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tv   News  RT  November 27, 2023 2:00pm-2:31pm EST

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the, the the contractor says on agreement has been reached with is well and how much is the end of the color fees for our for another 2 days. it had been viewed to supply today and the rest was very harsh. they storms my house, threatened to arrest my family, and my nephew's children, i suffered a lot. we have the inside story from one of the policy imprison is released by as well as part of the ongoing, sort of do a 9 year old is way to lose all the thoughts shoes. that is, it's a mix of family and live the
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a very well welcome to you from the entire c as in special needs. so we're coming to live from us. let's take a look at what's offered this out. and we've been dealing with breaking news. the current cruise between israel, i'm how much has been extended for another 2 days. last, according to the concept which has been mediating the deal, the season has been due to explore. and today the state of guitar announces the as part of the ongoing mediation and agreement has been reached to extend the humanitarian truce for an additional 2 days and the gaza strip. so yeah, the light is all this i'm going live by is ready to make calorio here. westbank based agenda as mom in a z by these ready does a rule be benjamin, thanks again for joining me. nick. clint start with view like another 2 days of cruise has been agreed as a has a beat. any reaction from is well about the development to yeah,
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the families of the hostages now really happy that the exchange of hostages for a prisoner system junior. but they are also stressing that the international community and the organization such the roads, gross, and old. so the un, they should do more, and they should the more speak about the humanitarian situation of the hostages that are still in the capacity. because some of the hostages that threw chunk on and they said that it's not so easy to be in baton. those who is out in uh, fast food air and other basics things for life. and now also we understood that some of the hostages are in the difficult medical situation because many of the people that said the terrace, of how much do data elderly people that needs medications and special medical treatment. and they didn't get that day in the community. that's why the families are asking these riley government and the the world to help them to get the right, let the back call them as soon as possible before it will be too late. right. time
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. so that i think that so, but indeed happens a lot, but that's good over to you. now you're, you're still at the hospital in tennessee, we believe no would have any hostages released yet all the exciting news shortly. and we are expecting news, according to reports of 11 hostages to be free to them. my mother is 9 of them are children. they're going to be brought here to the hospital in the heart of the television next to the cure. yeah. which is where the military says the main military base. that is really i d, f. i just want to report that the 2 patients, they, yes, are 2 hostages that were free. one is a l. ma abraham, 84 years old, is in critical condition in the hospital. so real estate and their shut off fee will stay there for $50.00 days without her medication. uh, blood pressure, medication, etc. she was brought, she couldn't walk on our own. she was carried by the come off terrace to the red cross of van. uh she was brought to the hospital as a rocha. she was put immediately on
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a ventilator to help her stay alive. she came with a harpy to 40 be permitted. usually people out of hawk feats of 60 piece prevented us us 30 percent reduction. and that's 1st situation. and then we have of course, the 4 year old girl. all the guile is still in schneider hospital, still hospitalized. she's celebrated our 4 year 4th anniversary for you. uh, birthday 4th birthday. last friday. she seems to be okay, but that she's ever observation and we're not really sure about her emotional state getting the trauma that she underwent. how much terrace pills her mother, she describes her mother in a pool of blood. she was on the phone with someone. and then the father came to try to save her and he got shot covering her. he was killed as well. so she went through a very traumatic situation, but she wasn't united with 2 of her siblings. so that was a high notes. yeah. and the love is devastating, they have these so news stories, we hopefully we wish everybody else needed to recover the recovery. we know that this is gonna take time. we know for so what, thanks for the update mohammed,
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let's go, let's see you now. mom is the, is a defense of the just re, so i do that off the 1st end is with a pensive will be even more intensive. and before over the whole own play, what does that mean for all the refugees who headed south to safety as they had been ordered? yes, so that is why they offices because none of those banks instead of october right now um the the rest of us to me is more than a few $1200.00. what i was to do was that 200, whoever killed on a 2300 is just to buy the. so that is the vision of those bank, uh, thousands of cities of the use can become and i through to add the what it says the stuff also has because of that. and the soon as also i assume fine. so the rates are free of i lost a group of the start to see about to submit
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a visit us despite all that is why the kids is talking about us getting close to those bank. yeah, it's gonna be devastating. so let's go back to nick for the 2nd. a nicholas been to club is around offering. how much and additional of ceasefire? well, mostly if i for every pay in the house, it is released. do you think that will uh, is that something that is going to be on the table? a yeah, for sure is riley government and the prime minister now dedicated more than in the beginning of the war to return all the hostages. they will do whatever they. busy that the, all the relatives, the bill meets their families and get their relatives back home because he understands how important that is and how much and god so will be there. and he can return to the military operation whenever he wants to. but now it is vital importance to bring all those people back home as soon as possible. and after that,
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probably there'll be a lot of pressure on these riley government from the right wing of the government and also from the asset deliver, send the right to being the people that watch for them to continue the invasion to gaza and even to take control over gaza because they wanted it even before the 7th of october, some of them. so that then the prime minister really need to decide what he is doing is he's trying to solve this to find a solution for a long term. or he's thinking about his political career and doing what his base and see is that what they're asking me to do right in the model before i go by. so really just a quick question. any news on the release of the next group of people sitting in prison as me said, do it. so i think about 33 more today. yes says i've also sorted this started um they said to see what would be for you the 20
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photo from those bank. a line on the on the 3 women from those black eyes, those around would be included in this the global for fee. the reason i was the only reason i thought you already a pass for that, but i seen on the plaza from those back to off on makes it a jail. and they all would be for that, it across the bus to come in and take them outside to look where it is here to death. i'm assuming is as i said, what is associated with the odd wedding. she agreed to them to come to them and warmly of the they all so, but as soon as flags for the honda, how much as well as the scene and the flags today's here. so as i said, it goes up as of the last the 3 days to receive that every day for those of us. yeah. okay, thanks. well, let's go back to robie now. uh, quickly probably we spoke to the the now if is wales is really offensive, intensifies as is already defined. as may i suggest said how could that impact the lives of say, ordinary is re these, do you think this will mean up for that?
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because this is some process before, let's say all the hostages are written. what 6 do you think as well, like i said, collateral damage is collateral damage. one is well, drops a bomb, a risk killing innocent is really hostages. and then if you're in south indians, and it's unfortunate, but their main goal is to destroy, come off and never to allow this again to happen. i do want to share with you an interesting story. the russian met the russian is really a citizen that was released uh came and told the story yesterday and said that during one of the air raids, one of the bombs destroyed the building that he was in. and he was trapped. the stairs got killed. you managed to escape and he managed to hide for 3 days, waiting for these really ground forces to get closer so he could find them and give himself up and you're free to fortune. that didn't happen. he was recaptured supply uh by dawson's and he was returned to his home mosque after is a very, very dramatic story told by that dual citizen a russian is really
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a citizen. yeah. and they are okay. and we're gonna have to meet with the gentleman in science. we'll have updates. we'll come back and see you again perhaps throughout the evening. thanks again. as nick, go ahead. westbank place to his mom in the do and is what he does. roby women, i'm also says it will continue will f as to when the release of the remaining a russian citizen still have hostage by her mouth about schooling. so definitely for a mess of his comments came off to run clue why the 1st of a reports of 8 russian captives the street on sunday. so i did see what i bought them. we're working on it's, we already made the 1st steps. this is an important event. mr. croy was at the ministry today. um we held a meeting with him. we hope that in general, the situation with the release of hostages on the evacuation of russian citizens recently had the opportunity to leave this territory. insignificant spot in sufficient numbers to come to russia. this was, will yield new results. the russian ministry of foreign affairs and other relevant
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departments of 40 focused on it. to me it was more than a $117.00 policy and we wait until the end of the release so far. and this will deal with is the one of them said for experience. i see it up just in place is the 3rd time i've been imprisoned. i spent 9 and a half years the 1st time and this time was a year and 2 months. the arrest was very harsh and they stormed my house, threatened to arrest my family. and my nephew's children gonna have to call. i suffered a lot. so there were 5 investigators in the room. they tied me up, left me standing all night against the wall. there were 3 girls with me in the same case, we were accused of transferring weapons. and the investigators claimed that i was the main person responsible for coordinating the girls names. we knew there was a deal and we were waiting for the names and the list on the image, but they were playing with our nerves the. we thought we would get out on thursday . but the agreement changed. and we were genuinely upset because we were waiting
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for the day we would feel freedom. and when officer said my name, i was very happy on the new imo dot com. thank god, she's free. when she was imprisoned, we had no information about her. it was moving to a few days ago, they published the names and said the palestinian girls, women and children are going to be released from his railey custody. i've said, i can't express my feelings without him. i have had a dream since i was young. that one day before i die, i'll see a victorious day, some of them, and i saw that day, our family celebrated at the square, and it was joy for everyone. well, not just for the prisoners and their families on this big enough of all those only . so i have muscle as a 77 year old is waiting for them to send me this job until the time of the hospital. and we, you not getting was of that money and most already in the, in the mean taking place for other families to relieve that old deal of me over
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a 9 year old is really the go play the see the plan that by her father was returned alive to her family by from us on sunday us. and we had the dual iris is where the vassals claim to be one of the big suitability atrocities on the 7th and on the face of the story gun that the international have tension that with the perceived tells you how much in interviews have all the events stress relief saying had this was a better effect. they just said we found emily. she's dead? no one. yes. yes. and if you know anything about what they don't speak, mendoza is worse than death. was worse than does that
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mind calling social skills tailor this bill? so the issue with just a little bit and look at a few claims. this is just another example of the west, some media lucky fugitives. i my initial reaction was that this again demonstrates well esther media and how incredibly biased they are because at the end of the day this story was forwarded as fact. and unfortunately the father as well. ready was dragged into this and obviously emotionally damaged because he was told by the israeli military that his daughter had passed away. and so not only was it misrepresented and missed for 14, without their verifying, just blindly believing the israeli military from the west or media. also then basically parading this man with this reading man around was funny who is for that his daughter had been killed. and of course, he's been misled as well again,
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about largely by it is rarely in western media about even what, how massive does to captives inside of gaza. and obviously the things that they are 14 without any to be factual evidence to back it up. i remember thinking of physically the death of the large of a child. i mean, it's one of the what if it's something that appeals to people, some of the food around. well, it's such an emotive issue. i'm, i don't want to be cynical about that, but is that element of it something that's exploited by politicians and media or like, especially in this conflict? i think absolutely. we see the what happened of october the 7th. nobody wants to ask questions about it. nobody wants to question the original narrative with which was put out when we hear across western media are reporting reports across the western government officials. they will stay the same thing. 1400 people were massacred. there were babies,
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but headed and women rates and all the pieces for an allegations, and they will not allow you to ask any questions about what happens this is they continually do this. and it's just sad because they're basically benefiting all quotes and driving a war of aggression of jet and a side on a civilian population. garza based upon tragedies which happened on the other side . this is where the invasion of gauze funding is supposed to propose to create new settlements in the west bank. the move has not signed well with the foreign affairs and security policy to his family as rails in legal, it's much i'm a pull to learn that in the middle of the war, these really government, his voice to can make new funds to build more illegal settlements. this is not self defense and will not make these real safer. the settlements are great. i chill bridge and there israel's great a security liability. smoke church told about a budget adjustment that allocates millions of shekels to expand these riley
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settlements in areas see in the west bank and allocates a budget to prevent palestinians from building in those areas. and on time to the hidden by fed. critics, as well as finance businesses, the funds will amount to less than one percent of the budget. so this would be less out, but in about, so $1300000000.00, the fine even changing the form of discontent. and if in yahoo cabinet with suntrust minnes been again saying the initiative will quote home the war of it. there is a worldwide to push back about the expansion of jewish settlements into publishing the land you ankles of an obstacle due to the state so that i can sort of illegal the population of the westbank settlement styles. 700000. okay. pause about 40 percent of the land posted in i. so this is so i'm over the is the less than condemnation. there's nothing to hold. what's happening from what we see, you know,
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it's on a windows and a time that the government is not defending itself. there's really a lot of man is defending it to to patient is above. how did you go to the other minutes and the was back in the time the for all the time, the general side on god, the lady government, the support team to get more more budget to be more illegal to the elements in the private, the, the total was back in the same time, the allows it to, to uh that forcing him to destroy the domains you find the div with full of unity is what is more of the day after the to create packs and the blown linux we spent was low. and even to displace the policy and exploited by the international community they feed in bolden b b a the, they will not be accountable to the left in
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a low end according to the international principles and what all and then all of these kinds of bad me only for the media, and it's not for you without without the punishment, the integration of the but they will not stop doing what the at the stadium violently it is be and they really ought to be making their life. so people leave the at the end of the month, but just a bit of more and more development in these areas and investigation into the coverage of the convent. pains that the wisdom for us is somebody else from the item, the lives lost in israel wildlife. the files of passing is killed in the idea strikes . all these assist with names when looking at the details. it's all depends on how you tell this story. research published by d classified u. k. found it both british and us news organizations have been clinical when it
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comes to covering his writing suffering while palestinians are reduced to the faces, victims of a natural disaster. 5 major news organizations, the washington post, the new york times the guardian, the times of the b, b. c, were found by the report, sources to reflect the priorities of the governments. but the human eyes that you shouldn't probably says begins with how the killer and the victim awful trade wording is crucial here. palestinian the 70 died while these ladies are killed while condemning the actions of home us an all simpler rating but republish the news into doing the same. the media was silent when it comes to is a flagrant violations of international law. some have claimed that as well as the white to defend itself, others go further and say goals, they should be wiped out. in effect, a cool to genocide,
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a with total computing to say, here's what is real, it should do flash and then raise to the ground, anything remotely smacking object. how does infrastructure in gaza? nod sways of gauze, they should resemble a parking lot, as well as defense, minutes to describe palestinians, of schuman animals, and essentially cooling for the early termination, something which went laundry on challenged by western media outlets. i don't know what the lead i order to complete cj. i'm guessing there will be no electricity, no food, no fuel. everything will be cut off. we are fighting human animals and we act accordingly. even during the recent hostage exchange, the bbc describes always released as teenage males, rather than palestinian children during this time period were expecting to have patches of palestinian prisoners house in his reign details a they are women and also a teenage males according to a list as being puts out of some $300.00 names. if i was destruction,
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of hospitals has been justified by claims. how much is using them as headquarters? on the patients, i'm start off being used as human shields yet despond, providing no concrete evidence for this. it has been repeated as fact by us president joe biden, and the e u. officials that the humanise ation process continues with down cost on the veracity of the number of palestinians killed. it seems obvious to any self respecting news organization would make clear. the guys us health ministry is run by him. us a moss has a clear propaganda incentive to inflate civilian casualties as much as possible. i'm not denying. there are civilians being killed, but the hospitals in garza, or at least a few that have them yet being destroyed. regularly identify each goals and assistance in killed with the fingers crossed, checked on the thing to be accurate. despite the agreement of a full day, temporary truce to allow a few minutes every night to enter golda on the exchange of hostages,
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it appears that the public will continue off to the window closes. yes, boats. their useful stop going around that after the pause to retrieve the hostages, we will start finding a, let me make it clear, but we are at war. and we will keep being at war until we achieve all our goals to destroy some us, return all of our hostages and ensure that there will be no threat to israel from gaza. whereas stages and returning the hostages has stages. but we will not stop until we achieve complete victory and bring them all back. so the both the id f on the is why the prime minister a clear that the attacks on garza, i'm the killing of palestinians will continue even if all the is why the hostages all released. and the israel seems to be losing the propaganda, war, west and media, or is being used throughout the public support behind what many describe as a genocide of palestinians of the hands of israel to be receives a roof,
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whole thing on the call. and it has also been called into question my ass off them language experts and the role costs of change fluids up. how see, is it a so full see show her support for how most a release palestinian prisoner says in arabic. israel held them in the cold without electricity sprayed us with pepper spray and left us to die. she never mentioned a moss or a word like it yet, bbc translated to no one else. us only have moss cared. we loved them very much, bbc and to view that was broadcast with a female palestinian prisoner who had been in is lady custody, add the bbc translation initially. the which was put out was a, that's the, you know, she think come us. she was praising how much that the only people who cared about her. but it turns out that in reality what you were saying and arabic was quite the opposite. the, the,
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the go to, for the, any of those double the, are the of the, sort of, for the, for the, to the mazda 3 year. and also the what the, the, the, the, for the double the, are the, the sort of for the 3rd amendment happening with put it in a mazda 3 year. and also the reason for the words to just remarkable
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differences in the truth and reality here. and what's more interesting is this was an online group of activists to check in translations and media for this type of thing. i mean, the garage of who at the bbc is actually, you know, monitoring this stuff and the letters to jet rage the on social media. of course people amazed at this uh uh on surprisingly, we're gonna look at some of that reaction thinking on twitter now or as an arabic speaker. i can confirm this bbc. translation is rubbish. she never mentioned tomas once the fact translation in green is accurate. this is either gross incompetence or worse. whoever produced the segment needs their work thoroughly checked. these translation errors and not errors a tool. they are purposely mistranslated to shape a narrative. bbc, your journalism, integrity is shot it. here's the actual translation. this is so insane. how bbc manipulated the narrative doesn't happen in
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a news room. you get your scripts checked, recheck. double check, triple check. it just doesn't happen. day was motivation here, shave, but again, you know, not the 1st time the bbc is being accused of something like this, even a bbc journalist publicly criticizing the gods and narrative. you'll details. yeah, and i mean, this is also quite remarkable. and we have a group of bbc journalists, suv, basically protested to another media outlets as well, which is interesting at all, just so you're writing a $2300.00 word, a letter outlining their concerns about the bbc bias when it comes to between the conflict in guys or the bbc has failed to accurately tell the story. so emission and the lack of critical engagement with israel's claims. it has their full fail to help the public to engage with and understand the human rights abuses and folded in guys that thousands of palestinians have been killed since october 7th. when will the number be high enough for? i'll edit total staff to change. we are asking the bbc to better reflect and defer
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to the evidence based findings of official and unbiased humanitarian organizations . it's just astonishing. i mean they, they really are just customizing this narrative across the board. you know, honestly. sure. yeah. if the average everyday person doesn't do their own due diligence, then we've got a really gloomy looking future here. but let me ask you just before i let you go, shay. um, the bbc is also getting uh, some outrage from the jewish community regarding his coverage of what's happening in gaza right now. can you give us details on that? and what is remarkable, and this is that this is jewish employees of the bbc who have apparently been advised not to attend a march against anti semitism, quite remarkable. right. and that they've been advising a circular basically told you don't attend this march because of our impartiality rules. roy, you mean it's quite remarkable. i mean, that the bbc would in one, on one hand, allow this gross manipulation of truth. i mean, did you should place have come out and said, look, racism is racism. we stand against it. i mean, of course we know that, you know,
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judaism is designed isn't meant that many jewish people standing up for the rights of the palestinian people in protesting against this war believe is out of british and p calling for the resignation of the british of the bbc's director general, so it seems there is a groundswell among the journalist at community time, so the you in the u. k. honest, at least on this subject. calling for more of a, a clear picture to be given to the british public. political government, james anthony webber, changes know the 1st find the the be seems to be the keys of twisting was when it comes to the conflict for the baby. see, has she been accused guessing things wrong in the policy? goes in 2009 and see why it didn't pay document tre. wow. the not a big wide or 2 ways response likes it to the right is right on very was the case. and i turn this site that's of the policy
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should be accused of b and c some missing bought. so it's very important from the baby sees point in the policy for the body loans and the reputation for paying us for clear out try something by and partial and it should really have changed the meaning is it's a to do with the full balance, which would be more trade for moments on such standards of journalism or poor. say, ha, ha, ha ha. but they did results in the public beaten popular uniforms. while that i was out, this is our, that's an interesting documentary wave and distilled with a griffin story of the juliet phones and lucy leads up to us.


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