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tv   Cross Talk  RT  November 1, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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increased voter turnout to make our voices heard. now it's important to note that while that may represent how the error of american community feels and how many democratic voters feel from the highest ranks of the democratic party and the republican party, there has been a very loud call for joe biden to pass a $106000000000.00 aid package for both ukraine and israel. um we saw however, anthony blank and speaking before congress, only to be disrupted by protesters and the palestine protests across the united states in support of the palestinians, condemning israel and condemning us support for israel are growing in big numbers. thousands and thousands of americans are in the streets, waving palestinian flags, calling out israel and calling out the by the administration. so it seems like this may be a moment where the by the administration is revealing itself to be out of touch with its face. typical rank and file democrats are very critical of these rarely policies and us support for israel and the by did ministration is already suffering
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a crisis with mass dis. ready approval, uh, you know, approval ratings are quite low for them. and this could be a moment that proves dividing. administration is once again, out of touch with its face. hello. if anything. so for the updates us onto correspondent, kind of open in new york. thanks for joining us. hey, on all the international as always spend some over today to stop based on our website ot dot com. i'll be back at the top of that with the the
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hello and welcome to cross software. all things are considered non peter level as casualties, mountain god. so the issue of international humanitarian law is essential. the west claims to defend the rules based order. however, it would appear this does not apply to the people of gaza. the west is now complicit in war crimes and worse, the processing power assign. i'm joined by my guess michael. my loop in rest and he is a former pentagon senior security policy analyst in north florida. we have come a long ago. he is publisher of the gold gods and guns blog and newsletter and in rome, across to marco cardinal as he is a former italian diplomat, as well as a middle east adviser to prime ministers. gentlemen cross lock rolls in effect, that means you can jump any time you want it. i always appreciate. let me go to michael 1st here. um the united nations is estimating that
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a child dies every 10 minutes in gaza during this unbelievable. god awful onslaught here. um, we have to call it out for what it is. oh, by the way, we can all watch it live. uh, you know, at 247. um, these are war crimes and more and more experts in the international humanitarian law saying this is turning into a genocide. is that an exaggeration, michael? a. hi, at this point it's approach one. yeah, i think it is. it seems as though the, even though there's talk about the kelly, the what i'm telling of a lot of it is particularly children. and no one can do anything about it. and they don't seem to be wanting to do anything about it. then what do you mean yahoo rudders do this thing? and this is a very unfortunate development, yet we condemn it. what,
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but you're seeing the reaction here in the united states. i'm in virginia and i'm saying this all over the country that we're, we're, we're, we're seeing the universities rupturing with the opposition. the unfortunate thing is that people equate what hosted on 7 october with the, with all palestinians. and, and that's not the, that's not the case. and what, while that episode with tom us cannot be conducted either what, what the, what the reaction is right now is well beyond anything that was done on 7 october and, and i, i'm afraid that neither one of them can really be justified. so of course it cannot be, but we can contextualize is they refuse to contextualize the conflict in ukraine and weak. i have in my program, and i will contextualize what we're seeing and palace like this as
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a result of 75 years of occupation and displacement. and gross violations of human rights. of course, we all should and no one should can go, we should all be very angry with the atrocity. i'll use the word against atrocity that i'm us committed. okay, but it doesn't, it doesn't let me go to tom right now. but that doesn't give israel the right to commit at the cleansing. go ahead, tom agreed. i agree, can. we can all be outraged by what happened and on the 7 block them over. but at the same time, their response, since then has been well unacceptable in every and every way. and the thing is, is, is, and is, is we have asked the question, this deals to then i even more, i'm even more worried about what's going on beyond this right. good business, bad enough. but now, immediately within what 24 hours or 12 hours of the mazda attack the war machine in the west, and i'm all across the west,
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including the u. k. and i'm just in the u. s. and this, the ones, the grams of the world. nikki haley is overall to the mediately point bay, or is it a, ron? does anybody not smell the 9112 step here, where saudis point planes into, you know, the world trade center and then we went to war with a rack. and the same thing is now we're, we're gonna ethnically cleanse cause and now we're going to go to more with a ron the wires. why is the us more pushing for carrier groups? yeah. well, little tom, i mean, i, i'm sure all of us noticed that the axis of evil was back in vogue when it was completely dest refuted, after 911 here, when they go to marco in rome, you're an expert, you've advised prime ministers on the middle east what happened to europe? i mean, i, you know, i'm, i'm not a young man, but i remember when europe had a very different position than the united states when it came to the conflict in the middle east. now it seems like europe is in lock step. what happened?
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it's quite good enough to know. first of all, it's quite difficult to say was talking to you. i'd say i complete the metamorphosis. 20 years ago, we have to go back 20 years to find you the rate between gauge it. us meet that eastern policies 20 years ago, we as sold the total issue one was of course the water and iraq or the 2nd one more related to what we are watching. knowing gaza was when you will impose to day us the drafting adults on the sol cool road map for the peace process which doesn't intreat. but since then you will pass, nope, acted anymore. and unfortunately the last 10 to the americans did in 2014, with john kerry. and he said, no, we're watching you to put on high dual. and the it is possible that both washington and brussels refuse to support the ceasefire,
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may be related to the hope that these are the worlds that will be able to get through to my mouse once and for. but i'm afraid these option now appears more and more remote another this is prize is becoming us, or no, me call them subsidy and casualties. now we see the strengths of west and democracy . that's all right. so this is how now a lot with boston, the popular proud to well, well mark, oh i see on iron beds uh are you. i'm sure you noticed. okay, let me go back to michael here is that um, you know, the u. k is always been a strong ally of the united states or um, all of this, um, a foreign wars and interventions. but even day of state that the united nations security council, michael, it tells me that you can't government is afraid of its own people on this issue. michael as well, it's uh, it's all of the broiled in the ukraine. yeah. so the nice thing is that the british
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people are concerned about over extension themselves, already over extended and ukraine. but i, as i see the uh, the guidance, the more the more that is ram is going to, this is not gonna weigh about how much so much as it's going to bring in other other players. right now we're all good prices are saying yemen, and especially because of the beginning to react. so if it looks like more and more people are going to get killed. and i understand that the so called ground defense with beginning just this morning. it's going to be, it's going to be very, very important to watch what the reaction will be from, especially hospitalized. i understand a son does ra a, they have a hospital, i will be speaking on friday. it's going to be a very significant space. i also understand that the love of these people so support uh possible at this point because of the potential threat to let them know
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and also the liberties army backs how's the was so this could really get totally out of control. and, and i doubt that you're going to see serious, serious reaction from europeans, even though they have, they moved to the few ships, but the bulk of the, of the action would be of any response would come from the yeah, yeah, they did, it's made tom, i was only a few months ago, the jake sullivan said that things were looking pretty good in the middle east here . these are the people that are running this. these are the people that talk about the rules based order. i mean, this is good beyond lunacy because it's so dangerous. tom. no, it won't take solve is a lie or peter, i yeah. i know, you know, you're, i know you're shocked to find out about this. i'm but no, seriously, i, i mean, i don't mean to make light of any of this i'm, it's absolutely terrified about what's actually happening here because the way i see it and guys, i have a very slightly different view of all this. then everybody else. i firmly believe
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that the united states be suckered into a kind of 2 cities trap on the one side from the russians in the earnings and at the other side. also being set up by the europeans and the brits to be the people that start and deal and, and form at world war 3. and the left is a smoking ruined after the world turns us back on us as an american living in america. i can see the way i can see that playing out wilds with the british turn around and say no to us after going us into doing this and setting up our foreign policy for all of these years. i mean, we adopted britain's foreign policy a 100 years ago. we've done their bidding and on the world stage for a 100 years and the more i think about this, the more i look a look at the property is this valid beyond. and by the way, to me 3 medford admin, bottom recruitment, always make sure to explain who is actually behind the conflict in ukraine this, i think united states has always been the decision makers in london. and so this is
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laying out in a way that is maximally bad for everyone, not just the united states because of the united states, gets involved in a more it can't win. what does that do to the stability of a world? i mean, we, we all want the united states to end the empire, like, no, no one wants to think americans want it. everyone wants it, except for the people who have foment is this conflict the right tom. i think it makes the question, let me go to mark. oh no. and in rome, i mean, because, you know, like i've mentioned the west doesn't want to cease fire and ukraine doesn't want it in, in causing here. i mean, my explain explanation is that they don't want to compromise a gemini, if you, if you make a compromise, then you look week, how do you play that out, marco a while this has been the western up, but also for decades. that is the ceiling. the new and each of 1938 that the few of the other week or the other will take prompt people to this. it's something that,
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that we have been watching for the case is not a surprise for people to watch being in the system. the, like me, i'm fortunate to be my sense is the walk is called the room based water order. you saw icons as the saying this, i mean, the real meaning is that for my friends, everything for the others, that's the blow. so basically that's a select few multiplication also of the information on your money tardy. i don't know, but i just said before, the most important issue is the call fixed and the context using both them because everybody's talking about easy way to write to self defense. we have not discussed this, right, because every nation as these rise in the case of use that i don't know because of the right is there as a right to defend itself. that is the excuse to avoid international humanities. not all i want to say hang on folks, i have to go to a hard break. and after that hard break,
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we'll continue our discussion on palestine state without the the so to the 1st was little the what i mean, the close i filled with the mean get a little change. when will it please look forward to new cool. my solution to cook and you would have them the theaters that would be just jumping to a phone call from you. so little was i mean your solution. i'm
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working with anybody else. i'm not sure but i see me. okay. awesome. those go up up some of to the social into the number of the wall as we're pointing to the luxury living. so despite to the welcome back to the cross talk, we're all things are considered. i'm peter with mel to mind you were discussing palestine. the okay, because i had to go to hard break. i had a cut off marco in rome, marco, please continue where you left off. go ahead. my sense of my, but what i wanted to say is that, of course, that's the right to self defense. because he's, when he's an occupying power. yeah. oh, but not the territory. these right to self defense has to be context blinds. the
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concept that was invented the way the tool nation with a more instrument clicked the so called into the national low. we can say that that because the russian, they did ukraine, ukraine of the right to send to the fence. but the, in the case of easy or to wind up all this time for the scenes. because these are these occupying policies, union territory. it seems to $56.00 is june 6th, 1967. these. the results of the brands is not the body. and most of all, it does not to justify and disproportionate retribution. that's a quite shrinking issue in terms of international law. and this is something that basically is ignored by did the bank because everybody's, she'll need to be on the right to self defense about the right to some of the fence . a must be clearly defined. e define can see that in which this specific situation which, where such rights of subs offense, is invoked. and in the case of these,
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really because of what they have been doing to the police scene and it's in the last 56 years. they show when it comes to become a very, very, i would say, probably in a way, it's not clear costs completing it as you are to be honest. and united states won't pause to believe. yeah, but it's what it is. it's, it's one of those amazing things, all 3 of you, apparently, according to the powers that be and media, it is extremely clear cut and that's what makes it so disturbing. because it's justifying a slaughter of, of a population and a population the half of which is children. michael, you know, you've worked in the government, you've worked in the belly of the beast, who's calling the shots here? who's calling the shots? victoria? no. okay, you think so? do you think so have winter, and blanket, you know, you have a state state department is, is running this thing. it's not the defense department, is the state department and, and, and probably people who,
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who are not even in government. and that's what i'm worried about, who are these on knowns? but clearly this is, this is being run by the, by the state department, particularly the boynton level. i would um also add that what she, what she pointed out earlier about the causes that have led up to this explosion are, cannot be minimized. the, this is very serious. so the us ignores the like they, that's right, by the israelis to tear down the all awesome. awesome. and, and, and rebuild on the, on the exact premises. the 3rd simple. i mean that's, that's the 3rd most reviews spot. and you know, all of this on the shows a total disregard disrespect for religious, but continuous uh, settlements moving into palestinian lands. it basically says the that, that to stay concept is, is off the table. yeah. united states pushes the to stay task all day with
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a lot of they, they don't believe that that's is nonsense. okay. i mean, it's nauseating. when i hear that here tom, these people, they never miss, they every crisis and they're usually at the center of it. they always take advantage of it, so let me play it out for you right here. okay, because we've had reports over the last few days from an israeli think tank, but they would be a conflict like this. so should displace the gods and people in egypt. okay. so here's a scenario, you know, instead of, you know, the why. so we white house, i, we don't want an expansion of accomplish. i think they do exactly want to do that. they want to like, i totally, and i like the people of guys. i'd throw them into the desert, take on has blocks, and have regime change in syria. and i don't think it's an exaggeration this uh, potential play out. go ahead tom. i think it's bigger than that, peter. okay. yeah, and i, i tell you that why would we have what we have there and ground based error. so
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we're moving in and, and, and, and if we weren't looking at the potential of a wider conflict with a ron? yes, the displacement of dawson's book at the end of the day, i hate to say this because i hate to go to this to this level because it seems or tried at this point. but there's a lot of oil and gas there. and there's a lot of oil and gas and the go on heights and is real a started, but water and energy. and as, as well, remember that we are dealing with a, it, one of the ways to look at this, i think are the mark or, or, or, or michael breton up earlier, is that, you know, this is the destruction of how moss is part of the, is on the bus on the table here, right. well, at the same time, how mazda is kind of, i use it or lose that asset for, you know, over on, if you will, if you want. uh, if you wanna make that argument, i agree. i just, i, i realize i kind of use it or lose that asset for the british. i agree, is that it, would you say that applies to his blog, you know, use it or to use. i lose it because i, why don't things now, i don't believe,
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i believe, has was a much more powerful organization than a mazda is. well, i mean, what is the purpose of what, what is the purpose of hezbollah if it isn't going to be used? that's what i mean in that sense. in that sense, i well then, then again, like everything else, i can make a credible arguments that both sides the geopolitical $40000.00 for geo political level or taking a try and take advantage of the situation or allowed it to happen by turning the other cheek like and say, well, you know, in all the, the, and all of the, the, the, the in the read the information that we had that everybody was like, why or why did these realities be the border organ bubble? all of this, you ask yourself the question, like okay, then who would set that up? right? and i can make credible argument for both sides, like i couldn't make it so i can make a credible argument for it to where the united states into a and what facilities trap over is real, make them choose between israel and ukraine. but at the same time, i couldn't make the argument that someone's trying to make russia choose between
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ukraine in syria. and this to your point, peter. so i guess when you start to think like the people who are actually like orchestrating this stuff, you have to start thinking about the way they see the area and then and then the people and then the people get slaughtered in the middle of the middle of drawing and it's just horrible. yeah, it would help, but you're really smart guy and you can thinking in the, you know, play a multiple dimension chest, these people in power are not that smart. and that's what really bothers me here, marco's. i mean, at what point is there any point? what michael said, in the very beginning, that you know, nobody can stop. this will be united states can stop this a big one or 2, but it has no desire to do it whatsoever. um and it will be, uh, a catastrophe for everyone involved. what is the us get out of this marco? of all, this is a good question because usually we ask our sales who's calling the shots, they fits the united states. the reason this is quite difficult to say sometime out
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of the us sometime is these right? most of the time they are doing together to coordinate the lead by playing the good golf and that's called the rose back. they've grown my sense of the, the in the last year. it does become more and more difficult to distinguish their respective roles in the meeting is on the so this is basically the, the reality we are what she got to be seen standing answer and they found go sort of 2nd to the last stop. then that was it carried out to find the solution from the policy. now you show, i'm referring to the hub or on the card. so basically that samples cutting 1000 marginalising by throwing the pricing and on the boss. and the less than the we should drove from october to 7. 8 said that to if the policy union issues good the been sold, they cannot make color dealing to quality and stop things. but in order to avoid
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a de la, they've political rights. it these, the show at been sold the decades ago, making that simply the policy of the people with the i pro copy of the gold in the planet in the new york on. but marketing, you're not the yeah, big market. you're approaching this in a very rational way and you know, and that's good, but let me go to michael here. esign is i mrs. supremacist ideology. it doesn't compromise with, with people that are occupying their land. apparently, that's why this is impossible. i mean, you know, we can all be rational and so yeah, we could design a 2 state system. we're both can live side by side in peace and prosperous. but design is ideology doesn't permit that. it, as a matter of fact, is really politics of the last 20 years has gone to go ahead, go ahead, marco, go ahead with the eastern shows us that we are dealing with the rash from the
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side news in the box. okay. rational. try it out. okay. i think you're not allowed to, it's robin the she mom does all these people, what i thought to that saw your needs by deal. now the problem is that the, what was the site to the right, the size of these is be coming over. you just ideal and zine, this is a month that these run that by now by a religious issue. so the policy being and he's ready to complete that was on the secular call. that's right. a long time. yeah. be caught me. i really just one. and we have something become religious, it's far more difficult to compromise. absolutely. and michael, and that's what's being promoted. the, the lindsey graham's, of this world entity hailey's. they wonder why that turned it into a crusade. go ahead, michael. well that there, well other way, and we're seeing this that once you deify something very circular,
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it becomes that religion part of that religion. and so is i ism, has taken out a whole new approach here, and you're seeing it and not see it in the by uh now those current radical ministers to do what they want to do, what they all awesome us do to move all palestinians, even those on the west bank out of there and back it basically into jordan and, and, and, and make it a few or a jewish state. you can't, there's this, it does nothing like that exist anywhere else. and we see a par type in a lot of other places, but this certainly is an exhibition of it in, in, in sol, display now. and, and we're not shown as united states as a challenge in that. and it, is it saying that you have this thing now because you're creating a real problem among all peoples here and, and, and this whole notion that we,
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a spouse about diversification. what have you, it is ridiculous because we're not, we're not expressing it in this policy. as well really. oh, so i always get away with it. oh, it's right and i, and as i started the program, i will end the problem the way the west is comfortable in this and i be, we do use the words, the ethnic cleansing, approaching genocide. the west is comfortable. they have blood on their hands as we watch the destruction of a people live on television. it's extremely extraordinary. as all the time we have done what i want to thank my guess invest in north florida and enrollment. of course, i want to thank our viewers for watching us here are to see you next time. remember across the the
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rush. it was a country of great achievements. today we're making scientific discoveries. why not children study instinct of the classrooms? we're creating new cultural values and of course, discovering new fascinating attractions, discover uh countries or treatments come to the russian international exhibition for the the, the gym. and so just stay with the, with the one with taking the picture. they were proud of the muscle by the way, to go in your mouth because i didn't recommend your opinion or no. but he got ready with the i. i said it was who i see on google. okay. and weird. and then almost a week ago, and then we'll get the bundle, the, the, the journal, say to us,
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love to the screen. but this, this indeed reality. last has never been to the did you purchase a i did you please give us a time to time prize size and call you to do this yourself. if it's your stats i see gives in and so this is a very bold decision by the gym and government to even stop. because when the agreement was reached, gena, they did more divisions and more and got more questions or more of those they are using to pay us what they are giving us just go to the pollution countries . and now we have not been support. you've called what has been happening here. it will open the ponder as books, the next thing it will be them both then also have to pay
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the the, the giovanni refugee comp in northern dogs, but you were close to the bones bias. well, well, the 2nd one is a similar swipe. it kills and painted the 100 on tuesday. design is regime is acting against the release of judaism and its committing murder and crimes. even it says of war, it must be based on religious principles and international uranium service community. meet the leadership and holes on the country to still pick some military operation and going i think that it doesn't represent on june the fatigue of ukraine appears to be growing in the e u and u. s. as president biden.


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