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tv   News  RT  March 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EDT

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the the big 10 year anniversary of crime in re unification with russia is celebrated in the hearts of most of our president fruits and congratulated the nation on the historic date. try me here is the 1st and foremost, the state for the county to fate or in the fatherland through the dictates. i say, i've never separated themselves from russia. and this is what allowed could i me of still to return to the common family needs. measurable, returning head of state, made his speech after winning the presidential election with more than 87 percent of the lot of their approved in the paid special trip to those. the counselor pilots in the countries in baffled new regions which faced constant attacks by the
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premium forces, even after the closing wrapped up on congratulations are coming in from around the world to the election. when with india on china, among the latest to send their best wishes to lot of they're putting not as in contrast to the criticism and condemnation, we'd be here in the west. the good to have your company. my name's you know, like this is our t international after 3 days of voting with accounting. now don't want them or put and has won the russian presidential election with more than 87 percent of the vote. that was set to leave the country for the next 6 years. but we will delve into the details of the factory shortly, but 1st,
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people across russia are today also celebrating the 10th anniversary of crime years re unification with the country. a huge celebratory concert is taking place on red square. were flooding mirror put in congratulate at the nation on the historic. okay. that i gave the different the some of my heart i greet you and congratulate you on the celebration under unification of crimea instead of us to port with russia. exactly 10 years ago here on red square. on the same stage, i remembered that quite me a is often called an unthinkable aircraft carrier. this is what led me to the idea of seeing that creamy it has returned to its native harbor even though but crime is not only a strategically important territory. this is not only our history, our traditions, and the pride of russia. crimea, is the 1st and foremost the people of the residents of the, of us to portray me and they are our pride. they carried faith in the fatherland
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through the decades. we have never separated themselves from russia, and this is what allowed crimea to return to our common families. thousands of people are all around me. that's a big, big home for lots of happy faces and lots of brush and the flags. and if you pay attention to the, to the same to the stage, probably be hard. says cry me a rush or surplus store, about 10 years to get that. that's because people on just celebrate to the results of the election of the presidential election, of course. but also it's been 10 years, but it's been 10 years since the craig made a part of reaching out and respond and became part of the russian federation. again, a lot of my food was not alone on the stage when it comes to my profile gets out of account. it's under his political rivals, joined him, and they didn't have a chance to address the crowd as well as what they had to say with ship. if all of
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us remember how actively vladimir putin has done everything to support the aspirations of crime in people and help them to return home. russia and crimea is one homeland really those times where turbulent. but there was no other option to, but to return home or the we remember those happy faces in all these 10 years. and ever since we remember the sparking eyes and smiles of those who returned home, those who return to the great russia, i will never forget the sense of pride i had for my country and for my president exactly 10 years ago is this way? congratulations, no, of course it wasn't just a lot of supporters and everybody who were just celebrating very sad occasion. oh, so a lot of opponents, the company dons under is the trustees. many of them were here mingling with the crowd as well. we had a chance to talk to some of them the other today. i most definitely celebrate 2 things. that was the 1st is the flawless and undisputed victory of vladimir putin.
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in the 2nd one, which is especially dear to me, is i'm a crime in is the 10 year anniversary of crimea. and so i suppose reunion with russia. this has been a most important event for both crime eons and russia as a whole. and the most important thing here is that our people have rejoined our one big family and those from crimea feel like a part of it. and you go to consider that the russians regions demonstrate great unity. now, some way of allowing me to put in one more of those else where he one less but every where he's in 1st place. so society is now consolidated. people from all new regions voted like that because they understand now after years of being bombed by their own country, that russia is the only force that can and will protect them. now we are here and we thing the off the resident we we got the process.
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we are here with process. i'm in general. i have to tell you basically getting here was a challenge in itself because central most go as being completely blocked in pilots, by massive crowd took the roll, smoking, and the sun has already set. uh, you're in most colt bucks via all the red sprites has right, as they have to tell you. because, well, so many people have decided to show up here one thing, but i notice been taking it off the super many. don't take the trouble to make one, but maybe 25 years old. so i'm very, very young. the crowd. a lot of what's the next person is the president, the generation here. i just got this crowd. it says it was really, i'm here were saying the same people don't think you've been just
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kind of thinking on the right thing and very, very, very choose to. so a very 1st the most go well my colleagues southgate taylor sat down with our to contribute or informing us senate a char, i read to discuss the wes, escalating rhetoric over crime. you, you know, because of the location of where crane crimea is, of course, and some of the other locations of the new regions. and they don't recognize the history. i, me is russian. the people are russian, they speak russian, the culture is russian. they voted 94 to 97 percent to be with russia. and to be, you know, under the russian federation, there's just no question. but that's a mandate. you know, it's part of russia. so it's really something and it's really a reach when the western, you know, again, tries to impose their views on, you know, other solver nations like the russian federation and telling them what they're,
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you know, and one of my concerns is they're going to target crimea. you know, and i had said this last spring and i was worried about the things that i had heard from, you know, the biting administration that insiders there is there was even discussion about trying something with the spring of 2024. so i'm hoping that that information is wrong and i'm hoping it will be forwarded. and i'm hoping that that cooler heads will prevail and late because that is a red line. and vladimir putin, president putin made it very clear. if that line is cross that could lead to possible global conflict, let's remind ourselves of what occurred a decade ago with the referendum which allowed the people of crimea to choose their future was held in march, 16, 2014 over 96 percent of the area of voted to re unites with russia. there was an 83 percent turn out. 2 days later at the russian president signed a treaty on the session of the crimean republic. i'm the city of service toppled
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with more on dependents to this momentous re unification with russia. here's ortiz, donal quarter. it's been 10 years since crimea took its fate into its own hands. voting to become part of russia and the peninsula has undergone a dramatic transformation all despite the western. nay sayers who did everything in their power to see where unification fail. once he grabbed crimea, pretended deployed new move russian forces in the peninsula, turning the territory into an armed camp for which to threaten the risk for the ukraine. we will continue to hold russia accountable until it returns full control of premier to ukraine and completely withdraws its forces. it is also important to acknowledge that the situation indeed alternative is republic of creighton year and the city of citrus. the pole has further deteriorated. a new crime is most grandiose project was likely the crime in bridge. russia's vital artery of
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transports through the curt straight. a similar accomplishment was the construction of the to read the federal highway which sides grand opening in 2020. these are just 2 of many new pieces of infrastructure across the peninsula, and that's done wonders for people. standard of living is the pennsylvania, who do a lot has changed over the years. first of all, we feel supported by to crane has tons of us to poll in to the banquets. were you able to students now that the city is really mean that you go to take a look at your kids? we have now. i said you have, we have an important tool to supply. right. did you understand years? i have received the russian citizenship. i have my own business. i bought an apartment and my daughter grew up here as a rush and thought to us, we can see for ourselves what has happened in these 10 years. i mean, are officially left ukraine and joined to the russian federation in march of 2014. after over a whopping 96 percent of the population voted to do so in
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a historic referendum. it's a come as little surprise since both ukrainian and russian statistics show that russians have long made up the main demographic group on the peninsula as lot of airport and mentioned in his 2014 cry me a speech. many of the seeds of chaos were phone decades before. like when former soviet general secretary, nikita khrushchev arbitrarily transferred crimea from russia to ukraine. it became clear the russian presidents, that inaction would be a betrayal of his own people. simple, somebody, there are lots of those who resisted the push, were immediately threatened with reprisals and punitive measures. and the 1st in line was of course, crimea, russian speaking crimea. that's when the residents of crimea, and say, were still full of people to russia to protect their rights and their lives. of course, we could not fail to respond to this request. we could not lead premier on this people in trouble. otherwise, it was simply be of the trail. it was necessary to help create conditions for
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a peaceful, free expression of will, so that the primary ends could determine their own faith for the 1st time in history. but even after crimea returns to its motherland, struggles continued to persist like u. ups. block aid of nearly 90 percent of the provincial is clean water supply. presidents lensky, who thinks crime, he actually wants to come back to ukraine, was making jokes about the water situation back in 2015. was it the just the 1st thing you what you're going to pick out? what was the teachers the notes of could oh, my god, what, what what
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then there were the blackouts that would run for months on end, caused by kia backed extreme is to sabotage to power lines running to crimea. it was only have to rush it was able to commission to new power plants, but the energy problem was solved in 2019. the whole country helped us in the shortest possible time and energy bridge and new power plants were built, as well as an upgrade to the existing power generation facilities today. for the 1st time in history, cry me not only has ceased to be a region experiencing power shortages, but can also supply surfaces of electricity outside its territory if necessary. there were new sanctions as well that the west targeted specifically a crimea, but that didn't stop countries like italy, greece and france from continuing to cooperate with the peninsula. on top of that, the republic is heading towards its 2nd presidential election in russia with a new generation and have young people heading to the polls. so this which says 20
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fold same political activities in crimea who was here because of the full 2014. there was no use. well, let's go, john, don't the peninsula, i'm or the only opposite of cameron and part of the russian with that ration the young people in crimea accidentally begin to be interested in politics plus the stuff. and this is again to us here as list and then going to be honest people. uh, a steven, i think it is it until you see of every citizen, even though i'm every vote colton and daughter on my guy, crime in use whole the same as you need. and apparently i see only a positive direction for the development. the pride, me and always use as i'm really present to know if you use the room. i think the tours mode develop very actively and try me as well as their republic as it was, and miniature and that. but you can find that every dog here thought or but despite pressure from the west war violence sanctions, democracy today is alive and well in crimea. just as it was in 2014 a quarter of wealth. rick, turning now to the presidential vote, which took place from friday to sunday as voting wrapped up the russian border
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region of belgrade was again shell by you printing and forces. 4 people were killed of 4 more wounded on monday in attacks on the area. the governor stays at least 10 residential houses were damaged. despite those of tasks with an 87000000 russian citizens house their vote sitting in use turn on record or to produce or michael med, which i us and tell us. usually premium has shown the region show the city every single day 3 times today in the morning you're in the mid day and in the evening it is usually a package of imo arrest rootkits, most of them coming into subject by russian air defense systems. but unfortunately, not all of them. we've just talked to the local government health can minister and he said quote, in the last week so teams, civilians were killed. the dog operation is being conducted by ukrainian military
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intelligence unit. the super tell us of the super bowl, the main, the main route here. they had to take a few few villages and a district center on the border with russia. just before the election is new, president has been elected. multiple sides of the mattress full of the security measures needed will be taken. i mean, this room defense russian minister over the front skin tone says the pull that smooth felt and we'll be repelled. well, after securing his victory, let them are met with the other presidential candidates in the kremlin. the 310 grudge related the winners to express their readiness to health address issues and told to them by the public while campaigning. all also a break to work towards the russian victory in the country's military operation in ukraine. john vice president hutton address citizens from his campaign h q at when the election results, where a nonce raising a number of key points of interest. a database to just get back despite the
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terrorist attacks and you and i already know this well, the citizens living and these territories have shown not just civic majority. they show coverage and continued to show it, no one as i saw, it assumed and said recently, no one intimidated them. and it is impossible to intimidate out people. there are turnouts, both in the new territories and in the border areas. typically, the turn out is even higher than in the rest of the country. it's simply a response from the people to the actions. and then we're trying to intimidate those who do is usually don't understand who they're dealing with the process. but in part, maybe it's a good thing that they don't understand this because in this case, of course, they will be defeated. now they are trying against trying to get somewhere there to enter. i was given you, they were destroyed. almost 100 percent of them were destroyed. they looked forward by 100 meters to crush of 25 tanks were destroyed with the enemy has concentrated a group of around 5000 in the border area. but it's not directly on the state borderline but answers. but somewhere in their immediate rear. but the overall loss
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is about 40 percent of these. but pitched you about 35 percent are irrevocable. there's $25.00 tanks, dozens of armored vehicles and so on. if they like it that way, then the in principle, it suits us because they mindlessly attack. it's such a meat grinder for them. it's even beneficial for us to let them try when you a few days before mister nobility passed away with them. some colleagues told me that not administration officials for you some people said there was an idea to exchange mister invalid me for some people who are in prison in western countries. you can believe me or not getting me instead of the person who spoke to me and barely finished his sentence, but i said, i agree. yeah, i mean, yeah, but unfortunately what happened and then you happen to get that the only on one conditions that we exchange in so that he doesn't come back, let him sit there. that's all. i'm wondering if i get it, but it happens. there's nothing one to do about him, that's how much it was. one user which is like, you want to know my opinion on whether our elections are democratic or not. i think they are democratic. conversely, in some countries, for example, in your country,
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which cannot be considered democratic to use an administrative resource issue in order to attack one of the candidates for president of the united states northwest, including using traditional authorities truth, we have no preference for any of the candidates for president of the united states of america, we will work with whoever the voters track allergies, but the use of administrative resources, the judicial system. it's just you become an addictions under disgrace to the whole world for the united states, you mentally or democratic or on a so called enclosure system. as you're more than interested, i have every reason to believe that we do not see any democracy for at least during the electoral process of making up some western countries, including the united states today. therefore, accept the return please. i don't think it went through all these. i'm not completely stupid people sitting in all the institutions that has been working against our country for decades. even though what the problem is, in my opinion, is that lives in the fact that after the collapse of the soviet union, there were a very large number of specialists. it's kind of show that union still could not do
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anything else, but fight the soviet union. and then with the russian that arose and part of a territory doing so, they began to convince their political leadership that many public of their countries that they need to continue finishing russia. also in such a way that they themselves will not be left without a job. they are still new generations of specialists are coming. they realistically assess the events taking place. i think they will be more sophisticated, but they will not change their goals with regard to russia. let's just recap the big events and with old ball, it's not counted slumber. and secured over 87 percent of the vote. communist party candidates. nikolai caught a total of took 2nd place with a disappointing 4.3 percent centrist. now this loved the bunk golf, who was much praise and promoted by opposition. parties was 3rd leaving it slootsky from the right wing l. d, p, or finished last earlier. my colleagues southgate taylor set done with the american lawyer done conflict. one of the independence alter resolve the election to discuss
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the west response to the pool. it seems like it was a great exercise and in democracy, i mean, 1st of all you had a turn out of something like what a 77 percent. that's extraordinary. to put it in one way at 3 capitalist candidates at a communist canada that came in 2nd. so in the united states, i don't have a socialist candidate to choose from. i have to capitalist candidates who are basically the same. i can choose from one who's completely senile and the other who's basically a carnival barker got a soft oven coffee, expressed some movements uh, concerns about a young guy well and ukraine. but the people who criticize the make it sound as if in their own nations. and he will crack true and people can't do that. so just to, to a penny that just, you know, put the club not pop pavement. right. but i mean, you're an american, see, you know, american politics. it is literally about the big box. it's about the lobby as a super packs the donors. if you put the money you go to child's to run,
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can you ever imagine in america a true, someone who speaks against idea fox and somebody says, i don't think we should bomb syria occupied those oil fields upon young men. what a true anti will can do that has the opportunity to run for office in america? no, i mean the one candidate. we have a couple of candidates that are running on those types of platforms. one is cornell west, who will not make a dent in the elections and he's getting notes coverage. bobby kennedy is running somewhat on a piece platform. he also is getting no publicity. he also will have a hard time even getting on the ballots. in all 50 states, but even he is very unconditionally supportive of the i d f. but amongst the 2 major parties, the 2 parties that have any chance of winning. and the last candidate that really try to counter that are the last president who really tried to book that was named john f. kennedy and he was murdered. and i really think,
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and i said this last night, i think that the republic died with him. and we really have been run by what president and president eisenhower termed the military industrial complex. while the west takes aim with much scorn out loud the mirror, curtains lung slight victory, congratulations are continuing to come in around the world. china beller. ruth and venezuela were among the countries to do so with indian prime minister and a rent remote, a also sending a message to president one congratulations to mister vladimir, putting on his re election as the president of the russian federation. i look forward to working together to fill this trenton the time tested, special and privilege to strategic partnership between india and russia in the years to come a whole lot of the country, the congratulated dog johnson airport. and you can just go on and on really, there's other advisors on the bell. it was because off the song, this, the youngest also is biggest on this sean all school. so we just heard from the
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indians. i'm interested in a new movie who congratulated automatically within so they were a lot of congratulation messages on twitter, but also several phone calls off of full adult, the newly elected president in the, in fact also with the was the months the 1st of all countries to congratulate of delta med built into a whole lot of countries, a lot of why reaction sporting and very warm ones. we've also seen all focused on in fact, i'll reach out and, and basically congratulating bother me and put in there also saying that the whole, the best haley cooperation between the 2 countries, one affords in fact, uh to wish a lot them it was the president of willis will dispute the policy and we've moved and 87 percent of the vote pension has completely won the lower against the collective west of toiling the straight values of the russian people to
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a name away from the milton's victory. come out of come give us a mock so long road, a vindication of your recognition for human russia, a great rest of the multiple world and for world apartments of the on the models here. so our elder brother vladimir putin is trying not to leave these a good arguments for the world. and for the year 2024. by grant relations from one of the benefits in russia, of financing on old battlefront send you over event. because no one has to be warm messages from across the board for well developed within a score is vast and does no suffice, which is sort of size king right now. and you can really make that out from the kind of reactions that you're getting a, some calling get evil the election, some calling it's reflection. some also calling get here. so i'm calling you illegal. so i'm calling is far with the pointer, means that what is the reaction to, to more messages data according in, from across the world for the messages that are sort of over t, t,
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all of these messages from the west social states. now the indian to us for as a prime minister that is entering through more the he congratulated the ultimate put the, the relationship between india and russia has been very, very strong in the last few years as well. with india was under pressure, had had several strips coming from a, from the western countries to distance itself from west for this cause it just continued if by laughter relationship it's partnership. it's friendship with moscow . oh, there is this whole little control. let's see you around. always remember as india continue to buy one more void from from law school and the western countries, the gift sold genius, the sheep book to see was made very clear by india to the west. it wasn't just the prime minister of the country, but also his tablet administered the, the engine, an external salesman, instead of the station called also the engine oil minister,
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for example. her deep seemed freed, all of them sending off. in fact, also for russia in that sense, i would see now that interesting because also to an election year for india and the movie is seeking a code to on the election starts some way to april 19th of april and the result would be announced on june b j b, that is not even what he's but of his body enjoys a lot of confidence, is hoping to come back and possibly in the few months. so we could see that the support in my to congratulate on this movie a little congratulations to the russian leaders re election when from global southern nation stands in stark contrast to the western response. you find the 1st chief you support al, spoke out against the russian presidents victory, which he claim was based on repression and intimidation. the us said the russian polls were neither free or for while germany rounded the process
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a pseudo election. we discussed the western reaction to global move fitness when with our 2 political correspondents, you for this kind of such a reaction from uh, western officials and even in western media didn't really comes as a surprise, especially after pumping so many billions so. so their tax bears money into ukraine and into during rush us efforts and ukraine. i mean, it would have been strange if they started celebrating putting this, the real action. just if you look at some of the headlines and what they say, calling this election a sham, a fraud, you know, fake illegitimate, and so on. you kind of get the ad should really quickly of the vibe around the selection. if we look at some of the official comments, i'd say they wouldn't really different much from this general tangle of media coverage. this was an incredibly un democratic process. and certainly him being president of russia. it does not excuse him, of is of his talk or see,
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there's also been a reaction from friends. so for instance, the french foreign ministry said that russia failed to create the necessary conditions for a fair and free election. uh, the head of the european union's diplomacy is rosa barrel. he said that the election lacked fairness and openness, and he said that it quote unquote, it was backed by repression and intimidation. which is kind of interesting because just a few days prior to the start of the vote, the european, the parliament officially said that they were not gonna look after the selection, i guess they were not gonna pay much attention to it. but i think mister barrels, yes, the remarks they just prove that it's simply impossible. i mean, if we're talking about some random tiny, exotic states, somewhere in the, i don't know, pacific oceans and sure you could probably ignore a presidential election there. but we're talking about the biggest country in the world with a nuclear arsenal. it's simply impossible to ignore the election of the next
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president. the french president, crohn has actually made some comments and the recently, it has been quite helpful especially, you know, just to remind you, some of his recent controversial comments about the idea he threw, threw around this idea of possibly sending nato troops to claim that kind of created quite a stir even among his allies with the nato. so now he says that he can congratulate putting on his victory because of the recent debt to offer us as a position activist, so i'll exceed the vomit at c. however, it himself is under criticism from his own french legislators who say that just by making these comments about nato and ukraine, he did put in a favor because this immediate reaction which follows from other member natal member states who quickly said indic.


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