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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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in themselves wells, the parts we choose to look so common ground the the iran and syria come up pointing out the un security council saying the us is during up sections in the middle east by same line to as well as climes with the russian old boy echoing this message, to see new stuff to see you as always has for this time to information on any master. look how amazing it is this time. washington still has no confirmed information about the strike on the rating and comes to the general parks and believe around the bounds retaliation against these relo to it. struck to wrong consulate in syria, resulting in the killing of several high ranking offices and quite
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a mistake that what is, what is cooling the scaling with assessment? a work is being taking 6 foreign nationals who helped deliver food into goals that the well this is all the international bringing you need to across the globe. thanks very much for your company. this. now we're going to start with what was a 10 special session of the un security council without these ations oppose the u. k. and us the trying to destabilize syria and the whole middle east region, not spice supporting is really crimes. this was the claim that came from not just the wrong, but also from syria. that session was cool to address monday, strike biased way, the forces, all new way, new consulate in damascus, of the representative of the united states and united kingdom. once again,
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it's right to deny its responsibility for the current situation in syria. broad, the region by 4 feet, blaming your on your, on the strong. the rejects these allegations you are on, is never speaking to contribute to the spillover of the conflict in the region, nor does it to escalate or esper the pension to the entire region. despite expressing concern over this feel over the of the attention being the region, the united states tries to misuse the situation to destabilize, syria and the region. look to them on the israeli occupation. authorities would not have committed this aggression against a protected diplomatic headquarters. protected under international law, had it not been for the blind support of the united states to you and my country syria holds the war criminals of the israeli occupation government and their partners in the united states administration. fully responsible for these attacks and their repercussions on regional and international peace and security shall be
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in a meeting took place in the un security council chamber of the 15 member body leads . the united nations convened to discuss the recent attack carried out by israel that resulted in the death of 7 iranian officials, including a top general. now b u. n. meeting indicated clear differences as the united states and its allies. we would not condemn israel actions now. russia was pretty harsh and it's words showing that what israel did was a flagrant violation of international law. however, the united states that it couldn't confirm where the attack took place and that prompted a rather interesting exchange between the united states and russia. here's some of what we heard on the floor of the un security council meeting. i want to be clear. we do not yet have confirmation of the status of the building that we struck in damascus. any confirmed attack on property that was, in fact
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a diplomatic facility would be of concern to the united states, because you do see a see news and we listened attentively to the speeches of all western countries. i'm a once again struck by this sentence, is a mind double disband excuse from the level of balancing act. so it was difficult to understand why we're here until the representative for from say anything except for what if condemnation or another is ready, violation of international law, kona east. if it was your embassy and consulate in the region of things, would you react to the same way as your rules are based on an old is evidence. the us always has 1st hand information on any master. look how amazing it is this time . washington still has no confirmed information about the strike on the rating and comes to the general hard to believe and the speeches of the u. k. and the us that we're not hence, but direct references to the fact that a ron m, siri themselves were to blame for israel's attack on the radiant calm. so that it's
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difficult to imagine the great and blast swim agents. there was no need to call on others to de escalate and labeled. the victims office attacked as aggressive in this context. any possible escalation of the situation will be entirely on your conscience. that was russia, referring specifically to the fact that france said that the entire situation was the fault of the iran, that the strike took place in the context of an escalation that france says, was iran salt making iran responsible for the incident? it's also important to note that china spoke about how important it is not to attack diplomatic missions and consulates and china references an attack on its own diplomatic facility that took place 25 years a go. this is the representative of china who worked on that m dot for 125 years ago. the chinese embassy in the south china sea was hit a us led nato error rate,
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causing casualties and damage to personnel. we are deeply moved by the grief of the iranian government and the people, and deeply sympathized with them. according to the vienna convention on foreign relations and the recognized basic principles of international relations. the security of diplomatic institutions cannot be violated if we let this kind of act go without a bottom line and without consequences, we will all the guilt to see gold. and the red line between international law and international relations has been broken again and again. it was a chance meeting in the un security council chamber as iran, it says it plans to retaliate against the israel strike that violated not only serious, territorial or integrity, but also he had an iranian diplomatic facility. now at this point, many are looking on the meeting and seeing clear differences as the united states, france and other nato countries would not condemn this action by israel, which many are noting the hypocrisy of when we hear so much from these western
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leaders about a so called rules based global order. a lot of meeting the french delegation put the responsibility of the regions escalation on iran, syria. when we discuss those accusations with gen, list daniel is on now. he says is, well, is pushing the us to join the will by instigating more conflict in the middle east . there's no evidence that syria or a or a ran had anything to do with the october 7th attack. absolutely no evidence whatsoever. in fact, it ran has tried to reduce the level of hostility, according to, to american news out outlets like the new york times. there's no interest on the part of syria or iran, i in whitening to your i. so this is completely a red herring. the us has a that has 40 years of possibility towards the for the ran audit record.
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the us launch the proxy war on syria that just devastated that country. no fence exactly knows decades in terms of economic development. the us is extremely hostile that has voted loss so therefore the is the us does not mind terribly. if israel terry's at a strike like this, the western countries are very closely aligned with the israel. they're not going to condemn israel. they're back in ms. warren's office, they are also hospitals who ran and so they are full and, and as well as syria. of course, israel has every intention of watching war because the board, the more assessed. so the more it was to us and to the club. and that's what is wheels so well, this comes as iran has reacted with a few re, to the latest these really attack on the consulate. it's called so that in syria,
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which resulted in the depths of searching people including several high ranking offices, strikes against different logic premises, violate the vienna convention. eye witnesses have been describing the scale of the devastation on the ground of luck. i didn't know what happened. one moment i was standing on the sidewalk and the next i found myself on the opposite one. i thought i was hallucinating. i didn't know what to do, but like every time i become a little optimistic and think things are okay, i find that things are growing significantly worse. we've never seen entire buildings collapse and homes exploding a building, collapsing on it. civilian inhabitants. it's a lot around this president has power to take action against the as well following not to attack. he said that such escalation will not go unpunished. and once again in a terrorist crime and in gross violation of international regulations,
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the dirty hands of design, this regime have been stained with the blood of generals and officers of our country. design history team has put blind assassinations on its agenda, but it should know that it will never achieve its sinister goals with such in humane measures. this cowardly crime will not go on, answered if one is infuriated by these were the air strike on monday that killed 2 high ranking r t. c generals and 5 officers at its consulate and syria. among them was a burglar general mohammed resolved so heavy, a senior commander in the least of all it's 4. so these womic revolution guards core, which is of course the for an operation arm of the r g c. so he was one of the longest serving members of the r g. c. he 1st joined the forces in 1980 during the iran iraq war, when he demonstrated exceptional leadership skills and rapidly assigned to the
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ranks of just 20. he was leading a battalion of soldiers and b h here iran, iraq war, and 2005. he got his 1st high ranking position. and as the commander of the r gcs, ground far, she later became the head of the courts force and syria and lebanon. so have you reported we played a pivotal role in coordinating with his ball law and other pro iranian miller. shes in lebanon and syria, which led to these top, which meant all, once we know today as the access all for existence that's engaged in fighting as well. and attacking us spaces recently, i'm at the gaza war. so it's safe to say that he was a heavy wage military figure, not only for a one, but for the whole resistance acts as many describe him as the highest ranking iranian general to be killed. since that he was assassinated, a general hospital imani, backend 2020. now what it wants is mission to the united nations has labeled
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incident as a terror attack. a wave of condemnation has also poured in from across the world, calling these way the attack a breach of international law to china condemns the attack on the, on an embassy and see the, the security of people medic. institutions can all be violated and serious solving to independence and tutorial integrity should be respected. the current situation in the middle east as turbulence, and we oppose any options that lead to an escalation of tensions. the government of guitar completely rejects the targeting of diplomatic and consular emissions and states its firm position and rejecting violence and terrorism regardless of its motives and reasons. the attack is an unacceptable violation of the sovereignty of syria and undermines its stability and security. be responsible act of the as really forces is a major escalation in an already volatile region. the head of the russian for an intelligence surface has also called these ray to attack on the iranian consulate,
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an ugly and criminal step. the russian foreign ministry has also condemned this. right. and now moscow has called for a un security council meeting on the issue upon or was request which is to take place later on tuesday. everyone has also place the blame, mainly on washington, saying that the was full and on wavering support for his royal has led to quote, as wells insolence and overstepping all international conventions. after the attack, the iranian foreign ministry summoned that a swiss embassy official who represents washington, intertwined during the meeting. it runs a foreign minister wholesale. i mean, i've done a lot here on said that the us as a supporter of israel must be held accountable for this latest incident. however, washington has reportedly denied its involvement to be 2nd said that it didn't, didn't have any information. it was going to happen to general. so have you had
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been on till of eve's head list for a long time? and the idea of he was any opportunity to take down the top i r g c commander. of course, it's not the 1st time as well has targeted iranian military advisors and syria. back in january 5, all our team members lost the lives in any way the air raid on a residential building and syria's capital damascus. one been responded by targeting a most side center in your blogs, curtis down region now as tensions escalate. this 5 to to one is us speaking about a hard fatality ation against this latest is really strike which has raised peers out of the cycle of violence. would intensify across the whole middle east. well meanwhile, the following b is a stripe in syria. israel has threatened to daily attacks on it and it means nothing to maintain every day. we gain further evidence that we find ourselves in a multi front war. that is both offensively and defensively. we see evidence of
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this every day, including over the last few days. we operate everywhere every day in order to prevent our enemies from gaining strength. and in order to make it clear to anyone who acts against us all over the middle east, that the price for action against israel will be a heavy one. for us marine corps intelligent, self assess, go right to it believes that such an attack can only mean is riley is looking for serious escalation. the 1st well is real, but it has been striking targets in syria, but for some time now for the purpose of interdicting your ronnie and capabilities in syria. and so to have such a senior, a rainy and revolutionary guard commander in syria of together with, you know, a country of other persians in one place was, i think, just too tempting of
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a target for israel. and the fact that they chose to strike a building that is protected under diplomatic convention shows it is real. i no longer cares about the rule of law about international law. and this brings us to the deal. i think there ultimate motive, benjamin danielle, who understands that he is only viable as a leader of israel, so long as he is in war. he's a wartime leader right now. the moment the current conflict stops, he loses his ability to stay in power. he will be removed from bower. we're looking at a situation where his role is under tremendous pressure to try and wrap up the, the, the, the conflict and gaza, a wit from us. and israel is looking to expand to reach benjamin netanyahu. his government is looking to expand his conflict and therefore his taking the extraordinarily bold and irresponsible actions in hopes that you're on will try,
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you know, find its way to carry out actions that could be your be get a larger complex. so i think this is part and parcel. the broader is really strategy of expanding the scope and scale of the conflict in the region. just want to bring you some bracing use on that story. in taiwan, this is where several buildings have collapsed on the island about so as a result of at least 2, this quakes, hitching the eastern coast of the island. as you know me, runing has also been issued that so the 1st is quite to reach the magnitude of 7.7, causing major land slides. the of the shocks of continuing to shake the islands and at least 8 people report to be stuck in one of those collapse buildings. experts say that this is the strongest earthquake to a pick tie one in 25 years. the last one in 1999 last 1000
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instead and injured sonoma warnings of also not being issued in the region in the philippines and in southern japan where a wave has already reached one of the islands by the the idea has admitted to making a grave mistake by killing 78 workers, 6 of whom were for nationals. this was in an s t y phone garza. the strike was not carried out with the intention of homie w. c k. a well cuz it was a mistake that followed me so you didn't. if occasion, night during the war in a very complex conditions, it shouldn't have happened. this incident was a grave mistake, an independent body will investigate and so then slowly,
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we would have completed the next coming days. we will then from the conclusions and the implement them immediately of the 7 big statements represented, the us non profit organization called will central kitchen. the foreign volunteers came from poland, canada, australia, the u. k. and the us now the w. c. k has call this incident a tragedy. adding the aid workers on civilian should never be targeted by didn't who is also called for swift investigation into that incident. he was underlying that is, well is failing to protect civilians as this tragedy is not a standalone case. the us president joined a very long list of officials is commented now on those killings. you expect the broader investigation to be conducted and to be done so in
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a swift and comprehensive manner. us will continue to process rule to do more as well to ensure the safety of humanitarian workers and will continue to do all we can to deliver this assistance to palestinian civilians and gosh, the seaside human tragedy that should never, that is completely unacceptable. and australia will say full improper accountability as you would expect for how they screwed habits, that we certainly have already contacted the as rally government directly. we are contacting the as riley and best of that uh to uh, ask uh for accountability here. uh, the truth is that, that this is beyond a pre owned any reasonable circumstance. its someone going about providing aid and humanitarian assistance should lose their loss. rendition nationals are reported to have been killed. it is essential that humanitarian workers are
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protected and able to carry out their work. we have called on the east realtor immediately investigating provide the full, transparent explanation of what happened of these all the latest statistics that's been published by the world bank um the un, which shows that hall since the population in gauze is on the verge of celebration . more than a 1000000 people have been left homeless and 75 percent of people that have to come internally displaced. oaks from policy, lead boucher collegiate says, aid workers should never be targeted. and immediate safe spot is needed. health workers have been systematically targeted or attacked indiscriminately attacked hospital top bakeries, uh, water and sanitation infrastructure. telecom as was, i mean the list goes on and i mean they do, we have 70 percent of civilian infrastructure. the estimated in gaza. we have
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almost 60 percent of homes of people's homes. more than half we're talking about people's homes, either destroyed or damage. my own family actually ends up off. um are now displaced and off off living in a tent and not far from gosh, the city have been internally displaced 4 times now their house was burnt. i mean this situation is just hellish and the vote is long gone. long gone. bouchard people are stopping to death. there is a fine man already in effect across gaza. and here we have more foreign nationals being killed for a national is working for an engineer who simply trying to deliver food and to gaza . we also have this un resolution quoting for an immediate ceasefire. israel is not paying attention to that resolution. first, the sky is real,
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is clearly not paying attention to the aid workers who are doing to monetary and work and gaza. my question to you blueshot is at what point is, is real. going to start listening to the global community. we have been calling for a cease fire from week one and a permanent one because it's the only way for us to be able to operate. it's the only way for us to be able to send our teams to the fields and so the, to the ground, to, to reach the most effective to me that communities and most vulnerable people in the casa, we cannot deliver aid effectively under relentless fonts. and the way for that to stop is also to keep the call of those organizations, human rights organizations and international organizations to stop arming israel, and to stop the transfer of arms and weapons to israel. and many countries have, he does not call and we welcome that. but that pressure needs to continue working condemnation are no longer enough, maybe to real action to end this because not only not just the posting and these
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really, everybody needs an end to this. as an anti government protest in jerusalem that turned violent, this is of the cries, attempted to break into the prime minister's residence. there was scuffles with police which quickly broke out. results in some of those protests is being dragged away. report suggests that a torch is also thrown at the mounted police officer, while another demonstration lays on the common cannon. to prevent that from moving, the anger has been building in the country for months against the government. oh, but it's offensive. it's slow the offensive, inc garza, and the failure, when the se would turn all the remaining costs just taken by how much is what some of the demonstrations have to say. the government needs to go because even before the war was a lot of debate, what does this government go just because of the reform?
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and even now was everything that they tried to do with home loss and their failure on the sober 7 given every single reason for us to object to this government, by the way, after the crisis, if we had failed us every we supposed to be been waiting i don't really trust them, it's just a moment that they're doing the best for the behalf of the people as well to ukraine, where the president may zalinski has signed into lowering the age of mobilization in the country from 27 down to 25, a crane in parliament, adult day, the little back of the end of last year, a may lost it and has waited for the president's approval. now for more than 10 months, it means the age range for mobilization will not stretch all the way from $25.00. for right the way up to 60, now the move comes
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a made increasing and get in ukraine. this is with men literally being dragged from the streets to enrollment offices, the stores emerging from or across the country. they've also been frequently force on camera of those heavy handed tactics with it being deployed. well, we've been speaking to retard us at force, lieutenant colonel count tasking. who says that she has may have been motivated to adopt the new nor to gain more western phones. the whole thing reeks of in desperation, he saw under huge pressure from his military pressure for money. in fact, one of the aspects of the mobilization increase in bringing more soldiers in and getting them trained that comes with the dollar figure that's uh, i think $13000000000.00 of training and mobilization costs and all of this,
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this money this, the government of ukraine spins comes from the west coast of the united states and nato. so in increasing his mobilization, he's also adding another ration now for more western money to flow into the system . and that may or may not have anything to do with strengthening ukraine's army might have everything to do with getting the last little drop of money out of the west. the international olympic committee also do crane to help scale the internet on media to out any was supporting russian athletes to be able to band them from the upcoming olympics. and the revelation came when the i o c's president, this is thomas bock was tricked by famous russian practices in to thinking where he was talking to african officials wherever supports their government. and these, they cannot take part wherefores, all for the ukrainian sites and thought the only offered by the us them to
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provide us with the knowledge about the behavior of the such athletes or, or, or, officials as well. the rushing foreign ministry said box comment should be subject to a thorough investigation. just give you some background head b, r. c, his band, russian, and bella. russian estimates from attending opening and closing ceremonies during the summer games that will take place in paris this year. at the limited number of russian athletes who will be just attending will also have to compete under a neutral flag. meanwhile, russia plans to host the will friendship games in september, which it says will be open to everyone on free of the politicize ation of sports. but in that same conversation with the products, there's thomas box said anyone who takes part will be done from future impacts.
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so every participant is also running a high risk. and then when participating in such a competition where there is no reliable and i don't think the system and also or it is a, has a, a direct at least impact on the. busy frequent games. so for all these reasons, uh, you know, we are a really strongly opposed. think of these a po, the, these games and if there are your, with your, uh on so routine. you know, uh could do is some think uh with regards to where the african governments are there. we would be very, very grateful for these sports columnist, alamo believes the comments by the i see president may not necessarily align with
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his actual beliefs. i think we have to remember that the box is in many ways offensive grocer, but he's also terrified, terrified for many reasons. terabyte because the aisle seat only be gays, do cost everything that is making him very, very rich is being part of the part of the seas. the investigation into the prison games they have the power from there. just last week or the weekend was i would say this was not the combustion or mattress and ass lease, but she bought the appraisals. and that she basically is under investigation from corruption from this is the form. so basically i see is in serious trouble. she terrified of kia base if we think about it, if we see get it, it gets you crazy. we point to class, we say look, this is wrong wherever. maybe we are.


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