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tv   News  RT  March 27, 2024 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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you up the escalation ladder. the headlines on how to international india is foreign ministry summons or us diplomats of a washington's criticism of that attention of a king acquisition figure on corruption in charge of the investigators look into a possible western ties to terrorist attacks against russia. after a 140 people are killed in a month ago, comfortable attacked, and all trucks down all the cases of terrorist and targeting computer dynamic himself that went to the port. oh, a lot on the red. same israel's only southern maritime guy since november when they came in based on these group joined the what were these roads? all activities have been stopped here. the key is ready for of a loss is targeted by yeah. many who the forces who say they've hit full western congo vessels on to us for ships and the red sea region this week. the,
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from the us to asia are and old places in between. there's a lot to cover for you during this live broad costs for months going out to you and india is foreign ministry has some of the us deputy on the bus that are full explanations of the washington criticized the detention of an opposition politician on corruption charges and the following for the inter, showing the different about arriving at the ministry building, it's a pool hit. the meeting went on for 40 minutes. and prior to the summons, india said to us or rhetoric could set an on healthy precedent in diplomacy. states are expected to be respectful of the sovereignty and internal affairs of others. this responsibility is even more so in case of fellow democracies, it could otherwise end up setting. unhealthy precedents on the 21st of march, the head of the government of denny, that is r v g was he was arrested in an alleged because cam, after which we saw
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a lot of naturally, a lot of criticism from the opposition. now, last week on friday, we sold that adopted the match from germany, made a comment about how a tron standard the whole system is needed. india was angry. the very next day on saturday, the top part of the might of germany was to martin the end. while we us been doing anything, we saw us made comments in the lines of washington monitoring the situation. first meeting the never off for anybody to monitor the situation in jesse's that we have a perfectly well equipped into additional system. and we would take care of what's happening in the country us the us diplomat just a while ago was to mind by the indian ministry of external affairs. in fact that summoning went on for 41 minutes, we saw that the for my daughter leave, the ministry of they will come up for was trying to ask for comments. dates not
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home on, but not really giving out a message said, please mind your business. we are very well equipped to daycare or what's happening in our own country now are going to use the wall who has been arrested by the enforcement directory and he's, he's basically going on to say that he's going to be, um, he does, he does remain the chief minister of debbie's from jail itself. in fact, he's one of the key opposition details or fall of the country. he's also one of the registered national policies with the election commission of india. and the very fact that the rest becomes weeks ahead or the champion of elections have been yes, is something that's fox, that's kind of the us to all that stuff that we're seeing. but a full support on the country is opposition. the opposition party is going to what are the ones in india and what the government will be seeing is the result. you need other countries to form mentors in there's and cell. no, not us. so india and making it very clear votes to germany and the us my business.
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hello. yeah, they have a 9 greasy ends on the streets of the indian capitalize opposition. demonstrate this class with police. pro government demonstrated was also gathered for a counsellor riley. supporters of the prominent efficiency got out of any sense of it while he was arrested last week on corruption charges, attempted to march to the prime minister as residents, demanding his release. a place of course, moved in with water cannon to break up the crowds. a number of arrests were made. the oldest comes at the country prepared to go to the polls next month for a general election. but we spoke about the case with a former indian, a box that i already have talking to. he said the us was that robert quit the palm server an issue that was actually none of its concern of america has to day lies. that's what gets in just a double date, is valid to date that it is dangerous to be america's maybe what it is free to, to be america's print. so in your heart and send things that isn't just the medical
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sprint, but america x. so the, what is, so the days when america is a great grand all the was 5 foured, so bored as change. america is no longer the phone waiting for that it was, was india has it, isn't. it is followed by sir. and so is russia, which has always been a bar, then they can ex, independently, they can choose their friends, they can choose to buy it for the sent to. america cannot determine what is happening to the data loss in most cool results. so much as by your leave from russia, america cannot determine who rushes friends are, who in desperate america cannot determined on legal forces. this one in a democratic country like can get so i think we see a case of what actor america rich,
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richer does not know the limits of the the america has no business integrating the federals and what it school decides is up to the quotes hoping to get the legal process up and do a medical forget that just like it discharging the former president, trump with some misdemeanors. similarly, other democratic countries in the world also have issues with all the dishes of different meanings and likings if they have indulged in some acts of production, america just inpatient as well or risk. it wants to have its work injuries, whether the whose country likes it or not. so it jumped into an issue which was most expensive, the russian ne, i, looking into claims that the western powers have financed acts of terrorism against russia. as off of the head of the federal security service accused the us britain
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and ukraine of involvement and the reason to type on the most co console which killed a 140 people. washington has denied any ukrainian involvement that is provided still 0 evidence. there is no evidence at all that ukraine was involved in this because you credit was not involved in this is the southern western powers insist that ukraine had nothing to do with the tire attack in moscow? russia is foreign ministry takes issue with claims by the use foreign policy chief, who suggested that the west supports ukraine to maintain its own dominance in global of fads that some of this into is exact words. we cannot afford russia when this will alter like us, and it will be an interest. really bit of damage is not a matter of in juno da, cd alone is not a matter or supporting ukraine because we love you creating young people. it isn't our own interest, at least also in the dangers of the us as
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a global play. yeah. well, as a videos have the most on line of the suspects from the content of whole attack being treated with. well, should we say a heavy hand by auth orders for my c i a officer says that approach is unacceptable and shows a difference in attitudes towards prisoners by the united states and brush. i like to talk a lot about the difference in values between what's going on and russian, what's going on in the west. and even though it's something like this happened in the united states, there would certainly be, or anywhere else in the west that would certainly be people who would be, who would be saying i for an i. and you know, they deserve whatever they get. that sort of thing, but that's not really civilized society. civilized society is rule of law and treating suspects even if you're pretty sure who they are with some degree of you know, humanity and respect, which is totally oh, you know, not understood, not follow. there is no rule of law in russia or us torture of suspected terrorist at the one ton m o b prison, very well documented as many well multiple worded also with
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a us control to abu ghraib prison in iraq. do you use what she many i didn't even sexually abuse was washington basically try to shift the blame for the most go to her attack from ukraine to isis, islamic states tockets over the last few years of race. intriguing question, should we say opened up to all these donald caught up with this report in washington has been widely accused of aging and even helping for my sis ever since it began trying to prop up so called moderate rebels and the syrian civil war about a decade ago, taking a look at the vast majority of the terror groups, recent attacks, the trend is clear to see the victim. nations are all enemies of the west? oddly enough, isis has adjusted his plans and reason. he is a now what types? mostly enemies of the united states, such as the taliban in afghanistan, the river amiens, the legitimate authority is in syria and russia. this year, a see multiple ice us attacks around the world in iran, nearly
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a 100 were killed and another 300 wounded afghanistan was the side of 3 terrorist attacks. and these are lost over 50 people just a week ago. and of course, the terrorist campaign has recently arrived in russia. what a coincidence that the west has a huge bone to pick with all of these countries. it goes without saying though, is lot mic states main targets have long known the rules of the game. but it's somebody who said you were american colleagues, have actually stuff fight an icing, the eric country and have long been using the fighters. they have naturally, exclusively for their own needs, including for sabotage against the syrian government forces. after 20 years of occupation, the americans failed and had to withdraw. today they organized terrace groups like isis to replace their military forces in afghanistan. the us does not want stability or an improvement in the economy. trade in security and afghanistan because it feels that a stability is established. afghanistan, it will lead to the investment of countries like china with which the americans are
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in serious competition. even in the us, people are putting $2.00 and $2.00 together. the police are corrupt. we created isis. well, why would washington do such a thing? and the name of the us occupation is continued extraction of serious resources. there was no doubt the us is the great or vices. but for those who deliberately close their eyes to the truth, the statement of robert f kennedy, the nephew of john f kennedy saying we created isis, reaffirms the fact that the american regime is the godfather of dias, isis. the us claims that it is present in syria to fight dice. that itself had a major role in creating is just an excuse to continuing its occupation and look serious national wealth, including its energy resources and wheat. at the same time, the us is trying to convince the world that is this was the only party behind the recent attack in moscow and the flex, any possibility of ukrainian involvement lateral. who in his already trying to link this to you grain and say that you printer's responsible. and so you guys have any
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evidence to back that up? no, there is no whatsoever any evidence. and in fact, what we know to be the case is that ice k is actually on, by all accounts responsible for what happens with america as long track record of having shared interest with isis and keeps history of terrorist attacks and russia . it seems unlikely that isis fighters just woke up one day and decided to attack russia. perhaps the islamic state was only one party to a trio of terror, but it's now been thrown under the bus by the driver. not mentioned as well as at old tucker political side, his own or sitting on go salt. and he says that washington has long been using tara groups as a political tool around the world. have a listen for yourself. he loves them. he has been in churchy. uh for a while and secondly, i have to say that he lives in north of syria even deep. and the other side of
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north of syria is kind of a big because for the terrace groups and united states are using these 3rd is group. the former united states president donald trump, he ultimately said that i see this creation of the hillary clinton. that's an example. and the 2nd example that we know from turkey, that like t t, t y, p g or all these sit. but at this point, it's not enough to celia they, united states giving them their arms. and there is no difference between these. there's groups and i says, and i have to say, i have to repeat. my says that's all disputes are, please offer united states and notes and hoping to leave the weaknesses in other texts, cheating by these blues in dresser the multiple here in russia, just over the ukranian border, 19 is to be left wounded in the light as all to the re attack on the belgian road
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region. despite the cost of bombardment, the locals are keeping the heads up, rebuilding and increasing safety measures as all day is equal to donald number. this is the central square of the town of belgrade. normally this time of day, it would be overrun with people, it would be bustling with life, at least that was the thing that we witnessed when we 1st visited this town a few months ago, but following daily relentless, terry shillings by ukraine. this town has truly become a shadow of its former self air raid sirens have become so common here. they're expecting people know often the 1st way and they have about 60 seconds to find to cover the workshop with the pros rested by that side. so for the board picks crash number credits, that option of who likes the us know what the cost of government for board is what
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the chicago now what you know, we looked at so kind of phone a victory for to see what, what a court it's a for you, which of the filter just to keep the bottom, we mean profit that was pretty visited to reboot for the 2 thirds. and we this way, it was a different name, wasn't the federal supposed to develop the unless you propose that oscar should have done a minus charge, but also to know that some stocks know what's in the wake of the cost and terrace threats coming from ukraine. and ukraine's tillery the local government and business owners. they are doing everything in their power to reduce mass gatherings of people, most shopping, most in belgrade, and especially on its outskirts that are closer to the border with ukraine. had been shut down like this one. you can see there's no lights inside. the parking lot is completely empty of these. well, they are actually concrete blocks that just have been draped in cloth for aesthetic reasons. authorities have been working hard, creating saves,
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owns all across town. shelters made out of concrete, have been strategically placed in bel grades most busy areas and need a bus stop as well. some sales, as i've already done their job. are you printing this? i'll hit the as folks who was that was trapped. oh, once this way, hitting this shelter, also hitting the kiosk over here, it is badly damaged and of course it's shut down now. but this concrete structure it, well, it saved the lives of many people. so you don't use it that is video to get to school to see if you were still willing to accept the visual requested new role. interesting. when you were still holding this is the deductible for them of with the east football or to summer school for doing things that help could you be welcome to test with the political and this over and what i'll put on school computer that shows that it was all,
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and when it comes to the targets that uh, the queen, you know, totally picks for its shillings. there's bus stopped, it's name is actually school number 11 school and would use this age and don't want them with music to meet them at the moment. is actually a single shot, a did have signs up last it will over the town which it looks like lives by the more to better safe than, sorry, better to have more kids or very different shapes and sizes around to have someone find themselves in a situation when they don't have access to potentially life saving medicine in bills or of ukraine is making an effort to break the spirits of an average russian,
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struggling to comprehend that all their attempts only made key of more of an enemy . how many has done of reporting from belgrade out see the, the key is ready, pull it over a lot. has been targeted by a many who with the forces who say they've had full west in colorado vessels on to us war ships. and the red sea region, this way that's the whole afternoon, was allowed to do. many of the many armed forces carried out 6 mailed to rio braces doing the best 72 hours using a large number of ballistic may 1000 drones. with the help of god, the and meant air force carried out the quality, the military operation targeting to american war destroyers in the red sea. and the missile forest carried out in military operation and which had targeted a number of these rarely targets in the of the rush rush area, south of occupied palestine with the help of god, the military operations achieve their goals successfully. here's the stock of the
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military campaign and the red sea last year demonic the israel stump at some foaming of gaza. about 40 ships, including ones from america, and the u. k. have been targeted. and now over to our middle east bureau chief, more if an option of visiting the southern is really part of a lot just to assess what is enormous. well, economic impact, the pores of a lot on the red sea, israel's only southern maritime gay 10 the countries key door to the important far east and market. once a busy harbor it is dead calm. now since november, when the yemen base who stays grove joined, the worthies ro, attacking all shapes, coming in a loud. all activities have been stopped here with no one able to say when or if it could get back to normal. the port is losing more than $1600000.00 every month and 50 percent of the stuff has already been fired with the rest at the risk of the following suit within the next 2 months. if the situation doesn't change. the
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ford's key activity was car imports from asian countries like japan, korea, more than half of all cars brought to israel from abroad. the 4th, c, e o says the vehicles were stored here by. ready tens of thousands until taken by the dealers, but not anymore. the last 4 years, you can see the floor that's 1st floor. now you can see that most of its empty from 88 that i'm working here. there was a situation that we had. you don't says the point used to have up to 12 ships every month now and 0. if you afraid that they will attack your sheep or their cargo, nobody want to to go to a place that there is a war or keeping up with something like this. there isn't, nobody wants to go through the, by the end of the bumper, monday, straight small, geographical chug point, and the red seemed to reach. the point of
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a launch opens is the key to a transit route that carries up to 15 percent of global trade. they who's the rebels, have managed to basically block it 10 or organization to feel and smooth hesitation. smith's fear and smell of weakness that isn't the doing this. if with talk, i believe they will stop at packing it is why is it that can shift that if that can get either a shipping agent? these are all started to war as 819-661-1967 because of the closure i'll sub on my end up straight and both were against egypt. but it's refrains from using force against a horse. these now so ridiculous folk speak about the war one. the company is 2016 overdue spiral from us. are we the agents as well as different? i'm because they're just, we're a dollar border. uh,
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basically it'd be we'd have to be ins. oh government. and it was not sufficiently assertive or aggressive, or if you were judged the truth is because, uh, or the goods i would do this is a go. the decision is to look at what does she do the, the work, the us led coalition was formed last december to respond to who the strikes and the red c and counter attack the group's military infrastructure in yemen. it has now united the naval forces of at least 14 states, including britain, canada, friends and by crane. i'm on others. the pentagon said more than 20 countries have joined of which 10 are involved anonymously. the hosting's warned any country against joining boeing the red sea would be the graveyard americans, most of targeting and attacking our country. we renew our warnings that any state that would act against our country would make its interests. a legitimate target
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for us. despite the call, the sions efforts, which many experts, the successful attacks by run back screw haven't stopped 10 international shapes have been targeted by hopefully may solve and drones says international powers united to at least 3 sailor resort killed. it is unclear, want to stop the eminent militants when your brother was a pretty big it's a pretty big these up years. no age and zip code. you know, if uh, medical vision will be better than the quotation. special provisions was also a service product where your items, your army is perhaps the vision is called a productive no worries, no worries. there's a culprits complex. we're going to spend, what is the most successful in the body to go to the near future trips pressure on them, anybody like to do that for now? now that seems to work enough to remove the scratch completely. and one of the
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world's busy ceilings remains closed. and raised in ocean r t reporting from a lot a search operation in the us city of both them all has ended and what the governor had described as quote, a hot breaking conclusion. a 6 people ah presumed dead off for a highway bridge collapse, sending vehicles into the freezing waters below. oh, that's what it just shows. the moment the massive steel structure came down into the top sco river that is off to a code when i called the ship struck one of the bridges supports emergency personnel managed to rescue 2 people from the water and the police say right now there's no indication of any file play. well, president biden was quick to react to the tragedy. paying tribute to the victim is invalid to rebuild the bridge. even recall the postal connection to it. crossing the bridge on a train, despite that bridge, never having had a rail road. how about 130 container ship struck sir francis cross key bridge,
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which i've been over many, many times, community understand delrays, our trainer, by car transportation sectors. there are now, as i told governor more director, my team of having are through you're open to partner, rebuild the bridge as soon as you a really possible. yeah, it's fine. just said hey, dispatched is transportation secretary to oversee the crisis. he was hailed in a matter of whom press are being the 1st openly gay person, the whole disposition due to a number of disasters that have happened on his watch and the fact that he took paternity leave at a particularly difficult moment in the past. if this mean, his reaction to the latest crisis has not gone down to well as operations at the key bridge ship from search and rescue to recovery. our hearts go out to the families grieving, loved ones tonight, as president biden said, today, our administration will do whatever it takes at every step to help the people of baltimore hill and rebuild. what have you actually done?
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i want dates, places, and money spent. resign. why don't you buy another baby and take the rest of the year off, playing parts, falling from the sky, boats out of control and slamming into things, trains de railing, massive supply chain issues, including baby formula and medications. jo biden's, america, fire pete booty judge. well, the conservative id part costs host a jo, ultimate now he says that the us transportation secretary likes both experience and the compassion, the safeguard the very people he's responsible for. i don't think he does his job at all. matter of fact, i don't think anybody shows up the washington to do their job in this current administration, and he had no experience coming into a job to begin with. he's showing that he has no experience of what it shows with it with, with this new escapade is that he has no leadership as well as no compassion for the people that were lost that were traveling over that bridge. there's other ports
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available that they have a secondary plan, so i'm sure that it will have some sort of impact over the next 2 weeks to a month. so that will adversely affect some of the ability to ship in to the board . but i believe that within the next couple weeks, they should have some sort of resolution that are allowed to speed up. but there, there are ports, south and north. i think the, it's gonna cause a lot of inconvenience, probably create some problems logistically for a lot of different companies in different industries. this is not a, this is not a small thing to happen. but i think that again, the american people are pretty resilient. they'll find innovative solutions to get around it. but in this, in this case, it's probably going to end up causing a lot of more traffic jams and they already have um and creating some logistics. all right, so some of that, well, i'd headlights for you and brief very quickly here is our classes with police of erupt. it in the capital of jordan, as thousands of people have been protesting outside these riley embassy for several
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days. demonstrate has denouncing the idea of the tax on jobs that are in urging the jordanian government to take stronger action against television. at least 7 people killed in southern lebanon. his idea of forces are said to have attacked. an emergency center near the is ready border. so the quote of the media reports, all of those killed the rescue, cuz it's video footage are showing the scale of destruction with some of the low cost they're attempting to clear the factory and the clean up operation. and conversely, on the way in brussels following the latest farm is protest during which all sorts of when you are an hey and rubbish were dumped and sprayed across the us capital city. the demonstration took place at the blocks, agriculture ministers. i've met to discuss the months long protest movement that it has been searching all across your display hop possible in the afternoon here in most, but this is off the international for more of us here. thank you for sharing. good . find with us to be on the international my,
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the ship. more of you'll use what's on the top of the, [000:00:00;00] the, in the early 1880 brands decided to subjugate madagascar. however, the mother got the kingdom, refused to submit it $1883.00. during the 1st franco mail against a war, the friend sent a punitive expedition to force submission on the island. the aggressors ships brutally bombarded the coastal settlement. the invaders managed to force fully imposed control over amount of gas cars external affairs. but the french wanted
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more. a few years later, they started a full scale village, airy invasion ended. 18. $95.00 captured the capital 10 to not reveal the commonest exiled queen. run of all on the 3rd and are prime minister rieney a letter of une abroad. then the invaders began to clear the island from the malcontents, with iron and blood in 18. $96.00 france declared a protector at over man, a gas guard, and in $1897.00 annex the island. the suppression of the liberation movement erupted the merciless massacre. the capture of madagascar are led to tragic consequences. natural resources were in the hands of french corporations. all local schools were closed and the french language was imposed on the population. the care lasted 15 years and resulted in the death of at least 100000 mile. i guess the


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