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tv   News  RT  April 2, 2024 5:00am-5:31am EDT

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the these disagreements with us has come up with the it's also is this, our iran accuses is one of committing acts of terrorism with an attack on an a rating consulate in syria, which several high ranking offices will kills the angry deadman. so it does take to the fees of the capital taunting and see what some slogans on binding american flags. united states in new york use has created this situation with this regime. an apartheid regime is goes rolls and nothing happens. the fast, like on the gaza,
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kills several foreign aid workers who live in food supplies to tool. and we can also, i hate the situation all on the ground, isn't great for you. paid motion power. troop was about 600 meters away from jostle job, which is the next settlement with out of a bug with russia games a ground against you. 20 and 4th is on the front lines. is drawing american funds that were recently supplied to keep the live from our international new center in moscow. this is the welcome to the global news. i'll go to uh, the recent escalation in the middle east. it runs mission to the united nations has accused israel of conducting a terrorist attack. the wrong side of them is ready as like till the multiple of
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high ranking offices, as it's closer to syria, to cause envoy to them off this vile retaliation. these logic would probably give it wrong. his never left a crime of design is for jean without a response. certainly design is presume. and its allies know that they should wait for a ron's proportional response to disability, which is based on who runs wisdom and will be conducted at the proper time and proper location. and we have never witnessed this type of crime committed to their international laws. and they have kept the boundaries even though many of our diplomatic boundaries were broken. and some of our diplomats were mounted. in my opinion, the israeli regime is a dead end and just compensating for its failures and confronting the resistance from especially the failure is it suffered in gaza. tensions are once again on the rise between iran and israel, after a period of a relative calm iranian media sources have now reported that is really missile strikes, half targeted and completed entirely,
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destroyed the 5 story building of airlines consulate in damascus. the strikes also hit the basset or residence by the basset or um and his family were reportedly not present during the attack and our now safe. according to syria's official news agencies found the strikes were carried out by what they refer to as these. really, it'd be on targeted, beaten, mis neighborhood in damascus. the strikes caused significant damage to the buildings around the iranian embassy as well. the syrian foreign minister immediately condemned via solve the defeat and people are a custom to responding to such cowardly aggression and will demonstrate to all of humanity that such aggression should be met with even greater resilience and strong to support for the palestinian people and resistances. whether in a rock, southern lebanon, or anywhere else, we expressed condolences for the victims and the sorrow of of such attacks carried
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out without any justification against diplomatic institutions. we emphasize the need to continue siri and the rainy and relations, as they called on morals and values. unlike western countries, that heartlessly support israel in committing such crimes and wrongs. foreign minister also said that the attack on the one in consulate building in damascus is a violation of all international obligations and conventions. adding that this will not deter iran from supporting the palestinians. the backend for exchanges between one and as we all had subsided following the gaza complex. for now, we hear comments from the iranian officials, especially from on, also can on either one and spokesperson for the iranian foreign ministry who has warned of serious repercussions. yeah, said that is where it would be liable and responsible for any more escalation, wider escalation on a regional scale because as we have has a salt and they're wanting consulate and that is based on the one and for an
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industry that is a clear violation of all international laws and conventions among those killed was a senior come on the lead could. so the force of the islamic level, if any god cool, well, how much was a he had said an emergency for 44 years. it's a pause in the iran iraq, one later became the head of the cruise falls in syria and lebanon. russia has called for a un security council meeting on the attack, which is due to take place on tuesday. meanwhile, other countries in the region of strongly condemned this like pack us um, has cooled it a major escalation well side. the raven said the targeting diplomatic, this is a, this is a violation of international laws, investigative journalist, vanessa bailey, who lives in the syrian capital, told us she heard the experiences from the district a short time. man, it's about 5 o'clock. it's was massive strikes because i'm in or the western side
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of them, it's of damascus and it sounded literally next tool so. so the 1st 3 strikes where extremely loud. we could then hear the defense or engaging the entire building, which is c already and concert, which i believe was used as a residents by the investor was destroyed. civil defense teams are looking for is a russell, but the entire building is destroyed. so we're pretty sure that everybody inside the building was calling because a huge escalation. i mean, we did have another strike if you remember in central damascus in the same area or if i can january, but even this morning at around full size, i am, i could get the time wrong because they attached to coming in pretty far as to the moment from as well, the
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hundreds of votes this is gathered outside the form is where the embassy and say run off of the attack. then the state is a scene burning is really the and the american flags. they also showed a support for policy and people in the iranians have demanded retaliation for the psych on the running diplomatic building. so in the corner, bass is real, has always had a barbaric character. but its action tonight was more than that. its action question, diplomacy itself, it was aggression on iranian territory. the building next to the embassy was part of the embassy. it was an in human and barbaric action. the israel has directly attacked this time. in other words, it has declared war. our response should be public and clear. this must be reviewed with strategic forbearance. if israel finds the courage to attack iran directly, it must be destroyed. meanwhile,
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the right and far administrator has some of the swiss embassy official who represents washington. it was top does, all right, it says the u. s. as a supporter of israel must be held accountable. an idea that as well as in the highest defined, it says, i wrote a comment on the strike saying what kind of leave is focused on the goals of the war in gaza. we spoke with physical and i said, mohammed arrived, he says, the west is responsible for israel's actions, that this was a direct attack on the run and the run in territory. this is unprecedented. and these are the regime made a clear decision to murder iranians in the embassy. so there will be major ramifications. the regime will definitely pay a very heavy price. and the ronnie is, will make sure that the regime understands that this will not be repeated again.
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so i think the days and weeks ahead will be different from what we've seen until now is rarely regime has the full support of the west. they can execute doctors, they can execute children, they can bomb houses and hospitals. they can do whatever they want because they have the full support of the european countries in north american countries. and that's why we see them regularly found syria. that's why they regularly bomb 7. um that's why you see the genocide in gaza. and that's why they now are bombing embassies, the united states and europeans have created this situation with this regime an apartheid regime. and it just goes roles and nothing happens.
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and it is well where thousands of protests is a one. so yeah. and gathered into a resume for a series of antique govern protests on middle east butte road chief maria for national reports on location. on the 2nd day and there was thousands of princess there is a gathering in front of these rarely parliaments. the mass of pulling says prime minister, and when yahoos, governments to step down, it is believes to be the biggest and to governments rally soon over when attacked israel. and the war in guys us started sunday demonstration brought together more than a 100 of thousands of people organizes say, monday, rally is expected to be just as mentioned in bigger around $110.00 public and cvo may have been set up here for testers. they're planning to stay until at least wednesday, the last day before the message goes on the recess. they say to make sure those
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were running the country. now i know switch her to your options are very. 7 very around the message where i am right now has been for the dogs. hundreds of israeli forces have been deployed on sunday and protests when violence. they were glasses were police that eventually used will to cannons, to disperse the crowds. we also see security fans and kind of barbed wire along the perimeter of the zones designated for the protest to limit the movement is also demonstrators. government for trash is the last name, the progress, because the war is profitable for him. they say it's humans how. how realistic for the demonstrators is to achieve the main goal on top of the government, according to a recent call, 71 percent of the public supporting the idea all the election. so we have to say that really isn't yahoo is under tremendous domestic pressure,
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but we don't change anything. we have to wait and see of course, is a dangerous and ridiculous live. that's how the media that works out is there a has reactive to a statement by isabel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he would bottom the channel for supposed to be helping him. us l g 0 harmed is real security actively participated in the october 7 massacre and incited against idea of soldiers. it is time to remove the trumpet of hum us from our country. elgin's 0 will no longer broadcast from is real. i intend to take immediate action in accordance with the new law to stop the operation of the channel. in an escalating move is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu launched a frantic campaign against al jazeera, accusing it of harming israel security. actively participating in the october 7th attack and inciting against israeli soldiers, algae 0 media network condemns these statements and sees that was nothing but
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dangerous ludicrous lies. netanyahu could not find any justifications to offer the world for his ongoing attacks on al jazeera and press freedom, except to present new lies and inflammatory slanders against the network and the rights of the employees. as, as parliament has foster little, widely seen as directly and solve the thing, how does it up? it enables the prime minister to bind any for and use outlook if it's considered harmful to national security. the media agencies, equipment would also receive the us express. it's concerning the potential, is there any current down on the media? i'll say we're just with, with respect to l to 0, obviously, we know, i think it's well known that we've not always agreed with all of alex's years coverage, but it's a new organization that we engage with. what we will continue to make clear is that we support the work that the free pressed us just disrupt blue the media organizations becomes the targets of, of the,
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of the regular become part of the targets in this war. so with respect to targeting it, i mean targeting, in a sense not, not through a law passed by condensing, but i think with respect to potential military targeting, israel has said very clearly that that's not what they have done. obviously, that would be incredibly inappropriate. it is, if it is true, if it is true, a move like this is concerning. we believe in the freedom of the press, it is critical. it is critically important. and the united states supports the critically important work journalist around the world do. and so, and that includes those who are reporting in, in the conflict and gaza. ready out plays scary out what's going on on the ground. the more is real would be isolated, the united states would be isolated as complicit to the genocide. therefore it's in the common interest of both the united states of america and this theater is to
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limit as much as possible media outlets. operating a carried out and relaying the feature of the work was completed by the system as well. whether in gaza in the car, in general, or even in the was that that's why not so many days is still in the wall. so many ways it is real. it forces you to the murder and bonding owns of jobs and offices of journalists and media. be stop the picture on what is really going on and goes up to read. she voters in the west. every change is well, actually, if you watched was really many travelers. you would see that the battle side does not exist. garza actually is not existence except for from the point of view of this way. the soldier was e o g is going out the janice i. so there are many, many of the be nations do media and freedom of press that as well. would that help
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and the complicity of the united states as a partner in the genocide, we enforce whether buying targeted killings, bombings, withdrawing their licenses, stopping from uh, operating operations. oh, so were all uh, news outlets. uh, not only arabic speaking, and by the way engineer has been the main gate for these ready boys to enter our homes and to explain and to present the point of view of these ratings. so actually for israel to limit our prohibit the, i'm just your operation as well. what they're doing in the airport. everything is riley from explaining their lies. i'm doing this for the edge of the side. do air of homes around the world with a gaza. what several foreign aid workers were killed by these really s like on the city of there, about a warning you may find the following images to 7 us for the victim. so represented
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the us non profit organization, world central kit to long days with polish, british irish and australian national. these are the defense forces have promised to investigate the circumstances the india has cooled. the isn't a charge of the illinois agents filed to have this to say the wealth central kitchen, last several of our sisters and brothers in an id, a face striking garza, i am hot, broken and grieving for their families and friends in a whole w. c. k. family, these are people, angels. i served alongside and ukraine garza took in morocco, bahamas, indonesia. they are not faceless, they are not nameless. these riley government needs to stop this indiscriminate killing. it needs to stop restricting humanitarian aid, stop killing civilians and 8 workers, and stopped using food as a weapon. no more innocent lives lost. peace stops. with all shed humanity, it needs to stop now. it may allow for 2 weeks, each is well,
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has removed his soul. this from i'll ship a hospital in northern garza, these images are depicts of the, off them off with buildings hallowed out by the bombing and streets let's it was level. according to the gaza authorities, the idea of killed around $400.00 policy is and wrecks of a 1000 homes during the rate the gauze and civil defense forces hot says it found decomposed bodies inside the medical complex. one call corpse was apparently discovered handcuffed with a bullet wound in the head. thousands of bodies were located in residential buildings around the hospital is how a local doctor and the international red cross have. despite the scale of the destruction, the silva, i could not hold back my ts upon the witnessing the damage here. i did not show it to you as for my own home, be that i just, but i did for the destruction of the hospital and for all the medical stuff and the
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wounded people in gauze as the laws magical complex. i'll see if a hospital used to have 750 beds, no, all the medical institution and goals that had such a large scale. it also had $26.00 operating rooms and about $32.00 intensive care units. all of that has been destroyed beyond repair. i see if a hospital has to be close to permanently horrendous and horrifying footage reviews after these reports and withdrew from the chip complex and the area surrounding get half shop the entire population in gaza. as you, as an, as an occupying foreign garza must ensure the protection of the video fast and to ensure the great factors of the population for everything that is essential for the on the device. fortunately, the entire account, the population has lost their health care system. and as many hospitals have been pushed out of service as a result of the fact that by being defined hostilities over 6 months now
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leaving thousands of people um, looking for their own health care service as their own lives depend on. so there is no health care facility and gather that can respond to the grades, needs the way that the ship. i'm going to go complex. he's to what do you choose to be the biggest hospital and the entire occupied? tennessee is what your thoughts is. a claim they were only targeting service uh the l c. baldwinsville button. the huge number of the they referred to in recent comments has raised questions even is of the closest ally, the u. s. is demanded evidence and also makes uh during the operation we killed more than $200.00 service in and around the companion to almost with the rest of the more than $900.00 to tears sask surrender to our forces of which over $500.00 are confirmed from us in pal student is allow me to have members,
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including senior commanders, intelligence carrier, or something. i don't for you to me, call him or me to have it, but for you, it is deeply concerning. is this true? we are reaching out to israel government to get more information. and that is also important to do. we have to make sure that these, this what we're hearing is verified, right? that with the footage is also verified. but we've been very clear. it is very anti war activist al rosa mobility is the idea of phones of the run, the old medical facilities in gaza, completely unusable. unfortunately, if i, if were to judge from what israel has been doing the best been systematically destroying the possibility of, of living life in the gaza strip. and then the cases of medical facilities or other public facilities that are not, have not been fully destroyed in the 1st round of funding. and then vision. we see that it's cost indians are trying to make use of them again like find to use the
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she for hospital again for medical care. this leads to another round of siege, a bomb de executions and driving the population away from there it's, it's difficult to say what is real. it is planning eventually, but it's, it's a pattern we're seeing again and again, i'm the with the bomb beings then with the, the land based invasions on central russian. i where 7 people are being wounded and into an attack. so i can try to see them in the field, some things and other areas. in the past i'm region medical teams are providing urgent care to the victims authorities in the region. i are on i, a lot of this is
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a divided his story will keep you updated the strike on times us on came a, made a little bit of time to the tanks on busha was already said. they arrested several members of a terrace cell in the southern region of august. i'm. it was already said the suspects provided money and weaponry for the inside kind were also finding other strikes in the country. investigators have said to cancel the whole incident. it was linked to claim flushing off of the the office was another potential attack by a fan with a call go of explosives hidden in charge icons that was seized on the lot. then for the odyssey is equally as dental as the details. the inside of these boxes is more than 70 kilograms of extra powerful explosives, hidden with a truly devilish cunning inside charge plates and the icons intercepted on the lot via russia border. the unholy cargo bull markings in ukrainian,
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unequivocally pointing to the country of origin. as the driver confessed, explosives made quite a voyage across europe. i was given the entire package of documents after which i moved to russian territory to the city of moscow, where the unloading was supposed to take place. i drove through romania, reached the romanian, hung deer in buddha, where i submitted all the necessary documents. i was examined and checked, no problems were identified after which i drove into the shrinking zone. there were no obstacles on the road. well manufactured and packed in key if it was shipped all the way to the town of trip enough to see where it crossed into romania, easily sneaking under the rate of, of the boat, the gods, which is a dumb founding slip on their behalf. since for the past 2 years, the ukraine romania border has been among the tightest in the world, both ukrainian and romanian. both the gods have been viciously effective at
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preventing both contraband and ukrainians who are fleeing mobilization. from crossing the border, you can see they were pulling literally no punches here. but this time a little truck load over explosives somehow evaluated this company. and the same case of selective blindness before the colleagues on the hon, gary and border where the payload entered the you and as well in lock for you to wherever they allow the shipment into russia. if it wasn't for the russian both to god. well, the consequences would have been cataclysmic of motion as the power of this explosive was one and a half times greater than the power of t. n t. the mass of the seized explosive is sufficient to blow up a 5 story residential building, and it gets west. disassembled. b, g project tiles was stuffed inside the church utensils
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but it wasn't just as this was placed here on purpose so that it does not dangle everything was here like this. i'm 27 church icons were actually we purpose to serve as independent. i these via the that's in addition to, to be 7 to kilo's simply hidden inside the cargo that night, as were shipped in the same delivery for the industrial sabotage fuses with sets of moderators used by special units of the armed forces to commit sabotage were found in the icons kits for assembling, improvised explosive devices. we're also found in the icons and when that person comes to church or wherever they have the icon, the cta data, of course, he wants to some how to pray and don't think about potential danger, which could come from the ne, come, that is why it is an awful way, how they ad trying to use these in these trust that
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people act to actually have thoughts, icons, to, to kill them. this is totally inhumane. and i think it only can come from those who don't have any, any, just any clue of morality. last year we reported in a very similar case when you craned tried smuggling explosives into russia by hiding them inside the electric stove, tops back then security services prevented attacks against the governor of crimea along with other regional politicians and railway communications. and key of intelligence officials have no but explicitly claimed responsibility for the assassinations of war correspond and slug in petoskey and diarrhea. do not do it to all the russian philosopher both mounted in boma tax. all i will comment on is that we've been killing russians and we will keep killing russians anywhere on the face of this world until the complete victory of ukraine. can you what's the food and
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there's always, no, do you have was a convicted 3 there in up. same to this comes real. who betrayed you? crazy. if i'm not mistaken. up to 14 years, some present meant the 9.9 seems sort barreled weapon went off in the chest area, followed by a control shot to the head and here mind forever near his place of residence in the most co suburbs. but russia is still railing from the heinous terrorist attack on croakers city hall that claimed the lives of over a $140.00 people, and which russia officially linked to ukraine. and tea of shows people utilize every un godly path on it's held ben to venture to. so tara was saying his to agent out chinese, the decision thing, and indonesia in present elect from both sylvia to praise the congress. strong relationship julia meeting invasion. both stevens expressed a desire to d for the old ralph, for teaching corporation,
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as well as make contributions to regional see the ability now to correspond with rebecca and that'd be to pull reports, a new nation president elect solve or severe to travel to try. now for a 3 day fits it, it says 1st flooring trip since the election in february, which underlines the close relationship between the dream and trip car that and also under lines to close partnership that has been built in the past. vacate, under president joe, for with those leadership wide range of topics. this costs like the economy, treat poverty alleviation and of course defense cooperation, where the defense minister see china as one of the key partners in ensuring regional peace and stability. problem was said kit like to boost ty, sweet drink, and use its experience for on development. a has a big mediation for the history of china and also great admiration
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for the treatment of the leaders of the people's republic, which i especially you yourself for us. we want to learn a lot from the experience that people should public's training. i would like to continue the policies of president. if we though i am determined to use of his chief means as a foundation for my program, i fully support closer and higher quality relationships because of the relationship between the 2 countries had achieved significant results. we try not is indonesia, stop trading partner with a $130000000000.00 us dollars annually during supplies natural this.


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