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tv   Documentary  RT  November 5, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EST

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ation stony is lodge of russian speaking communities strongly opposed to an intense rising pro gods and talents. these have since become known as the bronze night drive. people across the hotel, which is just the most people don't understand the global financial system and how financial resources are distributed. controlling the world's money flows, groans the power to wipe into nations of the face of the when will it don't die? the the
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issue, assuming it doesn't. this new was a ball so suddenly am we see of america now? granted, the full gonzales is showing him no good implementations that are not pretty well. i sense of one girl and adults this also some led us to that i meet your scores from last on a 1000. i checked your estimated cost case and also a $16.00 level glassdoor. i'm the shut dollars thing to be sure of it in cuz like the little let's do that. yeah. we should care about america's financial problems, because when the us economy runs a fee, the home will begins to sneeze. so how does it affect other countries? what is the federal, who is of how is america making money from war and ukraine? and how did it all start the meteor re you den gulf associate professor,
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department of state politics must go state university, ph. d in economics, the more circulated cause it really didn't really mama never did anything. yeah. did you golf clothes or nibbled? i think it was really swept shift. so because of the show it could you, if you knew what the deal or live or that's good though it through jim getting you . but, but sam to deliberate support is there and you're rushing median government, but them to run blood to more stability where i'm going to restore to europe is conservative. that's taxes there. and what was the real of glad to go out? certainly didn't give us writing and what we're going to move to the 30030 there. say that, but the opportunity when you issue or post the chicago district during the project comes out the door. there's a little bit of without your trucks down to come in like a feller could you please? states no longer restrained loans, but began regulation. assessing
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a maximum interest rate of which money was lend. leaders also gave loans to wage was in $1694.00. 1 of the 1st banks to be established was the bank of england, which funded the army and its will with funds. and this isn't the only example you still get the, the most or economy we think would be probably host the feel free to the false night. the next unit easy coming up. so contract offered, i think that's the most likely take face and that you don't have all those for these. williams jacob, he also went over to the counseling for me. i was, i think you want to upset late. this is usually the most depressed for me is a call. let us go. let's go to court for aspect go down. so it is a gear southern if it's internet 0, it's just different blocks in jr. who's coming back. okay, sure. we've got districts in may plenty up, there was the right for me to live. i'm going to build a world to the still even you so this is dear. what you know is why the your see
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this is mrs. 0 stover. more limited in your so that's really my starting on just a i, when you just say you have to book the sylvester, looks better. of course, you know that both of these are clear and you know what the problem is that the russians are just in the bunk stores, and these are bringing the positions, pushing the bathrooms here to slower doors. the issue burns to fewer might have been you sick that i thought i was at this time, subsystems, do you know it's a group patient? see me blood unit. so dean, that's a group patient, but i'm to bring it. it just says that you don't have noticed, you have a nice just, you know, you go that way. would you beat you out the door? i'll probably be there stone as well. just the supports, the dual a that way, and i'm gonna put you on that the partial price of those i've, you have the law and they look for for the bull in norfolk pretty core name is the
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cost of the seats and usually, but really fits and what are you sharing your bravery just to put that more strenuous through the city and just, just to be just reflection and what's up to you it comes to show, does the divine wonder how much those little bits a bunch of mussel teeth. augusta steam was performing in front of nibbling. there's a bunch of different what you're doing is good for the 1st is good. really rushed to see me and me again. jason, didn't you put the menu on the door? yeah. and you post it from us. so what do you guys, these are going to really use, the course goes to numbers off task, but before what they'll go with, you just say on your own, go right out and on the augusta next to token you've been much to with duckworth, if that great for here you don't plus back, you guys brought terms of to my 3 is stagnant, a new one goes to the portal, log shift or that brought them to work, but it's still not what they're new and they have to pull that are clearly on the door it's a pull, i remember who for a mattress farmers are with us now that's about the subject to put the renewal cost on this was in your bill, which is what i need. go to other words,
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what we really don't to concern about the is uplifting. brought something off so. so the us government has once again borrowed money to pay its bills. the dollar is the we're reserve currency and so far in the central bikes. welcome to dollars. as it bills off their foreign exchange reserve to the, to the dollars just international money. and so they have no hesitation in firing, holding these dollars us national debt is constantly growing because the home and the budget forces increase borrowing. it could be patched by cutting spending or raising taxes, but this would cause that media of discontent among citizens already unhappy with the rising fuel and food prices. the one gas goes up. i
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just trickle down to the consumer of ex grocery prices and everything amazon. the price goes up and it's really hitting people in the pocket, but the government, it really is not accountable to the pay. 50 percent, half of americans now live for near poverty level. to don't a little the mean the the alternatives and the categories, the eighty's and the domain, the multi, i do need 100 the menache to be i don't clark law. so you who is new to the saucy, effective law. experimental don't support the law, who's old, you mean? it was a very difficult book to sort of use it that you need to move to assisted in dcfs, which alternate? because movies, adult americans, you know that there. but economic pool,
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the goal is they don't ever believe they have to repeat that, that because as long as the dollar is the world's reserve currency, they can continue to, you know, they call it a quantitative easing, right? money printer, gober, right? and they believe that that can continue indefinitely. this could have been a week that kind of stuff. catastrophic deval default happens to be millions of people's jobs. jeffrey who's terry preventative default. and our historic recovery continues based into his old voice. and he said throughout the april that you put a portion of bass cleared. and i've known this daniel and i really looked on the blue manual very eyes, nobody. i mean, you must, it was the was never because the ducks and the adult because the shop beer with becca at the bushes from adult on the federalist that i can squeak of those. not garza, i made a golf course in the business, some of the same or just commissioned this unusual presentation you wanted to draw,
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the american public's attention to the nation's boss, national debt, which then amounted to 2.7 trillion dollars. but at the end of 2008, does count a hit on the unfortunate snag. it went over the limit when the debt paused 10 trillion dollars. the panel assembly ran out of digits. but instead of reducing debt, the americans chose to upgrade the account by expanding it. and now it's taking away again, showing this huge countries massive credit load. this is beneficial, it's all to live on. credit is youth, pastor nick, and the last source of my system, are you what are these different brand new one for me and it gets environmental button for nearby or young for units and i'm the pores efficiency resort. the nightstand got in 18. 93, about 500 banks collapsed, and more than 15000 companies forwarded in the usa in the wake of the financial
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crisis. the american economy suffered most of the losses in the early 20th century . 19011907, someone to crises. the coloring one after another, resulting and the closure of about 700 banks and 50000 businesses. i knew my charities to steal my previous stuff would be due to the fundraiser, especially what it is just from the case of bradley. but i'm jealous knew if i knew what kind of service the storm was this, the only thing was doing for everybody was viewing some purpose of declaring this, of their new for the shooting cause software. you'll hear when you get your summary bill. summary bills will never record digital google gosh. yeah, but it will national star little live each. they don't get this message and we'll address. but as fletcher and submitted their place, most of them are environmental to assist you with that group is your parents, you know, scrolling back for them, but you me or is it there? and that's just that you wish that, but i read just i'm looking for am don't or if you're in
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a 0 steering or would you prescribe? slight private this thing, they've told me the voice broken across by myself. i pay a solution, or oh gosh, this is jim turner industries, and most of this decision will go from bill. i will push that grids and i see them, but i'd be interested in a lot of it the really the other way and for the really talked about doing the private. but the doctor also sounds like you're pretty comfortable to uh, what do i do? cuz this deal and so you weren't able to change it. i made him nice if jim was to shop for us at the other thing. is that so? sure, and it's just a tricky associated profession. i'm going to move as la di to even look down to chapter with don't you really 2 adults. so i'm gonna go to the doctor and dog. so shop, like i told her just to have with you. i tell them that you are the single one of us that go to east cordele across the globe. isaacson on so we system. and also just to look at this, i've got enough, some data is not the president or the treasury that prints money. it's the federal reserve in the federal reserve, the create smart,
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there's no limit on his ability to create money. today is just a digital thing, right? touch if your keys on a keyboard. so the federal reserve can create endless amounts of money. i would say that most of them in american history of not knowing what they were doing. we have had a couple of spar guys that have headed the central bank in the us. but most of them are political people who are good at politics and not knowing what to do the, the 19, so the teen congress, fullest america, into debt slavery, to the federal reserve. now the fed has the right to print dollars and has complete control of the economic system of the united states. take a fresh look around his life. kaleidoscopic isn't just a shifted reality distortion by power to division with no real opinions.
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fixtures designed to simplify will confuse who really wants a better will's image, just because it shows very few fractured images presented as fast can you see through their illusion going underground? can the the,
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i mean, yeah. session of a lot right now who me up. i give a shit it is i should associated with the local church. so certificate of boulevard too much and watch coolers, which was a job bullshit. so don't that in the cause of the room and attend the want to know how that of all our other choose, control the impression some of the stuff i need for you press the transfer me to just kind of charlotte see what the number or something else let me put this thing up, so let me just plug in something i will start following charter decrypt daughter. get on your new north shell service in law school, good from my baby. so started k, i believe this looks like a good idea. switching you, did you validate the
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last time putting it the most dollars a piece to do it? so to not them go to federal reserve box, because that point i figured i'd say to 0 in the system in, in the soaps. think of bunker and you probably dropped those lashania. epic assessment fee. they just conflicts. i would space the combined of got the your let's assign the army for my team was not national citibank, so he 1000 shares chase national bank. 6000 shares. national bank of commerce, 21000 shares, 1st national bank. $15000.00 shares for the dominant financial group of course or are the united states and u. k. bikes. their objective is their head to many. they basically control the national international financial system. their means of control or the federal
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reserve bank for england. and of course, world bank and the international monitor fund is basically a more i can based because the dollar, here's the world reserve currency at this then convey is financial power. you know, there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity, nothing we can't do. we are the united states of america. why do the americans need so much money? problem of a, so as to maintain the dollars global supremacy? the us invest huge amounts of its currency in the defense industry. the us spends more on defense and the army, and the rest of the well put together so because the site, the chair shipping you got, i didn't know what the timeline is pretty junior. this invest legislative people progressive progressive says should premium pool glaring is into the soul and the
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store and it comes to mix them now. crane american defense industry corporation is made truly astronomic revenues in 2022 racy own technologies. boeing, lockheed martin, and general dynamics generation billions. the or this big companies are pushing or so a, the american government to wave a fund 6 position on ukraine to, to, to partial crane. and was for 10100 being in the american congress is a you convince the 42 sions to spend more about the military budget on the weekend is too made to be, we'd be a, maybe a n g a 1000 been. so start off a future, a width and industrial production. so we gave
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you which benefits to be, i'm or can the companies produce weapons like boeing, know, talk to goldman. so jenna, as dianon makes her height on in their stocks are going through the wars. good business. they used to say that the business of america is business. now, the business of america is one. the other thing someone said is we used to make weapons to fight wars. now we fight wars to make weapons. the way i'm apartment complexes, ones up to the video to do you and get to disagree or is this just different show you pretty much, let's just talk residual. sometimes i believe i'm witnessing an almost control demolition of western society by the very need is that are interested by the people
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you'd think it was with the best intentions that hard. the weeks with really seeing big pharma familiar, changed us real complex. the likes of lockheed martin and these, gracie on another one. these entities seemed suddenly to have the us, the politicians in that pocket and ensuring that the billions of dollars flow into the self and shares meet independent british journalist mike jones, he 1st came to russia to st. petersburg in 2018. what he saw in no way conform to what western media and politicians was saying about russia by became a blogger, now, tells west an audience is about the russian federation. and that is part of my mission statement, of course, is to bring the information to as many people as possible h e is probably one of the easiest and most effective ways of doing it. quite why
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is the channel is deleted off to the start or the special ministry operation to begin reporting from the right to territories or from, from the, from the and welcome back to model you both. now we've left finished everything that we need to do, which was deliver state voltage people. and this morning it wasn't plans, but we ended up driving a bubbles good to a hospital to had doctors appointments because there was no public transport. i arrived in the spring of 2018, says in petersburg, where the c for world cup was just happening as a petersburg was full of this international sphere and 5 been coming together. i was walking the streets of some these big specific dimansky prospect. and the architecture was astounding. i was kind of incorrect. and right now that when i said i felt like i was working in a charles dickens level,
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that's kind of how i so the mike jones is a british, i'm a veteran. he joined up straight off, they're leaving school. he's in work in the u. k. is video games industry later in russia. they have had quite an interesting life and it goes to russia being or say another chapter and i grew up with the stories as the 2nd one was like grandfather except in the role transport cool. and was, when did i grew up with stories like big goals as well, and these very heroic country, i'll take stories to for me. it was a huge disappointment based that my country was i believe, the train, my ancestors, my grandfather, and those they laid down their lives less. oh, well, how can i contribute and help and show my support. thankfully, youtube, i had saved up some of the revenue and decided i would buy
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a blank and fill it with humanitarian aids and drive it to it on the bus daily to the north snitch to some of the children that had been affected by in the conflict well, my dad related this, it is incredible hunter rides again. that way going back to the us the us marketing jim point say it the rain that no guiding of the signal mixed up. the rules give me a gun there and make sure i say you understand most of those done the catch notes at the news bill this month. it just somebody me a movie. the only thing i can do is to just get some little grain super. so what do you do this? just bring it up to to you miles through it, but i see speak, i'm really low. so is it for me to kind of click on the return, it shows little somebody gets it such as the video id government based on this
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though, is it just me just keep for themselves, very stylish the magic bidding night. but i see if i go in a slab, apologize sir. no, julie, you said was a bunch of junior, wanted to reach out. some new product is still currently working here for solution explains the business. today. i'm announcing another $800000000.00 to further our menu cranes ability to fight in the east and the don las region. this package includes heavy artillery weapons, dozens of howitzers, and a $144000.00 rounds of ammunition to go with those howitzers. it also includes more tactical drones. in the past 2 months we've moved weapons and equipment to ukraine . that's a record speed. we sent a 1000 anti arm or an anti missile helicopters drone grenade launchers, machine guns, rifles, radar system. ok, so can i have the former shaker thought of glitch? i'd say that you were uniform which isn't on support for much, but those are the school divisions. so forget the 1st of low being loyal to the students to do to award the but because done with to see me out of
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a few of them. it's like it's an a sofa. in 2023, the us state department decided to increase the keywords seems funding by almost 15 percent. that means the american defense industry will receive new contracts with billions of dollars while cooperation. so making super profits, ford re, americans incomes a forwarding fight and we'll stay on the go to accomplish that. but there are still 10 popular wires just similar, send me the concept. definitely send that and i've been you by the extended a good experience for that. so it's a try, it's a couple of string and send an email and you're going to send your trans distrust prospect marching for building the bullets spoken which, which is the best way to ship from them as operators to shop trust for us to not us . you know, we lived in a science at the yucca but so not going to drop an immune $114.00 send you more cartridges. you use a shuttle. no, great. the reason why the price of gas is going up is not because of steps the
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president has taken to bear because president clinton is invading ukraine, and that is creating a great deal of instability in the global marketplace. i'm surprised that floor service in new york is also not going to put a $1000.00 toy called the dollar, but allow me to con square volume to go just fast enough and all the city is put in . there's the pressure of july 1944 bretton woods usa. the smaller town would become an historic place after the united nations monetary and financial conference was held that it was decided to designate the dollar as the world was of currency, which gave the united states enormous financial power. outage the mechanism, the defective. an april of the entire world under the federal reserve system is controlled by forcing everyone to exchange that goods with dollars work today. and you have to sort of stuff to go by now is a finance estimate from? does that mean you can sort of put me in places where, ideally, but i don't have been just yet, but i've sent this new i will replace or do i made it less that i'm not the i need
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to write out that the 1st thing thing with a kid there was, there was 0 and you do more valuable. but it's true that those are full still and go figure it out, but do not. i'm not so sure as this up the, there's no lot of my thought was telling me story is worth it. when you know of the real opinion, if she had a sure it was a better job for us, but you want to go to a store sir of the district beforehand. so the lawyer assume was a glitch in the assignment and select the bug. does it show up there? no way, if i go to the store, what name is virginia complex? are going to stop. what you wish to assume? this is the ideal doris mean just to parts in familiar with the little girl, or let's say to this, to a person with it, your own she of us who is in the world. we're not in an older room, is you? when you watched julie, she wants to know was a more shot, especially if the didn't on the 1st brand new and what that was do with that and wanted to know what we shall go over with you and you'll need to know what it looks like last time so i'll send that over to now, so for me to stay on the dollar,
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i'm so for the last guy, it's a seasonal pause because does and you've asked a bit of each to the specialist was there to conflict. mm hm. so does that guide shirts and more subtle? is it about the conflict? was it assurances anyway, it's a door and the liberal to start streaming from getting me it should show the the russian states never is as tight as i'm one of the most sense community. best of all sun set up the, in the 65 to 5 must be the one else calls question about this, even though we will then in the european union,
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the kremlin machine, the state on russia to day and split the ortiz phone, even our video agency, roughly all the band on youtube, the fitness center. for what question did you say stephen twist, which is the, the gym and so just deal with the, with the one with taking the picture. they were proud of the muscle. by the way to go in your mouth because i didn't recommend your opinion or no, but he got audio with or i actually was who i see on google. okay. and with and then almost a week ago. and then we'll get to under the, under the general say to us, love the screen. but this,
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this indeed reality. last has never been did you purchase a i did you please give us a time to time crash sites and call you to do this to yourself if it's your stats i see gives and actually this is a very bold decision by the gym and the government to even stop because he is or wednesday agreement, was it easy to generate more divisions and more and got more questions or more of those the out is using to pay us what they are giving us just go to the pollution countries and now we have not been support you've called so what has been happening here? it will open the ponder as box the next thing it will be them. both then also have
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to pay the the heavy overnight bombardment of northern jobs up by is really forces on the rim, paula city in death. toll reportedly approaches 9 and a half hours and 12 thousands of demonstrators make their feelings, felt across the world, calling on the international community to demand a ceasefire. intensive negotiate from peace and also among the stories that you used to be home to around the 2000 people, but certainly not anymore. once a lively todd, no, just the fuse tools remains and car t troubles to a one vibrant is really porter.


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