's simple as well. this fights in america than being among the on board swan. i strengthens.


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