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tv   Documentary  RT  March 13, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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[000:00:00;00] the the startup disk was that was what, yeah, just keep dice, good exposure. somebody. well maybe she would let me know if there's a so was there at the 3 kids and the serious talk about a futile issues. those and as far as the health care can always change in conditions, do not. there was no. okay, who's boys on you got the got a should thursday. so say it is what i usually end up disc your cost you
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a fish question was which is so we're coming so if can get your thoughts cool 1st like one the way, what do you mean? you show it. that's what i want. this website is great. yes, typically the from one guy just just looks good the way up to the system i'm going to pursue that kind of shock. lot most are you going to cause any boys or some store like dish care? sure they're clean. pass all those as much on that, but as i was like was it was a fit for you. is it what is the only way we used to be? everyone's probably just forgot to ask for cuz i knew the ship lead me just to escape only ship them. one is by seems really additional while i'm with. i'm one of the spice during the day me, which i'm going to for just the thought of putting this, but i flipping chest to ship. it's difficult either way. think. okay, so the push in terms of dish collusion, pretty much store and store it got stuck on, but you have to, you're stuck with me just more than that. it's the idea that us, you space to come and get all committed to the us model. so those what to come with a reason this is a 0. so let me just go to the last of the boat,
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just one of the ciocca 02. yeah, it's simple puts it in your will, your, this is what i mentioned. you didn't the key receptionist so she doesn't have a good the only thing and that on a couple of years. i mean i'm going to junior to meet for you guys. are concerned about this, this is this used to plus the associate used to be printed ok. it's not clear is the speech, what's it does to any that has and if it was titled, or there was an incident that was to move, create unusual. which way you might see something to tell me just a couple of the most of the law of the school k that's for the in the construction. yeah. and the also briney. my store. yep. are you doing the search, the approximately your examples use that declared hold folders nimble up. would you mind economically on this to put you on? hold on. yep. you mean, you must uh get to it and nobody's condition finished. i'm seeing that national moment. you don't go to this one,
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go next page to get away at the 5 just as read me any of those into search them together to misuse you. roland. shorter was this beautiful? yes. look at the branding might shoot. that goes. we're still good at what the cool little chairs are really huge here. the border of the judge chris, is the guest on the church, excuse me, if it was the reason why i thought that way. ok here. so let's just put them to bludgeon, easy to see, and then you'll actually see, meet them easy, just clean and loyal internet and some amazing your thoughts continues to produce. i mean, you look at the raleigh with them. yeah, i just told him the sooner because we knew she was looking at the the, the pretty much the was this is the city or not? possibly i'm believing there's probably some typical one jennifer, don't know if there's an adult. you know, when would you consider what some of them are, both of you deal with this? you just seem to be sort of virus, whatever gets the you know, cool. and it's
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a sure communion system and just sit here with a solution they uh well there's much room for the notes that you can go to. some of them they have now. um do you mean just look for stick, appraise. yes. you can use the dump. those are pretty spend a little box, especially with the sourcing i was going to has given lloyd at the door, telling me that i really need to explain your lessons that i should have enough to do this day. just so that's what's going on. so what do you mean on the, to the so when you called to do see it's a 2 people to see the movement, the screwed up. a surprise because uh, no data could even move. you does share folders or you just use disclosure, which the decisive longer use. the mostly need to you need to do is just the commercial. i don't really need to some flashing, it will still come from the lower and then across when you're available, meaning is passing,
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you're seeing the opportunity to apply to have an example of what i thought so, so slight. and then what i do, the docs that of player i would use and you'll be ups store to close up with him and he has a shooting once the other course. yeah. i've seen you a couple personal side was all the stuff with extra credit. i've seen you, but what the coupon, quiet them, or via that work, somebody different prices to reduce coupled or more in the corners. those couple of new went into the game. so numbers up, cuz i've, i've seen it before and as an add on senior classic. so we need to explore some of the other one. there is some other thoughts to me as soon as we tell him over to i didn't miss legislative acosta to attend the menus on mondays, but does on i did bring it in. if it gets cool, kind of where you live with it being, it goes always let them show. so if someone needs this evening and this week to make sure to keep an eye on the positive. yes, but i like the positive, you know, it's a stick and stories give me just going in to stucco screen. it looks like you're going to see more than 3 using us in white screen. so i'm wondering what i'm going to go ahead and remove what and you discussed, cuz no steps,
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not leaving the phone. yes, listen, the look at me, but a note to alan, steve volk, a actually, it's has led me to somebody else is going to go up. another step in my store with doesn't go on any more than that. i'm or so what's the name for the most the most of them, but as an existing services team, it's kind of, you know, what i'm looking at are just sort of go ahead and start and switch them. uh, the new phone. yeah. do you know the noise? not just the zip in which cars wouldn't have any change in? you know, it's just a brief for me is just to show and show some of them. so i couldn't really closer. the thing was the name the younger, with almost a deep ended up with as to that bus the, i'm a strip of progress to dispute bringing over the windows and the applicant zip as you see. so you bytes of time when you have the most of the to begin with, is it does, it does go i. evelyn does consent in which the while it's accessible and you bring you up and doing those polos and put the most to the best,
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the digital arts video to we just don't see, you know, way better. and you get, we have still some fox that were still using, minus one just on one of the which, but it's unit those to the political almost. i need the opportunity that's in the appreciating. so i don't want to another pretty much the modem. but do you think our voice will talk to you? what do you have to say? i mean to him to, but i would it's been so i know just was presented the way in that. good. absolutely. what was this now? they made me the new ways to do the corporate side with them. i just gotta let know, isn't that what some of those guys are smaller, pretty late. you have to have new data indicate keep them in as long as they are. but those are in your team, we emailed them to you, which ultimately takes time with you. here's to bring up the implement like a sort of thing, the go what it was, the certainly just to put them in for this most of the way. and then if for those then you have to find out what the show was supposedly i suppose to which you guys can give me as much to assuming. uh, let me double check with you if you can. thank you. mostly, uh,
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ocean ocean which of course not the question was the coolest coming up. i used to go in there the other way. somebody was in the last the store and you just knew which way on which everything close it and cut down a because everybody's, you mean monthly smoking was one, you know, so many stuff. can you just machine here and we finish terms of knowing this, you know, part of the way you wish to present for us to, to come to the coast with. i mean your to cold. uh tiffany, keep it there cuz we're gonna introduce the media. i don't assume yours board squared was in your last last i only a new one or the 0 or the forest for a living is new york super session with a was more than one mobile phone, but the phone but good enough. did you buy? so we're almost done in the boys to continue to go look at it and you know if the carpet schuman yesterday, but listen was so number really, i'm just radio by 12 percent. you just finished to buy it. i'm taking to let super
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guides of plants for some reason it does run a search warrant espana push not fidgeted the show multiple solution kind of a little less of a zip code showing done in the up when you land and you look what you are. a little bit short for what creature can you on last little bit about possibly my will credit here, but as it was for so it was more yeah. or do you want to join the group and who am i? so i was just while i'm in, see the is the core of them was because when you most let on it come with us while i'm in more than the visits more mcglatian, i see that they go down into the for the full like leave, it will be especially trash way of the conflict and was very slow. i'm gonna move my schedule for 6 dollars and sleep, which i'm glad he's up in new york. okay. the sooner and the at the post that i
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bought them isn't, as i said to him with his cars, always go to the bus, which is your car, can i? so it's like you said or subtracting, come conflicts a and you one of us on those that as of you checking on the both is my blog or price even you can either to me and a look at them sooner. i mean, it's only just a few minutes that definitely come to the store. they're seeing you fall into the payment in spite of that, but then you mean their point and you put it out of control, you dump them because of the machine. the yeah. brings us back during a mazda between us, and we use the money these many of the sport total sit on the course of the cook with on, you know, some of some sort of could choose the point to store when us a couple other things to deal with the 3 months later, so he look at his most loan and we'll give you a few discrepancy oscar when it gets stopped, nothing, you know, cuz when it comes to them, we sign with the release to become your facilities to them or what are the 3 what allow me to consider literally prior now now was on us mature us and i want to was living with these times actually when yeah,
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a couple little entries. you've got the beauty of it, but i have a lot to move a single dice. you know, i'm saying is switching gloves. i mean, i stick with the more than uh, most definitely young people in yeah. me see when it say a substitute in it. where missed that on the minus almost. uh yeah, but let me switch it to the person with name and that i'm gonna have to get status . the case of the nation in minneapolis. i'm not supposed to put some of the new schools that are on there. mikey is cute. i'm going to try to helps to do that is a way to me was a microsoft skills. there's commercial, not enough for me as well, cuz i'm older and those are more at the phone. keep them keep me that it just give me a little so much on the doors to those i, she's up, i'm thinking is why and i was lose you for bothering ask woke of, but i sure with my scores of collusion. as i say news by now, you know, the yeah. who, you know, pretty positive of what is going to have the machine. yeah. but just know the amount of people of color that it was a little emotional, but it was as cute when you put ways of those little but almost almost school and skill all. so you made it to, does i live with, but well,
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a mental deluxe dump specialist seduce is either going to any of the middle of i will tell you, i'm gonna lose the, i'm me that interest because i'm one of the least just on the pressure of that school command, we split the city, it will ask you over the really for always some uh, such any pets. and you can just take uh, some coffee, mcguire and also seen him clocked out loud and ask for the meals the roof, dunlab booty r to elizabeth bishop of preston. adela was starting to look. so is the with this really agreed? yeah. what i'm doing is look up a lot of at the polio and the non on yesterday was really the item. no more doesn't you doing that, don't store the place in your thing is not and you get the number of the items that are present show and then ask the book or what so you know, so what do you want to what you need to do? so creative a mutually saying that she, you know, support communion, you'd send them to store broken off of that list list. i was more than i suppose to
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us between those we've seen you just me but also it was more of an excuse for the switch. what does on the screen to us, i hope all is crushed, but it might, i'm wondering, is there a time to do the internet because it's not the best i can use of them is most of them use with the other? it's so forget about those. to me, it is the most likely the destination or something minimal. the which ones will go seems sort of a c plus, but it presumes. uh huh. do i have to put your order? we have the proof of the processor bottle it as far as it goes from this issue. please tell me, you know, what time parts close this thing, dental uh, fire to it towards compile spending,
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the whole commitment standing the most even though so. okay. the last thing, no, no i to the e p. so that was the issue. um what was your 1st impression of of the the vehicle to watch it is the old. yeah, that's absolutely you've left i used to use for explaining you. the reason you put almost like one of those will be interesting. there's no, it's all you can see it says manual with bruce level or they are cool. some of like they used to do there, which them all are you and your you them does the process to you because there are 6 to the sales to there are plenty of the store,
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a little bit of the the ideas of one sort or a 4 year old man, what is amazing and you will need that and then goals and national by and then you have to put the motion with the regular one of the one. you'll still processional, bundle of which we're going to sort of, i'm not able to. it's a good thing, occlusal premier,
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but i'm so glad you have pretty good washing away. usually by here for the, for you, for the we agree to sign you at the nucleus slope by here level, then you can guess that most of watching any more of the snatch, the mistaken get upset. stick moment is the only thing you really do. all you'll find that literally darshan, you're busy, i'm busy on, but i'm gonna stop arguing, kirk, but i love police. they obviously that's a question i've, i've called the witness list. might have been some other guy, extra money in the pictures or so i'm going to put the condition them all by you level for the bus, which is all we have smoke snow to push a couple of them that it's almost a couple. you also see that were similar to them. so in the system i couldn't use of such the former will go put into the golfing season by silent most the most affordable price was it was the computer still early. ok for me now by the phone
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book somewhere slash the book and about to pretty much list them enough to step up off the grand scheme and them stay up to them leaving their i to play a meal. so social dance, and i'm looking for school nonsense as well, but they don't, they must not. spear isn't a mazda kimball overall, which is less than us. so we can learn as much in that way as an initial year to which is or is that spend on the city of colquitt, the commission. you nature still took additional, get them to get on holding in with casino and nothing else. the bushel mature is nice conditions are looking at human us on you who are she has supposed to have to push to see on a similar issue like in one environment stimuli. and i look forward to pick up a is the desk, and i know it was my thoughts requesting that that's gonna stay on little or if we could let them know that the device of the hollow bows. if you hear me, i'm only english to the whole post. so i need to put this book course to for now to i'm okay. so step of what the 0 folkestone pro helpful we spoke on yesterday and i have no choice but the neighborhood. so trust me, a couple of days,
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daniel of william russell's issue was the ladies declared value for funded plan. you know, i'm the one listed each single coordinator, but the move similar to some that i have. so you could say, i would suggest that the boy sitting, the pretty much think doesn't look because also for the study is a bit similar pro, some of the difference between what the claim was presented to the used car. and you would say in that many 100 only, not this is lisa in with them of this very soon as form was filled up with them. we use them stories like some of the guys, but then most of them stand on the 20 some simply by pushing and suing them with skills. stapleton with the case ending in the um book she doesn't even send out. uh is that what that decree? batch the waste. what is it saying, even though it's very easy to find, you've done the things you've been said,
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which just to give sure nobody knew the one up with them suffice. oak and the loss vehicles. good because i'm doing skin i you and so you wouldn't use this thing, you know, so we did these take students the, these are some of the requirements in that case. so if i give, should we keep us with tamika at the beach? let's choose gillex on that as low scale x on the golf. cool about the p or when you basically, if i see what looks the bus will bus that he will or the voice. because as soon as this it should stay on that's about either sample for the payment. but the dining room, basically, busch, my deeply, what's just a bed this has some opening at the block was like i thought about which paper for doesn't seem to be it's in front of me. yes. i think some of that if somebody would come up with input there just seems like it's always the voice you see when you have a sit in the village, no. the i it school, right? school parent to quit school because of which became
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a process. although it's actually very steep to the team wants to get the tv is delivering it to you. if you need people to watch it all. and basically what we tell you, oh uh, another way to play much in another way to do that kind of stuff. and we've got to enjoy putting up reading was due by moisture must go to family, man assessing as today. and then go ahead and put in an issue as to why don't we put them in the us and have them done the more minutes move to publish any more. look at the most, almost lovely another because all i think that's a little bit. i'm still hard on you and i am glad you're with them because it was good enough to make just let me know if i'm in the science. so just let me speak to someone. they said that the way you see us in the time is that julia could we beat them on set them that a mind that no, but i think, you know, once i get them, is this a mean sort of the student is 0 or 2 months on the front that those at least yeah, we used to bring in more as are still at the level of support for us and we still more so, so who is a to crash them through? as i mentioned,
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it's almost done with this last night screen language seducing to study the modem in the country. we're going to the course the other day, somebody met or a sanctioning the puts it up to the lady don't going to be seal dusty or so no additional pro submit. unless colquitt, the pride and they used it, was that it's private and they love pro, send them, they need to sign with someone that you know cause it. what's the blockage? i have to hook those only thing by pro. so in any present area, but we want that, i'm going to be in the area of because if we can't because it will, it's just the way to lead them to with that because of the to block and all kinds of would solve. but what you're using in general is nelson any because the way the key issue that we spend, that's a plus scale and what's the zip code of the subsidy over the southern y c if to commercially or do you think it is across the vs? them close, which came out of the gate, but us that i was
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a lot of will if it seems like you up the mazda, but in the must have, you know, which, because i checked key, which was $82.00 and was just a plus the size of the company on a boat, the dog, actually a couple. stay on the do. most of the particular pictures invisible. nick, other woke up the saw me something with most of it was pretty much because of the machine that you told me to keep the session that opens things to i know we need to know the the formula put me on the way because obviously i want to come to the for the house, done the vineyards. come and use that to the board. sounds i presume it was last night. i think it was like you went to the family if you have already met primo, if you to, if, when you my us. so we have us guys open us what you place to store, what can i mean? yeah. across the next it the 2nd item used as an up send us. the book probably has more or less tier tip line. they got on video at those points. they might. so you're going to try it with a tool that goes to us,
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and they caught that. i know that could be much. and you said on top of that, that's something that you look at the mazda was that those tickets lose my decides go against the, the, those and start spinners, which, why they come with them. so let's see, here's the new months a couple years ago, which should, because of that should have bought a toyota inside of mazda peter, though it's a nipple guy, dyslexia. no, it's thoughts drive a lot of upside with my teams assembly store you. i wish somebody bought a photograph switch alone, you know the size of the show, hardy's looking sort of mot says, fuck, she'll let me just the story that correspondence allows me to go with. it's got a team. got the private and the wisdom that i'm putting. yeah, you're welcome. so let's see you got the model. so i'm going to dig single home, which actually also looks like it across the top of the video is still so nice as to why it is, i mean is this will all be reduce. the trick here with me as well i'm, it will depend on what this, what 1st the fulton county child supports the exponent charges. nice,
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but that's the only time i don't see up any must. first of the work locally as miles and more on the bus she, the plan is up. i don't need an actual p use that was too small. that's the letter . so she needs to put the push to where the guys could book the shut off on. but the one is just the nipple, but i said, don't you come? are those. yeah, but you said that you still have, you will exceed these deal to me on schedules when the listing, the way you can uh just the router or the uh, when you flip either or cuz the discount now, i mean when i check with them that cuz each to a bought a new agent move now clause gets a little cheaper the way in which you look on the game putting down. i need children to use that to me. you know, just sort of shirts that, that was the most economical way to get our stuff. but i still, it's telling me to have the most are still the, it's
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a split thing. you who we use more simple become what to do because i wish she'd love you. mostly she actually, when you put the plumber on what to say is in a town like nobody's doing and to send them bramblewood say if i should say it is personal i'm what was that a city and a a sort of same goose and what vehicle? yeah. i need to put them to bill, i get it will store that when you talk silver omelet from a sort of those, and we'll bring a couple of board of this to them collaborative. so because of all of the smaller filters he's playing with also allows lead formula to save it from a graphs as sort of the thought she was like it was. and when you go in and maybe just grab it and you can go and you need to, as i need, that's the soonest. the 4th is by it. the most today is the political situation where you could, but that was to, for the case in the nation. so the more you say what, and yet,
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when you money as a jump is this on the other day, it was really here to right is clearly as an, as a generally is this the best way to reach focus because my order so that you thought you can learn everything and play with this thing. you move into a still go to the nurse so that way we just go to pull from 12 to one of those guys to particular get just guess what it was. this is a one year before the police credits will show up with a score to poor simply as i said. so a new processor, and i'm going to know enough for warranty. okay sir, what's the, what's the, what's the width of what you think was an issue? it's of the film. don't click, i can ask the ordering of the 90 and the problem with imagery. my head so that i want to make sure it's and the organs related something globally emotionally mosque was to can we don't have to grasp which and we'll go with him, you know, which it's not just, i'm afraid to sit down way and salute you. margaret seem way released. kendra today
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is my former control. don't pay for the thursday. what semester? kristina duley peters are wine. yeah. upside with an idea of them as any showing of gums they said freely jason of gold. that's what they used to try a piece of the work for the day and was using for their goods partners to wish and buy something. you much them so spoke to him. and so what i showed you sort of california note states and they seem yet to come on don't. and then we'll just also some document. don't mind seem to get a huge scale. let's, let's jump in your desktops. go down. yeah, here's a solution we have, we showed us pretty who we wanted them to show, but that's pretty a whole combo way of understanding. most looked almost the same kind of nice. it's not this to so stylish. oh, don't, don't go into just thing and wish me up points explanation. look a little bit about what the community protests at the closest school the school is really sick, is go away. you know, uh, a bunch of social filled up scrolling, excuse me, in the template. i say the medium we move, and you just open that up, just a real popular sign off of the distinction. but it is in your present way,
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rich by quite well to request across by more than waiting on somebody so much less than waiting, waiting for it printed as easy as i have to deal with those guys. additional companies, when you know some of them don't have to join the the money into that you attempted to collect at the exit amount apache sat there for the show and then it will be
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a job loss because of a dish. uh, excuse us, for the distance of the supplement is setup button and not the printer and i thought someone did you lose it asked for that. if i said the media and not be focused on the 2 reasons, could you say, would you say the new country company miss of us or they're going to be present the day before the money order work? you're done statements, the industry is it or what's money? in the process really left, so should william farmer shots might give us who we have court cost or to go or decision they might now maybe what was that man was elizabeth nikki. left on the what is the best of them one today? and, but he left off, i've also left for an additional to settlement shows. total suspect patient can was, i'm patient did it for, she's getting those are the best do what i mean? there is
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a copper based upon the, [000:00:00;00] the, they must realize that the van fireball is ending, but available as it was the west of the league. so about the ship following some power in the world during the wide reading interview. at of this week because of the problem with the international of the human rights organization has even get to the us find to establish a maritime car to a garza according to the one. so supply and help invite ship 10 from


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